The Montreal Star from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

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ir THE MONTREAL DAILY SATOBOAY JUNE 7 1002 raorxszT Tom bale SUXMEB BZSIDENCESL SL XL ADVTS ADVTS SITUATIONS VACANT BITUATZ0H8 VACART STTUATZOITB VACANT 8ZTUATX0V8 VACAHT WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS 1 OB Wheeler A WUeua gad ginger rowing Wanted machinimtp to keef aaay (tu Klugmafe otrike vs at Los Work UP AT LACHINE FART OF FURKIPMCD Ka 1 houaa to rwnL ovary etmcaalaara laka frottf Addraaa ST Star OSUa Its a a'ANTED A OENERAL MERVANT TO VV go to croetda about IMh Jua gnod nfmaero Apply teden aooa aasovea-lag 313 Dnvmronad at rT mi MLB LOT 11 FT wtWWfTAn rai IH tenth with stone fml km Bo MI llm at Apply to Onf Hu i a good general kervakts 7 milct ba a good rook lor nasi! family! children ag ashing nnr Ironing refer im roqulrnd Wages IISmi Apply 1:3 at tau at PROPERTT FOR SALE CKOK SALE-CLOSE TO W1NDKOU iloiri tut Doreiteatvr aliweL chuicg pises if land I feet frouL feet deefe with uld huihlinga unn ot Uw heat Bltra lor building In lim clly will be nuld chrap fur cash 11 Puuuyp IM tutor ample building REAL ESTATE SIMPSON REAL ESTATE AO-nL A lls of Aral chug he anew build big lota country properties suburbs prousrtlr amt very rholca farm Cll of send jour addrema get our Hat with knrrat pries Hi full particular SIMPSON Maichsuta Bunk Bldg RS SL James aL TeL Main UM mw-hlara: steady eaiptarmeoL We da ww work hatantay afimoon Apply to Lgn-'tr an Jidia Mtaek aad MB VRra at If WANTED LATHE AND PLANER Asad atoadr ewrlnrivet Bret Maw only tar machine tool wet Tha John Mma UmMad Danda Oat IM xtbriencep lUm ftrrocBte rales 129 I Vi ANTED AN EXPKRIKNTED RLOUHB awl whltowenr rut ter Apple to Mr Me-Brida at Uwill Brothers rectory Iwfftaei-v Vi RHIRT CUTTERM: MUST hava oxpertaac prnaaarat pneltloa Ap-- aa Mg gL Paid BC Mootnal Muepra-der aad Umh Ce ij I ANTED BOMB PERMON TO UNDER-JitfJ1 taring Of the boar tax depnrt-mM Herteyaa ThoTiMU Collrg roe ena-dllloag apply principal gy ANTED FDR MANI'rAt-TURKR-n fl hce yeoag am guli-k aad aeeaimto at dgura Addroro giving age expertenca and alary agpactod to Mur riffle U3 t'ANTED HEART INTELLIGENT youth far Offtre Addroe stating age rxpHlgaca aad galary egproted Eff Star Offle IB W'JMED MTRONG GXRXJt FOR MCRUO-TT Mag and point work Apply ladles n-tranc Windsor Hutel Hurt bo mod tn hotel work 131 WANTED FIItMT CLAHS CAIUNKT MAK-TT er CBnadtaa 1-aciUe Rallaay Car Pimp Horhelag 133 ntRIMTIAN YOUNG MEN AND women to engage la a good cause Liberal remuneration Rev Woodaworlk Tha Century Christian Co Utnlud Toronto MX A TOUNO MAN FOR THE warehouse Mourn department nna with two or three yean' experience profaned Aptdy by letter only giving nfanoca to Tuka Urn Limited clly is WANTED A YOUNG MAN FOR THE TT aar bouae ahirt depart oient one hav ing taro or three yaara esperteara protorod Apply by letter only staling ratoenres to Took a Ilia Limited city 133 3 FRENCH GENTLEMAN OF reaourrea ran get good position and salary aa teacher Addnaa 14 guy oiric I WANTED A FIRST TT must be co*ker Addrrt KtieibnaA Qu CLASH CHEF 1 Box lh Ml Vi JEWELLER- Toot MAKERS Apply to Wm Uramley MU Craig at Ml 4 WANTED A JKWELfERT TRAVELLER TT tu walk the city Addram AIT Htor Offle 3i 4 1 ANTED HEAD SKIRT HAND FflH I dies' tailor mart undentand her buetnem thoroughly good wages and permanent pnelll 10 the right party Hog fltar Office IM Vi ANTED A DRKfMMAKER HAVING TT atuns experience in chlldron'a wear good poalttan to right party Add raw Box 1 MIL Itar Offtr jas ni-KKATtIKM FOR NEW IIKHf petal machine heel prices paid Apply In The II narrower Co Factory Entranoe Nu 11 La lour aL 133 1 ANTED LADY TO TAKE CHARGE nf Invalid anme exprriem-a neeeaaary Apply ptailng guallltaAltana to WTUN Mint Ilraach offle 133 if WANTED FIRHT CLAIM COAT OFERt-TT pin II Khorog gad Co muh Notre Dome Rreet 133 Vi ODOM AND HOUSEMAID blghtcl waga Apply tXT Frol street Ml Wanted general servant one TF willing to attaint with rhlldraa Apply with reference 144 Park avenue 3 Vi FARM HAND MUST TIB GOOD 1 milker Apply Jeffery 14 MrUIII at MS I WANTRD INTELLIGENT MAN OF TT good addrero an ml lev tor Englishman peaking French -referred Addrero giving reference IPtk star offle 133 3 Wanted a house and taulkmaid tf- Willing to go to the country Apply RT Mtor Offle 133 3 WANTED PLAIN AND FANCY IRON-TT taw gnod cteudy rmptayawaL Apply Troy Laundry 3 Inspector at 133 3 WANTED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN ai raking hath language must be able In road and Write aad kg gnod conk to take charge of restaurant no hard work Apply any hour of tha day lnrou 0P4 ml Lawrence 133 I EXPERIENCED ROOKKEKP-TT er and stenographer: must ba quirk and accurate at figures and have both language yi-ung man preferred Apply 330 Ktar of-fle 133 3 WANTIiD A lnY WITH TALENT FOR TT drawing Andy In own hud writing tat Ing ag a Hox AA 133 Wanted a general servant rb- TT toregee required Apply 78 Mansfield at 133 2 WANTED A GENERAL SERVANT NO TT washing guod waga Apply at one to geo Mountain rt 33 3 Vi A SMART YOUTH TO MAKE hlmaelf useful In thn houro and wall at Apply with reference Tlw Montreal Hunt or Up 13TB Wanted smart yovno man to I work la factory Andy to A Tooke Took lira Limited 3-4 ML Ellin be th at Ml Henry IU 3 WANTED EXPERIENCED SHIRT AND TT online riarchsia Tonka Rro Limited 4 ML Elisabeth it ML Hoary 133 3 WANTED AT ONUB FIRST CLASH F1X-TT to Loom" oa fancy tweed Andy John Dick Limited Cohourg Onl 133 3 A rLAIN COOK TO GO TO Met la Andy 313 Drummond at IM 3 WANTED AN ENERGETIC AND RELI-TT a hi a general agent wanted to re present Mtabllahed Caaadtaa Life Company in tha Province of Quebec mast ba thoroughly reliable and aucrroaful solicitor and capable of closing at leant one hundred thousand of naw btMinero annually Give correct nun addrero and full pari leu lain regarding jiroccnt occupation Apply Box ML Mtar Off le Montreal IM 'ANTED GOOD GENERAL SERVANT must hava rafsraticro Apply after I feta to 4M Wood amaa lag 3 WA NTED A FIRST GLASS JAM MAX a Apply at 4U ML Paul aL city IM WANTED ENGLISH CLERK WANTED TT to wholesale huuc about twenty yaara of ago: must speak French fluently best nf refanmeea regulrml splendid opportunity for advancement Apply Box AM Star Offlea iua i WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER RETT qulrcd by wholesale MtabUshmsnt who can writ buth English and French desirable liualiua Apply Mox CM Mur Offle MS 1 WANTED JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK TT wanted to wholsaal hardware having knowledge of offlea work Customs an trie Any on applying will require to hava best of reference writs well and correct at flgurro Apply la writing M3 Star Offle IM 3 WANTED FOR WHOLESALE HAHD-iT wars appmntlc to offle eg about teen yaara Will roqulra to writs wall and ba good