Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (2024)

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EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#1: Aug 16th 2016 at 5:53:28 PM

"... Twisted and Evil.."

The Industrial Planet Aten, been in service longer than there has been a Empire or a First Order. Possibly older than the Republic from before the dawn of the Empire during the Clone Wars. And here it sits on the edge of the civilized Galaxy, far away from any semblance of the war.

Perfect place to crash land and try and find a way out. Well it would, if it wasn't for the First Order coming in after all.

As if things could get any worse.

Hello all. Welcome to the latest attempt at starting up a RP. The goal? A overarching character driven story set during the Star Wars JJ Trilogy (Episode-7 at the very least) with a long plot and characters.

Your characters? A band of misfits and malignants, rogues and renegades, survivors and suppliers. IE, anyone really the First Order doesn't want flying in their Galaxy. Their ultimate goal? Survive the First Order in their own Side story and possibly make a few credits depending on the character type.

You will not be required to see the movie and know it's exact plot, only to familiarize yourself with the basic idea of the First Order. Anything else could be excused by characters being in the backwater section of the Galaxy and thus not caught up on current events.

Character Creation - Please nothing overpowered. I will allow Force users and Jedi though, but be careful please.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Species: If it exists, and sentient (within the Star Wars Verse), it can be used.
  • Appearance: Pictures accepted
  • Skills: Do they have old fashioned skills? Or can they use the force? Do they balance it out with both?
  • Tools: What items can they use?
  • Other: Anything specific that doesn't fall into the other categories.

Accepted Characters:

  • Kiera Saucher
  • Aurora Sanna
  • Niklex D'rurgaz
  • Prima Teekay
  • Gark
  • "Bob"
  • Hedak
  • Felix
  • 9-Dot
  • Kressh
  • John-John

Have fun creating!

edited 23rd Aug '16 7:08:34 PM by EchoingSilence

Dragon573 Sanity not included from Sitting at a bonfire Since: Jun, 2016 Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking

Sanity not included

#2: Aug 16th 2016 at 7:02:02 PM

Sorry. This joke was immature. I'll have something suitable momentarily.

In the meantime, what year is this, for age reasons?

edited 16th Aug '16 7:14:34 PM by Dragon573

It's kind of funny. Sufficiently advanced stupidity is like sufficiently advanced science; eventually, you find something you can't solve.

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#3: Aug 16th 2016 at 7:19:44 PM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (15) The real annoying thing about Wookiepedia is that it doesn't give proper years.

At best I can assume it's around Year 34 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), Year 69 of the great synchronization and year 1034 after the Ruusaan reformation.

And this is with the Legends continuity to help, the movies don't exactly spell it out.

edited 17th Aug '16 5:34:31 AM by EchoingSilence

Reservoir A former adventurer... from Eastern US Since: Jan, 2013 Relationship Status: Browsing the selection

A former adventurer...

#4: Aug 16th 2016 at 7:54:08 PM

Whelp, let me take a crack at this...

Name: Kiera Saucher

Age: 26

Species: LorrdianStar Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (17)

Appearance: Here's the basic idea for her face, though she usually ties her hair back so that it stays out of her face.Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (18) She's about 1.67 meters/5' 5" tall, slightly athletic build. She sports a short scar running along and under the left of her jaw, along with another one, hidden by her armor, running from her right shoulder and across her collarbone.

Her armor seems to be based primary on Imperial Stormtrooper armor, though it's been darkened into a gray color by default. The right shoulder pad is double-layered and larger than the left, and the right bicep and forearm pieces have additional armor plating. The leg and lower torso armor also has additional plating, though the chest and left arm remain virtual identical to the source material. Though she has a helmet, which is not based in Stormtrooper designs, she rarely wears it due to how it impairs her lines of sight.

Skills: Kiera Saucher is a mercenary, and thus uses the Lorrdian "language" of 'kinetic communication', a complicated system of non-verbal gestures used to convey anything normal, vocal languages can. This also allows Lorrdians to read the body language of most any other species, giving them a keen understanding about someone's emotions and intentions without needing a word spoken. She also has typical mercenary skills, such as being a skilled marksman; despite this, she would be the first to admit her CQC skills are "a bit rusty".

