The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 1955 Porter on Cologne Amazes One The Old Skin Game rom what the humans did By DOROTHY GRISWOLD out hit con orum and ellowship By Russell Bacon SILVER IS MODERATOR Tips on Retirement Pat on the Back Religion in Review Expedi party for the young Richardson of St Parish was elected meeting to plans the Rabbits minks and arise! A crisis is at hand let the humans jeopardize The market we command are rail over when we should have passed a law To make man see the light Instead we never raised a paw In protest of our plight Debate on Jobless Pay Referen dum Set by Consumers League Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of the Temple will act as modera tor at a debate on the unemploy ment compensation referendum proposal at the annual meeting of the Consumers League of Ohio Nov 3 at 12:15 in Hotel Manger Jacob Clayman of the Ohio CIO Council will take the af firmative in the debate His op ponent will be Russell Tarvin of the Ohio Manufacturers Associa tion ported that policy and numbers writing in Cleveland "has never been lower than it is today" The this year he said is about a half million dollars com pared with five million dollars in 1953 Crime is down 20 he continued but he said that the rate of juvenile delinquency is up 1 in Cleveland "and has gone up much higher in the sub In discussing another matter the mayor mentioned that at the newly opened swimming pools last summer it was found that parents were sending their children there for four and five hours a day Parents were mak ing a veritable "baby of the city he commented MIG It SHADOW IKE have been 100 per centers in support of the policies of Agri culture Secretary Ezra Taft enson are moving into the ranks of his bitter critics How potent the farm issue will be in next campaign remains to be seen Secretary Benson and Republican leaders profess a belief conditions will begin to right themselves before the election But a feeling which is be ginning to spread to Ohio is ex pressed in this utterance from a dairy region Republican from another state: "If fire Benson everything would be all right no matter whom they named to succeed him The farmers aren't sore at Ike ex cept that he appointed such a secretary of agriculture They are sore at lower prices for dairy products and higher costs for erable support from persons who classify themselves as Dem crats These divide 26 for Warren 70 for Harriman with 4 undecided As might be expected Mr Warren runs extremely well with GOP voters getting the nod from 93 to 5 for Harriman with 2 undecided (Copyrltht 1955 American Inatltute of Public Opinion) We should have joined the silk worm strike When man conceiveda blend Of coal and tar that felt just like Real a fearsome trend! sat by and let the worms Contest this devilish plot And now they spin on htfman Which frankly so hot plete recovery Those prayers did not go unheeded illness came at the very peak of his service to the republic We cannot doubt that it came as the re sult of the heavy burdens tie bore We here tonight as well as all members of our great Republican organization can do no less than rededicate our selves to the course he laid out for us and resolve to drive for ward until the goals have been These addresses are signifi cant developments in a campaign in full blast more than a year before the next election Our cowardice was pitiful Or else we think or soon they made died in the wool Mouton that looked like mink Arise fur bearers and forestall This horrible abasem*nt Before lost beyond recall By synthetic replacement But still we sat in blind tempt Like ostriches we hid Convinced that we were all ex empt Now man made furs have their stride The ads show little Arise lest our fur fathers died To save our worthless pelts Proven in Hospital Tests Clinical tests on patients at one of the leading hospitals have shown that SORISOL may do wonders for you AT YOUR DRUGSTORE Accept No Substitutes luirdlin Ctitmletf Crp I I City The Cavaliers of St Michael organization of Catholic men is making an appeal for toys and clothing to be given to needy Puerto Rican children at a Christmas sters Eugene president at the first annual meeting held recently Norman A uerst attorney and state representative and George Moore of Television Station WEWS were elected vice presi dents Nicholas A Bucur at torney and founder of Cavaliers was re elected chairman of the board of trustees By RICHARD WAGAR Church Editor His' Honor Mayor Anthony Celebrezze gave a spirited pic ture of Cleveland particularly the city's