at figures: mum hava best of recommend -Hen Apply In writing Mtar Offle IM 3 WANTED TWENTY-FIVE LABOUR-iT era to steady work Ootid wages and cheap living From advanced Call at Alhtea Hold Tuesday loth lam at 10 Crlnck Employer IM 3 WANTED A PM ART TOUNO MAM WITH TT knowledge of bookkeeping and speaking Engl lab aad Fnach: employment offered till November Apply Immrdtauly with isfarsnee fa Rex MB 6- Quebec IM 3 WANTED FOR COUNTRY HOTEL TT handy handy man who can drlva and night wnuhowa mum ha colter and willing Stale ge and aragro requited to 343 Mtar Offle IM 3 WANTED TOUNO QIRLM TO LEARN TT the dry geode huriaro Apply bmtnca 3 and 10 Ja A Ogllvy and Men WANTED BT WHOIEHALR E3TAD-iT itahment mala (tenographer writing both French and English about eighteen or twenty non at aga: beat wfaroaro raqulrad appnro tunlty to advgncemaaL Apply 70 Ktar Office M3 3 Wanted a woman for laundry II wnrkt referenero required Apply Alexander 318 ML James WANTED YOUNG OIRL TO TAKE CAR IT Of child: mum be able to apeak English finely at one ITU Item Wanted ogod general servant II far email family In flu nfcKnceg required Apply 33 Drummond 13 I FANTIir ROMEN 47HAM-1 henna Ida and eapsrisnrod tguHreaaea Apply at one Had Miraikinaa Mtuckrl'le IM MECOND COOKM FOR DINING car sonde Apply KML Mtar te WAKTED PREMMMAKERM SKIRT TT Bakr AppHcaitanc to be mads to Mias Hurl at James A unity aad Mob bstwsra aad tu Aa Moan bat aumpmant band asd apply Hi TOUNO MAN AM ASSISTANT la offlea of whole vain houro mum have eaparieacs and know chon head and li p-writing At-ply mallug galary topm-ted au War Offle lit! Wanted mgler'm rarrer pthgol New York t'lly Mora itudeul wanted pec lal induremento new Eight week cots pteta Wage Halunlan Dlulomag awarded taatlton pumtlvely guaranteed shea through Writs to catalogue 133 OUOD COTTON WEAVERS ON TT fancies uragas from fain to gmfiu per week Worcester Traill Uaknavllta (near Franklin) Mae Ik ANTED GOOD JOINERS FDR INTRIt-tor Adlah Apply Monday rooming tout Pth at Rlcltellru and Ontario Navigation Uom- pany'a Ikkri offle 12k at Janus at IM Wanted at once experienced TT cutter ptveerro tram and flaltdier In aeckvrar cotnpany Apply Standard Neckwear IfiM Kulro Dam 133 I EXPERIENCED DREMgMAK-TT era steady employment Meaty Morgan and Co I-Mlllpa quar 133 I A REMPRUTARIE XKAT TT young girt to wait na table and take charge ot dining mum Apply at out Ji-ffery'a Uaf 11 I'hnlmllM square 133 3 COUPLE FIRHT Cl A HR IRON I moulder used to email Miam ellnw taro praf erred: good wooes alas brave vaivs mutilder Apply SU 3 Craig at bmuratB 13 and 1 auoa Munday Juan ninth IM 3 WANTED 30 TKIEGRA PHKRg WANT-TF ad imined lately to Manitoba Mltunilnoa precurad only through the Muni real Khurtliaad Inatltuta and Fnaiurog Culleg 3 Motllll Culbga Mnnlroal Mra Hullnrh Prineipnl 133 if WANTED EXPERIENCED TT oa Mas clothing Nnae but flrat eluro mra nJ M31 a ftlll yv wi nu cNiijiinB jdw pub mw ci8M nxi need apply A Mmall and Cl Latour 13 3 ANTED WET KCHHB APPLY TO DR TT Evan 383 Dorchester between TM and 3 pm 13 I A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT to email family no washing light work 6U Ml Andra at GOOD CHEF FOR FIRST etaro hotel mail he gnod to meat and nutty Apply 7ik fltar Offlea ANTED AGENTS TO WORK FOR TF paanun'e luagovin hi spare time liberal eemmlvatoa: romidea aad InpInirtUjna la Siiunp to Agency Him MB Muat-real ANTED A GENERAL MEHVANT TT willing to gi tn Mtla rafsrancla needs-rory Apply AU Mountain at YOUNG LADY FOR SHOE TT store: mum aprok French Apply ML Lawrence Wanted at wholesale clothing TT manufacturing company eaa tin clam eulter nne Aral i-latro pro man hem aagra paid to the right mrn Apply to ling Mouc-lua li mating term and giving n-feromra 13 ANTED MIX INTEMIGKNT RRPIIE-TT aeniallvni with guod naldrow to th my nfarrncro nqulrod ilepnarnlallvaa nine wnt ed all over Iknada 87 ML June pgng Ihom*oKAPIHC OPERATOR TT gad half ton must be flmt etaro and meudy Tba Intel Company Engraver end LUbugnphar Winnipeg Man IM 3 3nw TO OO TO THE UOUNTKT TT gear Geargevllle Lake Memphfaniagug a aervanl tn roatal wltk grtu-rnl bouae anurk Ap-Idy 33 Heymnur ve A CLERK FOR A RAILWAY TT office rolary 33M par mnaih PHIL Star Uranek Offlv WANTED MAN EXPERIENCED IN TT pulling up grocer1 undrte In bntUvg end package Addroro 731 Mur A STRONG YOUNG MAN from 13 to IP year of gg a packer and to make hlmaelf generally naeful mum furnish gnod raf erotic Addram It 8-ill Mur Office YOUNG MAN AM SHORTHAND and general nfflrn work State eauerienr reference and rotary rapemed Ad-Ire cwn handwriting Jtus 123 A' TOUNO KXUUHUMAM TO TT work In a garden nod mate hlmeeif useful Apply 117 hl Antoine Ml Henri GENERAL SERVANT WHO TT can do plain cooking la go to Grand Mar to summer mum be well reram-mended Good pngltton Cpermnnent If dralred) WANTED A FARM HAND MUST HR TT gidg a milk kltd guod trammer H43 Mtar Office GENERAL SERVANT FOR I Tv months No wuhlng Reference required Apply Arlington nronue WrotmounL TO A SHIRT IN OF-TT He hath language required muat gulck nl figure Addroro Mtar Offle WOMEN TO TIB MTRINGM ON Tv um at kom Hnx 7 Star Offle TRAVELLER OT ARILITY TT to re present tie In Maritime Pro vine: twin for the right man Apply M7M Mtar Off Id 00017 RELIABLE MALES' Tv man ta drive deliver and collect houro to houro trad bulh language reference or rocurity nqulrod rotary Ml Star Offle MIX WOMEN FOR Mr TT btng floor In factory Apply Monday Ing 133 Mbonror MARRIED COUPLE TO GO TV tn Ht Agntb woman mum be gnod plain cook men to mote hlmeeif generally uaeful about plus References nqulrod Apply altar oevan pm IM Tupper at near Essex EXPERIENCED GIRLS AS VV operator! on ladles' skirt Apply nt the Dominion Clonk Mfg Co 113 ML Lawrence it TED EXPERIENCED TRAVEL-tar to entry side line of Indie1 clonk rapes and eklrtn for tte Provinces at Quebec end Mnnltob Apply nt Tte Dominion Cloak Mfg Co 133 Mt Lawronco gL A JUNIOR CLERK MUST I'N-VV demand phonography and typewriting Apply at McGill bl 14 2 GENERAL SERVANT WANT-VV ed competent to mall family belt Ttogro Apply I Hheikroote vt PARTY WITH $2110 TO PUT VV out theatrical company with me half hone 1 hava equipment Thnro having ready onnh and moaning bualnee Madame DeUean-moaL General Dellvary E- WANTED BOY IN OFFICE AND MHIP-VV oing room sweek to mart oa Mute ago and last empk-yer If any 73d Mur Offto WANTED PAINTER CAPABLE OF DE-VV curating amall machine Apply Linotype Co IM Ht Antoine It Wanted a capaule general mer-VV vent referencM raqulrad Apply 200 Mountain iL EVERYWHERE HUMTLERM VV to tack algn dlatributa circular vam-ple etc 1 no raavanlng uod pay Hub Advertising Bureau Chicago ACTIVE TOUNO MEN AM VV eanvu leiiimeiu fur new buslnes Apply Mr Rlchardeou llwwn laundry 22 Latour WANTED A F1RMT (T-AMM FtTl MA VV rhinc rhinc operator Robertaoa and Co 2M Rt Jam aL LADY TYPEWRITER HURT VV write English and Franrh wall