Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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Evansville, Indiana

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'JltE EVANSVILLE PKJ3S3- PAGE 2- GANXA WALSKA IN PARIS Records WILL COMPLETE HOWELL SEWER PLANSBY NOV 1 Route of Proposed New Drainage System Is Mapped Out THE CAT BURGLAR A GREyr mystery 1 story of doverest criminal and London's cleverest detective will appear in the Sunday edition of The Press Reginald Fortune as usual differs with Scotland Yard on the placing of guilt In this strango case and events prove that Os usual ho Is right Bailey who developed this most extraordinary of fiction detectives is the writer 9 1 BEN HOLOCAUST 'telling the story of Intrepid Jurist by that Immensely popular futhor Rupert Hughes THE THREE MISSES a bit ot fiction drawn from real life showing what family ties can do to the Ufe of a man THE PRINCESS AXD THE APPLE-TREE a fantasy In prose by the famous writer of children's story and verse A A Milne THE PILOT One of tbe earliest classics In the history of American literature The eller'Vof last centary Shortened for reading in a few minutes' time By James Fenimore Cooper ARNOLD BENNETT foremost English novelist describes hla observations on the effect of Puritanism in America following a trip to this country Numerous local and Trl-state features will appear in the Sunday edition ot Tho Evansville Press AT ALL NEWSSTANDS I Ills Carson 17 71S Riverside av arrested at 10 Friday for driving without lights was discharged in city court Saturday The rase ef Henry Gorman 45 2 Fifth-st arrested Friday on a vagrancy charge waa continued) indefinitely in city court Saturday He was ordered to leave Evans-1 ville before noon and stay away Found guilty of assault and bet-1 tery on hla wife Margerie William Horubaker 35 925 lllinois-it was given a suspended sentence of $100 and costa and ISO days on the penal farm in city court Saturday A warrant was issued for Harry Mattingly 1130 Govcrnor-at after he failed to appear in city court Saturday to answer a charge of driving without lights at 5:45 Friday He was arrested at riant for the $250000 double rewgr system in Howell will be completed by city engineer before Nov 1 William Hitch assistant city engineer announced Saturday The system will consist of two lines one a sanitarv sewer an-i the other a storm sewer It is thought that this arrangement the first of its hind in Evansville will provide better drainage than the usual single system The storm sewer will be con nected with Carpenter creek while i Seventh and Cherry-sis by Motor-the sanitary sewer will empty O'vlc Officer Roebllng Two suits asking for judgments on building materials and labor and the foreclosure of mechanics liens weer filed Saturday by John luto tbe Ohio river Starting at Barker and Broad-way-avs the storm sewer will extend down Cumherland-av to Cam- SATL'JZDAY OCTOBER 13 1927 BANDIT GETS II UFE SENTENCE IN PERU COURT Action Establishes Precedent in Indiana Courts of Law Hy iltrS Fmu PERU Ind Oct 15 For the first time in the history of the state a bank bandit was sentenced to life imprisonment when Frank Bndglcy 30 Indianapolis pleaded guilty before Judge llunl Hunt in Miami circuit court Badgley was captured last Saturday when he held up tho Amboy State bank Cashier Paul Norris and a Kokomo detective were wounded and Badgley was grazed by a bullet Badgley was not represented by counsel He said that be did not feel he had to make any statement and pleaded guilty as charged "I was a bank robber because I wanted to be one" bo said "No one else is to blame for my crimes I failed and now I am ready to accept my punishment" Judge Hurst said he took advantage of the bank bandit statute enacted by the last legislature "for the benefit of society" VERDICT FAVORS SICKLES ESTATE 1 Ft Branch Trio Loses Case in Federal Court Judgments of $2607 agalust Henry Lints and Dr Albert Burton each and another of against Joseph Black all three of Ft Branch Ind were given by a federal jury here Saturday in favor of George Grigsby trustee of the bankrupt estate of James Sickles Ft Branch contractor The suit charged that the three men persuaded Sickles to transfer to them