Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)

OOC: This needed to go up before the update....

IC: Ellias Gruandr, all others
Eriadu, conference

Once the conference at Bakura had wound down Ellias and her husband had spent a half hour speaking to the Adumari representative. She explained what her suspicions were about the Nagai and what that portended for the Alliance. In part her suspicions were confirmed when she received a message from her uncle, Feral, explaining that the other members of the Alliance, ones that the Nagai had brought into the Alliance, demanded a conference to decide whether they would remain or support others.

He went on to tell her that she was again to be the Lexrul representative to the conference. She’d told the Adumari before she excused herself, heading to the landing pads. As they boarded the armored shuttle, she settled down beside her husband, looking over the date that would cover the worlds involved in the meeting. It did not surprise her that the Tofs had been invited, after all the Nagai had basically given those they’d brought into the Alliance pause as to why they should support them.

She showed Jaxras the message that her uncle had written as a follow up, one that explained what he’d been told by someone who he obviously respected. It made her position one that meant she had to lobby harder for what had been asked, making her sigh. She’d been a politician for many years and understood just how hard it could be to gain the result they needed.

The shuttle had lifted and was racing through hyper as she pondered all that she needed to do, what was necessary to ensure that the Alliance did not crumble more than it had. After several hours the pilots called over the intercom that they were about to emerge at Eriadu. She’d cleaned up and prepared, responding that she and Jaxras were ready. The intercom remained open as she heard the pilots contact the Eriaduans, to receive permission to land where the conference was to be held.

In orbit was a cornucopia of ships.

A Nebula-class from the Eriaduans, cruiser-carriers from the Sluissi, a Dauntless-class from Sullust, a Subjugator from Mustafar, and of course an Imperial Star Destroyer from Trulalis. The last arrival was a Bothan Assault Cruiser carrying Admiral For'o, a peer of Kre'frey and Babo, the latter who had died at the Battle of Mon Calamari to a Knight of Ren assassin.

The host, the aged General Zels, was simply waving everyone down to the Quintad Capitol Building. There would be basic security checks; but only enough to expedite matters. The true deterrent was the presence of multiple powers, and even neutral ones such as the Naboo and Malastare.

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (1)

IC: Aren Odan
From the Spaceport to the Capitol Building

Aren had left the family on a much more comfortable Bakura while he travelled to Eriadu. He'd spent the time doing research, considering options and coming up with plans. It was relatively simple, but those Tof, they had layers.

IC: The Ambassador

Going to Vhetin and picking up a package he had messaged ahead of time for retrieving was supposed to be quick and easy. It was anything but quick or easy.

He had to shelter in the bunker facility as Adumari and Nagai assaults were rebuffed. And then when he went to leave so he could check on his package alarms that had barely quieted as apparently the Grysk were attacking! It felt like it took forever for it to be all sorted enough for him to leave. His contact met him wearing a yellow veil and handed over the bulky package not unlike an elongated suitcase. Nodding his thanks he had taken his longboat up, and thinking if late one should show up in fashion saw about getting a Royal Fortune Light Clipper to act as his escort vessel. That took awhile as well.

Everyone was given a private part of the building, unarmed but burly guards were posted to the area, and everyone allowed to sweep the Estate for whatever they saw fit, in terms of security. Zel Johans was an old war veteran, he didn't have time for dramatics nor pleasantries, he simply wanted some damn security and consistency.

He'd invited neutral planets like Naboo and Malastare only to make sure people behaved. If one side did something to an unaligned world, all the unaligned worlds would pick the opposite side. With treaty meetings at Lwhekk having been Grysk traps, things really had to improve or there would be no peace - and he'd been fighting since the Empire.

In short order, the central chamber was ready. An auditorium that acted as the centre of the mansion, it funneled into the various wings of the mansion. The Tofs had one wing, the Bothans another, then the Felpire, then the Lexrullans.

The Tof Ambassador's ship - a Light Clipper rechristened Unities Saudade had taken up its station, its old name of some bygone pirate vessel falling away with this simple truth. It came into the system as requested. Traveling routes to skirt enemy territory as much as possible until this moment.

The last to arrive. It was with no aplomb and no accompanying fighters that The Ambassadors longboat descended from it to the world below. He had been shown to his wing and he and his two aides of the two other races of the Tof League had taken up residence with no fuss nor inspections. If there were monitoring devices they didn't care. They weren't there to have idle chatter nor discussions. They left a message to request to be brought last to the gathering if they were not late already. They made no attempt to talk to anyone else prior either. Some things deserved the respect of waiting, and being shared only once lest one's heart finds itself not up to the challenge to repeat the refrain.

Receiving permission to land, the Lexrullian shuttle descended to the landing pads. When it had landed, Ellias, her husband, and her aides descended the ramp. Behind them a servitor droid pushed a float dolley with several bags upon it. Following a guide, she held a small smile on her face as they passed through the security station. She wasn’t surprised that there was high security for the conference, after all there were representatives from all but two of what had been the major powers in attendance.

The guide explained that the four wings had been divided and each group had been given one of them. She’d expected something like that, that each would have their own space, so yet again not a surprise. Nor was she that surprised when they arrived and it was well furnished but, she was sure, covered in listening devices and cameras. The Lexrullans truly didn’t have anything to hide so she let her aides find them but only note their placement and what their manufacturers seemed to be.

For now, it was time to relax after the flight and await their host calling them to the conference.

Aren looked around and sighed, knowing that all sorts of devices covered the rooms. He started by turning on music slightly louder than normal, and the next was deciding which code to speak in before generally suggesting to do business outside.

A younger man would try to find all of them…

The Eriaduans noted the contradiction of hosting wartime parties and notorious spymasters, but emphasised that the auditorium offered the best location.