to a wni MWiixn "1 civil engineer' offle A Du freon flhor-brook A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT VV one able to manage nag dn nil tha hoidta duttf Apply Georg Jeffrey Petit* CM Wanted a general mervant and a nunery maid at 231 Univenity Mum hgv good reference IM 3 GOOD HOUSEKEEPER FOR VV houro mum bo nblo to mute coffee Huura from am till 7 pm Mum be both English end Franck mast furnish n-faroncro an to honesty and dronllnero Good maltloa and good salary to Ite right party Writ 377 Mtar Offle OPERATORS IN ALT DFI-VV paruaenu Good wage and steady wort nil Ilia year round Wc mate overall panto atilrt ladlo shirt urntata and roetomev rnllan end cuff Andy at main offle- Tbs Mtaadnrd Milrt Umltod 130 to 113 Delori- In8 law NY A KMART LAD FOR ORO-rory buelnroe dan 27M ML Catherln 'ANTED HGRME ATTEND AN TM FOR Urath Africa at oar Apply Tba Trifer aad Chlmla 18 ml Itouriroj ANTED OVERALL AND VA'NT MAX-- cm to woek la factory cad at tb hroro Alan ton to leant tte burinero art Wilkin pad Ml Catharine rtram earner Hlbury 11 AOENTM FOR THE fftORT OF fiouih Afrtrt Inim itfa wr immvinii enljr compln history nf lh la OM rolumr dutOf Iwlloi to ruidt aM fw 4iu unoic ntfuikni prmium plfiitra fr hi mry Mhactitipr liberal imim (Hlht paM-omit fivM FruhNiiii tn bmi 9ub i pr oa pratpreOM and prrwlttM pietur World Pub eh OurUA Out US NV ANTED POMl'Y WHITER FOR A llfa Insurance off Ice mum be a firm clone writer Auily la awn handwriting Mum ag box 2WI cliy WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORM 1" on shirt collar and cuff alro a good strong bny Apply Ml once to Emplr Mfg Co 046 Craig 12 'ANTED (Filll MHIRT HANIM AND duck cool maker: Meady work to good tend Aptdy Mra Langmaff Monlraal Hhlrt and Overall Co mi ted Mi Jcmec 131 uw W' ANTED A FIRHT HAM AHKIRTANT VI fir aa office mum undentand canal rucllua Adder staling experience mul rotary eapected to l' 413 Ktar Office 133 aod AT ONCE F1H3T CLAdM VV iklru and valuta hand at Kn 43 iny Cuunclllura 133 3nnd NTED COMMERCIAL TRAVEIXER lit thn grocery till for tte Ftnvlnun ot Quebec Addroro 2431 Mtar Offle Ml law tf NV 'ANTED EVERYWHERE HUffTLERM 1 in tack sign dimrlbulc circulate sample etc no coavuroing rod Ptr Ob Ad-v-r Using Huraa Luck Boa 37 Lncdua Onl 7 law tf NVAS NTED ENERGETIC MEN OF GOOD eh racier to sell fur the Fbaihlll Kurror-lan Fnvluus raperienca not essential Meady work Litoral pay HwdmM outfit fnw Ay-1 Hum irfy it Mic mum ud NVnUlnflou Tmnlo 99 wfi tf ANTED II A DAY MURE GENTLE-OMB nr ladle nut tn rantro but to employ agent: ivollloa Prmnl gquu per itvr and esiwnac teUnbl firm with brot rw feranew eiperienra unncery A Xurnnct Manager TUrunt Addraaa car sf Turonto Offle Jdunlnni dur Tbeoiu OaL rad tf AN FVERGETIC NAN WITH VI good buslnes qualifleatlnn cun roeun a managarial pomthm with nhki corporation apiiklisMi to f23nfliw iflwnnn paid at rotary of IIM and Itfwrnl eommladan by tnk-lug mack la company lira farm nf mrogemsnc mack tote token up eutdrutlaa at ngrro-mcaL This company fla composed et fame ot Ite tem busliMM men In Columbus Addroro Walter bg and La Kail at Cblragu rod WANTED ALBUMEN FDR OUR pA-17 tent autnmuta sprayer brot enmpreawd lr smyer nude big demand llbetulfarou: sample maehlu faro roeum Urrilory Imms-dieiely Caver Her Galt lint 8u god tf IV ANTED 1 MAKE THREE TO TEN DOL-IF Ian weakly doing mall aider buclnsro svenlnga No rapllal required McFartaus imd Company Dog MA Toronto II sad tf LEARN PROOP-REAIHNG 1 alluallnn secured: I3 to las weraiv Horn Corwapnadeaca MchouL ITUtadrlphl At law tf ANTED FOR A WH 177 Eg ale HOUSE VV a young man with knowledge of mmrt-tead om typewriter Apply mating an ui Mtrm WANTED MOTHER'R HELP PRuTEHT children aummer at aeo- hle aUuattaa penaaiinnL Addroro A BTUU Bur Branch Off Ira HELP OF ALL XINDH FOR fnetnry mnrhln ofuniM finlshrra hSTSuHin: hf vi terg and Co Ml Osorga aL near Craig IM Hand NV MTIIDKNTM WISHING tobs up practical electrical wort TO will -m ewinra SWi Will nd guud (liuailug with nilaMa Arm gfata Me end csjiariaac Msg 311 Mar Offlr UU ANTED TKUKTWOKTHY PERSON IN county to manags bum new old eatab-Ucbad houaa wdld financial mnading mralghl bona fldn weekly rub rolary jig pJd 1 hr cteque each Wednewtoy with all spene dir-ct from headquarter money ndvaiimd lira sa-pgtouJar Cam tog UlUaToUrags 113 flmd VV WANTED MriAF MAKER A GOOD 77 pnmiral Wiep maker ta tote chan nf row mndrrn faclnry about helna Matted Non but Ihnro who know thn making of man (mm tte cheapest ilia highest grad laundry need apply Good periling forlh right mag Addroro with full partlrulara Orucera floap ck'' Ht John Newfoundland ng Wanted a dat mure mend ub 77 your addrero and we will Show ynu how miw day: ahadutriy urs ws furnlak Ite work and track yog frro you wnrk la tte taraltty where you lie gend ro ysur lAlim ud Will explain th burins fully- ronwm-tor guaranis clear profit of I tor nary day'l work atariutcly mmi dna't fall ta wrii lo-u Imperial Bllvarwan Ran Bdfl Tnndor Ont jgy IM rod CITY SALESMAN FDR 77 wholroal and beet retail gmrery trade mum baea peri eared and tar om eonnro-Hon- Addrero 774 Star Office RESPECTATILB WOMAN AM working hnuaekeeper f-ra email family faiwrrnrrn-i EIHN I IEII1IIF waah Ing tnnderal trggro Mata agliry roqulro cd etc to 77 Mtar Office ANTED GOOD COOK TO GO TO Neil P1O1 Jun hrfarenew nqulrod TIM Mherbronte ct XV A GOOD GENERAL HER-7 7 rout gnod wggna will he paid to a mill-gbl person tin wuhlng nr Ironing: refaroneeg required Apply Itev Dnbro 1173 gt Deni aL ANTED 23181 WEEKLY EAMIT-Y Mined fproltlnn permanent) dlatribuilng rircutar unuilr larking algn rand 4c far parllculara Commercial Advcniring Aroncla-tlnn Philadelphia A GOOD PLAIN WOMAN COOK 7 7 conk to a muniry lintel Addrero Ant Rodrigue Windsor llnfal Lachut Qu ANTED CAKI'EXTKRH APPLY AT 7 7 onr Thu Imrhlne Rapid Hydraulic and Land Co Lid Ml McCtrad A FEMALE COOK TO AC-7 7 company a Canadian family to London England good rofaronran required Mr Cletn-tll BUM ML Deni TWO GOOD CARPENTERS 77 Apply fler ix thla cvnlng Hood 3 Wrexham avu off Guy A MAN TO DRIVE GROCERY 77 waggnti: muat com well recommend -d Apply Wallara 2UU7 ML Cathetlno cl corner Ouy VV mt TED NIGHT WATCHMAN AND kitchen man Apply at once Havny Hotel ANTED YOUNG GIRL TO RERVB IN a confectionery more Apply 18M1 Rt Catherine GENERAL MERVANT FOR VT family of gmr no wuhlng gnod wagn Hd: with refaroncra to 4117 her brook HEAD WAITER UIIAMBER-77 maid and illnlng mma rlri Grand Ug im UoUL 1811 Notra Duns ANTED DREHMMAKERM UNDER-VV mandlng English and Preach preferred 1314 DsMoatlgny it YOUNG NURSE AT 480 BT VV Hubert going to tte cnuntiy WANTED A ROY ABOUT 13 YEARN OF VV ago to mate himself generally uaeful I a dry good commlroloa houro Bog 233 Mont real HOY OR GIRL WRITING Shorthand and snonnsna typewriter Apply Immediately John Jamra Drown ud Son 2u7 Mt Jama 1 FURNIMIIINGM GOODM RALRH-VV