property after he had become Insolvent The three men-were surety on notes owed by Sickles tn ivi- 1 Franz and son against Frank up ambrldge-st to Del- rma eriug and by the Wolflln West Side Lumber company against William lligdon and the West Side Building and Loan Association SEVEN LOST WHEN STEAMER IS SUNK mar-av south to Freemont-st west to Hollywood-av to Jamei-st and Carpenter creek The sanitary sewer route is-: Emersou-st east to liarkcr-av north to Broadway-av northeast about 100 feet then north in an alley to C-st and the Ohio river DEATHS Norwegian Ship Rammed By Liner Paris in New York Harbor tamar Montgomery to William Ilvitchlne lot 8 block SI cnlariremtnt St Militant Muenaterman to Andrew Green lota 11 14 15 Kalr- Ro'yur II Brown to Charles Stlnchfield lot IS block Del-haven ft Coffman to Helen I- Bum-tnir lot 20 block 2 Rotherwood II Helen Bussing to Cora Coffman lot 20 block 3 Rother-wi-od VI Hr tilted PrtM NEW YORK Oct The Norwegian freighter Besseggen sank In New York harbor early today three minutes after being rammed hy the French liner Paris and several hours later seven of tbe freighter's crew were still missing The cause of the collision was not known Tht liner Paris had left the French line pier In North river and wae proceeding down the bay Tbe freighter Besseggen had been anchored near the Statue of Liberty for two weeks Except for the watch all aboard the freighter were asleep Suddenly passengers aboard two ferries heard a crash The ferries turned out of their course and ran close to the scene of the collision The crew Jumped overboard Thirteen of them were picked up by tbe ferry boat American Legion Eight more were picked up by the liner Paris Capt Iaidwlck Hassell 35 muter of the freighter his wife and daughter were picked up by the ferry boat Brooklyn That accounted for 24 Seven were missing At 6:01 a the Paris lifted an- Standing at the door of her Rue de In Falx perfume shop Ganna AValska was remarkable figure In a robe' of cherried AYS FLOGGINGS TO KLAN CHIEF Home of Kluxer Is to Be Searched Marriage licenses Issued at the county of tics: 8 Speed 26 to Margaret Bristow 21 both of Owensboro Carl Betu-llus 29 1413 Rowlcy-et to Gertrude Holdt 30 Haubstadt Dr Shumaker Given Praise (Continued from fa*ge 1) MllS A SOIII'LTZ Bernstein apartments will entertain 10 guests for dinner lit the Ctearcrcst Country dull Sunday This was the second federal jury chor at Quarantine and proceeded judgment in action growing out of to Europe French line officials the bankruptcy of Sickles Friday here said they awaited a report the Jury returned a verdict for the from the commander TAKE NO DIOS ON HENDERSON OIL CONTRACTS One Firm Gets Air Money Paid By the City For Gasoline and Oil By BERT Y13CEM Press Staff Correspondent JIENDEHSOX Ky Oct 15 of a combine between (dan-elected city officials and I George Givens manager of and a large stockholder in the Home Oil ml Gas company was revealed here today The city clerk's records showed that $1125449 hoe been paid by the city to tho Home company for gusollne and oil All of these purchases with the exception of $173056 were made without advertising for bids and other oil men say without even asking them fur prices Tho $173056 is for street oil the Home Oil and Gas company obtaining the contract with exactly the same- price as competing bidders had offered The remainder of the money is for gasoline and oil for use in city automobiles motorcycles and tracks In the 21 months the klan' administration has been in power and during which time this amount has been paid to the Home Oil and Gas company other gas and oil companies say they have not been able to sell nickel's worth of material to the city Hasn't Look-In "If one is not a kluxdr he a look-in down at city hall" Manager Davenport of the Standard Oil company explained To eay Givens Is manager and a large stockholder In the oil company does not properly express bis connection with the company Henderson thinks Givens the company and Givens "runs" the city officials these folk maintain A quiet mannered little man of 110 or 115 pounds he Is His hair iron-gray and his calm blue eyes look out at one in disarming manner "How la the election going?" he may be asked "I