Part - 8

Dr. M. M. Begani, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai12th July 2018


Suggested By
















14) C.A. Tapan Shah - Mumbai



Now-A-Days Children Want to know Everything with Logic. If we tell them Anything to do, they will ask, why ? So, if we give them hundreds of Examples which happened with law of cause and effects like why Sitajee kidnapped by Ravan ? Why Draupadi Married with Five Husbands ? They will understand the matter and will do accordingly. So to bring them on the Right path it is the easiest way. What one gives that only one Receives. This is the Law of Nature. The western Authors also like arther c. Klarke and Dr. Brian weiss have given many examples which prove the existence of soul. Here the Lots of Examples are given of many historical characters with Refernce of the scriptures. (in Part 4) so if one wants to achieve good he will surely do good in this birth i.e. religion. I hope this book will surely make one to walk on the right path i.e. right faith, right knowledge and right conduct which is the way to salvation. Thus in Book 1 to 6-264 stories are given. Now in Part 7-8-9 New 185 stories all being published.



"LABDHI BAAL VAARTA" are wonderful short stories collected from various sources which were in different languages. We are grateful to all those authors. Specially Yashovarm Surijii, Muni Chandra Surijee and Shailesh Sagparia. Our appreciation to Poojya Acharya Sri Raj-Yash Sooreeshwarjee M.S. and his disciple Upadhyaya Vishrutyash Vijayaji Gani (Prof. M.S.), Satish Mardia from Chennai & Ahd. for Assisting in compiling and editing, and all the donors and printers for their monetary & physical support.

Publishers :

Setu.S.ShahC/o L.V.A.HumanitarianCharitable Trust,Tel-9727764111Mehul9426324200Chintan9375787857

Rajendra A. Dalal(Secunderabad) Mo: 9573082751

Shree Labdhi VikramSoreeshwarjeeSanskruti KendraT/7/A, Shantinagar,VikramSoreeshwarjee Marg,Ashram Road,Ahmedabad-380013NOT FOR SALE

1. [emailprotected] 2. [emailprotected] 3. Visit us at www.labdhivikramraj.com 4. Mobile App. (Labdhivikramraj) = L.V.R.

49 No Worries About Death 73

50 One Eye is Enough 74 51 Think of The Poor 74

52 Keys To Success 75

53 Jean-Paul Sartre 76

54 Throw Away The Plant Extract 77

55 Duty of A King 79

56 Not By Punishment 81

57 Napoleon’s Devotion To Motherhood 82

58 Protect Your Morals 83

59 The Power of Prestige 84

60 A Unique Old Woman 85

61 The Curse of The Poor 86

62 A Concerned Citizen 87

63 Let Us Spread Goodness 89

64 Duty Well Done 90

65 Protect Every Life 92

25 Completion of Ten Years At the

Storke of Ten 46

26 Which is The Best Sacrifice ? 47

27 The Discourteous Cannot Gain Knowledge 48

128 Duty First 50

29 The Passion of A True Writer 51

30 Self-Experience Is the Best Experience 52

31 An Unsuitable Governor 53

32 Sir C. V. Raman 54

33 Nobody will Call Me Dishonest 56

34 Good Use of Money 57

35 Key To Success 58

36 Overcome Your Hurdles 59

37 No Favourtism 60

38 Real Recommendation Letter 61

39 Life Flows Like A River 62

40 Lal Bahadur Shastri 63

41 A Barber - My Teacher 64

42 The Greatness of Simplicity 65

43 Failure Inspirres 66

44 Passion For Education 67

45 Worthy of Honour Not Scolding 68

46 Protection of Honour 69

47 The Saviour of The Poor 69

48 Self-Respect 71

INDEX1 The Fragrance of The Heart 10

2 Who Will Stay Awake ? 11

3 A Positive Attitude 13

4 The Dignity of A True Indian 15

5 A Single Remedy For A Lakh Problems 17

6 A Different Kind of Piligrimage Centre 19

7 Real Cleverness 21

8 Compassion For Enermy 23

9 A Friend of The Friendless 24

10 Saraswati Pooja of A Scientist 26

11 The Skin of A Human And A Tree 27

12 Even The Daughter Could Not Meet 29

13 Practise what You Preach 30

14 The Reason For India’s Such Poor Condition 31

15 The Price of Folly 33

16 True Compassion 34

17 What Kind of Rulers Do People Like ? 36

18 Left School But Not the Truth 37

19 No Money To Buy Even A Stole 38

20 First Chance To New Poet 40

21 Will This Education Help Me

To Serve My Country ? 41

22 Such A Tolerant Revolutionary ! 42

23 What Is Your Priority - Work or Children ? 43

24 Limitless Love For Books 44


Acharyadev Shri. Rajyash Sooreeshwarjee Maharaj, exponent of discourses, visionary and promoter of renovation of various temples, the epitome of renunciation and great preacher is blessed by Shri. Labdhi Sooreeshwarjee M.S. & Shri. Vikram Sooreeshwarjee M.S., his Grand Guruji & Guruji respectively. Shri. Vikram Sooreeshwar jee, his Gurudev was very effective in attracting people towards the virtues of Jainism. He was a worshipper of ‘BHAKTAMAR MAHASTOTRA’, the practitioner of high standards of sadhana, and was a very simpleminded soul.

The Author-Shri Rajyash Sooreeshwarjee, a highly dedicated, courteous disciple of his Guru and lucky enough to serve, care, worship incessantly to such a greatGuru. Being a great personality, his bright and exalted oratory attracts people at the very first instance. Infact, a few seconds in his auspicious company, confers profound happiness and satisfaction.

He is deeply involved in various rites, rituals, disciplines & yet very compassionate towards everyone. He has a heart, very simple like a child and delicate like a flower.

He has suggested many novice ways for the





Page No.

-: Books available from:-

Dr.M.M.Begani Mumbai

Adv. Sangeetaben Kamrej

01. The Fragrance Of The Heart

A little girl. About twelve years old. Small age but

big ideals.Low height but high thoughts. She

belonged to a cultured Maharashtrian family.

'U tne ' i s a spec ia l cus tom o f the

Maharashtrians. Four or five aromatic substances

are grounded and mixed. On New Year's Day, they

bathe with this mixture. Aromatic bath at the

beginning of the year and doing

good deeds throughout the year

leave fragrance in their lives.

The girl was struck by a

good thought to use the

a r o m a t i c m i x t u r e f o r a

philanthropic deed. After the

communal riots, thousands of people had become

homeless and orphaned. She thought of helping

them. She requested her mother to buy a big packet

of materials for 'Utne' that year. When her mother

asked her the reason, she gave a sweet, secretive

smile and told her to wait for her surprise.

When she got the materials, she grounded them

with her own hands and made small packets out of

them. Her mind and heart became fragrant while

doing this task.

Then she took the packets and went from house

to house saying, “The cost of the packet is frugal. I

have come to take the fragrance of your hearts in

exchange. I have come to seek help for the victims

of the communal riots.”

Everyone was touched by her sweetness and

they all gave her big or small amounts of money to

which she added her own small savings. Then she

contributed the entire sum to the State's Chief

Minister Relief Fund. The girl's mother was

delighted to know that this was her secret surprise.

The girl did a big task for her small age. Her name

was Rohini P. Ayaachit.

MORAL :- It is not the age, but the thought that


02. Who Will Stay Awake ?

Mahmud Begda, the Sultan of Gujarat, did not

want any criminal activity in his state. He was

propagation of Jainism. It is the outcome of his magnetic personality and devotion to God, that the renovation of temples at Bharuch Teerth, Kulpak Teerth, Uvasaggaharam Teerth,The Great Teerth of Banaras (B i r th Ka lyanak P lace o f Lord Parshwanath),Godi Parshwa-Padmavati Teerth at Prerna Teerth, Ahmedabad, jirnoddhar of Simandhar Swami and Jagvallabh Parshwanath Teerth at Vadachowta, Surat were made possible.With his blessings, the following penances were also undertaken,- * Fasting by 237 people for one month continuously (MASAKSHAMAN ) and Fasting by 1008 people for 3 days (TELA)at Chennai.

* 360 people undertook the SIDDHITAP at Bangalore.

He organised JAINFAIR at Chennai, in 1999 which was an epoch making event. His dedication, devotion and involvement for the event are beyond words of appreciation. Jirnoddhar of Vanachara Teerth near Baroda, and many new Teerths are being established under the Nishra and guidelines of Shri. Rajyash Soreeshwarjee Maharaj both in India and abroad. For Example - Navkar Dham at Jivapur -Pallitana in India and Sankheshwar Parshwnath temple of Richmand - USA.

9 10

11 12

always taking steps to develop the trade in his state

and to make his subjects prosperous. He saw to it

that the offenders of law were caught and punished.

One day, a few traders came to complain that

they had been looted near the borders of Shirohi

when they were bringing their goods from the north.

They had set up their camp there for the night and

were sleeping when the

robbers raided them.

To their surprise, the Sultan

asked why they had fallen

asleep. The traders fel t

puzzled. They did not have a

r e p l y. B u t o n e t r a d e r

courageously stepped forward,

bowed and replied, “Sultan, we thought you must be


The reply was an unexpected one but the Sultan

felt the trader was right. If the Sultan is awake, then

his subjects can sleep peacefully. He compensated

the loss of the traders from the State Treasury and

- Upadhyaya Vishrutyash Vijaya GaniDt. 30.7.2018 Palitana

wrote a letter to the King of Shirohi, “Send me the

compensation for the robbery that was carried out in

your State.”

The King of Shirohi ignored the letter. So, the

Sultan launched an attack, defeated him and

retrieved the compensation.

