^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (2024)^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (1)

■ ^ ^ ^ ^ V w i^ r io n Ofl

H ^ H

i l* U,, titiiflto r e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ I td o n ■S S C t S * i tu m prior to openlni cf male i » W m n l* . Jefli ftner»l eh»lmw»i Bldner

department commwder, mnd M u L. &ro-

RegistraMapped p Senators------

r A M w a S i ' A ' SiiBBi tu fi00.«>0m ~ a ll p a rU o f th o s t a t e i

X JPtiSoSL M SJ; E ” -M S « r I"»niiiis.--S^iiwt Legion h a ts bccamoI « « « * *PP” ^ Falls too trcn~a 'CDnv«i K ' S u u S ; h o W jim d o p ro v is io n ;

proerwM wiu Following a m orni t,«ntp *UJM la meeting, & scrvice <,< « • ! . lo U lM b e - •''■«>> to j ta d y VI il (oitisn' reiAtXonf nccas and a child w cift

torfSTi!”ouireet the need to Condudtof pre-conventlo I raid u » l!u t com* tlet. memorial senlccs will ( B ittd r 'U T w 'le s i *t1;ao-pffi-today l l the ■ i - ^ ^ x a " tlon church. Ollter Baum. ■WrpBtod-flf-wmr depirtmeal -chtpUloi-wU1 ; lM a U « n x n n U * ths main id d n a , u e m o n u • ta M ie iu ta ts . r u be read tnr U m Nettle'C

l^itor approTiJ of lnTltftLto attend o a l $8^ 00.000.000 gram. R .J .B c b ^ d la u u i .c v n a t the outact 'of the board of'c ity commi' Dl lenate forelim vrlU sire the addrea of wet tte. ne termed the Bualne^ ceaslou a t the•B llal-ftnd-v ilA j hall B tl-p . m.. followed t>7 tJn e r^ defense and et E l^ t convention a t S p.i ' day will complete opening■ Detd for AmerN tlrltlei until the pamde btccenomlc support 6:J0p.m.UQiet -la aa great JO pjoati LUied W beca. About 80 no au In add


' U O W n S we now IHled for the parad will form a t Hayea hatcl

iBeducee’ F u n d s Baseball SeeM. July 59 MV-The AP M d U P llei>iUdOTO a Republican AMKBIOAN LEAGUl todi for the •T.roice

» « per cent. CIe^•eland __ ________ MO««of 1C7 to I3B re- New Yorlc ooo:■J t r Rcpre*eal«Uve ' Feller. Drhtie and Hegat 0.(0 glre the ••voie«~ nolds, Orennlre and B ena. » t tadlo and Infor*»-<nly *10.000,000. Chicago — 0(0 000-1w oen t-app rop rin ;- Barton .l_ __ ■.aw-Ma^oOi^lO to debate In tho Dobwn, Alwna, aumbert, =» WMO.OOO for_the find Rh.ll^ Nlrnn

siobba. Kinder and Bvaa*.«®t Trtrnian atked' ' D etroit-------- -----------101 0(» anve by Republl- W aihlagton________ .000 o;

Ca'“ - 0 « P “ <1 Robinson son. Harris, T tout aad OrasK

2 ^ shortnge and ra, 8wlfuS S S ';„ n , ■'"“ “ MMclphU,

--------l n l in m i , iM flm

M " - — S i; e t i . i 7 - u j u u . i i » . 5 S n 5 ; 7 i 3 3 ; ; ' S l

t t i S .S '* ■ ■not get a chance -— :--------------------------------

actual oriiclnl O lnclanaU __________.0 ( ^JJlckford.ju)d.Coopflr:-Bli

S t P“ kowjW and HoreM, 8che■n t t iS r ? . modified. Philadelphia n f St. LouU,

“S-K SpS ■■

ents Pay Dworshak Si ttUse Fines*” city water «*l<| b» wm “»hoclced" by »

w «H -vlsil«W M M «ek-«d- Haynes, m l P““ le woiki commit

H- L. Pmiler “Ne'spaper and radio aorth ; . violet twpw * you for the

^ '■ said. "We flew m'er thousali? - a ty u - o fk e r ““ eJi-o* crops th a t have beer

small chll. P " ‘«>y dMiroyed." 'i ,C” *fied hb *f. • Estimating' lossei a l mon

r>t his city <J.»M,oa5.coa, fjwonhafc deeJa » gentrsi convinced th st a coast

— __ flood control program couldUffTI— — 1 prevented much ot this daj f » ‘‘ Id • miles of brotto i5f j^ i~ E \c ry jdgho aemonstraled th a t itojage ia>

“ A meei- * « « theAniwai;------->— ~new” “t o L “ ’ conclusion Is th st t h a t I

» conferenee-of various f ^ J l i i Uw and »tat« agencies to wP**!'

*• iB ti . o i k , - 1 , i j i w . 7H»

' ......... ..................1 '•


. ‘A R e |[ io n .lN .w ip ,p e iS e ry in s

- ::sss'« %s;,

ion O ff ic ia ls ConferJBefommr., ^\ ......... .

irteiiii legion iti ito eon-' • FalU poit commander, go a»i penlng of main te n lo n s Approxlsistety 1.000 Lcgtonai Im aa i Sidney E . Sm ith. , especled U allend seasleu < nd Max L. OroFDr Twin pbeto.ramTinf) --

* * * * * * *

^stration Starts For Le^on SessioQtion of A m erican Legion dclcsatcs and mem1 II swing T h u rsd ay afternoon as Lflgionnaires f »f tho s ta te s ta r te d a rriv in g for Bcssions w hich.y m orning .— ------------------------------------------------h ats bcca m o 'an increasing ly familiar sig h t a a T

ie provisions f o r a n estlm ated l.OOO guests, lg a m o rn in g ' dep artm en t executive commi & scrvice o ff ic e rs — ——

a child w elfa re con- Some P ricesa ^ in session-Thura------------------r \ -----------»—“on. ,, , , , A i - e r r e s s i n iI pre-convention actlvf- C

— Geiling-Linou te r Baum. A shton, O

-chaplalo i-w m -deU rer -^ASHIHOTON,—J n l y - « - w m a.U fifflorUlIU to'wU l l ^ e Important pries celllngB” U rti.N ettle'S tO ilnffar, lf(tlgtng‘upwanl''todsy despite

>Vtwl(IinWia&d BUUar te»<tiu^a-l& -7uir. 'PoUejr. i

B l f f i H S n m W H j ^ B m ^ w l R ^ E r ^B B i f e a f e i a j s i t t a i . 3 ® I E 5 £ K r e f r t h e - i « i T i| 4 o ^ ‘.a : i« c ia p a tra , . . . n e todnitrr. ths bad nsw i v^ f i a h o theater. lU a r ^ f inoeoe la copper n fI t ^ to a ttend tbe-pro* t c o a ’imported ot«s. OPS clunjwhvtndlauui. cbaJrfflah ita celling on domesUc'copper

m £[i“ oiSnlng‘’ day « .the parade begins a t beaw. c o t . tP^rauB Dcgms « tomaloe* will bo Included U

W oalsU sled ' floau In addlUon to ; nUTaartfDnfl'rMAM/ir •tcnais. cansr iaw r. taaeis ano i ftmrdi and drill team s PUcs, plus specified cost Incre 1 for the parade w hich ^ t Hayes hatchery on . Th® result wUI vary f ^ cam >ad Main avenue south. ^ canoery. but OPS said the r *n p>n s. c*inaa s) age prico Will bo booited somew

. { -------------r --------- lna«TMp»-----------

tall S cores ■ Ing Index dropped from May * and U P Ileporls June. The decline, oa per cent t lOAN LEAGUE May 15 lo June 16. waa tho 1

R drop since rebruary, 19i0._________ 0<0 103 0 - a The Index oa Ju re J5 was l

--— 000 « o 0—4 per-cent ot-th« average prices-i ale and Began; R ey- vailing between IMS and 1038.1 ire and B ena. was 8.8 per cent higher than

r h e ln t*« of June, 1B50, Juit before . .3M OIB 000-10 14 3 outbreak of the Korean conflict ~970'ess-00x^l3-17—1----- !Dxa.ljiew-pilM'-of-a7.t4-ceDt.

? o * Ja- aM Evans. c c S i u T r e a S i ' ^

101 ont ta—a *sreeraent bringing a 3*ccnt rls«

J ? « r o r e ! ' ^ K r A 1 f rr o ^ t r S S o ^ :

t ^ . p h i s , n ig h . 3 C a s f p ^ 0

_____000 lOb 3 3 -5__ ;_____100 000 00—1 'IftJISE . July as MV-Pollomyeliwi<.r»mrmnt)l^! T.«tgn Ill n>iiin>fit i-1lrnh nf tha MS.

today With t ^ new cases repor--------------------------- R to 'th e IdAbaTiealth department

■' — VleUm»-»re-a-woman.-a3.-Bol_______ .000 000 0—0 a man. 80. Meridian, and a mId Cooper: Blackwell, 30, Richfield—d HoweU, Schefflng. This made six cases t ^ r t e d> a t 'S t. Louis, night. Idaho this month and 30 so

scheduled. •; th is year. _

s l i a l i S l i o c l c e d - b y - S c e n e -

F l o o d A r e a ’ s D e s t r u c t i o i

shocked" by sccnM of Jng^ to the government for r

iinit T f V D Jt9nha t»al4 Jhe senators h «o t- t« t& -- iir i£ e irb r

A TtoorU »«“>•. He said they learned th a l soi, had recelred as much as ele

i t - u i d have beth a t Ijave been co ,n,poajn,ie ^ jvold damage coi - .K .n Ple“ ly- However, the presence

lossei a t roort storage dams on such tributaries Dwonhsl: the Kansas river as the Neos:

th st a co“ ^ “S“ I;! demonstrated the effectiveness program c o i^ i»ve y , , , ,j„ preventing aich ot this d a m ^ - gerlous damage along lhe»e stresn ia of brotto ! « « « Dworshak expressed tho bell lha t itorage leseiroua disaster will point tip tlin ------->— ~ — ■' tmportance of flood Control througlt - I. »>..nhge should o u t tho west, eipecialiy projee

a u c h - a s -Palisades whirs stow « r i« i^*P*IH « r*-,.capacity can also provide need. ? iS d s l flood I power and Irrlgstto^__________

tp e r S e rv in g t 5 — <

'______________ t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO,

jrJBeforeM eetfrStarf;------

unander, go aver program plans of the three-day e rra l ’ 1.000 Legtonaalres, auxllias? o iem ben aad gcesls are tiend se ssle u of tbe three-day sU te eonveoUon. (Staff"*1 - ' .

rts, — Reds-Nabbed- >eSS10n_rB y-E B F_M eEes_ a n d ^ m em b era WAfiHiNaTON, July sa (ws- at. c g io n n a ire s f r o m rest of l l more Communist part: . s i o ns W h ich b o .

cuco' and New York was ahnouneec iar s ig h t a a T w in today.

i iu t r t*neous3y I s the three metropoiltar 10 g u e s ts . centers, waa announeed JolnUy b:u tiv e c o m m itt e e Atty.-Oen. J . Howard McGrath anc__________________ FBI Director J . Edgar Hoover.

All were charged with consplrlnj " D * ^ - to teoch a n d advocate the forcefu r l l C G S ■'■ overthrow o l this eoranaeat.

. r T o t* lN ow « ^T'ortyiTour eommunUtleader* nonr C S S m f f ' - ' havo been indicted on such charges

O Of these, 11 h a w been convicted • T * *■. 0^ those convicted are sowing-LuniliW.~Jtily • Sff * 30. ' ■ ■ I . . . . .1 ^ s ceUlnas’-wBi* ‘T n a Communist party leaden sr- ■ •^ rv d O T ^ ^ « « « > Jiave long been acUve Ir

f i « d CommunUt party, w o tt in Callfornli

sfiGSLtfi-.had' tel t P ^ H m L eountr.'State and.m< ■*** t lq u ^ K l] | |i t l e s \a f Ooianunlsi

^ a d t u a ^ t S e r w f e H i a p a i .

eras. OPS clung to of t l » O ommunltt-party In the lo- domesUc-copper. cale*. and ' fields to which the« Wednesday. functionaries were assigned by UmUaUoa covering th e natlooal headQuartera qf tho party.' lanad-M getable-la. - .W aiTanta h a d been issued W t l ,a id last nIghL I t now Commlasloner Howard V. Calverly ned green peaj. bu t * t Lm A n g e la after a compUlnt a beans, com. beeta W M ,«ed a ca ln s t iho group, by a Ul bo included la ter. » P ^ *««nV mlU packen to base Iloover sa id those arrested' have 1MB cosS ot m a - {l»«>ted a good pa rt of U»elr adult

1S '‘SS*SSHS p .n y t .u » .

'opyJTttoSS D em o Forces9 booited somewhat - n r r * w -i* w

W m F ig h t onrhlie; Its cost-of-llv- , ^ 1 T f e a l l

C o n tro ls Bill0 18. waa Uio firs t WASHINOTON, July.3« «^ - u ^ , WM. The admlnlstraUon w on-a-roundJu re IS w 1B3J today w hen senate-house conferets average pnces-pre- -vo ted^ to-pennlt-rent-rollbscks to IMJ m J IJJI. T «« l m , M .y H , 1,J0. , „ u M

'wS'bSSSSr£A conference, commltiee. approved

a -o f -a iH - c e n t ^ a that-provUion-ln-the-sconomio-eoa-

rr refined from trols bill passed by tho senate and decided to Junk a house bill provi-

s May Kl. wlim e lonlvhlch w oiird'have'barm Tfehl 3hllo reached an roiibadks In those areas. 'Ing a 3 -cw t rise in gtablliraUon D htctor Eric Johns- PPff >" ton had appealed to Uie commit-ted SUles re f ln w tee la st w o e k ^ to adopt Uie ired to a ^ b tho genata plan.

A athotlscs, DeslgsaUoa — —— — The version approved by, Uie oon-

)f Polio for Idaho

8 opv-pollomieutls . The conference committee is Iron-

E “.5f-.’SSh and 30 so fa r banned by house and___________ __ bills.

Senator M aybank. D , 8 ,0 , said■" ^ conHdent will vote

5 G C H C - T - - ; : - a w v e ^to - block

- „ a J Senator Brlcker, B.. o... told re-t r u c n o n porw™. however, h e wlli help lead

a fight to p u t euch a ban into ef- m onstra ted-a irto - ^ec t^H o-w idT tcn ttim rB fd^sonw jiifthey a r e l» k - l n j “ ir^ 0 U ia n i-h e ]p -cU rt-n )Iac k emment for real markets a t an."

Army^^mnussion- For Fields Halted

n ^ w e ^ W A S m N O T W . J u ^ «

i i testified today Uic U.would have ^ n g. «nny offered him an Intelligenco

wmmisslon In .10«. He said Uie

p i ; s f 3 “ - r r S n « .

“ "p o “ " 0?5 H “>• VOS-

•ns. ".ss1 provide needed otflcsrs he » i d had Wed to get -

him conisuasioiL ' J— -------------------------------------------- ------

i . 1




U .N . A D V A N C E BASE CEL fo rm a lly a d o p te d a .p ro g r a m fo r

| F zone a lo n g th e 13& -m ile K orean bi "'‘ tm ih M • M e e tln g in I to e s o n g , the U.N.

.T?:. jiV vM lsiP S f p m a l a ^ ^ a U c e nogotla tiom I ® ^ P arm istice hi hV ' '' ' f • ■' 'V f « P r o j r n tm c a l ls f o r f ix in g a ii« i '^* -V V /if '’3 c e a se - f i re a n d a n a rm is tic e , inch l i i l b l i A ^ l B a . * * * ___* ___________

||||[ |||||| Reporters See i 'S fM K K Sesong ]

XAEsosa. J u v a n w - a m c i ' was no cheer In Kaesong today de- bo

_ _ spite progrea* o f tha cease-flro ^i p K p v

Throughout th e tow n were poker- la^kT 1 I J faces or frowns. N orth Korean Qen. hS1 a n n f l f l — .N am -il.-ohleX-eommunlsW elente- t s

to the cease-flra negoUaUons, ap-‘R F M i > » i unhappy. y«J > i — i u C l l -Be-looked-dalihitalyHlUlutbed-asr T„1, he suode from h is Jeep to Uio coa- riv’A i S i T ^ s J ^ ; f e « « e w m , puffing vigorously oa tio

cUonarles by PHI ‘ «!«“ « « « .---------------- ...... .................eningeles, Sin Fran- Around th e tow n th e ' children, be:3rk was'announced nArmally 'g m C tavorltes With west- thi

em correspondents, were strangely • i

three » c t« ^ U tM ^ ^ e correspondents, who like to TO l^iiS ' ^ y youngitera f*

“ nueh as th e kUU like to receirs It. csme today w ith Uielr pockeU _

« “■ "“ “ Ol*"- J

Now 44 ' ‘ But th o chU dren v e re n t around. •munUt leader* now i t WM"<ib7lotis'Ui6 clty-had-been •• d on such chsrges. warned during th e n igh t (ha young* ' ,-e been convicted, s ten m ust re tra in 'Iro m greeting th t' . onvlcted are now tj. n . m om ln« cavalcade wlUi tte .

-usnal-w elcom lnf-ohatter.-and-ann. _ In New York Juno waving. '. . . .~ ___ - ■)It party leaden ^ ^I been acUve In ---------------------------------------- — -----wotk in CaUfomla „ . - -

S e n a t e V o t e s . ; ' , 1Ity.'stato and. w * _ . sU]

■'F o r la c re a sc '- s

,W ASHINOTON.rjuly 3 fl.W -T h» tht^ h S h UiSS today to add-mBOO.- n aa uslgned by S o WO to house-approred funds for sell Herten gf tho party conservation payoients to farmen tio«en issued by t l ,e . this year and n e x t ' . onirwanl V. Calverly R^ectlhg repeated attempU to P^'ifte r a compUlat gjajh Uie amounts. « approved ^■ tho groujx by a t360.000.000 for th e program In each ^

2 ? hSuM *?S allowed I368«0.-a r t of ^ i r a d d t ooo for Uils year’s paymenU and C *-U»-Commualst -|2MOTO.OOO-for-WtlfTf4sr-ln-tBT t t s_ L _____ , . a ^ c u ltu ra departm cnt.aioaey bill jx»

4I-*9 V ote jjyj U X < ./C 9 Senate approval of the larger

, ^ amount for nex t year came on a 41|W - h f ~ r k n — to39vot«;ThaBU tborttaU onforthls gt*I H U l 0 X 1 y e „ cleared on a Toice.vole after /

1 - n a i ' i ' «> attem pt to trim It by *5.000.000 „ i;•q I c K | J | was defeated 34 to 13 on astandlng uni

, Ju ly -30 on — Senator AndetM>n. D., K. M., for- l i t on won -a-round roer-eectet«ry-of-M i»cuU ur«,-told I h ;<-house conferees the senate any sm all approprinUon sm rent-rollbacks to for-soil-conservQUaT-would-bJlng ' 34. leJO, level in tha “U irtst o f doaUi to aU agricul- r f critical defense lure.* ; ' , D l

Seavy tood proriuctlen during snd *f“ r 'W o r ld 'w a r - n Had damaged

« tho"sbl l . ~hi - Bai dr Thi a- ne*Mr he — added, th a t conscrvaUon measures ,

•T ,w V :ilP --'S .^r ehould-hi tolren to kasp.iha.son.ln —, ™ ■ «»«o '« to r Eric Johns- Senator Ferguson, B.. Mich, who ^

to Uie commit- had led movea to tr im the paymenU. ^d to adost Uie assailed the senate approprlaUons ^

^ committee w hich previously bad ap-DeslgsaUoa proved th e (380.000.000 figure. Heroved by. Uie oon- «ald; - ,troUie secretary of W ronr B e a r ln n

9 critical d e f ^ to tesUfy before Uie fax commltUe. clas where money U being taken from iteii

«mmittee is Iron- them. B ut th a t 's n o t the place to betweeirieparaia , i a r t They ahould come to Uio ap- r

control blllsrThe tncpriaUans~i<«mmltt8cr ................ ^ u :o»x ^^b^;j«xpI«s..B t n* lla g er-fo r-th # -to n 3 -b Ill^ t6 ld -a and

5 ! ? ^ , reporter he hoped to gel senate »(. tv . approval on th e meaauro late todsy Ute

>S2> 01 tmnorrow.' Dcoulo has been llm-i a t '

a n ? S u e SL“iS

k. D , 8 ,0 , s a i d ---------------------------------

E xpert Opines 7R-. O,. told re- . ,

i’ Ar ea Cropsn e iD ^ -h ^ iM :-Ji-^t-o t:tbaJx iuntr7.m u ’J» .g 0i mao rieip cur^-biack ^ ^ j . ©. eiiis. dun________ iLa-mh-andJtiidW ojKnasjjPM ir .wta.__ • . - mai control agent, b u th s is more bun.m i l S S l O n — eoneeme<l-wlU» M sglft^Vi llfty going and.t ^ t i , tothTJaarabhlta.--. mitt'q H n l f p f ) n ils , who describes the jackrab- T l •« A 1011 .C U bit ih rea t-to Magic Valley crops as tack July 35. W ht one of U ie jnosU ctioU iL la jearum i ahuj

T Y M Jrfc lt^ n ? be staU onS“ ln ~ T » - lir -p iin -W II aGTi ed today Uic U. aionUi to help organite farmera la on b (1 an Intelligenco drives against the crop-crunching Ups 3. He said Uie raW ll hordes. He wlU work'wlUi . n i eked by persons farmera and farm organltaUona In of o icause of a “ctr- experimental poisoning meUiods and lyorli

' oUier control 'm easures. faifiI awwer many .First.o rganU aU onal meeUng In wUll lem WheUier he the campaign by Ellis and Dalgh' Stea; nmiuilit leaders. «galnn Jadcrabblts was held a l 7 sqult plain Uio'prob- p m Wednesday a t Rcseworth school elfec d with bis get* west of- CasUeford. Dalgh said 31 >*& Isslon, . . men attended from tho community such > name Uie army th a t U s t a o a ly ^ iamUles in rasU conti >d t,rled to get dence. i . tem i

'I . BiU B oatw Tlshtw aaaafflK ^chalr. ." it

•• '___________ ;_________ ; > •

N ine 'Irrig a ted Id a h o Coostle

n .Y 28.1951 ^

s e ^ F i r ^ D i ^

- ^ f b r - T a l k siCE BASE BELOW KAESONG. K orea, Ju ly 26 d a .program for ceaae-fire negolia llons today and 3&-miIe Korean baltle-fron t. tesong, the U.N. and com m unist te am s ag reed upoaUce.nogotIations..and-proceeded.aLonca-iyitlLtho :1I a n armistlco has been signed. H ow long th a t wll calls for fixing a dom arcatiD aJlne.betw een.tho U, I m armistlco, Including supervision o f th e ir observai Jk— * -------------------------* — * — Ik— -*— :-------- mend

?rs See No Cheer “ aesong Despite News

3a <IL»—5h*r# csutloiiijj; tn m windows of the Jflesong today de. bouses or lined up by Uie score u . N.

tha ceas*-nro hundred feet ftom the «n- „ilsetiM ce route. yhich

_________ .Thfr adults wwe cold and unsmll-*»’ *** " greetings trom

legouauons, sp- in;»gin»jy stone a t tha IJ. N. con- Nan

elynlUlutbed-as - 'l in -m ln u t< » -a f te r -K a m - ll 'a T > agred Jeep lo Uio coa- rived he emerged w ith h is delega* "I \ og vigorously on Uon and went Into a am Sl ■ctafer* adont

- ............ outaldt ttoe m ain cham* “wea th e ' children, ber. He sUlI was unsmuing, al- ado|it a lia s with west- though-one of hls-coUeaguea-wnro -Brij , were strangely a smile. bri«Itreets. When ths conference adjourned vaiceIts who like to Tor u ie 'd a y rih e cmai u . a c i ^ a l to0 the lo u n S tm fate. t& S. Adm. 0 . T urner Joy. cuE o J like to receirs alsoJ;ad a stony, expressionless face, d raa i h their pockets — ^ (jdes

R ange B lazess H r - P l a g u e T a n e r f ei f S l i F ixe F ig h te rs ^____ -Bangs .f t r e a ^ s t l t t^ a g a a -Mag<a « t= Jsje seen peering Valley. Several small ones havb-been agalni-------------- :------ brought under control h y lire f ig h t- early

ers..and all but one .have 'bean (te* “ tC laradout. ««her

U lC O .....; ' 'ah«i.T,fy, Are Pr°>rc ^ . . .V --’ -- 8Up«»t«Br for th* bw eaa f lf .la n d

;rease"... . I- • 1 fU« ^aa 'located near'O oodtng andrm 'Aid ,1 ; -

' w i - < alsd repQtlM » ttre on ® wh ruly SlX'PHThe the souUi dde of Ttnnniffm«n. h ill ^ to add 'm soo .* near Uib Uagle City re«»-Junction. a od funds for sell Heavy smoke stopped tcafflo to r a Chit n ts to farmen time Wednesday aftemooh and . a t I^am

one time, power poles of th e Idaho spokei d attempts to poww company' were, th^ ia lo ied .' i p e e t J. I t approved The power company sent ou t'a-crew gi«ai\ i ro m m ln e a c h help flgb t'the f l* . Be* U »

tween IM and 360 acres were black* agendj lowed I368W.* Hddlngton said. g a tte t

payments and Officials a t Uie bureau o ^ J a n d table . :fT f4sr-ln -tB T a iahk4eM enro rfl« "ln” Biiney re - WT>n ent.m oney bill port th a t Uie fire 10 milea aouUti of

Michaud Is o u t Most o t th e 3.000 ®** burned acres ara on th e m d la n 7®?of the larger r»ervaU on end bureau of. land

ir came r a a 41 numagement land. Tbo fire waa irttaUon for this started by lightalng T u e jd a ra le b K

Another fire on Uie ChurchlU na ta It by *5/100.000 MUth of.Burley b u beao-brtm ght

3 on a standlng under control but sUU Is being p a - Ptr,?,, trolled. J l bumed approximately

D.. N. M., for- 1300 acres befora it waa stopped. fliJcuUur«,-told JhB-Burley_ofnce^ alsg_report^ a 11 approprinUon small flra near. Hollister.71-would - ta Ing

‘ 500 Expected “S /S .3 Be on Hand for”h ia -» e * M r h e -------- ? T ~ i7 T :iT ~ T < r : on-botlaUon measures , o D l f l S I l i / d n U V S l roat tasp thf-son-ln ^ ^ j^ jte iy 800 youths are ex-

^ Croas swimming director.,000 figure. He p#ddle. back, side and b reast i

. stroke swimming events wUl be In* . 'eluded in the compeUUon. Persons utTH

tax commltUe. classes are Invited to attend. Miss buW. eng taken from Reichert said. All age groups are «hen tl l Uie p ^ to welcome. w en riame ta Uio ap- _Ribbont» llL _bC L P resen^ to_aD an thaoc--------------- youths parUdpaUng and s p e ^ « b . north iD , O v, floor bons will bo received by t in t , second damagiro-biu^tcld-a ■Wrf tMwl plT o «r1nnfin r»piih»to get senate Events for beginnen. tntermed* vesUga's u n late todsy iates and swlmmen will be posted Depuhas been Ilm-i a t lh« 'poo l, paruclpants are re* eccnrre

n eaeb amend- Quested to provide their own swim wheresuita. ■_________ killed 1

Spines -Jackrabbit Thre a Crops Is Most Serioii 7-niU ’J » - r » i m aiL oI^tho-B o«W 9^ rabbit ^ ve w iU J . O. QUs. during the meeUng. Ray G lid in g "One fi scrvlca msm . Waynw Rjith* h r himt

Ut i is is more b i ^ Max Conrad. T r u m u . C lark drlTe.“ I^ralley-gfllng kmi~Q:g~HtiiniflV were chosen'com*

1 Uie iackrib- to inltia'te th e ir et*'alley crops as tack on -nbb lls wlU) a poison drive jLULTeail.jmi ahUfada»-»fUmoon.-g llli wm -»S~ fZ ?.” " n r - p n n - w n U s T fa m S S 'a h '« p e r im e h l* l poll*Ize farmers la on bait of strychnine-treated alfaU a 5 ? ® ^ T o p - c r u n ^ g Ups a t Headq;uarten ranch. _ *1 ^•IU work wlUi . EllU aaid no one lure-flre meUiod ^ ^ gantaUmia In of eontrelllng jackrabblU had b c « t meUiods and lyorked o u t Wheat heads and a l- eoaui*

falfa Up« treated wlUi s trrchnm e 1 meeUng in wUl be ona of Uie poUon baits tested, ^“m i iai la and Dalgh' Steam-relied oats, a common ^ i o i d . Count ras held s l 7 squirrel poison bait, also have proved Ing' wit seworth school effecUve on JsckrabUU. ElUs said. esUmat* ^algh said 31 *l3hooUng, driva and ’’a n o th e r oneshei ae community such, measures are a heip to rabbit eropa.di nUles in resl- control, Ellis tald. "but no-one sy a - rangelaj

1 . tem aeems to work alone." 1 Such a aamec^ chair- ." i t is much tb e ^ m a u t u a o x - x c n

---------— ED

id Id a lio ConsU ts L _ _ _ _

*. H n W .( JUidtl B ™ . .1 ClmlitlM *M«cl4lrt P n u SHl O aM rvwt

Discussions"im isProgrjaHssIs^App]K orea, Ju ly 26 O/.R) — U nited NoUons and comi a tlo n s today and immediately ^ g a n d ls c ^ I i jg t:

eam s ag reed upon and then adopted a five-point iaLonca-iyith.thfl.bargainlng.-B lit-U .l^..offlciala.ei [ow long th a t will take, nobody knows, betw een .tho U, N, and com m unist arm ies, concrei o f th e ir observance, arrangem ents re la tin g to wai- * — ------- mendation»4o-b»madfrte'flovammttats-

As Thursday’s m eeting s ta rted , th e 1 :0 J ^ . the ir insistence t h a t th e . guestlon ol

__ Uoops from K orea bo m ade a - - • V T m x r o p rogm n-d r agenda item .- ' ' . I v T V S North Korean Oen^Nam n open*

«. ... c -1S . * ^ L S S

• “ f n J l M u e r i w « n = « iw . T T eetlngs trom j Both Agreewoman w ent *TV«i km ^ nn Oia whnlw w wthrowing an as I t la now—Uve Items," Joy aaid. BoSTi> 9 . N. con- Nani II read a sta tem ent giving Douglas

his IdterpretaUon. Joy nodded in war haiK a m -H - a r - a g re ^ e n t a n d -a a id : - ----------------- X;nited-I

h is delega* "I /propoee th a t Uia agenda be moral 0loiall cra ter* a d o ^ . ’ cause Itm ain cham* "We agree to this agenda and alea."ismUlng, al- adoM it formally,” N am H said. ' l h a "i ieaguea-wnro - Brig.-Oen.— W Ullam-F.-Nuckols,-mander?

briefing offlcer_aL.Uils 17, N . -ad- Jounuy-e adjourned vaico base, said th e . neaotlatora. place In“U. f l . f lc i^ a lK rlh a l. *'had a l r e a d y 'b e ^ d iP "Uio aomT urner Joy, cuulons on the fixing of mlUUry neslio psionleas face. draarcaUon line from boUi to th e >------ tides will pull back troopS.'* This

c/eans lha astabllshment at & neu- MaoArazes t ^ rons orno-m an's-land. " W. . . [. SebedBle MeeUng l ^ t n t i

a I I f t V " 'rnieT iexnaB ettn rrlt"Tm -agreed ,- ■ tn a faa 4lU begin a t liV*. m . BWday (5 p. In hii

H . ' m. tod&y. MOT) In Kabsong. talks sU

[liters i2 5 ,j£ K ^’e5SSS' iSSta'■ n lf~ TTTlHtl « n - | H U a d - Jeshavb-been against undue optlm lsB o rer a s where w■ rttre tlght* early end to the w ar. ^-*?Ibai v e ^ ^ . I t is intfch too early to predict t h e ^

. . elUier tiia success o r th e ra te of Indeed xf l - progress to be-pbtalned (In tbe.sft* U s u e ^

e w ^ ’Uad r*>attau)i" t b e aniwunceamt

Soodfng and ,**Biere a ta num m ua. baslo'pointsJ ........- Trithlai£s'£raiDb#brif brth« l « a ^

fire on on which agreement m ust be r ^ - m anjaa -h lU e d an d o a w h lch there a r e p r a i a ^ S S S z :

lOoh and . a t Nam H, was quoted by a ^ : The f rf th e I d i ^ spokesman as saying, "1 tblnfc t ^ p m , s a

tO T ^ ^ m w g ^ v t m w r e t c r w a r tM a r e i t ^ he t t * . B e- U a negoUaton , approved tbs were black- agenda only nine mlnuUe- aftar .

gaUiering around tha c o n f e r ^ r p

U eaaouU iot B FolttU Listed ’ - - K |1I t e flve-polnt agenda cnmprlsed: ^

5 “- ? ^ J. AdopUon of tha agenda.' (Al* Q .B ^ ^ ready, comptetad) »5 l

a .ra tin g .o f-a jn lU ta ry ..d m * rc t; tlon line between both aides ao as

lu rchU lnata ».u w t.h ■ trmn«■ A PrealdenI

Ef'h.srs.' tfIs being p a - opposej r o x t a u ^ a. Concrete arrangements fe r a Pf

cease-nro and an armistice, Includ* ing-ma-compositlnn.. autBaatT-M d 4luncUons cf an organlatlon to su-

1 f o t '

i n u ^discussion of Use oUier Items “In or- der tha t a 'p o U n tla l t o halting bloodahed in Korea may be rtallied" » ” " P ° “ ^ '^ - ■ u » n ,K

S f K , C a r H i t s R a i l Sm. Persons BtTwr-, July 38rP>llas L. Voorhec|. 0

ttend. Miss 3 ^ . escsped fh to y early Thursday m o n doi groupe a n «hen the antomobUe in which tbey to opposk

w en riding crashed tnto a guard ral! n a l ly to tn M to_aH «n thn nw T T.«fcwi Triari fam- mHes jsh n tu a is p e ^ n b . north of BuhL-Approxlmately.AUa aaolllced I n t , aeoond damage tesulted .to th e car. 'aald end tha t-----------------Deputy SherUf O urt P g g r u g » t e . J l n U iH

tntermed* vesUgated.I be posted Deputy P ry b said tb e aedd e n t - th e re Its a re re* occurred a t alm ost-the salna spol th e rtso: owa swim w hen a CaUfomla student - w s Natfans 1

kUled a year ago. _______ those ag|— -------- . . blw d e ^

Jit T h r e a t^ p ^t Serious in Yeairs Sahblt drive ious ' weed problem.’*, h e explains, ly-'W flding "Ohe~ram er'esii’t'-do-*a-gf<»trdWr lyoB R ath* hvhlmitflf. H, tm ^ m ran terinan . C lark drtje .“ ______ __ .-..m " " . . . J ,W 0 -

—$tfIa_at6_I»tjn. • t o ., lands on toe Salmon trac t and thoso r J I

slsS i drive S r ’S S l L t o l S u i S a S - ® S n ?

