Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)

IC: Barbosa
Orbit of Maccabree - Sovereign Protectorate of Tof

It was with bleary eyes he signed the last of the documents on his desk. Finalizing all the responsibilities and obligations of the Maccabree to the Tof, and how the Tof in turn would never have a greater ground presence than a Consulate and Research facilities. Both of which would be open for visitation or inclusion of Maccabree members and staff where they would be in turn treated as equal members and citizens of Tof and afforded all such rights while on Tof ships or soil. In turn the Maccabree also would be largely left to their own rule and management, even the clause to allow the Faruuni visitation and trade rights with the Maccabree were added. Winning hearts and minds for a reformed Tof Empire would take some adjustments especially by the old nobility, small grace of their collapse was that most of the old nobility wasn't alive anymore and new nobles more eager to accept change in exchange for power and comforts was on the rise. Of course the amendment that he had put forward had included visiting ship limitations as fleets and warships were not openly welcomed unless as aid to Maccabree's distress from some foreign power, but science, trade, and travel were allowed to the Faruuni. Not so to the Nagai and any unvetted species as the Tof would protect the Maccabree from bad influences.

Certain obligations for the Tof military were expected as well, and cross unit training drills mandated so that their units might work together better in the field. An unexpected result of this was the Maccabree beginning a revolution of Tof armored units, research opportunities, and with a slight adjust to make its armor worthy of being a Tof ship new avenues of warfare in space as well as on the ground. Barbosa inwardly sighed as he scratched his stubbled chin, he really needed to attend to better care of himself but the monumental task was not one he felt he could leave to others.

A new document appeared that was a form relating to the research facility. Namely the lack of manpower and resources to study all avenues that including Maccabree science into Tof science could portend in the short-term. Research opportunities include the automated Recusant-class light destroyer, atmospheric droid gunships OR outright battle droid factories. Tabbing through the three offerings he decided on the third and final with a stipulation that he had additional requirements for the cross-functionality of the final product. This might just answer one of the long term issues he felt the Tof Empire was heading towards, and an earlier solution was better than a drawn out trial of fire testing their mettle.

Tapping a comm console he opened a comm line to the Tof Ambassador for the world as he set aside that dedicated datapad for other relating to the state of the galaxy. What greeted him was not the image he had been expecting.

"Greetings your Excellency Barbosa! What do I owe the pleasure of your call?" The voice was bright and hearty, a skilled noble from a lesser house that had shown aptitude from working with slaves instead of merely using them. It was an unconventionality that Barbosa thought might translate well into an ambassador.

"Uh, Greetings Ambassador Neeh. I'm sorry but what in deep waters are you wearing?"

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (1)

"Oh, this thing?" The man said with cheer as he raised a gauntlet to rap on the armor plate before removing the helm to show his one eyed face beneath. "It's the droid armor for the new armored units. When I said I admired what they were making they adapted one of the prototype units for my personal use! Have to say this bright spot well'a make this a happy post." the man was positively beaming. "The Maccabree seem to even enjoy talking to me while I wear this better as well."

"Not going native are we Ambassador?" Barbosa asked with an eye to the bird that had landed on his shoulder.

"Of course not, but you wanted to talk to me?" Lifting a jeweled ring he handed it to the bird that seemed to enjoy playing with it and tapping his shoulder pauldron from time to time.

"Just submitting the finalized forms in secure transmission to you now. Also my recommendations for research and development with alternative choices if my requests cannot be met. As well as notification." Barbosa intoned with a bit of a more solemn air befitting the exchange.

"Notification? Why don't I like the sound of it?" the Ambassador warily asked.

"The fleet will be leaving. Call it a test of your progress with the locals, but honestly we do not have the luxury for a fleet to remain idle at times like these. With the few new ships that have been added, and the Maccabree additions to our military units as well as hardware will be being taken to check out a possible opportunity. Whether for live fire tests or new acquisitions to be seen."

"Understood Excellency. May the wind ever fill your sails." the Ambassador intoned formally.

"May the sun be warm upon you, and God ever tend your safe harbor." Barbosa intoned in reply, finishing the old religious prayer of parting.


Warlord Gherlid was livid.

He had ten Star Destroyers, yes, half a fleet, and while he could make do with repairs, hyperdrives were nigh impossible to come by and replace for ships of this size. He was stranded, and he had lost most of his shuttles in the abortive assault on Lexrul. The codes that had commandeered his ships had been scrubbed out, the analysts were certain of that, but it still stung that his ships had been sliced and sent into hyperspace so randomly.

He vowed he would burn down Lexrul one day.


The crew jumped to attention, and Gherlid languidly stood.

"What is it?"

"Blastboat, sir, unknown design... it may even be made of wood."