couldn't tell you at all sir" he would reply "I am not Interested In 'polities'' Sells to Connty Too As to his Interest In politics however citizens point to this fifcure of $1125449 paid him by the city administration for oil and gas without asking for bids They point to the fact that ho also sells the county its entire supply of oil and gas for connty cars and that he supplies the Premier Construction company the company which the city administration is alleged to have favored in the award of the Fifth st paving contract for more than $48000 when another bid of $43-000 had been entered As to his knowledge of how the election is going dtlsens recall how he is said to have controlled the election commissioners a few weeks ago relative to the appointment of election officers for Hen 17 precincts Election commissioners are Alex Taylor and Mrs Francis Hall Henderson connty sheriff both Democrats and Lay Republican and anti-Klansman Submitted Four In the past It had been the custom to permit the Republicans to submit their own list of candidates for election oftlcers and they usually submitted four names for each precinct and the commissioners selected two from the four This year the four names were submitted hut Givens sat In on the proceedings and the two Democratic commissioners threw out the entire Republican list on the grounds that eight names should hare been submitted from each precinct With the list thrown out tbs commissioners mado their own selections taking but three men out ot the entire list of 68 which the Republicans had suggested for the 17 precincts And this list selected by the commissioners Is made up largely of klan Democrats and klan Republicans the antl-klan -organization maintains The Home Oil and Gas company has one station downtown Another station Is being built at the junction of the Dixlo Bee line and Green-st Citizens Protested A short while before the present administration came into power Ewing Williams owner of the latter gas station site offered to sell to the Standard Oil company Residents protested against the erection of a gas station on the grounds that it was a residential district and that the station would reduce the value of their property So the city refused to grant a nermlt for the station and the deal fell thru Recently however Williams oh talnod a permit from the klan administration to erect a gas sta' tlon on the site Ho then sold the site with tho permit provisions to George Givens and tho Home Oil anil Gss company Residents maintained they knew nothing of the deal until after record of the transfer was pub' Hahcd In the papers Objection' then were made hut they availed nothing The station Is being put up Globe Indemnity company against Lints Black and Thomas Black I for $8064 These three men were surety lo the indemnity company on a bond given by Sickles to guarantee the construction of school houses In Sullivan Ind and In Vigo county Telegraph Tips evening 4 4 4 Tho Misses Finley 419 Mullier-ry-st were hostesses for the first fall meeting of Fltshugh Lee chapter of which was featured by a large attendance and an Interesting program Thursday afternoon Mrs Humphreys sang accompanied by Mitchell Humphreys Jr with violin and Mrs Esther Holsman with piano Miss Katherine Welch a guest of Mrs Fish was an out-of-town guest Hallowe'en colors and designs In yellow and white were used The November meeting of the chapter and election of officers will take place at the home of Mrs Newman 525 Elllott-st The annual meeting of tho National will take place In Charleston during Samuel kninin Samuel Kamrn furniture worker died at his home 517 Read-st at M0 a Saturday after a short illuess Mr Kamm horn Oct 3 1S46 In Germany lie came to this rountry In 1S70 coming direct to On June 18 1874 he was married to Eva Dnuisman Surviving are four children William Kamm Mra Katie Fclker Mrs Minnie Hillenbraml and Miss Clara Kamm all of Evansville Therfc are six grandchildren two nephews and one niece Mr Kamm was a member of 6t Evangelical church and of Lessing lodge No 464 Free and Accepted Masons The funeral has been tentatively arranged for Monday afternoon with burial io Locust Illll cemetery Mrs Aubrey Meyers Mrs A Meyers died at her home 44 