» b h lt hun te^i H e suggests Uiey

rS iS ^l o n ^ i o i d C ounty'A genlO .W . Dalgh, work- DeH1&ave proved Ing' with Kills *9n n b U t {ontnl, lu iea tUonssaid . esUmatea five rabbits e a t as s r a c h u iustlca .m'a n o th e r onesheep 'onrangeland. D am agato Ing tha,siI ta rabbit cropa.durtn».periods_of, d rought'oa » V M '.w io-one sy a - «ng e lan d -ls m ach.m ore axtajstva: ;• Hqdswt' . 1 Such a range drought Is b laaud for tn< 98 ml ■ lA aoi-

— l E m r i p N ^ I' V 4 v ' . ! v i

PBIOE:B .c e n t s ''

Mis) ^ a m ^Approvedlions and communist represcntatiTW ‘IR d lf lc ^ In g th e flxio2 .q f.a .n e iitr9 l . .

d a five-point agenda o r program fo r[.:N.,offlciaia.emphMl2c d .ih f i jd io a tIa « _ Jws.arm ies, concrete arrangem enta .for.ft.,r.. re la tin g to w a r prisohera and recom*

«-fl0 v e m m tta t» « tc 0ttn t r ie s m a e o n » d .— lg s ta rted , th e communists abandoned - iiB .guestlon of .withdrawing fo re ign - nade_a .- -* * * • * - r

L ffi; G eneral Ends “= Silence^ Flays ■

U. S. PoUciM■agenda ------Wnm. VT a ad .A faepacta .^ ,oy said. BOSTON. Mass, Jnly. SS -O aa. ' t giving Douglas MacAithur says tha ' 'dded In war has setUed twUihsg a D d - ^ B H l l_______Onited-Statee m int a e e s p H l ia iS ^ ^ ^ ^ lm da be moral consequences of d s f e a t t ^ ^ H I

cause I t "dared no t flght t« *

'said. ' l h a •a ep a a~ te~ B M t a ~ a M B Nuckols,' maiwtur, wh w tn«W«-m MiiUnmilHC T t, N . ad- Jo u tsa y -to d ay .4 a JU s ,ia tb a i!a .U ^ ,-» ’l

mlUUry a e tU o p o U d a s ^ o lg i^ M p e a e i i .' Ah boUi to th e Massachusetta k g t i l a t s ra '".F ThU Beds D oalaata.^ X ; <' •

"^m p $ e lS * ^S ^S aW ^ * S 5 !S 5fT iliii ] i l l i j ............................. . •mnitraUon *into positiaitaC .paM ftO v'

-ajreed,' ■tnBfand'w spoa tlbimr.*-.^ - ? ''^ .'^ ' ty (S p . In hU tlrs t.sp ea e& -rtW 'tn iM ( g. talks started tn Soraa, t t e . s a n n a quarters deserlbedthaE oreanw ar«a«ftttO *. pan t on ~**Tt tn ~tilnli h “ristinn' tiail^ ' i B y ; ^

J T ^ « ifeOT w rs ta o d ^ ^ ^ U a f i& n a S ' ?" v - rib a th rea t-o f aggrttfearc-t«m '.-..>

predict th e w t a k r i .-baa ‘not dlmlirtifaaft '-‘i: ra te of ?«»<«**■< h f ^

U su B j^ S S g 5 tte d .V v « ' *

« * » * •' L , ^ ttiat tha united etaU ahu p l U ^ .T .

- e l t h a r fo r K o n a or a t b C B e . 'r . .^ . - '- -- Tha general'aaU one ofKins io r h is ouster w ar to r’o f ls ttn c : r ,T 5 'S i j» « T B r t t e * B y - e « f iB B a e 3 r ^’ . ( ( M M «ari«« I. O rfW O 'i'

s- after . f • .* .-;o

i K IjH jjB anJSapESi^

r t .

Prealdent T kuaun told r ' l ^ a i i fn iHm- of day thaXhilied Natlon^.OKWoo'-to. .,.4

oppose- ■•tarbanms-. a g s iM » .; ta : fo r a sM e a preranted World w a r .a i ," '

Mr, n u m a n stoutly d s to d a d tha . . n < M ^ d V* H.'a dlplomatle a s d im m ta a .a o - - :

1 W tle rd a r ia g - l« 0 ^ 'n i;* 5 5 l.w a « ^ V w rittenprfor to t h a c u m n t .a n o l^ . ' to’TOli:' tlorTieBDUattea*.----^?^-i==^

i ^ - a n d 'h i i 1 e t t « , ol t^aoamlttaL'r 5toa_i28ilULgajloQBa8aU*6idad.alL— — V. N. acUons m tba war Jaak y w '

V .N .offensl7e‘'conidadwltb«m aaa^ ' lU i i ^ offensive by Uie Ohlaase eommu> '

nlst*-. The document-abo, r a r t e w e d . . ; ; the U . N. tusale over F o n o a a . Chl-. nese lepresenUtloQ la the T7. N v I trea ty TloUUons by tb s Bonet.aatetif....!

^ litas. and'BuasU's w alkout.' ■ .... '* x irh e ^ “T heD n lted^N aM m se to^ toae t.-.

lursday moia down tha fata) traU of faOttra: 'eh tbey to opposJ aggression which leads i l -ardraU nally to to ta l war,” Mr. U n m a s said.CJBQn. ‘»Thmi«nrf. «f m im 'V .w th tn t tn : -------ly,*lfiO aaom ced the ir Uvas In Korea to tba -ir,'a ald end tha ta im onsm ayso tloaa(ba lr...- .o '; . riio.tot •

icddent -There U m w h to IndJeata' ttiaiV ?.!? le^ ipal th e resolntar n sU tinea^ tt^X IB S tM ^*^ rt 'WW Nations troops has glf«a paaaa t a ^ : ^

those aggressiTa (broea w hlch-eeU ^c .v*:— T” bloodedly brought tragedy to S o raa .: ’ •:

IntemaUonal oonmianlty ' a s a tp a c y ^ ' the barbarous forees th a t trenld da >trs

and wrifTO." - ■

in e d *10 aad «• o o * V ^ o U o i v - •/ m tha t Judge .S a -Oorwter'.to'B hOrtJW *^- --*::

VJ— Thuraday morning cn a '.e h a i ia jf l f r

highway n . ■■

lu c h u ]usUca.coartW edaas4artar.«ieat4^-:^-'>i^ laga to Ing tbaispeed'Um tt «b:U . 8 r j h f o a way 80'.wta» o f .T rtn 'P U b ; -Lf enslve; :• H g d s w f # a r e h a w « 1 tm iW » i i^ ? = ^ led for tn< 98 mQes-aa hoor


itrs i . .

fo rt in g !

\om*Dftd.—m ed - e ig ix '


7B ■'


- o « .

H B j l i l


Bl i

i ii t h a . n r .a o - - ::■>

t n j a l r ' ^

5 ^ 3■ l a »

r o a r -—masa; 'nnui-

W -'-

iQttra: 'I s f l -isald.

o th a ■ -

SgJrti- ‘ hlt« b iow i' “ r I."

I 'to r 'f- .- ' '■

11 !P^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (2)

H ~ S e n 1r t o “NeM H W age BoardBffl ' w ism K a T O K . J u l / » O M - •D o r n t td e a t T tu m tn todajr sent the

v a n ittbU laU on fxtud IU rin t U>W tf bor iU n m t» ^ - itrlke vhlch b uB k ‘ hklted copper production In » kc7H/J VUh pUaLI f t i The r t r t to IotoItw IJOO CIOB a ! — iQ U w ^ m 'a t 'th T - A m m u a - s n s p —H m CT lo r tn d Reflhlns comptny, Qir* BIBi I ^ t th . I ( h u txen goliK onB W I for ft month tinc« (he o o n p u ; r*>n n ----- jert«<l-«lenwin<I»-fOf-3»-««nU^*B HiJ P*r per hour, peiulons, codal intur* 'n lu i loee tn d t union thop.' ^n i l l l Berlmu EffMt ^B i l l ------- ^i57lfum «riirirM 6bi]IullonT>I-B i l l n c to r ChirlM E. WlUon rtpdrttd iH fl l the »trlke h t t hod t urlous edeclilH& 00 production o( copper tnd luNBflTlj phurlc add . boUi I n p o r tu t .to the ^

Mlfe In t letter to WSB Chilmun w f l l . Oeorte Ttjrior. the Pruldent noted l>rni th e t the »trlke U etlll on althou(h 1, -1 the govetnm enfi medUUon end >/ , i eoncUlaUoD ItcU ltlei have t>een put hea

to ftilH uc. lUIIlHe etked Taylor'f board to get Inlo D

.'(II,? I t nrUU; becauie the ilrlke “lub- arei Vl> attnU allr th reaU ni the phiircii ot klni

M tlanel dfffn«e.“________________£lthJ “ri»dleUon polA

lil lS r The executive order eetuni up the e((o n i|i |l | new wa«e board l u t April slvei the tub i l i t f panel JurltdlcUo'n oTcr a dltpute Pi

■ gjjnt; II Bt f*irfleld It Uie P ^ tl wni V . '( dent eertinee th e itrlke u t'lU b * larg

sttn tla l” th rea t to defense. Op to o tli 7|)m nvw.board policy h u been to refuse arei

— t« -h tnd le 'a -c t» -w hlle -» -» trH ;e la ••

M i i ^ M u rin re iU g aU o n . the board li PH r required lo "report promptly" to the * •H I Prealdent tU recommendaUona tor .f i i aettlem ent I

Ifllll The board Jurisdiction over alll lH I dUputea w u a majoriB I l of onrtnlxed labor'a price torW U endlnr ita boycott o t the WSB andm i ------flthBr_datgMB,aacnclM laat r o rto f.. _ KH I * * * * aa tiI H l ^ o n 'IKOutpuLofJCQppeL s.“- i iS ^ lM h e d by Tieup 5"

l a k e o r iY , July X'UFl- Ad !•!; fifeir-»<our*w ee)t-oldatrlkotttheAin«r-. of t r r “ “ “ iM B-sm e3U n*"ana"K M m m j"M oJ non;

p ta y BnelUr a t O trflcld. P i th , h u read

III p ^ u c t lo n . TDe in u lte r nonntUy mobifl) h to d lu tbou t a thlrd o t the oopper are i,1 n liw d la thU country. Icee i ; . Soma 1400 w orken. roemberi'of

. th e 010 United Steel W orken union,W walked oft .the Job July 3 when

I . necotlatlana lo r a new contract' ' broke down. The p lan t handlei ^ '! — « m jn ia rc w r* u a n n 6 rK e m i» e o tt "® r'

Ooppcr'e U tah a ln e . .

Window-Breakera S“-■-^eltiBdTn-S. Lt S

• a A L T L A K S O n r.Ju ly M C a B - A detennlned fa th e r and hla 1»> ** T ear^Id eon l u t n l |h t captured five

f dowi la s a l t L tk e county dur* the g la » th»1 art-w e«k. •• . '. to o

AuthorltlM aald ^ a < h .V hytob craft and hla eon. Wayne, heard t win- than dow break lo the ir houae u the wee< llT f aUncahot-tm ed Ttndali drove la to bcr< The Whytoeka Jumped Into th tlr prodt c ar, ehaaed th e youtha and forced war t them to the cuzb where the nipper* fiul w lelden were held uotU ottleen h u arrived.

l l i e leader o t the ganf. aa II* produ y««r^ld,-W B »-hB ta-ln-com ty-3ia more

:J 1) The o ther»~ran8lns trom U b la imnrti ifl 1 —were p u t In a detention home. nM ii '3! Ctflcere eald the quInUt had Otn.

^ ____admltted-breaklag-huadreda of dol> ot l u] ; ' l a n worth or g la u la aouthtm Salt uccer ijnl Lake City and county by ahootlnc l l j a t the wlndova from their paailat — .

i ' ________ . Pn|j Plan on Seaway III------ Tabled by Panel1 ) . W ABHDtaTCN, Ju ly 20 Cf^Leg. reachi k lalatlon to authorlte the St. Law. they (

rence aeavay and power project w u the u killed today by the houae publlo em cl

‘ worka committee. itatlat■L-------- .H iftjuaien taken_by a 16 to 13 p « rI »ll-c*U TOU ot tfie 27-member comT | | | _ .m lttee on a motion by Repretenta* rurchi j i f ' ' ^ 'P i c k e t t . D,. Te*.._to U ble.the

Amonj lho»B-votla« to Uble the Si'diaily i____^ waa RepreaenUtlve Wood. D . droppjjj.'' ____________________________ Pw cc

~ |'—TKrHo^ta I Vlaltinc bou n a t the Mado Val­

ley Memorial hoepltal are trom 3 to4 a ad 7 to 8 p . m.____

AOtknTTEO O. W. Pearaoa and tvn irm -TWi

------ iJorilU . both T w ln - n u « ; Lana f « M;WlUltnsa. Jerocne; Mra. Hate! Thor- b« htl aoa. Burley; Mr*. BUI Murphy, T*ln J Oaattetord; Mra. Ewald Blechman, '>ohn I K etchum: Mre. Bnice Jeter. Buhl.

------ Bna-Mn.-KDnaao-KOTakrBtdM.— caneteDISMISSED

^ t o ^ M t f laa i^ ^ u r

^ ^ S a m p le e , T n a M ix and Mr*. M*IJaaaen, all Twla P ^ r c a t h y Hleki. ‘ U n . Joe P a la t a n d Hemer McTar- ® Ho. all Buhl, and M n. ftanklln “ Ralford aad aoa. Aroo.

h ; W e a th e r S

- - i x l i « a iffT O day. Blgh temptranire

...... e T e a l a * 'ih a n d « r a t« ^ ta a«Mby *. D oaatata*. Twla FaUa' lew l u t '

;-------a l* h t-6 M » -* » -« -» rta r-^ ........ .

gas.,,,,-;. s n ■ - s 1

«»« Orlau*__________ t l 71 J l

' lass. - ... :. s ^^ S 3 'E , - r = ! i ll- ■ JQ

= 11 I ! THI

uteNeyr -------------Siloard W I

» a u 9 - - K ' N yy aent the l l V any tinIta tin t la- ' H i ' o ta ce iwhich b u W Xn la a key t t *TTet,

i r aarcaaa1400 CIO I ■ rcUevet

lua-B inoP U------------ \ -------------- ^ luthdfiuny. Oar* i l ao enth3 Bolnj on p o ttl wsmpany re. f/OiO fiv e days w ithout a « r^ e > ’S£S; - t r m u r a c a tK - is - e u D ia s u y

VaUev. ■ emmen

lIutlonlM- -------------~ T i j --------------------yct"BoS

;.£?.S Expert NotesArea Rabbits »

Chairman i a / r •- upon llMenace Crop «atlon and ( r n a t u t Oi><> aide w^ e been put heavy crop damage by rabblte th li our owr

lummer. He w;to get Inlo Dalgh aa>’a to rm en In aftccted apptau»

Irlke “lub- trea t thould make a lorty ot aoma When[iMgrcti ot kind agalnat rabbits every night, text, t^_________£lther_bx..per«lilent-«prffldln£_ot leapedtla polKon, shooting or drives. Sporodlo ovation Llni up the efforts are not effective, he explains,II givei tha Rabbits are too conslsCenL Earlya dispute Parmen using poison are urged to cave wl

-4he.Pyesl— fpntlnut Ih ty ftll fo find 'lion^t^u a "tub- large numbera of dead rabbit*. Pow In h:ue. Op to ot them die In the Immediate polsoa AprU. hn to refuse area. EIUs and Dalgh agree. lers Ini-ttrl);e Is .• ■ ■ . ■ ■ -■----- -•'iusl ta

Planemakers G t e N e e d f o r . g ,

“H B Scai-ce Items ;I a a l t m anutactur'ert^w ill need a trusE”

much bigger cu t of actree materials MacAi in P I* ‘"'1 >">*''* manpower defermenta If warned ‘K S * — the-govemment goes-In tor large, bitter « r i a i i n mUltary expanalon. an author- L i e u p Uy tald today. wy 3fl'W )- Adm. Dewitt O. Ramtey. president J > e O the Amer- ot the A lrcratt Industrlea associa- iInj"cflOJ tl6a rtaid 'ln"an‘ lnlervlew ihere”al^ ~ T > ' ' P I th ,h u ready ere •'sUppagea" la plane tched- I'a-copper nles under lsday‘a “auicalled partial nonnally mobillutlon.’' T h a t meana aircraft

ha copper are not belnr delivered to the serv- t f ' Icee u rapidly aa they are wanted,

mibers of •c o n tra e t* Needed _w h a ^ major reaaon. Ramiey said, w u

Inadequacy of federal controls dur- l ^ t h to , “>« “ >• y® " o ' rearmament. «a n n e to tt N o-govem m en l-re te ree-aaw -lhat to the'cli

materlala were properly allocated. The pt Prlorltlei were lacking. Industry of-the loi

execuUvet wanted a controlled m e- Paul Wa C C rS ”" terlala-plan-(O M P)-la*t-yetrrThey chairmen n r didn't get It un til receatlr. Another float a rrS r T r f lm ,T u it- B « i jr M rw a a rruiTr o s o a E r« f l i r _ production board like th a t of World DAV an(

I h .rT H w n . lU m sey aald. the LDS

S s „ . a g fnty dur* the tovemment'a decision up to now Sunday b w J . I . oo n cen ^ U on expanding air- pioied, at .‘Whylofck craft productloa capacity rather convcntio d a win- than ‘ tufnlng out all the airplanes be electe( e u the w* could poealbly produce." The aim Atier r alt drove U to be able to a ttain World war n Wednesdt Into th tlr production rates quickly U a new morning, Id farced war eomea. . Smith ttte nipper* But Ramsey aald Information now atlon by 1 oineen h u become avalUble which dis- dlcated U

clotea a need to "re-appralae the one ot th r. aa II- production program and Uke out High Ir mty JUL more a ir ln*unmce.‘‘‘He mentioned *U b la Improved mUltary Intelligence re- Smith- u

home. giRiing Ruaalan might, studlea by »>''« Uie c lUt h r t Otn. D w ljht D. Elsenhower'e oUff ^ ofdo - oflurtiM ah-UerehsnieedsT and theTJSj f e w l• pitiing _ . and Qeoi

Prices Vary for S aSy West Area Food u-SS 'anel « r^ L e g - retched a n e v high in June, but - It. Law- they dropped slightly cr were about W o r / fiject w u the same aa May in tlx other west- " * * * • “ J publlo em cities, the V. S. bureau ot labor R i i q h

tUllsUcs reported today. X »U 01J-?5-to » Frem mld-Mty to mid-June, the „ 0 _ P ,xrcom - FiRau~iald.' average prices of food « ^ *resenla- purchued by. a moderate Income SALEM,»6ie the ftmlly.roto .7 -per cent In Salt Lake Oregon- pi

Clly, .1 per eent in Denver and were the prisontme w e unchanged In Los Angeles. They u p a n tls f?od,_D, iirfiptwi K ru>f )f| Bf*ckit 3 Xrom-blow

per cent In PorUand. j per cent In But, salI Butte and 1,8 p e r cent In San F tan - andtr yes

I-------- «a»«K------------------------------------------- tn w ie j- u I ~ . ■ The wai

Ho val- M a s r i c V a l l e y 0therm ‘ ni

F u n e r a l s'----------------------- ------------------------ 1 Alexand(

; Lana for Mrs. M artha Ann Ashford will freedom ailThor- be held a t 10 a jn . •Friday a t the what hap;«urphy, T*ln Palla m ortuary chapel. Bishop T*'o truBchman, ■John P. Smith will officiate, In ler- them—etolr. Buhl. *111 be made la Tn'ln PtUs Aum.ivlllc,Mi*;----- cttpttery;------------------------------------- they-sold-

they boug!Arthur OAKLEy — Puneral sen-lcei tor Lal“ theyr»>nnu Andn.i^Ou» Xar.Sia.toj

Mel ** * P- » - Monday a t the Oakley convenient. LDS. Ubemacle wllh Bishop For- ~McFar-' Sever* ofIlclaU ag_Butlal will " IT i .* * ! ,

be made In the O a k l^ cemetery - K i m D

WENDELL—Puneral services for Uren Breatllnger will be held n t dai- nninin the Weaver m ortuary a t 2 p. m. fimaUon flsturday with the Rev. Oerald V. secrelarr o

^ Case OfflclaUng. Burial will be made KImbaU. In the AVendeU cemetery-.________hS4J>cea.a

t o ! ' n BIIOSHONE - ' Rosarj- will be Hon o t for m ia n bu rto n a t e p, m. to b e jm b a?y!!! FtltUy~«t-theBurteti'fune7il-hWc;a and *™ trsi iJrviees wIITTie hSiT at

a.-!nrfl«ttinlsy-nt-the-tim rral 1 home Wllh the Rev. Father T. c. 1 1 ! ;

'W l|THI n ilN O L Y BUS LINE '* n -

' Pcrrloe Hotel Phone KIO li3nC)fUu

™ [General Ends ^------SilencerFlays7

U. S.'Policies s S ,'ITnm F«ir* 0»*> lu ^ i

any time to dlscuaa tccepuble tenna 'of t cease-fire arrangement.- ■

Barcutle CriUelsm Covington,•Yet,-, he added, with a tone of a n

sarcasm^' ’‘for this proposal. 1 was relieved of my command by the aame „ , „

— ^ iu th 4 f ra « rw M ^ M T ia v n '« i i7 6 4 ‘so eatfamiutlcally the Identical pro- Otalpoaal whea made by the Soviet gor- Uon wU* h<

,Ut a amment.- .......

UOT!”M a c A r th ^ s * a ld * w ^ b e n are a; e m m u t hare risen a t "an acceler- table aervl

— I ated. alarming and reckless raU ,” *U h to tu yet Bothlhg'Is heard frcm 'W U hln?- w lenen -an

a ton about the posslblUty o t reduclnt which wUlthese costs. —

f g He ^ d Jh e ^ ^ rv T v a l of ^ J r e o H o S j ^

upon the maintenance ot a atrong, T T ' O D vigorous, healthy and Independent J l a S

MJ America than upon any Jlnaaclal ___aide which we might provide under 1 ? ^ . ^

is IhU our own exlsUng sirlngencles." T O FHe was Interrupted frequently by

tfccted applause. Membent soma When he came lo the end of his Maglo Vall< night, text, the^ Masstchuieiu leglslaton solved Tuei

ln£_ot leaped to their tcct.ond save h lm .a a th e ir , .oulpi nrodlo ovation th i t laiiled seven mmut<v Twin PaUs plains, _ . . . u in u ot.Aclloa A la

Early In his speech, MacArthur on the coun fed to gave what may be a general Indlca- launedlaU»-{lnd -U«n-«t-hl*-own tuturacoune----------- laaal-raspoiI. Pow In his Washington speech l u t and -appolr polsoa AprU. he said ihtl. like the old sold- phytlclan.

lers In the army ballad, he would Io 1948,'----- -•'iustfade-away.'.:—:------------------;----- ereated-1^-

- L u t n lih t he declared: J . H. Murph“I shall raise .my voice u loud aad again li

and u Oden u 1 believe I t .to bo tion of Dr. in the interest of the American physician, t

t |« people. tum e tempo* "I shall dedicate all of my ener- gent tick oi

Ries lo rdtlorlnx to American Ute the undent H | C thote Immutable principles aad would recelv

Ideals which your forebean a sd ic«s. accordl _ A ir. mine handed down to ua in sacred _ a ia _ t4 re e : •td a THuE" the staff meserials MacArthur said lhat he had been m ^ io n e n i ■nta if warned to "keep tllen l-o r take tbe p*yinj u,e ,large, bitter canssquencet.t:--------------------- ^ t- fo M h e liithor- ' polnU out.

Legion O pens w ^ nt ?socla- _ p __________ _____________ hlm.not_to_a

Registrations S S ‘.iS p Of Delegates .Ir-'S ., PMTidB rout wiu bo to tho B « « .. — ,'* * “ Roebuck aad company store comer, *dur- tnjjjj lane and e u t to Bho-

■ ^ a t M t te - a S S r aHoahonel<d. The parade la expected to be ono luitry of-the longett formed In Twin Palls, T T .* ,, .1

m a- Paul Warberg and Robert Peterson, X U h JT hey e h a irm e n riu t« d r’A ild lM onrta~ ine------------- Dother float array Include entries by tha . R lcncV ^-J •cSTf 08od Ih /-l ; hraaer— d t - t o m i f e ^ ^ i i c t l o l i UVorld DAV and VPW organliaUons and company's bli

the LDS churcii. Warberg empha- north of hesited lh a t the colorful event would dally output i

^ ^ " i ^ e ^ ^ n t a tor' ^ t u r d a r ' aa'a'I now Bunday buslneu meetings are com- JSout* IM

pleted, aald W. W. P ranu . generwl ■ '?S ' athar convention chairman. O ffleen wUl lanes be.elected Sunday atUmoon. .I aim After reviewing convenUon plans ar n Wednesday afternoon and Thurtday new morning, Department Commander

. SmlUi staled that advance prepar- now atlon by the Twin PaUs poat In- high grade, dis- dIcaUd Uiat Uie conclave would be Expectant e the one ot the most succeutul. the two deep<nut High Inlerest In lha election of dlye being n

on^d a-nB W -Tom m 4ftdtrwu~noled~by Sheu.-----------Smith- u a sidelight which would --------

J by Elve Uie convenUon an added spark, i • t> Four announced candidates for Uie A i r f r f l T

r ^ , " top -itau-L eslan-o ttlcer-Jam es 0.' Bangs, PocaieUo. James Moore, S p a It

Boise; William Hickman. CaldweU, i J C C I i and Qeorge Ontemahrc.' Bonnen WASHINOT Ferrj'. aU had arrived In Twin PaUa Rovcmment t T h ^ a y morning, crntt producll<

J E nterulnm ent Includes a co*cktail tienecks In U O a hour from 4:30 to 6:30-p.m. Satur- waralanc nro a banquet and dance a t 7:30 p .m . „aro id r . b

but -WT « » neerlng for Oi

S; Warden Ends Egg SSt.T'SS Business Built by o " 1 7 h : 'd * .i ;

(i<3 "-2-Prison-Trusties ■nme SALEM, Ore.. July 38 (;P)—Two jake O regon-prU on-tnm iej worktna oa — n r o the prison farm managed to bulld Irhey up a satisfactory egg route and move TCW Ii r - J from-bloycla-to-automoblle-deUvary,--------------------X In But, said Warden Oeorgo Alex- /P YOU ran- andcr yesterday, the men. aren't — tnBtiej-any-mor«; PfJJnV

The warden Mid he had put the men oul of builnea because, among K£NTU oUier things, the eggs they uere »eU- Ing were stolen from Uie prlsoa M A K t farm.

— • Alexander ssid mea on the prison

will freedom and this, apparently, w u the what happened: - hop Two trusUes—lie did not name ler- them—stole eggs and look them to ■'aUs Aum.iville, five mlles-auay. where

they-sold-themr-As-they yiujyeied they bought bicj'cles a t tlO eacii. P

far Lalei they bought a 1B3S automobile leld far.SGS.iojnake.thelrdeUv«rlM more

s ------- - V T IKimball Gets-Nod- 1 1 1WASHINOTON. July 36 (>T>-Tha ^ I

'o^ senate armed aervlcM committee to- - a t da>- unanimously recommtmlrd con- m. ttrmaUon for Dan A. Kimball as V. secretary o t the na\7 .

ade KlmbaU. former undersecrelery.___hs4J>cea.acllne_clylllan_navj--hesd —^ —

alnce President Truman's desisnt- • be Hon o t former Secrelarj- M attheas i

,m. to be.ambassador to Ireland.____________ ________

I JEROlBf ifiut^'TlieBtre r ~ : r

I- -•^sfr-Time-Tonit«--------

iT f f l i i i T i, * ■ , .I I ~ W I U I aF h O I D E N ~ I K E N T U f l

^ N a n c y O t a J m y ^ ^ ^ b6 pr o o f ; ih

^ fA lL S .

* Twin Falls News in ■v w i i Daofhtef , ' Oasa 1« Mert

Mra. E. P.'Covington. AUjeai. O , A f ln t aid clip a 1* TislUsg her daughter, Dorla. Cov- i t 7:30 p. m. T

Ington. for two week*. c ro u rooms In t■■ ' RejistraUons ms

■” * ^ S l u ' S o l d o r M Dort. I . _Covington, both T»Ui PaUs. wer# VUIUa* Bon

e of luued a aurrfa*ge Ucenia Wednea- Mr. and Fremont. O., are

------- Richard Schaeld«Pleole-Sebednirt--------------------------wUIOour.lha aarl

pro- The Otah Aggie Alumni asaocU- returning to Ohligfff. tloa wUi hold a ptoilc a t «:>0 p. m. ^. . . Saturday a t the Peastemoa ploilc

gov. b e n are uked lo bring Uielr own p w 7 g i ^ ‘ j iler. Uble servlc* and . anythlag Uiey « i e l r «perler lU ," »l*h to supplement the soda pop. ^ Everyone UUjp.- w lenen -and-b tm s.-and-lee-cream ----------- — - i ic £ g which wUl ba furnished. Driver Pined.

. --------------------------- Darwin M. Oo

. ^ Hospital StaffS.-?; Has New Rule'iclal —

For Indigents “ "MJSftui'. by O hold lU annual

M emben ot the medical atatf ot Sunday a t the .J his Maglo Valley Memorial hosplUl re- pany park a t Ta-l

to n solved Tuesday n ijh t to lerTninato memben cf the C i.aa .thelr..flulpaU eat_lndlgent..carciln .a»

Twin PaUs county effccUve Aug, l. _At th# lama.ume the aUff callcd

h ur on Uie couaty commlssloaen to Uke i ^ t o m ^ a u steiM 10 usume^lh^^^ ptndUton. cVl u t and - a p ^ n t . a full time county H e ^ l S ^ f s U t l lid- phytlclan. va. Sgt. John Vluld Io 1948, • during-an emergency camp Pendleton i— CTeated~by-tho-mlgtmUon-:of-Dr; Toilghrdeparted'B

J . H. Murphy, th in county phytlcun,' ' - ■ •oud and again in ISSO wlUi the reslgna- t i«- . •

bo Uon of Dr. Wayne Schow, county I V I a r i T i e can physician, Uie su ff agreed to u -

tim ie temporarUy the care of Indl- T7 i •,er- gent alck on a rouUon basis wlUi J C i X D i a UUf< the undenUnding that memben rw d would receive no pty for Uielr aerv- 1 7 ^ T \ *^ d tees, according to Uia resoluUon. J ; 0 1 U lESI —Thu V .. K-cn ________________

the staff memben feel, by the com- SEATTLE. July mlailonen and hotplul board by wlvti of priority o; paying Uie radiologist and paUiolo- e«D« reserves wh

— (iat-foMheiraervleea, Also, the alaft duty before Sep t polnU out. Uie commlsslonen and P « t Uiem home 1 board appointed Dr. Herbert Ander- t in t part of Septet son county physician and Inilructed corps reserve dl

__ him responslbiUty_tqr ^ r s announce heIndigent care home • calls and re- Priority one Ind

I__ q ^ t e d atatf memben to do this World war II ant

According to Uie resolution, the Sept. la. IMO, an / b sU t( memben wUl conUnue to serve Also la Uils catego

In a consuIUng capacity to Uie coun- served Uiree yean ty phytlclan In caring for hospital- before July 1 or Ized Indigent paUenls. over on Uial date.

--------------------------- Eligible reservist

“ ■Production-Is^S-^H^i J B g l L i o r _ M 3 « «ha . RICnEY:-JJont. July 38 fUJO-Oll »«on<l lieutenants, cT R u c t i o n iM t r t i e 'n H U iTslieir W u rs r p n - u n in i nd company's big "Priday the 13th” well fore last July 3S. S< a - north of here ahowed a poaalble •er'’o a toUl o

dally output of 3.000 barrels. «iudln« m y enllsU_ However. YoUmtanr flow wa« re. . U was pointed '

ported to have Ulckled out after nol "rouUon."Tnt about 100 barrels,. being releued frt

S Tho discovery h u been termed They are motUy vi “ the greatest single oil-development I* being nccompUsh „ la the history o r Uie iU te . a n te policy.

Previously Uio oil w u etUmated ---------------

Damage Rn. high grade. v t y ' i

“ ,»ft 's;p'.alst.“:.r s s?i __________________ local record-keepingk 1 • il TV 1 • Helena's my Aircraft Board to -5: Seek Bottlenecks " S C S w,n WASHINOTON.-July M <ff>-ThC >’1' !>»» ttones Uie »ila Bovcmment today set up an nir- ‘ I’d a specUcuiar ll, crntt production board to crack bot- Dark, bulging dm

il Uenecks In the program lo treble Ins « « « Uic capitj> warplane producUon In the next west at about 3:30 T year.----------------------------------- — driving rain 'lashei;

Harold R. Boyer, director of engl- wtlhln 10 minutes .V. neerlng for General Motors corpor- fallen, atlon, was sworn In by Moblllxatlon The rains came di Director Chtirles E. Wil.-wn a* chair- tlorm lewen could

. man ot the board. I t will be a part AIMimc record wai of the defense production admUils- when .Cl of an iJ

g . _____________ «"lnuiM ._


I N O B E H E R A D V I C E . . . |

> If y o u wiSH r o __ ________ p^ ~ ~ ~ E m d y ~ A c R 6 ic B ■ ~ j r



If you've roi loilad llllofd fecenlly. bi

'U nlfo im lyF lnO . 'odoy ond enjoy Ih: 5/nC * 1 8 6 9 ' noyo^fbl Kentuclcy fc


I 86PROOF;THE b o n d & l l i u a o COMPANY. lOUlSVIUE.

