Darkbloom - Chapter 15 - Kashoku (2024)

Chapter Text

“Alright, Din, everything looks great. You’re free to go,” the nurse smiled as she removed the final IV. “Let’s plan on a checkup every two weeks. With the halved gestation period, I just want to make sure we stay on top of things, especially considering both you and the little one are underweight right now. If you feel any pain or discomfort, feel free to come see us at any time.”

The little one did a flip in Din’s belly, apparently just as excited to be set free as its mother. Ever since Din had woken up, so had the baby, apparently. He didn’t seem to take a moment's rest. While he might have been underweight, he wasn’t lacking any energy. Smiling, Din gave his belly a rub trying to soothe them. “Thank you. For all you’ve done.”

“Got any names lined up for the little one?” She asked as she started to move equipment away from the bed.

Din let out a small sigh. “What to name yet another male alpha?”

“Alpha? Oh, they are definitely not an alpha,” she told him with a warm smile. “Could be a female omega or beta trying to trick me, but I’ve been doing this for a while. I’m pretty sure you’ve got a beautiful male omega in there.”

With a sharp gasp, his eyes went wide in disbelief and he looked over at Jango before glancing back towards her. “I…are you sure? That can’t be possible.” The Kaminoans made sure there were no omegas.

“Well, maybe not. Like I said, could be a female omega or beta, but one thing I am certain of is that’s definitely not a male alpha in there,” she assured him.

Jango squeezed Din’s hand. “We got out soon enough. Before they could notice. Before they could change him.”

Din’s hand trembled as he brought it to his mouth and muffled a sob. The vile memory of finding out one of his twins should have been an omega only for the Kaminoans to change that made its way forward. But that didn’t happen this time. It wouldn’t. He sucked in a deep breath and then…he smiled. He smiled with so much joy, relief, and love. Cradling his belly between both hands, he felt a few tears of happiness sting at the corner of his eyes. It may not have been the little girl he so desperately craved in a sea of boys, but an omega…finally. “Add this to the list of surprises I’ve woken up to. Really happy surprises.”

“Come on,” Jango held out his hand and helped Din off the bed and to his feet. He kissed Din’s knuckles. “Let’s just keep the joy going. I know the boys will be so happy to have you in our new home with them.”

Din was happy just to get out of the hospital. Frankly, he could do just fine never seeing medical equipment again in his life, but he knew he had to still suffer it for the good of his baby. His precious omega baby. “Yeah. I can’t wait.”

The omega had been given clothes to change into out of the medical gown and he happily stripped out of them. Din never wanted to see white clothing again in his life. No white walls. No white buildings. Din didn’t even want to see rain or see an ocean again at this point. Despite the fact that Sundari was a domed city much like Tipoca City, it felt incredibly different. The artificial lighting almost felt like the actual sun. It was soothing, to be honest, and Din actually felt…safe. Even if he was surrounded by the very people his tribe considered the enemy. After taking a transport to another part of the city, Jango guided him through the streets, but Din wasn’t able to get far without needing to stop.

“Sorry…can we take a break?” Din asked, feeling a little guilty in even needing to ask. He just didn’t have any strength at all. It was to be expected after being out for so long, but it was still frustrating.

Jango immediately stopped and started to look around for somewhere to sit. “Over there.” He guided Din towards a bench and helped him sit down. “You alright?”

“Yeah. I just haven’t been up and walking in…months. Didn’t realize how hard it would be,” Din explained. He closed his eyes for a moment as he let out a long sigh and then reopened them. They were in some sort of small courtyard with various statues and greenery. It was nice. It was…almost too good to be true. “Do you ever think you’ll wake up from this and find it’s all a dream?”

“Every day since we’ve been here,” Jango answered softly. “Especially in those moments where I’m hearing the laughter of our children. Seeing their smiles. Feeling their joy. It seems too good to be true. Almost like a simulation that the Kaminoans have put us in. But we are here, Din. We are free.”

Free. Free from Kamino and the horrible experiments that were forced on them, but they didn’t have true freedom. “Free from one prison, only to be put into another. Though I guess I can’t complain, can I? A prison that is an entire planet is much better than a single room. And I can be with my boys. I suppose that is the real freedom.”

“We don’t have to stay here forever,” Jango assured him, a hand on his. “Just for the time being. Until the Jedi’s focus turns elsewhere.”