In short order, Bothans descended on the same and cleaned it of listening devices, and then so too did the Eriaduans clean it of theirs, and then the two of them had to work together. The Naboo lost their patience and sent the Royal Guard in to do the necessary.

In an hour or two, both parties were satisfied that the room was ready, and invited the meeting to start.

There was a raised dais for speakers, seats around the area, split by the corridors allowing each to enter from separate directions and wings.

Once the invitation reached them, Ellias, her husband, and their entourage headed from the main lounge of their wing down to where the wings met. They didn’t encounter any of the others as they did so, obviously the set up had been made so that the only location that all the parties would be in the same location was the auditorium.

One of her aides opened the door before them, another joining the first to scan the auditorium before the first ducked back into the corridor. Giving the all clear they guided Ellias into the space. Once she entered she nodded to the Bothan and Eriaduan people that were already present. Some she’d dealt with before when Lexrul needed diplomatic attention in regards to other star nations, some she only had files on.

A third aide, carrying her attache case followed her as she headed to the table before her, the one that she was sure had been designated for her and her people. Jaxras took the seat beside the central one of the table, standing behind it, as she came to a stop behind that central one. The attache case was placed on the table before her, the third aide taking the seat opposite Jaxras. The other three that had come with them took seats behind the three at the table, eyes still scanning the auditorium as they waited for the other groups to enter.

Aren walked down his corridor, keeping quiet and a stern expression on his face knowing that he must keep to his reputation known among both former Rebels and Imperials. He entered the chamber walking over to the representatives from Lexrul, "Are you pleased with what you have received so far?" He took mental notes on the other representatives, though delivering an indirect message to the others that benefits came with being friends with those he represented.

”They have been received and, as far as the Defense Forces had reported, are beginning their integration into our forces. Which will do much to house all the squadrons we have.” Ellias replied, standing to do so, making it appear a more private conversation.

Having taken her pad from the case, she turned it so they both could read before typing out a short message. Thank you, it will do much to secure our portion of Alliance space. Which leads me to a query. We now know where the Nagai and those that left with them departed. As it is in Alliance space, should we not do something to…discourage others from utilizing it as well?

The Ambassador and his aides received the requested notice. Standing he took the case and they walked down to the reception hall and auditorium. His aids headed to their intended table, he did not. He headed to the raised platform and looked around with a serious face.

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2)

“Take for me a moment, if you please? I have news and context to share on recent happenings. Some I hope you will all want to hear as it has bearing on all the discussions here tonight. For it involves powers that were, are, and chosen between. My purpose is to see to it that you all have an informed understanding and choice. That should be all our goals, I cannot speak to the cores and intentions of others, but I can share that of the Tof League.” Walking over he set his very large and elongated suitcase carrier on a table.

“A while back the Tof raided Rothana. We seized in that raid several beskar tugs and two beskar capital ships. The designs were highly unappealing but the hulls held great promise as I am sure you all can understand. To steal an obvious threat and danger of our own understanding and try to make a piercing arrow into a shield was our goal.” He shrugged. “Morality aside it is war and the Nagai for hundreds of years have cried how they will genocide my people despite our care not to do that to them. That dips into a little too much history for tonight though, and the shades of perspective.” Reaching up he unlatched one of the six seals on the case.

“Those vessels all made zero sense to us. We frankly couldn’t make heads nor tails of them. We sent one to Sennex with a dual purpose. To test their self proclaimed alliance with us by having them study our prize and see if they could understand it in all the ways it baffled us. It also was there to place an order for three villages worth of slaves that were to be brought to Vhetin, established in agricultural communities and freed from slavery. “ A second latch snapped open at that statement.

“If you want I have transcripts from the Tof League government meeting you can review that speak to that intention in greater detail. Let me add my perspective to that dry information of removed ideas that put forth by the Tof King. The Tof were proven either wrong or, potentially harder to believe, fallible. Ancient belief was that the Tof were the final creations of the creator and we are the perfection in these six galaxies, the seventh we are unsure if it might hold a greater perfection that is younger than us, but that is mythology and speaks only to this galactic cluster. Somewhere we went wrong, and as I am sure you all know those ships were rigged. Whether by transmission or timers we do not know, but they were terrorist attacks. Early estimates have ten million Tof dead, nearly all of the royal family and much of the nobility. The majority of those dead are women and children. This does not include Sennex’s world losses which we believe is how these hidden killing orders were intended to work. If it had happened as intended, the death tolls might have been our entire homeworld. These are the acts of terrorists, those who fight not to win, create, or keep anything but to kill. Genocidal!” Another latch was clicked open, the third. Halfway there.

“Like I said, my opinion. My point of view heavily colors the last of that. The capital even now burns in radioactive fires – forgive me my lack of professional detachment.” Closing his eyes he breathed for a time. “The Nagai when we approached Rothana, who welcomed us with open arms stating they wished to change sides, instead of attacking our ships fired on the world. Cracking it like an egg into space killing countless civilians and barely damaging our fleet before trying to perform stealth attacks on us that were marginally effective – would have been possibly fully been so if they had attacked us first instead of their, as far as we know to their knowledge, allied world under siege. At Nagai they instituted a fleeing approach but bombed their own world and people as they left, for the sins of being slow or unready for evacuation. These are the people you joined against an enemy you have never taken the chance to get to know – taking their words against us despite their own actions against you and themselves. They are people tainted by darkness, perhaps your mystics know a curing arts, we do not beyond wanting to strip them of the means for war that they might live simply and apart and find peace in us leaving them be. Where they cannot be a danger to others or themselves on such a grand scale.” Reaching back a fourth latch was clicked.