T g ^ ^ A I I ^ , _ I D A H O _ L _______ ..................

News in Brief ,— ' -Youths-^

!>, A t in t atd clai* win be started T T €V- a t 7:30 p. m. Tuesday In the Red T O F U # k

Crou rooms In Uie libras7 buUdlng. ,' RejistraUons may be a u d e by tel- * WASHINOTON. J

I . ______ ■ . £ ^ 2 «?.VT.;”v i ^T# VUIUag Boo . SUles. met here t^dj s - Mr. and M n. Arnold Schneider, tering to farms u

Fremont. O., are vlslUnc their aoa. cation.Richard Schaeider. Twin Palla. They The 73 younplen,

_ wUIOour.lha aarthw aatiU taa-bafora t ie,, were-bfought-hftreturning to Ohio. departmist and Nal

Driver Plaed O ler, awDarwin M. Oeorge w u ' flaed 110 leaden and foUowed

and assessed $3 cosU la Twta PaUs seeing thnugh Uie a JusUce court Wednesday on charges Purpose of their v

_ nf mn tu^.i in - -to-Doa.Lereh...Oftiuregistered motor vehicle oa D. & officer. Is to leara Ajhighway 30 west ot Twla PaUs. ing methods which

-------- ----------------------whea they return to 'Grange Meet Set are from form hom u

5 The Mountain Rock Oraage wm Har groups from Denihold lU annual plcnlo a t 8 p .m . and oUier counlriw 1

)f Bunday a t U ia.jdaho Power com- Orange h u played 1>. pany park a t Tn-ln faUa. AU form er yeart.

memben of the Orange are Invited. The trip coiU the jia No meeUnj w lll.beJicKLPtidty.— ^ Traasponatloa cotU aJ -------- ---------------------- the sUie departmeati Bralhen Leave iton are housed anC

~ L leu t.-and“Mr>. R c r ^ e H l ’ and chargeb/tnaO rtngB, daughter left Sunday for Camp whom they tUy.“ Pendleton. Callt„ after vlalUpg_hfi _ 3 H a j0 tm m in )U IL" I J tE f iT ^ e r weUs.';i7J tb U s tm t , jn^homes in 31 .ditteny He h u been stationed « t CuanUco, S t r l r a third. 21, wU

Va. Sgt. John Wells, gutloned a t K s u T ^7 Camp Pendleton and home on fiir- 5 , , . next laraett s

ToUghrdeparted-wlth.hU.hrolher. - eo^^"eV“ Yorfc-sUU■ _ _ --------------- ------- 'be spUt up u foUowi

>’ Marine .Corps. MSSa’iS*™• n t callfomis, connecUc

I ExplamsRule, _ Kansas. North Carollr

r or DischargeSEATTLE. July 24—ParenU and f ' n i i r f - I l f f l P I

wlvti of priority one enlisted marine '- 'U U l l . J U U g Jcorpa reserves who w ent on active C r a n f o f lduly before Sept..4..1030, can ex- —pect Uiem home In Auguit or the ft in t part of September. I3lh marine U W I i e r S 1corps reserve district headquar- District Court JudU n announce here t ^ a y . J ____ Lnre found ln_fayv_of

Priority one Includes veterans of Frank Ptarton. defend!World war II and those who had day moroing In a clvl

Sept. la. IMO, and June 24. 1B48. Dunuin a Munn.Also la Uils category aro thoso who Judge Ksles ruled th served Uiree yean of acUve duty M f easem*nt, which before July 1 or who were 28 or clamed htd not been i over on Uiat date. a>>ly t*rma

Eligible reservists In unite com- milled lo- combat wUl not neces- sa rU y ..ba_hom a_by-U i.-.end-o t-

r a ' l ' S u k u o ' iRelease In September' or Octebff

Is-expected-ferotncO Trom trU ian * ^ d In ouMUcm U i second heutenanH, in .p rio rity .oaa W M t r M U a L f i S c W iirsrpn-W lintclIve-sV cvIce-B er " ^ s m i l h reprcsente fore last July 3S. Second lieutenanU The Pearsons were repr will tcn-o a to u l ot 21 month*. In- W. Taylo/and Lawreneluding any enlisted Ume. — -----------------

I t w u ^ p o l n ^ M l Is PJood*ffit*^being releued from acUvo duty. L .They are motUy veterans. RoUUon ' O O o K C f l O ' U bolnt .ccomplMtod >ui«r . .0 ,^ MANrtATTAK.arelo pollcj.. ............... - M u J u t tu . , . .h W i l i .

' most no relief from noot

Damage Reported M*inS“^d'*a*iL«?iST T f ' I f l i flooded lU teli and haiIn Helena StormHELENA, htont.. July 38 (Ul!>— Mnllnued_l£ic_aa hour'

The worst clondburjrin-SS'yearTor Debris p lie d ^ o n g thelocal record-keeping caused a cave- weary worken againIn on Helena's main street and waler measuring from iflooded btuemenU ot many resl- feel In Uie downtoa-n a:denu and some business esUbllsh- Traffic oh UTB. hlglments yeslerda>'. tho e u l aide ot the city

The do»Tipour w u accomparUed -------by hall atones Uie aite of moUi-baUs --------REYNAUD-OIVEand a specUcuiar lightning display. PARIS. July 28 (/T)—Pj

Dark, bulging clouds began mov- told President VincentIng ae«H Uic capital d ty from Uio niBht he could not f( west at about 3:30 p. m. suddenly,driving rain-lashed Uie dty and . t ^ S h t a. . t J J . l . « l n . t o . . « . r . „ l n U , h . a S i S ? “ J S Y c S iS

to m could toM lo ttom . I ? * !AIMimc record was July 17, 1818. * o»>iwhen .Cl of an inch feU In 10 |

^ w e d i ^

2nd pr o g :

If you've roi loilad Bond & DONT JUllllord (ecenlly, buy somalodoy oftd enjoy ihii exUo- UNTU YOnovorfbl Kentudcy bourbon! .

_________ ONCE ONLV AT I

b o u r b o n w h i s k e y l i i l J i W r f


& e n Tc- Y o u t h s - W r l ^ ^ : ; ; ^

For U. S . V isit- WASHINOTON. Ju ly » W HA rroup ofOerman farm ymiU ia.atart- 51^2 one-year vUlt to Uio UniUd SUUS. met here t^day before aeaU “

B B “ s i s o i i i s ’s ,•rae 73 younplen, 18-10->etra ot aldewaUc wlUi q ^ k sl

^ j i^ -L u S h t-h a r a - b y -U ia - r ta U - ley ■ . . Bt H a o a J y ^desartmsDt and NaUonal Orange, on car l<^ . . . Ed HeiThM antved In New Y ork yesterday log for elevator . . . Ed, j t h Wtbb .JusU, O rtn g o youth plng hU gray«tf»w hat4inetet_________________________ ; t t rs oa_aninn^_quesl

At lodty't meeUnc they le a n e d CaUforala iourlsU , , .for Uie Unt tune w here they wUi town rasldeaU more, thasu y dnrlsg Uie a e x t year, met from goal -after recelvlEHenchef—0.— Newooin,— Natioaal etroeUoaa-ba-how-to-Oraage m uU r, a ad o tbe r farm esUte office . . . Merclleaden and foUowed u p w ltb al<hl- '■Welcome Legionnaireseeing Uinugh Uie cap ita l c ity . ' wUidow . . . W. W. Prai

PurpcM of their vlalt, according been maklaf loU ot a

officer, is to leara A m erican fa n s - caU his Legloa cap . .Ing methods which will bo 'usefu l ertsoa searchlag for awhea they return to O ennan y . AU word for "knowledge" ,are from farm homea t a wero aim- jess car la parking lotUar groupi from D enm ark, tt ig l ta d footed boy waUdng glngand oUier eounlrie* fo r w hich Uie „ he skirts area U'□nnge h u played b o a t In oUier broktn g lau . . . PeLyesrt. down aUey nautlng. lesj

•me trlp'coiU Uie y « iU « nothing. w i n ^ g on gi ttaa ip o ru tlo ac o rttare d afra y ed b y Ihe SUM departmeat a n d t to vii-

ThR flfnnan ffrouo w ill bo olaced tropics, la^homes in 31 .d l t t e r B n t» u t t i , .b u i .............;.j: :

I S A m e r i c a n Le]The next largeit .group. 10. will • t » ’

50T0-New York sU t«r-O thci3-w U I “ H a g 3e spUt up u foUowa: • o. minds. 7: Ohio, 8; New Jersey, 4; I f i i u o n i f l A l MinneMla and W isconsin. 7 each; I V l W a l U D i U :allfomls, CormecUcut. M a i n e , Lots of nol*a.-fua and fVnniyJi’sn/a. 3 Mch, a n d M ontana, V n .S J :\rkansu. Delaware. Idaho . Indiana,Jansas. North Carolina. SouUi Da- ? « r u ^ ^

VW o . . . . d W , o , „ l . . . I 0.01.. “ t r K S i ',^^m trlrtn

J o u r t J u d g m e n t s S t d ^ S ' i o S

Granted-to-Land_Owners for Sale

Dlitrlcl Court Judge 'K a le e E .'L jncM l^r and Kenny oKB found In favar of M r. nnd Mrs. They wero directed by rank Pcanon. defendanu , W ednes- Boyd.—prlnelpal-and-bi ty morning In a civil au lt over a Max Brown, c o m i^ r^«ed-la^-sa ltrt< r-M m ind-M T Sr -Twln-Falli-L«glon.pott a unuin R. Munn. member, was program clJudge Kales ruled lh a t a rlgh t-of- the day. The featured s ay easem*nt, which tho Munns Sidney Smith, Idaho aimed htd not been provided eult- commander. Ho told o f . Jly under the terma of th e land other types of work.beli ,Ie. was adequate to m e et the re- Ushed by the Legion bot lirements of the contract, and in the naUon.The Dunns sought to -breok i\ aale Abo Introduced to mt irttment ana~rccover l lW O - ^ d 'I S i th OUIcspIe. wTioTiH bind Iho negoUaUon. T he Pear- sored by the Klwanls du

ns were succeutul In clalmlnR a of tho honc show plamii tm atura-redsloa-of-tho-oontraet.- •Fallr'AugrBThrouBhH Land In quesUon U a n Insldo 40- icjple w u a guest ot UTfl treat WMt of P t l e r ^ _______ _____ ___:____ i - - •Roy Smith represented th e Munns. i -k « • -wi le Peartoni w ererepreaented by J. l . ' Q i « l r i n « r h ' . Taylojfwd U w renco B. Quinn. r a i K U l ^ r .

' l o o d - f f i t ^ w n - f i S S ^Soaked.bjr.vBaih,^'S‘i ; L \ SJA m U lT A K j u i r * o w

Wanhatua, which h*B known a l . n in-h ,n j. W. A. Coin Blaine Caldwen;o.

■u,'S ".r.‘l U r , S ”5SS‘.K2,' ■Ul l . o r . , j o to Bl ^ ■t™» - a hl.h».y f S . ” - . l iS ? ,

Irit plied along Uic a trccu by George,iry worken again floated on ler measuring from one to threeI In t ^ d^wntoft-n aren ,________ H _ yYafflc oh FTS. highw ay -10 on ■ » . W * « d e u l aide ot the city waa sUlled.

— REYNAUD'OIVES'UP-------- H U l Q i U S i U M Ue n d s I 'o n ig

ht he could no t form a new inch govemmenL ' T ho 72-year- I m-Reynaud,-a-Tl8hte3t-lndepcn~ M \ T 3 ” 'V --------------(, w u the third m inister to de - I n - 1 1 0 e the task of forming a govern- l i y S B L B ' ^ It ilnce Premier H enri QucUlo E T L '^ s C ! ^ j M t llcal sodallst) resigned a fte r the H ” ' ■ 1U . H V eral elecUons 10 daya nRo. ' M . 4 | U

■ctMm ' ----------- l9^1 9 Q p |

s g a s i -fLUSI Select Short | KfP CoffEPY





f f X S r i r i ^ ^ / D u x n r i i u i l j y f f f f iT [ l | f | ] t M T i | ; NTOUNUI f S U U ^m V K ffnm u

f i " '

- - - ^ ....... — jgroama

ieen TodayX E ..N . 6« idS «x ip p t t r t a . For I)ji u aho wlndow-thop* tn noon-l e a t . . . Duane Ramaeyer leav. U fxmrthouM wiUi load at lU e t - * *oa weed c o n tro l ... Podeitrtana A a tm m ^ v t,^ag necks to watch workmen “ ty ptopwu 5 ? ^ idden to second.floor alga of «I0AM is»2.i?** itore . . . Drirer o f coal do- t> « Ju n h e re ^ ^ » r m idc tpUUng part of load on P‘l«r a J o S j j ? raUc wlUi quick s ta r t lalo a l- M rt

rasldeaU more, than two block* si *«goal receiving wrong in - * n 2u o n s -b a -h o w -u - ra a o h -re a t 5 ^ 9 -C h H d r « C 3 9 office . . . Merchant p u l la s ,..^ t« d u aime Legionnaires" algn la ““ *1^# * r r h » C >w . . . W. W. Praatz, who b u ““ t n T H a p a S i m aklai loU ot arraagemeaU i? ? Ogden. u iJ J , (iglon omYm U oo .iiy ln^ to -lo - jE .lnJiU 4.«8uarlUs Legion cap . . . Jo h a Rob- « *orth m o n ^1 searchlag for a le u formal tecujlUet- tMfor "knowledge" . . . wheel- *100A». la S

» r la parking lot . . . Bare- a m * m i ,S1 boy waUdng gingerly on toes »l*«llantCMe aklrts area Uttered wlUi The c o u t li uv«n glass . . . PeUow walking husband to ibm r^aUey pausing, leaning over lo *bould not p » hs!!

;t aomethlng on grouad. pidc- and RaybcnuSjp-obJect-and p u tU a g rlf to ' P®f*rT-fea a a r ^t . . . And overheard: -TVhen- “ »“th fo rh e rs o M me about the- ber-husband t i i I teU 'em Uiey should visit Uie oulcsUng her, »iw s.-

. --------------------------------- ir.docSt SIlencan Legion Z.’ :'‘.'‘dSS as Program for [iwanis MeetingI ot noU srfua and even baUi-Iris were featured TTiunday I F irA tll U U E?n memben of Uie American U i J S ' y1 look over the regular weeklyim ot the Klwanls d u b a t the S S M I

enUrtalnment featured Mary rholer and Dolores Graves u ^NOaKffllg girls and the “Hungry Plve" "EDGE OF U Dl.UiB.PlIer:hlBhschool.:Boya - - - - ~ - j l - band were Ray Neal. Dan “ HIIMT vi

n . La«Tence Knelgge, Pred j j i u i isier and Kenny Harrison. .mAf^ DOUwero directed by OlajOon W. —-prlnelpal-and-band-l«m i> : ------------ F R I ^: Brown, coaunander of the PaUs-L«glon-pott and-KlwanU rr. was program chalrmaa for A ly. The featured speaker w u afiu Valgc ■ SmlUi. Idaho department inder. He told of service and types of work .being actomp- IrM f by Uie Legion boUi In Idaho ■ B HI Uie naUon. — t C T j fIntroduced to memben waa

OUIcspIe. wTioTTbelng tpon- V Uie KlwanU dub u queen l im W I Mhonc show planned la Twin

« g rB -m ro u 8 h -iz -T jia rG n ^ r ; u ~ ~ U S h T ™w u a guest ot Uie club.

irking Fineslg 11 fines la Twin PaUs.po- P L US*—- ^ 1

rtlme.parkiag wero J . Back, "BLOKh I Ik e ,-.a .-& -8 tou« iM O )-p t|4 '- ' ' S o a n f l

m, W. A.. Colnef, • L a « r Blalae CaldweS;o. B. Adaos, ENDS aslnger, John Bailey. Art ETHEL B U ll^ H 1. Adrain Eonegy, Charles u i T n u o i ^ H311 Armer, O. P . Boone. Mtl- i Hley, D. Coulam, W .'K elley. " K I N D L i ^ l Romjue, RuU> Joaea and : Oeorge.

NDSl'ONIGHT f f''— . .Cf FordteBjflfl

K | H

M li im B i~ f i M n B

k T ^ o m e d y ___________________

FRIDAY fc ...SHjHP 6S ® ' I m H

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to t b n l l |< ) tp > y h c ra

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a s ats It to 1 ^ 1

a d l r U « < l V ld iO K ttd ^ttonim. ^

in< m ifc i J

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DGE 0 F g9


f |H I

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^ d s t o MH E I iB U l^ luinuariHw m

'oamt b e O j i ' l f l

anwW^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (3)

r F r i e n & h i p j

• " ’'^ ■ P a s s e d to G ® a a f a r AtKiinberl

. / 1 Q ^ 9 , A KIMBERLY. July 3>- t f «Wp ehfcla WM recel“ ■ ^ ti«_ -n»e Ktmberly O ra n je ^ m a

FtU i O r*o je MontUrS “ S ? b S S r ^ t h . T w a r i i .

of 8M duet«l lhe moeUng.Committee reports we

J |JS u j?0 »B gc plcnle ■

S ^ t h ? n S T » n d S

T he tr lend ih lp ch»l *^^TBJir*e»‘= * ^ ^ t ^ b r - j i n i . - M u r t i ,‘2 , Twin r»Ua lecturer, to

^*^L-iB£lude<l W.- beth Drown, klmberiy 10-04 Wiinihall lA B arroa »

W J J J ^ l j Up r e ^ Tersliy of Id ih o o l e n i tb** ■” * perlment*! farm north

*w H*»ho»ed: BUUon U operated ^ IIWO work.

30"'<*SfflgffrmliF — K taberirOr«n*e-w lU f ^ » lou ily to the chain and prest

” “ ^ ' i E i 5 l i u n Mr. M J M n . J . M

Gui^Wound 1

To. Accuse!J « f ' H S a ? mS

P lSKl«y from w hat .poll?* Mlf-lnfUcted bullet woi

—--------- , The M ontanan w u bennra ^ n r to hU native sta te to :

I p 6 r 8 u c l l t in conneeUon wllh a «■1 M k o f P i r A Q swindle. He ahot him) in D 3 t r u c o Jjead a t the H otel Owyhi

i U at, JulT 0P>- yesterday.-tJS iw e r tK n tto lB He died a t l : I 4 - a .3* 0 1 0 to three na- Luke’a hospital. HU wl:

reported raclne to be «tJu ih« crtsUat o( the However, death won thi

i J ^ a w e h u le fire Hill aho t himself with* took from one of the ti» . fire dU- were re tu m lh j him;i ^ d U i T f l r e s to O hllton.-Chllton-sald--^ were leot were durins lhe n lgb t aadrnmterttf* rrP®rt through Chilton's bagiU fiff.blsK* In the the .33 automatlo; and

clip.M » «-ser« blare In '

Pay Deductio g g s r S '; Insufan'ce C

I B r ” -” 7 7 ” Forest. Inc., I* JujUfledB l n m p M a v P«7roU deducUons for ^ B f o u i v * ^ program agreed upon b

■ on2 BaUofa KSJf“o,“5iSS“!l'H o r t . Wr » D istrict Judge Chase A.^ b g n r 0V be on both T j,e com pany asked a ^ ■ B U i-tb s-O tnw m U e -jQdfm eot-to-ihat-effeet

taSoU to Oregon xt, complaint said tml .> - Coeur d'Alene, Lewiston

llili li ld, ^ - P l e r e « - « lg n o d - a n ha might j„ jy m, 1050, for a co

^ ■ o p M h ^ e n e m h j^ ju j nnd welfare prt ^^■KtftwrTreaW enuW - gepccmljer' 107 employe

w' t^ e company w ith a p R. Mahoney, t j ju n g th e payroU de

litidr h u an- 7^ cents an hour or 60 •....................... I ll I^^■B fiiSeoocnU c b ^ i j ■ ■ >*■

________ Modemlxe your Baditnation w ith a New W

.'apoed Chtfltfer.. .•.. - < u ..n » B e s* — OMta-

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ^ c e n t of C o m m u n lc o tlo n i ^ ■ n bVaiQUBi) laiaed 717 M ain W est — Fh

............ ..

T — 11® 0 F


I fip |^ is jb iir s l coositfflrati

|iif(istion:njns a cloce seco

I t ukra, valos.f importflnfs

iU n p le r ’s A n g u s

magTi^ ^ follG ctioi

fu rs in the nn

' citing.

^ of thc fl

-----^ A T ^ IS IS• TRADE-I]

y o u r old I C oat

’ • Rc-Styling• R e p iir i iy r • . H oIU ndcri;


p a y m e n t -’'0 CARRYING CHARGES

idship Chain 2 Escaped Fn sed-to feange- - For OnlygHi Kimberly Meet SS.-1?.=• o ran g e -from the Twin !.?*’' » “ fniH. f»rm a t 1tnge Monday night. Offi- HouaeiniU tuU onlaSs16 Tw ta Fall* Orange eon- ^le meeting. ^ h t r f r j Pm nk U.Nan-amottee reports were heard and ■"«) left Salt Lake Cltsmenta were made. Thc » » •« ear, abandoned It 1(Irange plcnle a t Roy Durk's * “ t of B\’aniton and hltchece ia-A «r-8.— --------------he tlrs t and third asturdiy The, men were IdenUfi' each month. Qeorgc W. Beebe, 34, lervlirlendihlp chain w u pre- >e»n to li/e for a Salt Lal7-M rs .-M u r lit -8tan*bury, a tn ir r .tiatlon-robbery.-and-Us lecturer, to Mrs. K la - u McCoy, 30. urv lng a senteiwn, klmberiy lecturer. - aecond degree burglary InlU lA Barroa from the Uni- county.t IdahT5lensIoin>ia-n*ei=---------- — --- -------------------al farm north of Kimberly. Jenner made the f ln t lno<ker. He explained how the for tmallpo* in 17M I operated and told of hU

1rGrange-w lU -*ddlU41nk. — --------------------------- ---------------------------u ln and present It to the Valley Grange Aug. 3(.ifreshment committee for ----------TTlU be U r. and Mrs. Tom , and Mrt. Ed Neveomer and Mrs. J . M. Pierce.

^ o u n d F a t a l

A c c u i e d m a n ■ ■ ■ f f i l l :Ju ly 3S'(UJ>^Ho«ard'E.'

Helena. MonL, died aarly m w hat ppll;e said w u a ted b u ll» wound. intanan w u being returned ,Uve sta te to face e h u j»:Uon wllh a g u tax refund ,He ahot hlnuelf In the ;jg B Tle H otel Owyhee here early

d a t l : I4- a . n . In 81. ispltal. HU wife had beendicing to be a t h li bedilde. -death won the raee. tIt himself with a pUtol he %I one o t the two mm who ^ um lhg him; Michael O. ^ * \C h llto n -sa ld --H lll-g o t-iip ------ g h ------------------------- *le n lgb t aad rummaging gW Chilton's baggage, foand JU > mtomatlo' and the bullet _____ ____ i

) e d u c t i o n f o r % y J

f a i i e e O k a y e d ^ “Juiy”W 'O n — Pollitclr 'O ^ . .

ic.. Is JutUfled In making XQS|c^.eductions for the health agreed upon by the com-

the IntemaUonal Wood- )f America (010). U. 8. iidge Chase A. Gark ruled.npany uk ed a declaratoiy \ S-to-that-effeet.-------------------------------------------------plaint aald onion lo a li at Jene, LewUlon, 81. Marljseo-«lgnod-an-aBT»«a»nt ---------1050, for a company-paidid welfare program. Last , __f lOff taiplujes 'presented- •'any w ith a petlUoa pro- \ v ^ le payroll deduction* o t T * ^ * *•an hour or 60 cents a dty. M ^

ilxe your Badlo Combf-w lth a N ew W e h ite rS .' . ^ T T * - fJ rlierlf lg n lc o t lo n i Ratllo OIn W eat — Phona J»3 ^ -

O E i f s o n -------------------------—C - > ^ .

LARGE ‘ 81x108 SIZE

losioflratioil ■

b « { ™ . . . -------- -----------l i k e . . . a t th e I

T h c y^ra b c au tif Y o u e a v e on eve

ilgUSt~" —--—r—r_ } ff PequOtShc(, / j f Closely woven, double

, , to tubbing and yean

81x108 . . .V 1 s i x 72 . . -

---------------------------------------------- 42I - 36.C A S E S . .

m f t —

■' A m ngnJIiccn t F o ' W••■ -fo lle c tio n - ot-:

81x10in th e m o st cx-• cltlnfT. ------------ -------------------—

p a c k e d e v e n to f t h c f u r *ca- • - - --------

;— ^Bonr—-------------- ^

A T ^ I S I S A I ^

» t r a d e - i n A IlQWflnco' ony o u r old F u r JC o a t

» R c -S ty lin ?\ R e p iir if lir .I. H oIIandcriH i!?___ • ____

. d v o u b m a t c h i n g c a s

:ONVENIBNTV TS - -------- S t re e t F lo o r SH O I .R G B S ------------------------------------------- , . - - ---------------------- 1_ ^ -------------------

---------- T l M E ^ N E W g , J I

pe^ Free — :— —)nly8HoUrs -?a7

W yo, July 58 M>- Afler JO y firs of drivtof a sd 9.I U tah SUU prUon yean of living. W Ullam -Ros t arrested here l u t Lloyd jo i his I lr tt traiflc tickethoun -afler Uiey fled He appeared In municipal a« iirult, la rm a t toe old on » tharje of double parklnjIntUtuUon In Salt Lake and driving wiihout eye glasie

u required- by h b driver’s ll- .nk L-.Nairamore u ld cerue.

Salt Lake City la a Imprtiwd by Lloyd’s drivlni bandoned It 10 mUcs record. Uie Judge suspended aen kton and hitched a rtde tence and told him, 'O o a sd all

were IdenUfled -as Uo>-d U a retired mlnUter. Jeebe, 3i , serving five I -

:-s;------------------------------- y e * c- ttoa -« i-U i* -«U U -boan l-r . oplomeiry examiner*. Hto term *. InocuIaUon plres Aug. I, 15J4, D r. Olson sx

^eeds Dr. A, O. Fuller. Twin Fa

finest n a lit j 3igh Count ]V >heets and Ca

“ JJs SIZE . . . .l A T C H l N G C A S E S , size 2 4 "x 3 6 " .

ly Slumberon! Buy the f inest quality a n d save 1 ' e . . . a t tho priccs you w ant lo pay. O q r own ’‘'i ou r exact specifications, cxcecd ^ v c m m c n t n

icy’re beautiful, and they ’re ou ts tan d in g buys iu save on every sheet and case you lauy I H u rry

luOtSheets-Coses "Su«tmng,_iit'inlr, ,l«? count niu»lln^ ------- flfmnrfs li

r woven, double upe selvages. Take find yeanblng' and years ot wear. snowy wh

08 . - . • • • 3,98 f l l r in j l 72 . . ~ 3 i 9 - 3 6 .C A S E S . _ . _ . _ . _ . 8 5 _ ______ ^42x383^

Famous P^qiiot Cof

fedoaT O SipDo»oni ^

■ ' _ a n 3 8 0 8t»

. . .. n ee d s nonI I N G C A SE S .. . . . . . 83c


m e r — I ^ c ] e s Namd J q ^ ^

I, Jol, Mm- Banfiin^osition^ - SALT. LAKE CTIY. JU^r M MV-

M arrlaer a Ecelea. former ehalr- ot th t board ol govereon cf

;n « u ^ c lp a l j^ e ra l iw arra system, yester-chairman of the

, o ' Plrst Security corporation.* He was initrtmienti] In the organ-

[.sas-'is? r " . r r u R r “ “him, 'O o a sd s in Ecolea resigned u lovemor of the

Ured minister. He was UiecorporaUon's first presl-- 7 - — - — 3— ' dent. He remained U> Uiat officeTO BOARD until he v<-nt to Washington in » M. T T T S 'P I S r ^ r i r i r jje w asU tw n i e ^ e d by the lalohaa been appoint- e . O. Bennett and thea Oeorgo a.Jordan to a th ree- Eceles. hU bwUier.j^»-«U U -board-of----- Oe«rte-S:-Bcele*-wm-oontlnu»-a«iners. H b term cx- president and gtneral manager.54. D r. Olson s u e - --------------------------Puller. Twin Falls. READ T a iB 8-NEW8 WANT AD3.

a l i t y '

n t M u s J i D

1 C a i s e s

^ 4 9

4 " x 3 6 " ..................55c eochty a n d save! T hese a ie tho sheets you y. O q r own ‘'SIumbfiron!’:brand,m ade.. |jov cm m cn t regulations for th is type. jtan d in ? buys a t th is low—low price, u l ju y l H u rry w hile quanUtlesTast;

"Superb" SHEETSf l ^ ye an o r e « n o m lS 'iw ''w li i r t h e s e ” snowy white sheets. - -

- 8 1 x 1 0 8 — ------------------ . 3 :2 2 : ”

_ J 2 x 3 8 y 2 _ E e r c a l e ^ C A S E S _ . 7 2 _

o t Cbhdsset

j j P

f t o n i e m a k e r B ^ v e r ^ h ’e r e w 3 c 6 m e ’

t h e s e P e q u o t C o h a s s e t s {seconds o f f i r s t q i i a l i t y ) . W o n d e r f u l m o n e y -

s a v i n g b u y s , ■ 1 4 Q .T farea d s e r v i c e

m u s l i n s , e x t r a l o n g f o r tu c k i n . , .

a n d 8 0 s t u r d y I F i l l y o u r b e d d in g

n e e d s n o w l, . - -

Y FRIDAY NITEf Um 30-Doy Chbrgt

d a h o - ----------------- — ---------------—

andFFositionr r . Jd ^

former chair*1 govenon cf a system, yester- chairman the urity corporation.Btil In the organ-lecurtty corpora- M

u lavemor of the ^

raUon's first presl- ■d In thal office ashlnston in 19S4.eeded%y lH T li5 - ----- M o h ' f i V S o V f i r S O nd thea George 8.

»-wlU-oontlnu*-a* -------------- :-------------------- -------------------leral manager. / ^ . H


^ f T

loch8 you j - M mm ad e.. / . | j ^ j d n ' M M K n ttype. j i ; | 4 , 3 W J | W T O

" w 3 c 6 m e ^ ’T '’ . . . ’ . . u Z t ^

’c o n d s o fI m o n e y - -

l s e r v i c e H ' ........

.. - SHOP .'TIL 9everyFRIDAY,

ly C h b rg t

I . ~ 'H 0 N E ;» 5 0 .

Sovers OiTSeFnday and Satih?i?zr5Harv

milLLAY-i!^ SolM S had ttI ' C

S lm iV ^aroT T _____ ^

^ _____ ^ i i l ^ ’apopular.ribbcd an]■' intr cotton. W hites and sol

-------- ------------ “ T--H05IEBT.:-Bti

W o m e n 's . , C'o

P NYLON B— specio l P i ir c h o te ...................

Dnintv nnd whepr nil nvlnn lovins: selection of style dainty p ink. Sizes 32-38.

-------------------e W W re n '« . .

BIHVIn R k 7 O unce D enim

H S t _ _ ...... ........P ' j^ e H tt le to U w m o v e t ^

B i 0 , , T h l r $ t y ,

» CANNONG o la Se lection o f . ' . P o t te l S h o d e i................ .........

• _ v A _ w o n d erfu l^ W cc fe E n d .'b i f f b a th to w e ls . '

■ 15” x 15” W A 8H C H - - . . DOMESTICI-I

P o p u la r “B a ri

—Wen-sSpo^ S i S j H Medlttm, Lofflt-------------

cotton k n it sh irts i n ; o rs and p atterns.

___ M EW BD Err^

■ ' T h e B a l t . .

^ ■ B O Y S ' \

I r ' 5 l M t 2 2 t o J 0 --------------------

L ^ S J l i u ^ _______ Ihese-oa tlnna lly Itnown-Iiiif ' ”i r —____ .of fine-cotton y a m —built

~ a th le tic y o u n g e t ^ '

B O T V D irT ^

f B o y e , , W b i


___ " T -sh irts th e boya wlil'lovi........... .. .■: : - r r :a t- th l» -^ ^ -E n d rf ia v ln ff i

----- --------- " ^ BOYT’DKPT.-^

. . .

^ S B B P B s a n ^ ^ p H

>m 9:00^^^^nl RiPAYNiaHT BHiBI• H 0 N E ;» 5 0 . - r o r .Tew.CM wrtawJ

--------- ■ l A G B -T B S S B S t^

^ n ^ o j u r d o ^ ^ n l ^ ^

~Uirl9’ and Women'B ^

lAY-ANKLETS—f i i ---------3 r> .F .r 1*00pular.ribbed anklet o ( so ft lonir-weap---------W hites and solid shades. '

• ‘H O S IE B W t^ n o d r — ----- — '- j

o m e n T T T C o o n T S f i ^ '* ” r""

rOM BlOUSES “______ 3.97sction of styles, C h o M B ^ h lta ” w ' k . Sizes 32-38.

1 8P0BTaWEA»^Menaalna__:r.'

ehildretes,,B lue BeU ^

B^VElSttS^? " " " - -

tots w ill love them. S tu rd y lons-wearw “ in clover bib s ^ e T T T*

Bm>HBH’i-WEiUI ' BUw l'

lg ,,T h lr$ tg .,2 V 'x 4 y* ' - ■ ^


fu l^W cck ^n l5 (iy in g B _ « C C « n ao n M .iu li |sw els.' - ..'