administration as re lated to slum clearance and other civic betterments and needs in a talk before the Greater Cleveland Ministerial Association on Monday The clergymen were intensely' interested and seemed eager par ticularly to learn how they could help further efforts to consoli date some of the suburbs with Cleveland into a county wide government The mayor talked about public housing air pollution develop ment of a lake front port rec reation Noting that Cleveland has 200 chronic alcoholics on its relief roles he asked: you make these families suffer (by cutting off relief) because the man of the house Condoning Sin? The mayor went(on to relate that in some families on relief there are as many as five or six illegitimate children we through our tax dollar actually condoning immorality by paying for the support of these fam he asked further He said he did not have the answers but was only raising the questions In reply to a query from one of the ministers the mayor re By IL VAN CALDWELL Not one of us but likes a pat on back occasionally Therefore when Edson of Lakewood and New Smyrna Beach la sends me a clipping from one of my columns with the penned notation your wisest I feel that maybe some of my observations on retire ment are giving others food for thought Mr Edson was particularly pleased with my suggestion that oldsters should not be iso lated in colonies away from young life if That capitol dome with which this column is identified will have coats of paint next spring Cost will be $65000 Vanik Gives Terse Reply to Aide Trans World Airlines sent members of Congress invitations to attend their "international wine tasting open It was the airlines way of announcing a new set of offices here The invitation to ROp Charles A Vanik (D Cleveland) was opened by Eugene Krizek his top assistant in Washington Krizek sent it along to Vanik in Cleveland this attached memorandum: can one word reply by re turn mail: Association Will Launch Session Tomorrow pensive form of collecting You do not have to provide storage space for friends you cannot friendships and the ex tent of your collection is bound less urthermore unlike most static collections friendships keep paying you dividends spon taneously This morning I collected a few while sitting in my car near the post office waiting for a friend to return ive people waved or called to me people whom we had not even met a year or so ago The day is infinitely bright er for those five contacts de spite a cold drizzle and an east wind Yesterday an interesting cou ple from Woodsfield knocked at the door The red Williams are the retired owners of a coun try newspaper who have been in Germany and that was say ing something or what seemed endless acres around the ca hedral there a building eft just occasional walls Millions of pieces of busted glass reflected the sunlight up ward There were no streets just rubble And the three big bridges across the Rhine com parable to our High Level Bridge Main Avenue and Lorain Carnegie Bridges in size were wrecked and partly collapsed into the river The railroad sta tion was kaput and naturally no trains were running Bridges Are Repaired Well today the bridges back in commission with and auto traffic' pouring them while a new bridge has been built farther north to car ry the overflow Trains are run ning out of the station almost as often as commuter service out of New York or Chicago And in what was once the devastated area around the cathedral are whole blocks of new shops and stores carrying as fine a variety as see anywhere food such as our chain groceries stack good clothes at prices no higher than ours shoes cameras in profu sions (the Germans seem as camera crazy as Americans) Even mink coats yet And thick crowds as full as Euclid Ave nue on a Monday night Res (aufants where the beer was tangy and the food delicious I were thriving Take it for Granted Today you just take it all for granted ruins you see you look at with the same de tachment as old Roman ruins just something historic that hap pened to be there not something you yourself had a part in creat ing and being slightly horrified at discovering Life was moving at a fast happy pace better than I had ever seen it for in 1936 and 1939 when I visited Germany Hitler was already beginning to put his curse on the place and you had a continuous feeling of being watched all changed today You just eat and drink and drive around and enjoy yourself as you do anywhere else that had never been blighted by war and which is warmly encouraging tourists You gawk at the in teresting sights