MORAL :- A good ruler is one who works day and

night for the welfare of his subjects.

03. Positive Attitude

The music maestro, Pandit Vishnu Digambar

Pulaskar was born in Maharashtra in 1872. He took

his music training for ten years from an expert

teacher, Guru Ramkrishna Buva Ichalkaranjikar.

After the completion of his training, Vishnuji

decided to earn by giving music performances. He

left his teacher's village, Miraj, and came to Satara

where his first performance was at a function

organised at a lawyer's house. Vishnuji felt bad

when the lawyer paid him merely two rupees but he

silently accepted the money since that was his only

rupees from the lawyer. He told the lawyer that it

was his fee to the lawyer for awakening in him an

ambition to earn a big name in the field of music.

MORAL :-Motivation and inspiration may come in

our lives in different forms. It is up to us whether we

rise to a challenge or back out of it.

04. The Dignity Of A True Indian

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was one of the many

great leaders of India who rose above the

differences of religion and caste and gave priority to

their nation. He was the son of a powerful religious

leader and he could have succeeded his father and

won great acclaim and fame among his co-

religionists. However, he strived his entire life to

maintain the Hindu-Muslim unity and enable his

religionists to become respectable members of a

Hindu society.

To achieve his purpose, he published a

newspaper called 'Al Hilaal' with the aim of

awakening the people through education. Through

means of livelihood. However,

he did tell the lawyer that he had

undervalued his knowledge

and talent of music. He also

gave a challenge that he would

give a second performance in

the future but for that the lawyer

would have to pay a fee of hundred rupees. The

lawyer took up his challenge and promised that if

Vishnuji became famous, then he would pay a

hundred rupees next time.

For the next ten years, Vishnuji continued to

give performances throughout India and also

acquired more knowledge of music. When Vishnuji

came to Satara, the lawyer approached him,

requesting him to give a

performance at his house the

next day. Vishnuji accepted.

A t t h e e n d o f t h e

performance, Vishnuji refused

to take his fee of hundred

13 14

15 16

his articles, he also targeted the

foreigners, the landlords, the

moneylenders, the capitalists

and the employers who

exploited the poor and needy

people. These people used to

send donations to Maulana for

his patriotic and social causes but he would return

their cheques because he knew that the intention

behind these donations was that Maulana would

write eulogies of the donors in his newspaper.

When Maulana returned the cheque to one

such donor, he also sent him a letter which is

exemplary for all journalists : “We have undertaken

this task on the strength of our own arms and not on

the strength of donations given by rich people to

earn fame. We have not entered the market to earn

profits but to bear losses. We are eager for criticism

not praise. We do not seek the flowers of comforts

but the thorns of adversity. We have not come to ask

the world to sacrifice their wealth for us but to

sacrifice ourselves. Will you be happy to help

people like us ?”

“I do not know why you have sent this help. If

you want to buy me, then the sum is too big. My

value is less than even a stack of hay. If you want to

buy my ideals, then I must inform you very politely

that few pieces of your silver, add to that all your

possessions, plus the Kohinoor Diamond and all the

worldly wealth, all is worthless before my ideals.

Trust me, only the Emperor of Emperors that is God

can afford to buy my ideals.”

MORAL : Financial status should not be the

yardstick of respectability. True dignity is in being a

person whose ideals are firm and who does not get

influenced by money, power or praise.

05. A Single Remedy For A Lakh Problems

Oliver Goldsmith is the author of the world

famous novel 'The Vicar of Wakefield'.

He was studying medicine and right from his

student days, he had earned the reputation of being

an extremely generous man.

Once a labourer living in the poor locality of

London fell ill. He lost his job owing to his illness and

all his savings were used up in his treatment.

Someone told his wife about Dr. Goldsmith's

generosity. She did not have the money to pay the

house visit fees, so she decided to meet the doctor,

explain her husband's condition and request the

doctor to give medicine for him.

Dr. Goldsmith said that he could not prescribe

any medicine without checking

the patient. He brushed aside

the labourer's wife's worry

about not being able to pay the

house visit fees. He went to the

labourer's house, checked him

and then instructed the woman

to come in the evening to his house for the


In the evening, Dr. Goldsmith put a box in her

hand. He had written the following words on the box,

“In times of necessity, take one from this. Keep

patience. Keep yourself happy and never lose


When the labourer's wife opened the box, she

found the single remedy for a lakh problems - ten

gold coins !

Dr. Goldsmith had understood that poverty was

the cause of all the labourer's problems. With the

gold coins the labourer bought nutritious food and

proper medicines. In a few weeks, the labourer was

fit and fine.

MORAL : Dr. Goldsmith inspires us to be generous

and use a part of our wealth to help the poor and


06. A Different Kind Of Pilgrimage Centre

This pilgrimage centre is a “Neem tree” located

in Turkoliya village of Motihari District of Bihar. It is

the pilgrimage centre of our

freedom struggle and Mahatma

Gandhi's leadership.

It was the beginning of the th20 century. The British had

spread terror in regions of Bihar

like Champaran and Motihari.

17 18

19 20

They were forcing the farmers to grow only indigo

and if they didn't obey they were arrested and

hanged upside down on a neem tree. Then the

Indian policemen, who were in service of the British

Government, would whip those farmers. The same

punishment was given to even those farmers who

failed to produce at least four bales of indigo per


The British had their Club

near the neem tree. The British

officers would sit in the patio of

the Club with their wives, eat

and drink and enjoy the

spectacle of the farmers crying

out in pain as they were

whipped or beaten with sticks. Many a times, a

farmer would succumb to the pain and die while still

hanging from the tree but the cruel Britishers would

continue their partying.

The news of such cruelty reached Gandhiji who

started a Satyagraha against British government

in1917. The Collector of Motihari District ordered

Gandhiji that he should not interfere in the matter

since he was an outsider. Gandhiji threw a

challenge, “This country and this land are mine.

These farmers are my brothers. How can I be an

outsider? You are an outsider! You go away from

here! I will stay right here!”

Gandhiji stationed himself under the neem tree

in Turkoliya. Finally, the treacherous British had to

bow. The neem tree which was the witness of

Gandhiji's success became a pilgrimage centre.

Moral : It is Due to great man that where they dwell

become’s the Pilgrimage centre.

07. Real Cleverness

King Solomon is considered to be one of the

cleverest kings. He felt compassion for even the

tiniest creatures.

Queen Sheba of Central Africa had heard about

King Solomon's cleverness. She came to

Jerusalem, the capital of King Solomon. Queen

Sheba herself was a scholar. She met the King and

asked him several questions which he answered

08 . Compassion For Enemy

The army of Peshwa Bajirao had laid a seige

and as a result, the supplies of food to the army of

Hyderabad was cut off. The enemy soldiers started

dying of hunger.

The festival of Id was approaching. Bajirao

called his officers and announced his decision to

supply food to the army of

Hyderabad so that it could

celebrate the festival. The

officers advised that they had

got a good hold over the

enemy, and they should

seize this opportunity to

attack the enemy and defeat


Bajirao replied, “Although the Nizam of

Hyderabad is our enemy, we should not leave our

humanity. It is an act of cowardice to attack an army

weakened by hunger. The world should know that

the Maratha warriors are gallant and they fight and


One day, King Solomon and Queen Sheba were

out riding their horses. Their guards were with them.

There were many ants in their path. King Solomon

dismounted his horse and started laughing loudly to

Queen Sheba's amazement. She asked King

Solomon the reason for his laughter. He said that he

had heard the conversation of

the ants. The ants said that the

clever King Solomon is riding

this way and he will crush us

under the hooves of his horse.

He guided his horse along the

side of the road and avoided

crushing the ants.

Queen Sheba understood that the ants had not

said anything. But King Solomon's heart was too

soft and kind to kill the ants. No wonder he is known

to be so clever !

MORAL : Real Cleverness is not acquiring

knowledge from books but being compassionate

and considerate towards all living beings.





defeat only those who are their equal in gallantry.

The officers immediately carried out Bajirao's

orders and food supplies were delivered to the

enemy camp.

MORAL : The truly brave people display the virtues

of compassion and humanity even towards their


09. A Friend Of The Friendless

For certain serious crimes, the accused is

sentenced with capital punishment. If the sentence

has been given in lower court, then the accused has

the chance to file an appeal in the higher court. If the

appeal is rejected in the highest court, then the

accused has only one last resort. He can write a

letter of appeal for mercy to the Head of state who is

the King or the Queen in case of England and the

President in case of Democratic Republics like the

United States of America.

An accused wrote a letter of appeal to the

President of the United States of America to revoke

his capital punishment, since he was innocent.

Maharashtra. Once his mother fell ill. She could be

cured with the bark of the Gulmohar tree, so she

handed an axe to him and asked him to fetch it.

Namdev did as he was told. But thereafter, he

seemed to be in a sad mood. After four or five days,

his mother saw blood stains on his dhoti (lower

garment wrapped around the waist). She became

anxious that Namdev might have fallen and hurt

himself while climbing the tree.

When his mother enquired about the blood

stains, Namdev replied that he had removed some

of his skin with the axe. His mother was shocked to

see that from his thigh a portion of skin as big as

one's palm had been cut off, the flesh was hanging

out and blood was flowing.

When his mother asked him the

reason for doing so, he said that the

bark of the tree is its skin and he

wanted to check how much pain is

caused when the skin is cut off.

Then he told his mother that it was

really painful.

When the Secretary of the

President read out the letter of

appeal, the President decided

to accept the appeal because

the letter was clear, concise and

conveyed the writer's honesty.