mu having good getierai knowledge nf rlnthlng Apply to Wm CUrrl Clothtor UNIT Nntro Dome at 134 tf AT ONCE AN OFFICE BOY Addrero Box 737 city TELEGRAPH OPERATOR VV 1 experienced 1 tn tali etaro et Trie- graph Department thro evening a weak at UnHman' Metropolltaa Burinero OollfSj22M At Cal hcri la Apply at eaca WANTED KMART Bor TO GO MEM-Vl rogea and msk Ihetneelvs uro fall Tte Bote-Frirog Co 4u ML Antulro at 13d 3 WANTED AT ONCE TO WORK IN OUR VV laboratory and factory 12 bright active gltla 3 men packers 3 meg far hoist aqg strong tad about Id regia old a helper 3 irons tad tfl nr 20 yean old to wsah bottlro Apply oa Monday Davl and Lnwranca Co LuT Bfid Ml Antolno LADY OF GOOD ADDRESH VV and eduentlon to fill permanent rlty pari- 8W rqurMwn iNmwnnii nijr lion me ncruelidiied to buslnes method ft-rfad ng about 30 Addrero 311 Mtar ra pm- Of to TO RENT TWO MEAI'TIFUL SUM-SJ maldaarea lewri hi tha heat part of PoarhotrlUo front lrg tha (tear Far partleatan apply la Alas Dtamanas ua Notre liaaw at IAS TO LET AT FOINT CLAIRR Id memo anflage faralahed wstar Andy Aram Cbartabolg Potat Clair US Ci TO LET COTTAtlB AT IJTTUf Miu Par particular apply to Find A at I Itfitta Met la Qua IU Gl TO RENT SUMMER COTTAGE AT RF Qua Far pnnicutara nddreaa ax War Off lew 1X4 Saod TO LET COfNTRT HOUSE AT PARK Laval on rtrar a here (nod boating Inrsa aruanda: yoarty roat SM ClaemaaL Ml St Laateaeo at 0 TO LET VAT-DR EUIU TO MET FOR star Saa wooden eat tape furnished a few feet flua the river beautiful mlautao walk tram tha gtatlna Free amaa and amnhs at tha lialna SI3S Alphnnan Lnlnndo Vaudrrull 13: TO LET COTTAGE Potato a Fto iMwiny Hay) ml end Id site furalahedi ban been by dlatlnaulahed American famine Apply to Oagnoa aad Caron Stmt if OSleaa IM areuidad real mo Moatreal TO LET CARTIER V1LLE FIVE MIN-alaa from tramway beaailfal villa flne wood a Ira fcrack Addram MT aireet to TO LET WINDMILL POINT LAKE St Lmila aonitantnhta kouee no goer view Sno bathlaa flail lug hunting liruwa real esinu BgraL 7 Mt Jamas gt US Saod to TO LET AT ST LAMBERT SOLID brick alf-oatainrd I moat kouoe new hut water furnace electric light porcelain bath ato largo aardea with fruit tree etc eoara-kotaaa and aiahta: nat SIT Apply altar Andrew ML LuBhart Ul Saod CTO LET INLAND OOTTAOB Ft'H-alahed beautifully aiuiaud Mt Law-reuro river near (tanamaiue ka gnod boating Baking Sno bathlaa Apply Font Office Has 4X IU Saw 13 TO LET SUMMER RESIDENCES AT Lake L'Achigan Mill dig Cot lag and L'Acklsan Villa two right roomed guninwr ra-gldcncca partly furalahed with wide varandaha largo gardeaa aad wall auckad Ira kaaaia rant naodermla Apply la A tturhaL at tha Laka or Tha Molaua Company Mil St rn Xavier UR TO LKT AT MEInnt'RNE QUERRC lunUahed hotter is rnoRia targe gmaada ahado aad fruit tree eaeellant water rent twenty dollara per namih far aummer Apply to Mlaa Rmlih Iff Drummond at or If Mna-lelth Melhnuran Quebec IM 1 tow TO LKT COTTAGE MONTREAL Rouih rent tor aummer nr winter ruome newly palnle1 lovely garden lavnaaeull ferry every half hour nr GTfL Itagenalg and Ct AA Craig Talepboaa Earn IHlui CU LET METIS COTTAGE CON-X mining moms partially furalahed well eliualrd a-ad tomtlng and bathing: tent BUS tor I he reams The Stminam Real Eetata and Ageary Co Mercbaals Bank Building HOUSES WANTED WANTED COMFORTABLY FURNIRK-ed house or Rat tor July and Augurt gaud locality Weal mount prrfemd Apply to A Lack Si SL Sulpica aL UJ tok WANTED COMFOKTAHLE HOURE Mliil' 10 iwoma tnodara cnavanlaaee within mlnutoa walk Flam Vlger Ststloa Heat ant to aaoaod V4ai and tasm Tha Cradnck Imp-ana Real Eetata and Agency Co llevrhantg Bank BaUdlng US 1 WANTED FOR FIRST SEPTEMBER golf-coatalard bouae or Sal nf about or mom between Ml Famllle and Uuy its above ML Caiherutn Kindly elate matal when anewering Addrans Hal table TeaaaL dal Star Offlea US 1 0 WANTED SMALL HOUSE BOOMS adult family A vicinity Park avenue rant 110 monthly till fall Add teas TM star Office to WANTED HOUSE FIVE TO TEN I' mat within twenty minuter walk Rat Office rant muat ka reaaoaabla in good tea-aal HA Star Offlea toll WANTED TO RENT FOR JULY AND AX Ausuat unlurnlahed koaaa on the weal era atimmlt nt tha Mountain Addrmc SRflB War Branch Office 1 FABM8 FOB 8ALB Cl FOR BALE EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE tor Parana dealring to puichoaa ana of tha aleeat gammer plat-ea la Iks Province term IU arm with magnlSraat amaa taaldeaea Ituatad at II Fenot oa bolder of Imho SL tuml a Apply Walter Pleraa 4T4 Dorr heater at FOR SALE FARMS AND OTHER properties Mount Royal Vala rl Vincent da Paul Mnrhflebt Itarhlna and tlaewhora galt-abta tor poultry rmlaing marttat gaidaalBS ato Rharkrll 1714 Mona fmma gL FARM FOR SALE NEAR RICHMOND convenient tor church arhool 0 and rheeaa factory 1X3 arraa about fk) la trnod tha rmt la paatura aad caltlvatla largn brick haucc cottage tor nag onpartar bora at able farm balMingt wall watered ant rocky rr atoay Addtaaa Evans Klagacy Pnv Qua 1U Skod HOUSES TO LET I TO LOW 701 TENEMENT RS DTT rocher at newly palmed papered and cleaned none bath roots aad pantry Key SB or at BS Shuler aL I TO LET SELF-CONTAINED TENR- maat Sv room newly papered pajnv-I BBS CaditHis ed wc alaa two naguL paaaaga (rum to or SB Mherbeooka TO LKT US ST DENIS 10 ROOMS will real at reduced tent aad make repair to call daalrabta tenant Itawit real ratal a scat Iff ML James Ul Band toll TO LET HOUSE Ka IN NOTRE El' Dam aL Harhalaga room a la parlact order Largo yard aad ahed aad email lankued soilage aa SI Catherine at ho Hut For both apply A Davie BUT Notre Dam etreet Hoche-laga Tel Last Bull IU law tf BUSINESS FBEMISES TO LET TO LET STORE MB1 ST CATHEB-laa aL (waat Ouy elreel) has a Urge niaie glace window eoaereta collar hot water heated larga yard apleadld poalUe tor aa ay-te-dato eutloaary store epeclal Inducement of-Iried For pertlculaia ipHr to Cooper Star Offlea Telephone 100 II TO RENT 1ST MeGILL STREET largo Chafe will ho pat la perfect aider ter good teoanb Real lino aad token aL OS 3 Ggllvla aad Co II ML Saetameat i COTTAGES TO LET to TO LET OR FOR MALM COTTAGE Kn ns Ruraalda flare off Guy cl A Tartar IRI Notra Dam aL Fheaa Mala MIS TO LET AT LONOUEUIU ST i Chari at Me ootiagu bath and wo IB housa garden and fruit liras very comfortable Addnaa 10S BL Charts 1X4 I PUPILS WANTED WANTED PUPILS AT INGRES SCHOOL II French German Italian Spanish conversational method Fra oar Inatltut Ualvanlty WANTED SHORTHAND fQUICKRST II at at hod 1 typewriting Day and eveolitf 1 monthly Prof Cook Til SL Deal at IS I WANTED PUnUL WILL YOU EARN II moaryl If an learn tatagiaphy teach yea la abort tlmoi aaay tena Mj Marianna atraaL WANTED PRIVATE COURSE IN I Fnach Frof Baudty IBB Shethrooka etreet I monthly I law A TOUNO PERSON WOULD Btvs abort hand or bonk keeping lameae la exchange tor reading or roam tagaona Star OOlca WANTED CLASSICS