"Don't be ridiculous," Gherlid said, stepping over and drawing his blaster.

But it seemed to be the case from the data reading.

"Open a channel," he growled.

An array of jingling bobbles and creaking wood dominated the image before a bald head lifted with a great resplendent white beard on tinged green skin. “PAR-LAY!” The man said beaming. “You wouldn’t happen to have any grog? Ah! Never mind never mind! His Eminence Barbosa wishes to speak with your leader or captain of captains.”

The Warlord Gherlid hesitated. "Parlay?"

The comms officer, a yellow skinned man who likely hailed from the Unknown Regions himself, spoke up. "He wants to discuss terms. It's a peace offering."

Gherlid regarded the ship, muted the comms. "If we take the blastboat... we'll have hypedrive components."

The comms officer blanched. "Sir, that's a Tof, they're not known for falling for such ploys."

Gherlid waved him aside, leaned over to the console. "I am Warlord Gherlid, Grand Admiral of the Galactic Empire. I know our great nations have historically been at war, but I accept your Par-Lay, kind sir. I would be grateful for His Eminence attendance upon my woefully disabled vessel." A cluck of thought. "I can only apologise for any tardiness in hosting him and an entourage of his choice."

The Tof blinked slowly muttering in his own tongue as he pulled a well tabbed and marked book. ‘I couldn’t have heard him right, that doesn’t mean that…no, yup. You gotta be keel hauling me. Always thought those humans were over starched, but I guess dense goes in with it.’

You want his Eminence to be comin’ aboard your boat for parlay? I mean you did just say you’re disabled on an open comm - you know the thing that be albout that face time out de stabby or cannon range? I’m just supposed to be bein’ a, well a comm buoy sirs Gherlid.” He scratched absently at his beard as he set the book aside. “I mean are you sayin’ you be only accepten if he comes aboard your vessel…Himself?”

Gherlid pursed his meaty lips. "Any envoy of his is welcome aboard, of course."

He just needed the hyperdrive.

A slight chuckle. "One can hardly come to him, my friend, I do not have warp capability, after all!"

Once more a quick consult of ye ole language guide was needed, apparently warp was some backlanders idea of hyperdrive. “Right.” He softly muttered. Scratching his beard he nodded. “Gerp will be right o’er then. Just say where, when, we’ll see to a mirror and get it all sorted.” He added with a smile.

“Delightful,” Gherlid oozed. He regarded his own attire. It had been ripped at some point whenever he’d fell over during their turbulent arrival.

He pointed to the yellow-skinned nonhuman. “You. Come with me, as you know the Tofs so well.”

“Me?” He looked panicked. “I’m a comms officer -“

“So communicate with this toff.” He briefly enjoyed the pun. “Name, you fool. What is it.”

“Toven, sir.”

“General, get yourself a uniform, a sidearm, and meet me in the flag hangar.” He raised his voice. “Scrape together as much plasteel and pageantry as we can manage. We’re gonna lead these fools aboard to negotiate a grand treaty, and then steal that blastboat.”

“Sir, the Tofs would gladly wage war on the Rebels -“

“Now now, General,” Gherlid grinned. “Don’t make me regret promoting you.” He steered Toven to the wardroom. “Let’s discuss our plan.”

In short order, four dozen troops in hastily shined armour stood, holding flags, saluting, a double row to greet their visitor, with the medal resplendent Warlord and an ill-fitting General uniform on Toven.

The blastboat came near, but paused outside the hanger as the upper gun turret bubble lifted aside letting a figure that barely fit come out, up, and then turning with minor jets of gas to turn before coasting in to the hanger. Life sign sensors if they had them would show there was still one person in the ship as the shiny monstrosity came to land before the procession.

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2)

“Ahoy there! Appreciate the permission to come aboard…sirs.” It stated after landing with a thud. “You wouldn’t believe how cramped that was! Good to stretch me sea legs.”

Gherlid actually paled. “Ah, yes, welcome, sir… Apologies in my stupor at your incredible armour, I have entirely forgotten your name.”

Toven snickered, as Gherlid’s eyes may as well have transformed into credcoins, so desirous of the armour he was.

“Is that… mechanised?” The Warlord’s voice was wondrous.

The figure turned looking about nodding. “Aye! A wonder to walk abouts I tell you. And apologies, we haven’t met. I’m Gerp, did Haveth not introduce himself on the comms? Honestly if he wasn’t such a salty brine beard I would question his mother about how many drops he had!” Laughing heartedly he slapped a metal gauntlet on a metal thigh to a tremendous gong noise.

“So. We have to be meetin here then?” He asked in a gentler tone.