Tools: Her main rifle is a personally-decorated E-11 blaster rifle named "Sirona"; despite being the mainstay of Imperial Stormtroopers, Saucher's modified it slightly for comfort, along with adding some gunmetal paint in geometric patterns for camouflage purposes. Her secondary weapon is a standard DH-17 blaster pistol.

Other: Saucher lived on a starship for at least the first half of her life, which she shared with her mercenary mother and her father, who served as her mothers pilot and starship technician. Since their untimely deaths and the destruction of their ship, the rest of Sauchers life has been spent between operating rented starships and operating planet-side; in other words, either looking for work, or doing her work.

Despite the typical, if not negative, connotations that come with being a mercenary, she prefers stunning her targets and bringing them to her contractors safely, which earned her a somewhat positive reputation. Having this reputation earned her some early work with the New Republic, but after running afoul of a few First Order ops during her dealings with the New Republic, the long arm of the Order forced her to seek cheaper, seedier, and less reputable work on the further fringes.

Also, in spite of Sauchers ability to "read" many people to uncomfortable degrees, she often keeps her emotional distance with anyone she meets, feeling that she's unable to communicate with anyone with as much clarity as she can read them. She is often described thusly as an "Ice Queen", and usually works on her contracts alone, taking group jobs when necessity completely demands it. As the Order marches ever further into known space, she's been forced to join a group of ragged misfits, avoiding the Order and looking for a quiet, one-person job. Of course, the universe has sense of humor...

edited 20th Aug '16 4:43:03 PM by Reservoir

TrulyDeceptive The Silence That Speaks Volumes from HOW DID I GET UP HERE?! Since: Apr, 2014 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

The Silence That Speaks Volumes

#5: Aug 16th 2016 at 7:54:27 PM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (20)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (21)That's just one of the many reasons it's better to use the Legends continuity (and, if I recall correctly, Canon doesn't even have that dating system). By the way: you meant "Yavin," and I trust the game'll have a villain that lives up to its title. If so (assuming it's a Knight of Ren), don't name them anything longer than a single word (in case the Knights of Ren all have the same surname–or don't).

  • Name: Luluk'k Kressh (pronounced "luh-luh-keck")
  • Age: 20
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: A well-trimmed (forehead-length) black-haired youth with chalky skin that turns reddish at his hands and face, dark brown eyes, a well-toned physique, an unshaven face, and scars all over his body, standing at 178 cm.
  • History: Luluk'k was born in a sun belt region on Aten, with a relatively high density of plant life. His parents lived in a mansion before they divorced each other–his direct family members' lifestyles were still quaint compared to those of his grandparents. His father was a self-absorbed sociopath who was also a moderately potent Force-sensitive–due to his ability to perform mild telekinetic feats while in his mother's womb, he was once considered for induction as a Jedi initiate (until Emperor Palpatine issued Order 66, of course). His mother was a timid, weak-willed housewife who lacked personal ambition. His father admired the Jedi because of their deeds, although he never publicly revealed what high esteem he held them in; he did, however, attempt to raise his only son so as to get him to stifle his emotions and live in accordance with their Code. Luluk'k has a few siblings and half-siblings, although he doesn't particularly care to talk about them (not to say that he doesn't care about them). He himself was raised in a tumultuous environment, between having to deal with his elders and help take care of his 2 twin younger sisters. His father was treated harshly by his paternal grandfather for idolizing the Jedi–and because he felt that he needed to experience severe hardship to become a responsible adult. His father always took comfort in the tenets of the Code, and bequeathed the severe difficulty his father shared with him upon his son. To be specific, he punished Luluk'k for the problems he caused before he was even self-aware, as well as afterwards, even if he never intended to cause them. As a result, he resented his father, despite being absolutely indebted to him. He later adopted the belief that no one should have to suffer, whether they deserve it or not, although he himself should always be willing to. Naturally, he slowly lost the will to put up with life's horrors, and found himself more and more willing to actively irritate and take advantage of others; however, his compassion–not peace–motivated him to stay his hand (and, by so doing, avoid being as much of a hope-crushing psychopath as his father). He became a scavenger shortly after fulfilling a somewhat decent education. He still has a poor sense of direction–and poor common sense in general (to his shame). He mainly provided for himself by doing physically engaging tasks for his family and anyone else he knew; his Force-sensitivity helped him handle all the toil and anguish the galaxy forced him to deal with. He fled shortly after his 20th birthday, since his younger siblings could take care of themselves at that point, his father was still all too eager to make his life difficult, and his situation was (evidently) never going to improve.
  • Skills:
    • Force-Sensitivity: His most impressive Force ability by far is his telekinesis–although he also has unrefined Force Lightning, Force Stasis, and mind trick abilities.
    • High Pain Tolerance: Luluk'k has an abnormally high pain threshold.
    • Polyglotism: Luluk'k is fluent in Huttese and Basic, and has a fair understanding of Chiss and Gree.
  • Tools: A knife with an 18-cm blade and a violet kyber crystal he harvested when his father brought him to Ilum at the age of 13.