15" W ASH CLOTH !-----------„13c ; V ^ ' 'DOMESTICI-atraet nooc

'^opidar **Bar^u K n ir • ,! • , -

n's Sport ShirtsV ' : ~ ? .6 6I k n it sh irts in fresh selection of col- ^ item s. " " ' i ,


The B e t t i . . _ . - r r r r =


o n a lly Jm o w n -D Ic B c r-h r ic fa ^ .lc n it- j— ton y a m —built snug and rugged f < ^u n g e t ^ ' , . _ __ i l l l '

BOTV D IT T ^ tr te t TTmt

loji^ , , WhUe CotUm


e boya w liriove.B uy T io w fo r 'fc h o o lf '- - - ''- ek^EndrSavlngs.-—

»O rrX E PT ,-^ l««t floor " " -

r iT ”

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' r _____2X^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (4)

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[I I. '• nmcnFTSON b a t u ,; fl ' ST ClSlID -fA TAB LI D( AOTAKII’i; g s .-a ».-------- - - :[' “II-U-----gT-M*tLi->ATAlL» PI-A PTA »S'i UtW *m4 Bk* CM>tr. M m iiiI !_0-rr:-----------

............. - :I j t r i ^ f u t ......................... .—I I AU ranind br U* ar I t o ttn t l fovrt •I h rU ln In ta U nklU M will b« pcbll

Iwaa t t a i t w w wnMPt te U t. tO-MI,!______________ HATIOHAL m to Z H T A n V E 3 -

WMT-MOLLIDAY CO. INC. _________t » MtftW 6*» frtBtlattt. C«m

MORE TROUBLE BREWIN(II p ^ e Mlnliler Llaquat All Khan «

' tan eomplftiru tha t India Is mouin I; on hU country’s border.

l ll l India's Prime Minlate^Nehni_9 ckn “ the'troop movcmehft. biit saya thej

I t - defense. He chorgea Pakistan with *'o Iiii.. preparationsforraldBandBabotagei 'III territory."t i ; Dispatches Irom New Delhi disci im -th» .m aJof-part^M n{lla‘».4DO.OflO-nv r : ' has!befia..actaycd along tho. front! . cother*(Unger zones iiice K uhnU r.'H

islsts India has no intenUon-of a 'Pakistan, though this force seems

i ; large for .combatting mere "raids ai I : Uge."I Americans thousands of miles (i i . .Acene ore not qualified to judge who r threatening whom. But they are no U ' m 'p a s s ln g moral jydgment on th e n '■ Indla'PaU stan dispute.' n T^at dispute has centered for a la

r on the Independent princely state of H I .'which both nations wish to absorb.I ,v ^ United Nations mediators have recoi ' •'.id th a t aplebiselte be held to allow tb ' ' ; o t Kashmir to vote on where they ahi ! : their allegiance. Palcistan accepts tl ) • -.bMt India does not. Furthermore. I t

rp u t Its troopa into Kashmtr-to ke« ; mand of the situation and Indian lea . they will never allow Kashmir'to ge '4helr hands.; Ho one can be positive which way tb : E lndu and Moslem population df tb

j I . r would lean. I t might well favor India, j - ^ u j E ^ d properthafth'e'lssue be se tt

: peaceful vote, not by force, The' pret —^jiUllan-troop8-there,-pluB-Indla'a-p<

. relDsal to consider a plebiscite, amc I violation of tbe letter and spirit of thi

i- Laat winter- Nehru projected bims >. I ward as leader In an effort to medl 's ;K o n an war. At that time, he and b

Aipokesman, Sir Senegal Rau, utterei ' V bitter words about the west's "stubb .^ lu d is c e " to permit mediation. He

__(.tbe fact tba t his proposed settiemen'amoimted to rewarding communist •alon.' • ': All through that period, tbe Kashs : troversy still raged, and India adama; -fused to accept any aolutlon but ita oi

— rattltaflft a t JlewDelhI'6Bvl6uaIyhaa nc ed one whlL i

’ The Indian view seems to be tb a t ;tion la for the other fellow. Nehru :tb» U. N. charter to apply to every<• h im .

.. L -ln .-the, light of India’s-rccord, i : character In the free world can hav 'Sympathy for Nehru's pretensions os i . o f peace.” And they would have ilttio p

__iwlth-ony-actlon tha t would lead-to-i- 'break of war between India and Pakli

. Bypocrisy Is a harsh word- but It- well, describes India’s behavior. Woclc

can never be promoted by men whc th a t the principle of Just settlement putes should guide all the world b part they govern., ____ _

BYRD’S LATEST ATTACK Ben. Horry P. Byrd ot 'Virginia has 1

:___one of ^ e best known Democrats in.tb<try, and pa^oxicaliy enough it's bee

----- hls-bltter-«rttici3m-of-tho~TrainainistraUon. ..............

For years, Senator Byrd has been b away a t government inefficiency u travagance under the' new deal set-xi his atUcks have made a lot of good

— Bveirttnnfihy Democrats.While it is not likely that Senator B2

be In tbe nmnlng for the presidential nation on the Democratic Ucl»t^n U

■'-elecUoarW s name has been auggej

The conservative Democrats look up— aa .the type-ol.candidate-ncodod-to-

their party’s reputation, which has t beating under Truman Icadershlp.v

_^_^;ft^dent^jrrumjm's_, mid;;ycar-^cci m essage 'the . other day 'prom ptM 'E Byrd, leader of the congressional ec

'J bloc, tb make one of his most scathi7-::^Uck8 on-the-«hlef-e*etutive;-rTtt------

■nie President,.he charged, "is seek ■: >quaDder-tbe-natlQn.-lnto-bttnkruptcy“

eteaslng federal spending."One can be for proper and *adcqua

tlQnal defense—something for which 'of u i'h av e fought for many years—

.. aquandemg^tne^^naUoh

— ' P r ^ l^ n t) seems to_be detHi - ^ : t o ^ a n d e r us and-tax tjs Into fedcml

rnptcy. He doea everything In tho wor Axy-to eave a doyar for tho taxpayer.

/ ' “Whatever economies In nofl-es; / ^>endlnK'. are enacted by congress an ' < 0 In -tbe-lace of bis opposition. If «

p ru d e n tia l cooperation, wtf wouldn’t s to n t^ . l>e urged to legislate h ^ h e

-h i t fb ^ tu e a because they ^ u ld n 't be : , - • . - - . ,.

; . ANSWERS: *WH07*: MBfllw^SWtt-iJiotie^-the o th e r day t

siswer cot^zactor.was Jn Washington U ing beford &cQD8res^onal coaunlttM c

£ u c i c E r ' s : :

WHIR]W A S H IM O T O lfi^ ’ 1 f t

m ibkiM 0—iN w .______strtk* » b tr tiln wltb OenenJ*h U r sad n»T*I te ic t In

<N BATES . ' coD peutoiul A t t u on alllI ta D» lo v j t o c i f c ^ u t t t f o r c------------------- -------And

-~ ~ ^ t tM Uie belAl**\199 ,. '.jjlMlhlfl OUI

.... ......... .......... i J-J! n f.'s- W tor.■ ...... y - - . The fact

po rriw n 1:- -- j jj;

* " • ‘“3,11?'cli t ta s« . tMOl. Utk* Cod*. ttAnd etch Olher p ertecU r.u

"— boaOnj U for Uie Wfect It »m a ------------- ■ t l " ‘ U d le n ee i-B tW e r—

. rniKlata. C*1U ------------- UNDEBTONES-UeM II »7 D O PW T M r-^ vem U on on the Bpaniah ari B R E W IN G ? duigreem enu l>etw«n 8«cnt A ll K h a n o f p a k is - li t e r Morrbon, irflh Pruldi la is m a s s in g tro o p s

N eh n iA c lq Jo w le d g esut aays thoy are fo r m i chalnnan ot Uie World S tan w ith "organized kept him from- aetUng An d s a b o ta g e ia in d la n .

we need h ti help (or a pc D e lh i d isc lo se t h a t jM n e rlan llberAU detest him

‘I 400.000 -m nn a rm y Blble belt ncnnlf i u a ll h t o . t : um. Irontltr or in

In B ut the ITlAh^AthOjlC ^K u h m l r . .N e h r u i n - jocognlUon. so. for mlllUry6 n tlo n --o f- f ltla cW n g you-jmor. we hoia i'pre ilde jrorce se e m s a I l t t l e we muat get togeUier wllh ;:re " ra id s a n d s a b o - unae«iAnd, Mr. Mon

INVESTMENTS — Moreo Of m ile s fro m tn e Aeheioo.Jn tw j'chum nij' lel

) ju d g e w h o is r e a i ly eetU ns the Impreulon Uint, th e y a r e n o t b a rre d vlduig the men and money In

t h . “ S 1 S . S M . r .They belles you forced,ui

ire d f o r a lo n g tim e cause you were alrald his 5iy s t a t e o f K a sh m ir , bave hrought on a world w■tn o h n r trh .....................-wmmerclal inve«Unenl-ln-Hct o aWOrD. ___ 1ft lhe far eaatl-Of eoui*e.-l

ra h a v e re c o m m e n d - piM ident TrumAa' m u it tint, i to a llo w tb e pe o p le They don't like' Uis way ] ic re tb e y a h a l l p la c e ■ a ey m in i you have

ih e m o r e . I n d ia h a s - t h e i f ^ —He-w«i.-4 t -coOTe.- i m l r . to k e e p c o m - are trying tho a aa e rough it d I n d i a n le a d e rs s a y when a few rowdy Boitonlai s h m l r ' t o g e t o u t o f the harbor.

Unfortunately, Mr. Trum

? h lcb w a y t h e m ix e d djdn 't help any. SomeUinei. ll a t io n d f t b a t s t a t e of 'a diplomat, like me.fa v o r I n d ia , B u t i t Is So, you »ee, Herbert, we hcIssue b e a e tU e d 'b y a K ‘J!“ ice. T h e ' p rea en c e , o f “ ^ n t n 'd . ’B - In d la ’a - p e r a is te n t ----------------------------------b la c lte , a m o u n ts to D E A L -Forel^ MtnUler h ‘P“ t ° t th .n n l t .d ,

J e c te d b ^ u ^ ^ T i ’O T r'^ics^* ''to r t to m e d ia t e t h e , We cannot go along ofliclae, h e a n d h i s U . N . o u r radical tabor memben «R a u u t t e r e d m a n y " '‘t b t be Uirown out o( offliMf» 'M ubM ra rc- 2^ right with Ul, even though wii la t lo n . H e i q j o r e d n o f ric ia iiy .A tu ie iiJu s i’MiD!d s e t t le m e n t te r m s man Trum aa • - ..................communl.t .8 g r„ - ^

s r t E S S i io n b u t ita o w n . T h e problems in order to win vote lousIyT uu n o t a l t e r - 'w riisTrM itiliter: * '^ '

In the da}-i when we were h

■to b . th a tillow. N e h r u w a n t s in order to roll up majorillea liy to e v e ry o n e b u t Chicago and other clUes Khe

Independence really controlled ’* rn rn r i l m u n ftf ba te done the aame tls - r c c o r a , -m e n o t- j j j y ii»i.ted on a i r id c a n h a v e s c a n t fiam iS the A r a b i » ^ ^ te n s io n s o s a “in a n middle east, and opened Uiat \ h a v e i l t t io p a t ie n c e to communist miuiraUoD.

S ? M S * p X i 5 t o n ^ ^ ■“ UNDEB8TANDINd-Wfl“di J ^ hurt by your altitude, n u t we

vord- b u t i t p r e t t y understand tha t PresldenU 1 a v lo r . W o rld p e a c e had ta manlpulat# thelt Ut >y m e n w h o th in k reelect thenuelvei. I luppow s e t t le m e n t o f d ls -a e iw e m e n c OI i m domesUc po

b e . .w orld b u t th o secretary A cheian:yotir und___ ________________ -poUUcs-ftma2u .m a ..B trbert. ----------------- M lnliter Morriioo: Then we? A T T A C K Secretary Acheson; Compleli r g in i a h a s b e c o m e who*rer happlo c ra ts in the_C0U n:_ ma moment?lUgh i t ' s b e c a u s e o f T T T T ? u ; o n 1 ? ,H T r iim H-n—Brtm tns -----V—l - I J - W - O —U -± ‘— ^........................................................... K 0TFD TILB.M 1

,fflc le n cy a n d e x - ^ n e r ecci„ mdulged in a po V d e a l s e t - u p , a n d w ith PrwSdetvt Trematt. BeWs lo t o f g o o d sen so , lone tUipule over-thajxjla-otUi

Mr. Ecclei helped create tl

p r e s id e n tia l n o m l- opposed secretary of Uie iJe i ; t i c k e t in t h e 1852 th a t Uje re»erva board luppor te n _ .u T 5« * a in

. ..-----------Z,-------a tn u trau o r jip p u e n u rs rU ltn jr a t s look u p o n h im had for a decade fought Uie j - n e o d e d - to - r e b u l ld - - banking,cmplr»4a-U>a-tt«*t-W v h lc h h a s ta k e n a 'X r « h i n , Charged Uiat UUi resultid e rsh lp .v - - .- aiannmi-group.-______liad'eM..^ccpnQm(P, „ w j! c c to lUm m tu mw p r o m p te d s e n a to r : tje n . th a t he was demoted to t s e s s io n a l e c o n o m y vote for Uie Democrat*. He itm m n e t r»i,»>iinn of Snyder Inf uenced Ui# decWon m o s t s c a t h in g a t - However Ihatjnay .be^the f

je d , " is s e e k in g t o o ia n n S n n u w ta * ” ' ' ^ r e S ^ 3 a n k ru p tc y '* -b r ln = “ -«‘« « ^ ‘i‘al-U>e^OlanninJ*^-n'

•’ Transameriea eorporaUon, ihou. owner&hlp In all. Banks oUier

a n d -a d e q u a te n a - Uon. the Bank of America, f f o r w h ic h som e The resem board report sti n y y e a r s— w ith o u t banka now have <1 per cent talo ' bjnkruptcy" •- . --------- iic ta Indicating the p tnftK-.nt

IS to_be d e te r m in e d , .th e WMt.______ __ -• i.I n to f e d c m l b a n lc -- — .'*n“ EcclM-tr-quated a* k ' I n t o o w o rld b u t °f fuUllty- inL» he alrcitly could ba prou» t a x p a y e r . orsantzatlons uhlch ha dlrecI n n o n - e s s e n t ia l action now under wsy ag a ln s i'

y jn g re s a a r e d o n e “ me » new personal victory f w itlo n . I f w e h a d P ' “ to u»e com

Jlatu higher and FOnEicN AM)v o u ld n ’t b e n e c e s - W haf* this? Did we read 11— : Uve Herman D. rc n a ra u oppo!

; forms of Rovcmment because “, ( T im n 7» outside tlie aUte to man• " “ W i . and allen.lo him? This U mosto t h e r d a y - t h a t . a UUs historic telesram:U h ln g to n t e s t i f y - D ear Mr. Ferrara—Impoaalblec o m m itte e o n tb e Providence. However, be glaicom m iH O T O B uiB asBinst • outsl■'......... • ' Signed. Hojer AS'Ulia^—Pro----------------- ^ --leU n.-^ ------------- “*rT- ,

: E r S : N A T I ( W i A L . |p ~ :

HIRLIGIG PoiTOlfi-Tlja 1ftman*AchefOB-decUlon to - - .............aln wlUi aenenllsilmo-PTanco for 8pan- V na ra l H i f In cschAnge fo r American O - L J - W

l-tn«-haT#-«pme-4oo-tat*-»o-»uppr*ii *- ------ ----------i on Allesed dlcuU on of Onlled

j ^ U t e i foreUn pcUey by 10 Downln« -. M Stree t and tho Qual d 'O ruy . B ut M im H \ ? . t t e belatad effort to Include flpala ^

\a S r lth lfl our European defeme ly i- H Uan wai tmplred by W hite Houm .

^ ^ T h e tu t U th a t B n n u r r Ache-

^ r \ Morrison have dlicusied and reach- s i ir>S d . S t ?

H i f l l J ' m a t « r d pollUclAM le ltle a paUoruge dliputo In the backroom!

• of their, clubhouiei. They under- he r perfectly, and Uie diplomatic ihadow-

U i e W l t w l U b a v e o n m a l r r e i p e c

N ES-Here Ii a not too Imaginary con. J l J J ? , . the Bpaniih and oUier Anglo-American

I between SecreUry Acheion and Mln- in, Hllh prealdent Truiftan and Primelee itpplylng Uie -pollUcal undertonei:- „Achelon: I know how you feel about M,®I fAKUt, a dictator' and pro-O ennan I ^ P ‘®var..J-hal«.lilm.tti‘.much-«..j'eu..da I _________n of the World war n committee th a tora- getUng American goods he. m ight , tier or Muaiollnl.mllllkry-expert a t'U ie PenUBon -Bay*'help for a poulble war wlUi R uiiIa. Aod tae e

irall detest him because he U a dlcUtor. ScABntot. ■^r^u «.<li him hwntnf thrv miv hin min- ahade Is ta n L eh u rch e i...................... ....... ...... TZTQRRTeai[rIsh-Cathollo voter* Insist upon fuB :T to e « -th e Jo50. for mlllUry and poltUeal r ea ao n a - W ei»d«a t! holtt 'i'preildentlal eleeUoa n e « year— "Tm faU britogether wllh Pranco. W ith th e ]

itand, Mr. Morrison? Neck a n d n• • • lop,

NTS — Moreover, continues SecrelAiy s tro k e foU i'chum m y lete>a-ieie, our people ar» cnrwi atnia,m preu lon 'tha t, although we are pro- str id e fo r •n and money In the "cold war,’* you folks l U n t r .inlng the ahow. 1 try to dlicredlt th a t B o l auch tu t here la what they think; th e lae you forced,Ul,to fire M acArthur bo- ^ a he anlt<ere afraid h li Korean itrategy would Ucroro th e co on A world war. and Jeopardize your

iveitment-ln-Hong Kong-and elaewhere- ----------— •itl -O fc o u ia e .- lk n o w th a t- li- to sh .-B u t--------------------,unaa' m u ii thUik of votci. w n iu c 'Uka' Uis way you ara acUng In I ran . P a t She

'OU bave forced Uie retirem ent of ourflenry Prancli Grady, because he tried iJS cake you pay-lran la rg a royaltlea-for-

I aame rough ituJf you uied ag aln it u i 'o irowdy Boitonians dumped your tea In j

' • S n ” « m i,ly. SomeU«M,'I wWi H wry were m or. ” ttM U vo*ar

■ Z L ” ' . . h . . . , . i to i ly , ! ; ' ; , '* '* ’-rerSpilnT aad a e n e ra lT ra n c o n t 'h u H a 'u 1(1 doea you, but I am sure th a t you •L<!:_____ , - , - 4- ________ - A aW can-<

Ign Mtnliler MorrUon: I iin d en U n d teB«Bed*OUl'^n. You see. Prims M lnliler Atlee m u it .reign dU^cuillM In te n n s^ f votei. Wo _ SE A CIKXdn 'aoon. 'and tha t man CburchlU i i " ' thoughtn our necki. clever w ith thgo along officially wIUj y ou 'on Spain. u ,e m ost reiibor memtwrs would desert u i. and wo ■‘U a n le tb e 1)wn out of office. B ut you make any eouole of teleryou can wim,Praflco. and It will be all u, b prlntera ]ievenj though we dliavow and denounoo, umes. demancUfe ll Just M im art a politician aa )-dur j f s a ll quIU

• • fectly clear.inld somethin

'•5—Deildei, carries on Morrison. Ret- (ho was atarlir Oiafldenual, to Downing atreet fre - coverins thaten Irritated by the way American Presl- „ u n , ^ closetlclani have aggravated British forelsn gf,o added sh■der to win votes. Continue! the British bed w h wer: •' ' 'io u iid ed 'a fU iwhen we were having our Uoublei wlUj p o j those otMr. Roosevelt and P a r le y ^ a d e them - h o d o n t rerby elding with the De Valera facUon ti uq . “She's 1

>11 up malorllles In Boston. New York, «.» v ill novJthcr cities where Ute frienda of Irish whole th in i Ireally conUoUed elecUoni. the aherUf ofane the aame thing -wim th e question L e Je.vie Carl li»isted on a partition which has in-

rab population, created unrent lu tlio tiiuin^u nowId opened U ut vast and Im p o ru n i area ji? QrInlUlraUon. ^ p io „ ;

N D m d -W e “d i» i r te d . 'T n J 'w e ''w ^ ^ f a m o iillltude. But we are poUUclani, too. and . a t Preildenti Roosevelt and T nim an • *.•,* *'®"‘ lulata their tw elsn ooUclea so aa la '* '* ** Jvei. I m p p < ^ S X t now. in the case “lg fooUes WlUi Pranco. It is anoUier lart domestla adm lti (iheion: Your underatAndlna of Americani.m a ,.B trbe rt.------------------ --------------- ---------------7: ]riioo : Then we underatand each other? ---------------------Jiesoa; Complelelyl And will you give - I whoever happtas to be the Pfench f k i V M 9 moment? - I ■ >

-S-O-F-O-T-H-E-^^-)T FDTILB. MR. ECCLE8---------- ' ' . .rom the federal reserve board after IT ■ MI ilx years of his term imexplred, Mar- ■ l l idulged In a poUle exchange of iiotea H ITntmasu Behind th e (omvaUty Uts a V I

■er Uia j ols of-th e banking agency, yelped create the new deal policy of g. RecenUy this Utah mllllonatre bank- ed federal -^Iley aa lnflatlonar>'. He a iy of the TKasury Snyder’s demand rs board support gOTemfflent bondt-at- aXiei.ei’ dUagrcement with the T rum an ad- ipsrenUrerUtnAUtTTdUrl^rarrago. He ide fought the growth ot lhe a iano ln l Ma-the-we*L-When-Ur,-3Vuman-«ud— _3Jilm as board chairman, in 104B. Mr' \ 'lh a t UUs resulted from prctsure from ■ A 0 • “I

troup.------------- ■ . • • A x .1atei lo bU iUff book,-BkkQ hlnK ^^n~--aa demoted to help lAve the CalUomla B lS ^ '3 Lnocrata. Be further saya lh a t Seerelary;ed the declalon .against him. '; m a y .b e ^ e federal reser^-e board iio leek'ifa c o u i^ r d e r up the ' H B G ^ S S l-sta. A/prelUDlnary report to the boarde-r01amUsK‘-'nw t-hD ldu ir-'com pan rrorporaUon, ihould divest llself of slock .11. banks oUier Uian .lU first acqubl. of America. , «» a rd report states lh a t Transameriea [ P r M t k f r f i e 41 per cent of all banking office*. • I C I U M 6n rB tn ra tp C T U ano flu i ot air bank----------t - . .iTJtem jtAtcj. The report citea other" " ****: the prtTffth'"^ h«nfcinff monopoly m c o a jt- ta -c t______. 1............................. . : .w o m e n '!c lr-quotid a* laying lh a t he fl:ulW W d in c tur e of fuUllty" In hla rtscrve bonrd pe.' t. o #ki

coma b . px iid o l th . b m lln ! ihlch ha directed U the •30s. Tlie' A ccounoa er way agalnsi TraDiamerlca mny be* te$t5 bo th 1: rsonal victory lo r h im . C erta ln li- itr . vice to the country was anything btn Bur K l l 1* Pojt-DUpatch- i ^

•OHEIGN AND ALIENDid we read 11 corrtcUy? Repre.<en^,i.;____P cnara U opposed'to M uncll-manaser -ment becauie *'importb« >-oun^mrn■*. - ■ Y v Be state to manage a town Is ,fard(;nn? This U most disquieting. Ju s t rcnii B g a Z ^ S .Ie;ram:ara—impo&ilble accept.iob as founder lowever, be glad to belp ou t in casaJII a sn inst' outsiders.

W U lia^ —Provldenrt E\-enlng B u i-•....................------------.............................

L.|L . •~ ;;:;ziih ;w -A SH J

POT MAPs S H O T S ^ r s ™* . - - -------- ----------------- would be difflca t” ■_______ ■ illde 'rule technicS ^ — — ' ■ — ’ Uonably bU ahare^ U U TU A t OPEN SEASON of U>e hlAme l i a “ DeAr Sho*rter; heavy one.• Alwaya I t ha i been Uiual There'i w hen It eomei ^ a ceru i n ptrcantage cf th e .p^mlAce (o -r e * a « n A b l«

th a t figures the lummer m onth i Are eooiprnnlaa' A a d , open leaKtn on tourlsU A nd'there m A k l n g friends ‘ a re AlwAYAJflme touriiti-Whp figure “ Uiey're Just passing ttrough , wlU Mnalar*. be ha* ,t never be In the area again, and ihowa a stubborn ^ Ahould ^ t away wllh whatever they tm tho'. 'daib s e t Away~wl(h elemental rules of• " I . V RM - o n . .tlCTUun to thU 5 S S ,!; depUTAble lU U of Affalra wlUi hU to be de-^ UtUe ho te 00 the touriiU u ilng b li u L n U ir trvlni1, fron t law n for a plcnlo ground. I f 7. jUenate cvo to

h e ‘a .lalerM t«L tie jhpu5!t^.A l} le» , .?int h li h t id iinlearn the.ldenilty of those touriili. , w . S - i e „ ! of

.. All he baa to d o u hie himself to Uis In ftJ, n e a ie s l monujnenl cr petal o t ic talc jonilder Uie ret

^ ^ e r e he will find Inicrlbcd lo r l^ lU n o;?, po iw rity Uie nim ei of Uie touriili. In U

I ■ .■t . IowaJT


L S bH“Sj" f iS » - * th e j J l e y of Jk aprinU w m S T

W ea d era ifh ls U w nw ingroi^_ «IU1 fBU b rion eoeler weaUser, o‘ a jttta e r caimic

W ith th e prenare deWn so low. * "’*Neck a n d neck awffl penlea gal- blocked. ^

r Stfok^’ for ilr'oke liUie abeU ,» en w t ttn la , ' <5«l Tnim an could• Stride fo r stride itrong athlete* reaicmable compro 1 s U n e r . of the aouUierat B o l auch thrilltn tie In 'Jain RlchATd Russell, O

. ” ! S h “ ^ K r i , t t ! ; . ! L r j r j c s s r , ,

R u pert) •

WORKS DOTH WAYS 0^ t^e efflMcy of• D ear P o t ShoUl M aniM uU iem er. 1 f P o r Uio Information of 'O ld Hand" Along wlUi R u i« I : 1 no w oman looks like a movio Actreu criminal penalties ■■ when she criwli out of bed In the standards.f i o m l i f . Tniman would h‘ . And If 'O ld Hand" can pry h ii Ai a reiult, even U ‘ eye* open f ir enough tomorrow experlmenUl. itep , m orning to gel a good look a t h li taken asd the par ‘ face in a mirror, he will be shocked, abandoned eren Uie• Ho m ight dlicorer Uial he'i no more Ing to pu t over a : ' altracUve a t th i t time of th e day Uur. Uian n il wife. Rumpled hair, whlik- But the Illlnol! J

\ N. 0 . Beatity ample of Uie presld• * * * running imack tni

A gW can-deleot-the engagement -------------------- ------r ing W A j-oung man’i voice, Our HEngaged OUl^iayt. A g H f iS I I

I ,L _ B E A c n o N ,f iD i QUICK_____ C o n t D a r o s B II W e thought we were being quite ' . . ,

clever w ith Uiat llttls heading over — L l k e S I ' the. m o it recent contrtbuUon of ' “Maggie tb e Mick.” Thea we bad a r v-^ - » e g ? g g : ' couple of telephone calls and one of I the prin ters Jumped us two o r three I, time*, demanding an ezplanaUon.’

I t 's a ll quite subtle^ yet lU ll per< fectly clear, we Uiought MAggle said eomeUilng lo Uie effect Uiat Iho was Blaybg In town a fte r dil* ' covering tha t the iheriff w ain't quite 50 close as ahe figured. Ih en ^she added she w u hiding under the bed w h tnw tr a ilranBC knock _

” 'sou iided 'afU ie door.Por those or you good constituents

who d o n t remember the heading.It WOI. "She 'i Under the Bed, Jesse.’’We will now proceed to ru in the ••whole th ing by pointing o u t that \ • . A i the aherUf of Twin Palli county la ione Je.ise Cnrlton. ’ '

Does cvcrj'one undcntand ' the Here'* a helpful ide« baMnesa. now Uiat we've titlerly Mille. Compare B u mined 11? Or was i t any good In garine with anv »pn tlie f l n t place? LUie the noted ebon

KAM ois^STL.™. I w ondei^ how tboie two girlne. You’ll ap

gny» felt ao well-qnallfled to adrlie DoMKKt'atiulriifeiv.a fellow on marrUge. but ono has . for bread is richer iibeen married tliree Ume* and the year aroundl And yiolher adm its to fotir maalagea." •

C E m E M A N IN THE-----' «nd gel "all 3 " - F l ------------ . PQ.pRTH ROW-----------E ee n am ^ I----------


P r e f e r r e d i a T h o e s a n d s o f Tosl• • A cnial ta«ettJO *CTe-oop<ltwedin'24-ci[i'eiin(3 w

c o a « - ta -c o » « .- 'n m x j{ h tb e -a » p e m o n 'o f c h^chT i: . w om en '! c lub»,_bom em ike_tij^Ie^tR e J.nationiily

leading tun* brands. F o cd .o tpm i then mide idcniicai sofli. RciultJ were lu d ited by independent Ceftifu A cc o u n o n tt In d io u u n d i o f these unbiivd t£st5 bo th bom em aicenind food expera preferred Sor-i

. i ! ; 7 S 0 1 I D P A C K » , C H U N K s n i E m

g K J A L L S . J I I A H O

hlW -A SlU N .(m )JL C A L L IN j

MARQUIS CHIIWABHTNOTON -7 How . m u c h Tbt P « * > ^ ‘ “ 5 ? ?

Presldeat T ru m sn la retponHbie lor Uia debacle ef Uie a tod etmiress ly w h m ^ would be d lfflca iT o p ^ '1^ any slide rule technique. B u t unquei- yen. won U»Uonably bU ahare _ _ _ _ _ _ _'of the hlAfflo l l confirmaUon ofheavy one. nominee! can be h d d t

When It cornea sittiog In a key poal( o - r e A i o n A b u K S U ^ H S m -gf Ui c aenAU-J oompromlae A n d B ^ f c M a i ^ H Q^jttn l i SenAtor P m A lc ing f r i e n d s ^ B l j ^ ^ ^ H Nevada, one of tbe Pr

a m a t o i r b e t i j M ^ j B ^ ^ ^ B carran have almoat n tshown a stubborn nicn'. yet UUs action t i U s E e S S B L i a e - t b a ^ ^ B B f l n u n n —togiUier anrtelemental r u l o o f ^ ^ K K S strengUien Uie AUiont poUUci. He l e e m a H B H a K A a i vvhlis Bouse,a l time* to be de- lu m la Odi* 'what makes UiU-1ilberataly trying dentand is th a t tb elo alienate everyone who d a ra to minatj tried ia hla 0illok-bla-b*ad-upJ«»en.A -ftacU oa Q n ju n lsh -fash ta i- tcabove Uie level of party loyally. -.,u , the President. A

•me la le it UutAn«>-hla jefusal tlnally c a tto consider Uie recommendAllons of tudseshlpi. as reportsSea. Paul Douglaa for th e federal of ouferencea betJudgeship in lUinol*—U only one of Douglai ca lled '!4 long leriea. In UiolnatAnce ol an jiertg reU ed .Uieae nloa-A Judgeship, tbe Prealdent be- tilmielf An sdm lhaved in even moro ertiAordinaiy of Uie Prealdei<Mhim.-lo.ward Sea. Ouy Olllette, j>ei.ttnLoUhfl-UniBiJBIowa..’ ' v u ipparenUy not en

When he had word th a l tb e Preil- . . • dent Intended to Ignore.his rettia*mendaUon. Gillette w ent to see m Triimaa. The Preiident told hlqi he

f l ^ U o n Uie lenator .ubsequenlty. . ha i made a naUonaJ 1

At one point two year, ago, Preil- , ‘5 i e f w T ^ d ] dent T rum in could have come to a ^ ^jtcted cover reaionablo compromiao wlUi most f"?. , ^ 5» q ^ , Of Uie .aouUiera Democrats. Sen. ['//Yea Richard Russell. OeorglA, was pre- jJ ia “ pared to accept a fa ir anployment ^ ^ " ^ S a r y lob o pracUcea act largely educaUonal and 5^.“ „cncy- and voluntary In nature. ,j . . .(,,g j j j jjaa dto ti

Rep. Brooks Hayes, A r ^ , ene lS?e i^lmlnlstra“ r ! ^ ^ of Uie-m ost able membem -of^tho-jomethlng of tk nirpi

of the efficacy of lucb a measure.Many southerner* would have gone, —along wlUi Ruuell fo r a blU ^lUioul crlaUnal penalties fo r violatingitandards. ____________ __ ________________

Trumaa would have n'one“ bf~lC'Al a reiull, even th is f ln t cautioui ezperlmenUl. itep h a i nol been Mtakea asd the party In power hai m m mabandoned even Uie pretenie of Uy- M B SIng to put over a fa ir employment m ■ ■

But the Illlnol! Judgeihlps Afford a-mere-publle-and-eooflplcuous-ex- ample of the presldenUal ta lent for running smack tnto a itono waU.

A g n e s D e M l U e _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C o m p a r e B l u e B o n n e t — G R A I - U k e s l t B e s U

— " Foncy S a a d le t i ,^

Sa lm on C o lo red

Iltrc 'i a helpful Idea from Acnea D« I C k ^ ^ \ Mlllc. Compare B lu b BoNNCT Mar* L b C i V i ^ ^ garine with any spread a t ann the noted cbort»t^pher. you'll _ _ - ______love Iho delicate, sunny-*weet,;1apt>r f® ,"*/, , ,of thb fine-quality oli reffrfolil* mar* Full 0 J u ic e „ L b .girine. You’ll app recia te Bt.UBDoMKKt'a tiulriifeiv. N o other apitadfor bread is richer in Vitamin A th*year aroundl And you’ll weleome ita A A .real rconomv. So buy B lu c Bo.vnct A A I m r A

'a nd gel "all 3"-.FU vorl Nulritioai S W . » l l m #~Eeeiiam-e-eI__________

;t t u n a ^3"T0“1 BEST MEAH H j j r Roast Cut—I


ISTESrn d s o f T a s te T e s ts ~ z : z z z :I kl 24 -ciiiw ind tcrwns ffoin_ ____r a o n - o f c h ^ c h '^ ro u p T a n d - ' ) Ie d tR e 3 ,n a tio n iily id v e f t!^ • V A | - | \ - A | a then mide idcniicai compari_____V

independent Certified I>ublics e unbiivd Jide-by.$ide i .« e 1rpera preferred Sof-KiK 3 to I ' ‘ tik s t y ie

r ^ A L L I N g i Y l g f f l ^ ?

1 q H I L D a S 3He P rtild ra t But" U to !