"No, no," Gherlid said, quickly, still dazzled. "Gerp, come. Cometh?" He chortled. "I think we shall get on very well."

He looked to Toven, who stepped after. He had a comlink prepped to give the signal. Logic being, the envoy would focus on the Warlord, and then he would (reluctantly) give the signal to the troop to seize the blastboat.

In short order they were in a room, Toven sour faced, Gherlid as radiant as he had been in years. It was a bog-standard Imperial ready room, a few chairs - undersized to men like Gherlid and Gerp - everything silver and black. Gherlid didn't sit, he simply led Gerp to the heart of the widest space and turned. Toveh silently stepped off to the side, behind his Warlord.

"I must confess that I am entrancedeth by your armour, Sir Gerp." Gherlid was very much getting into character; he was safe, secure, in power.

Toveh couldn't look more unhappy if he tried, but he kept his lips silent.

Gerp followed knowing if anything happened to the Blastboat to stop its comm relay of sensor data, the fleet would jump in as close as possible to arrive, board, and neutralize as fast as Tof possible. Didn’t mean he felt comfortable but he now had his Eminence in his ears. “It is fetching in an odd way? Like a shiny figurehead at the prow of a mighty vessel!”

Shifting he made sure to be facing the warlord and others. “Now terms. Are you beholden to any worlds you own, and how will you pay for rescue? Second, are you open to career change? Really that’s part of the first, ya see but clear means less muck trippery.”

Gherlid blinked at the swift segue, and then glowered. "I am Warlord Gherlid. I ruled the northern quadrant of the Skyriver galaxy for fifteen years. My realm is poised to expect my return." Half-true. He'd expended most of his resources on the war, and here he was with all he had left. "I can offer membership in the Empire for your kin, of course, or with sufficient tribute leave you be."

A supercilious grin. "Said tribute being capital ship hyperdrives, of course."

"After all," he vaguely waved. "What can a former power in the Unknown Regions offer me?"

Toveh tensed. The Tof Empire may be a shadow of itself, but it never fell. Against Nagai, Mandalorians, Jedi and the Rebels.

It may be reduced, but it was never former anything.

Gerp blinked hard inside his suit. He so wanted to just reach out and squeeze the Warlords head like an over ripe squid eye. Instead he focused on his Eminence’s response on the comms in his helmet. Right, he could do this.

“Aye, You see you want. I be returning to me blastboat.” Gerp stated as he took a half step forward. He was done here.

“General!” Gherlid grinned. “Call the guards.”

The general held up his comlink and held up his blaster. “Sir Gerp. What would your counter-offer be?”

Gherlid glowered at him. The General’s blaster was not point at either of them, but the comlink hadn’t been triggered to order his men to seize the blastboat either.

“Now? The offer was to be hiring’ you or ally’s. Now? Surrender, and we Tof will let the Maccabree decide your fate. Help us and maybe we see about somethen’ comfortable.” Gerp replied before stepping unabashedly in his full armor towards the Warlord. “Your life. Ayen't worth much. Rate your act? Making a black spot for ya, and all under ya.”

Gherlid snorted. “You’re nothing. Unknown Regions trash. When I get back to the Empire, Snoke will destroy you -“


The blaster went off.

General Tovah placed the still smoking weapon on the table.

Gherlid toppled, a hole between his eyes.

“This Unknown Regions trash isn’t interested.”

He still held the comlink. “Gherlid was a tyrant. He needed to go. But I won’t ex exchange one for another. Allies; members, whatever you want. But not slaves.”

Tovah looked at Gherlid. “We’ve all been slaves long enough.”

Gerp blinked slowly, glad for the helmets cover. “I be a Nar’s blowhole!” He remarked before shaking his head as he looked at the smoking blaster on the otherwise unused table.

“His Eminence Barbosa, well he says…really?!? Uh, sorry sir. Yes sir…” saluting the air quickly Gerp began talking like one trying to keep up with words he was hearing before he forgot them. “Why he says ye may be members. All will be vetted and tested for ability for new ranks and jobs, no scruff off the jibb youse will be treated as members and registered Tof citizens forgoing your prior nation. Families if you have em will be welcome to join and we are willing to transport. Em’ to you or those that want to leave to em’. Worlds be welcomed if you have em that wish to be joining as so.”

Pausing he nodded at air, “The relief fleet will arrive in five standard minutes of time. Kindly do not aim weapons at your new peoples. Those who shoot will be repayed in kind, possibly extra. The Tof Empires age of turning blind eye to nobles slave worlds and practices has passed, so you won’t be claiming any fellows from you as such. Maccabree will be among those boarding and be senior members of the Tof. Grog is a controlled good off worlds. So dry celebrations until we be back at port. All Tof have to be obeying that one and you lot now be of us.” Reaching up a hand to rub his forehead his gauntlet clanged off his helmet. “Shoulda flown, Haveth is better givin gab.”