“Sennex, despite no move on our part beyond using them as a negotiation hub at their invitation, now sues us for damages. Needless to say no slaves appear to be scheduled for peaceful freedom. My people are in shock and mourning. Meanwhile Nagai raided Vhetin. Adumari raided Vhetin and Base Alpha. At Base Alpha a free civilian operation by people of your own galaxy was bombed into non-existence. At Vhetin both raiding forces were repelled. Followed by the Grysk who claimed to be bringing Mandalorian aid as tribute to atone for their transgressions at Lwhekk then proceeded to try to raid the world and stab our defending forces in the back. As well as abduct Barbosa who is charged with leading the Tof’s people during the Kings time of mourning despite his own wife and new born child being among the dead!” With a flourish he snapped open the fifth latch, leaving just the final one on one end as all that kept the case closed.

Breathing for a moment with raised hand to forestall the words of anyone he breathed deep. Then continued. “Now this is war and, as some might say things happen that history would rather not remember. Perhaps we deserve all this? Perhaps our sins of not living and upholding that potential properly has destined us for these retributions? That is for philosophers and creators to judge. To the Adumari I have a couple things to add. Where is there delegate? Ah, yes. You there. I have a gift for you, and your allies, as well as a – what do you call it? Public announcement? Yes.” With that the final latch was undone and the case opened. Inside was four large containers with opacity glass preventing seeing inside them. Each the size of a camtono. Lifting one out he set it down. “There are no Ssi-Ruuvi in Tof space.” Flicking a button the glass cleared showing the head of E’thinaar floating in the preservation fluids. One might note if they looked closely that the muscles and internals of the neck didn’t look right, or that the eyes looked not unlike as if they were still alive despite the evidence to the contrary. “And there never was.” He hit a switch of another container that showed the partly mutilated head of a Vong.

“He and several others.” He added by hitting switches to reveal the two more Vong heads in containers, “Were captured. They killed themselves in capture, but this one in the Ssi-Ruuvi suit did not. We got to ask him questions before he died. As such we wish to return this much of them to Nas Choka, your ally I believe? The other two were in Tof suits, weird things. One even found trying to enter Tof. We are unsure if they are his or the other ‘offshoots’ people, but wanted to let you sort that out for those two. This one of course declared his loyalty to Choka, your ally, and had been on Ssi-Ruuvi for fifty years roughly. It points to our eyes your ‘righteous’ invasion of and genocidal intentions in a different light to us. Possibly to others here as well. Especially when we consider the Grysk had recently taken the race hostage. Were you freeing slaves? Or simply silencing a race that no longer would be under an allies control? Sorry, as stated my composure is still unsettled after the losses and living through the three raids on Vhetin. That is all unless you or any wish to discuss?” With that he spread his arms in waiting.

The aged General, as well as Admiral For'o, had barely entered the room before the display occurred.

For'o's fur rippled, and he narrowed his eyes at the Ambassador, while Zels spoke up. "This bodes well. The Grysk are clearly the enemy of peace. The Confederation of Independent Systems - Sullust, Sluis Van, Eriadu, Mustafar and Rothana - we condemn such actions, and all violence on a planetary scale of that nature. Civilian strikes are war crimes, through and through."

Turning from the Adumari, Ellias gave a respectful nod to their host, Zels. Turning further, she looked over the Tof who had abruptly usurped the conference, without requesting the chance to speak or for the preliminaries to have taken place. Still, she could understand his point, whether he had overstepped his bounds or not. Her arms spread out to encompass all who were present for a moment before placing her fingertips on the table before her.

”My dear Tof Ambassador…” she began before her aide leaned close, whispering in her ear. ”We all mourn the loss of life, at Rothana, at Tof, and at Nagi. As well as all those who have died in the prosecution of this war. As you can see, though, there is one group which has not been given a seat at this conference. Most of the Nagai have…departed and those that are left…” again there was a pause, her aide looking at her intently before she nodded, ”...our reports show are the ones that have caused what you have suffered. None of us here desire their presence and I believe that they will find no allies among the three galaxies.”

Pushing up with her fingertips, she straightened. A fractional smile crossed her face, ”However, interrupting before the conference can even begin I would doubt most polities would see as part of the polite discourse to determine the future of our hosts. We, none of us condone the actions of those who caused such mass destruction but none of us are those who did so. We can condemn it and do, but that does not have full bearing on these proceedings. So,” she waved a hand at the desk set aside for the Tofs, ”why don’t we focus on the reason we have gathered, determine what response will be made in response to the hardcore Nagai, and determine the best course for those who have so politely invited us all to this gathering.”

Aren nodded, a smile on his face though before he began to speak the Tof Ambassador started on his version of War and Peace. Aren kept his voice low, "You're welcome," before looking at the tablet.

It would make sense, though the question is if we can cover it quietly. Despite the Tof protests, they are almost too good at hunting Nagai down.

Aren waited for quite a while for the Tof to continue, and let the others talk. He agreed with Ellias, the Lexrullian representative, especially as bringing the heads of dead semi-mutual enemies to a conference was exceptionally poor taste. He looked at the hosts, "Please, if you would like to begin properly. We can discuss these points as we move from topic to topic."

The Ambassador breathed in deep and sharp through his nose, twisting his head this way and that. Muttering just at the edge of being distinct to be heard, so still could if one listened. "Did I lose my voice? Did I stutter? No, no. Rambled too long, too much to a room out of turn that barely wants to know or care about anything so far away no matter that they stamped their feet and sent their bombs there and have lost souls upon our shores." Snickering he turned and bowed to their host.