The Secretary argued that the

appeal could not be accepted because there was no

accompanying recommendation letter of any

Minister or lawyer. The President said that such

recommendation letters could be obtained only by

influential people with friends in higher positions

and the accused had no such friends. He also said

that being the President of the country he was the

friend of the friendless and told his Secretary to

write on the letter that the President had granted


The President was none other than Abraham


MORAL : Abraham Lincoln is an ideal example of

how a national leader should be.

astonished to see shelves and

c u p b o a r d s b r i m m i n g w i t h

thousands of books in different

languages - Sanskrit, Bengali,

English, French and German. The

books were of varieties of subjects -

science, history, religion and

philosophy. There were piles of books and

stationery on the desk.

Dr. Saha said, “Studying diligently is the real

Pooja of Goddess Saraswati and not just creating

and adorning her idol.”

Dr. Saha died on 16th February, 1956 on Vasant

Panchami as if proving that he was the true son

and devotee of Goddess Saraswati.

MORAL : God helps those who help themselves.

The favours of Gods and Goddesses cannot be won

by rituals alone. For that one needs to constantly

work hard and diligently.

11. The Skin Of A Human And A Tree

This is the childhood incident of Sant Namdev of


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10. Saraswati Pooja Of A Scientist

It was the year 1954 and the auspicious day of

'Vasant Panchami'. The famous scientist Meghnad

Saha lived in Calcutta (now Kolkata). A few boys

from his neighbourhood came to him for

contribution to the fund which they were collecting

for Saraswati Pooja. Dr. Saha asked how they

would perform the Pooja. The boys replied that they

have ordered the sculptor to

make a beautiful idol of

Saraswati - the Goddess of art

and knowledge. A Brahmin has

been invited to chant the holy

words (mantras) and perform

the Pooja. They had arranged

for a loudspeaker. Thereafter, there would be a

musical performance and a skit. So, they were

collecting a fund.

The boys asked Dr. Saha how he performed the

Pooja. He told them to come with him to the upper

storey of his house and he would show them. He

took them to his study room where they were

His mother felt lost for words. She said that he

was a divine being in human form and she felt

fortunate to have a son like him.

MORAL : Compassion is the virtue of God. Real

compassion can be felt for another living being only

when one feels another's pain like one's own. Other

is not other but my brother.

12. Even The Daughter Could Not Meet

Gopalkrishna Gokhale was so busy in his social

welfare work that he had no time for his family.

One day, his eldest daughter came from her in-

laws' house to meet him. She waited until night but

the flow of visitors did not stop and Gokhaleji was

busy in discussions on political matters with them.

She left her father's house in a sulky mood as she

did not get a chance to talk to him.

The next day, Gokhaleji felt sad when he came

to know that his daughter had to leave without

meeting him, but he also knew that the work of

social service which he had undertaken demanded

such sacrifices. He sent his daughter a gift of

Banarasi saree to express how

sorry he was. His daughter was

mature and understood the

demands of his work. She wrote a

letter saying sorry to her father for

sulking and sent him a Maratha

turban as a gift.

Gokhaleji would always wear

that turban as a loving memory of his daughter. He

wore it even when he went to England.

MORAL : Where there is real love, there is mutual

understanding and no expectations.

13. Practise What You Preach

This is an incident of the life of the famous saint

of Maharashtra, Sant Gyaneshwar. People used to

come to seek his advice.

Once, a woman came with her son who was

very weak. He used to eat lots of jaggery and the

doctor had said that it was not good for his health.

She requested the Sant to persuade her son not to

eat jaggery. The Sant told the woman to bring her

son again after a week.

When she came again after

a week, the Sant advised her

son to stop eating jaggery. The

woman was surprised and

asked the Sant that if he had to

say only that much, then why

did he wait for one week.

The Sant laughed and said that he also used to

eat jaggery every day, so he first wanted to test for a

week whether he could stop eating it. He felt it was

right to give advice to the boy only after he himself

had first acted upon it.

MORAL : Always practise what you preach.

14. The Reason For India's Such Poor Condition

Sir M. Vishvesharaya is a big name in Indian

history. He was a very good scientist, engineer and

administrator. He was a true patriot. He was an ideal

example of honesty and integrity.

This is an incident of his life which occurred

when he was appointed as the Chief Minister of the





princely state of Mysore. Once, he was on a tour of

the state and he had to stay for the night in a village

where there was no electricity. The Head man of

that village came to visit Vishvesharaya late in the

evening and saw that he was working at the desk.

There were two candles on the desk, of which only

one was lit.

Vishvesharaya welcomed the Head man and

enquired about the purpose of

his visit. He replied that he had

come to give company to


Vishvesharayaji told him

that they would start talking

after a minute. Then he lit the

second candle and blew out the first candle. The

Head man was puzzled by his action and asked

Vishvesharaya the reason for doing so.

Vishvesharaya replied that the first candle had been

bought from government money so it was alright to

make use of it when he was doing official work but

since his talk with the Head man would be personal,

he had lit the candle bought with his own money.

MORAL : Every politician and government

employee must fo l low the example of

Vishvesharaya. The government money is people's

money which is to be used only for people's welfare

and not for personal purpose. Today, India is in poor

financial condition because of lack of people like


15. The Price Of Folly

Henry Thoreau is considered to be one of the

greatest philosophers of the world. He was an

epitome of truthfulness and integrity. He would

preach only what he practised. Mahatma Gandhi

considered him as one of his teachers.

Once, Henry bought a plot of land from a farmer.

All the formalities of the deal were completed. Next

day, the farmer came to Henry's hermitage. He was

hesitant and spoke only after much coaxing from

Henry. The farmer said that his wife had scolded him

for his folly of selling the plot for a price far below its

market value, so he had come to cancel the deal.

The farmer also said that he was ready to pay the

cancellation fee but since he was poor, he could pay

only ten dollars.

To the farmer's bewilderment, Henry said that

he had committed a greater folly than the farmer

and so he must also pay a fee for his folly. Henry

explained that he had committed the folly of

agreeing to buy the plot at an undervalued price. He

said that he did not have the market value of the plot

assessed and thereby, he had become guilty of

trying to cheat the farmer, though unknowingly.

Henry felt that now he must pay the price of his folly

by doing the transaction of the plot all over again but

this time he would pay the farmer its full market

value and he tore up the old documents.

MORAL : An honest person abides by honesty

regardless of any loss he or she has to suffer.

16. True Compassion

This incident happened when Mahatma Gandhi

was living in the hermitage of Vardha. A Brahmin





Pandit named Parchure Shastri was suffering from

leprosy. No one was ready to nurse him due to fear

of getting infected. Gandhiji started nursing him. He

would bathe him, apply ointment and feed him with

his own hands. People were surprised that Gandhiji

was putting his life in danger. This incident

highlights his nature of social service.

Several people would suggest remedies to cure

leprosy. One person suggested

that a living black snake should

be kept in a closed pot and kept

on fire till the snake burnt to ash.

Then the ash should be mixed

with honey and given to the


When Gandhiji heard the advice, he asked

Parchureji whether he wanted to experiment.

Parchureji replied emphatically that why should he

not be burnt instead of the snake and why should an

innocent snake be burnt alive. He did not want to get

cured at the cost of another life.

MORAL : One must not harm any other living being

for personal benefit and one must protect the well-

being of another living being even if one incurs

personal loss.

17. What Kind Of Rulers Do People Like ?

Confucius, a Chinese thinker, was once passing

by a cemetery with his disciples. He saw a woman

crying bitterly in the cemetery. Her grief moved him

to tears. He asked a disciple to enquire about the

reason of the woman's sorrow.

The disciple asked the woman whether

someone near and dear to her had died. The

woman said that a man-eating tiger had spread

terror in that region. Her father-in-law, husband and

daughter had become its victims.

The disciple conveyed the woman's plight to

Confucius who felt puzzled that the woman was still

staying in the dangerous place. The woman said

that she was doing so because the King of the

region was not cruel, the administrators were not

corrupt and they worked for the people's welfare

and the merchants did not cheat or exploit.

MORAL: People consider a cruel king to be more

dangerous than a tiger. They prefer a tiger in their

neighbourhood to corrupt officers and profiteering


18. Left School But Not the Truth

This incident occurred before the partition of

India. A ninth standard student of Mission High

School of Lahore was such a vociferous reader that

he had become more knowledgeable than most


One day the Christian Principal of the school

started criticising the Hindu religion and its


All the students remained silent but this boy

counterargued and not only proved the Principal

wrong but also pointed out the deficiencies in

Christianity. He stunned everybody with his brilliant

logic and knowledge. The Principal was so angry at

being proved wrong that he beat the boy with his

stick and dismissed him from school.

The boy started spending his entire day at the

was bare. Thus, the Principal told him to pay a fine

of eight annas

Shrinivas pleaded, “Sir, it is impossible for me to

pay a fine of eight annas. The market price of a stole

is six annas. If I had that much money, then wouldn't

I have bought a stole ? Just yesterday my mother

had to refuse to take the gift of raw mangoes which

my father's friend had brought because we did not

have the money to buy the

sp i ce s a n d co n d i me n t s

required to make the mango


The Principal regretted his

behaviour and revoked the fine.

Many years passed after that. In

1921, Mr.Weilderback had retired and returned to

England. One day, he received the news that an

Indian scholar had been appointed in the Viceroy's

Advisory Council and was going to be felicitated. Mr.

Weilderback's joy knew no bounds because the

honourable scholar was none other than his student






library. Eventually, the Principal

regretted his behaviour and

called him back to school.