Gell-av at 3:40 Friday after a lingering Illness Surviving are the husband Aubrey two sons Robert and LeRoy one daughter Gladys the mother Mrs Rlndl Ward rip four sisters Mrs Paul Neumann Mrs Clyde Xau Mrs Henry Clark and Miss Lillian Wardrlp two half-sisters Mrs Roy Cissna and Mrs George Green Funeral services will he held at 10 a Monday at the realdence Burial will be in Locust Hill cemetery Tlrgif John Stoner Virgil John Steucr 2 sod of Mr and Mrs John Steuer 7 Lit tie Cynthlana road died at the home at 6:30 a Saturday Surviving are the parents two sisters Yalcda and Elblna and the grandparents Mr and Mrs George Schmitt Funeral services will be held at the home at 1:30 ni Monday with continued services in St Evangelical chnreh on Big Cynthlana road nt 3 Burial will be in the church cemetery John Arnold The body of John Arnold former Evansville resident who died in Detroit was brought here Saturday for burial Arrangements have not bceu completed The widow is the only survivor AAlbbler Christian Franklin Wlbbler 49 son of Mr and Mrs Henry Wlbbler died at his home at a Saturday Surviving are fmir brothers John Dale Ind: Jake lames C'-id Thomas Evansville and on a sister Miss Emma Wlbbler Funeral arrangements other than huriul in Cuinp Ground cemetery have not been made lharlei' lirll Word was revolved Saturday of 4 4 Mrs Oscar A Oeth 1113 Oikley-st entertained the Jolly HCich club Thursday afternoon Frizes were won hy Mrs Bush and Mrs Henry Kratz A two-course luncheon was served Tbe next hostess will lie Mrs MArion Stephens 4 4 4 The Thanksgiving dance for the Country club membership will be Thursday Nor 24 and will be preceded hy a 7 o'clock dinner 4 4 4 Mr and Mrs Wilder of Kewburg entertained with a dinner and Hallowe'en party Wednesday evening at their hom*o Fortune telling cards and contests were enjoyed aud prizes wore won by Miss Martha Ferguson of Boouvllle and Dr Clyde Munqa The hostess was assisted by her daughters Marybelle Wilder and Mrs Parsons of this city and by Mrs William Hooker of Newburg 4 4 4 4 Mrs Samuel Tyler of New York-nv entertained her birthday club Thursday afternoon followed by a supper at 6 o'clock Prises were won by Mrs John Lacey Mrs John Laugel Mrs William Wright and Mrs Charles Reutter 4 4 4 Mr and Mrs Simpson Welnbach-av were surprised by relatives and frlonda recently In honor of tho 60th birthday of Mrs Simpson There were 65 entertained at dinner Including guests from Tennyson Ind Elbcrfeld Ind and Boonville Ind DENVER Colorado Democrats pledge selves for modification of dry laW LOS ANGELES President William Green admonishes Labor to engage in 1928 campaign but not as party as A of convention closes Albanian minister to Csecho-SIovskla slain by 18-year-old boy Harry Hill 22 expected to be indicted for murder of mother Mrs Elizabeth Hill LUVERNE Ku Klux Klan records and paraphernalia seised In probe into wholesale floggings CHICAGO Murder of Mrs Myr-tl Gllenke baffles police MILL CREEK 111 Poise traps three bandits who robbed bank of $1600 RADIO CONTEST VICTORS NAMED er In carrying his case to the United States supreme court were practically nullified when tbe convention unanimously adopted a resolution that "it would be a meritorious act to assist in every lawful but falling to make It a fight Highlights of the speech of Mrs Elizabeth Stanley state president at the opening meeting of the conference Friday was tho answer of Attorney Gct-eral Arthur "unanswered questionnaire heated attacks on the move to permit tho use of medlrlnul whisky in Indiana and a dare to ulthcr political party to nominate a candidate for president "The union most surely stands for modification of the Eighteenth amendment to make it conform to tho bone dry law of Mrs Stanley said answering the first question which GUllom is reported to have printed in pamphlets and distributed thruont tho state Gil second question was: "What would you do If you were near death's door and the doctor prescribed whisky?" "I'd break all speed records getting another doctor" the union head gave as her answer Warn Candidates Both Democrats and Republicans will do well to choose a dry candidate In 1928 Mrs Stanley said "There are enough good women to defeat any 'wet' candidate