'm aa ~ ito e i"B o rra in o r CT, won U» verdict. - they bave a n u a In Uu

, * a t Springfield wbp quAllConfirmation of tb e 'KTnnan way.

B tnm eescanbehelduplndelinltely. Douglai laya, with e ittiog in a key poaltloa as chair- tioo of meaning it, b* diag -o f-U ie aenAU-JudlclAry-:«»n- tobaA-CAndldAte---------ilttee l l SenAtor P a t BlcCArrAn. Moreoier, tbere la a evada. one of Uie President's most Uon a* to wbetber ezpa itttf ’ rinitglM anrf tS f. .tw .tii tl m. arttlA frmiil'•rran have a lm o atn o tb ln g ln com. president. T rum an ta ion', yet UUs action tend* to Utrow leaAta and. when he 1 leo—tegsUiet— and-Ltberaby—to WbUa-Bouaa,4t-wts-«ld xengUien Uie aUianct* .against Uie t t a t on Uie score of r t mite House. congreaa he would b t at-What makes this- ba rtle r to tm- eppodte ha* pro« OTtand U Uiat Uie aenator from Unoli tried ia hi* own lomewhAt “l>J® “ e .P r o o i t stag uak trtih -fa sh ton -to -m ake-peaeo1th the Preiident. A few days be- tcoyrrwt.^ W ^ in acOoR tlnally cam e on U « two ' .Mlgeshipi. a* reportB 'w ere ip read- r t • ' n i

Classei Blame Suc(

jrter of Uie P resident a t least SO OAREY, July 9S—H Uie U fliB JS l^ tjf_ I)^ctP t sw im m lng^course-coou ippAreoUy not enough, BlAlne county children

• • • eesi, Mrs. WorUi p d n W hit ll leldom m lU e d l*"Uialrumsn carried nUnoU la 1MB toaW yiiBki to Uie presence on Uia Ucket 'HiH H an Increaw of l

kckgrotmd of tbe crudities aod Clasiea held i ,mipUon-of-Uio.mAchlaA-of for- Kelchum.. M r t .m e d g er Oov. Dwlgbt d re e n . Ono of eloded two for Iwginne lese candidate* waa Douglas, who intermediate* and oae fi IS made a naUona] reputaUon for puplii. A t Hailey durlaj mjcU In the senat« in three yeara. noon*. HUllanJ Initr The olher waa A dlal Stevemon. clasiei for beginnen, ( Id ww elected governor by a m a- (ennedlaCe* and ooe fo rlty of-Qver 500.000 wbUe Trum aa swlmmen.I lea Uian 35,000. I n tbo face of Approximate earoMmei eat handicaps. Stevenson has done from 'ISellerae, lOO from I extraordinary Job o f restoring or- Sun Valley. M from C r, decency and grea ter economy In from O anoelt and 16 fne Itate. He bas proTcd himself aa —__le sdmlnlstralor, w b lc b .h u been ..Only-A-UfUi.oI Qreak methlng of,,.a «urpriflo.» uses.:

------------------- P R IC SS-IFflC tlV ^TH U R SD A Y —

GRAPES-Foncy Soad le ii, 2 5 c O R A N vGood E o H n g . . . . l b . i " W W ■ ■


17c 5!!?®C ^ t a l o u p e

5c SfrowIiEllp e C e n t e r s ...........Ib.

L E M O N S I H u n ts E ib c r ta H i

i » . . ^ ^ l 2 c jPEACHt


I^R K lStB lA fi?EST MEAT VALUES IN TO!nd R o a s t C u t— LOIN

PORKHOASMb. .ss;ood*Q uality— S lic e d -------------------------------------------------

lACOW- . n I M ^V-8t-Choicft -Rib-=i:irT=^r -— -----:= r= J = = ------------

rrEAlTTTTTlb; 8 4INK--------- • ------- ------------------------- ------------ --

a u ^ ; . . l l i . 5 9

A .R v: A 'ra. IJ

cneif Um Baaapmta^uTr^^^^^^lOtaBA affalra

renioa'S perlonaAnea hAi been - lAdowML -tltst, becaoie, i t wai o f * t t * i ^ ' * ^ ’ second, be- i* t* ttraglA*. B ut U U u Dem oost* dadctl^ ^ H Are for K l A hlrpraal.

u r e a m aa In U u state b ^ r in g lle ld w b p iiU A llf lM ia ^

iglai lay i. wltb every inrti>.f|-f Buanlng it, b* does not w ta t

ooier. tbere la a large onea- a to atN trtm w fa t o

lent. T rum an w r e d la tba I and. wbea be w ent to the J eui e. I t waa-wldely-aawmeB>n the acore of relaUoni wlUi tu he would b t a t h is beet. Mopposite has proved true and

sraUon baa cooUaued iteadlly i S. , ' a“SftS"of raoTlo,-b

im Classes fo r SS!U"S laine Successful Si r r , Jl* . M - m , Itel C na H nti.cour8e-cQ nductM _lor., county children was a auc- t e T r S S Wn. WorUi pdredge . c^areyJnM*-leaderrreporta.-Approx.- c^-irtnl:y 3 « children- were enrolled. Uie» f o n n ^J an increaso of loO over the nw ltoenU Bob HUUard c ^

'ta ^ ‘ monilng“ 'a t S f t o S l S i J ^ .H d r e d g e - aald,- In- for

two for beginners, ons for ledlate* and oae fo r advanced L l t i

A t Hailey during Uie afte r- OOODDf?H U l ^ Initructed five c en ie ih a lS ;

; for beginnen, one for In - county cleA Hates and one for advanced DUlon, ^

-oxlmate enroUments were 30 e ^ ^ ^ *Sellenie, lOO from' K etchum- Qoodlng* a a 'alley, U from Carey, e ight and Arleaa-llanoelt and 78 froin Hailey. ____

---------------------------- TtieO raodla-3i7-nlia*

ft te t*

ithursday- ^ f^ id^ ^ T s^ r^ H

la w s w e e t i e o r . c aa _

IRANOEJiil^f iJj

Ineappl^JuiceSillciouB' tatrdn Qtrj'ar

trawherry Jam Jm ta E ib crta Ha1vcs->No. 2 /* cana^jffi^H



b r 4 9 C ' ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 *

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'OOOA'ra. l A s r - i -^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (5)

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- \ CHROME BRI-M S U lA «M iei»» .50

. ■ O iM B M H t tv — « on ti eboIr>; l a htr* e t 9 e.m.

M endrMllrMndoIlsra.

TpTcSi■— -W S U ttirfW C I-t8 » ;— —■ ----- *-fflmpBrKnthifrprodt

' ■ f in tt l . Rountf«xtthiloni -; ■ gM tnorytllow .

- J - —More Chi■ REGUUR PR IC 1149.0 ■ . W he» a cfionc* to • o r a . '

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D o u b l e - P l a t e -

I M I R R O R SI — 9 ”-I

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I F i r e p l a c e

1 - H o n d I r o n s

: I E n t i r e S t o c k

L a m p S h a d e s

I I H O f f

i c a r p e t ”M REMNANTS and


■ I ^ OiffI D O W N ■ D C

H = $ 2 0 , t ) 0 (— | ------------------- AXXll

- I - - ^ T _ S i


H Cream u d gra^ leaf pa ~ _ M daring th li qnicK D i ^

hony l

_ | - F E R V A K Q U A I

; SJAXXSmS-:. RE : • ■ F aB i6 tts 'A S in IaB U r« ^

------ U t h e l im ^ .c a r p e t y o u r 1

I I B E A U V A I S a n d

“ ■ - ( ' r r a r r s ’K ^ s ^ i t E t I I ^ 9 - I x tle r qnalltr AzmJ■ I lM i f < n i8 .1 l> A o M f r o iQ l i

e -w n i tE J C o u c a n i . ^

IE BREAKFAST SETSI I C I W .5 0 ^ --------------> p « . .c e n t r f l t t l n g r * d A X a e t 9 o .m . to m o r ro w - I l r■ dollar*.

CHROME SETaxtthilonfobU — M M W

s Chrom e Sets__IC II4 » .0 0 A i | . S 7• t o a o r a . G ra y te p U A iro n r fy a f te w e h a fr* . ■

ly ' ; I TIME IS SHimps — ■8 ” Bedi

* — 3-Pc. WALNU PS Regular Sellin- I ' M - -

I .............. bed In this well constn


«bp|_ _ _ S mP_1ECE_JM . 9 9 b l e a c h e d M j

^ 97.1_______ Bed— che8LT=J»nWsL=

t o t o benchl This & the m I<iRS waJtinsfor! ,

! F i .1 .99 Mr, & Mrs. i4 5 Pc. Bedroom■ Suite™ '■■■ ' ! ALL MAHOGANY i c e REGULAR 929.00


□ d e s MEDRQOM 11 SUITEft m. & MRS.B REGULAB 7S5.00

TZ\ 448"i ^ S _________H«nd_auried_wopd_pn_mm mirror and bedl W hat

i # # a savlni herel


O O O C A R P E t-A X ia m S T E R S ^ W ILTO NS^


rER BROADLOOM“J J /C E 8SSy leaf pattern—lOOfe all wool! Whai licK Disposal Salfr-^ur loss is your

QUALITY BROAPLOCK::- R F a m A R .B S S f« r< P ^ddIgh iru i patterns t o l ^ o ^ ' f p e t TOUT home.__________________ ^

Sand CARILLON Qualilr ^ R E G u n m n a s -------- ^ “lity A zm insters so on tMt_ S ix Ii » ftrom lie re —be early for be«i iielect

F f s o o


droom ikLNUT SUITE Selling 129.00 . . . . .t^ f f o r iM o - ii i l i r t ir p ti i r l lk r i l ia i t -T i >11 constnicted luite. a t such a drastic Ion

iR PRICE 1S7 JO ---------------REGI


7.94 3ij»nltsL=^nliejj(4nd,and. _B*4r<htitrr I the u t e yoa have been tare i»r(miu

% lonf Ufflil


5-Pc! OilREG. PRICE m S i

M«I>lo-«Ue est«iuloB toble! N for » tear, *80* Um# h*T« yi

—----------------- •een-hiinUare-imlnwaUM-theiVit B ut Rdace oor ttoek

MADE «>«» '

DUR-OAKCI I . RES U R PRICE 169.S0_.: "Dur ok"—Ookbeautyi" .aYcn elgarattt bum proof. S

IRS. ■ ■ •

r FINEST DlRIGUUR p m c i 199.50


rO N S ^V E L V E T S ---------- -----------


Aol! W h a t barealns # 7 7is y o u r gain—« ^

DLOOM . . .======5 N^c h o ^ froml 'Now ' 'm " ^ y j ’

11.77lot S ix lovely I I vil ' ii-B eI«tIons!— H ’ l -

V-i - . - .

THnRSDAT, JU E T M . w n ' T IM E S-N E W S," T W I N 7 A I X S . •* *’ " ’ - ' '


im oiisssisi__ ^kZ^TU^mifOrHlGHtSrQU^^I S u i t e s niRNITURE AT MEPtY CUT I^^^ SaleStarts CARPETIHG AT DRASTIC tfiW PKKB! TWr J

J H WelimwBoeholee—We»uittmleonr4U«ew*«J>o^fl*«WtaJ«««B»l^»yflrfTcuna»)tothertort«»ttl»e \ M BBOBT OF CASB — Don'lleiUut k«|{ ,ei fr«m »h»ri« In thb price cntUnf etenL Read how 7oti n tr l«ke •4na< ■ 3 P I E C Em m ^ J£ M BOMlbUI We (liBDir ue erentocked—barlBi eoBUnllled larnr ^ nach BterdundlM (kiiUelMUttc M laeretM ta W BV Ure ot theM tcBuUesiJ efftn bf ptriof oalr 55« downl.

.. FRIDAY Regulardraallc low p r ic ^ A c t quieklyl FORCEDTOiVACA E FOUR WAREHOUSES! jMHiHHillBUSriREDUOTyG^^^^^^ —|

S 7 0 0 0 0 S tock a t G iaan tic Savinas Now! niL O V E L r S-PIECE SU ITE ^ ' ~ — ---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------— ------------------- y — -------------------- ,

2 3 7 .9 4 H u r r y f o r Y o u r S h a r e o f th e T e r t i f i c V a lu e s!! . . .J jB *4^utr^ltenlle-rt»na= iw i?hLT:iu?Ji_ _________ ______________V - . , T -------- hftvn been cot

ftionftimii 10 A.M. SPECIAL I j 10 A.M. SPECIAL ; 1 | 10 A.M. SPECIAL | | 10 A.M. SPECIAI Itij aciioni

_ ^ ^ 0 t ^ ^ C ™ ^ 0 ^ g ^ ^ ^ L ^ ^ ’' j ^ _ _ _ M A T T R E S S E S U B E D S P R I N G S . M L A M P T A B L E S U T A B L E L A M P NOW l S T H E r i M E r p ^ , _

-tovelrStudnrCoHch- - I =Fi^ JScasi<mdLCIiMr_:RMS IF DESIRED! ------ ' * .... ----1 I ^ IO-” ^; SHATTER ALL RECORDS! ^ I— ■ I ~ . * TERRIF

“ --M . HI : p e o p l e O F t h e v a l l e y — n S / i t E ^ I S C A V S E - F O R E X C I T E M S N T ^ U - ’U K K t m K m K t K ^ i l l l g l t l i K t t l ^ niKIII' n i f l g f t f i S f i t i H PRICES SLASHED FOR ACTION! ; ■ ALL PRICES DEEPLY SLASHED NOW! I ^ I . I - ^ I I

rdtf.ut%^ O a S Beautiful Love Seat i 3 " P C . SECTIONAL SU ITE I New Occasional Choirs- - M G U L A R - S E L - t . N G - P R l G E - 1 5 5 ^ ------------------------------------ ^ ~ ~

Btfynowl________ - ! W hat a sensational buyl Al! wool friere cover—lovely green color! Be here when M * 0 0 H ______________ u r w ^ «open tomorrow to share In th is p r l« alashing event—but hurry for best ^ ^

l - P c . SOFA .n d CHAIR |32.Pc. SECTIONAL S U f f E l T f ^ " " ” ; ” I S jS'rTsS/.' Ji;” 114 U Hdstic Cover Sofa Bed ' fid-®* -Fine''Occasion0 l Rockers -__________ i j R K U U R PRICE 168.73 ___ IO T ■ 5 ™ E tlr.

R*d,Grtenond6elgetoehoo»efroni W O T .- ________________ . ■ „Kallyaraanonddarkgfe«(i,Entlra»toek A M ■■— -


rAbM uH fuliM tom n___---------------------M ■ ■ ■ . , , 4 ■ ■ ' - I I L j I ! X . .• - B l f “ " [ J W » l f A „ : I I 2C «iW on I J Ux„,l«,. M Fcam R M „ IJ CW ny W«>J lj C B JK rW iS a U ~ , " 7 , ' ^ r ;

2 - P c . S e c t i o n a l ■ 3 - P c . S e c t i o n a l ■ L O V E S E A T ■ L O V E S E A T T U B C H A I R S ■ S T E P T A B L E S ■ L A M P T A B L E S ■ C o c k t o i l T a b l M


---------- "S -” ' “ ^Pc. OCCASIONAL TABLE si r . CHAIR and OTn OMAN.~ -S-5ofaand-Chalr-liV-ING-ROOM-50ITE-

R<« . green . Taupe tebU end two motcMng hmp tabic,! 0 4 - : H ---------- ------- ' “ ^ -moMepoattiretongar.Sovajiow. . ____________C e d g r - C h c SH R E G U L A R S E L L IN G P R IC E 4 « 9 . 5 0 O ” T f i f t ' Re g u l a r 5U i# / . ■• ., Pebple.ofMajrlcValley—#eldom doyoaB w m d8«.oflh I*hItrhaqualItyat M m * 0 0 - __________^ ^ 9 4

sale priccs! Now Is your chance to really beautify your home a t Kigantlc M . . MSo.Yd., Rftvinim—lint hurrv i ■ f f * t

' . m C E CUTTING m v^r .......M ~ ' ---------------------------------------- - ------------- ------------------------------- -------------............................................. k e V E R b e f o r e s u c n j ABGM NS2_ — - y

« = - - 5 S S 1 - - °«»sM«a oHip^ I p l a t fo r m rock ers I. * B ■ , , • Fomou» P*tmoIux Q u a llh r^ t iu a ^ . : . ........ ' Ti I iiiifirTnTTr*'-* ------- ~"s,.Yi ■ • B r o a d i o o m . v 4 7 ^

i l i t = S W T B S f l B ^ ™1920 KIMBERLY ROAD PHONE 1555 TWIN FALLS,

COpen 9 ArMr^Fri



i r T ( 8 n V l r r B ^i?CE WALNUT SUITI” jular Selling 137.50 . . .lins Uke these won’t last lonff.*Coine !n ai rgalns a t unheard of low prices! Act Qt

IEGULA& P B I C E - W M ^ --------


1 6 8 . 9 4 —yoo can save {150.00! AU prices £ been cut to the bone for faat buy* «cllon!'-'-------- -- --------------------- r ^



sr"-i:0 8 ';E 359.50 . . . - B J FBt D»onibeck(T iiajOllr-nodem stytel We Bl Urce unount of oor rtock U the thortcd Um i Are BMit

e ^ h ^ Mahogany SJU R PRICE 395.00 A j jrtopchlnocobinatvextantlontflbla, # £ j ed chain. Credit term i arranged. M T ^

Pc. Gray W alnut SJU R PRICE 549.00rt, eitention tobla, 4 ilda choir*, 2 j X :hoIrt. Como In ond tea thaie lupar W>1. • . '______________ ________

rspring l l LAWN Lounge ■ ARM CHA3 4 “ H ^ r :

- | ____BAkG Ai

'ftr- M«mi194

Famous Er - ^REGULAR !

■t (hts sennUonall B*Te«r G sa ru tM l

A^^S 1—--B6x-S-Chesl - — InnersBTAR-59I0-'----------^ 4 - : - : : ^ - I W a u U R p m c i

t s l e e p s . Firm,«(sturdy, save on til imoQs Lane - - -

.. ; ■ ■

Ar^Friday “

\ m A R SUU?I f lL = r H = J = yaU LAR

I I I - YouVdi^i• Buy nowar

L # # ^“ n i c u t x i r

----------------------------- -O ropJaata

I' num ber pri


B^ R o ^ S u i!

Come !n a t 9 a.m. tomorrow and see the hi ts! Act Quickly!

i _ l - ^ MGV L A J ^ J UC K m


------287^94rices Llben) credit te rn s can be « buy* —Let nothing keep yoa away ti — = ^ e f w t t l o y ^ ^ t ! ~ ■P A R I C I N G ^ f t ^BARGAINS!__

t S U I T E D E S I. ^ , REGULAR

34'>1.1 w . mM m — Walnut finUh •ho rtcd time poMlblel .agalnyoasavf

any S|uite~ -ymtmmA i | i V . < S B lm h r f M i

ble, 247' D E S i. REGULAR

lUt Suite gymAa z7 ^ J L

_______• ______ quickly—qolcli~ia necesary?



i d f f r e s s e s or Ekious E n g la n d e r F e a f h e r e'ULAR PRICE m o ----------- - - -UUMo-ttlak ot bvtae ibac fMmou •prtBgw u I senntlonaUr lew priH l Ber« yotfH re tU r l u G sa ru tM l

^ i ^ S p r i h g a n d — - ^ in e rs p r in g M a t t r e s s------ ORTHOPEDIC ^U R PRICE 119.S0 0 0 . 7 7 Rlir guaran tee. Motched X j C 2(M t.Flrm ,«tralglit, W W wl( save on th e bett. Y<

/ ' ______' • "~: 0.' .

- S A V E W H I L E ^ W W ^

Chrome Kitchen S<RESUUR PRldl 139.S0 MIcQlItetopfltatainbaoHtlhil X I longer. Your choice ef lorely ihodei W J of blue, green and yellow. Seve now.

5>Pc. Chrome SetRIQULARPRIC1 169.50 ■ ■ ■

Yeur choice of yellow e r r ^ I I # Buy now and love.

Chrome Utility Tai" n i c u c x i r p R i c r s T i s o ----------j n- O r o p J a a £ a ty i a , . e u r J o t f e i t i t l l / n g _ A £

n u m b e r p r ic e d to M il e u t qu ick ly . ^ '

VE! B u H e r f I

- . ' L A M P T A

Suites R ^ A> 7 - ’ 4 3 H

^ C o c k t a i l 7id see th e h andreds

_ _

•R icE -fiiSM Z -[SUITE l i S v l P T A.Y WALNUT i r .

r ; 9 4 —

~lii01lip Tol

■ ■ L s s ^ l



* 4 . 8 6 , 1 4 " W a l l_ J M C S I k

alnnt fin lsh i H ere ' 1a ln y o n save p len ty I . • I


llesched M ahosany B O O K d

DESK R .. jREGULAR 167.60 ^

9 7 ^ 4 - P e . C o i

Iced to seU . o a t . B O O K _ C i Ickly— qolck action _ ,

A I S E U W N L j F o l d i n

L O U N G E ■ C a m p C l

■_,,„24” n s ^ „


o r Box S p r i n g

i a t h e r e s t

10* gprtBtw and mllrmet 'itfU m llr luTB to ^wirtyl

■— B O X - S P R l N G T S h

s F O A M M A T T R B. - - -- — R J Z S iT m iC W O N D E ^

, .7 7 REGUUR 169.00 i .« |f W , 2 0 yearguoran(H.Mede 1 ^' with flenulne latex foaou

Yoarchooeetobvytb^bett*^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (6)

illHI Euf flUdQMn. fmUatl et Ui« GoaM l «0B »ca left, ptMM ft new is f t t r embleiH : SU nter Pm c , rlflil. Im U o a Thq plic:U l e( m UoiuI farm Hrtljr week. (BUff pB

B - Worker Surplus ™ ~ — Expected in T. F7 iiHfiiU A turp]iu o( workers la thfl Twin nc» f fl lH ?aUs ftrta ts cxptctM In .the.nex t no i K t C ~ 'montH;.'iWiorflingto Uifliattao »m- - b 1K(K| "/Ploymeat buUeUn'Utued W ednudijr. '»dd ,B n |J Bowarer. ret^U trsda help, reaUu- dwi K |N ran t workers and mechuiles wUl be addK q — um eBunc---------------------------------- oH fK At other M a^s Valle; em ploy m 1 l y i b m a t ottSeeti ttachm, U iwrtrs and Jatc H H - irrliato rs t r o needed In Ooodlng dwe H M and WendeU. Jeroma lists a short- Lou In t i] ac« of lrrlgaton . housekeepers, autoB f fn ' --- TTItfh tTllfT _________ JUE4H f i j • e u rre? of job openlnj* thrm ijb- — n l U out tb s stat« Bbowi a drop In de*BH fi . m and for asricultural workers dur- 1 (9 3 ^ openings InB f n lumbering," mUceDaneoui tnanufae*K h - . tm lng.' u tm H es-and-T ttaH -tradB — ■ i |if . mora than m ade up lor the agrlcul*■ l y __,-turaUetteisB,____________ ——H h Total Job openlnsi tor the week I 1 ending Juljr 31 were u : t In the I [j| sUU, an incrsase of M orer lUtlnsi I j for tho prevloxu week,

I j Toyojiro Yoshida ^ Paid Final HonorH H Funeral services for Tofollro Yo*l [ M ihlda, re&ldent ot Twin FaUs tloeoU n 19U. were beld ‘ITiundiy momlngI m a t tbe White mortuary chipel. TheH n IKr. Donald'D.* SLsckiUme oftlcl*■Kl ated.B S '^ ------- Bal6l»l~aM “ or4#Iilsl~»M''MrsT “H B B. B. Rhodes.M s 6tcme Ogasawara, Bhlg Ogasa*|§ B wara, Oeorge Bemba, M. Semba, IImH Bob Joo and Klahiro Joo paU* ■|[ W bearers.

cemetery. _________ ____

{{{m Oaliromla produce* more c l tm n | fru it tb an anjr other lUte In them U.fl. ________________ L

i a u g u s t


SprinkierIiam*8 Only Rival

...........Thfi only osclllfttlon sprinklert h a t opern tcs on nil w ater p ressu res from 3 to 100 lbs',

. T h is could m ean life to n g rea t • m any T w in Falls lauTis.

Equipped--w ith 4 " 'w atcr mo­to r a n d speed control o f oscil-

' la tio n a lo n g w ith depth of sp read , ( 6 to 60 foot), th is M -F sp rin k le r will do tho job

. m ore . qu ick ly and w ith . a ^ h o l » 4 o t -4og ^ wMori-^Wift-iflTw - ■ shaped sp ra y Is absorbed . quickly, leav es no puddles.


. 1.15 Size 119 S ^ ■— ■

i f lBOMB I V I

f e t y : B r i Y ^ c c e i v e ^ u l > l

a t of Uie Ooadlof d u m b e r ef Ccaaercc Mai ■ mea r ss f ttr emblem on (he antomoblle of Charles Sami, eei I o a Thi) p lic ln t ef emblems on aotttmoblles Is a part eek. (Btaff pBete^tngratlnf)_____________________

us Permits Asked __0AS1

1O 7 v i ' ' S s ? a , - ' £ , ‘ r ? f c E r S !the Twin Franlc Domlck and Hay-.tho .ncxt ao n d Oaunlca., ,daho em* ~-DomlclclnUudatobuUd'arOxStool n t fednejday. -addlUon to hls-fram e.-one-fam lly ;• U I IJ. rejtau- dwelling a t 418 Canyon drive. H ie ' _es will be addition will be used lo r a bathroom.------------------O cam lcnak i' pgrmlglm rtolnitB U- T w y ®

employ* m shower and convert attlo .space nSSIn!orers and la to a bedm»n a t iilB ODe-ttaiiyOoodlng dwelling a l Ml Second avenue east.a short- Lou HendrUt Is h is contractor, • 'f "* ;* "

« rs. auto ---------------------------- ^ • ^ 1.,*-------------9KAD .m na.nswB w a n t a d s . *throujb- ip In de* leers dur-

C o r o n e t G am e rIll-trad e ^--------------------------—------------- ^ ........

_ Proudly Presithe week .............................................. —9 In the ■irlU tinj* J

Ida J d jCionor —ollro Yo*fS CAMERAS AND Efipel. ‘Hie - -le oftlcl* appointed

ras-MrsT * T f* g lo n ^ a IIe y 's ‘T f t n c h I ^ ~ : ^ S |. o g m . Precision! Semba, Equipment. Coma In today and'cre paU* («q the wwId'B'flneat cameras, f l U

G o r o n e t C a m e n115 Morn A v«. W ert —

A Hereii^ ^(SE P T E M B E R b

-C ra ftw a :

" ^ R O L L E R

* 7" Lambs Wool R(l 6 | r ^ _ a 7 P u r e l C j u n e j e H b i livd Bfiale Brush

' • Seamless'Steel P(100 lb s:

0 n g r e a t with— iU t o r scm l-ilou palat.

n t c r 'm o - ' or w ater t h l ^ r f P*lni.“ 'lo f o sc il- Um) on — p»pe«d walls, sloecs.

le p th o f »tonf. brlek, cemcnt o r wood. .e t ) , t h i s " amoeth snrfaees.1 t h o jo b ...................... ...with a ___________ _______ ,

— T?ifar“ Cnrttuuy- nn ie n a n r u i T Mg w r l ^ o r b e d efficient pa in t appllcatoil th

T T p 'p n ^ permits the correct-am ount of ps U t b U ffUer. r ro m ^ .f f f lm ^ |{ t ,o a f le a g n ioM

I "No -«waks -or runiiy plnccs. -And fail,brush for casings nnd sills.


•' ■ TI

“srPubBcity ^■ ■ H B i S R e H E ^ ^ n | | | E 9 'But

K A ICLI A 4e da red last tifxasoofx ^ foreign

t . - ; ' ? p ro c w haj . world thal

are eoloMl T his asu

*n t SecreU 'Birre'it'Tn-

PubUo affa y ^ U L C

R ,P U h . 'd


rre« u d ■ meabn- et ihe Geedlag 8a /r ty ’ iharles Sami, center, while SUte Patrolman 'oblles U a part ot the eeunclfi obeervaUoa_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' .V I

d ATTENO BEUNION ‘. .. _.OASILEFORD.,July SO rrM r-.aiid___ _

Ura. Robert LaPray and son have r X n retufned'trom Salt La»e-Clty whero - - - I — • a they aUended a famUy reunion. .

"01dit40,50,60r !i ^ “ -M an, You're Crazy 1'’S p S f ' S S ' M S I f f i w S ' ■

■X . • I,BM tolv. •> n«ilM4 «U|r S IAt >11 iivi tttm «T.rrw'hinlJa T*U I

■ .r«. ' W I

Camero Center gf^y^Presents; „ I

^ : ® | n

^ S £ S ^ i dAND EQUIPMENT |

-amera Center " L 'tt .P h o n « 2 2 1 2 . | h |

— .. ■»■■' m f

e r e i s t h e [ m'

OQIi^ ; I%ftway”p a in t

LER KIT Ms Wool Roller ~ |i i ^ e l H o g I . I Z . 3 - T Z I - Z W

ush “ “Steel Paint Pan |

■ VR E ^ X 3 5 tIl

Inoed paint. C ' 1 ff

^ o r - S . - # _ • * » S Iiortaee*. i U

n t appUcatoil that a ll can um_ The": -amount of paint 'to saturate 'the ■■fl fT.» ettxr moUon. Just let 'rr. mil__ ___i c « ^ ~ A n d < a s l , t o ^ ‘" K i r i n c i u d « V 'lls. - • | — V c

■ I 10-

GElsU............E S -

...... ..........} ■

. I FT I I I


^ K i i i i f e o p a p n d a i : 1 —

! Expenses Heavy,-:■ - B n t N o t E f f e c t i v e

HAMttTON, N. Y , July M W >- day.A sta te department spokesman de* *dared Ust nlghl Ruula Is spending ‘ tlfiOOfiOOflOO to t i fM W /X C a y ^on foreign P«P«8»'5 * S " ly moved a balproceas h u convlneM niuen 01 tne howltae

(:■: . world tha t “Sorlet propsgandlsU U,e CWi are colow l lU n." - t h e i r sun b a t

a T his asoertion came Irom Assist* jqom. a n t SecreUry of Bulc Edward W. high explosive*

B iJ te t fT n " t- ip « i3 r -a t-» -fo re l^ - -iw i.— ---------policy conference a t Collate uni- __________ ___

i t ; Terslty. Barrett Is the departmenfi^ ’■1 pubUo affairs director and chief .of could beat Rusi

-'T erlierr'BenrW sliacc-P.-Benniltr perllad-by-atale. 3^ B , n u h , deelared.lhe United BUtes to "win tho heaj

I T H U R S D A Y , F R I D A '


~ Camay So<*nd 1 _ - _REGULAR_CAKES A TSA V W G S.dIrAvelere -— . —



1 9 8 c S U Nk f i t a f t j j i G L A S S E S

FemtJ ■ C Q c | n j H r r u . S i t e . D U

t ^ flicfiinlHmlaul.C h i l d r e n ' s

«-• Ilm m f f if l f f i lTi] H o m e W a v e■" ^ 1, ^ 75

W 23e ^ eur/e«. . I

■ ■ U Z I P P E R E D ~ ; 7 ^ C A R R Y A L L -

S a n d - a i SI A D H E S I V E I i B A N D A G E S I

A ;iBltiry frotielioB J « , 5 f f J L vira latirsilly J .B ria r P IP E

- L 3 9 ^ t e t e r . - * '

[ | | | n [ | | H 25c l i t o LIGHTEI IHIIIIIIIIlllll 8-ounco c a n sviih

I ^ G /aibjjte

I 10; OVEN KldROr ■ cR E A ftI W /lfi (Afl (eupan t= M _

l I 6 « ° f Q Q < =- g g j — (LlmiiEl-------

H N F A L L S . - I D A H O . : -------- : . _

■ f ~ ~ S n r p H s B ~ ^

3 ed an unpleasant sorprtte on M A < ^ h p r n= some u n ju sp e cu ^ u a ae 't* ;- —- a i W - U l C L U- d a y . , PORTLAND. JulyL. Per several days the redi sun Bonneville admlalitr*

bathed beside their fbzholes Just u definite tha t a ra* beyond-raJJff* e t sUJed artJJJery. n r will be made In' T hen one American unit «iulet-' ho and Montana-thli“ ly moved a battery of lS5-mllll- Paul. J . Jlaver. Bon;:* meter howltaers weU forward, utrato r, said the ^■* When the Chinese came out for ment had approved

their sun baths, lh e guns let. trac t for a ralnm atoloose. M ore.than 200 rounds o t termlne whether eloihigh explosive* dropped on Uielr feasible In the Idsho

“ ■ ‘aWa:— ------------------------------------ mtHitirles-of-thfr-uF

■» An’ assured wster j>f could beat RussU in. combat but Columbia could sod _ A m e r i c a n , » a t t a of p o g i t J r^ J tr porlltd tiy "tf*" /lopwnmnt f«lliir« Ttnnwyirtll* lUa to "win tho hearts of people." The survey wlU be

r, F R ID A Y , S A T U R D A Y S A L I------------ ^ t 0 2 - M A f h h A V E 7 - N O R T H --------------


y Soap 2 <t1 7kTSAVWGS.(LImIt_4)_____ . < # ■ _ _____■ „ * ..