MATHEMATICS II Eagllgh PTench and by ikiirmputidiaL Terma modent Prof Path I City Coun- 11 trod clllora gL ANTED A FEW MORE PIANO FU- pile at reduced term tor aummer IIIB per swath Addrero 85 Star Blanch Of- WANTED CENTRAL BUSINESS OOL-II leg ST Mt Lawrence aad Prince Arthur Mummer Bees Inn special throe mnnthe shorthand vourao both tanguaga guaranteed at-aed nna hundred wrwvla or more par aiianl lytMwritlng hnokkeeplnc penmanship Fnach lisnnaa classic a aiithawtle mat hematics Caaolly Frlaelpal NTED PUPILS FOR PIANO PI'S-Ing evening by young lady holding Lanina colles at Muata dlptaam Hatchlroa into IM ron uu kps mil wt akt im Ml Una Mnwt roatolulng thro InUaia cad In rim Amir to Ccpr Mr Offtaa fl tt IM FOR BALK Mine HlWfL MO lli ML Lawntira rinri with to tori trontaga Mr 147 tot depth running through Ml btrilWM I omen HOUSE for ULI OR LET MOM sad low amra toad Mulatto at Fm-liMbtif to tka beat plara la villacu- Tka gar-dm la Mucked arltk grape rtiuharh entrant-aad peon ala (load to kina la likn arkkk to ka to koaaa Apply to Graham Nine fma Montreal fl tf ITUR UU AT A BARGAIN FOR aala lot oa Mtefhmnfc at aaaaaita rat mount Turk In a 1IT Ogllvte aad CM Stock Kachans Building ISM tf rl PriR ON EART TERMR AT LOM-avail Rna brick koaaa wttk armaria Fri a 111 aa high laari aaar knot Raa akada and fruit I mm hrnuilfal lawn Flat amalda limit low tuna rw twaana for hgv-Int to aril Apply did Taaipla Rida- IM tf HOUSE VTlR PALE to RT C1IARI Ed Liil llnrmjoina itnpnnr 44 a IM faat altk atiilila oa prwailai-a Apply 1210 City Hall am IM law ri FOR RALE 'TORT NOOK COTTAGE" beautifully auaatari on Late rkactaknia full fiirnlaliari Im hnuaa fait and wood ouffl-ctnl for yaara Thin taka la rontlyuoua to ala alar take abounding la trout rirntw bnu full nf choice prnvleinn trhlrk raa ka kad at rwt Owner rwtaralna In England will aril thla property at a karyala Apply Wnrlhlng-toa Late Chari-hot gt Mijtint Tnrrfbonno Co CFOR RAIR rNIITRPAMKO CHAN'LL Meat karaala pnaaiMa a Ptofira Ural ciaaa apiaa rot I Man ground Ms7T Mt Lawrmea Ward at RM to pmapt pumhaarr balna 1 1 Hull to low Corporation valuation: caah naadad rnly IlMitn Kuarba Ulbrilg to Mt Jamra T-l Main IMS 1hiR RAIR CHOICE ItUILDINO KITES la Monlraal Annas at lowaat ptlnaa Buy now and aava Inert aaa which through nr aarvlm from i-lty will rattan Juha If Hurley Tampla FlulMlna FOR RAIR RIVARD STREET I TO 1 rliat aa ratatal ats Mrk eacntf dwell ing 1 pnnu egi-h all wall iwntadi Corporation vidua fan Nu maanaalila nffar twfuato fall for parmlt to aiamlna Muat ka anld fnrat Rollon ITAR Nirtra Dam to FOR SALK ON RIVER RANK AT Cl rit Illialm aaar iNtartwa Park an Idaal auuunar maldram furalahad and all rlty eua-venu-ncMi: low prior and may trmca to prompt buyer Apply II Ml Star Ulrica AT FOR SAIK TREE COTTAGE" til nlealy furalahad beautifully allunlari at Sva walk from Mta Margaret's Station pan nh of Min Adrta fla thn boraashnn rurvai and IU arrna fnim ihrm takao bracing air and a magnificent iroul took ntaat ha property which la p-rf rally prirata pars aptina water aaat to tka huuaa SM acne wall wood-ad Fur tonus ate apply to 1111 SL I at HI Saw FOR SAIK OR TO LET FURNIRII-cd I ha Keaujeu Manor liotrae at Cntaaa riu far na tka HI fAwronra ona tv Mir frmn Montreal: Im tiouee air II ds Salabarnr iwaa 43 pi rani Railway Uullrilua- IRE 2a raw FUR SALK HOME OP THE LATE 1-1 Major Wanlraa delightful location boat aivl Irwin am hom*o-lU-n Monlraal: prim luw Fartlrulara from Mra Wanlraa Mt Andrews li or at 11 liucklnshant arenu ally aw Thill RALE A FEW I7TI LEFT AT iKinilnton Park Larhian AA faat Pw Slttf) aaa terma Llngley Standard building inn raw IXIR SALE 110 LOTS OF LAND FOR limber pulp wood with cedar Mrrh aim air aaar Miaiaa Falk Stalina Ainu sriat mill anw mill planar ahlnfto marhlas and Btrnn oaa on Soatk Mhora Apply to a TMUlanant Advocate Uurira 124 llaod IriM FOR SAIJ9 OR TO LET 44 PRINCE Arthur at gund full sue brick houaa llMi aaay term a IM Uhls IS Durk-Ingham art toft PUR WERTMOI'NT FINE NEW iti abnn fniat cotlnsa all Bhalani Improve-uraiil StfOri only $Maj caati tyqulrad Frail odr IS Harklnakam aranur FUR SALE AT ST AOAT1IE FRONT- I ua I Ac rim Fakirs ITS arms alan Raa not- la I2 apart manta balk re alcApply Aiwlrt Marlar SL Agatha Qua to FUR SALE WKMTMOL'NT 140 Vlf-inda avanaa iwn-abwy hi aaa prnaaad lines runnw EH faat wlria camaaiad rallar hut water furnace atallonarr waah tuba and all modern ennvanlraraa fur aala cheap nr would earhanga far nvnlera hnuaa la want aad of city Apply to ShMr HR4 Si Onlh-arlsa at IM 8UIUUB rpilE MANOR IIOIISE MOUNT VICTORIA Iludann llaishta to now opaa for tha ra-crptloa of parmnnant and tranalant aueata Ursa mom a ntanalva pMitoi rarellanl ubla Trraia tram ala dollars par araah upwards Apply Mta Mad turd Thn Manor Hnuaa toft TO LET AT rAOOTNA LAROK Wa nk-aiy furalahad enttaaa alas tarn amallar sium and ona at Hirer da trap FotnL For parllculara Tim Lellel to St Paul at UTRAWnERRT HILL HOUSE rKHAQI'ID IJ Hatknur Malar near tha ocean ood hoailna bathing aad Oshlng Apply to Fan-na CIACOUNA urn MRS OEO MICHAUITS I prlvala boarding- houaa will ha open for rum mar aenann on Junu IBth nasL Flrat rlaaa Ishlr aad mmlhrtahla ittomai heat attenlloa to all Fur further parllrulam apply to Mrs Owl Michaud Cacnuna Qua IM 4 Saw aUBIIKC A LAKE ST JOHN RAILWAT naw route tn Mis far-famad Maatiaaay through tha Caaadtaa Arilrnndacha tn Laha SL Jnhn hom*o of tha crlabrarad an tcho Writ a to Alas Hardy Quebec tor bewail fully lllu-tiateri sal-k knob Iran sn I2e-d BSSZBBHTXAL VUT8 TO Ul a TO LET UPPER FLAT ROOMS and hathmma Apply bet warn and ISO to SI Mulcblaua aL IM to TO LET AND OllEBNB AVB W'aalmounL bright new Dais Sva ana 41-nt mama toil water hewtad open plumbing sisHontwy tuba gaa mwntrla I-arttouImm Tala-pltuna Pp IN to TO LKT FLAT NO MO ST AN-Ell tolna I room nlra locality an warm tmih Cts Junt repaired throughout and to new iMBloaat Sat In locality: only founts dai- Dira 15' A NEAT FLAT HEATED TO LET Aadrraon aad nawly tlntadi parttaa Icar-Ink the ally Apply Craig QL Alta TO LET SMALL UPPER FLAT Ilia beautifully alius! ed farina Wmtnra wiuara: rant modorau: Immrdiala pounaloa If rnaulrod Apply Rl Qomn aL bubxbesb flats to let toh FLATS TO urr CORNER ST JAMES Big1 and Crals ala boat Ugh lad In ally aull-Ima tor llllu mwaufadurlng Apply to WalhatTttS ML Fra Xarler at US1 TO LET A YEKY FINE FLAT AND ilt rooms with off 1cm ond food holL i SL Juha aL LrwtalSat John it BUSINESS PREMISES WANTED at WANTED TWO FLATS ADOUT SO TEH' IW each with at ram HI tn IB hnraa pnw- Addraaa 74 Star office IM Send MACHINERY FOB SALE 1R RAIK CHEAP A SECONDHAND 1 butler of about SO bona power Apply to St Paler FUBNITUBE STOEAQE TO LET rro LET FINE LAROB OR SMALL i room tor furniture atorago goods haw light dry and good natllatloa Lswls IX Rr Jnhn at IRQ Rand PROPERTY WANTED WANTED COUNTRY HOURS OR mall