That boy was none other

than Mahatma Hansraj of

Punjab. He founded the

Dayanand Arya University of

Punjab. He dedicated his entire life for raising

awareness amongst the youth regarding education

and good health.

MORAL : Knowledge is the best virtue. one should

not try to interfere in one’s belief forcebly.

19. No Money To Buy Even A Stole

In pre-Independence era, Mr.Weilderback, the

British Principal of a college in Kumbhkonam village

of South India, was a strict disciplinarian. He had

made a rule that all students must wear either a

kurta or a coat and a dhoti.

One day a poor student named Shrinivas came,

clad in only a dhoti. Since it was the rainy season,

the only stole he owned was wet, so his upper body

MORAL : Shrinivas Shastri is an inspiration for all

students that one can overcome all obstacles such

as poverty and acquire success on the strength of

one's ability and determination.

20. First Chance To New Poet

Sahir Ludhianvi was a very famous Urdu poet.

He passed away in 1981. His greatness was in his

humility and generosity. He was

always supporting upcoming

poets, singers and artists.

Once there was a poetry

recital programme in Mumbai.

When a new poet stood up to

recite his poems, the audience

started demanding that they wanted to listen to

Sahirji. The new poet was in a dilemma but the

organiser signalled him to resume. The audience

started shouting, “Sahir ! Sahir !”

Sahir took the microphone from the new poet

and addressed the audience, “Every Sun has its

41 42


radiance. Every ray of the Sun is as good as the

Sun. To humiliate the ray is to humiliate the Sun. To

obstruct the light of the ray is to obstruct the light of

the Sun. So, first enjoy the light of the new Sun, then

Sahir will come before you.” The audience calmed


MORAL : Always remain humble and help people to

come up in life.

21. Will This Education Help Me

To Serve My Country ?

A twelve year old boy, studying in Class V, would

generally be interested only in eating and playing.

But this boy, studying in a school of Maharashtra,

was made of different mettle. It was the beginning of ththe 20 century and India's freedom struggle was in

full swing. All Indians, young

and old, were ready to make

any sacrifice for their country.

The boy had such patriotic

fervour that even the greatest

freedom fighters paled in


One day, the boy thought that by studying in a

school under British administration, he was

enslaving himself to the British. So, he left school

and devoted his entire life to the service of his


The boy grew up to be Kedarnathji, a famous

social welfare worker of India.

MORAL : Use your education to contribute to the

betterment of your country and to serve your


22. Such A Tolerant Revolutionary !

This inspiring incident is related to Sukhdev,

the comrade of Shaheed Veer Bhagatsingh.

There was a tattoo of 'Om' on Sukhdev's

forearm. The British police

knew this. When Sukhdev had

to go underground, he executed

a very horrific plan to avoid

getting caught because of his


Delhi. Mr. Mohanlal Rabari, who

was in Babasaheb's service,

had a five-year-old daughter

named Chandra.

In the evening, Babasaheb

would meet his visitors in the

compound of his bungalow.

Chandra would also come often. Regardless of how

important the visitors were, they would have to wait

and Babasaheb would always first play with her for

half an hour or one hour. Such was Babasaheb's

love for children !

MORAL : If Babasaheb, who had the responsibility

of an entire country on his shoulders, could devote

his precious time to an employee's daughter, then

why cannot parents make time for their own


24. Limitless Love For Books

Bhimrao Ambedkar did not become a scholar

just like that. His love for books and knowledge

were at the root of it. Whenever he came across a

He poured acid over his forearm ! Within

moments, his forearm got burnt. The pain was

excruciating. The acid had burnt his skin and the

flesh under it and created a deep wound.

Bhagatsingh scolded Sukhdev but he kept

laughing and retorted, “Bhagatsingh! Have you any

idea how intense is the effect of acid? I know as I

have experienced it. More importantly, I am happy

that I have removed the tattoo because otherwise it

would have given me away to the British.”

It was such a unique quality of remaining joyous

in a painful situation for the love of one's country.

MORAL : We must value the freedom which our

freedom fighters have gained after making

unthinkable sacrifices. We have many expectations

from our country but do we ever think what we have

done for our country?

23. What Is Your Priority - Work Or Children ?

After India gained independence, Dr.

Babasaheb Ambedkar became a Cabinet Minister

in the Central Government and started residing in



45 46


new book, he could not control himself. He would

spend on books without worrying about his

household expenditure.

B.R.Ambedkar's monthly earnings were hardly

five hundred rupees and one day, he spent this

entire amount on buying a set of five books. When

he reached home, his wife served him dinner but he

was too lost in the new books to pay attention. His

wi fe Ramabai gave him

repeated reminders but every

time he would eat a morsel or

two and get lost in the books

o n c e a g a i n . H e e v e n

reprimanded his wife for

disturbing him, saying that he

had got the books with great difficulty and for the

cost of five hundred rupees. Ramabai remarked

sarcastically whether it was written anywhere in the

book that a person should forsake his family for the


B.R.Ambedkar was taken aback and asked his

wife to repeat what she had said. Ramabai said, “Do

He didn't like their negativity and announced to

his officers that it should be assumed that ten years

would be completed at the stroke of ten the next

morning and Turkish would become the national


MORAL : In our country, the public welfare

schemes are implemented or completed over a very

long period of time because the government officers

do not have the enthusiasm to do new work. Only

men like Mustafa Kamaal Pasha who do not tolerate

laziness can keep such officers on their toes.

26. Which Is The Best Sacrifice ?

Saint Sahajanand Swami, the head of the

Swaminarayan sect had freed many people of

Kathiawad and other areas of Gujarat of their

criminal activities and addiction

to alcohol.

Once, Swamiji was gifted a

well-bred horse which he

enjoyed riding and the people

also praised the horse a lot.

your books tell you not to look after your wife, not

care about your children's education, not worry

whether there are necessary provisions in the

house or not ? Do they tell you to spend all your

earnings on them ? Moreover, neglect your food?

B.R.Ambedkar never gave a cause of complaint

to his wife thereafter but his love for books did not


MORAL : Great books create great personalities.

However, one must keep a balance in life between

his passion and his family.

25. Completion Of Ten Years At The Stroke Of Ten

Mustafa Kamaal Pasha is called 'AataTurk' or

the 'Father of Turkey.' When he became the Head

of the State, many languages were being spoken in

Turkey. He wanted to make

Turk ish as the nat ional

language but his officers

displayed a negative attitude

that it would take at least ten

years to accomplish this.

One evening, Swamiji went to bathe in the river with

a group of followers. A poor Brahmin came there

and sought help. Swamiji handed over the reins of

his horse and told him to sell it and use the money

for his needs.

When his followers tried to stop him, Swamiji

said, “I have become attached to this horse and

have also developed a sense of pride in owning it.

The best sacrifice is that of the thing which you

consider the most lovable and precious. Saints

should especially make such sacrifices.”

MORAL : Attachment and worldly desires should

be overcome because they destroy the virtues of

the soul.

27. The Discourteous Cannot Gain Knowledge

Ustaad Alauddin Khansaaheb was a maestro of

Indian classical music. He believed in simple living

and high thinking.

Once, he was working in his garden, clad in

worn-out clothes. His clothes had become soiled. At

that time, a well-dressed young man came to visit





him but mistook him to be a gardener. He asked,

“Where is Ustaadji?” The maestro gazed at him

silently. The young man asked angrily, “Are you

deaf? Answer me whether I can meet Ustaadji?”

Ustaadji replied, “He is busy in some work.” He

had not lied. After all, gardening is also work. The

young man ordered arrogantly, “Go quickly and tell

him that a gentleman wants to meet him.”

Ustaadji went into the

house through the backdoor

and coming out of the front door,

he said, “Ustaadji has asked

you to sit. He will change his

clothes and come soon. Would

you like tea or coffee?”

Just then a big motor-car arrived. A man

dressed in royal clothes alighted with his

companions and they bowed to Ustaadji. The young

man was surprised to learn from them that the man

he had thought to be a gardener was in fact the

great maestro himself. The man in royal clothes was

the Nawab of Rampur.

The young man sought Ustaadji's forgiveness

and requested to teach him music. Ustaadji

declined saying that he did not mind that he was

mistaken to be a gardener but he did not like the

young man's rudeness. A discourteous person is

not fit to gain knowledge.

MORAL : Humility is the virtue of great people.

Courtesy is the jewel of the learned.

28. Duty First

It was the eve of India's Republic Day - 25th

January. The first President of India, Dr. Rajendra

Prasad, was in a dilemma because his paternal

aunt, who had brought him up like a son, had just

passed away and on the next day, was the Republic

Day Parade. Being the Constitutional Head, he had

to attend it to accept the salute

of the Defence Forces and the

other participants, or else they

would be disappointed.

The preparations for the

Republic Day Parade had been

she had guessed that. His mother replied that she

had stopped adding salt to his food since the last six

months but he had never realised before because

his mind had been totally occupied in his book. He

had sensed the taste of the food only because his

mind was relaxed as he must have completed his


MORAL : Always do your work with passion and

total involvement.

30. Self-Experience Is The Best Experience

This incident is related to the son of a couple

who worked and stayed in Mahatma Gandhi's


He was a glutton. His parents would always

prevent him from over-eating and try to explain that

over-eating spoils one's health

and affects the working of the

brain. However, stopping him

would only increase his appetite

and dissatisfaction.

Gandhiji took it upon

made with great effort and pride. So, Rajendrababu

decided to control his grief and attend the call of

duty. The Parade went on for three hours. After that,

he broke down upon reaching home. Pandit

Jawaharlal Nehru became emotional about

Rajendrababu's devotion to his duty.

MORAL : In the line of duty, great people have

silently made many personal sacrifices.