X PAPER 1 9 ,! 5 - F 0 0 T R O L L S . (Limit z). . ' ■ ^

iP POWDEB O fG E - F O R L E S S . - ( L t a i . 1 ) . . . . i j J

, LIBBEY*S 22K GoU Bind EaScltnllfle ttnr . TUMBLESI l a s s m \ r a R H L

K , ; 6 9 ‘


fllchinlHuiIout.C h i l d r e n ' s Soy a J e t a t n » A f

C0 L0 BH3L Emperor ForTfTrs 'R u b b e iSALAD GLOVE!- r n ir jr fu ^ --------------Z I P P E R E D , BC A R R Y A L L — --------Non-slip^fingeKtguUr ■ 4 39 S S c5 U 9 . . . 1 - X d H H H B H H M H B



p 'p f f E D w S tt;i i 7 . t r K - . A U - a r . " : : , 2 ^ ^

25c U o LIGHTER FLUID ' I Q c cK8-ounco c a n sviih d ispense r to p ....... I V C h o o r ,_______________^ ^ F o r4 to r

■ " I'H.,

M u i t i Aif-Flowi/ W I L D R O O l W p i a s t i c A u t o W

C R E A M I [ V e n t i l a t o r s V

L O I L A 1j C P o i r ^ ^ ^

R a i n i n a k e r s j B l l - y ^ ^ D f l a b l e d : ^

M a l c e l m w f S ^ a > ‘. J J o r t h e r n I d a q q

t definite tha t a wr* « » ^ n g on-the-l6i ^•er WlU be made In northern laa 4 , p j ^lo a n d M o n tan a - th lsy e ^ . ' I j v WMd. established i

P aul.J.Jlaver. BonnerlUe a d ^ ffi^-hou r speed lim itstrator, aald the r i ^ ,» 'W S line for violoent had apcrovrt a ton I t approved anotheract for a riJnmaklng firm to de ^ gjjjermine whether cloud .« « ! '" » “ fiotf*y*ng tn the street*.'

v ttr r supoly for the lai Water Resoun

S : P^ir BranHil ' 3

’ o F G U M . ' J

20'‘'‘' 59*=---------

3 7 < 0 1 1 V E O I L— ------------------------------ R — Ifflpcrodr-J*or.-bottb

D ^ A D HESIV E T A P E^ ■ C Reg.25e. H - in ,b y 5 yds.

. . W ^ b r o M O .S E L T Z E Ri Efcmscenr. i^eguh r size .

; i t Siv< D uring 3 Day !

I / ' (®h. =3' P<C o l f - B

* ■ Power-pa.

■ ID iF ir ______1 SWATTER........ Z

3 1 J HYDROaEN PEROXIDE. ■ ' E~A»iiStptTcrRcgr29c PInf

'IK C M B in JE J ,,! ft,,A,. M e S E T O F 2 3 * I


I C m p -p ro o f rim . ' ^ fo/owl

P > f / l j / n / faucet ■

- - > . , . . i n i ^ , . Y S l . » 9 B a t h : - - P p


23* *t;,79« “-----------------, - i i-i n r - Anti-spljsh hcait:— — -S T <

- B OChildrti

■ p n n R F D 'R U B B E R * 7 7 0 ' ^ i r a S G L O V E S i l ' J g E L M O

— ^ ^ « . « r O O c - ' r r r ? " ' l - 5 5 ----------F R E S iy . l „ . . y O ; { ' ! « « 122 s , J , . 5

' I ' ^ mFASTEETH Powder C f i C

I ^ n J t^o ld s p la tes firm. M ed D T

H ANDBAGVALET I------------------ A 5 5 0 ff« K o luii . ..... ....... : - | \ l C — " - J g

ADDRESS AR " T - I I I1 ' ^ H — .M e m q .B o o lt t_ 10c -V Q !u c ,-r r /C -T - I B

^ 1 formuu-for j e . ' '5 3 1 - - -, BU1JTIFUL-,HAIR « . Blj NG S - Tr..SDS

::2^ ■ r « a s - 8 9 > o ^ ^I r I i _ r i . r i Roofl

C h o o r A ntacid Gum . ^ A CF o r^ to m o c h , hcorlburn.. : I V K J

f f W L IP L IF E -P rcv e n tsL ipstick S m c o r . . . . . ; r . ~ y i ; t V V j lj;

^ C 3 “ 75rcnnen Q uiniono j | A ^ ' | ' ‘a2 J I Foot powder, 4 .« . con.., 4 . y C

f-F low i Pocii; 20 \ — ^ P r f w r

i c A u t o 1 & G 1 L L E T T E W B O X

H i a t o r s I B L U E f M O D I

i f « M b l a d e s»*= " A aoc Ml 3S

': ■ - ■ ' T H D E S D A Y ,- J U L Y 2 8 r l *

[ l i t ^ d e n t ^ o f B n h l

T f f i n e d b y D Mb«ialned for. BUHL, July 3 ^ D e o Strawser

^ ear narrowly miss- w«l<Sent hero for Xt y ean , died i w < » -so in w an y “<*“ he" -^enlr-fottowlng a tm ir-a ttaa -^ In* In tho street. ' P-“ > Wednesday a t h is homa. ■ •.*be circulated a -petl- Bom In Stonlngton. o iw. ' Ing o n ' t h e ' l ^ bo a rd ' M ,'1888 ,'he married AtbmU t speed limit. Cutchen s t Wamtgo, i r . „ . j«j

lard. established a 30* 1611. Tbey-moved to-Bohl In IK MW rpeod l im it- a n d Burvlvors include his wl tttS .f ln e for TloU ton. Buhl; three daughters, Mra. ' t ajyroved another.or* Duckworth, Ban Diego; CaUf,- rhlfih prohlbiu chUdren Mr*. Merle Brown and Mrs. J Ing In the street*. T betf Carlson, both Buhl; a son, aay be lined C 5 . Strawser, Rogerson; a to )

* 7nn lc ;8 traw »errB uw ra’sIfl5r: *■• W ito B o o u n e . » . eorporatlon wllhlii tha *“ 8 « ° ‘«m iaren.

neothi. Raver aald. ■ 'Th® body rests at the.A lber T* ' HIT ' -ftmcral-'bome pendliu~fuu{fir *gS»MgW»-WAKr-AD6r-^rang«tnepCs.---------------------------

Snndsf W Tetspt!ns> extra delicious! ^ * T P N Thrifty, f r* * « « rp<cl( p in t , ■

i-SELTZER K 7 C !i f .R e g u h r s i z e . i l / I |

luring 3 Day Salel | 7 0 u i u i t c * 59c P0.D0 I p M v n n p r <

I 2 ‘or S '^'-^Power-packed! —OflQ— (Umit2).....

CR ” ‘0 - PcHoiE^— r TOILET 1

iilsht Pintle:L f c o ' ‘l { l i i ; [ B A T T E R I E S

n . iiiYU st i T e I 2 f « - i I I , ; ^ ' J

L K hoeW JiitdB O O K S I 5 0r.BoMlt J

Ch!ldrtn‘i i ) C l I - I T C J l4 vo rH « t.L 9 L 1 / J t

ELM O S K IN L M e i f 0 F R E S H E N E R - t r 5 3 ~ : J1 "1 2 5

f e *

I m o w X i e^ . Travel A am FiLM - 2 - ® ® , 2 t 5 9 ‘

a o l . E @ i i S .W l I h” ; M o m - F i i i n i i n a ^

9 c

I ^ boT iW c a sfJ1 MODESS M BOUQUET ]

^ p l c i p ^ T A L C U ^

........... ;___ ' . . : J '

r.-.T O L T 2 I .-M 5 I

nt^of BnM- ledbyDrathly a ^ D e o Strawser, fli,> for 71 y ean , died rad*to g -r tie« ra lla Z k -^ a r i------>day a t h is homa. Stonlngton. Colo, 'Dee.

married AtlMsU' U c*' " wamtgo, K ans. Jan. 4, lored to-Bnhl In 193L

include his widow, tfaughtm , Mrs. I j l a

Ban Diego; CaUf.- and Brown and Ur& John th Buhl: a son, Jim togerson; a brother.« i7 B u w r a ’s I fl5 rU n .------oe. Albright, .Vfc, aod Idren.rests at the,A lbertson .

le pendlng'*

f « m o i u ^ 3 y

- Flavor -------rALQIlEEN'fl [tEAM >a delicious! ^ r pack p in t , ■

2 3 0 ^

V E L O P E S lM jA fi.cow flO B„..K

f 0 ( C £ . r ^


!i 1 8 ' J ,

l o i h l i g h ^

m E R I E S 1

i H I N O I ^ i

ae W h ite ! i!O r.B oH li i | | 1

i i i f r b ^M O H IA TED I

)T H P A S T E i

iir tn liiif I

I' i s t l :

i ^ u r r y i I

i '

SH M ERn> U Q U n |ftL C U M jI_^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (7)

T m jR S D A r , TO L Y ^ , lO S j '

Z g ^ K

m K S w ^ m - i

UBrcn* Opodtar. w t . ^ o « l» l« r «f------------ n B r fr tr e o , to P*el»Inf for Ih.

■ n*Uon •I.AasericM unlT ertlly 'from Fi * . * * *

Gooding G i r l andLeave fo r Girls

OOODINa. July M — L m rene *t Oeodliw. diiub tcr o( M r. and Mrs. of

...............T . H. Ooodlni. Ooodlnff, tind . ^ e n toHurdjlrom. dwghWr of Mr. « id ' I

' • ~~M rirA rgrH utat Uom.-Mo9cow.-leU rei Gooding Wednesday for W oahlnj- ai

. ton. D. 0 , u Idaho representatlvej by

Early O akley Resident D ies s

. . . OAKLEY, July 26—Andrew Qua- ^ U v NeUon, 72, pioneer resident .J

of Uie Oakley area, died a t h ls home >°B . . — a t 8: « a. m. Thursday foUowlnj »*

a Ions iiioelii. ' *?®Mr. Nelioa wa* bom Aug. 39.1879,

a t aranUrllle, T7loh. H e camo to Ml OaUey among the early eetUers and » married Cer* Brackett. Oakley, a t m Solt Lako City on Jaa.-73..ISlZ Jie tne has been a farmer a ll b is life. mil

_________ SurvlvlM,tre.hl3 widow, two gont. offRex Nelson. Gooding; a n d J a m u Ing Nelson, Oiikley: four daughters, Mrs. Clara Monlj, Salt lA ko C ity; Mrs. O Ruth Brever.. Burley: M rs. Rase 1 2 FsJrcftad. OaUey; and LeaJj N el- „ ton, olto Oakley: and four tU teis,

■Mrt. Annie SlmnonA and Mrs. M ary •' ■ U u . Sail Lake .City: M rs. Ju lia I Shaffers. Pretlon; ond another Ole

"nlster whose muTled nam e Is un*. tha known. Sei

Funeral lervlces will be held a t filli S p. m. Monday a t the Oakley LDS L tibcm acle with Bishop ft> rre tt Arli Severe ofllclaUng. B urial will be Bel msde Jn the Oakley ecmet«ry. T he Has

------------body. w lU -r tt t-a t- th e -M c C m iD c h gramortuary In Burley on Saturday ley, and Sundiy aDd'Bt the fom lly home fold Monday unai time of th e funeral, a ili

— ;----- Rites Slated— S!WENDELL, July 29 — Funeral

• aervlces for Loren BrentUnger, 17, •Potlatch, will be held a t a p . m. ^ Saturday i t tbe W eaver m ortuary With the nev. Gerald V. Case offl- d a tiig . Burial wlU be m ade in th e ” , WendnU cemcUry. y . .

The youlh died Tuesday a t the * ,i. Qoodlng tuberculosis hospital fol* lowing an Ulnea of th ree woekt. y Surviving sre h it parents, Mr. and xTnl' Xirs. Leroy BrenUlnger, Potlatch : n a

;■ ta-o broUiert, James a n d ' Boren — Breatllneer. snd one el*t«r, Leona p * Brentllnger, all Potlatch: hU ma> tem al grsodmother. M rs. Addle Clark. Grand Junction. Colo.: and . .

------------K li^ A ltm sl-c n in a ra tb e r ,— O.— O.- —Brentlloge:', Paradise, Calif.

Picnic Planned—RUPERT, July a s -T w o members

of -the Burley Uon’s club. W t ^ e Boren and AfUm MarUndale. Mon­day Invited memben of tha R u­pert Llont club to a tten d a joint picnic, Aug. 3 a t the Burley golf course. _______ _________

tn addlUon to Boren and M arU n­dale. were Emery D dtxloh. PTed Blddaway, Steve Lamoreaux, D . D.

— Balti3n;iind-A7-Rustjid:------------------- —

___ -Observation S e ll 1Arthur E. Karrlt, Tw in F allt, has

been aent to 'Uio a tate hospital, Blackfoot, for otuerratlon. |

H an it hat been held In Twin P a llt cc*nty joU on charges of lewd con- I duct with a minor 'child . Ho v a t ,

______ arrested-te.clty-DollcB Juno 38. He _ jw ni'be held unUrU)b nex t tesalon .

. of district court. f

Peelin' Tough? j Kids Look

--------------— " R D a g h f lr ? - ^ =



DRIVE-IN ^- 2 3 9 2 n d S t. E a r t

l o s i ■

S S . ' , ‘ '

t ; - '

W ' - r ,

, dangbter ef Mr. and h tn . T . H. Coodlar, G t^lng. here iMklng for Uidr D..Cl.B*(|, rtolfc.wtr 'cralty 'from Frldsy'throogh next ThBrtdtr. (Stoff pboto-* * . * * * ' ------------

i r l a n d C o m p a n i o n

r G i r l s ’ N a t i o n Meet* T he ■}— Laurene a t the O lrls' nnUon on the caaps, and Mrs. of Uie American unlvenlty, July it 0 7 / 4 ^m d . ^ e n through Aug. 3. ° " t h ^

Mr. a n d ' The ycungwom en were choMB ti Also”6i»cow .-le(l repreM nt'tha stato a t.the eondwto M ay-B aW ashing- of Olrls' sta te a t Nampa. 8poiu«tl columbli

aen ta tlve j by Uie American Legion auilUwj, Tommie--------------- the-eventa-glve-tho-youlh-ot-Uit eral-sele<, naUon a chance to leara, flnt huid, The arl A v '• the functions o f th e goverament held AusI C Y ----------- M lia.O ciivllngJa.tlieJlnLglrU t -grounds^^ • be named for this honor from Good. GuestsI 1 1 ^ 6 ^ U be H- were Mr

ijcted from fourth dlstrlci of tht pocatelloIrew O u t- Legion. Cr^ed, P• resident Miss Hurdstrom arrived in Good- trolt, - mj, hU home ins Tuesday b^ wat greeted bj Creed afollowing M“y<» Hwley Crippen, Btrl Skid- Wchllalb

------- - more,-pre» Uia.Chaniber tf _______y 38, 1870, Cflmmerce; and commltteei froa T x

camo to both the Legion and the auxillar;. UitUers and ' Eldred Irish, chairman; Mn ElmerJakley, a t Fred fl. Craig ahd Mrt. Ray Albto, nne<..I0 I2 . Be tqemben at the Qlrlt ttaU com- juslife. mlttee, were on hand lo'see'tlie'glrll harMs'otwo sont, off on Uielr trip Wednesday mom- .[th a i

r d 'J a m e i m T ~ -- --------— -----------------------um 5f «Iters, Mrs. ------ . Rousaei

Hagerman School j s s l^ c d '

To Open Sept .4in. Ju lia HAORMAN,' July i i - S u p t , ,o n e - S h

another Oleament prince announced todaj, . U)o ho 10 la un*. that* Hagennan schools will open, <,

Sept. <. All -teaching. poslUons art ] .L ? ,> held a t filled, he said. !kley LDS In the grades Uie teachers tr t i mmmmm

f t i r r e t t Arlene Berry, f ln t grade; Mrs. Edtit m will be Bell. Hagermarr. teeond grade; Mr*. m

tery. T he Hazel ConkUn. Hagerman. Uilid M IcCulloch gradfiU-Mca_JBDe_McE!roj!,L.8tanj m . S aturday ley, fourUi grand; M n . E\-a Pen- 'Illy home fold. Hagerman.' flfUi grade; Lylt \ funeral. Gilmore, Hagerman. tixUi grade and

d principal; Mrt. Lillian MarUn. Q_____ HagcDnan”. scvenUi.gnide;.Mn. ElU _ .

IStfi ' Duncan, eighth grade. ______In Uie high school the teachers

naer W be J , A. H art, Logan. Utah. ' H I U „■ science a n d . maUiemaUct: Rosslya ’• j H T f

_..W , Rocky, OermanCoRTi. O., bond and ^ H i y L musIe:Mia.KaUileen Brown, Hager-

, " i ° i l l man,- com m ercial;-E lvln. Dennli. le in th e phytlcal educa-

Uon.. and F rank L. Steen. Me* ^f l t i M ’8 •woeki The highest pottofflee In the D ^ i ; m . and United States Is a t Climax; Colo, • ' C l l ?otlalch: n j j o (eet, Oppoilu ■I ' Boren ............... —r, LeonahU m a- , ^

Addle . ■llo.: and . . . . . - - • . ■

Lmembers ■

i..”M r ■ - - - 9 -


' Assorted Coll

& ---- J.99' I ^ M ^ - b r a s -

; tesalon 7 ■ W M h BCompleU linse .

= j — . ofttyleiasdtlzct

I? Im ltip l 1.00&1.S0

r • w i iio » D » ri ' ~ hsi^ , - ---------- H O S E -----------------

BllSuge, W denlw • - D arkSeam s ’

, ■ 9 8 ^ ■ ^

s The - -j | ROSANA^

- - ' ______ .. '_____________ T H

t^fcShut? - ~ Parki Chai

.. -1 - : BJ50SHW• arts and PSI■ -^9 9 ^ ' dlscuised at

;■ ' ■ ' ' ' of commccce

t ^ i ,

It, G t^lng. bere rMclvea belp from Karen \ a I Q.-Uh rtoU -w tn-reptoaiM itkho-al-O liti'- r . f l - l ST. (Shft pbota-engraTtngl - ________ - I l ■

,j I Film Shown for if to i Grange Meeting U a S

e e t ’ The Twin Palls Safety council i • ^.......president, Dr. F rank McAtce. and '•Jack Parrar, K TPI, showed a fQm |

JUVII on larm safety Wednesday night I » 'a t the T v in Gi;iinge meeUng. I » l

Also”6h"Uifl'program were Valdadiuiia M ay-B arger-and .C arm en-B arger. ■ _ ___inicrti Columbia. Mo., and JudlUi aad I ^ N o^^1^. Tommie Bodenatab who played t n - I not-U» cral-selooUonaron-the,plM O._ ^ 1thsBd, The annual summer picnic wUlM Inent held Aug. 13 a t . th e O range plcnlo ‘tKSLGood. Guests a t Uie Wednesday meeUngbe were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Klelnkopf. nof tlx pocattUo: Mr. . and Mrs. OrvUle •

Cr^ed, Pller, and Curtis Creed. De-Oood. trolt,-M lcb.. 'M r.'.and Mrs. L T . SSSSm

ted bj Creed and M r/ and. Mrs. H irrySkid- Wchllalb w tre hosts a t-the meeUng. I '

iberjf - •_______ 8

Driver Fined-i; Mn Elmer m ., Rousseau, Twin Palls.Altao, ras fined « S a n d ,$3 costs in Twin ■ ««>• %tls JusUce court ■ VVednetday • on it'Klrll h a r^sl)topera llngT n i« to rvelile le ' ^ - 7 3

,-ith_ft flcUUous reglstraUon. The ‘tS A T . iim of *5'o7;ih(rflne'^*8UspM cr6a:

. Rousseau was chargcd with oper- » n l bearing.license platia --,-r

sslgned'to another vehicle.

4 MEETING SLATED Del• . SHOSHONE,.July 2S-T>The Sho- . P I I

3 ,u p t , lone- Shiners 4-H club wlU'roeet **'’‘**11 . Uio home of Mrs. Fred KohJ. as- - . i ■‘’d i s t a n t leader, M ondayafte rnoon « a tC I

“ I .d a b ln en Aug. «. __________

^EdM '

larUn. Q N A U TO S a n d W >

Relioijee Credi^ ifOpposite T ittea -N en t Pbcme UM

- i T i i i i i r . M (

f P i

ICTIONS f lUNDRESSES— S lro r12-rcr2 0 : - •- --------------- - j ^ N o r U

Asjorted C olors : [ '- /J T O^ _ _ '•r ’i i NorU

—3 .9 9 " ■ ■ ■ “ 7 -jffFA-S u m m e r . J J ? '

Cottonsb r a s - , } ^ . D 0

iompleunnse . 5 * B 8 ^ ^stylet aod tlic t ' C A .

K ) & K S O ^ ^ ^ —S

^ , ' S H Q P


— P a r i a n g s l i a w - -

C h a n g e t o B e

— — A s k e d - o f - G i t y. : EltoSHOME. July 3S — parking

arts and psrUng -Ume IlmlU wero dlscuiscd a t the Bhoshone Chamber or Commecce meeting held Monday

James ' Glenn, Wayne Brunner «nd Leonard Daugherty were named to a special committee to vUlt Uie city council meeting on Aug, 7 and th e r e present' parking changes

— reeommended-by-theehamber.-Theyare aulhorlied to • atk for a city .ordinance requiring a one-hour

curb sides of

— d U U noe-cf-ona -hL xk-from -thc . -C ! -:S 5L ^ «• Qroste drug store. On Monday, adafd.-lg»a»

Tuisdsy. Wednesday. Thursday and Priday Uie limit will be effecUve, according to the proposal, from i p. 1 V 6 C 6 1 V 6 cn. to 8 p. m. and on Saturdays the o h q s h o m e Ji Ume limit wUl be extended to 9 p.

The action came is result of a ' sealed iho IT b(

i discussion or complslnu from cus. camp a t LlghUo

tenners who claim businessmen and camp flr« emblen

employes occupy the parking space the regular Scouin Uie dowi> town area and Inter- high school a t 7:3 fer with convenient shopping. Several other <

_________________ ____ ___Ecnted to Scouts vTha three baslo raw materlsls ol earned them but

the commercial fertilizer Industry them. The next mttte-poltasslum,— phoephorus- and a t-thc high echoolMUottn._________________________ day;____________

g :2.


E ^ T ^ T O \

" t : S ^ S A U C E 6 , ^ ^ ^z 'IT 4 f t

Ier- ' fciF-— “ I n-vr > ' -------- - '■

; ■ Red T a*-N o. 303 CanL O G A N B E R R I E S ........................1 6

. Dt! M ontfl-N o. 3 Cwi» : J f P I N E A P P L E J U I C E .................1 « i„ - i — —— 1 KdUwB-4 or. PKb.

“ r « i c ^ , R ' C E K R I S P I E S I 61' Vwi CMnp-NO. 300 CM

= R E D B E A N Sl O ' ' Aunt D lnnh-13 o*. Can

' J M O L A S S E S ............1 6 (

P f r ’T Z T B I G - 2 6 C - Y A 1 . U E S

VJ' lOA-BoH; i W A X P A P E R .......... ............ ; . 2 6 i

— B f ^ R A I N D R O P S , - p k g r . . ........r.26iM IDA—,8 01.

T O M A T O J U I C E ........................ 2 6 itv Mo, 3 BflUlt

j . A , C A N D I E D Y A M S ............ . . . . . 2 6 i/ Vm Canip-No. 300 C « iI & T A M A L E S . . . . . . . 2 6 c / ~ ~ ~

K ina slir-^Q uw ta / ,5P£C/.# M U S T A R D ............2 « e / • .

M P - I • < 0 (: s M O R E 3 6 c B U Y S L . ^

N .U W W U o». J ir.I i i i S W E E T P I C K L E S __________ 3 « (

U tjbi'-N o. fl J w" S T U F F E D O L I V E S —

RMWUIo-BllMd. Ko. 3 4. j g a j I N E A P P L E 3 6i

---------- 1 7 ^ k u N V j u i c E , . 3 6 (1 SPEC1A.V T M s-P ln l i1 N A L L E Y 'S . ™ . 3 6 (■1 ^OC B'J'er’. Dot—>i Ib. Pkg.

^ — - G H O C O L A T E ^ f o

h " BIG 6 f o r V A L U E !

4 iS f c N o r t h r a C I l « I l * ~ . . . ’ .......................8 > ^ 8T i i T O I L E T T I S S U E ........._ . . . . . . . 5 3 e

K <j NorUiem-301, 6 FOBi i S F A C I A L T I S S U E ^ . . . : n = ^ ; ^d P u n V BooU -8 01. C J in -6 FOR

H C A T F O O D . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 c / " « ' ■

E f-i K U H M -Jio. 1 - n i l FOK I “ ■ *■0- f e i D O G F O O D ........ ; . 8 9 c [ ^ V A l . l / t

"A" Soupt, N a 1 — 6 f o r

C A M P B E L L ' S - : . „ 9 9 c

h e r e a r e B tA G I C ^ A l j

■y B u i i i ; ----------------- — - ^ ^ l E T M c n r — _v^D b DrotLcti - - /

Market- * r n x R .. ■• BU BLEJ V FU.J M eat Compa

V EcoDony Groeery « GOODINOV Borley Drlre-In V J. C. Painter * CoV Pick -N - Psck ,

• * CUSTLEFORO j V CUyJk^IarkelV C * M reed Serrfce vU i-W ay Market

* DECLO • RICHFIELD^ B h a w ’t Marfiei J V Plper^i Market

■ ' X : , - '

n N FALLS, IDAHO - ' 1 _______


Idaba'a a'ew hlfbway .tflee In Sheshane 'ta-searing ee * - tnr-e»l'krctiaref-4trt-ead-leD ds€apliit4ha.«T eaada-E L J

be dene until (arty fall. Tbe parking area fo r eoployet Ij ' -]je-add(d .-i5 taff74 iW 8in iim tiw .------- — ---------------------

Receive Awardss a o s H o m w , 3 5 - w u u .u -

■ ler J . A. Campbell of Uoop lo3 pre- „ ta ,Y of sta te by:' sealed iho I I ' boys wha altefldfd ■Wan:er” ri51strlbuUi

camp a t LlghUool Bar w ith Uie inc.. Twin Falls. Ca: camp flr« emblem and data log a t ^ ,0 0 0 and Incorrwrai the regular Scout meeUng a t Uie Walker and Rosie A. high school Bt 7:30 p in . Monday. Hailey, and Ross E. b

Several other awards were pre- Palls ........ .Ecnted to Scouts who prevleusly had Feeders Grain eupp

’ earned 'them but had net wcelved ley. CapltallzaUon U■ Uiem. The next meeUng will be iield Incorporator* are O, F . at-Uic high echool a t 7:J0 p.m,.Mon. cat«Uo;-A^.W....Voung

day. Voung. boUi Twin Pal


^ ^ / i . A A BUl-i Beat -

- C R A B ^ M E A T

s » i i s ! i

^ I GREEN IK R K P I E S 1 6 C A .............

1 0 R A N 6

S S E S ............1 6 c 6 -------------- --------------------

6 WESS0I......... ; . 2 6 c 6 -------------------------------- -

k f^C H O C O I, , / ? « C M t k . _________________________ -

- q u m u .: J U I C E , . 3 6 c ? ' 3 1 c

‘y ' S . ™ . 3 6 c » -------------------

F o r V A L U E S |

.....- ......s : i 3 j K ^ r r - : ~

- - - . - ■ .- . - ^ . . 9 6 0 ; — I

',Ton A For - j , 8 9 c I ■ VA1. I / C l< i

l 9 9 c ^ ^ - J O T

l O I C V A f . T . F . y s p R O G R E S S I V t

G . A . S f o r ^ A / /» /7 i>- Y o u j

" ^ ^ l ^ l a n a . “. . . . yf Meacham Food Stor*

r “ •' V Don’s HarfcelTXLti M eat Company , i

lODiNO » sn o s n o N E'J. C. Painter * Co. -J Ecwoomy Market '

:HFIELD V Sbtlby^ Market f l | h’ Plper^i Market

. "V

Kay f i u i l d i n g a t 'S h o s h o n e ^

)shane 'ta< searing eenpUUea. AH th a t r<B»lna (« be dose liB rtha-fW Bad s: H. n . a u tnbwg, d lilriri m anagfT.'area fo r eoployes In th« r a r of Ute boUdlag la Dot ye l rea

Firm Incorporated- director SpBOISE. July 38 ( l^ ln c a rp o ra - . m eeting o tIM Mih n, m. vai f SnStoliM itary o f sta te by: W edneaday’S!i K«wrrdiiS

SS»?:S?S,“S I "tiflS lnV SSralker and Rosie A. Walker. boUialley, and Ross E. Morrison Twin .Ilia ... . . p joo i « «Feeders Oraln aupply. inc.. Bur- 5“ “ ^ y, CapltallzaUon U tiooMO and October. Haael Bowdea corporator* are O .R, Graven; Po- Uia meeting.iteUo;-A.-.W-.Voung.And-VerB..M.____ . —T--------- ---oung. botti Twin Palls.___________ RgAD TIMEa:WgWB~V

A B - M E A r S ^ ^ - i f ^2amp—’Ranato • i- OANB_ , , . .*

RDINES a _ _ 1 6 c .... '■ y;rB 6 y = 3 r s £ -------------- : ^ ~ x m i m o n t & ^ o . '



31c - 85c- ..

■ j ' p - L •^ •31e SS e


31c 85c i POTATt3 FA N O r O IU SP 'I

® i ^ ! I I l S c ^ f-X A N T A iMED. 3BIZB - ;_____ _ 7 C fd p lu m p P B aS H

r : i : r 3 i r ^ ^i G R E S S I V E , m p E P E N D E O T f g 1


Bas'iot. —

d Center^ ■ 1 5 m V * T l W i n

■\ '■ '■i ■ \ ■

a i i o n e ------- ^lihn in

& radraomt'jwl HBcoQt pack was u 7 t 5 ! 9 boQte a t 1:S0 p. m . V d ^ lUrguhart. O t ib m u t e r ^ S f l

V T U g « M B ttW a meeting on i w ' C S p ls D s a r » t o - a ; le w a t4 lB

Ura. Henry O o a it «ffl’i 3 aottier for d ta L* Mrs. M | tum win Isad den l l ; I M Bchwager was nam ed t o ^

Husbafid~R€S£ti^ (9 be done U tb e haol.' m Wife in 1log la Dot yet ready fa r me, “ SOIBB, July 58 (U»-Teaij____ _____________________ _melrtth saved Uia Ufa of hla-----------------------------------------wfffiasrBigBrytisffiTEnaDB'

. out of their ftame-swept h arector Speaks va•clal m eeting o t th a Mtglo . jio i , ^

H "-'- A T H ttT E S FOOT.o r n . t ,« ,u 7 ; ^ L S E ^ I

■olon week to be held In ___ * m . ^ 9 ,


c r a c k e r M ' i j C ^ u l f f l a w S

JOAN O P A M 1 ^ PLA V O M .

Pork& BNiis fKQOLAiiO tt groW ET-BEANg - - ;

6 63c pkgs;.25<

CL’M6NTBi 6.'''3»~OjW—AUERK1UUTr.16e-^===gi!g^

I ' : P le a e i r C u t ' . u.-'./i...',V j J . ' M L

4 6 0 > . C a m ... . . . :----------------- A <W. % i # W

^ u o i t . ......... -----------------------------]7|D|M W S ^ a i il . n h . y ' . . " - l - Oyiop — 1 ^

w Lower Prices>n P ro c to r & G em b I* A

Quality Product!


POTATOES .........10 lbs. 49 tFA N O r OJUSP'OTALKB.................... . , • *

G E L i E R Y j r r r n n i r l t ^ i ^D E L i c i o o s - J i n c r -------------- — — i..'

CANTALOUPES . . . . . . Ib .SePLUMP P B aS H ROABTOO-SARfl .• .•

C O RhL.., ■■■■■■■■■■6for35c^

O E N T f g O W M E P l O A S T O H E t "

■ ; . . . . T ~ T ! ; r 3 j | ^


nr d ta L -U n . lead den 11;was ta aw d

aved Uia Ufa

unmelrath W Bfeonflatt'to!’. ^ a broken hip

aa one o t three flrei

t e p a r t a m t t o t t n l g h j ^ . • '

T H U E T E S FO O t 4-L BEST SE L U R " . Y S .T R O U N flIR S


^ u i p | |

0 l b s . 4 j c . ; %

— I b r i O c r ; ^

^ r ; : v l t 8 c ^ ^ 5 I

LMOHEaiWilfe^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (8)

“ G t E

m m

H i i K ^ j . . . K L » i , | i - F 7S f i . i » rin g Q ^'

raSwfl *®’* *‘***'o( other ® '^Ef9S 1“ SMPnl iUk-

^ B ^ S n Tanvt- \BS-&* -Vo Ift ec"* L<ta C T f t ^ J k ‘^ B T m ^ u i e a b V ^ f ^ .

^ K g o r ^ b u t t h # W Lcsmpruo I g ffW K

H ^ L m cr eiutoflu M■ * % ot lUtei ^ P W

tllogeUi" § ^^■ T T gy iB g u tv te n . msA U t ^ ftw -

permit ■ gA M Ji „ i V ,|ff if f

^ B g ^ 2 e r t1*u or iI iM in illllllllllm m W itttt ^ K f T . . , , ■ ' The BoTlrt unlBU. eomp ■ g d u n a w . I ^ ^ .ac(iuJlr.U _eD e.T M tj U tc

U boren » n eotsecraed. 1 ^ K s o d t f ft prepuRd b r l i u « D<m Ia

Ufue ^ e n u ie A aerican FedenUcnikBPwn tUYe Ubof m »»

Um* £“«>• ___ . -

E lS m S S Hospital Relea Air Force Ger

------------- T0K y0.-Ju!jr-4fl-M V -Ai^ E v i l o i i f i n c r UeuL-Qen. Oeorve E. Stxa H f ^ I C C l U l g ^gjn jjj e « t ftlr fo tte i ca ^ H l n s - W A o n - « ’i-ttfti.begi.r»3w ad lrnm..t ^ H | 1B - |T C c U , i r force b o ijJ W f o r ftirtt

■ion Ends^ E p l ^ 16 K > - h » r t f tU uk U IT 30 wbUe ^ K 7 M the Ideho goU on cT okyo coune. E e ^ ^ E ^ U o n tdjounied pitcod u 7SKF ^ B r S e t t a r r b w n l la ro t^Q tn .- O. P. 9ftj\Moi.-

im re l r « -

EeiTlce. «eed

f e f l - - . O U R - B I

^ 3 - A N N U Aw u ntffled •

p i ^ - i A Y - A - V i ^^ ■ H a e i u d e r ^ ___ _ - ■

f c S u ° L - s ; S A - Lweed liw t. - ^ 0 B i I

the depart*^ ■ ■ io T ld e for the , \

f e f j r u S - o f . w w f a i■ M o paucd that - - _ • - ^ ■ a t r o f Idaho let* ^ H l^ ^ ^ e trftlnlns o( .