Tovah laughed, relief more than anything; he was shaking. How he’d done that was beyond him. “You did fine.” He pressed a hand to his forehead; it was slick with sweat. “I did fine.”

A smile.

The world hadn’t fallen apart without Gherlid in it. In a galaxy gone insane, his sureness and confidence and power had been a constant. But the world had already fallen apart and Gherlid had helped keep it broken.

Now it was time to build.

He clicked the comlink.

“Officers of Warlord Gherlid; this is General Tovah. His brilliance has negotiated an honourable integration of the Aquatic Imperium’s forces with the Tof Empire. They aid us. And we repay our debts. All orders to usurp Tof forces are revoked. Be prepared for more direction on the distribution of relief supplies to come.” He clicked off the communicator and lightly passed it to Gerp.

“We accept your offer, kind sir. Our fates, our ships, our families, we accept.”

Tovah sat back down before his legs gave out.

Gerp eyed the body and the General. "Right." he somberly intoned. He was pretty sure they had just picked up a bunch of nearly rotted fish bait, but even he could tell one thing. Tremendous resources to plunder just in these behemoths whether they repaired them for use, or merely flew them back for scrap.

"Uh, right sir." He mumbled before turning to the resting General. "His Eminence asks, uh. How the crews react. . .ya knows?" he tapped a foot against the dead corpse that had just been given credit for negotiating a peace. "Seems you saved one battle, but gave us instead it for a powder keg with a lit fuse. What ya be thinkin we be doin with that?"

Tovah put a hand on his face. "Gherlid stranded us here, he had no plan, everyone knew it. By the time you got here, the revolt was going to happen. He's shot more crew these past days we've been trapped in hyperspace than any other year. So, it's not a keg, sir, you're saving us."

He reached back for the comlink. "I'll show you."

Passing the commlink back, careful not to accidently flex his gauntlets and crush it, Gerp nodded. "Aye. Prove it lad. His Eminence would also be liken to know did you have any territory? Or were you as he thought. Adrift dregs?"

"Very much the dregs," he confirmed. "Our territory was on the edge of collapse when we attacked Lexrul. We were hiding within Imperial strength, and even then, we expended too much working for Snoke." His voice grew bitter as he remembered all those who died in the march on the Core.

"This is Acting Warlord Tovah to the Ten Captains Council and ships of the Fleet," he said into the comlink. "You all know we're stranded, with no hyperdrives, food running out, and our resources wasted by Gherlid on rearming our ships rather than repairing them. We're finished. The Tof Empire has found us, and offered us aid, and Gherlid sought to fight them while we are completely at their mercy."

He swallowed.

"On that basis," Tovah's voice grew solemn. "I have killed Warlord Gherlid. The Tof Empire has offered us citizenship, safe harbour, and the opportunity to avenge our dead. I have accepted on behalf of the Ten Captains Council. I feel as if I have done so with the support of all the families who have lost someone to Gherlid's madness. We wanted territory; to be able to stand together as a united set of species against the galaxy. It was Gherlid who twisted us into a weapon; his weapon."

A pause.

"All those in favour, please speak up. All those not, arrangements will be made to leave you here."

The uproar was unanimous.

It turned into a party.

The Ten Captains voted fully and utterly to join the Tof Empire, to commit their ten Imperial Star Destroyers to His Eminence, and to the escalation of Tovah to permanent Lord of their forces. No longer Warlord, simply Lord.

Tovah closed the line. "Looks like I'm stuck with the crown." He sounded glum. "We're all yours, if you'll have us."

Gerp was rather taken aback by the whole thing and sat his armored behind against a wall for fear of crushing the furniture. "We are Tof of and for the Empire. We do not go back on our word, unless another has broken it. You lot will be Tof citizens, and His Eminence may or may not keep ya in his personal fleet. Honestly matey we were hoping to try the new stuff out on ya, but I suppose this be better." Reaching up he undid his helmet and hooked it to belt in front.

"Well, Lord. Helps here. We'll let the grog slide this time." he added with a wink as he listened to the merriment.

Outside the Tof fleet jumped in, nice and tight just as they had been preparing for a close combat insertion and boarding maneuver. Only now instead of sinking their teeth in to board and seize the vessels they maneuvered for proper docking sites and attachments. Crew of Tof and Maccabree would come over without heavy weapons, but scanners and supply crates. As soon as minimal needed repairs to get the fleet moving were done they would be jumped back to the nearest shipyards for proper repairs.

TAG: @Sinrebirth ; Any

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.