you keep a sharp eye out for road signs and you pay close attention to your driving for if you yoi may have trouble with these eternal trailer trucks busses loaded with tourists and mil REDEVELOPMENT TO BE AIRED HERE Joint Vets Group to Mark UN Day The Join Veterans Committee of Cuyahoga County will con duct its 10th annual United Na tions Day ceremonies at noon tomorrow on Public Square The ceremony in the north west sector will pay tribute to the founding of the United Na tions in San rancisco in 1945 Samuel Deutsch president of the organization Harry Jackson chairman of the May Committee for UN Week Mayor Anthony Celebrezze and Common Pleas Judge Don ald Lybarger will speak A wreath will be placed in tribute to all Americans who have died fighting for this country and the UN And did we help the chamois trade With any small assist? Huh uh synthetic skins were made To price them off the list The new approach to urban redevelopment through co ordi nated work by all of the agencies and resources will be the theme of the 22nd annual con ference of the National Associa tion of Housing and Redevelop ment officials opening at Hotel Statler tomorrow Keynote speakers emphasizing this subject at the initial session starting at 2 pm will be Albert Cole administrator of the ederal Housing and Home i nance Agency and Juvenile Court Judge George Edwards of Detroit former director of that housing authority '1 "Communities must come to recognize that redevelopment cannot be accomplished by sin gle handed said John Lange director of the national association takes industry commerce public housing authorities pri vate builders planners city gov ernment and citizens all work ing together "Nothing that goes to make up a city can be isolated Every thing is related That is why re development requires the over all approach "ederal assistance doesn't do all and shouldn't Redevelopment should represent voluntary ef fort on the part of a pco pie That is great chal lenge to American To End Thursday i The conference will continue through Thursday with workshop sessions on organizing neighbor hood groups public housing operating problems vandalism and juvenile delinquency meth ods of marketing cleared slum areas to private developers re development of cleared land fot commercial purposes and re lated subjects Speaker at the annual ban quet Wednesday night will bs Simon Sobeloff US solicitc general About 1200 delegates will attend the conference The national association came into here in 1933 fathered by Ernest Bohn Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority director when he was a city councilman Bohn introduced a resolution adopted by Council calling for a national housing conference He took charge of setting up the group and was its first president By WALKER BUEL Plain Dealer Bureau WASHINGTON Oct 15 Re publican campaign strategy for 1956 regardless of the identity of the presidential nominee is crystal clear four weeks after President heart at tack 1 wpiiivau a inistration spokesmen are paving the way to make the paramount over shadowing issue: "The Eisenhower program for America" With or with 1 out Mr Eisen hower it will be WALKER BUIX an Eisenhower so far as the Republican party is con cerned on the basis of evidence as of this date Humphrey Gives Word Three cabinet members carried that word to the nation with addresses this week Republi can gatherings Treasury Secre tary George Humphrey in dicated it in a Boston speech before 4000 Republicans launch ing a campaign of "Stick With Ike" It was underscored by Post master General Arthur Sum merfield former Republican party chairman in speeches in Oklahoma It was emphasized by Interior Secretary Douglas McKay at a Republican dinner in St Louis Delicately also tw'o of the Cabi net members Humphrey and McKay touched on the ability of the administration to con tinue operation of the govern ment without the President They gave high praise to Mr Eisenhower for having so well 1 grounded his policies and pro grams with his associates that they could go forward smoothly I and effectively Hall Set Pattern All of this fits into a political pattern foreshadowed by Na tional Chairman Leonard Hall who said at the time the President' was stricken there would be no change in Republi can campaign plans which he had built around a proposal to mold the GOP the image of The heavy present emphasis is io drive home the point that the Republican party is the instru ment chosen by Mr Eisenhower to give effect to fundamental pr' riples in which he believes naster General Summerfield at an Oklahoma