The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

THE MESSENGER, MADI SONVILLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 In-Service Training Set Here For 'Opportunity' Class Staff gram The for the inservice staff of training the Sum. pro. mer Opportunity, Classes, which will be held in Madison. ville and throughout Hopkins county beginning June 20, is scheduled for Tuesday through Friday of next week, accord. ing to an announcement of Project RED officials.

The sessions will be held at Seminary Junior High School with morning sessions running from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 and DOUBLE I FRANK DEAN FEATURE SINaTRa MARTIN 4 FOR NOW I ANITA ANDRESS URSULA TEXAS SHOWING EKBERG PLUS MAUREEN O'HARA ROSSANO EXCITING A TECHNICOLOR "The Battle of Theatre Villa Fiorita" PHONE 821-6910 Box office opens at 12:45, Show 1:00 The farmer's share of the consumer's retail food dollar was 39 cents last year, rising about two cents from the 1963. 64 level to interrupt a longtime downward trend. Prescriptions DON PEELER PHARMACY Free Delivery Madisonville 821-5440 I TUES. I THE KIDS ADULT AND SHOW MORNING THREE ONLY STOOGES GO AROUND THE ETHER NEWEST WORLD IN Theatre CAPITOL ALL 15 SEATS A DAZE PHONE 821-6910 Box office opens at 9 A.M.

They live and love from spinout to crackup! STARTS FIREBALL '500 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL 4 COLOR The who faster AVALON FUNICELLO- FABIAN GIRL WILLS CAPITOL love guys than harder anyone and swing else higher Theatre PHONE 821-6910 Box office opens at 1:45, Show starts 2:00 STARTS AL- NEW LENGTH NAVY FULLDOUBLE FEATURE TECHNICOLOR IN JONES AIR FORCE FEATURE A Universal TIM CONWAY- JOE FLYNN and the McHALE'S NAVY CREW Picture also DON KITS GHOST and E) MR. CHICKEN SUNSET Drive-In The Horror isHowlarious TECHNICOLOR PHONE 821-6343. Box office opens 6:45, Show, starts 7:30 Gillette TRaveL Kil Compact Convenient: Complete Gillette foamy RIGHT Sun GUARD Up APTER VACATION TRAVEL KIT All you need in this handy kit to look your best wherever you go. We have it now $1.89 VALUE NOW $149: TRAVEL GILLETTE DON'T FORGET DAD SAV -RITE CENTER DISCOUNT THE STORE THAT INVITES YOU TO COMPARE' 9 E. Center, Next to Baker Hickman WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF JADE EAST AND ENGLISH LEATHER Life-Saving Classes Here Begin Monday Red Cross life- saving class.

es for both junior and senior age groups, will begin on Mon. day at Otter Lake, Lairy Nof. singer, Red Cross Water Sa. fety chairman, announced to. day, The junior life- -saving class will meet at Otter Lake at 10 a.m.

Monday while the senior class will meet at 2 p.m. Mon. day. The junior must be between the ages of 12 and 15 years of age while the senior life savers must be 16 or over. Applicants must qualify to be a member of either of these classes and this will be done Monday.

Nofsinger will be the After the qualifications the time of the classes will be decided on by those attending them. Red Cross swimming lessons will begin at Otter Lake on Monday, June 20, Nofsinger added. CONCERT SUNDAY AT FLOWER GROVE CHURCH Mrs. Lester Goodridge will present a musical program at the Flower Grove Baptist Church just off East McLaugh. lin avenue, at 3 p.m.

Sunday June 12. The program will in. clude piano numbers, several solos, several readings and some poetry. The Rev. John T.

Taylor is church pastor. The public is invited to this concert, HEALTH DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR WEEK June 13-Immunization clin. ic; office 8-12; June 14-Home visits. June 15-Home visits. June 16-Home visits.

June 17-School health aminations; office Street Fair Starts Fast Despite chilly weather the Hopkins County Youth Center Street Fair "started off with a last night. A good crowd of people of all ages, in sweaters and coats, enjoyed the first of a two. night showing of the fair. A booming fireworks display was one of the featured attrac. tions last night and will be re.

peated tonight. Music by a live combo, food, and fun are on the agenda for tonight, along with many other. attractions. The Fair starts at 5 o'clock today. Economists forecast that grocery store, sales this year may total billion.