If it even did. Din had a horrible feeling that they’d never let them go. Not entirely. But he wanted to have faith in Padmé and the kindness she’d shown them. Her promise to help keep them hidden and safe. “Well. This is our home for now, so I guess it’s best to get used to it. And…I think I can. Which is sort of weird for me to say. My people have always felt such resentment towards Mandalore for being exiled to Concordia. I grew up feeding into it, and yet here I am. But while I’m thankful…I see what my people saw. You and I…we do not belong here.”

“No,” Jango agreed without hesitation. “You and I grew up very differently, and yet we have one thing in common; we both believe that Mandalorians are warriors. This place…the duch*ess…all of that is long gone from here. Our ancestors are rolling in their graves, certainly. It might work for them now, but both Padmé and Obi-Wan told me of the current unrest in the galaxy. If war were to ultimately break out and Mandalore tried to maintain their neutral and pacifist position…well. I don’t see it ending in their favor.”

Neither did Din. That’s why they needed a contingency. “We need a backup plan, Jango. Somewhere else to go if it all goes south. Somewhere we can still keep our heads down and be safe.”

“I agree,” Jango nodded. “I know of many backwater planets we can go to if things turn for the worst. Far away from here. Away from the Republic’s eye. But what isn’t in the Republic’s eye isn’t exactly…cultured. If you catch my drift.”

Criminal territory. Yes, Din understood entirely. “Shockingly, that’s something I’m very comfortable with. We’re bounty hunters. Crime doesn’t scare us, and it won’t scare our children who will be raised by the Creed.”

“When the time comes, we’ll be ready,” Jango agreed, “But let’s sit tight for now. Let’s let our children get comfortable. Go to school. Train. Learn how to be real children…not just soldiers. Training will be important, and I want them to train, but I also want them to recover the lost years. For us to recover those lost years. This may not be where you and I want to be, but right now I do believe it’s the best place for our sons. At the very least, the medical care for you and our little omega is worth staying for.”

Din couldn’t disagree with that. The medical staff had been nothing but kind and caring. Stars…it was almost impossible to believe that after six children, he’d finally be able to give birth to one he could properly hold in his arms afterwards. Kiss them. Love them. Feed them. He’d be woken up in the middle of the night with cries. He’d be exhausted from lack of sleep. Driven crazy by the constant screams Just as a mother should be. It sounded crazy, but Din couldn’t wait. Finally, he’d be able to do it all right.

“I think I’m ready to go on,” Din said as he cupped the bottom of his belly and stood.

Jango nodded and hooked his arm around his mate’s as he led them the rest of the way. It was at a slow pace. One that Din felt a little guilty for, but Jango was patient as he always was. By the time they actually reached their new home, Din felt completely spent and exhausted, but the second he heard the laughter of his children, he found a spark of life.

“Orion, what did we talk about? No floating the silverware! It’s dangerous!” Padmé’s voice echoed through the halls.

Din walked into a sight that made him smile so big it hurt his cheeks. Elios was in Padmé’s lap while Sol was in Atlas’. Orion was running floating silverware above his head while Nova chased him and tried to catch the floating objects. Everyone was here…except Boba. Din immediately began searching for his eldest son. He was sitting far away from all of the action. Hidden in a corner, almost, with his arms crossed on a sofa the other side of the room.

“Boba,” Din called to him.

Boba looked up in surprise and then jumped to his feet. “Mama!”

That alerted everyone in the room, and suddenly everyone was making their way towards him. Nova pressed himself to Din’s side while Orion wrapped his arms around a leg. Elios and Sol both started to bounce up and down echoing ‘Mama!’ between the two of them. With a chuckle, Din held out his arms and Padmé handed Elios to him. Din peppered his baby’s face with kisses, so happy to see him. To see all of them.

“It’s so good to see you up and about,” Padmé said with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Alright,” Din answered, and for once, it was honest. “Thank you. For looking after them.”

Padmé’s smile grew as she looked at all of them. “It was really no problem at all. I’ve loved every second of it. Every one of them is so special. You’ll have your hands full, certainly, but in a very good way.”

“Thank you,” Jango echoed, taking Sol from Atlas’ lap.

Padmé’s smile faded and she folded her hands in front of her. “Unfortunately, I’m going to have to be on my way. I’ve been gone too long as it is. I promise I’ll send word and check in on you. First chance I get I’ll come back. Thankfully, because of my friendship with the duch*ess, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find reason.”

“We really can’t thank you for all you’ve done,” Jango told her.

“I wish I could do more, but you’re in good hands here. You’re safe,” she promised. “I know that Obi-Wan and Anakin won't betray you, and I would never dream of it.” Giving Din’s arm a squeeze she smiled and waved goodbye at the twins before wishing them all well for the last time. At least for now.