edited 21st Aug '16 7:50:55 PM by TrulyDeceptive

The truth can oft be more misleading...I'm driven by greed, guilt, rage, and despair, but I'll never try to justify haughtiness.

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#6: Aug 16th 2016 at 7:55:07 PM

  • Name: Trish Eldrel
  • Age: 18
  • Species: Dathomirian/ Zabrak
  • AppearanceHereStar Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (23)
  • Skills: Force sense, Battle meditation, Force Push/Pull, Dual light-saber
  • Other: Basic knowledge of the Nightsisters beliefs.
  • Gear: Two lightsaber. One blue with a fang carved in it. and the second one has a pair of wing carved in it.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#7: Aug 16th 2016 at 9:11:56 PM

The any sentient star wars species thing has me tempted to make an Oswaft. But I won't because even if it got accepted it would starve to death in short order, because only the Thonboka nebula can support them.

As it is I'm still severely tempted to find a silly and/or stupid and/or OP species to use just because. But I'll refrain. I might use one of the various cat aliens though, or just make a droid.

Heh. I could make a Yuuzhan Vong under these rules. Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (25) (Though I suppose they technically don't exist anymore under new canon)

Click Click Boom Boom

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#8: Aug 17th 2016 at 3:36:57 AM

I wanted to give people freedom to make what they want before I start critiquing.

Speaking of which.

@Reservoir - Kierra Saucher is approved, a nicely rounded mercenary character for certain.

@Truly Deceptive - Kressh is very close to being accepted, though tweak the force powers a bit. Force Lightning seems a bit late game but I do like the unrefined mind tricks, and high pain tolerance is good. And yes there will be a character in line with the title. A overarching force of sorts more than a man.

@thestonedog78 - Character seems a bit bare, and didn't the Nightsisters make heavier use of something akin to Voodoo than the force? Just refine and define your character and I'll see how it works.

edited 17th Aug '16 5:34:04 AM by EchoingSilence

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#9: Aug 17th 2016 at 5:40:37 AM

Will do. I wrots up a bare bones I idea really quickly to see what you want add or dropped. I.E the Nightsisters.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#10: Aug 17th 2016 at 5:43:00 AM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (29) Glad you are willing to work it out with me.

And let me just say the Night Sisters are some of the creepiest things in Star Wars since they don't work by the rules everyone is familiar with. Especially when they start going Voodoo torture on Dooku.

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#11: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:08:16 AM

I really dont know much about them. I picked then cause they were darksider user but wasnt a sith. I could drop the sister and go rouge sith kinda like star killer.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#12: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:18:23 AM

That might work, considering the Night Sisters were in fact mostly wiped out by Dooku and Grievous.

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#13: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:28:16 AM

Cool I will rewrite up a whole sheet. Also I add backstory to the sheet? Also should I add more detailed description to the powers?