This would be a 5.2 per cent gain over 1965. BILL TROUBLES NOBODY REFUSED UP TO $15,000.00 Bad Credit No Problem Not a Loan Co. Send your name and address for FREE application to nearest office for faster service Atlantic Associates, Dept. 146 Westminster Providence, R. I.

3312 N. Central Phoenix, Arizona FURGERSON FUNERAL HELD HERE FRIDAY Funeral services for John Henry Furgerson, Dawson Springs route 1, were held here Friday afternoon at Har. ris Funeral Home. The Rev. George Bunch officiated at the final rites and interment was in Dunn Cemetery near Charleston.

Pallbearers were J. T. Work. man, William Ford Wil. liam Ford Billy Laughary, Ed Howton and Tommy Croft.

Mr. Furgerson, who was 84, was found dead in his home Wednesday afternoon. afternoon sessions from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The schedule for the week will include a variety of pro.

grams designed to complete the preparation and organization of the summer staff. A workshop type program di. rected by, various members of the teaching staff is on tap for Tuesday morning and after. noon. Various members of the local staff have been assigned the task of presenting detail.

ed explanations of the opera. tion of various learning labor. atories which will be used in the summer program. These teachers will discuss in detail the content of the materials assigned to them and will demonstrate to the assem. bled teachers specific techni.

ques in the use of the mate. rials. On Wednesday Jack Cornette, a representative of Science Re. search Associates, will be at Seminary School to discuss with the teachers the use of the SRA laboratory materials which have been purchased. On.

Thursday and Friday teachers will be meeting with Brevities Brevities Lee Stinnett, Charlotte, is spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hous. ton Stinnett, 222 Union. O.W.

-Millard and son, Lance, 123 Union, have returners, ed from -a brief visit in Knox. ville, with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. They went to at.

tend the graduation of Kendall Siria from the University of Tennessee, and the graduation of Miss Tina Siria from high school. Mrs. Roy Porter returned Friday to her home in Lex, ington, after a week here with her mother, Mrs. John Hall, 352 Hall street. Pvt.

Maxey Hill Priest, who has been stationed at Hunts ville, attending school at Redstone Arsenal, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxby Priest, 112 North Robinson, Earlington. He is, enroute to Thailand for a year of duty. Mrs.

John: Ballinger, 260 South Scott street, has return ed home after spending sever. al days in Richmond, Kentuc. Rights Groups Plan Rallies Across Nation (Continued from Page One) shot. Others took over where he left off and their number has varied from 125 to Meredith set out on his walk to encourage Negroes to regis. ter.

In support of the marchers, civil rights workers in 'New York, Phoenix, Louis. ville, Ky. Buffalo, N. Nash. ville, Los Angeles; Chi.

cago: Albany, N. San An. tonio, Tex. and throughout Lou. isiana scheduled rallies and marches today or Sunday.

The Community Council on Housing planned a rally at 5 p.m. today in Harlem with. heavyweight. boxing champion Cassius Clay listed as a speaker. Other New York rallies are planned today' and Sunday.

Mer. edith will speak at a rally at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Antioch Baptist Church in Brooklyn. Some groups coupled the af. fairs.

with voter registration support and memorial serv. ices for Medgar Evers, state field secretary of the Missis. sippi chapter of National Association for Advance. the ment of Colored People, who was shot to death three years ago. Charles Evers, the slain man's brother, is to preside over a service and march over the funeral route Sunday in Jackson.

Floyd McKissick director of the Congress of Ra cial Equality, plans to leave the Meredith march to attend the service. A call for marchers from oth. er states promised to lengthen the procession. Meredith, a law student at Columbia University in Newer York, is expected to march again when he recovers. from his wounds.

The man accused of shooting him, AubreyJ. Nor. vell, 40, of Memphis, is jailed at Hernando, in lieu of $25,000 bond. The marchers spent the night homes of Negroes fir Bates. ville and in a church--the first time they have not returned to Memphis, which now is 60 miles to the north.