As much as he wished Padmé could stay, he was ready to be able to look after his children on his own. Well…with his mate, of course. Din took a moment to continue loving on his sons around him, but he couldn’t help but notice Boba still didn’t approach. He was putting on a front. That strong alpha presence. Boba was trying to be the leader of the pack. Void of emotion. Din hated so much that Boba felt like their safety was entirely on his shoulders when it wasn’t. It was the responsibility of all of them.

“Boba,” Din opened up his free arm in invitation. “Come here. Please.”

The young alpha hesitated, and then hurried toward Din and wrapped his arms around him, careful of his bump and his brother. “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, baby,” Din answered. “A bit tired, but…happy. So incredibly happy. Seeing you here brings me so much joy.”

Boba looked up and smiled. “I…missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” Din kissed his son’s forehead. “Thank you, Boba. Thank you for looking out for your brothers. For looking out for me.”

Stepping back, Boba clenched his fists and nodded firmly with a sense of pride. “I’m here. Whatever you need from me.”

Din gently grabbed his chin and kissed his cheek. “I don’t need anything from you, Boba. You don’t have to worry about taking care of everything anymore. Relax. Learn how to…live. The way that you should. Look out for your brothers when I can’t be there, but your father and I are here to help now. The burden isn’t all on you, ok?”

“You can trust me,” Boba whispered with a nod in answer.

Smiling, he brushed his thumb against the teen’s chin before retracting his hand. “I know I can, and I know I always will. Thank you.”

“Alright, who is up for helping me make something for dinner?” Jango asked as he shifted Sol to his hip and headed to the fridge.

“ME!” Orion shouted, the silverware he’d been floating finally falling to the floor as he scurried to the kitchen. He grabbed onto the ledge of the counter and stood on his tippy toes, but he was still just shy of being able to see over it.

Nova picked up after his brother and joined him. “Me, too!”

Cheeks hurting from smiling so much, Din took a seat at the table and just enjoyed watching and playing with Elios who seemed to be unable to stop giggling. Sol was giggling back, watching his twin brother over Jango’s shoulder. It was as if they were sharing some secret joke between them. Twin things, apparently. Din found it highly amusing and so…joyful. Who knew that just the sound of laughter could heal his heart so much and so fast? Especially knowing that this likely meant the twins avoided most of the horrible things on Kamino. Or at the very least, they forgot it quickly enough it didn’t matter.

Their little omega seemed to want to join in on the fun, too. He started to stir in Din’s belly, punching and kicking against his organs. With a stifled pain grunt, Din pressed against his belly. “Ok, kiddo, calm down. You’re hurting me a bit there.”

“Are you ok?” Boba asked, immediately worried.

Din smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. Your little brother here just wishes he could join the party. But could you?” He nodded down at Elios. Boba immediately leaned in to take him and sat next to his mother. “He’s so active. Much more than I remember any of the rest of you being.”

“Maybe because this is the happiest his mother has ever been?” Jango suggested softly over his shoulder.

Yeah…maybe that had a lot to do with it. As crazy as it sounded, though, Din was more than happy to have to suffer it. This…was a good kind of suffering. It wasn’t even fair to call it suffering, really. It was just…a discomfort. Closing his eyes, he drew in a deep breath and pressed against where he was starting to cramp from all the movement. There was a second of pause, and then he felt a small hand against his stomach prompting him to open his eyes. Nova was there, looking at his stomach with deep concentration.

“Nova?” Din tilted his head in question.

“I think…,” he bit his lower lip.

There was a strange moment where the air seemed to still, and then suddenly Din felt all overwhelming joy and happiness fade into a steady calm. It seemed to affect everyone else in the room, too. The twins stopped giggling and Orion’s smile disappeared. Nova gasped and pulled his hand back before he suddenly started to erupt into laughter. Sporting a large grin, he continued to laugh until his eyes went wide in realization.

“Oh…Oh no!” Nova said through laughs, grasping his hair in panic. “Wh-what did I do!?”

Atlas was the first to pull away from the trance and he stepped forward to grab Nova’s wrist. “Hey. Breathe. It’s ok. Let it go. Let the feelings go. You took in everyone by accident.”

Nova squeezed his eyes shut and with a final laugh he seemed to release the hold he had on everyone. The baby had certainly stopped fussing in all of it, but so had everyone else. It was incredible how powerful Nova was. A little scary, too. Poor thing. Nova looked horrified. He didn’t know how to control it. With the happiness gone, he started to cry.