29. The Passion Of A True Writer

This incident is from the life of a Jain literateur

named Todarmal. He was from Rajasthan. (He is

not the Todarmal who was one of the Nine Jewels of

Emperor Akbar.) He wrote the famous book called

'Moksha Marg Prakashak'.

Once, he complained to his mother while having

lunch that she had forgotten to

add salt to the food. His mother

remarked that he seemed to

have finally finished writing his

book. Todarmalji affirmed that

he had and wanted to know how





person whose religious authority spread from

Europe to India should not indulge in such childish

games. He told the Khalifa so and said that he had

never even picked up any of his ten children in his

arms because it was not becoming of a gallant man

to do so.

The Khalifa gave him a piercing look and tore up the

appointment letter, saying that he could not appoint

him as the Governor because if he could not love his

children how could he love his subjects?

MORAL :- Social status must not come in the way

of the relationship between children and parents.

Rulers are in a way parents of their subjects and

they must look after the welfare of their subjects with

as much affection as parents do regarding their


32. Sir C. V. Raman

A discussion regarding the origin and meaning

of certain English words started among certain

students of a college in Madras ( now Chennai ).

None of them knew the answers so they went to

himself to solve the problem. He instructed that the

boy should be allowed to eat as much as he wanted.

The boy gorged so much that he fell asleep right

there at the table. When he woke up, Gandhiji asked

whether he wanted to eat more and the boy started

eating again.

Finally, the ill-effects of over-eating started to be

felt. The boy suffered a terrible stomach ache the

entire night. The boy understood that his parents

were right. He never over-ate after that.

MORAL:- Our elders advise us on the basis of their

foresight and experience. Their advice is well-

meant as they want to save us from pain and

suffering but we refuse to listen. In such a case, self-

experience makes us realise our folly.

31. An Unsuitable Governor

Khalifa Hajrat Umar had just handed over an

appointment letter to the new Governor of a

province under his reign. Khalifa's small son came

there and the Khalifa started playing with him.

The newly appointed Governor felt that a

Professor Jones, who was considered to be a

master of the English lexicon. However, Professor

Jones was also ignorant about the words which the

students asked.

The students had an exceptionally brilliant

classmate who was very studious and they

approached him with their queries. He borrowed

some books from the college library and poured

over the books that entire night.

The next day he had the full

information regarding the

origin, history and meaning of

those words.

Professor Jones hugged

him with joy and told him to write

an essay on those words for the college magazine.

Lord Raleigh, an English scholar, sent that student a

congratulatory letter after reading his essay.

The student was the famous Indian scientist, Sir

C. V. Raman - not only the first Indian but also the

first Asian to win the Nobel Prize.

MORAL : One should appreciate nobel prize winner

of our country.

33. Nobody Will Call Me Dishonest

Mahadev Govind Ranade was a great Indian

personality born in Maharashtra. He was a judge

and a social reformer. He had established the Hindu

Council with the help of Sir Allen Octavian Hume.

The following incident from his childhood sheds

light upon his great character.

One day, Mahadevji was getting bored and he

had no companions to play with, so he started

playing the board game of Ludo with a pillar. He

would throw the dice with his right hand to play on

behalf of the pillar and for himself he used his left


He lost the game, so his aunt remarked that he

had lost to a pillar. Mahadevji

explained that he had not been

able to throw the dice properly

with his left hand. His aunt

asked why he had not used the

right hand for himself. He



replied that he did not want to cheat. He wanted to

give a fair chance to the pillar to win.

MORAL : Mahadevji was unwilling to cheat even a

non-living thing. Let us introspect how many times

we cheat our fellow human beings for our profit.

34. Good Use of Money

It is a religious custom of certain Indians to

organise feast for Brahmin

Pandits and then give them

m o n e t a r y c o n t r i b u t i o n s

because they believe the food

and money will reach the

departed souls of their family

members. A rich man named

Dunichand, who lived in Lahore, had once

organised such feast.

Dunichand came to know that Guru Nanak and

his disciple were in Lahore, so he invited them too.

After the feast, Guru Nanak gave a needle to

Dunichand and instructed him to keep it safe and

give the needle to Nanak when he would meet him

in heaven after death as it would be useful for

darning his clothes.

Dunichand said that dead people are cremated

and turn into ash, then how it would be possible for

him to take the needle to heaven. Guru Nanak

remarked in that case how could the food and

money he gave to the Brahmin Pandits reach his

forefathers in heaven.

Guru Nanak advised Dunichand not to spend

his wealth on people whose basic needs are

already satisfied and also not to make the needy

people idle and lazy by directly giving them money.

Instead, he should create opportunities of

employment for the needy, so that they could earn

their own living. This deed would earn him blessings

and good fortune. Dunichand acted upon Guru

Nanak's advice from then on.

MORAL : Help people to stand on their own feet so

that they do not have to beg and also to prevent

idleness and crimes.

35. Key To Success

Michelangelo, the great Italian artist, once saw

a superior quality of marble stone inside a horse

carriage passing by. Upon seeing the stone, a vision

of the sculpture he would make out of that stone

started taking shape in his mind. The imagination

made him so excited that he started walking behind

the carriage as if in a trance.

He knew that the stone was

being brought to his workshop.

No sooner was the stone set in

its place, than Michelangelo

shut the doors and started

chipping away the unwanted

stone with his hammer and

chisel. He worked day and night, oblivious to hunger

and thirst. He did not stop to rest. He set down his

tools and opened the doors of his workshop only

after the sculpture was ready.

MORAL : If a person pursues his goal with as much

passion, persistence and single-mindedness as

Michelangelo, then he is bound to be as successful.

36. Overcome Your Hurdles

Dr. Samuel Johnson was the first person to

prepare a comprehensive English dictionary. He

was poor and blind, and had the assistance of just

one young man named Boswell, yet he completed

the uphill task in just five years.

On the other hand, forty scholars worked

together to compile a French dictionary for which

they took forty years.

MORAL :- Hurdles of physical handicap and

adverse circ*mstances can be overcome when one

has skill, passion and determination.

37. No Favouritism

George Washington was the first President of

the United States of America. He needed to appoint

someone for a very important

and high salaried post. Among

the several applicants was

Washington's friend who, just

like many others, believed that

Washington would favour him







for the post. However, Washington appointed an

honest and skillful man from the Opposition party.

Washington said that he loved his friend but he did

not have the necessary capabilities for the post. The

country's welfare must be put above all relations.

MORAL : National leaders must not misuse their

power and position to favour their relatives and


38. Real Recommendation Letter

The famous Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy owned

agricultural land and once he needed a person to

handle his estate. His friend sent him a man who

had many recommendation letters but Tolstoy

appointed a man with no recommendation letters.

Upon meeting, Tolstoy's friend complained to

him about this. Tolstoy explained that the man he

had sent had only written recommendations which

were not proved by his behaviour. He had been ill-

mannered and boastful whereas the man he had

appointed had been mannerful and confident that

he did not require recommendations as he could

we are alive, we should keep learning something, or

else life becomes meaningless. We all have to die

one day, but sitting idle in anticipation of death is

dishonouring life. What keeps flowing over different

areas of knowledge is life.”

40. Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri was the second Prime

Minister of free India. The

following incident occurred

when he was participating in the

freedom struggle of India.

The British had imprisoned

him. He received the news in

prison that his daughter was

critically ill. He applied for permission to visit her.

The British lay a condition that he would have to give

a written statement that he would never participate

in the freedom struggle. Lal Bahadur Shastri

refused to accept this condition. He said that he

could not allow anyone to take away his birthright to

fight for his country's freedom.

obtain the job on the strength of his capabilities.

MORAL : The sun shines by its own light. It does not

need any introduction.

39. Life Flows Like A River

Swami Ramteerth was once sailing to Japan.

He was surprised to know that a 90-year-old

Japanese co-passenger, who was suffering from

Parkinson's disease and weak

eyesight, was learning Chinese

- the most difficult language of

the world. Its script has about

56000 alphabets and symbols.

Very few Chinese know their

own language completely.

Swamiji remarked that it was surprising that he

was learning such a difficult language at such an

age. He wondered when the Japanese would finish

learning the language and when he would be able to

use it.

The reply given by the Japanese is an

inspirational message and a good moral for all, “Till

Finally, the magistrate had to give in and

granted a long leave to Shastriji.

Unfortunately, Shastriji's daughter was dead by

the time he reached home. He completed the last

rites sorrowfully. After that, he got ready to return to

the prison. A friend suggested that he should stay till

his leave was over, but he said the purpose for

which the leave had been granted was no longer

existing, so he must return.

MORAL :-One must be true to oneself and protect

one's honour.

41. A Barber - My Teacher

Mahadev Govind Ranade, a Maharashtrian

scholar and lawyer who eventually became a judge,

had to live in Calcutta (now Kolkata) for a while. He

decided to learn Bengali for

practical convenience. He

learned from books and took

help from the local people.

Once, his barber explained

him a few difficult words and





phrases. His wife remarked humorously that a

scholarly judge was learning from a barber. Ranade

replied seriously, “Guru Dattatreya had a thousand

teachers, including a dog because it can teach the

virtue of loyalty. I have no problem learning

something good from a barber who I will keep at the

top of my list of teachers.”

MORAL : Accept as your teacher, without ego or

false pride, anyone who can teach you something

good and of value.