City Republi can dinner stressed that in his maturity Eisenhower for the sake of his country and the peace of the world volun tarily deliberately in the full ness of a vast knowledge entered the Republican God willing for years to come we have on our side the leadership the wisdom the in spiration of Dwight Eisen continued Summerfield have him as our leader toward a better a stronger a more prosperous and more dy namic America And we will not fail him or the country by Greatest' "The Republican party is a great team headed by the great est of modern men The program he has established for the re public in the years ahead is far reaching in its objectives gold en in its benefits for the entire nation concerned with the well being of all Americans We can not stoop to little things We must march together in a mighty crusade tireless will to win means that we must divest ourselves of the last lingering shreds of the attitude: 'Let Ike do It means instead that from now on Ike must be every day buoyed up and strengthened in the knowledge that millions of Americans Republicans like him self are working in the same spirit in the same party for the same purposes as he has never been associated with defeat We must never per mit him to be associated with defeat Next year that depends on us 'On the High We do our part like men and women who are partners in American history with Abra ham Lincoln with Theodore Roosevelt with Dwight Eisen hower his birthday in 1956 will be even happier than this of Interior Secretary McKay told Missouri Republicans: "When we add up all the great things that have been achieved under the leadership of President Eisenhower it seems impossible that we could fail to make the Republican party the great majority party of the nation We are on the high road now We are moving forward in a spirit of honor and decency and fairness to all We cannot fail Campaign? cannot have had the leadership great leaders Dwight Eisenhower When the nation and the world was stag gered by the news of the illness that had befallen him the prayers of the people of good will everywhere were joined in asking for his speedy and com Then came the Davy Crockett craze Which' lasted many moons And dogs and cats lived their days To wind up as raccoons fail because we inspiration and of one of the of all time By GEORGE GALLUP Director American Institute of Public Opinion PRINCETON NJ Oct Chief Justice Earl Warren de feats New Gov Averell Harriman by a substantial 5 to 3 margin in the latest of possible presidential candi dates for 1956 In a presidential test poll con ducted by the institute following the illness of President Eisen hower the popular California Republican three times elected governor of that pivotal state by large majorities wins out over Gov Harriman by a vote of 59 to 37 rom Maine to California a carefully constructed cross sec tion of voters was asked how it would vote if the chief justice and the governor wee the op posing candidates in a presi dcntiarclcction at this time indings Here is the result: Warren vs Harriman Warren 59 Harriman 37 Undecided 4 Eliminating the 4 who said they would be undecided the vote divides 62 for Mr War ren 38 for Mr Harriman The Harriman boom has been gaining momentum in the last several days and many observers believe that he will give Adlai Stevenson a good race for the Democratic nomination He is currently among the top con tenders as shown in institute polls Headed GOP List In a survey last April Chief Justice Warren led the list of GOP candidates for the nomina tion if President Eisenhower de clined to run ollowing that poll Mr Warren issued a state ment of his intentions to with draw from politics permanently for services on the court War ren ran second to Vice president Nixon in a survey reported Sun day as the top choice of GOP voters for their 1956 nomination if Eisenhower does not run In trial heat Warren draws a particularly heavy vote from independents throughouthe country outpolling Mr Har riman by a margin of 68 to 27 among independents Independent Voters Warren 68 Harriman 26 Undecided 6 Mr Warren also draws consid ROTARY Galen filler vice president and treasurer of Towmotvi Corp and third vice president of Cleveland Wel fare ederation will salute the opening this week of the annual Community und appeal when he to Ro tarians at luncheon Thursday in Hotel Statler The airview Park Hospital Nurses Chorus of 27 voices will be heard at the meeting Miller a native ot Tuscarawas County Is a partner in the Invest ment firm of Hayden Miller Co Before being elected president