“Hey, no, it’s ok, Nova,” Din quickly reassured him, grabbing his son’s hand and squeezing. “Thank you so much for being thoughtful enough to try and do that. That was so very selfless of you, and your brother has settled down.”

Tears streamed down Nova’s cheeks. “B-but I did it to all of you! I didn’t-I didn’t mean-,”

“It’s ok, baby,” Din hushed him, pulling him towards him. “Don’t be upset. We just have to work on your control. No harm was done. No need for tears. Do you remember how I have a little power of my own? How I can stop time for a moment?”

Nova lowered his gaze and nodded.

“Well…I can’t control it, either,” Din told him. “It just…happens out of nowhere. So, you’re not the only one that has a little work to do. But it’ll be ok, because we can work on it together, right? Don’t be scared. We’ll work through it, and everything will be ok.”

Atlas squeezed Nova’s other hand. “Hey. Nov. I sometimes can’t control my powers, either. I…take too much from people. Their strength. So much so it completely knocks them out. It’s ok. You’re not alone, but it’s like Mom said…we’ll do it together.”

Nova shifted uncomfortably, unsure, before he reached up to wipe at his eyes and then lunged toward Din for a hug. Din held him tightly and hushed him with gentle whispers and a soothing hand through his hair as he cried against his shoulder. Even though they were no longer on Kamino, there was still so much pain. It would take time. Maybe a lot of time. But they’d get through it. They hadn’t survived all that they had to let this bring them down.

“Smile,” Din told him as they pulled away, his thumb brushing the top of Nova’s bottom lip.

Nova hesitated, but then did so sheepishly with a nod.

“Good. Now, go help your father and Orion finish dinner,” Din encouraged. “And thank you again. Your brother is still quiet, and I greatly appreciate the break.”

Jango encouraged Nova back over, and the mood started to return to what it was. Except for Boba. Din looked over and noticed a sense of…guilt, maybe? Boba had seemed to master his abilities, from what Din had seen. At least, far more so than his brothers except for maybe Orion who just seemed to come about it naturally. But floating things seemed a lot more of a simple task than controlling people’s emotions. Their abilities certainly weren’t all created equal. They needed to focus on Nova. Find some way to help him. Boba clearly wanted to help, but didn’t know how. He didn’t have the emotional care that Atlas did. Boba was like his father. Logical. Pragmatic. Calculated. Emotions weren’t much in his wheelhouse.

The rest of the night, thankfully, went off without any more tears. At least not sad ones.The meal Jango had made wasn’t anything elaborate or grand, but it was the most amazing thing Din had tasted in his life. It was real food made with love and care. The twins loved smashing it in their hands and all across their faces. Troublemakers. They were going to be a problem. Din wasn’t sure whether to be excited or a little scared by that. Perhaps both. Orion preferred to use his powers rather than his silverware to put his food into his mouth, and Nova finally smiled again by the end of the night.

The older children used the bathroom first to bathe and change as they were self-sufficient and fast before Jango wrangled Orion and the twins. Din wished he could be more helpful, but after eating he found himself entirely exhausted, eyes already drooping. Boba stepped in. Just as he always did. Once all of the children were bathed, and Atlas and Boba started to put them all to bed, Jango held out a hand for Din and guided him to the bathroom. A warm bath with bubbles had already been drawn.

“What’s this?” Din asked with a smile, letting Jango pull him into his arms.

Jango kissed him. “Thought you could finally use a little bit of relaxation.”

“Wow,” Din mused with a grin before stepping back and raising his arms. “Well? Gonna help a pregnant omega out?”

Grinning, Jango gently pulled Din’s shirt over his head and then tugged down his pants before undressing himself. He touched the water to check the temperature before stepping in and then holding out a hand for Din. They both sank down into the water and Din laid back against Jango’s chest. The alpha kissed the top of the omega’s head before wrapping his arms around his belly. They stayed like that for a long time in silence, just enjoying the moment.

“I still can’t believe this is real,” Din finally said, lacing his fingers with the alpha’s and lifting their joined hands out of the water to look at them.

Jango turned their joined hands and kissed Din’s wet skin. “I know. But before we know it, this will suddenly all seem very normal. This will be routine. We can have bubble baths as many times as we’d like.”

“I don’t know if it’ll ever feel normal,” Din remarked with a small snort. “I mean…our kids have superpowers. Insane, incredible, terrifying, superpowers.”

“So do you, apparently,” Jango reminded him.