fuim port eaah will ho paid and Addnaa Star 1 IMSaod furnished houses to let TO FTHNIRHED MOURN TO LET 1 for July and A usual or kuisar Ottvlar Mia Wralmnuat rrat moderwla Apply flgStgr Branch omen isi lessons wanted kSTANTED A TOUKO PERRON li Mra ahorlhand or tombheeplns leaanna la esrMiTsa "JtaS or mushs laeauna 11 49A Star OOlo IN OBNTK FUHMPIMKG 73 nan apprenlle to Irani shirt cutting atari have gang character willing and aid ig lug 313 Ml James W'ANTED TOl'NG GlItL EMIGRANT 73 profmwd to fate core of rhlldiec and dn light hnurowork LuctoL 38A Eiton-brtk SL TWO STRONG HOIK TO Iron the plumbing II Italllle UM Peel BICYCLE RIDEKH TO PltlN I 7 their tires to Mmirral Thro Hoepltai Vulcanising and raped aurk at all hlrai ltW Mantulnet aL flrri door below Kt CmhrrBe Gift Lit EXPERIENCED AND VV learner for rating cull and wool clipping Good wage WU-n-k 2fi font mo GOOD GENERAL KERVANT VV giro girt to dn light taurowarh and help with children where a none is hope Reference requited Itau Hhertrarohc et 'ANTED FIRHT CLASS TOOL MAKER VV raiahto nf taking charge rf tnul room work at lacliloe Apply to A McQua-le 17W4 Ht Jam gt IM HOY FOR AN OFFICE ARIE VV in rank both language Apply ta applicant' handwriting 873 Mur Branch Offlr WANTED A GENERAL KERVANT TO VV go in th country muri hove good refee- xs Apply between 1 and 3 at bl Munleff tract wiener lararheater room No 3 A GENERAL KERVANT NO VV wuhlng or Ironing Telephone number Uptown 345 Apply 43 uuy ol OPERATORS ON RUHIIER VV rats meady puelliott ta find etaro hud ginger machine elenrle power Lon-dun Rubber Co 181 Craig IL BVSIVES1 CHAVCZ8 I'lVE HUNDRED DOLLARU PART INTER 1 ml in proprietary right Rrodlly rotaabta article 2uw a profit Anamvaranu lor nianutaci-ir at email outlay Fun hum prtvi leg to diroct ul rurtter puttoutara uad tufa*g Apply iiiarhmura routs gu tisiisda LUs Wdg Horn real luB If lXJR BALE CANADIAN PATENT NOk A WleM Ilushel haeket staking gurhlmq Irooed Much IMh IWU No 71413 films iraw-h ud grape basket nuking mocking Issued May 211 luol both In weccroful ra-Um ta th United Ktalro Aiqdy ta Wm k-moo mschmiM Trsverro city Mich A 138 1R KALE HIjOT MAITIINE patent Canadian palest fir ona of ite beet (-Ola euatrolkd plunger metrhaadlu vending nra rhiuro uw being Opr rated mreemfully 1a tha gist 1 Vila nten-Haadlro ran be applied to any kind sf glut machine Addrero Frank A Patl'h A Uad bury Mldg Bogus Maw Ml YtOR BALK MACHINE HHOP BOILER A rim and foundry la full apenulm galling account of rickuroa Addroro la Mtar Office 133 4 YOU CAN SECURE KMAIL AMOUNT rapllal Immediately ground Knar mining pod railing writs to Ledge SO fret wide: fra grilling- Locator Praeiract Ima ansa Mug IM Mur Offlea 133 4 IhlH DRUG RUBINEKX AN UP-TO-dato good paying burin ta a propc-ou town: no nppoatikia: eaey term good raw- addram 153 I nt to rolling Far full Information oddraro 323 Mtar (ifflrc TX)R KAIE PART INTEREST IN WELL I et eriabllohed and gnod paying taamdry Full particulars on uigritaallog Addroro hfllA bur Hpuieh Office 123 3 I FRACTICAL PRINTER WITH fgfiK A hava partnenhlp ta paying not iniedgo CAN Erotera Ontario aaa' with ten preferrod fh 72A 81 or Offle French 170R RALR WEIJj EKTARIJKHED JEW-A1 tilery hurineroi low real: good wand ro Work flilurro aad hum debt BlguutM 783 Mtar Office (INNER A STORE BUKTNEKK RTOTK Mura gun houro etahlo shed young ere hard throw arraa land No rroronghta rank offer rafaued John A Lugsa Hnwlck Bigilna Qu 134 3 turn Wanted energetic man to makii ule onl tact nairoy 3flu moalhlr muri furah 328M caah Money geegrod Appoint In-farvtow lim ddl Mur Offica ANN MOKT or YOUR MONRY HT IN-v rot Ing from ton dollar and upward our eo-operallv ptan certified glafamenn to hut month chow 2fi muata audraw Co-eiraratlv HyadlrMC Um 133 INVEMTOItMl CAPITAL PLACED WITH IV eorne 3 tn 7 PA weekly rorltai Ptared with uc Nn Inroro Eel aM la bed 1K84 lllgheri refaroneea Ctutomer aad lending tank Unlit Alllana and On Ham mood lad $117433 PAID ON EACH 5flfl INVEKTEB with ua from August IM Itol to Mu I1HI1 114 Inrluslv: lUth cororoutlv dividend Thero dividend earned the Invvalmenl by tars margin puld every Inc wrote eend bnoklet and official reports which giro faru aad flgurro Amerlru Mmrk tta Uac) Noe-wu-llerknian bldg New York PAY ALL DIVIDENDM WEEKLY AND VV have been doing ro to yean no bnori have ever oreurrod and row Imtanrc ram demand your money earns larger divides ll weekly Ihan you eu oura 1a a raring teak I ona year we opera! every week In tte yean New Orleans and Cullfurala In winter and 13 Um Middle Weslera and Eerier Male unmrr Fnrtlrutan and reference gent faro Hinnvrr rinimiglM ivicrmro Mutual Hecurlly Company nf New York priori pal offices 311-37 Mnradway New York II AYE fatal TO INVENT WHAT CAN YOU offer? Hnx 341 Mur Offlea 130 1 ag 11 ATE NTS SECURED OR VeE RETURNED A Mend model nr ketch tor fro opinion to paleninlrillly Mood for our llluriratad Uubb -Book lineal pnMlratlna tocued tor faro dlrirt button Conlalnc HW mechanical movement Tall how to obtain a paten I tew uad what invent to profit tew la aril patent tat point tor Inventors etc Patent aaeufal through ua advertised without charge In tty Fstrui Record tempi ropy fro also arm free our list at Invention wanted uad a maag directory Addram Evan Wllkea and lb Evans building Washington 11(1 lit rPEN DOLL ARM A DAY CAN RAMTIY Rl A mi mads gelling our good ta every horn Ad-drag for particular 77X Blsr Offle A DOLLAR A DAY FOR LIFE MKCURED by on InvMilgaUng our pmpnriihuq Mliher gambling nor perutatln hw ahkh ta a conaervgtlro burineao nlerprie poyluj hamtaoma dividend Tumhach lav Ca Fullffa Mt Louis Mo niami) a co aa ckaig cornki Mt Lawnncs Tolrphnuo least IRIS tea tor rata hauls mIoom Ilfiufi linn 23ua I23UU 3UUt UR to lll-IM CBH to list (firo baigs) Many bow bargain DAGENAIM A CO 4 CRAIG FINEH1 bar-room dealing with burin nwg only so night work: regular Ktaudyte proarat oun rallrlng after furl an mads ta aevra yaara DAGENAIM CO It KMT PAYING IIAR on Ht CuilMrin good stand on ML I-am maw only gtafl IN cosh nimlher In town think of It only 3lW: Rood ra sarin 10 other genuine bargain enumry hoi eta lo grocery unr Blare millinery Mon Ht Calheriiu wt manufartuna patenla llreneed dub ten ing charter etc oil kind ot burino ni Rd Craig Telepteno East 110 Partner will cool let wanted Grand tqienliig ET YHUR MONET EARN MONET FGi Ai you 31WI0 ran be mau ox every gltvi In vested Writ Immarl lately to particulars 8 ud Co El braadway 7 IHJit MALE GRAND OPENING FTi A young man going Into huclness can pur chore general atom luwInMM In Ite Tcwnahlita of years standing flrat dra only enul amount of capital raqulrad If land ran auppl) from 30 in 33HU acre oiljalntag th properly For particular addram II 78M MUr Office ZXBT IOMT AT OR NEAR 2M HIRERNfd at gum of money Mila Return to ah-an addraaa Liberal toward 13k 3 OfcT ON MONDAY 2ND INKTANT -4 tog terrier Mtrh from Mr Thlrrryi torn gear Cota Mt Paul Finder pleaira cane nun leal room 3 107 Ht Joars ct Hewari offend IOST AROUND MOVING TIME FROM Prince Arthur to Duluth avenue on Cb dims th an album with family photo Ite word At H48e Cadtous ct IOST A LIBERAL REWARD GIVE tor Information leading ta recovery Invalid trtcycto Moira from promlrac In rari of 48 McGill College avenue na night nf 2ai January lari Addram 337 Phertranoke ct OST A FURRB CONTAINING A MUM AJ nf money Finder will be rewarded Re turn to hbY Mtar onto I03T LART NIGHT BY WAY OF a Catherln and Park avrou td cliala tain ormlalnlng gold watch gtovra am money Rnturg to SIR rewarded IOMT ON MAT 3IRT A COLLIE TWIG rah rwmMa and whit nwiH Ihih Llbetw I itward if nviiaii lo 129 lnlat nFOR SALE PARK AVB TENE-nwnL rlngir to Bharbrooko MreeL cut atone front bouae with two dwelling healed by hot water will be auld to chew an octal for fwuk li Putnam IM flutg Temple building nFOR SA XIACKAT STREET A cut clone front hoitnw with eslonnloa kitchen and two flaw of bedrooms owner reared to sell tindnr cost go bo litteiulo lidlng IL In Putnam lei floor Temple buildlug CFOK SALE-ELXf AVENUE A BAR-gain a modern Hum front noun abort Klnr brooks street owing to change In tha family of Uw present garner ba la willing to sell under coaL baring no fur I her uaa fur IL IL PuUmm let flour Tempi building CFOK SALK-A HANDSOME DETACH-ed house above Klierbrouko street with small conservatory nd stable at-t ached Tha house contains six bedroom and Millard room and on tho ground floor specially handsome rooms and nail of modern dt-slan and finish price IlLiWh Putnam 1st floor Temple building tfftFOR AT A detached a tone houaa nf IS room hot water beating FMMO feet nf land laid of In lawn vegetable and fruit Harden several rholoa kinds of apple pear nlurna and cherry trees gooseberry and currant hughe gltruh etc wltltlnjjva minutes' walk of electric cam fine huuw for a fuin-lly with young children city and country combined mill ba wild to a prompt purchaser lor 11000 not much cash required 11 Put gin let floor Trntile bullill-tg FTO FOIi BALE McTAVIKII STREET AA a wide solid atone housa on a chol-n Ho: would make a handwimt family roit-d vn on with a modvrale expenditure la belli gold tn clone an ealnlo now bring rot-tied In Scotland price ftdMi XL Putnain let floor Temple building dm FOR BALE-A DmrilBD IA In Weatmount auitatile for a small family situation one of the wry brat uric ASM Putnam IM fluor Tcpipls building WAFOK SAIK RHUTER STREET A Aili stupa front houa with exlvnelon and hid wau-r heating an excellent purcltagg at trim I'utnam IM floor Tempi building OFOR A CORNER HOUHK IN tha vicinity nf McUIll Collett living rooms all on two floors ala Itedrotpni with aide lights: a small stable attached IL I'utnam 1st floor Temple building fWFOR AT A GREAT BARGAIN AA a email atone front collage on me upper level In a central location to clove an ratal 3SuO would Im ari-cplcd 11 Putnam 1st floor Trmplo building dRFOR BALE-A HANDSOME DETACH-AA rd residflnee grounds and enngervro trv with all modern appointments and dvcoralbing partlrulara Kitty office of fern requi-qlrd I'utnam let floor Temple building MR FOR BALB-MANCE STREET CI1'K A to Milton ntrart modern atone front rnttaga with exlvnelon kitchen tn rluaa an eatatn will hr gold for PM If I- I'ul-mun lal floor Tern pin hul Idl ng MRFOR HALE-BT I'RRAIN ST FAC A Ing SL Martin's Church several etuna front oottagen and ti-nvmrnla- tii rime an jSIMtr a luw price will hr accepted Fiiingm let floor Temple building TOR CRESCENT STREET A specially dcalgnml liotiar cnnialnitig double parlour extension dining room -d kitchen rorvant'a room In basem*nt in) flva bedrooms upeialra owner anxious to aell offers under coat solicited II Putnam 1st fluor Temple building WANTED TO PURCHASE wanted roritg on tour gentle 1 7 man friends' coat off nothing the heat rash price fur gnod gnnria Promptly railed fir by Mr Frank 4WI Ontlg at txy WANTED TO PURr-HASE LADIKtr AND II gentlemea'a east off clothing ttiMla all Made of travellers' sample ellver plattag article Highest prire paid at fl Pennon's Eng Notre Dam aL Mall order attended IM nt ANTED TO PI'RCHAMH AN EIEOTRIG ri motor EM to IM volts and from In a mtaraeg wro nr mil MN IIDRI horse power Apply to Fllloa Mtar Offleo uu a Wanted to furciiank iadieic and gentlemen' rest off rlnthlng Highest riirnr no nn renning nigneet pries ran he obtained from IVnenherg aa I am a new atari er xio Notre Dame at Wanted to ithuhame steam launrh must be cheap ahrmt fret tang la rood order in Hiar office anted one tarn twimter one spooler torty-thre Inchra hettreea Imuta of epoote muet be In gnod order Give lowest Prices and full description with Blue Smith's Fall Woollen Mill On Smith's Fall Onl A ROWING SKIFF: HUNT HE In gnod order and price reasonable Address Box on Wanted to pi'itrtiiANR a shoe shining stand and chain Aodreag II add Star Offle HIGH PKICKH PAID FDR book eollerllnns at old postage stamp antique family Jewellery old ehln mehugeny furaUum braes and plated war 11 rearm an-rleat clock and any kind of antlqultlra MM-rial price paid for entire collection Monlraal Mump and Hook Exchange 81 ML Catherine treat near Peel Wanted good bbtondhand mafh- must he at least i It Ineld Decatur Bull and Co So Hoepttal at TO PITRCHAMR A PABT CAR-rlage In good older Addreee K14 star Offle WANTED TQ rUHCHAME LADIES' AND gentletnen'e east off clothing and carpet pay highest prices la the rlty ItuNn BE Notra Demo street Mall orders promptly attended IM 1 Wanted secondhand typewrit-II muet ba In good condition: meonahle price cash deal Addram ItU Star branch Offle XEDICAL ADIES: OUR MARMLEMM REMEDY AJ tor delayed or suppnased period It can- aot ton Tha only tel labia monthly remedy Milwaukee Trial Wit law WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO RORROW ONE THOU II aand dollar aleo tea thousand dullara Mill waiMB airommiM UVIIMi central tmamlal property Apply Mil Hrnr Ul Wanted to borrow fifteen hum- IT dnd dollar at per cent Inienwl flrat mortgage AtUrege 404 Star Offle 133 Mod to rorkow nonu at po Tv on flrat mortgage country property worth in(inn gddreee Tap Btar Office PARTNERS WANTED WANTED PARTNER WITH (311m To TT fMen Mian to manufacturing to gro- etti trade advertiser has gnod connection and understands Uw trod Box Ml fltar offloa IM Saw WANTED PARTNER WITH LWIO rriR TT well estahllelied Import btulare all Caned representing Important foreign manufactures no risk for capital goods cold before ordering At dajrg At profit mm Bur Office OFFICES TO LET rfto LET FINE RRI0HT DOUBLE OR A rinito office oulcndld vault from par fi Lewi 13 ML John strato UW fond DOGS BIRDS ETC TTOR MALM C01X1R FANCIER IKOULD A not fall to aeeura copy et tho current tame of Field gad Fancy as It contains interact to them "Recent Cottle