ot the welfare federation he was its vice president its treasurer and a trustee He also served the Cleve land Society for the Blind as treas urer viee president and president In World War I he was an air pilot Summoned to the at the luncheon are: Dudley Bloaaom Jr chairman ot the metropolitan division In the Com munity und campaign George Bald win of Hyde Myer Baldwin Doran: Mlsa Lulu Biehl assistant principal of Thomas Jefferson School Mrs Clarke Bruner chair man of the division Community und: Dr Warren Guthrie chairman of the division Dan Elliott director of the Social Service Clearing House of the welfare federation: lorence Ray director ot the Group Work Council: and Jo Anne Davis of the public relations department of the Community und The Rev Living ston II Lomas pastor of Lakewood Baptist Church will address fel low Rotarians tomorrow noon as the club observes World ellow ship Week He will tell of his sum mer travels in Europe and Africa Wendell A alsgraf will speak following Thursday din ner on "Responsibilities of Citizen EAST "The United Nations It will be the Wednes day luncheon topic ot Richard Peters edi torial writer for the Cleveland Press Maynard lickinger Interna tional service chairman will be in charge ot the luncheon program tomorrow In ob servance of World ellowship Week Robert Dletsch foreign editor of the Cleveland Press will be Tuesday dinner speaker Subject World Day KIWANIS Greater Clevelanders who William Brochu Dr inn ROCKY Elwood Den ton cashier of the ederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland will be riday dinner speaker KlWanUns are to hold a breakfast from 8:30 am to noon today at the corner of Elm wood and Maplewood Avenues site of the Rocky River Recrea tion project where a bulldozer al ready Is at work The breakfast is open to Kiwanians' families and guests Kiwanls officers elect: President Spencer Hopper to suc ceed Archie Poole first vice president Dr Carl Poser DDS sec ond vice president James Surrell: directors Ray Andree Walter Manns Bill Yohe holdover direc tors Vince Lewis Ted Ward George Williams Bert Charlton Past Lt Gov Oliver Herke DDS was appointed secretary for his 15th term and William Wald treas urer for his sixth term MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS John Ganas la the president elect Douglas Helna was choaen vice president Louis Mundy Dr Kenneth Rasmussen and Edward Vol Isln were elected directors SOUTH ather and son night will be observed tomorrow at the Youth Center NORTH William Srp chair man of th public relations committee win lead the club Tuesday evenlnr tn paying honor to the recently retired editor ot the Royalton Recorder Dr Rosenbaum Candidates for Berea city of fices except mayor will be heard followlny dinner Tuesday John Osmun program committee chairman is inviting mayoralty candidates to speak to the club just be fore the election SHAKER Tuesday dinner will be followed by talks by two Key Club members AVON LAKE Newly elected officers: President Robert Wolf: flrt vice pres ident I King: second vice president Paul HolUger: directors Earl Lapp Karl jeldstad Don alkner EXCHANGE Ladies day lunch eon Tuesday at Hotel Hollenden will be followed by an address by Miss Bell Greve health and wel fare director for the City of Cleve land SHRINE LUNCHEON CLUB Zoo Director letcher Reynolds and Harold Clark will speak fol lowing riday luncheon on land zoos East African tlon" LIONS WEST SHORE Dinner Thursday will be devoted for the club's "Light for sale of bulbs which starts Oct 15 Three teams will be captained by Jack Dietz Merrill Smith and £4 Jenkins Leader ot telephone crews is Ted Holt OPTIMIST William Hackman ct the HA will tell Wednesday ot the By PHILIP PORTER OLOGNE The amazingly fast recovery of West Germany from the vast war destruction has been already well described but you really have to see it and live in it for a few days to believe it To get the full impact you have to drive in it Drive in the rat race of trucks and Volkswagens and scooters on the autobahns the ancestors of the American turnpikes (and about the only good legacy Hit ler left) Drive in the continuous congestion in the cities particu larly those which have centuncs old quarters through which PHIUP porter the roads run where frequently there is room for only one car Try to find a place to park As one who has survived the New Jersey and Pennsylvania turnpikes on holidays I can testify that they are as nothing compared with the whizzing autobahn through the Ruhr around Dusseldorf and Cologne The big trucks running in tan dem and trying