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#14: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:40:50 AM

More detailed description to the powers will help define them better and give me a idea of their strengths and limits. And backstory is up to you.

thestonedog78 Princess Warlock from from deep space Since: Oct, 2012 Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

Princess Warlock

#15: Aug 17th 2016 at 10:44:27 AM

  • Name: Aurora Sanna
  • Sex: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 19
  • Appearance: Aurora in her full armor stand at 6ft.Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (35) Outside of her armor stand about 5'8 with long brown hair that swept to the left side of her head.Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (36) She has muscular athletic build due to her years of training.
  • Powers: Aurora was trained in a hybrid of Sith and Jedi training. She limited use of force sight, hearing, movement. For the sight and hear, she can allow use to extend those sense another 10 to 15ft of her normal sight and hearing. As for her force enhanced movement it allow her slight better reflexes. As for her Sith train. Aurora the ability to sense other force user, but she can only tell if they are in general area of 100ft around her. Aurora has tapped into force rage, but doing push her to peek ability but at the cost of not being able to tell friend form foe. For her last ability she has Sith's Lighting. Though she has only ever used when she been close to death. Also because she doesnt have control of it, it half the normal strength of a lighting bolt.
  • Gear: A set of costume Mandalorian armor, painted red and black. Two red lightsabers. A heavy cloak.
  • Backstory: Aurora was par of a First Order project to created force sensitive soldiers. The children with highest force ability where given train in use the force. During one of the training battle Aurora watched a fellow soldier slaughter his whole unit. She decide she to run away in the hopes of one day freeing the rest of her kind.

They can't for the life of them understand why nobody liked being ruled by a group of manic depressive demigods - 4chan

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#16: Aug 17th 2016 at 1:26:38 PM

Seems much stronger. I will give points for including the sudden interest in the Force by the First Order.

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (38) Accepted

FerrousMaelstom Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: Drift compatible

#17: Aug 17th 2016 at 2:28:01 PM

  • Name: Niklex D'rurgaz
  • Age: 19
  • Species: Devaronian
  • Appearance: Niklex is a fairly typical Devaronian, 5'9" with dark pink skin and the usual horns, although his are short and stubby. He has a set of sharp teeth, perfectly pointed, as well as a second, retractable set of more flat teeth. Although he's fairly skinny, he still weighs a reasonable amount (as is common due to the Devaronian's higher density) and is covered in a variety of scars, most notably one running across his nose just below his eyes. His clothing is generally rough but practical, with a lot of pockets filled with various items, and he normally wears a hood, which mostly hides the shape of his horns.
  • Skills:
    • Force: Niklex is force-sensitive but his absence of any formal training and his refusal to take a more suitable mindset leaves his abilities limited. His telekinesis is quite powerful and he is able to lift objects beyond his physical strength or manipulate many small objects with dexterity but he has barely tapped into any other aspects of the force; he can use force speed and force sight to a lesser extent but isn't even aware of most other powers the force provides.
    • Mundane: Despite the violent tendencies of Devaronian males, he is a notable scholar; he is highly knowledgeable about many cultures from across the galaxy and their histories. He is particularly talented with languages; as well as basic (albeit with a notable accent) and Devaronese he can speak Huttese, Durese and Mando'a. He can also understand Shyriiwook but anatomically can't speak it. He isn't a particularly talented fighter but the combination of his force abilities and dirty tactics gives him enough of an edge to survive most brawls.
  • Tools: He owns a basic blaster pistol, although it's been repaired several times under less than ideal circ*mstances so no longer resembles any recognized model. At any point in time he usually caries multiple datapads and his pockets are filled with a variety of items such as food rations, first aid supplies and random junk. He possesses a lightsaber shoto (a form with a shorter handle and blade) with a dark green blade; he didn't make it himself but repaired it after it was stolen from a collector. It's somewhat unstable and has been known to short out occasionally.
  • Other: Niklex was born on Devaron, his mother an influential member of government and his father a notorious bounty hunter. When he was still fairly young, his father took him with him on his travels around the galaxy. Despite growing up among criminals and violence, his tendencies weren't as aggressive as most male Devaronians; although still prone to the occasional fight he was more mischievous than malicious and craved knowledge. As he traveled the galaxy he picked up knowledge and language from those he encountered and eventually began to develop some force ability. When he was slightly older, his father was killed by a First Order officer over a bounty he had let go, leaving Niklex alone. Rather than return to his own planet, he continued to travel the galaxy. He journeyed further and further out, assisting those who went against the First Order and honing his own force skills as he did so.