Importation" IITO-fuaety Illustrated by Mr Hunter and much other matter nf Interval to collie fane ten will ba found la the mlumna of Field and Fancy the leader of the paper devoted to gu dog cats aad prt Block Head to fro ample copy and special total cubarriMtaa offer Field aad Fancy Pub Co 3 and I iJey at New York rtty FOUND TYOUKD ON tlBT MAT HILVER WATCH with laonngram on cover Loser send description to Dos (UP SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED to that fine cut atnon front feotiog No 1 Mrtralfa slreeL for sal by order of Dm ownar living la Eng laud Apply to IL SIMPSON 0B Marehmals Bank Bldg SL Jamra aL Tel Mala SM SURUBBAN PROPERTT FOR SALE FOU KALE-CUTE DES KEIOEK A Ul detached aoUd brick resldenc wltk Bond ground OulramonL i acre of land Near Larking situated on Lake SL Louts larffa detached bouse with all modem conveniences batha clactrie light eta FOB SALE OH TO LET PHO-1 perty belunfflnff to Mr Iluphin Bitted on the liver fronL Svo mlnuteu' walk from clactrie can Apply to IL XL SIMPSON UN Merchants Bank Bldg X6 SL Janies aL Trl Main 344 CTO LET LJTTLE METIS COT-I age containing li mom completely furnished larga Ballerina good garden hath hnunr bog houar and punt lea hnuaa tilled li Hlmponn CM Merchant! Bank building Sl James at TaL Main 34 far FOB SALE CARTIERVILLE A Lg charming houa with ground well situated on the river In heat part of thla beautiful suburb Blmpaon AA Merchants Bank buUdlng KL Jamea aL TaL Main 34 Cf*ck BALE OK TO LKT AT MK-tlt rnttaga nl Ferguson's Point completely furnished For photograph and particulars apply tn II Simpson Merrhanta Bank Building Kl Jamra sl TeL Main SU KOK RALE A MuLKKN liOI'SK in a faehlonalil Weel End locality present owner would remain gg tenant at a rental to inaurr a good inrrptmenL II Hlmpoo Mnn-hants Hank building 1 RL James slreeL TeL Main U4L DIXIE COTTAOR CONTAINING about II mom hot and mid water In tha house both upstairs and down boat hour hath houar and boat gtmd garden with alrgarberrleg dnd vrgrtahlrg tennis lawn Immediate pnanetujn For rent and other particulars apply In 11 XI Hlmpeon Merchants Rank building hit Rt Jamra gtrart Tel Main 844 WANTED TO PURCHASE fTO WANTED TO A MO-e dern glory house with extension kitchen must ha Went End Apply to II Hlmpeon Merrhants Rank Rulld-Ing Ft gL Jamra street TeL Main 344 WANTED TO BORROW A LOAN OF PIW ON good out nf town properly Interest gavvueua iwii KMIR- IIIIFIT per cent For particulars apply to II Klmtiaon MS Merchants Hank building XOB 81 James strrrL TeL Main MIL FOB SALE OH EXCHANGE db WANTED SMAIA HOUSE IN EX-Xuu ehaag tor Wesimuuut kd 1 a IBB ffutir paid fur) Andy office I -rack's Plano Rooms I44U Ml talherlno at bet eon Stanley and Iminuaoad iff It I-Xffl SALE OR EXCHANGR WEST-A meant lots preferred 113 I totr heater at earner ML Mar 77 Star Offle SUBURBAN HTSIDZNCES TO LET MB TO LET OR FOR SALE LACHINE toA dralrahta eotteges and house on and near Labe front Apply harkell SIS Rntad-ay Upper Lachlne 1TB Notre Dam Mimt-taal IBS a FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED WANTED DT YOUNG MARRIED couple tor two nr three men the fumlehed hnuaa la country within to mlaaietf walk nf electric ram Bear water Cartlervllto ptafor-Addroee IM Star Office Ill gi SUXMEB COTTAGES TO LET TO FART OF A COTTAGE WITH use of kltrhea atotr els minutes from ferry Apply to Mi McLachta 14 UUIIuma Langueull Qu HE8XDENTZAL FLATS WANTED toto WANTED RT TOUNO MARRIED Sill eoupls Mmll Sat In city or Weal mount unfurnished Addram SU Star Office 13 lend tok WANTED SMALL FLAT OR THREE Sul or four un furalahed iwntn for two ahova Durrhaater between aveaaa aad Atwater Dun-heater mweier: met have nwlern convenience gg tarou a Star Branch Offle STABLES TO LET rno BERT STABI-E WITH A atolls aad aacrlaga room coal la Uw residential OR THREE itrally eitu-aear Shcr-MB BB brooks to Apply Id Vlotorl to BALLS TO LET tom TO LET EMPIRE BALL FOR NIGHTS MISCELLANEOUS FOR ALU DR PAUL Phrenologist and Mlad Reader to hi new offlea and residence la Metcalfe street Advise given aa bast nee love mamas dlvoic speculation changes In buei-noe absent friend law suit ate ate It not MtlaSed they need ant pay Oendemen should consult this eminent Mlad Reader aad Phrenologist Sir ha gives never-felling ad vies to yming bmb oa niamagt aad haw to choose wlfs -tor happlnas and what buelneae adapted tor speedy riche Give Indispensable advlea to ladles on lova courtship aad marriage et He Is always ready to help I hose with capttkl to find safe and nod-paying Invest meat thta ho ean do and ho asks no fee until this Invest meat pays a handsome pro lit Ha ha been tested during hie long residence hot by tha judge lawyer doc tore and all here in Montreal and has always been a source of both prom and emeeement by the nhova-manttaaed diem This gentleman ha ramovad to hi new residence Number BB Mst-ealf etreet aaar cuheria where ha win ha happy -to meet hie old clients as well as tha new client who Buy wish to eoneull him Ha does not advartlro In tha dally papers vary often tor hie el ten la ora hie beet advertiser and ha would not advertim bow hot tor tha fact that he alettes hie client both old and naw to know whor* ho raa ha found Tha Doctor by bis straightforward manner of doing bustaoM during tha last Bv yaara of hie residence hoc has so andeand hlmaelf le tha hoaru of hi clients and won tha lova aad esteem of all with whom ha has come In contact No tint tor Idle goealfe only honest Broken Briar truth need call Oprn to-day Munday aad ovary day In Iba week (mm 10 rf'clock am antll o'clock Prices an II and upward If not aa" lied yon need not pay Privau parioura at uwn residue Number BB Metcalf etreet near ML Catherine to Maid la altsmtanc Cut advertisem*nt out and aava IL WANTED RT A TOUNO AMBITIOUS If home seeker party owning property whs would be willing to build small self-contained house aad than roll taking payment tor earns tat monthly 'Instalments of fair mount: purohaaer to llv in tmuw must ka west of Manca to Addrero IE fltar Offle XXTANTED ENGINE ER'k LINCENBB II cbaalc anglraer flrraen riwirictaiw HE- eo-aags pamphtaL vising nt by KgamlPlBg Board of EaglBecra cent fra Ctao A Holler PahUehor room Mu 4th ML Lout Mo 111 IM nod bMD TOUR OHDEHii FUH HOSPITAL teat lumbermoB'e toataaraay kind of uni Imrmcevcra waggaa aovor all hiadc of watorproof Mood feedhoge oreoal base taejunnulecturar THimT lad Muaa paior- -VOTICE TO MR EMILE i Theroux wtohea to call tha alteatlon of contractor aad tha puhlta la teasnil to a trot made by IN the Dotninloa rid go on SUfMfRhtah Prorod re-eictoat power of TABOO Tho brick can be had la nay quantities at marked price Thin le a solid brick end eon ba need anywhere la par-lag or sewerage wortt Address Entile Ther-nun Mitchell Stottan Drummond Ot Saw I AAA ULI AAHIMVftlt -l VJ.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.