42. The Greatness Of Simplicity

Lenin, the President of Russia, had been

allotted a mansion consisting of hundreds of rooms

for residence, but he used only four rooms and the

rest he allowed to be used for official work. There is

another incident that depicts his simplicity. Although

he was exhausted after a long day's work, he not

only warmly received a poet who had come to meet

him, but also made coffee for him with his own


The g rea t I nd i an l eade r, Ra ja r sh i

Purushottamdas Tandon, was also simplicity

exemplified. When he came to know that a book

was being written to honour his patriotic and social

deeds, he instructed that time, effort and money

should not be wasted for the book but should be put

to good use for public welfare work.

MORAL : A country can become great if it is led by

leaders of such great character.

43. Failure Inspires

Who would imagine the great writer and Nobel

Prize winner, Ernest Hemingway had ever failed! It

is true. He had participated in a story-writing

competition and since he was the most intelligent

student of the school, everyone, including himself,

was confident of his win. He had a month's time but

he waited till the last two days to write.

When the result was declared, he cried tears of

shame and dejection. His sister consoled him and

told him that over-confidence and under-

preparation were the causes of his failure. She told

him to take a lesson from his failure. Hemingway

Cambridge University of England. His passion for

education drove him to success.

Moral :- Such a passion is a great moral.

45. Worthy Of Honour Not Scolding

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a great Bengali saint,

would always stand near a particular pillar when he

went to the temple. One day, there was a large

crowd of worshippers at the temple so a woman,

who was short in height, climbed up the pillar and

kept one leg on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's shoulder

in order to get a glimpse of God's idol. His disciple,

Govind scolded the woman. Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu explained to him that instead of

scolding her, he should bow honourfully to her

because her devotion was complete which had

made her oblivious to her mistake whereas

Govind's devotion was not, so his attention had not

remained steady towards God but had been drawn

towards the woman.

MORAL : Let us judge ourselves and not others.

remembered this lesson forever.

MORAL : Failure is the stepping stone to success.

Hard work is the key to success.

44. Passion For Education

Legson Kayira was born in Malawi in 1938 in a

poor African family. He managed to get secondary

school education but for higher education he

wanted to go to the United

States for which he had no

money. Once, he set out of his

home and wandered on foot

from one town to another, doing

odd labour jobs for a living,

hoping to somehow reach the

United States. He covered almost 4000 kilometres

on foot. In Khartoum, an American was impressed

with him and not only paid for his journey from

Khartoum to Cairo and the onward journey to the

States but also wrote a recommendation letter to a

professor of an American University. Kayira got

degrees from the American University as well as the





46. Protection Of Honour

Kishore G. Mushruwalla was an essayist and

follower of the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. One

day, a few girls put their dilemma before him that

they were unable to take action against some eve-

teasers because it would amount to violence.

Kishoreji said that they should beat the boys to

teach them a lesson and an action taken for self-

protection did not amount to

violence in his view. He told the

girls to get Gandhiji's view on

th is. Gandhi j i supported

Kishoreji's view saying that

action taken by a girl to protect

her chastity will not amount to


MORAL : A girl must protect her honour and

chastity at any cost.

47. The Saviour Of The Poor

Both these incidents occurred in pre-

independent India.

Once, an English man alighted at the railway

station of Lahore. He heard some din created by a

small crowd which had gathered there. Feeling

curious, he drew near and saw the station master's

hand lifted in readiness to beat an old ragged

woman who was sitting close to a bonfire to protect

herself from the bitter cold. The British station

master was calling her an untouchable and wanted

her to go away. The newcomer

scolded him for his stone-

heartedness. He wrapped his

own shawl around the woman.

He had come to Lahore to take

up the post of a college

Principal but he was so moved

by the poverty and misery in India that he teamed up

with Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi to

do social service. He was 'Deenbandhu' (brother of

the poor) Charles Andrews.

In another incident, Mahatma Gandhi saw a

cowherd of his own hermitage shivering with cold.

Gandhiji sewed a blanket with his own hands and

gave it to him. The cowherd was grateful that he had

got a good night's sleep as the blanket had kept him

warm. Gandhiji, his wife Kasturba and the dwellers

of the hermitage made 250 blankets for the poor

that winter.

MORAL : Feel the woes of the poor and help them

in anyway you can.

48. Self-Respect

During British rule over India, an Indian

teenager had gone to visit his uncle who was

employed in a government office in Lahore. The

teenager strolled about the office and reached the

Chief Engineer's cabin. He was impressed by its

expensive furnishing. He sat in the plush revolving

chair. The British engineer was greatly angered by

the sight of an Indian sitting in his chair. He caught

hold of the boy's ears and pulled him out of the chair.

He also insulted him. The self-respecting boy

controlled his anger and left the room with quiet

determination. Fifteen years later, the British

engineer received an order to hand over his

responsibilities to his replacement. The new

engineer was the same teenage boy who had

fulfilled his resolution to sit in that chair with respect.

He was Lala Gangaram who was also conferred

with knighthood by the British Government for his

contribution in the engineering field.

Another incident displays similar self-

respecting attitude by an Indian. Mr.Carr once

visited the Sanskrit college in

Calcutta (now Kolkata). When

h e e n t e r e d P r i n c i p a l

Ishwarchandra Vidysagar's

office, Ishwarchandra did not

get up to welcome him, in fact

he sat with his shoe-clad feet on

the desk, immersed in reading. Mr. Carr wrote a

letter of complaint to the Governor who in turn

demanded an explanation from Ishwarchandra.

Ishwarchandra replied that he had only replicated

the behaviour which Mr.Carr had displayed when he

had visited him. He had thought that this must be

British courtesy!





MORAL :- Nothing is more valuable than your self-


49. No Worries About Death

Lokmanya Tilak spent his entire life in service of

his countrymen without any expectations. He

established the New English School in Pune where

he took on teaching as well as administrative

responsibilities. He took a

remuneration of just thirty

rupees per month. His friend

advised him to take more

remuneration as in such a

meagre sum, he would not be

able to save even for his funeral

rites. Lokmanya refused to worry about the future.

The people he had served would anyway carry out

his funeral rites either out of respect or to dispose

his decaying body.

MORAL : Do your best in the present, the future will

take care of itself.

50. One Eye Is Enough

Ranjit Singh was the Prince of Jamnagar which

like the other princely states of India had accepted

the supremacy of the British Government. The

princely states had to provide military service to the

British when called upon.

During World War I, Ranjit Singh was leading a

troop in Mesopotamia against the Germans. He lost

one eye in the cross fire. In reply

to the consolation letter of his

B r i t i s h c o m m a n d e r h e

courageously said, “Two eyes

are a luxury, one is a necessity.”

He proved his statement on

the cricket field where he

scored boundaries and sixes, despite his single


MORAL : Never lose courage or hope.

51. Think Of The Poor

Guru Nanak believed that poverty was

mankind's biggest enemy as it was the root cause of

successful people.

Albert Einstein was well organised. He would

make a list of things to do the next day before going

to bed. He was also disciplined and hardworking.

He completed the list of work without fail.

The American President Franklin Roosevelt

valued time and he was fond of reading. He had set

apart two hours' time in the afternoon to meet

people. He would keep a book

open in his hand and grab the

opportunity to read it in the gap

of one or two minutes between

two visitors or when the visitor

would become lost for words. In

this manner, he completed

reading hundreds of books.

MORAL : Time is costlier than money.

53. Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre, the greatest French writer of

this era, was selected for the Nobel Prize in

Literature. He would not only win prize money worth

a l l d i f f e r e n c e s a n d

discrimination. He had empathy

for the poor. He preferred to

stay in a poor man's house and

whenever a rich man invited him

for a feast, he would turn down

the invitation, saying that when

his poor brethren were eating a frugal meal, how he

could enjoy a feast!

Albert Schweitzer's life also illustrates his

empathy for the poor. He belonged to a rich family

but right from childhood he had adopted a very

simple life, limiting his wants to bare necessities.

Once, he refused to replace his wornout coat with a

new one because his poor classmate could not

afford to buy a new coat. He spent his life in serving

the poor people of Africa.

MORAL : Empathy towards fellow humans is the

virtue of the great.

52. Keys To Success

We can learn the keys to success from





there were certain patriotic Indians who risked to

start their own factories to support the movement of

banning British goods and using indigenous goods.

One of them was a Bengali scientist named

Praful Chandra Roy who set up a pharmaceutical

factory. After the factory was set up, he faced many

obstacles. He had a capital of only eight hundred

rupees. He had to compete with British

pharmaceutical companies

which had capital worth lakhs of

rupees. Desp i te a l l the

d i f f i c u l t i e s , h e w o r k e d

assiduously day and night. He

made use of herbs and minerals

found in India to make

medicines which were cheaper and more effective

than British medicines. But, he would never allow

adulteration to keep the cost low. The following

incident highlights that very fact.

Once, an extract of a medicinal plant got spoilt

because there was a delay in using it. It was a costly

extract. Roybabu ordered that the spoilt extract

millions but also became world famous, as a result

of which millions of copies of his books would sell

worldwide, earning him more money.

Surprisingly, he wrote a letter and declined to

accept the Prize, citing the reason that the

appreciation of his fans was enough, he did not

need money nor the tag of 'Nobel Prize Winner' with

his name. He displayed a saint-like detachment

from worldly desires.

MORAL :- Be passionate about your work and aim

to do it to the best of your ability without any desire

for fame or wealth.

54. Throw Away The Plant Extract

The sun of British Power in India was at its

zenith. Capitalism prevailed. The British policy was

to sell maximum quantity of British goods at

maximum profit in India. To establish their monopoly

in Indian markets, they did not allow Indians to

develop their business or set up new factories.