Speaking up he sighed, "I am sorry to break your rules and introductions, your order. As I said I am still turned out of sorts. I will leave further speaking to my fellows who wisely took the table and not the stage. Adumari Imperial?" he added with a nod as he gathered the cases, speaking with an obviously put upon warmth and contrition that went nowhere honestly. Taking his heads cases he put them in the larger one and carried it to the table of the Adumari to slam it down. "If I thought you had a heart, perhaps I would add that there are holos of the miners you murdered in there. Some your own civilian kind. Just resources not in your hand." he finished with a spit at the man's shoes before returning to his table where the Maccabree and the Faruun waited and began quietly talking to him in whispers he ignored as he settled into his chair in a slumped and dejected fashion.

Aren continued ignoring the Tof ambassador clutching his pearls. He brought up footage of the Tof and Sun Guard attacking Nagai city ships at Nagi, killing millions, and quietly distributed the footage to the other dignitaries' datapads.

Ellias watched the footage from both representatives several times. Both sets disturbed her, the Tofs and the Nagai, as well as the Sun Guard, had all committed atrocities in the war her people and those of Bakura had been dragged into. She was sure, with a glance at General Zel and Admiral For’o, those were all root causes for why this conference was happening.

One thing was certain, the Tof Ambassador liked to speak for speaking's sake. Her lips twisted, remembering a study that had been done once, where scientists took a two hour speech done by a politician, dissected it, parsed it down to anything of substance or value, and then ended up with two hours of dead air. She nodded politely, once more, to their hosts. ”I would, for one, appreciate hearing what our hosts have to say so that we can understand and value their grievances and attempt to find a solution.”

Zels raised a hand. "The attacks on Nagai and Tof are both condemned, as are those on Vhetin, Rothana and Karfeddion. I also understand Molkivj has been destroyed. Lwhekk is in the middle of a bloody civil war."

For'o didn't say anything, patting down his fur absently.

"I do think a general stay on infiltration attempts does need to be agreed, and these actions need to be curtailed. The Yuuzhan Vong and Ssi-Ruuvi and Grysk - they are, or were, associated primarily with the Tof League and the Sun Guard. Moreso the latter than former."

The Ambassador received an update as to events at Vhetin and now Gargon.

Aren of course had the news from Jaemus to chew over, and that Trec was said to have fled Jakku at long last. Other engagements were in their infancy, and recriminations were flying.

Ellias didn't have updates per se, just a general confirmation that five Bakura-class destroyers had left Bakura for Asmeru.

"As denizens from FireFist, we do not necessarily expect you to be entirely aware of our protocols for normal warfare, especially as the First Order does not follow those standards." Zels wasn't sure he could police FireFist affairs, but the genocide at Nagai could not be ignored. Though Zels considered the Nagai had misplayed the entire war and then moving their population into orbit during a battle was base stupidity. But, Zels was a hard, hard man. He eyed the representatives.

"I can't say that we can start fresh, but this meeting is already progress, and we can perhaps agree to a standard of warfare going forward. No?"

Aren shrugged, "I would consider the war machine itself and whatever industry that contributes to that same war machine to be fair game." he fixed Zels with a stare, "Now what I want to know is that once we have a standard, what do we do when, and I mean when, someone violates that standard, what is the punishment?"

It wasn't the only question, the biggest question in his mind was What did the Tof do to make the Nagai so genocidal towards them? It seemed from the footage that they were just a little too good at hunting them down. Was that it? Or did they allow planetwide crop crisis to starve millions of Nagai to the point that their population still hasn't recovered yet? One way or the other, Aren would find out.

The Ambassador looked absently at his tablet and put it away. Then he began to rise when the Maccabree put a hand on his shoulder and forced him back down. Based on the concentrated glare he was giving the Adumari representative it was probably for the best. The Faruun stood in his place, "Ambassadorial Aid M. Pleasure to meet such diversity and be invited to these events. Sadly you are correct, we don't know your standards of warfare. Despite my people being allied in the Nagai invasion, and now allied with the Old Enemy in the Tof League we have to admit - we have never been able to find a consistent pattern to your galaxies methods of war." Turning she gestured to the Adumari representative, "As the Adumari has just demonstrated they consider anyone except isolationist communes as proper military targets - for all peoples of a nation contribute whether it be material, volunteers, commerce, or even medicines except for those. Should these not be ratified we fear for the future. Deeply." With that she retook her seat with a grave and saddened expression upon her face.

Aren shook his head, "The hypocrisy of a people that de facto forced another species to leave not one, but two galaxies is appalling. They claim to be superior morally, yet based on everyone that we know the Tof have negotiated with, any faith that they will keep an agreement is negligible.” With that Aren put up a list of all of the people known to negotiate with the Tof along with the crimes they committed. Noted were the Sun Guard and their crimes against the Mon Calamari, the Grysk and their many crimes, the Ssi’ruuvi and their repeated aggressions against the people of Bakura, even the Kwenn negotiations were included with the station master defrauding the Adumari and the Tof, and the Adumari for depopulating Lwhekk of the Ssi-ruuv. If anyone was paying attention, and read the reports, Lwhekk was stolen from the Nagai, and just recently offered to the recently liberated P’w’eck. Aren continued, “Even on that list I would suspect they would talk to allies of Snoke or even Snoke himself. Do you really want to ally with someone you know who will negotiate with everyone?" Aren didn't bother sending the image to each datapad, he sent it to the holotable for everyone to see.

Ellias listened, at least half listened. As she sat and watched the Maccabree aide and then the Adumari speak, her own aide was occasionally leaning close and whispering to her about various data points about one side or the other. In part, although Lexrul and Bakura were part of the Alliance with the Adumari, she felt more like an outsider, like she was in the same camp as the Naboo representative, at least in part. But, as the representative of the two worlds she was, she owed it to them to ensure the best result possible.