to pass each other on hills the steady stream of 65 to 70 mile an hour pas senger cars in all four lanes were mighty familiar and just as nerve wracking Same Night and Day It's the same night and day the same in small towns as 1 well as big ones I stayed sever al days with a German family in the town of Wipperfurth about 20 miles east of here where the house was on the main street there was no particular industry there except local ones and it was not especially a crossroads Yet the trucks kept coming all night long Six years ago hen I was last in Germany there were ample signs that the recovery was tak ing hold even then after a hard currency was finally achieved But then only a few new build ings were going up hopefully in the midst of still vast destruc tion and it seemed miraculous that any variety of goods was appearing in the shops or that the food was getting plentiful But today the recovery is so well advanced that destruction is hard to find in many cities where it used to be the prin cipal thing you saw The well filled shops and stores the streets crowded with well dressed busy people seem per fectly natural as if there had been no war Change Is Striking The most striking contrast to me was right here in this an cient cathedral city on the Rhine In April 1945 shortly after our ground forces had passed through the area I flew low over Cologne just to get a look at the wreckage the bomb ing had left It was as dismal a mess as I had seen anywhere lions of bicyclists Now She Shops and Carry Without Painful Backache Nasstaff backache headache or muscular aches and pains may come on with over exer tion emotional upsets or day to day stress andtrain And folks who eat and drink unwisely sometimes suffer mild bladder irritation with that restless uncomfortable feelinf If you are miserable and worn out because of these discomforts Pills often help by their psin relieving action by their sooth ing effect to ease bladder irritation and by their mild diuretic action through thekidneys tending to increase the output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes So if nagging backache makes you feel ragged out miserable with restless sleep less waittry Pills get the same happy relief millions have en joyedfer over 60year Get today! (Advt) nocn of Economics American MERCATOR Janies Broz deputy commissioner of purchases for the City of Cleve land will tell of his wartime coun ter intelligence experiences half Writing Bender about the present 10 tax on mutual at umo race tracks the constituent com like to bet ch the horse races but getting tired of paying an extra 10 to bet you tell me if this tax is ever going to be I t'ken off? If think OUit' The senator replied that the tax is fixed by the Ohio Legis lature and that as of now it appears that the only direction it ever is going to go is up advice to you for what little it may be worth on the subject" wrote the Cleveland sage to save 100 and not worry about the other Imaginary Bell Is Too Heavy for Young Minshall Werher Minshall four year old son of Rep William Min shall (R Cleveland) was not participating with the rest of his Sunday school class as it sang the Church The other youngsters at the request of the teacher were tugging at imaginary bell ropes with both hands while they sang "Werner why you ring ing the church asked the teacher The small Mihshall looked somewhat surprised at such a silly question too heavy" he replied Ohio GOP's in arm Areas Turn on Benson Some onio nepuoncans in farming areas who hitherto) Autobahn Traffic Is Terrific Recovery of City ew War Ruins Left Warren Leading Harriman by 5 to 3 in Gallup Survey sOhio Under the Dome 4 Bender Advises Critic of 10 Race Track Tax How to Save ull 1 00 BY WALKER BUEL EDW KERNAN PHIL GOVLD1NG Plain Dealer Bureau tx ASHINGTON Oct If this Cincinnati fellerX takes Sen George Bender seriously he may in rwsr hmicA HUI 1 A V4AX On the other hand his zest for living may be cut in If not entirely destroyed Ministers Hear Mayor Describe City's Problems Offer Support for County Wide Government Pattern of Campaign Is Clearly Laid Collecting riendships Makes Easy Inexpensive anc Satisfying Hobby Reader Volunteers a Embarnsilng Rtd Scales Crusts Must Co or Monty Back Tho Only Prodnot or This Uso Containing CLORP WCS 50 Won't Stain Skin Clothing or Linens Safe Easy To Use BORISOL Is completely safe inf easy to use All you do is bathe afferted skin areas with the soothing SORISOL solution dally No bandages no mersy creams ointments or oily ro fiowders to cake on skin or soil clotti ng Thesa simple applications