Yeah. So did he. “I just hope we can help them. Especially Nova.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find a way,” Jango promised, kissing Din’s shoulder. “What do you imagine our little omega’s superpower will be?”

Letting his head rest against Jango’s shoulder he closed his eyes. “Blasting off without a jetpack, apparently, with how much he moves around in there.”

“Now that’s a real superpower,” Jango chuckled in amusem*nt.

They laid there in silence for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of the warm water and each other. The thing about silence, though, was that it allowed Din to be lost in his thoughts. Thoughts that always went dark. That had been a problem Din had tackled even before Kamino. Even when he’d been with Paz, he’d always started to doubt everything when he was alone with his thoughts. “You…don’t have to stay with me through all of this, you know. We can find someone who can break the bond and -,”

“I’m going to stop you right there,” Jango said as he shifted in the water, sitting up tall. He cupped the side of Din’s face and turned it towards him, locking their eyes. “I know that our bond is…unconventional, to say the least, but I’ve meant every word I’ve told you. I strongly believe that if none of this had ever happened, we still would have met, and the bond would have been the outcome regardless. I want to be here with you, Din. With our boys. I can say the days since you’ve woken up have been the happiest of my entire life. With all of us together. Finally. Yes, the arrangement is tight and the one bathroom is truly horrid-,”

Din finally let out a laugh. “Especially with seven alpha males! Myself and this little nugget are in trouble. Outnumbered and then some.”

“Hmm, maybe, but I have a feeling that it’ll be you two leading the charge around here,” Jango countered. “Call it a hunch. My point is, though, that there is nowhere else in the entire galaxy that I’d rather be than right here with you.’

Din relaxed and huffed. After giving birth to six - soon to be seven - children, he deserved a little authority and respect. “Well, hopefully, then, that means you won’t be going around my back doing things for them after I’ve already laid out boundaries.”

“I assure you that ‘Ask your mother’ will be my response to their every request,” Jango promised.

With a smile, Din sank back into the water against Jango. “Good.”

As their skin began to prune and the water turned cool, they finally stepped out and dried off in fluffy towels. Jango extended every bit of care to help Din dress and dry his hair. Hair that needed a trim along with his facial hair. They could deal with that tomorrow. It was…crazy…how much love Din felt for Jango. Crazy because so many people would just blame it on the circ*mstance of being locked up together for nearly eight years, but these feelings were so real and genuine. Almost like how he’d felt for…well. Paz didn’t matter anymore, did he?

Boba was unfortunately stuck with sleeping in the master at present with the twins. He was standing over their crib watching over them when Din and Jango entered. He pulled away like he had done something wrong. “S-sorry.”

“For what?” Din asked, walking up and placing a hand on his eldest’s shoulder.

“Having to be in the room with you,” Boba said. “I can sleep on the sofa in the living room, if that’s better?”

Din’s heart ached. Boba was always thinking about everyone else and never himself. “Baby, you’re fine. If anything, we need to try and find a better arrangement for you.” Most of the beds were just temporary dressed up cots. They needed something more permanent. Better.

“Well, if everyone feels up to it in the morning, how about we do some shopping?” Jango suggested as he pulled back the covers of the master bed. “Shockingly, every credit was accounted for on my ship. So, let’s use them. We can get proper beds - bunk beds, I imagine - and a full closet of clothes. Toys for the twins and Orion. Let’s make this place a home.”

Shopping. Beds. Clothes. Toys. It all felt so…domestic. And wonderful. “I’d love that, honestly.” He reached down into the crib with a smile and gently brushed his knuckles against each of the twins’ cheeks before retreating. Boba had found his bed and sat on it. Din placed a hand on his stomach and joined him on the edge of the mattress. “What would you like, Boba? What’s something we could get you? As a thank you for all you’ve done?”

“I…,” Boba shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t know. Um…a weapon? Armor?”

Din couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Spoken like a true Mandalorian!”

Jango’s face lit up with joy at his son’s answer. “True Mandalroian, indeed. I don’t imagine there’s much here in the way of weapons or armor given their pacifism, but I will make sure we find something worthy of you. The Great Forge still operates here, though for what reason I don’t know if they don’t produce warriors. Maybe I can barter for beskar.”

Boba visibly lit up at the mention of beskar armor. “Really?”

“I will do everything that I can to make sure you and your brothers all have the armor you deserve and are promised by blood,” Jango assured him.

Din hoped that getting armor might be something they could manage by being on Mandalore. It was the least that all of their children deserved. To be able to have beskar of their own. Choose their colors. Their designs. No matter what the political state of Mandalore might be, their family were warriors. One day, they’d be free of this place, and they’d be able to lead a life of true purpose on the battlefield.