Standing, she leaned forward, fingertips on the desk before her. Her head turned, meeting the eyes of every other being there as her attention swept around the room. She took that time to compose her thoughts. Closing her eyes, taking a breath, she opened them again.

”According to what has been discussed so far we have established that a standard conduct of warfare needs to be created. Likewise, both of the parties already established in the current war have pointed out that the other party has been guilty of what would be considered war crimes, as have the absent Nagai.”

She paused, gaze sweeping the room again, as she breathed, keeping her composure.

”I understand our hosts' desire to not have the Nagai present, especially given recent developments within their own society. Which does not establish that either other majority party of the war present haven’t committed atrocities that would rival that of whatever Nagai remain.”

Her expression firmed, ”However…if we are to create an Accord of Rules of Warfare, infighting throughout will not accomplish that.” The corner of her lips twitched, ”As well, I doubt that our hosts asked us here simply to clarify those rules. They did so, as well as have outside observers present, I would believe, to observe us all, to see how each of us act, and decide independently whether any of us are worthy to be allied to.”

Just before she sat, ”Based on current actions and discussion I do not yet see a positive outcome that would please our hosts or at least one if not two of the parties here represented.” she stated in a flat tone.

Aren shook his head, "No, we lack context and some very important information, and until we know it we will remain at an impasse." He knew that his previous list was limited in what was done, as Jaemus, if he were to use the Tof definition, should be added to the Sun Guard, Hutts, and the Grysk. Maybe it should anyway, but the people around were angrier that an attack went through in the first place.

The Ambassador Aid M. Stood once more, smoothing her brightly colored clothes as she waited to make sure it was proper to talk. “As has been pointed out we are not from your galaxy and as such do not know its historical background for your wars. What we do know is largely one sided and so yes, we are open to negotiations with even Snoke if he was to send a representative to discuss his case. As the Tof League does not thirst for war if it is not needed or can be avoided. We have already shown the strength of our convictions by upholding the sanctity of Parlay by defending those present of such despite it being not to our advantage and our not having had a treaty formed from those talks. So the Adumari became our enemy by that simple act, and the Grysk. I would motion that one act for this body to ratify for war is that good faith negotiations and peaceful summits such as this one be exempt from the vagaries of war. That if possible all might find a way to talk to peace without the threat of a blaster.” With that she sat.

Zels scoffed. "You're at war, yes, we know. You're sabre-rattling and proffering not much more than excuses for your bad behaviour." A sigh. "I'd condemn you all if it made a difference, but the Confederation needs allies."

Admiral For'o cleared his throat, and smiled with his teeth. "Now the First Order blockade line has retreated, you have your allies."

The Confederate and Separatists looked to each other. "Would the Tofs and Adumari Union/Fel Empire respect our independence if we declared it?"

"Would you have allied with the Nagai had the Bothan Fleet been nearby to defend you? Or the Corellian?"

Zels seemed to sit up. "I don't want a part in your War of Galaxies, nor does the Confederation care for the First Order. We shall re-establish our borders as they were, and after the war, see where you each stand."

For'o looked to the Ambassador, Aren, and Ellias, purposely giving no one of them his preference. "The Confederation has historically signed neutrality pacts with other powers to pursue joint goals... legally and extra-legally." He was referring to the Bothans sending assassins after Darth Caedus. "We shall forego extra-legal acts if the Adumari, Fel Empire and Tofs agree to do so too."

For his part, Zels glared at Aren and Ellias. "It would do us a great favour if you can actually represent both. We can't precisely work out where the Union ends and the Empire begins. Your internal affairs are not our concern." He raised a finger. "But involvement in our internal affairs will be considered an act of war. Be it Grysk or Yuuzhan Vong or from your respective polities."

The Bothan again bared his fangs. "The SpyNet will know, after all." A furred hand took in the Naboo and Malastare representatives. "You are of course both welcome to join the Confederation."

The representatives, who hadn't spoken up, indicated their intention to discuss matters separately with the Fel Empire and Adumari Union respectively. For'o shrugged. On the surface of it, if there was a unified Confederation, the Tofs would be losing out. But he wanted to sweeten the deal.

"The Bothan Clans will also be bringing the Nocto shipyards into the Confederation, if our proposal for a strong and independent state is agreed." That sold it for the Sluissi, Sullustans and Eriaduans. Now it was a matter of the Adumari, Felpire and Tofs agreeing to have a powerful state appear in the southern quadrant.

For his part, Brandl remained silent, his arms crossed. Nobody had spoken of the Protectorate, and he had no desires to. He too, however, was interested in whether he would be joining the Adumari Union or Fel Empire, it he chose their side.

Aren nodded, an independent Confederation, while not idea, was far better than under Tof control. He looked towards Zels, "What of the agreements made at Bakura? Are they null and void, or are they still in place with modification?" At Bakura, the Adumari at least, were prepared to help defend their territory, and even more than that help build up some of their shipyards. He then snickered, "I suppose you will only see the Fel Empire when they make a decision fully independent of the Adumari," Aren smirked, "The Moffs haven't stepped up yet...if they will."

Ellias’s fingers were tapping on her pad, taking notes, as she listened. Honestly, she could understand the stance of the Eriaduans and the others that had called the conference. After all, Lexrul had been dragged into this war because of the previous bond they had with Bakura. Shaking her head, occasionally, at what each had said she was still slightly surprised when her aide stood as though she were going to address the gathering.

The woman stood, her form seeming to shimmer slightly. When the shimmer died she was still dressed as she had been but she was slightly taller, a pair of what looked like cuts were on her cheeks, and her eyes were a unique silver within black.

“There is another party who has…had an influence on many of the polities present, usually a positive one for them. And I stand here now as a messenger of that party.”