Dragon573 Sanity not included from Sitting at a bonfire Since: Jun, 2016 Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking

Sanity not included

#18: Aug 17th 2016 at 3:18:48 PM

I had to jump through so many hoops getting used to the new Canon. Apparently, Anaxes got blown up. That's... disappointing.

In any case, finally ready for review.

For anyone who wants it, have a link to that awesome lightsaber builderStar Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (41)

  • Name: Prima Teekay
  • Age: 19
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Prima is relatively plain, by most accounts. Her black hair is cut short, and often unruly despite her best efforts, a trait she inherited from her father, along with his vibrant blue eyes. Her skin is unusually pale, especially for someone raised on a desert planet, a side-effect of the constant exposure to her mother's Dark Side presence. Her devotion to the light has reversed the worst of it; the sickly pallor that remains is a small hindrance, and her skin has been visibly improving over time.
  • Skills:
    • Force Sensitivity: Prima's development in the Force is reflective of the environment she grew up in. While she is versed in basic telekinesis Prima's true talent is in improving her own odds of survival, through the use of Battlemind, Art of Movement, and Force Healing.
    • Lightsaber Combat: Combat being a central pursuit in both her parents' lives, training in it featured heavily in Prima's upbringing, and nowhere is this more apparent than in her lightsaber training. As with all inquisitors, her mother was trained by Darth Vader himself, and his instruction was passed down to Prima, incorporating elements of Form II and Form V (as well as some of her father's CQC-training) into an aggressive, well-rounded fighting style.
    • Mechanic: Working in the junk-shop with her mother from a young age, Prima is a gifted mechanic, capable of making repairs to droids, appliances, and even ships, if given proper time and resources.
    • Dancing: However much the New Republic claimed things changed, some things in the galaxy always stay the same. Twi'lek dancers remain a prized commodity in portions of the outer rim, particularly Tatooine, where Jabba once held court. In her early-teen years, Prima caught sight of a Twi'lek dancer and, entranced by the graceful style, expressed interest in learning. While her parents initially forbade it in a rare moment of good parental judgement, their willful daughter eventually wore them down, citing its value as exercise and possible improvements to her saber form.
  • Tools:
    • Prima's LightsaberStar Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (42): The most useful tool in her arsenal, most of the internal components in Anaxe's lightsaber were salvaged from her mother's, with the casing being built from scavenged materials, giving the saber an untidy, but functional exterior. The weapon utilizes a pair of yellow crystals and features a bifurcating cyclical ignition pulse, courtesy of the components from her mother's lightsaber.
    • Prima's tool kit: Including basic tools such as a hydrospanner, a fusioncutter, a lamp, and a large supply of space tape, Prima's toolkit contains everything she needs to make everyday repairs.
    • SE-14r: Her father's side-arm. Prima is only average with a blaster, and has no great attachment to the weapon itself, carrying it more for pragmatism's sake than anything else.
    • Inquisitorius Armor: Prima has taken to wearing her mother's old armored body-suit (with the imperial symbols painstakingly painted over), providing light protection while permitting freedom of movement. Prima has added a short black skirt and a hooded black cloak with a red lining to the ensemble, partly for personal tastes, and partly to account for the lack of pockets in the original outfit. It also cuts down on people checking out her ion-engine, which was a common occurrence beforehand, given the form-fitting nature of the garment.
  • Background: In the wake of the apparent success of the Jedi purge, the Inquisitorius ceased to exist. While what actually became of the Inquisitors was obscure information even during the Empire's time, at least one inquisitor seemed to realize that she'd outlived her usefulness to The Emperor and his enforcer, Darth Vader. This woman fled into the outer-rim, certain that the Empire would pursue and eliminate her the same way she had pursued and eliminated the Jedi.
    Whether by luck or by fate, the Imperial pursuit she'd expected never came. She moved from planet to planet, avoiding notice however she could, eventually landing on the planet of Tatooine nearly a decade after the battle of Jakku, where she encountered a broken former Sandtrooper. While initially suspicious of one another, the pair bonded over the failure of the Empire they had once dedicated their lives to, eventually having a daughter, Prima, together.
    Growing up on Tatooine, Prima, along with her parents, found whatever work they could. Her father trained a local militia, leading defensive actions against Tusken Raiders who set up camp too close to the outlying homesteads, and her mother (bitterly) began working for a junk-dealer, using the technical skills she'd picked up in the Empire to repair broken droids and broken-down speeders, a skill-set she passed on to her daughter.