on any ticket in this country" she continued "Reed If In Missouri Smith in New York and RUchlc is in Maryland Good women will see that they stay there Tbe road to the White House does not lead past the Very few doctors favor the use Hr Tilted PrtM LEVERXE Ala Oct For the first time In the history of Alabama a grand jury today had authorised search of the home ot Ku Klux Klan official In Its efforts to obtain evidence of masked floggings The action created a sensation here The warrant was sworn out hy Charles McCall attorney general ot the state on order of the special grand Jury investigating a serlos of floggings In CrenBhaw county The official under fire Is Ira Thomas cyclops of the Luverne klavern McCall charged floggings were planned at meetings of the klan and asserted minutes of the klan meetings would prove his charges TO REORGANIZE Chinese Factions Agree on Unification By tiltnl PrrM WASHINGTON Oct Unification of the different Chinese nationalist factions under a supreme government at Nanking and plans lor a nationalist military drive under Gen Tang Sen-Chi against Pekin were Indicated In reliable dispatches received here tpday A conference of nationalist factions from various parts of Chins held at Hankow has agreed to abolish the skeleton Hankow government recognise the Nanking government as the supreme nationalist authcrity and appoint Gen Tang Sen-Chi former Hankow dictator as commander-in-chief of the unified nationalist armies according to the report Tang will proceed at once to Nanking to -reorganise the nationalist forces preparatory to a nationalist advance against Pekin and the northern conservative torcei SMALL FIRES BREAK OUT Total Damage of $32 Canned By Three Biases Three fires Friday and Saturday caused an estimated damage of $32 to a building of the Evans-villo Mattress company and two residences A blaze In tho waste 'room of a shed at tho mattress plant 300 Central-av was reported at 10:24 a Friday Damage amounted to $10 Tito cause was unknown Sparks on a shingle roof at the resldenco ot Horman Walker 1008 at 5:32 Friday started a fire that caused $20 dnmage The third blaze was at the home of Riley Downing 819 Cumberland-ar resulting In $2 damage Frank Haas Southern Indiana Gas and Electric company vice- Organizations Two Local Singers Win in Novel Competition Hlugcrs No 2 and No 7 otherwise Miss Margaret Yourgans and Hoy Frlcdle both of Evansville captured first places In a novol radio vocal contest conducted thru Station WGBF Friday night one of the thousands of preliminary contests being conducted over the country to discover new "radio Miss Yourgans and Friedlc thru their victories won the right to compete in the state contest st Indianapolis Wednesday and Thurs-day The winners in this contest will compete at Chicago in soml finals The final contest will be held at New York City with the winner receiving prize of $5090 two years' training at a consurva- PERSONALS BORAH WILL NOT ENTER JIG RACE Idaho Senator Has Owit Private Projects A Wlr WASHINGTON Oct 15-Senc-tor Borah of Idaho Is not and will not become a candidate for president While the Idaho progressive will not talk for publication on the subject close friends said today he will not become a candidate under any clrcurastandhs Ills reason is understood to be that he has public projects of his own that would be interfered with by a presidential candidacy and that he Is much more Interested In these than in the rather remote possibility cf nomination Borah has mentioned by some of the western senators who are seeking to form a western progressive bloc as a possible alternative candidate to Senator Norris of Nebraska whose candidacy Is being pushed hy some cf them PLAN JESTIVAL West Side Nut Club Fete Set For Oct 28 The West Side Nut Club's seventh annual Fun Festival will be held Oct 28 Chris Zlss chairman announced Saturday Participation of all Weat Side organisations has been invited Prises will bo awarded to Individuals winning In various stunts to merchants with 'the best window decoration to the organization with the largest attendance in the parade to the neatcit appearing group and to individual masqueraders Chairmen of committees are: Charles Pels financial Theo- dore