H S n u d methodi l , ^ P

p r - . s ^ - ; s - S T A R T S -

p ™ - C / 1■ |- 6 f r - A d i ecuniy — “ I

f c s r - “ - m m . J^ B b i,*a ]red prelim*^ ■ n u r t l^ e d be* ... ^ E i U t lo n e r Olea■ U r a ■ ch trie cf LABQEBT. MOST COMFK bererw« with- rZAB) D 0 U 8 D t TWIN H d wllh InKnt toK m u n t of the Ux. OtfeHnr m u 7 dliUaelJnH i t 1 1 ^ , WMhible hftlr doU* with <

onicers er- year. D rop la Utit week*^ ■ h li fum six miles m u .■ d conlliuted m ______ .B > iP0ty lUlph Per- -------; ' A B ~ ~ U "

............. lYI, I I ,■ l~ . s ' i; ' ^ : | f a l l s •

■ B itW iD ; W ITH p u m r o c k y m o i

I B M ., ..............

p a ■ 1 . - • '^

Amsrica's Fii

_______ \ ■ '


‘ D L A G ’* SpeDs Sovie

/, -''•Tcitk.o Q*

C S ^ T ” ^ e ' " ' ' “'“® * T '/ '* ' » A™ .!.; •' *' ■> i*'»'»»rehk

■ •K .bpw a ®

= N | S > # e

i ® u - c . - . I l * ^

J , f

rt unlBn. eom prlitnr oBB-ilrth of the world’* U nd iiurfi .oDe.TMtj U r e j«bo r..e«np k fir u lU KJKKI.OOO fan B eenewned. ThU newimep, bMtd ea » documented b r iMM D«B Lertne fo r the free trede nolon committee tn Fedentioa ot L abor, ihow* Ihe loeallsn of tso it of < e Ubor v m s admlnUtered by tbe “GULAG"—(be Soi

3 I R 6 l 6 d S 6 S Real E s ta te T r a n s f e r s

)rce General -!|S“,S,.'Sr.M'’'iu ly -3 fl-w -A lr ^ rce — Trait Cemiuuiy----Seorfo E. Stxatemeyer.s t ftlr fo tte i cocniamnd- , , „ „ ,,ce3eft*edIrom tha U . a w *m *u-i-ii a J J , l r v^ ,.rp ia - fo r 'fu r th e r c an - f c s u S T m ^ i 1 i.t A«.ndid ^ ^h it hnm« Wimnlr di<dl Jtmm A. SIseMr •

r w w c k e o w ith « “ *“ «»• aw^M wa : i 1 U i t 30 wbUe pU ytng Tlie principal oU region of eyo coune. E e w u r«* T ar E u t Uei in the tha llov bi > E y_ co m n y id er, by .between Uie Asia mainland ; '• F» W i^laud. I Auitrill^

/R --B IG ..............^ vmuAL— - ^ m -^ A - W A Y - ^ f e -


> O L L SiRTS F R l T^July 2 7 th

l - ^ i i ^ - ^ ~ W i l l Hold------Any Doll Until Dec. 1st.

, MOST COMPLETE'8EUCT10N OF KEW (THKiU.8 D< TW m F A l ta ... tn m 8 9 i ^ $ 1 4 .9 5aany dliUnetJre new -fealsrei tn doll creatlen. loelBdlnr lalr doll* with csrlere . . . and a t macb lower p ricn this ) Is this week-end •«« aad aelect yonr needs for Chrlsl*

r H K I N G C pa l l s ■ P H O N E -856 -W


s ' ' —. . . ^

irica's Fine Light Beer ' J

. . . . i ‘

T I M E S - N E W S ,

s Soviet Slavery F o r 14,

0 - W . . . U

® Verncbckogi-i • © t * '_ _ © - Q _ l _ g ^ ^ ------e . pUim.«k^ Q -------iTCioarghk

• ;* e . V . ® ^ ^ _ -TV ^ “ y " ^

- ■ , / < ^ \ ' - T

\ ‘ r {• r ^ i .

" ' o u ~

C , H I j j N I X ' l ' ' " '

irld's land iurfaee. lUve labor (nuC lUmmer and 1I 1(J«0.000 fa r te d . ronEcotntrd cam pi.'. Dot<lhad«<k documented map areas irrrcd by prisoner* of Ihe Cnlon committee of ' nearly erery essential ladtulry. EIon of m oit of the rents spolUnc crery slaTO labor eaiILAG"—(be Sorlet eommlltee.

............— " I ENVOY SHIFT EYEDle T r a n s f e r s Ma n il a . July as w v-oovem -I rnm lshed b? sources said today PresidentI s ^ ^ n i J ° P '‘“ o '5“^ o eonslderinf aa a w y - --------- poulble-thrce-way swltch-lnToJvln«.

_________ tils ambassadors lo the UnitedBtatea and Spain.

«*-!-*-■■ ■ ■■■~ - - ......... ..............•Itt Atncndfd Jamtnon. , ^ - p i r m T - 1 -n•BM A. SlBcMr «l •!8. flw^Mwa Sl H4. ‘ ‘ XCll region of the ;the thaUov basin ' C

ila mainland and v ' j f c m w p l

5 ^ E

,5 p .A2 7 t h - : ^ M o r e O l




- T E A U ^ 'iU w k

W lEABACS N?u2ua***4l* ^ FLAVORADESrr'4i I C A N M f t i

r iK C a C C ^ R ^ S

.I[ - > B E E F " R C i

= = * P r t H I M f i P C P t '


= I T . ' » . [ 5 9 c S r - : > '

m . PICNICS u t

I y S U 0A I' ’= : = : ■ F In * 8 M t,B w y N o w fo rC a i

'= = ^ 25 Iba. 2 . 6 2 IM tba. 1<. I

. i “ ■ ■•• • • -

- N E W S , T V f m M l ^ , ^ n 3 A H 0 ' "

For 14,000,000

. lUmmer and sickle 'lymbols represen t indlTldss) <n, s p i . ' . Dot'ihaded portleas rtpreM nt«a..ipraw U B( cutbi)rlsoner< of Ihe GULAG, who aM • vUal^element la lo rntlal ladtulry. Exeewtve erowdlnf « f the map prt- fool T f slaTo Ubor camp vcrUlnl by the fre« t ^ e tmleo


HOLLYWOOD.. Ju ly 28 ' W>)- ««“*

r . s i ; . s s “ = ?* -■ " “ » • "“ f •« “ '• s ?sw ltch -lnT oJvln« .iy iw d.«W iL j< l)lftZ _teJtart^^ who. lo the United on a new film In which she vUl w u

play the role of % movie actress. coun

M o r e O u i s f a n d i n g - V a l a e s - ^

lERINE JU IC E D . IED BEEF s/ \ k | Red BreostV W Foncy RecJ.......................... ..............1 Ib. C

I Y eilow slono No, 1 Con I W hole K em ef or C reom S t y l e ........................^ 0 Co

k P P L f i ^ ^ ,.C o „ ... . ....................... 3f.C ol-Pok,

k J i - S l i e C a n ...............................................................4 C a

F O O D s . . . : . . . : : . : : . : : : : . 3cc

«ik. 65^ BREAD £ tw <»•.> 49<; (OITEE CAINES 5 T :


Lunch Box y~S AUI

i ^ O U I SToity lurtchM n M »at*, j | j

'■ T O H m & T fiI E : 4 i s ; r i : J 8 e _ I ^ R S J ^ f t g ^ ^

. . 5 9 c nfANWURTERS K :- I. SSc PORK ROAST i i i ”" ,

: S r 1.19 GROUND BEEF E2- , 45c H A U Bura : . y

IGAR y COFFSw yN ow ferC ann ino — H A Jrw dy, Fr«fc O fooirf t W Ibe. 1 0 .2 0 1 ^ N o b Hill, Top Q v o n ^ V -

, i •~ ' " • ' ' '


T i g h t e n i n g o f Idah ~ G I E d u c a t i o n

& * A H e l p S t u d i e dW ^ H k WASH&4OT0N. July M b P l-A blda on

stui bUl aimed a t wrrecUat abusu l i w blJ j m n m t in Uw fu ture opm tlcm ol the 01 -T%vvdW m m ^ eduatloa p ro c r sn U b d o t drafted n o t f e ^

by a bouse committee, data forTlie special committee. h » d (4 by Loat r ln

\ - B csreaenU U r& JX S aiuJl^ -T E s^ i io o t-aadW arn a i«port t7 tbe len tral ae* alto.'

jiu rJW M i counting otflc« 00 tlie 111.818.000,000 o th e rprogram. The atudy Uita «30,000,000 o o o itt

m w m m - in - jn rB rrp M in ea ia_ ta - ic tec U ^ it j s o u l i u. numeroui dodcea to cet beneflU. 30 norti:

l>«adUiM fasied U v a Ho The deadline for enroUmenl by

B w r tT m a t th e admlnlstraUon U * W H m prepftTln* to aak for a “Korean 01

f S £ .“ " “ “ ” ■-------A-epefceanaB-for-tbe-eem m lttee

said l u membera, are opposed lo a ■'rv/j&mA extension of.the present law

^ K orean te terani elljlWe. W / i i w m M aaa EzpUlaed

It w u said tb a t sia lo aims c( the 1 commltue’s oontempUted reruion . t t would be to Uchten up on veteran u S 30 ellilblllty. reduce afiount. of out* ,v*au» ■

H^JAfANyJ rlih t beneflu and cu t dawn admin* _______

I Under the p r u ^ ^ i r a a the Fathbuys textbooks and euppUes and pays' W ] luhslstence allowance* for veteran ‘students and-thelr-flependRiUM Hr —G U K l

IJldllllUJMla aimed to corer aU (he costs of to in i Uam O.lo school. w ar cor

n t indlTldes) tijj .committee Is consldertnf a Jn Vctb sa-.sprawUaj culhack In tha t-fie ld sharp enough night.' - s lj element In lo require tha student hlmielf to A retli * e . map prt- fool more of th e bill. lifetime> trade unleo 1 • of Dana,

JAILED FO E PEBJUBT'------------------- LOS ANOELE8. July 38 (#)—HOVIEB CUrence’ H . V etterll, 41, a Junior Illy 28 ■ C/n-~ « “*«« JoumaUam Instniclor, w u

*enlenced to six years In prUan I back to Hoi- jgy perjury today by a federal Judge»d-hlm a .U ar-and s a l d - h a . -------- -rhicb she vUl w u “deUberately. tUsloysl" to hU vie actress. country.


V a l u e s — ^—O H South ^ T y p k a l S o f t

souPtefi-u. , 5 9 e TUHARSHSr*

...........lib. Can a y e s f tu ,0 H .“ £ r '

............. l 0 C c n s 9 8 c W N H I B

1 O ft SHRIMP ............. sfarI.UU OYSTERS a r ....:........4c=ns8 ^ e TUHAHSHSzr-

DOCFOOD N- .......... .....3 Cans A / C BEVERIY se e *

s a , . ^ u J 2 3 7

CAINES 3 3 c

^ > . . 1 0 < .


S A U C E I I l l l i l


C 0 R N « „ . i , m —

,b. 5 9 ^ - — ^

“.L Ib. O y GRAPEnnnr s =

U R T E R S n Z ' m . 5 9 / C O C R I A I t ;

O A S T i i i - V 5 3 » f F tO U R

I B E f f u ? V 5 9 ^ E B I 1 1 1 * I

r e t r - . 5 9 / F R i J l T i

l O F F E g l j l ^nil, Top awn^ • '1 ' nc

<9? .

; of Idaho’s Highway Owner FJTiiir DepartmentAsks." iiiSisE ®7-. Bids, on 4 'Jobs , ' ^ 5i d i e Q BOIBB. July M (iPH'Ihe sU ts etdbtf be co

hlthw ay department h u wSed to r phone ' andM O Pj-A blda o n four road proJecU. • hie ooufar

abustt A * , bide wlU be opened Am. 10. H e f o t •of the 01 -TO ffvdfpartnent earlier ha^S a a - n a a y e l thn t drafted n o t | ^ It would open bids on th a t pU inlng It

data for a lO-mils stretch of the ft couiheaded by Lost r i r e r bUhway betvsea BUck> Cft'^ ^P>

loot arwl thn alwnlfl ansrp-w ctw r. t o j a L .i a[entral ae* s lu , 'H ie 100-1.818.000,000 O ther bids ealled Include: a n ^ f a o p 00,000,000 oonstructlnc a pU st mU Wtum-

tool* Inous . i u ^ aee on,7<07 mllea of U. a !™iilL53L^

f 3 S ‘S' n“„5,"! -£,*'iS S is up eounty. **• ^

• I ra lm o iV V lOM U ln ol U.. S f ’S i t

p i i " ; s n ; . . 5 s s M T s . r •”01 the O T « tJM 3 * S jJu ^ BKJa>Tai

A reiWon , 1 , , t th e JuocUoo of 0 . a 10 and " '■■ ra »eteran U .B. 30 ftBd a t U .a .» aad Orchard .

Father of Famed “ "S.SS Writer Succumbs jftTof'iiiiS j lS 'a ^ t e . ^ ^ U U i e r ^ f ^ a 'u t a

w ar cor respondent EntU Pyle, died , uldertng a in VermllUon oounty-lnpltal; l u t iK V t»rp enough night.' -• - ............... - .............D i mhlmielf to A r e tln d farmer, h s hsd spent hU b U D

lifetime in the neighborhood south far Ca — of D ana, near the miaoU SUte line. " •lUST’ ’ W. (,” E « D R O . W . RO SE

",r;,s: . omcB . Neieri] JudgB C L O SE D ..

" ' . “ ‘S — J i i i y - 2 F A m . - 2 i r : r 1 ^ “

C lO T H S s r . E a . 8 ^

I ' l d C 'W u q H l < , M h > M M i l ' . . ' t t i

W U W t ^ l y i M D i i M N y l a f C ■ ' V i

Trpkal Sofnayi o m P r i c » r n M f

I P ■a V 'i i IiI I i 1 . . S 1 W . 2 0 / '

I A R S H S £ r ' . . . 3 0 /

I M O H 4 9 / ..................

IHER.^»— - 4 1 /

UM P»'^..-34/ U A MST E R S a r 3 9 / W f t l l

I A H S H g z r ^ « . . 2 7 /

5 F O O D r — k 9 / . ! ? * > . . . . .

fE R lY aariK 3 6 /

E A C H E ^ ; ^T A I O U P E S S S S L 9 c C A B B A f i E S b ’

A T O E S w i S U ' ^ 2 5 c O R A N f f i S i : ! :

H O E S 3 5 c ;

. 1 5 c I f T T U a S i ’S

P te o w q w>e« m « q K) !>*»T i* M W CMWM

_________________ M I t c t l k H M O M y a / — «

I^EFW flT -ili iL lw is^ n ra M - 1 8 / P A R O W A X :

! R I E i U i a > r , i r * w i 5 / - P £ C T I I * - 5 S ?

[ I » i r s ^ 3 T i = r 3 7 r - « C I « T = ^

R > w _ ^ U S J A R B U B B E R i

f Owner of C ongar^iT B - ' r : i x i £ E 8 3 i i ( 2 i i 3 P ( i f c :

bslU ts M M be couldnt keep both a 'tal** ' -I 1 to r phone ' and a eooiar. Bo h» ta v t • -

• h u ooucar awfty.-. . - - ^10. 'He fo t so many:tilephone ealli* : aa- many c t them frtan^eUhboa w n «— J t

that plftlnlns It wa« M MUbborly. ta the ft counr around.,Uuit ha Just

itek. tftve up. although stm IbiUUbi the

*nie 100*pound eat bad Man •roundraopsHde. uanoUead by t te

Uim- Boighbon. untu It , l u s M .ea:R .U .a ««n*Udog lu t ^ » tnr > ^ ^

o u ^ only thlnc that k e p t '^ 'c o u ia r ' from Jumping on bet, too, waa'.ft ■ bandy h^ M tii>e. ■ • ■_' ■■

JS il of w S *aM *^ uQsalesa. Ibe animal hid'tKipwl

J, from Ita yard In Hoekeosmlthl ■!>«

- 'J ^ c e d la th* m ,- th e eo1lta ^ « a > — •- retriered by Bockeumlth the ncct day. And then the tclepbona begut - . ■ ringing. .. — ■ ■

^ HgAD T Pga-H E W S WAMT AD8. , J H

Jiard | | N

^ J S ^ 0 U R \ : ~ i |

11s I n v a U t t t l e O u r j H

, t h u B U D G E T P L A N - | |nuth (or Consolidating OebU . I HI line.B i i W . C . R o b i n i o n _ U

O ppodtl RuUo BoMlst H

N e w S r U l l d • «

•• 89t



' A N Z E E

I m ;

I M a i O H s I

lb .4 V a c

- ; ^ f c l b r 2 C)«—0 . 7 c

j A M E S j a t r * . l O c

* u w S h - ^ « ,

m a u iu i' .IS C '

VaImM '■ .

t R O W A X — ______ . 2 0 / _______.;_

E C l W - S S ? — — i w 3 2 /

E C I W « i r — t i i r t t , # ! -----------

a a — -

b : 2 ' ' M

*■' ' - ' H *• • n |

^ H^ ~ M b i

s "aH u I n

3 _ J B

a r ' f l H ■ ■ ■

H ■ ■

st ' H Iuta. , J I I



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- W^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (9)

I ■ P A G E T W E L V E

I — C o u p l e R e p e a t s M e

- N u p t i a l P

— G h u r c h ^ e F v i c e s w »I t BH0 8 H0 NS. JQIT 35 -T ex e tt B er. ^ H TloebCMi. <l»ughUr of-M r. »ad ^D C ulM gcTiocho*. i r . 8bothoM ,'«sdI - . JU ian iJ5«V u .»«L oL M r. ^ M n „I ZgnK]i StfM..8ho«bone. exchuued ^

ouptUI TOTC SufliUr « t S t. Peter’f ^ l> OtUioUc church. Sbosbons.

» The Bet. P»U>ef T . 0 . Halpln of- ^ L; . l ld t te d « t Use rilM which were re- r* dted brfore » flor*! decomlion of

fUdloU uu i u t c n u id lighted c to -

— - ^ ^ r t r W e - w o r e 4 whlt« lM4 over. B i i H tln gown with ■ Queen Victoria eolltr, rlngerUp length *le«ve* u id • . . , .

__ :—Ue»-P«plum.-Bhft ct r r led > red row . W r

U atron ot honor w u Mr*. Robert CiUu H tddoc^ • • ot c

John SftTM. brother of the bride-

■ S i .____ M ld^iU ter of the bride, HerrUburi,

Penh, iind"M™. Carlos Berrioehot,Jr.. »Utcr-ln*l»w of th e bride, Sho- ■' ihone.

I - s in d rn Haddock, niece of the■ bride, waa flower jlr i. Johnny Ber- “

riochoB. nephew of tho bride, carried “ 1 . th t ring on a la tin pUlow encircled by pink caniaUon*.

- , - ^ - .M n .-P c a n -J 3 f tu m a n n aad ..P atty 1 Ineaa aang, accompanied by Naomi

Inea*. Tho bride's mother woro' a black aheer dreaa with white gar-

I denia coraaga and the bridegroom’*•i mother chose a pink linen afternoon D ■,

d^ ia with a White gardenia coraage.Approximately 3Vi wedding gueiC , <

attended the reception held a l tho ' < Mttnorlal ball Immediately foUo8l&£. _ thc.weddtog. . . . . Ktljle

- • Eileen Thomason waa In e h a n e ofthe gueat book, Mn. Robert Had- S7, „ dock, Mrfc Ruuell Arnold. Mr^Carloi Berrlochoa. J r , and Mr*. Joe Berrlochoa were receptlonlata.

‘ Mr». pean Baumann and Mr*.' Richard Warburton were In chargo . .M’ ,

■ of ths g ilt room. *Pter her going away trip, tho bride r®

. cho»e n pink Unen afternoon dreaa - with white aceeawrie*. PtoUowlng

Ihelr wedding trtp lo northem Idaho P ^ ” and Montana, the young couple will

— " b e -a t-h o m e -» t- th e -V re d e n b in th •partm enu In Shoihone.

The bride la a 1M9 graduate of » ehothono high achool aad wss grad-

r - ualed from Link college. Bolae. She I a c 7 Is employed by tho Big Wood Canal l - C -

*^lTi*"brideffrMm^ was vrmduated - H f. from Shoahone high school In IH S d e x 1 and Idaho SU te eoUege, Pocatello, scbult ) la iMo. He Is employed In Bboshons donon

by the PMA. u n orTho bride was honored a t a show- Home

-------« r o n Ju ly 13. - -— ................ - uo n d it Out-of-town g u u ti came from Levii.

BolM, MounUln Home, K etchum. u rs . Ooodlng, Bailey, Jeromo aad Twto ^ « g

~ ^ I * ;

W o m a n . H o n o r e d jJSS"

------------B y - B i r t h d a y G l u b S uHEVBOBN, Ju ly 2S-M rs. Harold

H unter and Mrs. Sugeae Pullman I were co-hoiteases to th a Neighborly ^ Nino Birthday club a t th e hom*o of xnn' Mrs. H unter Monday afternoon In Banne

. honor o t Mrs. Arthur Roberts-birth- y .u je r <ay anniversary. tetUr ■

---------- ^At-pinoch3B,“ Mri.-Brue6-BTow«r Jowed'!blayed high, Mrs. Hunter, low aod « brie Mrs. hio Handy received the all-cut Jirlse, A birthday gift waa presented tho f u

• to Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Cora Bills, xnim a Orevlllo, Calif, was a gueat.

— — M o r r a n M a r t i n T ^ “ (

Pattern -

— S '"i f i l / ^ of'® '

« V IV / - / H Iho whl- ‘- - m \ H ellste

-I . j l p i bright I

‘ i II i w I B

- f " ■; i ll If r l M ” Of COI ■ i I / J ' ' l \ : i W n

--------K t e ] — '^ * 1 ' *

I / I ” 1

I ' / *1 \ ' ' dart**U

/ ll ' \ l?chlld

M l l !! 1 ^I / / 11 W thlnU

________ . f l .. . of th e a----------- — .......t l . -- - i ' ------.— l l - stand-cli

V I I while he

- » - 4 - J S . S

9 3 6 3 sffis ■ i i - a «

, l y

■ WEEK’S nO D OEI BTYtE I S t l lS " It'S a brunch coatr A beach-wrapl eni your

,A go-to-market dreaal A TV-coatl Get da*a I n fact,-tho mos6 » e fu l ih ln r y m r u-lIITatcever sea-ed. So good looking too. experlcncwith outside stitching, sideline, and helpful abig pocket. l l ij u-i

• Pattern 03M comes in aljcs 13, reason wi14, 18, is . 3Q: 40. Siie Ifl tAkes 4H has not r

— yards-SS-lnch-fabrtc:--------------------- 'cmtt't i nThis easy-to-me ^ t t e n i gives logically.

T 'scw 'cK afl'sK o iT l'ou^very '* tep~ - >«u'have Send th irty centfl In coins fe r th is >X)U epeak

__pattern to .M srian Martin , care n f o r drtM_lW m 'es'»S ei^ p aaem deportm ent, ault^ P . .O . Box fl7«. Chicago 8 0 ,-n i. «Tcat con P rin t plainly your name, address. “‘oor « n ^ size and style number. “ • builr

Our Marian M artla summ er p a t- —~ tem -book ts ' th e best evert Send ^ rv e a w tw enty cents today for your copy. ■ youU aew tha am artest m ost p ra e - 44 tlcal wardrobes fo r your family a ad ■ yourself w ith pa tterns Chosen from ■ this book. A freo p a t te r^ of a ■ . •• beachrpbe for misses is p A e d In

I 'S M e m b e r s t o . H a v e - - - I

s a t P i c n i c i n A u g u s t ■ ■. Member* o f th a Bock Creek

^ i c e s -WorUiwhlle-elub-Yoted-to-hotd--a IM. IW . Aug. S a t the Idaho Power^ company p u k a t Twin faUt when “ they met Wednesday atlemooo with

Mrs. John Bertie. .Oame* were in charge of urs. Bell

Brown and prtxes went to Urs. Ray• McKlnsler, Mrs. Wayne Smllh, Mrs. , .(..•r. r,f Charles Cline and M n, Ksiherlflsi f i ? Newman.

^ the hotteaasslstedbyU rs.Tom M etsler,Balno

^ and SonJa'Metzler and Danny Terry.Thenextm eetlng'w lllbeheIdA ug.8w m -M l*.-ninb«Ji-M aK m .- ------Victoria « « «

W o m a n - H G n o r e d —

- i n m n n u i r 7 8 = H R r * 7 i 7 r « F . Robert Callum h u been feted a t a number

. of evenu the past two weeks.B bride- Pom erly of Buhl, Mrs. McCsllum

will relum to her home In San «eU Ar- D l«»- Au«- »•frtiburs Zntertalntag In honor ot M ri ■'“^ochoa! McCHtum-iftd-Mrc -J.'H adiey-Bar;------------ ^le Sho- * dinner party Saturday *

’ evening was Mra. W alter Stnlten. r i cf tha M n. McCallum was also a guest H r S S K

av Ber. Barker h o m r’Sunday —O v e i■nclrcled Monday evening.

T utsdsj M n. E. W. Byrne eiiler-rt Pat«v * luncheon honoring Mrs. • I IC■ N «f»^ McCaKum'. O ther'guests were Ruth SHOSIK

Drown. Mn. Elinor Van HouUn and Schuppeni.I .. V ., J- Hadley Barker. sumod olfl

* * » niio m,<u

s . " R u p e r t H o m e I s 3 ^

‘£ s ' f H T P i n t y s s s . ” -D H o y in ft_ jjt,p |3 fj.- ju ly -3 » -M re , W .-E. ceremony.

• . Neljler and KaUirj-n Blayney were to presldei J co^hosieswj Monday a t a pre-nup-' Banners

V » ? !’ P*fty tor Lois McMillan, who during tho7 *r*- will become the brldo of Robert peach coIo^ Rlnehsrt, Aberdeen. Aug. 5 s t the purchasedM w „ MeUiodljit church In Rupert. Neola iJro-.■hVrTi "nie afternoon kltchcn shoner waa »nd Zelda

held a l tho Nelsler hom*o a t Mini- J»net Phri/4« d*®- The centerpiecc for tho »ero aecej

n r f t i . lace-w ered Ubia consisted ol anaU WlWtr wUlcharacur doiU Im iuuve of a bridal meeting,

1 i S iD P*rty • background of a mln- ^ CUib by-DiB S n S iu r t mnbrelU covered with white ^ Jlnn ing, . .n il rf»Tw nancr.__________ _ _*ho new l(

RwilM Brock rtcelved h lsh prlie C>“'

" i S S ! L e s s o n G i v e n a t

s s s a - H o m e - € l a b - M e e t «In IH S DECLO, July as — Mrs. Arils 7:39 n, m, j c a t ^ , SchulU Perllc, Cassia county hom*o 'Oahona deraonitraUon aceot. gave the lea- ^

son on hone freezing a t tho Declo L .Q r T ) p ' »how- Home Improvement' club meeting wvYHun

Monday a t tho home o t Mrs. lU thel Luia Canip

^ M j t Ptrlle, a recent bride, recelv- j*i?"'^Lda* I Twto t i * ji f t froni the club. Mrs. Jen- oiade for rI

nia Perllc, Idaho Pall*, and Mrs. mer camp 0

J J BefreshnienU wero ser\-ed by M n. ^ |Se°''K lr^ *M Lewis assisted by Mrs. Wayne O. banks, foun

LewU^_3he_next_meetlnB_wUi_bo w «d-lha-C ' l U U held in September. trip. Tho glHarold # ♦ ¥ eelUng grct

f f i S U n i t y R e u n i o nomo of t w n v , July 3« — The Samuel *“J h “ Banner family reunion waa held al bir th - ra the rs and Sons’ camp abovo Bos- *;«»

UtUr Tuesday. A program was fol- , SHOSHOI aroww Jowed'J^ a banquet and games.' At ton Thome ■• u id k brief business meeting, WdUco *>11 bo feaii all-cut Banner. View, was clecUd to hend Mormon MU aented tho family geneology work with Mrs. 18 during U: ' BIU*. Tniman Banner, secretary. tho lOOP hi

“ Cafe of Your Ci__________________ B y ANGELO PA TRl

A young molher U having a UtUe year-old dot ;? 3 difficulty with her 2-yeai-old.MB. «ur_Drd£r_

H e ' I s l r t h l . Heallliy and very ac- him where X tlve as a ll 3-year>old children ought gentl}-,- flrml

r ' ^ to be. But— of Impatlenc. j / * "I call him and he do<vm't even The a-yea 6f, look up. I have to go right whero ahead bcfor

h t Is an d -te ll-h lm to -com o-fo r direction.— E lunch. When he disobeys, as ho the wsy. otten does, looking right a t me.sU ,

T i th t while. 1 try to reason w llh him. ul5 S "L u i 9 He listens. He undentands me. He's or. M’lr

bright and smart enough for that, (••m n■ But do you think he heeds mo? ” W \ *T am trying to teach him to put Votk'i*.

his toys away. You said to teach i- 'I T Just ono thing a t a time. Well. I■ I can't even do tha t. I stlU> ha>-e (0 ■ I K pick up his toys. I f I sU rt he Mil r a l ■ II pick up a couple. But I c a n t get

hlm.tQ..da.a.gT»d.jobJ:----------------: -- "n l Ot couna noL Children of 3 seemW very Intelllgrat and__v_eiy_oblB_lQ____________ ___KH th ilT T aehU wHoTiavo seen them y*'l u develop from helpless Infancy to / >• \ acUvo childhood. TTiey aro wonder- ^

ful. But they have a long way to ^ T i ' go before thty can achieve the Stan- 1 C dard adults envision. V- '

You muat stay cloaa to a 3-year- '1, old child wh«n.j-ou w ant to havo him > C I hear and undentand j-ou. Thojo I little ones have scant sense ot dla- I J tance. or ot Ume. They live In a ' 'I ^ very limited circle. One must be a u « i, 1 / within those llm iu to reach tho mind f Z .1 1 - ol lheJitU O o-whera-he-ls, to™•I ! - . him.geaUy. ____ • Giv«

I while ho looks a t you. what I t Is « u '> « n i J j want him to do and II neccsssry,

Tbe same thing holds for the COUIpIcBng-up task. Go where he Is a t ' ' - „

3 pUy. pick up the first piece and sug- •gest he help. Don't tell him lo pick snOE

'} up his toys and e*pcct him to do ItWhile >-ou are In another room or tp staln . The span of dls^Uncc weak-

rap ens your communication wllh him. ’ 't S i i ? ' j 4 ^V iJoJjlm .B nd help him -.It. -----------------jtn r ttiHTake more than two years ot too. experience to enable him to be self- and helpful and »«It-dlrecllng.

It Ij »85tetul of hum an energy (0 13, reason wiih a a-ycnr-old child. He

4H has nol reached the Mnce of tru-t-ni ____________— Brrji'th ‘tlikt iBows h t a ^ l ^ _________ —

>=ou'have his lull attenUon beC e ~Ihls >X)U epeak. Dojit try lo explain why_ o I of^reM-lt-UB-ln-siory-laahlen:—itr^ ------- —ait. U>e «ulupIWty ot u-ords there u l ' n i. s re a t contu.-Uon. K«tp the stories ' ' ' 03 , for story time. Attend to buslneM T ri­

in a businesslike fa.'hion. i f ihe 2.jS 4

S ‘ f . > ‘ S M ’ s ” 1 ^■ • • • C o . i i l l r o . r D i i l . r .

in ^ * « | ^ r « ^ a a r D f f l £ £ i j t ■



• e - - - P r e s i d e n t — ^ - R e u n i o

j s t C a s t l i^ < k CAffTLEFO

M.-BUb9p-fa3 S. Skecm hoc cod.

O Skeem'a broU

u x lM r a .J .A . . - . Don T . BUh<

daughter! anc ton Bishop, al

1 II i ^ B n i l T B ter, Mrs. Lula ^ Mr. M d Mr*.

children, u id Mrs.

— O U h:-M r^ ao

Mrs. Clarence

Harold WlUlaj Richfield, anc WendeU.

S U program a t thMrt. J fA N acHUPPENIEa o n Sunday thn » r ; ------------ (S taff « jf ra f la * l------------ o f - lh » —balarrdlr . * * * . * falls, Tartn fa;«n r s . , - r - I “"'1 Dg P r e s i d e n t T a k . e s “ Z m L . ™

O v e r D u t i e s , a t _ *

t S l T h e t o ' R h o M e e t G u e s t 1tuth SHOSHONE, July 29 - J e a n . W r i tand Schuppenlrs. new president, as- ‘

sumod ottico a t the Shoshone TheU Rho m^cUng held Monday a t thelOOP halL ^

Mary Dene WlHlams. InaUlUng '___ -m anhaH prw n tifi r^m i R iim anA a t the Idahof \ / Neolft Brookbank lor-lnsUllaUon by h e ld ^ e re ‘ 7 Oaydena Brown who performed the home of Mrs.• E. ceremony. They are rliiht supjwrte? aoulhWest of l ;cre to president and inside guardian. Merrill Is a up-' Banners v lll be made to bo used tradejoum als. *'ho during tho opcnins ceremonlcs. T h t axlnes.x r t peach colored satin material will be Husbands at tho purchased by committee members were guests a t

Neola Brookbank. Betty Plntaysoo attended from iraa and Zelda Warburton. ' T»'ln Palls ancml- Janet Peck and Beverly Casch The nex t me tti6 »ero accepted. They and Nancy September a t fiall WlWtr wUl be InlUaUd a t th t next Everett Hager, Idal meeting, vlin- Club by-laws will be read a l the . ,llte beginning .of each meeting during P j c n i C I__ _ .tho new ,iem i._________ _____________ __________rla Mrs. Charles Underri-ood. assbtaat H n n C f

advUer, announced aho will award I l U i 131 glrla attending ..HANSEN, J i

. (he most meetings from ' the time union was helc of the laat diatrict meeting to tho Mae HIU. soull: next district meetmg which wlU bo day. A picnic 1

a f - -hsW-noxvJwiio-ln-Sliosliono,---------- all-tho-m om UThere will be a drill practice a t ccpt a grande

H“ 7:30 p, m, Aug. 13 a t the lOOP hall. Lou F ish .'B ur mo Members p r

C a m p P l a n s M a d e S X . S ' :i"* HEYBURN. July 30-.W hcn the Surbw k, Callf,

Lula Camp Fire Oirls met a t tho ard HIU and soi , home of tho leader. M n. Grace Blx- “ d Mrs. Rich* iv- Icr. Tuesday altem oon, plans were Twin Palls. •

made for g lrb who will attend sum- *

- S S S . ' i J / ’c S S r j S " ' ” ' ' M e e t i r

o : . . S , S a s w ard-lha-C anip-Plrc fund.far_the )Tf m , , m^ X .

trip. Tho girls raised the money by eelUng greeting cards and candy.Those- leaving Saturday for eamp Jare Marvel Blxlcr. Mildred Motfalt !?'='? ?» d S . „ h B y « , ^

PnOGRAM SLATED M art^Ol. SHOSHONE. Ju ly 38-M rs. Bur- transporUU At ton Thome a n d Mra. Harrell ■niomo ICO *111 bo featured In reading of T h e 1md Mormon Miracle" a t 8:15 p. m. Aug. L . Q I 'Irs. IS during th e regular MIA hour at

tho lOOP hall. ---------------------_________________________________ _ PIL E R -T he

) u r C r i M r r R ‘t / f

lELO P A IT U FJrst Christian (6 p. m. Sunday 1

Ue year-old does no t willingly follow a swimming pai JB. »u r-O rder_p lck . hlm -up-and .taka viti be hold a t-' ic- him Where ho belongs, bu t'do it place. Memtiers h t gentJjv firmly, w ithout any feeling *jcners and bu

of ImpaUenctJ o r anger. ,„ d Ubie senlcien The 3-year-old has a long road ■ro ahead betoro h e ^ l v e s a t self- The Shanirocl or direction.— K e tp -h im eompany on picnic dinner a t ho the way. ______ iho Idaho Powe

- u S 5 - ; . : S ’U i r « £ ' f ies I'.ii, Dr. I’liri npUiiu how ihrUim d*. aaked lo bring so

Uh”.c.'« T « » ..s .- ,. r . 0 . 0« »». EulloB 0.' J 'e cre*m

ut Nt-Yofk 1». N..Y. furnished.:h p ' " ~ ‘ " ~ ---------

PITTER S^H i[2 ___________ ( L o c a t e d in S w e e t b r i a r S t i

Z h

^ ‘ * " I°y t**® i n y i ' i b i o s u p f

C ^ J - o f Ihij new WILBUR COOM


* • H olda h c d a n d arch in cam- _I, fo rtab lo , co rrec t position. • •________~'. - -•.G ivW '-foo t- 'ro Iaxed -bu t'C O K -' ----------J 'T B O U J® niEEDok.■n • AB8U«M all DAT o n .y o i i r ^ ^ s Se . _ . COMFORT. W idths.