    From an early age, Prima was trained in the ways of The Force by her mother, with only partial success; while Prima picked up basic telekinesis well enough, her kindhearted nature ensured that the darker techniques such as Force Harm simply didn't take. Even when they discovered her Kyber crystals, chancing upon them buried in the sands of the Jundland Wastes, the blade produced was yellow rather than her mother's red, much to Prima's dismay. In time, however, Prima came into her own; the harsh nature of her environment, both inside the city and out, led her to develop a talent in Art of Movement to avoid trouble, and Force Healing for when trouble got closer than she liked.
    When Prima reached fifteen years of age, her father met his destiny. Under the protection of his militia force, a rough rule of law had been established in the city and the surrounding homesteads, allowing the formerly crime-ridden and destitute settlement to flourish. With prosperity came an influx of settlers, and in turn, expansion, agitating already hostile relations with the nearby Tusken tribe, which massed its warriors to begin actively destroying the homesteads nearest to their lands, killing or enslaving those they encountered. Leading a daring mission to rescue the captives, Prima's father was forced to remain behind with a few of the militiamen, covering the prisoners' escape. The militia fought valiantly, but were overwhelmed. Her father was given a hero's funeral by the community, but without a leader, the militia began losing ground in the following months, and gangsters attempted to reassert their control, looking to capitalize on the demise of the first real lawman the city had had since its founding. Soon after, her mother passed as well. While still comparatively young, decades of Dark Side use finally caught up with her, and the darkness that had shrouded her for years consumed her body, leaving her a withered old woman well before her time. Prima remained by her bedside for hours as she took her last breaths, holding her hand, and for the first time that Prima could remember, her mother smiled. In her mother's final moments, her love for Prima, the daughter who had loved her unconditionally despite her faults, finally broke the hold the Dark Side had exerted on her for decades, and her body disappeared, becoming one with the Force.
    Galvanized by her father's sacrifice and her mother's redemption, Prima became determined not to let the forces of corruption undo everything the people of her hometown had worked so hard to build. Rallying the militia, she took up her father's mantle and championed the effort to drive out the criminal element and pacify the Tusken Raiders for the next three years of her life, personally leading the arrest of the Hutt Garak, the mastermind behind the criminal incursions, and slaying the Tusken warchief in personal combat, instinctively picking up the art of Battlemind during the fiery confrontation. The Tusken tribe fled, scattered, divided, and leaderless, while the remaining criminals were either arrested or driven off. Soon after, the settlement, now calling itself "Trooper's Stand" in honor of Prima's father, held its first elections, selecting Hygs Bosen, the Junk-dealer who'd employed Prima's mother, and Prima's surrogate father-figure in the time since her parents' passing, and Quar, the woman who'd served as the militia's informal second-in-command, as the official sheriff.
    Her home was safe, now. Order had been established, and honest folk no longer had to fear criminals. Settlers could build a home without fear of the Sand People. Sadly, though, Prima couldn't stay. Her family was gone, now, her duty done, and she could feel the Force calling her away. There were other people across the galaxy who needed help. Saying her farewells, Prima took what savings she had and departed, seeking her destiny.
  • Personality: While Prima is kind by nature, her demeanor can veer between sugar and ice unpredictably. She rarely engages in idle conversation, and tends to say exactly what's on her mind when she speaks. Being raised on a world famed for being a wretched hive of scum and villainy has given her a mild paranoid streak; she is slow to trust, and quick to assume others are attempting to dupe her. Direct displays of affection tend to confuse her, and she finds uninvited physical contact mildly uncomfortable. Despite these rough qualities, Prima is unfailingly compassionate, and believes firmly that no one, however twisted, is wholly beyond redemption if their desire for it is sincere. Being surrounded by the iniquity of the Outer Rim all her life has given Prima an unflinching resolve to see justice done, tempered by her awareness of how easily one can slip into the Dark Side, and the price it can choose to exact from its wielders. Prima prefers immediate, decisive action in the face of wrongdoing, but she takes great care not to let her emotions cloud her judgement.
  • Other: Prima was originally going to be named One, given that both her mother and father were assigned numbers as their identities and neither really had any idea how to raise a child. Fortunately, the junk-dealer her mother now worked for was able to talk them out of it, suggesting "Prima" instead. Her surname, Teekay, is actually derived from the first two letters of her father's old operating number.