Ilartig decoration Potts parade George Koch and James Jordan entertainment Organise Brotherhood MILWAUKEE' AVIs Oct Organization of the American Federation of Lutheran Brotherhoods a Union of tho brotherhoods In all synods of that church was completed here yesterday RIVER BULLETIN i i) lory and a five-year contract with the death of I carles II sou of mPiielnaI whisky according to the Atwuter Kent Broadcasting of Charles Bell 4ou Msar-rtjMw stanlpy Phe gaId that only company pt Memphis Tenu The father WjlhoM who to dl prcacrlp- Second Rud third places among th? only yirttsor Hlons for $3 each as they do in 'the girl singers competing 1 were The body will be i- lil'M Illinois want the law changed taken by Nos 10 and 5 Miss for burial in Oak Hill Approximately ROD delegates 1 AU(lgi jIL Vernon and Other arringomcns have not been from thruout the state had goth- Uura McCurdy Howell Amoni completed In Princeton by Friday night tjw H(wnd and third places UNs SanlT Hartmann Report by officials and other The body of Miss Sarah War- routine business took up the morn-nianu Angelas accident vie frnnn lug and afternoon sessions were taken hy Nos 9 and 20 Charles Schneider and Herbert Wilson both uf Evansville Officers to Meet Oftlcers of Violet Circle No 23 Woodmen circle will meet at 2 Sunday at the hom*o of Mrs Harriett Savage 101 Barkcr-av Post to Lay Plans A meeting of Everctte Burdette post American Legion will he held Monday night to plan for the celebration of Armistice Day A Epperson publicity chairman an-nounccd Saturday Slate Official Visits 8chnell Indianapolis state boys work secretary of th Young Christian association visited the Evansvlllo A Friday and conferred with officials on the membership drive now In progress The next report dinner of the campaign la scheduled to bo held at the A Monday night according to George Medlicott membership secretary Only a partial report was made Friday night It showed satisfactory progress of the drive Furnishings Company Formed A new company specializing In cedar chests blankets comforts table runners and lamps has been formed by Frank Ens former manager of the Indian Refining company and Georgo He'th The tint will arrive in Evan-Mllc Stiii-i Thr1e M1 Regales regis-FUrvices will be day night IJstcncrs-iu among them tho 10 judges In the contest hnew tho singers only ly the numbers as signed them In the drawing from Trinity -astro Building Permits TUTRS EMMA BROSE 1107 ivA- Chandler-av'will leave next Saturday for Pasedena Calif whero sho will make an extended vifltt with relatives Mrs Keller Colonial apartments left Saturday for a 10 days' visit with Mrs Mary Fake in McLeansboro 111 Mrs It A Pendall of McLeans-horo 111 Is visiting Mrs Tln-dlo and Airs Earle Girard of Forest Hills Mr nnd Mrs Tlnfils 206 Pnplar-st are visiting relatives in Terro Haute lad Alls Gertrude Wollenbergcr 333 Washlngton-av loft Friday for Terre Iluute to attend a house party given hy Miss Maryf-ati for a group of girls which toured tho west this summer Mr and Mrs Shafer 1426 Llncoln-ar have received word from their son Thomas Shafer and his wife of Los Angeles Calif announcing the birth of a son Mr and Mrs Bader nnd Miss Alargucrlte Bader 1113 Clinndlcr-av are week-end guest of Alias lmogent lJadcr at Bloom' lngton Ind- nnd uttended the Indiana unlversitv homecoming and footlmll game Saturday Mrs Wells Stratford apartments will leave Sunday for a week's business trip to New York City Miss Aliee Ann Murdock 1520 Mulherry-xi expceis Monday ns her guest her cousin Allas Frances Anna Alurtyn of Oskaloosa Iowa Mr and Airs II AI Brading an noiincr Hie birth ni a son Ilurry Mullville Hrailing Saturday morning at Hcceoness hospital Mother and son aro reported doing nicely Howell lT t'lnh Beets for vlcu president voted on at the November of the Howell Parent- ansvlllc Over visitors were -here from Evansville also Monday Burial will bo In Onk 1111 The gtatf! award cemetery given for the greatest increase In Mrs MsTTK Halley membership In any city of the Last rites for Mrs Mary Dal- vcar11 wa P-ley were held at 1 the tirday at the Kltchle home ter re t0 namcd Nils aft-t in ued services were held at Centenary churrh at 2 Bur- lit was in the church lery Mr 7 