help eurb recurring lesions SORISOL elean and safe to use does nrj cortlln mercury carbolic acid or coal tar in correspondence with me pre viously and stopped in on their vacation trip to if you looked like your Now I can tuck them in among my collection of friends and sure our contacts will be con tinued via more correspondence But should you be interested in the more three dimensional form of collecting the article on hobbies in Houghton has some novel suggestions Ra diator ornaments from old cars seems to be a favorite subject for some collectors who com plain that the habit of collecting old autos themselves has made it more difficult to find the ornaments in junk yards still settle for friendships as a in the collecting line They are easy to find in finite in number offer the great est amount of variety and are the most valuable Collecting friends is not an it is just a way of life But occasionally someone comes up with a new idea riends can often be collected by just sitting We count several in our list whom we originally met in deck chairs on ocean voy ages And we are far from being alone in this respect Recently a friend in Chatham entertained an English dramatic director of an ocean liner They have kept up a correspondence and visited back and forth ever since Many lasting friendships have been started on the benches and piers of lorida and other south ern resort towns There are no closed seasons or bag limits for this form of hunting (Communications ihould be addressed to Van Caldwell Box 263 Chatham Masi I Now! Amazing Relief for Miseries of PSORIASIS VAN CALDWELL possible At least they should be so located that they can see young life going on around them Being a friendly soul he en closes a couple of clippings from a little magazine Houghton One is on hobbies a form of activity that intrigues many a retired person Collections are easy to make and the subject matter to be collected is endless in its variety Personally we have not gone overboard in any one direction Stamps were in triguing in my earlier years and we have the usual assortment of small antiques that can be found in most homes I presume if we have a hobby it is collecting friendships Not a bad hobby either for retired folk It involves showing an in terest in people around you and keeping up that interest by friendly salutations letter writ ing a bit of entertaining and offering a sympathetic ear to problems In many ways collecting friend ships is the easiest and least ex upon the candidate witn drawal Then the annual onio District installation was be stowed on Cleveland and will be held Jan 9 in Hotel Cleveland with the 10th (East Side) and 16th (West Side) Divisions as hosts Henderson was lieutenant governor three years ago and lias led several Kiwanis inter club events here Chairmanship of the installation went to Rob ert Andrews secretary of West Cleveland Kiwanis and long active in district affairs Cy Corthell of Akron was chosen to continue as district secretary and Mai Roscover of Cuyahoga alls is the new trea surer Don Williams seertary of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co and past president of Berea Kiwanis was elected lieutenant governor of the 16th Division Andrew lanigan past presi dent of the South Euclid Lynd hurst club was elected lieuten ant governor of the 10th Divi sion CLEVELAND A program cele brating the 41st anniversary of Ki wanis Club of Cleveland will fol low its luncheon Thursday In Hotel Cleveland UNIVERSITY Common Pleas Judge Earl Hoover will speak following luncheon Thursday in Wade Park Manor Subject "OK the Bunk or So You Want to Be a The club has set for Thursday evening Oct 27 the charter party of the newly organized Circle Club of Case Institute of Technology The din ner will be at 6 at Wade Park Manor Kiwanis International and Circle International leaders and fathers of the Circle members have been Invited to the stag cere monies Dr Milton Oppenheim Is the president elect to suc ceed Dr rank Walter Others elected: irst vice president Carl Benner second vice president Carl I Weber: treasurer Dave Conklin: went to the Ohio District Con directors Al Boehringer Ed Lottus Wtllt IM Uic VlUU WllUam ir 'Hronno vention in Dayton last week numbering more than 150 out of 1250 in attendance brought home the district governorship and other honors When a sudden illness sent to a hospital for emergency opera tion Paul Plasterer of Marys ville who had been in line for governor Stuart Henderson of Bedford Kiwanis was elected 711 MM 1 VJ.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.