Administrative and economic policies which were

formulated would also favour the British. However,

should be discarded and fresh extract should be

used. An employee said that the extract could be

used because it was only slightly spoilt, so no one

would notice and the company could be saved from

a big loss. Roybabu replied, “The work of medicines

is to restore the body's state of health. If the

medicines are of sub-standard quality, then it

would mean toying with the health of its users.

We cannot toy with the health of our

countrymen.Throw away that extract.” The name of

Roybabu's pharmaceutical company was Bengal

Chemicals which developed and withstood the

competition in the market only because of his work


MORAL : Maintain your ethics at any cost.

55. Duty Of A King

The great Jain monk Hemchandracharya was

the Guru of King Siddharaj Jaisingh and King

Kumarpal. He preached Jainism. He had always

received great respect and a hearty welcome from

the people of Gujarat.

Once, he was in a village of Saurashtra.The

villagers were coming and making various offerings

to Acharyashree. A poor farmer offered a hand-spun

garment with great devotion. Although the garment

was thick and coarse, Acharyashree removed the

silk garment offered by King Kumarpal and wore the

farmer's garment.

When Acharyashree reached Patan, King

Kumarpal saw the coarse garment. He fell at

Acharyashree's feet and remarked, “Maharaj ! You

are making me feel ashamed. You are insulting me!”

Hemchandracharya laughed softly and asked,

“King, what has made you feel so?”

The King said, “Is there lack of silk garments in

the home of the King of Gujarat ? Have I become a

beggar that you are wearing such a thick and coarse

garment ?”

Hemchandracharya retorted, “King ! If you have

felt insulted by this garment, then you have not been

afflicted by just one, but lakhs of insults.”

King Kumarpal failed to understand how.

“Like me, majority of your subjects wear such





garments. When you are able to remove their

misery, you will be free from your insult. I will remain

clad in this garment till then.”

MORAL : It is the prime duty of every monarch or

national leader to strive to make their people happy.

It is the divine duty of every religious saint to keep

the leaders aware of their duty.

56. Not By Punishment

Zakir Hussain was the Dean of the Jamia Malia

University. He wanted to enrich the life of the

students by inculcating good values. He also

wanted them to be conscious of self hygiene and

personal appearance. He noticed that most

students did not bother to clean and polish their

shoes. He believed that punishment was not an

effective method of mending a person's wrong

habits. One early morning, he sat in the compound

of the University with a brush and a box of shoe

polish. He offered to polish the shoes of the

students. The students felt ashamed and promised

to pay attention to personal cleanliness.

59. The Power Of Prestige

Premchand Raichand, a prestigious Indian

businessman of pre-Independence era, had such

goodwill that even the Bank and the British

Government asked him to be their guarantor for

which they paid him a handsome commission.

The new Governor of Mumbai did not understand

the importance of Premchand Sheth's backing and

cancelled his commission. Premchand Sheth

spread word in the business circle that the Bank had

lost its financial standing. The businessmen flocked

to the Bank to withdraw their deposits. The Bank did

not have enough funds to clear the cheques.

The new Governor could set up a meeting with

Premchand Sheth only after several requests. He

accepted his mistake and renewed Premchand

Sheth's commission, that too at a higher rate.

MORAL : The Indian businessmen of yesteryears

had earned prestige and goodwill by the virtue of

their intelligence, skill, fairness, ethics and

adherence to religious principles.

MORAL :- When you try to change another person

with love and understanding rather than

punishment, you can make a lasting impression and

succeed in bringing about the desired change.

57. Napoleon's Devotion To Motherhood

An English soldier named John Robbins was

taken as a prisoner of war by the French army led by

Napoleon Bonaparte. He was restless in prison

because his mother was fatally ill and he wanted to

be by her side so that she could die peacefully. He

tried to flee but was caught. The punishment for his

offence was death. When he was brought before

Napoleon, he told the reason for his offence.

Napoleon was reminded of his own loving mother.

He allowed Robbins to go to his mother and also

asked him to tell his mother that Napoleon bowed

respectfully to her and he was not merely a

commander-in-chief but also a son devoted to

his mother.

MORAL : Our heads bow with respect to this great

leader's devotion to motherhood.

58. Protect Your Morals

Dr. Sureshbhai Zhaveri was leaving his native

place, Palanpur to come to Mumbai for his medical

education. His mother instructed him, “My son, do

not shame your parents. Abstain from addictions

and food which is restricted by our religion.”

However, Sureshbhai's thoughts gradually

became corrupt under the influence of his college

mates. Once the thoughts become corrupt, it does

not take long to culminate into bad behaviour.

Once at a friend's party, Sureshbhai got ready to

eat a non-vegetarian dish. Just as he was about to

put the first morsel in his mouth, his mother's face

appeared on his inner eye. She seemed to be telling

him, “If you eat that, then you will cease to be my

son. Do not show me your face.” Sureshbhai's hand

trembled and the plate fell out of his hand. He

started feeling nauseous. He resolved to strictly

follow the morals imbibed into him by his mother.

MORAL : Never discard the teachings of your

parents and religion. They are invaluable and enrich

your life.





60. A Unique Old Woman

England was bombarded several times during

the Second World War. In a war situation, it often

happens that the supplies of basic necessities are

obstructed which leads to black marketing of these

things. An old woman named Margaret lived in a

county called Sussex. She had sent both her sons

to fight for their country and both had become

martyrs. The old woman felt proud that both her

sons had died in service of their country.

Margaret was a dealer of kerosene. A rumour

had spread that kerosene would no longer be

available, so either stock it up or your kitchen stove

will no longer burn.

There was a mad rush to buy kerosene. The

people were ready to pay double its actual price.

This was a good opportunity for Margaret to earn

but this patriotic lady thought that if a few people will

start hoarding kerosene, then an artificial scarcity

will be created in the market. She explained to her

customers the adverse effects of hoarding and also

told them that she would not sell at an increased

price. At night she went from street to street to abate

the fear that the rumour had spread.

When the war ended, Prime Minister Winston

Churchill felicitated the ninety year old woman.

He praised her patriotic spirit and said that the

country was safe in the hands of such citizens.

MORAL : Never be so greedy and selfish as to

make personal gains at the cost of your country.

61. The Curse Of The Poor

In his book 'A Moment In Time', Aapasaaheb

Pant has narrated an incident of his life which

occurred in the pre-Independence era.

In 1848, the British had established their

supremacy over Satara. It was agreed to give

Satara on lease for twenty years to the British. The

British drew the agreement in English. However,

Pantji lay a condition that he would not sign unless

he checked its Marathi translation.

The British bribed the translator. In the English

version, it was written that the British were being

given Satara forever, whereas the corrupt translator

wrote twenty years in its Marathi translation. When

Pantji came to know of this treachery, he let out a

sigh of pain. The translator could not bear children

and the ones he adopted got murdered. It was as if

he was being punished for his treachery.

MORAL : Tulsidasji's 'doha' also conveys that one

who cheats or oppresses the poor and the helpless

will surely be cursed. The hide of innocent dumb

animals, who are cruelly killed, has the strength to

burn down iron to ashes.

62. A Concerned Citizen

In 1984, Dr.Rajendra Singh resigned from his

government job to be involved in social welfare


In Alwar and neighbouring regions, an acute

scarcity of water was being faced because the

levels of underground water had lowered

immensely due to unplanned and uncontrolled

digging of borewells by farmers and the

government. The Government banned mining in

Aravallis and 470 mines in Sariska area were

closed down since the mines were causing water-

loss. He raised awareness among people to build

artificial lakes, check dams and underground tanks

to overcome this problem. This helped raise ground

water levels in the region. Another organisation

'Sarita Loksabha' was established to teach planned

and judicious usage of river water.

He was given the Ramon Magsaysay Award in

2001 for his pioneering work in community-based

efforts in water harvesting and water management.

In 2005 he got Jamnalal Bajaj award for Application

of Science and Technology for Rural Development.

In 2008 “The Guardian” named him amongst 50

people who could save the planet. In 2015 he won

Stockholm Water Prize an award known as “the

Nobel Prize for water”. He is also known as the

“waterman of India”. His work of building over 8600

johads (check dams)etc. has brought water back to

over 1000 villages and revived 5 rivers in


MORAL : Whether it is for a life or for a country of

your dreams, you have to work hard to build it.

63. Let Us Spread Goodness

In the United States of America, truck drivers

use a walkie talkie called C.B.R. (Citizen Bank

Radio) to inform each other regarding roads

covered by snow or congested by traffic due to


One day, the voice of a small boy called Teddy

was heard by all the drivers on the C.B.R. He told

them that his father used to drive a truck with

eighteen wheels and would often take him on a

drive in it. Unfortunately, his father had died in an

accident and so his mother had to work for a living.

He requested if one of them could take him on a

drive just like his father used to.

After a while, trucks were lined up in the

driveway of Teddy's house. He was taken on a drive

one by one by all the drivers. In the evening, Teddy's

mother thanked all the drivers on the C. B.R.

MORAL : Late Shree Abdul Kalaam had said that

such positive incidents should be reported on the

front page of newspapers instead of negative

incidents of violence and terror. This will help to

spread goodness.

64. Duty Well Done

This incident occurred when Jawaharlal Nehru

was the Mayor of Allahabad. The Revenue Officer,

Abul Fazl, told Nehru that he had prepared a list of

people who had not paid their water tax dues and

there were also prominent people amongst the

defaulters. Nehru instructed him to do his duty

fearlessly. The water supply of the defaulters,

including Nehru's father Motilalji, was cut off. When

Motilalji complained to his son, Jawaharlalji told him

that if one fails in one's duty to pay the taxes on time,

then one must bear the punishment.

MORAL : Become aware of duties. Discharging

your duty well is of utmost importance. It solves

many problems.