hereon rey ernoon Tonight the diamond oratorical contest will ho held Emmanuel Junior at Er marine lrge will bo one of the contest- Adler 1024 Lincoln -a roof 9226 II Robinson 103 col-! Lori ge-av garage $75 Peter Rocker 'Virginia anil Farcs-av residence $5000 Robert II Meyers 3316 Franklin-st residence $2540 Harry Molcr 610 Tnylor-av shed $75 lliehord Hawkins 24i0 block of lafayettc-Nt garage $150 The npple crop of Now England Is expected to increase about Oiie- by 1910 according to the lurtaiXMr KnRln( Rciegr(h (UIU Funeral eeri-ice rcy cre ''V 5 a urdf nfri-i-Ndid at Boniface church president and Charles Oswald company has opened a store at company secretary were back 1 431 Vlne-st under the firm name Saturday from Chicago where they of the Ralnbo Furnishings Inc attended tbe meeting ot the Amer-l Enz also Is owner of the Howell lean Gas association Furniture store was in St cemetery Teaches Persons cording to a telegram received by a sister-in-law Mrs Charles 119 Mr and Mrs OHari have gonC At a dnnr jPpljnj 0f tho Ev-'just iis they have lo learn to Columbus for the funeral Mr Devaney was wi Tu m'cltVniiwn ir- aEvi1e Optometrlial Society Mr Devaney was wen knon I The myoculaior Is med a med us well Tells How Death Met Happy Singing Group 11 Evansville He married Miss su Frd htto correct crossed rym 01 McBarron niece of the late Rev wr Slx-pard of Northern that are turned The purree or eyes tion is made Dr Shepurd i-xplalned thru stimulating musclt-s aud giving 'meet lug Candidates will bo Born to: Carl and Goldie Zehner Maiu-at Donald Therlon James aud Thelma Ragan 612 humor AVe had been singing old songs such as "Back Home Again In to the music of an ac-cordeon played by Mr Glassco*ck we were singing that song 1 looked up and saw the in-lerurban coming I thought the driver saw it as be seemed to hesitate at the tracks But he drove on I screamed and so did some of the others intcrurban seemed to hit Hr VbM Tmm INDIANAPOLIS Oct IS A carefree happy group of married couples singing and laughing enjoying life to Its utmost warning screams which were unheeded a terrible grinding and then desolation Such wus the description of the Sahara Grotto drill team disaster given by Mrs Harold Wolford whose husband seated in the 111-(uted trailer was among the killed McBarron former pastor of the As- Illinois Colli-ge of optometry Chl-fumption church lectured on tbe myoculator 'h newest Instrument In the 1 11 science of optometry Tbe tiiiiclilim Dr Shepard cx- Saturday Death aj ipisiiihi us light form motion eyrs the right kind of exorcise Teacher cluh Nominations for the Locum! David Franklin Vidor an gyniniHlnni' ho office were made at the rliih mert-nd Borland St Mary's hos-euld "It Is not a cure I do not ing Friday ilrak Dorothy Agnes Roy and (Claim to he able to cure a dls- jrs A Wilbanks will he Dlllmau 2712 Division -at condition in tlm eye Tlic C)f glhnorg Halloween Jr Louis and Beulah Korf see with two ye) Dr Shepard myoculator le corrective ratlienlurty 0ct 31 Sn hat Illver Fammsr Tn the Evansvlllo illstrlct Ohio rlvir rhanses durinir lliu next several days will depend mainly on ac tlou at the (lama All of the wickets In tlia "Uhnnnln" weir war ra-aeii Vridsy at Dam No 4K sum wlukei inly probably will low-ered the Deaths reported Ly physician nfin defective thon curative Beams reponc jeye conditluiiH are du? Drs T'p school room which biu Ui' Optometrists present were: Cold Ssh "What did Johnson new nson wr patents i the trailci about the middle The driver was not aware the trailer get for In- Mrs AVolIord was riding on thej had been ML I guess and he drove electric refrig truck on for more than 100 feet acre "We were all so happy" she th ralltosd tracks before said "Fverynne was In good I could stop him" to the per- to the health board were Infant I netrr hav'ns Garrfclt Deaconess still hrn jjg rycg proprrlv dangler of William nd IlclorJ -lt(g hkrd 0 'jjPTr hp gaj Garriufc "1'Jt persons hr- i jirn tn grP udm and jj co*ckruni Iearnd io use jc Waters Hen Ifloviton Victor George if I Mnder Kramer KIdpcwnv nt clnh niei-tlic-s venting that David Uh tbe November meeting) rr1tor?" 'A i-nol Idle jwlll be awarded a prize.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.