Her voice was flat, toneless, and carrying as she spoke.

“Beyond the singular of that party the remainder of our people support what he wishes, I believe I should preempt what his message is with that before I impart that message.”

The Ambassador glared at the Bothan and every leader that spoke up after. Leaning forward after the Adumari representative had spoken, he jabbed a finger at the table top and opened his mouth to speak.

Then it revealed itself. “Kraken Spawn!” He bellowed as he scampered backwards over and out of his chair grabbing the Faruuni Ambassador Aid M. up like a big child with one arm, backing away slightly as he snapped his fingers at the Maccabree security aid to defend them. “Kraken Spawn! Guard your heads, the children suck them dry!” He bellowed in a panic as he upended his table as a barricade to peer from behind. Spilling whatever was on it onto the floor.

Aren pulled his hold out blaster normally set on stun and was about to aim at the Tof contingency when two guests of the Adumari, two P'w'eck bodyguards armed with Electrostaffs arrived suddenly and placed themselves between Aren and the Tof Contingency.

Aren gave one last frustrated glimpse at the Tof before looking at what frightened them and struggled briefly before recalling a handful of grainy images of a very mysterious being named Bernael. Little concrete is known about his people, though tales of them used to frighten children were similar to those told about the Sith, Inquisitors, Vader, and even in some cases, the Jedi. There were stories similar about Iceheart. Aren wanted to deal more with facts than rumor, but he needed to address something first.

Looking to the rest of the conference, "My apologies these two people are P'w'eck, and they are only doing their duty. They are recently liberated from the bonds of slavery and are eager to prove their worth to the galaxy. We are helping building a home for them and giving them ways to defend themselves from predators in this galaxy. Please help us in welcoming them to the wider galaxy."

The anzati woman glanced at the overturned desk and the cowering Tof, as well as his companions, with only a minimal upward twitch of her lips before they returned to the same neutral expression. At the action of the Adumari, her head had spun, fast enough that her features blurred for less than a second. She had felt the various emotions that had washed through him, the last giving her a slight pause.

With a brief nod of acknowledgement to the man, her attention refocused on General Zels. “The Adumari representative knows who I represent, I can feel it. As you should likewise know. He regrets not being able to deliver this message to you in person but he is otherwise indisposed with something of great import.”

“The Ghost that has assisted almost every polity represented here, over the eons, was who requested one of us come and speak to the conference as a whole. He has watched over you, tried to keep your people from chaos and ruin. And his request is simple.”

Leaning forward, a clicking sound came from the tabletop as the talons at the fingertips of one hand tapped the surface. Her other hand, the talons retracted, was laid on the still sitting Ellias’ shoulder. “He believes that what you yourselves have already stated is best for each of your polities, to rule yourselves, not fall to the auspices of a greater alliance.”

This time there was a touch of emotion in her voice as she spoke, a very slight smile on her face, “That being said, he also believes that of those here, and he wasn’t sure of the parties that would be present so that includes the Nagai in the options…”

Her hand tightened slightly on Ellias’ shoulder. “He has tested, has examined, and has studied the people this woman comes from. Given the beliefs most of your polities share, her people, and the ones ruling it are his recommendation to ally with, to form bonds with, even if they remain apart from the Alliance they recently found themselves a part of. Their honor and beliefs would make them the ones that would defend you, even above their own safety. They are the heirs to the legacy of the Ghost.”

The talons of both hands now clacked against the table, “Beyond that, the Circle has empowered me to put our people at the disposal of her people, at the request of the Ghost as well.”

The entire time, her focus was not on the still quivering Tof or the Adumari, but on Zels and the others that had called the conference, speaking directly to them.

Zels was looking increasingly annoyed. A group of guards stepped up, and he held up a hand to forestall a shoot out.

"The Confederation will not be the site of your disputes, or affairs. We shall be independent." He was specifically looking at the other representatives, not the Bothan one. "The Separatist Council intends to vote on your proposals but you can anticipate we'll vote for independence, and a renewal of our prior commitments on a case by case basis."

His eyes took in the others, who all nodded - the aged General from Mustafar, the Sullustan and Sluissi representatives. Admiral For'o bowed his head, fur flattened out of respect. "Suffice to say, we recognise you all," he turned to them individually. "The Adumari Union, Bakuran Sector, the Tof League, the Galactic Empire of Emperor Fel..." Zels old, war-seen eyes softened at the russet scaled reptiles. "And the P'w'eck, as their own nation state."

"The Confederation will maintain a position of Armed Neutrality, and expect our sovereignty to be ensured by the gathered powers here. We will send missives to the Republic Remnant and the First Order to confirm our intentions in their war too. Any attempt to infiltrate, as we say, will result in the Confederation declaring war upon said polity. Any movement in your war, the so-called War of Galaxies, that is genocidal or a war crimefrom this point forward, will result in our, separately, declaring war."

He pointed at the Anzati. "You aver to represent others present in omniscient ways. For the moment, I will opt to consider you the representative of those who departed our galaxy." His tone hardened. "We consider their abandonment of us at our time of need a declaration of war." As the Separatist Council muttered, he sighed. "But if we expect those gathered here to draw a line under their previous behaviour and to accept what has, and what will be, in the hopes of a new galactic understanding... we extend the concept of Armed Neutrality to the... Nagai Departed, or whatever you are."

He regarded the quivering Tof, and the Anzati. "If you intend to formally disavow any of your extra-legal allies, now would be the time." He was referencing the Nagai responsible for the bombing of Tof, and the Sun Guard, who appeared to be pursuing outright total war. Indeed, it included the rogue Yuuzhan Vong and the Grysk. The Tof had already spoken out against the Yuuzhan Vong and Ssi-Ruuvi, after all.