edited 17th Aug '16 9:30:48 PM by Dragon573

It's kind of funny. Sufficiently advanced stupidity is like sufficiently advanced science; eventually, you find something you can't solve.

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#19: Aug 17th 2016 at 3:38:03 PM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (44)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (45) Niklex is accepted, I like the fact that his force powers aren't strong and his bounty hunter attitude. Very nicely done.

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (46) Interesting character, nice use of Inquisitors. And the fact that she basically learned some new techniques from pole dancing got a chuckle out of me. Also love the detail put into getting this character fleshed out. Prima is accepted.

It seems we have a Force Heavy Party. Which while I was confused at first, make this actually perfect when the First Order is into a industrial planet on the outback of Space. Congrats everyone! The RP isn't even started yet and already you gave it Fridge Brilliance!

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#20: Aug 17th 2016 at 5:44:32 PM

Hmmm, ancient reactivated war droid (that's not gonna lie basically just Cherno Alpha from Pacific Rim, just human sized and with an actual personality (And well obviously not nuclear powered)) who masquerades as cargo lifter and stuff.


A Felacatian engineer. Aka space weretiger. (I'm still deeply amused that their species name is basically catcat) ((though I might switch them to a medic or pilot since we already got a mechanic))

Either way no force powers for me, as cool as they are, we already have a bunch of force users.

Click Click Boom Boom

EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013

#21: Aug 17th 2016 at 6:04:11 PM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (49) All up to you dude.

TrulyDeceptive The Silence That Speaks Volumes from HOW DID I GET UP HERE?! Since: Apr, 2014 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

The Silence That Speaks Volumes

#22: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:27:02 PM

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (51)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (52)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (53)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (54)&Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (55)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (56)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (57)Uh, synthetic lightsaber crystals are unreliable (and explosive) in Canon.

The truth can oft be more misleading...I'm driven by greed, guilt, rage, and despair, but I'll never try to justify haughtiness.

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#23: Aug 17th 2016 at 8:32:07 PM

Replaying The Force Unleashed is probably not the best star wars game to get into the mindset of a war droid or a space weretiger. -resists urge to switch to a force user-

Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (59)Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (60)And yeah, just wanted to make sure neither of the central concepts were unacceptable before I went to work on them.

edited 17th Aug '16 8:36:35 PM by Kosjurake

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Dragon573 Sanity not included from Sitting at a bonfire Since: Jun, 2016 Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking

Sanity not included

#24: Aug 17th 2016 at 9:04:00 PM

You tell Dragon that not only did they retcon the use of synthetic crystals, but they made them explosive




Dragon573:-sigh- ...God damn it!... Thank you for informing me of this, hero. This... new age is taking some adjustments.

It's kind of funny. Sufficiently advanced stupidity is like sufficiently advanced science; eventually, you find something you can't solve.

Kosjurake The Wildest of Ronins from Tokyo LOCCENT Since: May, 2010 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

The Wildest of Ronins

#25: Aug 17th 2016 at 9:06:35 PM

...what the hell disney canon what the hell...

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Star Wars: More Machine Than Man - Signups (2024)


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