“Tomorrow, we’ll have a good day. Until then, sleep well,” Din said, leaning in to kiss Boba’s cheek.

Seemingly happy and satisfied, Boba settled in on the bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. Once he’d closed his eyes, Din got up and joined Jango in their own bed. It was so large. So soft and plush. The room was so…quiet, too. There wasn’t that humming sound that he always heard on Kamino. Rolling on his side, he grabbed the pillow beneath his head and hugged it before reaching out and touching Jango’s cheek as the alpha settled down next to him.

“I think I miss the stubble you were sporting there for a while,” Din remarked quietly, resting his palm against the alpha’s cheek.

“Oh?” Jango questioned with a small smile. “Well…I suppose I could grow it back out.”

Leaning in, Din kissed him long and tender. “I’d like that. Goodnight, my alpha.”

“Goodnight, my sweet omega.”

Din closed his eyes and found the happiest and most comforting sleep he’d had in an entire decade.


“I will ask again…where are they, Master Kenobi?”

Obi-wan stood his ground, though he let his eyes briefly survey the room through his peripherals. There were…mixed reactions. Some agreed entirely with Master Windu and Master Yoda, and some were simply unsure. Either way, he’d made a promise. No matter the displeased eyes or the various threats…he would not betray Jango and his family. “And I will say again, Master Windu, that they are where they are safe.”

“Safe from whom?” Mace question.

Us. Or at least, that was what he wanted to say. “We still don’t know who the mysterious benefactor behind their project is. If it truly was a Jedi perhaps hiding behind a false name, then they would have easy access to the Temple and to the children. I cannot believe their intentions would be good. And, even if they are not a Jedi, they knew enough and had the right resources to successfully masquerade as one. They will come for what they believe is theirs.”

“You’re suggesting that someone has betrayed the Order, either directly or indirectly,” Mace challenged.

Obi-Wan sucked in an annoyed breath. They still didn’t believe it was possible. The Council still believed they were impenetrable, despite everything that had happened over the last few years. Even though a Sith had killed his Master, they still sat in their chairs in their tower believing there wasn’t a darkness building in threat within the shadows. “I’m suggesting that until we find out just who Sifo-Dyas is, and what they were planning between the Fetts and the clones, that it is better to be cautious.”

“Dangerous, the Fetts are,” Yoda said, claws gripping his cane tightly.

The omega shook his head. “Right now, the only people they are a danger to are themselves because they are still learning to control their gifts. But I do not believe them to be a threat to us, Master Yoda. They ultimately do not care about us. Right now, they just want to heal and be with each other. They just want to be left alone.”

Mace and Yoda shared a glance. Obi-Wan looked around the room again. Now, everyone was much harder to read, though the feeling was loud in its own right. There was distrust and…fear. Obi-Wan sucked in a deep breath, knowing that this ultimately was not going to end well. He knew it wouldn’t, but he stood by everything he’d done. Without doubt, he’d do it all again. The Fetts deserved happiness and peace.

“Padawan Skywalker,” Yoda tried instead. “Know where the Fett family is, you do.”

Anakin lifted his chin in defiance. “Yes, Master Yoda, I do, but I will not betray my Master.”

Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile a little, even if the delivery had been less than ideal. Anakin always said what was on his mind and wore his emotions on his sleeve. The young alpha could have easily betrayed him. And honestly…he should have. It would have put him in greater favor with the Council who already had so much distrust in him. The loyalty meant a great deal to him in this moment of such uncertainty.

“I hope, Master Kenobi, that you have a change of heart,” Mace said with cold dark eyes. “For all of our sake.”

He pressed his lips together in a thin line. A threat if he’d ever heard one. “I acknowledge the Council’s stance on the matter.”

Much to Obi-Wan’s surprise, the Council was dismissed without further word. Without any sort of formal punishment. Maybe that was still to come after some discussion. Shoulders dropping, he made his way out first with a heavy heart. He wanted to believe that they’d just leave the matter of the Fetts alone. That the Council would sit back and hope that Obi-Wan changed his mind. But he couldn’t help but think…no. No. He had to believe in the Council. That they would ultimately do the right thing.

“Thank you, Anakin,” Obi-Wan eventually said, feeling the presence of his Padawan behind him. “For siding with me.”

“I would not betray you, Master,” Anakin said simply. “Besides, if I did, Senator Amidala would have my head.”