The representatives present were completely aware, via comm updates, of the latest happenings in their territories or on their offensives. The War of Galaxies hadn't stopped because of this Conference. But many of the factions here had been resolutely bloodied. The Adumari Union and Fel Empire had a separate axe to grind with the Tof, but Zels wasn't expecting to resolve all of that in one sit-down.

This would be a start.

The Ambassador for the Tof looked around at the others as they talked as if they were all mad. The Adumari seemed to have the right response. . .wait. They were defending from him? An unarmed diplomat and not the night terror of the deep?!? "I. . ." he pointed at the man but didn't know what to say for a moment as his brain tried to catch up. "We. . ." he looked back to the terror. His finger dropped.

He felt the gentle pat from his aid on his hand, and he slowly let her go. Not to be the only one down he slowly stood. Swallowing hard he stared at the Kraken Spawn, "Child of Death, Daughter of the Kraken. The Tof, I do not understand all your words, but the Tof League is willing to accept and recognize the South an independent polity. New and fresh without the guilt of any of their war actions as taken under and with the Nagai." he looked to the speaking voice of that group now, "To that end we would ask only if you might stay open to trade with us? That you give no quarter to the Nagai Terrorists as you have stated, and if willing allow no group to allow barnacles to gather on any fleets not of your own - to put passage we can accept, but standing fleets that declare themselves our enemy within your space we would take exception and believe the Adumari and Fels would as well." Glancing back he looked at the nightmare alive. "If that is acceptable." he gave a slight bow of his head, his hand shaking on the edge of the overturned table.

One of the P'w'eck snarled out some Ssi-ruuvi in the direction of the Tof, Be careful when saying the word demon, not all of us have the same definition...

The other also spoke in Ssi-ruuvi, Our apologies as well, but when you find a power willing to fulfill the dream our people have been dreaming for thousands of years, it should be defended.

Aren only caught words, though he mostly understood the first statement and only partially the second one. He hoped a protocol droid would translate into Basic.

He looked directly at Zels, "Honestly, I encourage neutrality between ourselves and the Tof. I have enough questions and not enough answers about them that I doubt one conference would do justice."

"I do have a question for you General, how much do you want peace? Like you, I've fought my own way for a large part of my life, so has my wife, and so has my daughter. My wife had good sense to retire, but unfortunately, I have had the luck of Wedge Antilles when it comes to these conflicts, leaving me alone. I don't want my grandchildren to fight in this war if I can help it, so I want a lasting peace if I can help it. What about you, General?"

Silver eyes dimmed to a dull steel color as she listened first to the General then the Tof. The silver returned slightly as she listened to the Adumari representative. Her attention, however, had remained on the General the entire time. “He who departed…” she shook her head in a minute gesture. “The Circle remains and, as I have previously stated, the two thirds of my kind who remain have made his mission our own. Regardless of polity or of desire, we will ensure that what he wished, what he strove for, will be accomplished.” she stated, her tone once again a neutral one.

“Attempting to have…stopped…the exodus would have been…unfortunate.” she said, in a near whisper, her eyes flashing fully black for a moment before returning to their previous silver.

“Those Nagai that remain, there is yet another reason that my people have agreed with the Ghost’s decision to back the Lexrullans and Bakurans. Those Nagai and,” her head swiveled, eyes locking on the Tof Ambassador’s eyes as she spoke, “some of your own people, will be…dealt with.” she went on before returning her focus to Zels. She’d completely ignored the troops that had entered, they were of no concern to her.

“His wishes, as his own plan is still being adhered to by our people, are in accordance with what you state is the most likely outcome of your vote. His desire, however, was that you recognize and accept this joint star nation as…” She glanced at the Adumari for a moment, “a separate entity from the Alliance that they have joined, at least from the war making side of the equation, and one,” she turned back to face Zels, “that would be one to ally to, independently of that Alliance, in your new form as independent states.”

Finally, her head turned to face the P’w’ecks, speaking now in Ssi-ruuvi. “Your kind, whether you are part of the Adumari with their vital assistance to your people or not, are more than welcome to contact the Circle, to be granted the opportunity to fall under our protection as much as Lexrul and Bakura are.”

Returning to Basic, her gaze swept the gathered beings, “Lexrul and Bakura were admitted to the Alliance because of the departure of Ghost. But,” her voice hardened once again, eyes now flat black, “make no mistake, should either world, or the P’w’ecks should they choose the same, be attacked there will be none left to guide the star nation that does so.”

Aren looked at the two P'w'eck, "I suggest that you take them up on that offer." He was aware of the strengths and weaknesses of most friendly forces knowing more help would be useful. Especially with the Tof or the Sun Guard, footage from Nagi proved that.

The P'w'eck fluted, and a protocol droid confirmed that the P'w'eck Imperium would be committed to peace, and accept the support of the Circle. They were grateful, and wished to transform their star cluster into an ally for the Union and the Empire. The selfsame droid had explained to the Tofs the prior statements.

The General let the interplay go on, and then turned back to Aren to undercut it. "We'll allow peace a chance. The Confederation of Independent Systems will take a neutral position between in the War of Galaxies, and will open trade links. The treaty we have proposed will be ratified by the Separatist Council, and the Adumari Union, Galactic Empire, P'w'eck Imperium, Anzati Circle, Lexrul, Tof League and Nagai Remnant will be accepted on the basis they comply with the prior Galactic Accords on warfare, and affirm that no infiltration, mass or otherwise, will be remotely acceptable."

In essence, they were bringing an end to this stage of the war.

Admiral For'o grinned with fanged teeth. "And so it is done. The Eriadu Accords declared."