The Highway Patrol, which has guarded the procession and kept it moving, cordoned off the church where a rally was held. The patrol arrested a white man whose (dump truck veered dangerously close to the head of the line on the highway and charged him with reckless driv. ing. Mrs. Betty Smith and Frank Wallace, who will be return.

ting here for two more days of workshop instruction in the use of McGraw Hill Programmed Reading materials. Mrs. Smith. and Mr. Wallace will be meet.

ing with the teachers who will be directly involved with the use of McGraw Hill materials this summer. Simultaneously Dr. Jacob Shapiro of the En. cyclopedia Brittanica Press, will be conducting a workshop for teachers who will be teach. ing -mathematics -and In Color' reading program.

Wednesday afternoon, follow. ing the SRA workshop; the di. rectors plan to meet with the faculties selected for the var. ious Opportunity Class Centers to further coordinate the plans for the school opening on June 20. Friday's schedule will be de.

voted to McGraw. Hill Program med Reading and the Brittan. ica Mathematics Program. Over 1,000 students have al. ready been enrolled for Op.

portunity Classes throughout the county. ky, where she visited her bro. ther, John L. Vickers, and his family. Mrs.

Ballinger, who was accompanied by her sis. ter, Mrs. Roy Allen, and her mother, Mrs. Clyde S. Vickboth of Owensboro, went to Richmond for the wedding of her nephew, Robert Clayton Vickers, to Miss.

carol Ann Fritz. The wedding was held in First Baptist Church in Rich. mond on Sunday afternoon. John L. Vickers is a member of the administrative.

staff of Eastern State University in Richmond. New Attack On Commie Units Set (Continued from Page One) The spokesman said Ameri. can casualties continued light over all, although several indi. vidual units suffered moderate or heavy losses. The battle could have large military significance.

With two and possibly four North Viet. namese battalions badly mauled, it could upset the time. table for any Communist mon. soon offensive against the cen. tral highlands.

The highlands long have been a Red objective, and at least six regiments of North namese were known to be poised just across the border in Laos. Throughout the fighting ofthe. past few days, U. S. planes flew 202 air strikes against the entrenched North Vietnamese.

Some of the strikes were close to American ground forces and the spokesman said one strike today was within 50 yards of the paratroopers. Elsewhere in South Viet Nam, only minor ground fighting was reported but the air offensive over both North and South Viet Nam continued full scale. Ruckus Involving (Continued from Page One) proached and said, "You and your friends are loud mouthed "I thought he was the singer said, "and then I realized he wasn't. He said he told Weisman: "You're out of line, Then, Sinatra said, the man hit him with either his fist or. an ash try below the right eve.

The singer said he didn't strike back and a hotel detective jumped between them. "You can say the case is un. der investigation and the inves. tigation is far from said Lt. F.

H. Colford, police watch officer. He declined elaboration ex. cept to say police have brought no charges. Mrs.

Childers, 68, Dies At Marion Mrs. Elsie Childers, 68, of Marion, Ky, died at 3 a.m. today in a hospital there aft. several months of illness. She was the sister of Buford Playl, Laffoon Trail.

Surviving are the husband, Everett Childers: a daughter, Mrs. M. Chambers, Mar. ion, and a son, Hobart Child. ers, in eight grandchil.

dren; father, W. W. Playl, who makes his home with the broth. er here; and six sisters, Mrs. Verna Childers, Henderson; Mrs.

Lou Oakley, Louisville; Mrs. Hazel Sigler and Mrs. Lucile Hale, both of Upland, Calif. Mrs. Neva Hearon, Clay; and Mrs.

Rosena Martin, Pro. vidence. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. (CDT) Monday at Sugar Grove Church near Mar. ion, with interment in the church cemetery.