Ah…yes. Right. Anakin wasn’t protecting the Fetts for Obi-Wan, he was doing it for Padmé. He was just going to pretend he didn’t hear that. “Not just yours, but mine as well, no doubt.’

“Master Kenobi. A moment.”

Obi-Wan stopped and turned around. It was Plo Koon. Probably the only Jedi in that Council room that had openly spoken in the omega’s favor. “Master Plo…of course.”

“We should…find somewhere more private,” he suggested, head turning towards Anakin.

Anakin raised a brow. Obi-Wan raised a hand to settle him. “Whatever you must say may be done in front of my Padawan.”

“It is not just young Skywalker’s ears I fear,” Plo said quietly. He began walking, and Obi-Wan motioned for Anakin to follow until they were in a more excluded area of the Temple. “Master Sifo-Dyas was indeed a Jedi, Obi-Wan. A member of the Council, even.”

Obi-Wan felt all the warmth leave his body. “I…what?”

“I was on the Council when he was,” Plo continued. “I speak the truth.”

In Obi-Wan’s moment of shock, Anakin stepped forward, blue eyes darkening as his jaw tightened. “But the Council said they didn’t know of him! That he didn’t exist!”

“Yes…I know,” Plo sighed. “The Council tried very hard to distance themselves from Sifo-Dyas after he started to exhibit…extremist views.”

Anakin opened his mouth, but Obi-Wan held out a hand, finally coming back to his senses. “What type of extremist views?”

“He had the gift of foresight and had a vision of a coming war,” Plo began. “He believed that the Republic needed to begin raising an army, but the Jedi Council rejected his ideas.”

A war. Sifo-Dyas had seen a coming war. Obi-Wan felt his fingers go cold again as he crossed his arms close to his chest. “So he left the Council and…built an army of his own. But how did he find the funds on his own? And what did he hope to accomplish building an army the Council would not use?”

“I have no idea how he found means to fund such a project from the Kaminoans. And not just the Kaminoans, but Jango Fett, as well. Fett alone was paid over 20-million credits. I can’t even imagine what the cost of the clones was. As for the clones themselves,” he paused and sucked in a breath. “Build it…and they will come. So they say. While war has not yet officially broken out, the Council is already sending Master Shaak Ti to Kamino to oversee the clones. To use them, Obi-Wan. Sifo-Dyas knew that if they were made, the Council would be backed into a corner, and that is exactly what has happened.”

Obi-Wan couldn’t believe this. He couldn’t…

“Liars,” Anakin hissed. “They are all liars!”

For once, Obi-Wan could not find a defense for the Council. Mace and Yoda had lied directly to Obi-Wan’s face, claiming they had no knowledge of a Sifo-Dyas. But…why? Why would they lie? “I don’t understand...why would they not tell me the truth?”

“I don’t know,” Plo whispered with a shake of his head.

The archives. The missing archives on Kamino and…Sifo-Dyas. Had the Council been responsible for that, too? “Where…where is he now?”

“I have no idea,” Plo answered. “I do not even know if he is still alive.”

None of this…none of this made sense. “Why the children, then? Why the Darkbloom project?”

“Perhaps he feared clone soldiers would not be enough to win the war.”

Obi-Wan’s vision started to turn white and a ringing began to form in his ears. The Jedi were the ones responsible. They were the ones that had ordered for an alpha and omega to be imprisoned. To be forced to rape each other. Forced to conceive. To birth children who were torn from them and experimented on. The omega felt sick.

“...aster? Master!” Anakin steadied Obi-Wan as he felt his limbs suddenly give out.

Pressing his shaking hand to his forehead, he closed his eyes. “I…I need a moment.” Gently pushing Anakin away, he began to walk. His vision was blurred. Sound was muffled. He was in a state of shock. Of disbelief. Anakin was right. They had lied. They had lied about not knowing Sifo-Dyas. If they had lied about that…what else had they lied about? Did they know? Did they know the entire time about the Darkbloom project? Was that why they were so fearful? Why they wanted them so badly?

“My friend…perhaps it is best you get away from the Temple,” Plo suggested, placing a gentle hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Let me look into this further. I will let you know what I discover. Young Skywalker…see that he makes his way home.”

“Of course, Master Plo.”

Anakin saw Obi-Wan home and immediately went into a tirade that the omega simply couldn’t listen to. Yes, Anakin had always had a distrust in the Council, but Obi-Wan had always put his full faith in them. Always. Without doubt. Without question. But now…? He sent Anakin away and sat in the darkness. Alone with his thoughts. Dark…questioning thoughts. There had been many times his own master had questioned the Council. Anakin wasn’t the first. Only the last. had…Qui-Gon seen all of this? Before his death? Had he seen this coming? Had he known about the plan for the children? The clones?