The Ambassador nodded at the protocol droid in thanks for the translation. “The Tof League is willing to agree to that. We would ask if we might send a fleet to retrieve our people and materials from…P’w’eck world? And we would add our nominal agreement with the Sun Guard - to clarify we have no control, sway, nor approval of their actions anymore than we will this new neutrality nation. Less as we have not fully established trade with them. For war and survival makes strange bed fellows.” He stated with a wary eye to the Krakens Spawn of The Circle.

Aren looked to the two P'w'eck who said something in Ssi'ruuvi, and waited for the protocol droid to translate, "They will be sent, in accordance to prisoner transfers." Aren was careful to note that Zels had not answered his question. He knew that this peace wouldn't last, someone would attack one of these people. He was especially worried about the Domain Lah Vong, and the Tof attacking the P'w'eck.

The Ambassador shook his head. “The Tof League on your world will not trust you enough to surrender for your ‘prisoner exchange’ - whatever that is. They will trust and leave to a friendly fleet. Otherwise we have no control over their continued strife for survival.” He stated the whole of that with a building sense of urgency to the the Kraken Spawn. They did not want to default to war with these Kraken Spawn’s Circle.

"Nor do we trust you," Aren continued. "You will only enter our territory with unarmed ships, or at the very least ships with weapons shut off. We will escort you in, and before you leave P'w'eck space we will scan your ships to make sure that you haven't...taken anyone you shouldn't, and then you will be allowed to leave." Aren looked to the P'w'eck, "Given the delicate situation they are in, any attempt by an untrustworthy power to travel there with armed ships would be considered an invasion and would be met by appropriate force."

The Anzati listened to the discussion, the tips of her talons lightly tapping the desk under them. Glancing at the P’w’ecks she nodded slightly before she glanced at Zels once more. “One point…my people are not a polity, as it were. We assist others as Ghost’s plan requires but we are…extraterritorial. The galaxies are our preserve, our protectorate as it were. I do not, I hope, need to explain what that means. Except that,”

Her attention turned towards the Tof for a moment, “those already listed will be protected with extreme prejudice. If, otherwise, we and they are left alone then we will not have to demonstrate what that means.”

Turning back to Zels, “Your Separatist Council is offered a somewhat similar arrangement by the Circle, pertaining to previous instances of the Ghost assisting you.” she stated, carefully.

Eyes flicked between the Adumari and the Tof ambassador, “We will be present at the P’w’eck world to ensure all adhere to what has been agreed here.”

She sat back down, apparently relaxed, not donning the false image she had before.

Ellias stood, ”We are part of the Accords signed at Bakura but we have agreed to what the Anzati Circle requested and will be following, Lexrul and Bakura, their guidance in any further prosecution of what wars are ongoing.” she stated softly, as close to a declaration of alliance with the ancient nightmares as politically could be done.

Zels held up a hand. "You two can sort a prisoner exchange at another point. Separately; the Confederation will not arbitrate between you - we have no designs on galactic rule. Do we have an Accord or not?"

He was focusing on Aren. "Because you speak of how much I want peace, and I want it very much." He sniffed. "But I count my victories one at a time. This meeting is one; the Accord itself is another. More? I am not greedy enough to negotiate a prisoner exchange, or whatever else you are angling at."

Aren nodded to Zels, "I do as well, I'm just wary of making a deal with the proverbial Sith Lord. I also want to achieve a lasting peace, not some temporary break before we go back off to war again. Especially with two powers in their infancy."

He looked to everyone, "For that reason, we will protect them aggressively. They have just broken the chains, and I refuse to allow the slaughter of Nagi to happen again."

The Ambassador tapped his Maccabree aids armor. “Send the message, drop and retrieve. Weapons down.” Turning to the Adumari he gave a nod. “Civilian transports will be arriving at P’w’eck world momentarily. They will do as you requested, please have your fleets do the same.” Rolling his neck he looked to the Kraken Spawn.

“‘Live five minutes with a Kraken Spawn and unless a fool you will live the night.’ Or so the story goes. Tell us who of us must die? Lest we over turn a platter when a plate is all you want?” He said to her before tapping his other aid.

Ambassadorial Aid M stepped forward to the spokesperson for the new government of the South. “Where do we sign and see what the agreed details are?” The Faruuni woman asked as she adjusted her black goggles.

Ellias nodded when Zels spoke, she’d made her point earlier about the other star nations and she’d also made both Lexrul and Bakura’s positions clear. ”As long as the position that I have stated is clear, as muddied as it is with cross promises, Lexrul and Bakura are in accord. I doubt anyone can speak for the Nagai Remnant, what are left of them seem to have vanished into the dark between the stars.”

Head turning towards the Ambassador, the anzati woman’s eyes shifted to the dull steel for a moment. Her mind reached out to his, ’Every being here would be but an appetizer to me, I’ve lived…well…’ A thin lipped smile sped across her face before it returned to a neutral expression, ‘..longer than any civilization here has existed. I have no need to feed on snacks.’

The Ambassador simply bowed his head, sighing slightly at the words implanted in his mind. The elder races could be frightening in what they were, from the time of extremes. Perfected imperfections. Then it is done. Though one has to wonder why any except spawning grounds would ever matter to one’s such as you. He attempted to think back at her.

Aren smiled at the Tof Ambassador, "Don't worry Ambassador, your ships will be safe. Regional piracy is down, though we must remain wary from a Grysk client species's attack."

The anzati let a small smile cross her face as she glanced over at the Tof, mentally responding to his thought, ’All beings matter, you never know where the best meals will arise.’ It was a tease of sorts, ’Even…hairless wookiee sized beings might end up being…tasty.’

TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto, @Adalia-Durron

Star Wars - OPEN - War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.