65. Protect Every Life

This incident occurred when the great Jain

ascetic was at Viramgam in Gujarat. It was the pre-

Independence era. Shri Poojya was terribly shaken

that no one had the courage to raise their head

against the Britisher Ewizard and stop him from bird

hunting on the bank of Munsar because the British

were in power at that time in India. Shri Poojya

decided to take up the cause.

Shri Poojya fired a shot in the air just as Ewizard

was about to take aim and all the birds flew away at

the sound. Ewizard was furious. Shri Poojya

instructed the watchman to take away the net.

Ewizard questioned Shri Poojya if he had the

license for using a gun. Shri Poojya knew that

Ewizard had no authority to ask him regarding the

license. Ewizard and his companions tried to snatch

the gun and Shri Poojya got injured in the scuffle.

The matter was taken to the police. The Jain

congregation complained against Ewizard but the

police officer was afraid to lodge a complaint

against the Englishman. Ewizard knew that he had

committed two offences of illegal hunting and

physical violence so to save himself he put a false

charge of attempted murder on Shri Poojya. A case

was filed and an arrest order was issued against

Shri Poojya.

Now the matter did not remain confined to

Viramgam. The Jain congregation of Mumbai hired

a famous lawyer named Mr. Brance to defend Shri

Poojya. When Ewizard and his friend Anderson

were cross-examined, it became evident that the

charge upon Shri Poojya was a false one. Shri

Poojya was acquitted but the British judge gave his

verdict so cleverly that Ewizard and his companions

did not receive any punishment for wrongly

accusing Shri Poojya. The local newspapers

reported that the charge of murder against a Jain

ascetic was laughable because non-violence is the

main principle of Jainism and Jain ascetics are

careful not to harm even a microorganism.

MORAL : Every life is precious. Those who sacrifice

their lives to protect other living beings deserve

great respect and admiration.










An incident which forces us to think really, what should be done to make our soul free from the birth

and rebirth. Each and every person who tries to find out, "who am I and when my soul will really be free?"

Once a group of learned people visited different European countries, where they were in Rome. They

intended to visit Vetican church. They heard that the Pope can be seen. Fortunately the same day there

was a religious seminar, so delegates of Christianity from different parts of the world were to attend the

seminar. Delegates with different visitors were passing the corridor watching different antique articles.

To find out delegates from the visitors a heighted Negro saint was watching and asking different person

(are you Christian? coming to attend the seminar?).

A jain visitor was walking with a Yugoslavian delegate. The delegate was asked and the jain visitor

became excited. The saint asked him too. The jain visitor said strongly,-"no". I'm jain. The pope was 50 to

60 feet away; he heard these words and came hurriedly to the visitor, asked him (to the jain) "Sir would

you mind to spend ten minutes with me?" The visitor replied affirmatively. They sat together without

wasting a minute, the pope started asking regarding eatables and non - eatables. The visitor said "Sir, take

a big potato and make some thousand small pieces of the same and sow them at thousand different

places. You will have after considerable time a thousand plants of potatoes, if you had eaten that

potatoes you would have killed thousand souls.

Then he intended to know that jain sadhu and sadhaviji mahatmas walk on foot to each and every

corner of the country. They never use any kind of vehicles. The pope didn't agree with this. He gave an

example of a lonely ill sadhu maharaj who was alone and fell down near the center of the road. Round

about there was a church. so Christian priest came there and made the mahatma to sit. The priest came

to know that the sadhu mahatma wanted to go to an upashraya. The priest contacted the trustees of the

Upashraya. Some people came in car and took the mahatma with them by car, because the mahatma was

totally unable to walk. The entire incident was recorded and was sent to the pope. The pope told the Jain

visitor, If you want to see, i have a recorded incident and these shows that jain mahatma use vehicles. The

jain visitor strongly denied this, and he told the pope, If somehow or the other you were lost in amazon's

forest and you couldn't find a single person there for two three days, and you are totally unable to walk.

If you are Thirsty, hungry and having physical illness, what would you do? If a dirty Negro happened to

come, will you not request him for help? The pope didn't answer and only smiled. Then the pope offered

the jain visitor to be Christian and stay with him luxuriously. The jain visitor asked the pope "sir, can I be

Christ? The pope excited and said 'No'. Again the jain asked him, can you be Christ". The pope said "how

can I be Christ?" so the jain visitor told him "sir, then be jain, if you follow the shown path by the Lord

'MAHAVEER' You can be 'TEERTHANKAR' like Him.

After the unusual talk they parted. ( This is the story of an ideal person named Natubhai R. shah from

Baroda- Nizampura India. ph no 9427475361 who has proposed the English learning course in Michigan

USA after a research of six years from 1967 to 1972 and is now being sold by that university to more than 4

countries nearly in crores of rupees. This Natubhai taught to more than thousands of Monks and Nuns

including His holiness P.P RATNASUNDAR SOOREESWARJI recently, free of cost. The person who visited

Vetican in 2011 A.D with his learned friends, he was nobody else but profound scholar Natubhai him self.)

1) Bhamasha Jagdusha, Ishan, Siddha, Mansvi, Aditi Bharuch, Ahd-

2) Snehaben Pankajbhai Bakulaben Sevantilal Shah, Nadiad-Indore.

3) Kochar Textiles, Chennai.

4) Deepak Maganbhai, Hyderabad.

5) Deepika Hasmukhbhai Parmar, (Jash*th) Chennai.

6) Ashok B. Choksi, Ahmedabad. U.S.A.

7) Sejalben Devanshubhai, Ahd.

8) Girish, Titixa, Tanisha, Sweety, Singhvi, Hyd & A.P. (Shilpa, Sonam)

9) Jyotiben Jayantibhai Himmatlal Shah, Ghamiswala Parivar, Sola Road, Ahmedabad.

10) Jawarilalji Bhawar Devi - Erode, T.L.

11) Sanghvi Vansraj Kushar Raj Santosh Bhansali, (Sakshi-Vruti). Ahd.

12) Jignesh (Pappu) Bindu-Karan-Vandan Nadiad.

13) Pannaben Sandipbhai Parikh, Sehul, Anish, Vishal, Mumbai-Palanpur.

14) Taruben Rameshbhai, Chhaya Gems, Vanee.

15) Shantilal Manilal Vohera-Nadiyad

16) Late Bhailalbhai Somchand Parivar-Hanshaben-Halol

17) Indiraben - Ratilal Shah - Shantinagar (Idarwala)

18) Heet Jignesh Narechania - Ahmedabad

19) Bhavya-Vipra-Vishal-Arya-Krupali-Jaya-Bhavana-

Nitin Satyavadi-Ahmedabad

20) Ranulaljee Rajeshkumar Kotadia (Varsha, Vineet, Saumya-Rajnandgaon)

21) Hiya Kunal Shah, Raedita Shaunak Verdia

22) Subhadraben Jyantilal Nagardas Shah - Khimmat - Palanpur - Bangalore

23) Pushti, Devarsh, Dhruvi, Yashasvi, Samarth, Vinod K. Shah, Mumbai - Palanpur

24) Susheela Shantilal Sethia - Bikaner, (Shashi.)

25) Chetna-Umesh-Manilal-Lodaya-Solapur

26) Prithy Jain - Pernambut T.N.

27) Dilipbhai Vadilal Vasa - Jamnagar

28) Khyati Chirag Varan - Ahd.

29) Vruti Atul Shah (Krishil) - Ahd.

30) Jas, Mohit, Seema, Piyush, Prerna - Tirth - Ahd.

31) Ramandevi Gyanchand Gandhi - Ahmedabad - Sirohi

32) Hitesh Mohanlal Sanghavi (Sushilaben, Paresh, Priti, Kinnari, Mansi) Chennai

33) Disha Bhavin Shah - Ahd.

34) Shrimati Sukhidevi Sumermalji Vanigotha, Bhinmal-Delhi-Hyderabad, Mumbai

35) Mahir Pooja Jinesh - Ahd.

36) Vimlaben Natvarlal Shah Parivar, Khambhat, Mumbai

37) Meenaben Amitbhai Jain, Ketan, Vinaya Raakhi - Aarti. Nagpur-Bangalore

38) Sangeeta Nilesh Kothari, Hemangi, Prushti, Sneha,


39) Amay, Arya, Ayan, Rihtik, Pranit - Aahaan, Rihaan, Bhansali, Mumbai. Palanpur

40) Maulika-Ahd.

41) Charmie Jawaharbhai, Mum.

42) Dhruvi Mehul Shah, Ahd.

43) Sarvamangala Jewellers, Maudha.

44) ek - Sadgra Hasta - Mumbai.

45) Kantilaljee, Jitu, Raju, Khushi, Saru, Saroja, Nagarthpeth, Banglore.

46) Gunvantbhai-Samip-Hita (Nadiad-U.S.A.)

47) Nityam, Akshee, Niyati, Vivan, Dadar. (Mumbai)

48) Madhuben Chothmal Parivar, Thara, Surendra Guruji, Bangalore.

49) Khushi, Jiya, Pinky, Pathik, Ahd.

50) Amichandjee Solanki (Shraddha, C.A.) Bangalore.

51) Prashant Automobiles, Mancherial - A.P.

52) Shrenik, Rita, Yashashvi, Riddhi-Mumbai.

53) Prakash Golechha - Pragya Bhilai

54) Pragnaben Prakash Shah Parivar - Juna Disha


55) Vineeta Jain - Ahd.

56) Alauki, Shalin, Aradita on occasion of 10 fast of Alauki-Mum.

57) Ashok Kochar, Rajnand Gao, Chhatishgadh.

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Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.