“Master. Senator Amidala has returned.”

Obi-Wan blinked and looked up. Stars…what day was it? He’d lost track of time. The Council wasn't giving him any new tasks. They’d left him in the dark. Literally and figuratively. “I…oh. Does she bring word?”

“She does,” Anakin promised with a small smile. “She’s asked that we come see her.”

With a breath of relief, he nodded and stood. “Let’s not keep the Senator waiting, then.”

Taking transport to the Senate District, they met up with not only Padmé, but Chancellor Palpatine as well. For a while, they walked together in the busy district discussing regular business. Once they were sure they were in a place where their words could not be overheard, the conversation shifted.

“Din woke up,” Padmé smiled warmly. “He’s recovering well. The doctors say he and his baby are a little underweight and malnourished, but it’s nothing they can’t overcome. The children were overjoyed, of course, to see him again. I’d say, considering the situation, they are all adapting rather well. The duch*ess promised to get them all enrolled in school once they felt ready.”

Obi-Wan’s heart finally found relief and beat with joy. “I am so glad to hear all of this. How do the young ones seem to be faring with their abilities?”

“Well, I was only privy to a bit of it,” Padmé answered. “Orion seems to be a professional already, floating everything and anything he can get his eyes on. And the twins seem to be able to communicate a language all their own, but I’m not sure if that’s because of the Force or just because they are twins. Atlas had no reason to exercise his strength, and Boba was…always distant. He never said much and was never interested in me or what I had to say. I heard of what Nova could do, but never experienced it. A long winded way of saying I don’t know, but none of that seemed too much of a concern. They were just so happy to be together. Nothing else mattered.”

Which was exactly what he was trying to make the Council understand. The Fetts just wanted to be left alone and make up for almost a decade of lost time. But the more they pressed…the more they threatened…he sighed. “Thank you. I’ve been thinking of them constantly since returning to Coruscant.”

They walked on in a moment of silence, but Obi-Wan noticed the way the other three looked at each other. Shared glances. They were walking on eggshells around him.

“Young Skywalker here tells me the Council has presented some…distressing information,” the chancellor eventually spoke up. “That they were aware of the Jedi that requested the clones and the deplorable Darkbloom project.”

Obi-Wan clenched his jaw. “Yes. So it would seem.”

“I just don’t understand,” Padmé lamented with a shake of her head. “Why!? Why would they lie? Surely they would never be a part of something so…horrific?”

“Because they are guilty!” Anakin exclaimed. “Why else would they try and hide it?”

Obi-Wan’s instinct was to argue with Anakin. Tell him he was wrong. But…was he? “I…can only assume that perhaps they are…ashamed. Ashamed that their actions have led to this.” Or at least, he hoped that was what they felt. Because it was either that or…

“If they were ashamed, then they would do the right thing,” Palpatine argued. “That poor, poor family. They just want peace, and yet the Council wants to hunt them down like womp rats. If they were truly ashamed and felt guilt for Master Sifo-Dyas’ actions, then they would want to do right by the Fetts. However, that has not been what we’ve witnessed.”

The omega’s nails dug into the skin of his palms. At every turn he wanted to find an excuse. To defend the Council. But every argument that was presented to him…sounded true. If Sifo-Dyas had simply been one bad egg in the bunch, the Council could repent by helping protect the Fetts. Giving them a safe place to be. Instead, they wanted to imprison them. They feared them. They were trying to sweep this entire thing under the rug as if it had never happened.

“How can we trust anything they say after this?” Anakin questioned.

Because they were the Council. Because they were Jedi. Because they were peacekeepers. Bringers of the light. Enforcers of all that was good. Right…?

“Master Kenobi,” Palpatine came to a halt and turned in to face the group. “While we have found protection for the Fett family, the fact still remains that the knowledge of their creation - the process in which to achieve it all over again - is still on Kamino. If the Council, or anyone else, so wished it, they could replicate the Darkbloom project with another poor alpha and omega.”

Obi-Wan’s lips parted in shocked realization. “No…they wouldn’t.”

“Would they not…?” Palpatine questioned.

The noise of the district started to get louder. So loud that it became suffocating and overwhelming. He stopped as he tried to gain control of his thoughts and emotions. No. No, the Council would never. They’d destroy all the records. There was no way they’d ever be a part of such a horrendous project.




Darkbloom - Chapter 15 - Kashoku (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.