The body is at Hunt. Funeral Home in Mar. ion. Box office opens 6:45 SUNSET Show starts 7:30 Drive-In PHONE 821-6343 3 Big Features ENDS TONIGHT All With JOHN WAYNE "Wake of The Red Witch JOHN WAYNE and GAIL RUSSELL From the Book That Sold A Million Copies "The Fighting Seabees" JOHN WAYNE and SUSAN HAYWARD 'War of The Wild Cats" JOHN WAYNE. CATHERINE JANKOWSKI Mrs.

Jankowski: Southern Bell's Chief Operator Southern Bell Company has announced pointment of Mrs. Jankowski as Chief of the Madisonville Exchanges, The Group includes, among Hopkins, Webster, and counties. Mrs. Jankowski this area from where she has been erator for the past nine She is a native of and is married and the of three children. Mr.

Jankowski plan to move area within the near Mrs. Ruth Helen Ashby, 66, Dies Telephone the ap. Catherine Operator Group of Madisonville others, Muhlen. comes to Henderson, Chief Op. years.

Sturgis, mother and Mrs. to this future. Mrs. Ruth Helen Ashby, 66, Hanson, died at 5:15 a.m. Fri.

Hopkins County. Hospi. tal. She was a retired school teacher and was a member of the Slaughters Methodist Church. Surviving are the husband, Clint Ashby, Hanson; two sons, William Ashby, Evansville, and.

Hugh Ashby, Frankfort; five brothers, Weir Orten, Evans. ville: James Orten, Hazel Park, A. O. Orten, Warren, Ernest Orten, Madison: ville; and Harry Orten, Auburn, Calif. two sisters, Mrs.

Ra. chel Palmer, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. Lottie Par. rott, Ontario, and two grandchildren. Funeral will be at .2 p.m.

(CST) Sunday at Slaughters Methodist Church, The Rev. Lynn Harmon will officiate, as. sisted by the Rev. Wayne Ryne. hart, and burial will be in Slaughters Cemetery.

Friends at Harris Funeral Home. Mrs. Elizabeth Frasier Dies Mrs. Elizabeth 75, Sebree, died at a.m. Thursday.

in Welborn Baptist Hospital in Evansville. Survivors include two daugh. ters, Mrs. Marvin Kalinowski, Evansville, and Mrs. Tom Xanos, Chicago; three sons, Joe Frasier, Evansville, Billy Frasier, Sebree, and Franklin Frasier, Slaughters: a stepdaugh.

ter, Mrs. Ansel Puckett, Dixon; three stepsons, Jesse Frasier, Marion, Leamon Fraiser, Evansville, and Charles Fra. sier, Slaughters; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Scarbrough, Sebree, and Mrs. Sarah Katherine Cow.

an, Evansville; 39 grandchil. dren, a number of great grand. children and one great great. grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.

Sunday in the Sebree. Christian Church with burial in Springdale Cemetery there. Friends may call at Tomp. kins Funeral Residence at Se. bree.

Mrs. Lula Mae Hobgood Dies Mrs. Lula Mae Thomas Hob. good, 82, Madisonville, died at 3:30 a.m. today in Kentucky Rest Haven Annex.

She was a member of Madisonville First Baptist Church. Her only survivors are a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Harris Funeral Home. Dr.

Harold J. Purdy will officiate and bur. ial will be in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Friends may call at the fu. neral home. FUNERAL FOR MRS.

PLAIN HERE FRIDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Jo Nelle Plain, Fort Smith, were held Friday aft. ernoon at Barnett Strother Fu. neral Home. The Rev.

Robert Owens Jr. and the Rev. Charles, Blakemore officiated the final rites, and inter. ment was in Odd Fellows Ceme. tery.

Pallbearers were John Donan Craig Riddle Robert Schlotman. John Anderson, Harold Soder and Carroll Lutz. Mrs. Plain, a former resi. dent of Madisonville, died in her home of a heart condition early Wednesday.

Applicants for the Air Force Officer Training School choose their career field before enlist. ment. FOR YOUR OuT --NOW Sinclair SINCLAIR Brings You 10 Lb. Bag CHARCOAL AND HICKORY SAWDUST Cook-Out Kit Complete with Charcoal Lighter Available from the Following Sinclair Dealers WAYNE BAIZE 901 S. Main RAY BROWN Earlington E.


The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.