• Doea n o t look like a couroRT •“ ®

• _fcr tho hjird to fit fool _

T ri-B *lanc« Foundation is bun t in to o u r 1 ,y sK S TREAD shoes in good BcIecUon o f «ty M ve ra l fo o t types. This is j i a t one o f tb a lo o k m s s ty le s dcsipied to telieve foo t ciUco th ro u g h Bpecialiwd lis ts for th o h a rd to fl Seo th e m now . Our cipcrt fitlcra kn o w w hi d o th a jo b FOR YOU.

7 - y — — -- ------------------ —

T I M E i r a W S , 5 n T O I F A L L S , - ]

- R e u n i o n H e l d a t . H o n o r e d (

I C a s t l e f o r d H o m e - S t u d e n t sI CAfflLEPORO. July 3«-T he H.: ■ A f V C n■ M .-BUmtrp-f8m llrwBiloo-it-the 0.I a Skeem home was held last week- Yolanda Cer rro,■ cod. H u t s u k o . Kans I O ut-of-toan gucaU Included Mis. Japan , foreign a f l Skeem'a bro then and families. Mr. attending college i ood Mrs. J, A. Blihop. Mr. and Mrs. Kans.. were confei H Don T . Blahop and threo grand- the Y-Teen suma I daughters and Mr. aiid M n. Leigh- Payett* la k ciI ton BUhop. aU Delu.' Utah: her sU- O ^ e r speaken I ter, Mrs. Lula Croppfr,_^.fiephew,B Mr. and Mr*. Mahronl Cropper and “ om the Eptscopi I O a y l ^ a l l Hlnckly, U tS ! Mr. a aad M n . Max Blahop wid daughter w ^ i ^ d . r3 aadJd r._»n (L M rs- Marion_BUhqp.9 a ad ChUdren, all Salt Lake city;I Mr. u id Mrs. Marvin Wing, Lojan.

II Mrs. Clarence Bishop, and fra lly ,I CoUef.-'IbwnrW ash.^-Mr^and-Mr.nI Harold WlUlama. Don. and tamUy, q i^j cartlcliI Richfield, and Arlent Christtnsen, a S d ^I WendeU. groups camped 0I The group held a ball game and special' dishes anCI program a t the Leo Peterson ranch. «ras held th s l a s t '

On Sunday the group made a tour foUowed by a cand- o f - ih » —balanc*d-rock.-Shoihon« —The ceremony-^

falls, Tw tn falls, Pjrrino metnorlal chapel hlU. The bridge and Blue lakes. They had the mountainside dinner a t Wagner's Drive Inn is candles on bark. Twin Falls. .reached the. lake

Jt It It candles afloat.— . -T- II ^ Nethele Bales. Ca

[. G u e s t T a l k s a t

W r i t e r s ' P i c n i c T ' o *: BUHL, July 3&-A program was Erickson, both Twi , given by C. C. Merrill. Buhl, on let- Christensen. Driggs

te n to ed llon and, how ho uses ley, Carey: Eva Sor _ them to line up editorial contracu Jean Bordewlck. bo 1 ftt the I daho ’ ^ tin Ii ^ l h o » ,

e home of Mrs. c . 'R. Chsinbclaln, bara Johnson. DeK , soulhWest of Buhl. . . . . ¥ . ¥

Merrill U a free lance writer for1 tradejouroala.newspapersandm ag- r \ 0 y u l I N e i j

B Husbands and wives of memben S s i e C t /* were guesu a t the picnic. Memben . . ,1 attended from M’endeJJ. K/mber/n „ " A ^ £ N . July 3

Twin PalU and Buhl. Neighbors of Han«1 The nex t meeting will bo held In |I September a t the hom*o of M n. * ^ 8 « tor tI E v „ U c „ , .5 ■ . , , business meeUng. li■■ P i c n i c H e l d f o r _ ^ B ™ c ^ S " «

i H a n s e n F a m i l i e s a S T S ^ . h I St ..HANSEN, ju ly -3 6 -A family re- b e n aro.rccuested. s union was beld a t tha hom*o of .Mrs. 8Crvl:e_nnii fru it Ju ! Mae HIU. southeast of Itanaen. Sun- Refreshments wen ! day. A picnic lunch waa served and Prank W right and :- ttll-tho-m om bsra-w w a-prataat-ax.. - ■; ccpt a granddaughter. Mrs. Mary. Lou n a h .'B u rbank , Calif. .

Members present Included M n. | X * _ _ _ Loube BoweU and children. Mr. | i l j C l C r i

■ ond Mrs. Jack Buckley and children,I Burbank, Calif,: Mr. and t>In. How.I ard HIU and sons, Shoshone, nnd Mr; ■ ' "

and Mrs. R ichard Hill and children, fTwin PalU. . V J X

M e e t i n g S l a t e dHANSEN, July S8-Th*a Exctlalar

club will m eet Aug. 3 a t tho heme cf Mrs.-HowaTd-Htl!.-Shoshone.-—

Mrs. Charles Potucek and Mn. P * P » o p ea .Rudolph M artins may bo conUcledfor trtmsporUUon. _ . —

C a l e n d a r

PIL E R -T he Lucky Twelve club T h is ImproTod W

The Kum Dubble clsss of Uie y rP in t ChrUtlan church will meet a t j8 p. m. Sunday a t Harmon pork lor >a swimming party . A wiener roast ^wIILbe h o Id ,a t-7 j.;O i. a t tbo fire- . place. Members aro asked to bring M . J / ' \ \ \ N wicnera and buns, & covered dish and Ubie senlce. Cleans cook pota

If. If atore bum ers , broThe Shamrock club will hold a W blt top i, w aato c

picnic dinner a t X p. m. Sunday a t --- --------------------------lhe Idaho Power company park at Tn-ln falls. M em ben and friends arc urged to a ttend . Members a » aaked lo bring sandwiches, a covcrcd dish, Ubie ser\-lce and a pint of fruit Juice. Ice cream a ad cotfee will bo fumUhed.

[ s H Q E S J - r aM tb tiq t_S.hQp)____________fee! n o e d n ’f h u r t!

n y is l b le s u p p o r t

W LBUR C O O H d e v e lo p m e n t

b a l a n c e f o u n d a t i o n

m^Mtalylo*_ »cdlm cat. will n o t«_______ r^J— - j j r . - t r a p » . - l f i - i h 8

, ih a t ’i k lo d to j-our;

m F S U e aT tT lTWidthSAAAAAAtoBtB* -------

jRf tnm anyaly lea *

I V o n d e r f u l f o rr Slasj

l / ^ J Chinn ipatkle.

G et this helpful WA■ ■ f l e ---------- --------------- -------- J—at^-.vouf-ftrotery s io^ « » y on you. caj

------------ - W O T k .-S a v M ^ ^ ^

_ 'SWWvxv... _

' • - - - ■ D o ^ is o m ubun t in to o u r fam ous , -A N D C O S 'BcIecUon o f Btyle# for 1 j g Q h t t Ij i a t ONE o f tb a e a ia r t 1 — __clieve foo t dU com forta .

M U B i r i H E s ,

O f RE6UIAR SA................ ! _ _______ k n w ic n T (

- I c u -u t sr .. h tw

T O FA L L S,.roA H O '.

H o n o r e d G u e s t s , ^ S u p p e r P l a r

- S t u d e n t s - S p e a f c — B y : 6 1 u b - V

A t - Y - C o n f e r e n c e - . . X S i S «Yolanda CereM,’Puerto Rico, and ! !« « “ “ “ , . • 1 / u ^

H u t s u k o .Kanazawa, Nagasaki. T he p r e s e n t ^ J Japan , foreign exchange studenU . 5 ^attending college la • McPhenon. «Kans.. were conference speaken a t the day. B»U caU 1 the Y-Teen summer camp held a t Kl!Payett* lakes. wUl bold a poUuck dim

O lher speaken Included Mr*. O. Saturday wllh nuwana R . W arford. PocaUUo: a speaker as guesU. Mtmbe n 1 from the Episcopal church camp;' •b n n g -a “ C0Tered disi Elale B s/elt, graduate nune frem »erWce. the . University of Oregon, Eugene: T he pink elephant . M n. I . W. Stoddard, BoUe. national Mrs. McRUl was recei TW CA -^bojird-inem ber.-'ind'p ieJt 0 .-E.-Brackenr-Th#-ai represeoUtives ef imoke Juropen, *peat P>»^”8 parachutUU who figbt forest fires, received by Mrs. Q th

—ThB-gIrir#tnaiedTJr6bleauorcIub* -n ign rM r» --»«sle-a in •im d-offeT ed-iuggestlons" fur- ptu« ■M rsr^M k-K m egefrtf grams. MeUl work w u dona and nex t regular mtetlngu s e r n f a s r a n io w n r T f e a v r T i o t x i ig r r a r u i r a o f f iB or

'pads. Girls participated tn boating. S U anu . .swimming and camping. WhUe the # * ♦group*. camped out they cooked r _ L « Jspecial dishes and a smorgasbord | g O O C n c UWM held the last e v e i ^ and was ^oblo Oraif o ^ e d by a candleUght « « a a \ y . from 3 b 8

chspe'l Wu“ ^ V ^ l s lUed doTO q A

s u ” "o"s“ ; s ' w f i f . . y a S S ;

S S L S ' "• Counselon frtxm-thU-area Included ’

MM. R. O. McCaU and Leann ^^elcome.Erickson, both Twin PaUs: LaRlu * * *Christensen. Driggs; Mary BlUlngj- si«fiOKley, Carey: Eva Sorenson and Helen HAGERMAN, July Jean Bordewlck. both Buhl; Rachel Cleament Prince enter Ann Heaselholt, CasUeford, a M birthday pariv 8_uiiday_ Miss Bordewick's^hwa^uesl, Bar- her son’s elgluh birlhd bara Johnson. DeKalb. IU. ' gary. Vem a Lee Lott iu

. .. ¥ - ¥ . * . Pugm lre. dlrceUd gami

R o y a l N e i g h b o r s

S e l e c t M a n a g e rHANSEN. July 38 — The RoyaJ. b « n dlseonnectod and J

Neighbors of Hansen eleeUd Lena ^ —Bohm as business msnager for tho Joint lodges for the Twin PalU county fair. ^

Ruby Hill, oracle, conducted tha X l / i Abusiness meeUng. Mrs. Irene John- § J % J fJ Uw n was baUoted upon ss a bene- ^ ^ ■ •t id a l member. ___ A ■

Tho annual plcnlo will be field'Sunday a t the Hansen park. Mem- 4 p r 9 Q M M MM iKre a ro .rcqueslcd .to .bring .U bla5crvl:e_nnd fru it Juice.____________

RefreahmenU were served by Mrs. 2 | X I '■ PVank W right and Miss Bohm. | w S ^w 2 ■


A nn & H am m er Sods Con- c e n n t e d ^ r e a water soft '

d issolves f trea ie, h t lp i keep p lpcaopen .

T hU improTod Wothinit Soda • Jm h o a clothe* wJthie** soak--------------------lo il, leas rubbing .


M a d t ixtra'IuiCieana cook pota and pana, « , « « . - ! « tk^ atovo bum ers , broilcn, ovan*. r o r euccesa-ao me table top i, w aato cans. «• Hava in ^ ie n U


I In ii* helpful soda leaves no '

J ia fa k lo d to j-o u rp lu m b ln i. v WrtVStvpwi

• v \ ' / ^ \ i / / / \ . / bowl consUnU^osJir/ZLcA ^ini. pans. Bake 30 fo351• ' V - .............. ... <3S0*). or until top 1

touched. Cool, frost \

V onderful fo r washJnd e*NDy moiUhfs, mskea Slaaswara and SUr unlfl well hlcnd.blna sparkle. cup lugar, 2 tbjp. >------------------------ --------- • - - .- a>m*yTup.BoIlnpK

/ f ? \ • 6 -to e-ln. Uircd orv V ’j ' <i™ppe<5m ixture btgini la b<

/ - e g g% «h liM (^ .D «f


^swwvxv... ___________________ ___________________, • . , . vou u7e coii un*

D d e s s o m u c h - • »ait.T«jiiMiodj(oV4


S O L i T T ui_______ —>— .r. „ .u .«d

H i m * . . . . m u d TOOAYI Only alUBLE THE STRENGTH Colden Anniversary

Dc^iifM M m pages. Send naTT , adir e g u l a r s a i s o d a uid Snowdrift Ptofle,

'knft'CHTCO.. INC. ------ ---It CU.UI sr.. htw so u ' , — I __

u p p e r P l a n n e d . . S p e a i c e r T e l l ;

- B y : 6 1 u b - W o m e n : r i v o r y - € b H B i

S S S d S A t C l u b S e

Mra. McRiU g»« the thought for orenlng. She apoke on care day. RoU caU waa answered of which ahe baa a la rwth miscellaneous Items. The group XTr« Black'a coUBcUan11 bold a poUuck dinner a t 7 p. m. , K i d h e ? h ^•tu rd ay w lih h u i^ o fm O T b C T * gtaUoned In ,C h ina with

rrom -lfi3i.toaa37.shonu in g - a covered dish and table Chinese lore. M n. E. I

rs. McRUl was received by Mrs. -EL-BrackW ^’ra^ aftm oya-w aa ^ ^ ^ -e ^ B iis in e S 's e ^ Mrt regular meeting wlU be heldi r r a r u i r a o f f i B - o r H S T x r w ; parade chatm ian wlUi n

' EtchUon, Mr*. Sima and_ - . , , , O-DonneU on the comm

T e a S c h e d u l e d ■ g ' S f S S S ’. l:he P ast Noble Orands club wlU e ta s airf d g tea from 3 to_8 j .m . ^ d a y in e u n u L J 00d_£0iro iU e the lawri aTlhThome of MnTO, ^anco wlU be Mrs. H M erriU .'l l»& venA avenue east, chairman, and Mra. w 4rs. Horace Bradshaw, Lewiston, o q . Nelaon.

“"‘. ' . ““ ‘ S i , , jS ln L S ” " M: M n. Ray Denning and her ^ , 0 (,♦ j j i - n*i H,n.. Uier. M n . Alice McDonald. boUi S ^ w k d M r T H W

^edral City, csui.. win be hon- ka •» u »t s r s s s m S ’ e wwelcome.^ ^ ^ ,

SON HOVOREB ¥ ¥ » :AGERMAN, July 38 - Mr*.ament Prince enterUlned a t a RICHFIELD. July 35-1Jiday party Sunday In honor nf ue King tttid Mn.^Harn^

son’s elgluh birthday annlvcr- cn tcrU lneduio North &r. Vem a Lee Lott and Lou Ann tho King home with quiz g[m ire. dlreeUd games and as- ducted by l>lrs. Ray BrlcdM n. Prince la senlng refresh- Joo £)ePew and Mrs. E.Its. . . . . . prijes-w erB 'received 'by ■

* * * e«es. M n. Ray Appell wll.’ you're planning to clean your ess Aug. 3.lUr, do eo after the toaster has ¥ ¥1 dliconnectod and hss cooled. READ TlMElS-^/EWS WA

jm C R O C K E R 'SP E PP EH IN T-S nC K C A K E ------------------

M a d t ixlra4uKhut whh SnowdrJfllFor suecesa-do these flrsb ^I. Hav# inaredlenU at room tempenturo (70 m

- t o 75‘).-In ^ -w * s lh e r use milk and - eggs di------------------1rec tiy frem'rcWgentor. ^X Prah«sloveoto3S0 '(m odente). ^a. Rub 2 round layer pani, 8 x 1% b , gener- c ously wllh a.'fou'Bun and duat with flour.4. Measure lev<I for accuracy with itandard ^meaaurlnC cups and spoons. yI . 5 if t COLD URAL "Kllchtn-teated" Enriched ' ' ' ~Flour, then spoon Hs^ily into cup aad level • ' 11ot!. D o not pack. ' ' . 'Sift together inlo bawl:--------------- --------------------------------

_____ _iiM0«1dHtdlIi1.ur________________ S*1UlMX|>M»l»<hl “

*U*aip**n»h SJ11 (up iM»a

Add: KcvpJNOWDtlFT............. 1 JBpniinr V'

IfMipMapippKmlAltxIrtirt ' pi(nct«Jlefpipp«m<)iil)

^ a t tHmroualy with spoon for 2 minutes by dock (aboutiiOslroltesperminulc).Youm sy . . res t a moment when beaUng by hsnd; just « ,count actual btjiing iim» or strokes. Or m k • '

’" P " ' ' ( m i d d l e

Add: Wf»Vicvpu*k.«iM^„ti»,«nBi«) re-Contouo-bratbir^-JHlnute* more, acrapinff "bowl ransUnUy. Pour batter Into p r e p i ^ •paftj.Bake3()_fo35m inuiM inm oderale.eve5v_..___.(350 ) o r until top springs back when lightly touched. Cool, frost w ith - '


S U ru n in well blended U a smaUaaueepanW ' cup sugar, 2 t ^ waler and Vi cup whiU(m lxtiie-spini ------------------£ ^ “> e-ln-lhrMd ora f.w drops form a film ball when dropped Inlo cold waler). When

mixture btgini la boll. sUrt beaUng V* cup / { ^ ' egg whliM(^. Beat unUlstirr enough taJioM__

r c o ^ t ugQ[lC_hQj_|1'mn lloiyTy Tll ■ (liTii Lf.i_.I_ _l__ X*..Into beaun egg wh],*;, b ia 'ib t WMuiiVy wUHelectric or rot.yy btaip.uindLmi^..T..^^.'L a,4..----------------------uerv-»t*i;.p»aks. DIcnd in >4 cup crushed p e p -—------------- —

Sdi-Riiino Hour, omit

-«M ^ Snowdriffai J i Cookbook. 100 . ^ .


3 k e r _ T e I I s o f . Ig h ^

> r y - _ € b H m i G n - - " A ^

t C l u b S e s s i o n . ^ ^ ^ j^ July 2ft-M n. JohnKetchum. was guest speaks p i n s ' i L “ * »>BeUevue CJrtc club Tuesday Uio h o : ^ >. She a ^ k e on carved Ivoriea, O ard n e jT ''^ ^h a l» haa a largo coUection. H»roId '

®" WM made Uie dedle»^S^« he and her husband were Uie Rer

3i.toaa37.-Sho made a study and arotlnd ti?* eae lore. M n. E. E. WlUlaoj A Ulent SL**«

.oIoi, .ccom- t o U i . r , u S i ‘[1)7 Mrs. Wlllln A ls i iU n t -S 51 l ^ e s a session conducted Mf^^Andy h S L '. Cloy W right, the -grouB ^-proJ*ct-report-brMn.-'Mc=- ~ t Tand mada nlnrn <>.. ___1 1 _ .» ___ Iay obeervance. M e t H o H

n is h i ig h t of rd ^ r n iM wlUi Mrs. Jsntes memben of isT,I, M » ^ and Mrs, Jack club Tueada, SL)U on the committee. The Beymer a iL ”,? !

MimnlttM wUl bo headed »tu Uit d em o ia^M c J D ^ e r u l * Mrs. Del tO .O o o d d lM ^

1 I t o Sidney D ra je t au u t- C o K li i la v t^ ?

riU be Mrs. H. t l Hatch, elub m e m b e r^n. and Mra. Wright and Wallon, vjee’ S l f-O. NeUon. the meeUog in*S?ineeUng wos held a t tho C. Haynie, rroSL*’ Mrs. Del Sims, wlUi M n1ms and Mrs. Hettia 0-Dcn- r " i t.hostesses. Tho Aug. 38 meet- ' - I T C le P ^ h tk l.a t UiB home of Mn. Memben of U ui Barcus. Mrs. Etchlaon and Supreme Porw w .Iph O riffin %ia asslit. . held a p o U u d to *

* * * . noon at tht h c S -CLUB CONVENES . ®*“n. norUi cf pa^ T O JJ . July 2I!-M n. Mu,.: and M n . H arryW UUimi ledTIie North & d club a l nh l!w ^ m *< h o « . M t h w l = I i m i ; . “ " ‘■“ ' " • ‘■ " • I w ,

ly Mra. Rny Briggs, Mrs. ■when v™L .i*

OT received by tha host- main diah Porim2 s Ray Appell will be h « t- ,|ghl

Jt « U [oaat: a hearty natmES-HEWB WAKT AOS. to^scn'e W o tT §

Double-Ouicli I calls M

E now JrU l I j c m u lso r iii / • cmulsorizcd shortcatoj . 2 y o u r Ingredient, thorOTibly*

led ■ ■ - i n the same bowL !*'■■■ W ltho'u ltgs-besO nEl____ __________A n d .u i y M l l l J - y " * ^

S u a t Cnke, rande w iiF fta______ S n n w Jr if t 'rf l l l t l k h t e i a

th n n llc o a ]d p o !s ib ly l» « “shortening,

^Vhat's more-Snowdrift i» ucoctabic shortening. So 6 pepperm int flavor sh ia a r ip

S S M O W O R I F T I s r t l f l

S v e j a t a W s o i l - J i t l f f l W

«n Snowdri/lV finer- - foods ihsi u s u - b r t f j a w ?


25 ~ ^ i e d s S S ^ W e d f c 3 j ^

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iC ood HouMkitpin; J

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!^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (10)

f c f r E d g e C (

R u n s■ j i j y ■ 26"(/P>="M aho-F «3U -edgcd

i r t h Inninjr. T h o C ow boya h a d I H t in » * S ; e ig h th fa iled to m a te r ia l iz e I;

once in th e f i r s t a n d seconfl in r H e t t h i t to J a c k B u k o w a ti . w h

T row er tr ie d to d o u b le H ac k , M cN am ara cam e a c ro sa .

H j ^ - j M a e n - i I n g l a - tQ -^dgh t-and .con ie .ho

M u s t a i i g s t i

• » r 3 a 4 1 V i c t o r ytKPCditt “ OREATPALL8.July28C

j „ In PWJi ««k «dT uiiise o

M h e !n lk e i i-ta Am»Ui walked rour me, CnB but th re ^ n w third Innlnj U loree In oai-JU ito*er- m e ,

^ o«rtiiro»' I ” - -The «eecnd free run c#rrtdftw nJl"'- »Uth, «JKr-» pair of ali«a t plcktd pilf or wtlk*.^ eliSth. I<« Ogden picked up U‘» Iwoltf. wo‘ “ the second. Bud MesUwOrff ptwndKl VendUto ilnjled «nd Mewlffuito M » « doubled »econd u John Anjetf. Wed Jim P8terson‘4 arounUl ’*. FALU ». OCD77.i:i .u r<ib ^ < b h o « |g» .i r«ii 11 tiMcNiBin i lUrlo* rf « TO « llgir <r

t 1 4 II HtrrlMn'lf > 0 i D frror Ib llH-IUW 11 J ' ‘ * K.iln* Ib I 1 I 1 Sl«j» If-lii jN ium i ‘‘ * * f S D«um e - J c-l l wini»r» •II t,'c<urm< ; LI a Vtiulllla. 2b t l O 1 Cb«a ,l

J ” ? P.UfKp« M 4 « « I IlfJnn- JlI t I I«»4k» » * J » ‘ p. , , , ] p

I I I _ Tculi I lC t lo l TouuHiTi T«uii , Cm" r»iu~ZZZ*rZZr.’.oei

—r ------ Cott. Rtll-WlnUf I. Btrai

• u } .-tI | b SH-Sloop,. WlnUf. BD-J i .

S i . v S i i . L J - t il». !-------- -------- :-------

--------------— M o n k e y P l a

n n UACUE Monkey • foursome win7, M «lr Wcdnesdny eompelUloa a t 1

--------{] « j ( j li Pall* munlclpnl solf comZ m T i 10 410 u>4 Elsie Hayes. R et» Henn

“ !l II "!« l?i£ Denton and Adrtiin Plld ,u ! l ,Durgim._jniiniiectBro*_Ai3

__« II .«« Ji?4 They completed the round— J l 11 4H io\( geore o f H .fthSMi nicb.1. Explaining Uil* methodM O i<0) tt idibo m u competition, Durgan lald t

t j . , j r r . . eomo uses one baU. The pU ira .lid' low -eacn-ouitr-ljn iin firw*!J0 p,rn. pbylntr Ihe ball from whei

uu,ur«uii<. (Biu»ii p r e d e ^ r hlta It. WVCwlTilli-fJutVr -O w inlerB rertonrT im e-Hi»a. Klrkman and Don Moat tei•coin UACUE runner-up »pot with

» L rtt. CD Ourgftn announced tha t qi(I ,u i . . rounds for the city toumao

— S {J -JJI ,Ji. under way and wlU end £3 I i b j l JU u ertntaB. Tho f lr « -and eaeor_ i -u .(■( u u 3«-hoIe matches will b« pU;, .H !5 •}]* j}h> day In twoTounds.of 18 ho:____u (I ;<ii » The wml-Ilnal and finalt; r r r . . r . . . . ' * i“ *>'*'> s.

w I, IVI CD aeUvlUes 'n j(' .lli day morning, p rliei were

------ It il ,tot lor low Rrou score on hole*— ?} JI •?!} I ,, nine. The winner of the A__« tj ;JiS u '* ' ^ m ‘ Siim '4'T«iitr‘w m ' n ’

------ It (4 .Itt t l other winners were Connie :■------!! iJ '•»; I ' D dlTlilon,» : Joyce eidwell,------ • " Blon, 16, and TUU6 Hall. D

m i UACIIE 16.___S , j The manager-pro annou___11 u j ( , I caddie tournament for all— Jl u J l l . i: from tho Blue Lake* Couni

:------ -- JJ -‘JJ iJH and the municipal courseu ;!ii l lu held Aug. 13. There wUl be

------jt 4T .ill ii( i of play to qualify, followedT-----** “ Other la holes of match plajBUX LEACUE ■ Tbo llnal big event of t.— m M M o -i i~ i *«ajonwlllbetheTlme*»Nes

1 0 Valley men'* open medal pli

-j-j-iM »o olo-j i J Labor day week-end.'ThU I tournament.

:— »» «J eoi-4 i t '

I I ) S . T o u i ' n €

S t a r t s M o n d

g i K l t m - O n T i a a B e«>«WU; fiuih. DubI.l ind---------------- P u y o m -rw ih e -rD B -n n

• auke softball league will sei— >«» 5»: 116 i-T ij I way a t 7:J0 p, m, Mondaj ;— m w :« »_« I 0 MurUugh batUea the Ta'lr« >14 w „„u„, ou», on ^ D 3.f• BkUs. ,rt MtcuiiM.k, ‘ Addl«n avenuo ea«l, Laveat

m ?T“ } .* * ' ^ ' ‘e athletic supervU" f t •»” j nounced Thursday.■ "»■ in^ H,. Play will oonUnuo each nig___ _ ovj',1. , , , Ins U'e week, with a twin bl

1 D n'Bl’l- In llie second game ItnL a i i . i ’*"'"' Cb“nWn. Kimberly, undefeated In Icaffi

------------ thli »eason, will meet Cmn n io T n The tournament compIelM It^ m s i s a e t mer-* Play and will .provide. iio4 T » L „ _ . Champion.^ t V / I i a m p i n n . The atake champion, willTT—- -j—g f - ' r i t j ihe lUD-aivUIBir^pUjoff at-

A S S P r i Q - yet The sub-^mcTKiy. Winner enter* tiia dlrUlon I

n u ^ x L T ^ meni. wllh the ,wlwiw of Wltouli J n 7 . . compeUng for the *11 LDS

'•'» no Mflball champloaihip a t S*1<h* 4m .. Olty Aug. 32 to M. .

Saer A ^ i^UclpaUng In the I“ ^weinber or her* will be the Mcond ant

O a k l e y M a n

» n s io n -Swdown SS"i?SJ2S>"5!.“S

l l *5““Iton; Emmett and Shelley.i2L';’»»'ilinan «(-■ ■ Th* Kmthero Idaho » « •^ l « l night MUMfor WlUard BelU. *1*0 an

»t« who ha* been r * c * ^ “

put" ' u^ “ k o ^ c ^ T T i e Great Uke* fonn the

b o ^ or rreib water lo tM «

e C o w b o y s 4 - 3

u n s i n S i x t h-F « 3 ^ a -e d g c d -T w in -P f lHg-4.3 - l^ ^ ■ [ u - i v ~ • , iw boys j u d th in g n l ie d up a t 2 . , | | „ „ tn ' M t c r l i l k o in to a n e e d e d r.ll)- tor th e C o S y ,

ou b le H a c k , b u t t h e i ? n ^ ,c ro a a . r c l l e r G a m sin d -c o m e .h o m f t-o n .a p , ____________ • .

. . r o r n i of P a s t

B - A s s i s t —

a H g s t f f —

i c t o r y K X S ' K J ' s i l s

advantage of O gden ^ w u thoutht t o ^ washed

S id .p 11-. .ob. r u . b’a «Bud Meaalaa a ad Al w hat it uMd to b*. But all I

igled and M eulna eeored to do «•« lejm i« - bit n- ’“ '5 '’“ '’'' “ ‘he hliler*' weakne,

•« «POU instead of trj h^‘-i'|C tV .°r“r . i , ‘h o . . the ball past them."10 « I[gir <r I 0 « 0 . Actually, lho. e lait ihrea yi

- n - i fl«r»n*-*i— In-w liith-thfrMldT w as'Tlnm : I J 0 mo','"”ib " * S T 0 •»*f*''>‘«-b«J--the muscular o

I 1 1 sisojM If- J 0 1 0 tJ'ne I'” ’* l«rm boy grinned as c-ii J . - - 1 0 ; I towelP(i-(iim«irih tfie locker ro

M s * , "^"■“'’ IS-lS.andlBBamesln.I I 1 IJUK^. V 1 0 0 0 ’“ t three jMsoM. Not great, but

------- ---------- too bad. elthof."i» i o i Toui. H * :7 7 B U lf.ltw iw i the old W ler ; :Z ::::Z Z ::.M 1 o” 10» - I h«d bettered the

B«roii». Anidsn*. Prror, d m c Victory mark. w!2f ' / V ' 'n ‘”'- '" ‘“f't wote LeJty Oomer i

r a - « " » . . S = '• ! ’ I U in ilm im t>ioi>«. Actiiofl* u t« I^ard but the ball wasn't going

*• ^*‘ t." Pelltr chuckled as he strlpi" f iS lU , J"™, ““ M * w l' »t ■«_____________ handled drawer* a t the locker ro

•fx-, boy. -“Nobody had to tell me" | » V - r ^ l n V -------- rtS t b»U.»-u.ilflwlng up a llUls.M y r I t t J -But * h .t did It. I think."

I ! • I ' continued, ••wu when I hurt myil l P l ’h l ' - ........ - »t Philadelphia In 18-

. l U i g U l Filler's fu t one w u working tJT|i».....- day, a j he struck oul nine of ■

I V ( t O I t ^ '* « him. But a t tl________ point his splktt caught In the mm.

roursome wlnnera In * « 'ompetlllon a t the T w in *" 5 *^““■'1'Ipnl golf course were i JSwRebu Henrv l^ iiia “® * "Cn* ejg," he recalled. *Th

Ih l. t^e first Ume the lump Is co

s r c - i ' " " ' ■e b n ^ '^e_plaj;era J o l- t i;.> h "-evttr >h - tir

F ^ l l e r - r S I r - n o " ' ^ball from wherever hls pitching. U l^ -T im « -H .i t - R n h — L rfsW (IJhaL »ntraIj?,'M -i

« . . ■.. “>»'•’ objecuve," he expUlned.

;r-up »Pot with a 85. p u „ j a fine slider. Bul noa «unced tha t qualifying ^ v c to be able to pul them wh<

flrrt-andeaeond roundies will b« played Sun - ' "

Lal mid final m atchcs Veeck S t a l l s

D i a m q n d W a rscore on hole* one and _ ^ _nner of the A d lrlslon T . ^ C f T / m i i o«iitr*w im n - « ro i te a ; - U 1 - u I » - 1 j O U i S --------

* for sure In EU Louts and the no. .nnrsi.nxMi . “t*d smoko may l u t Jor a long tin

»!• ^eela tha t one of Veeck'* bigg, firecrackers was tossed In hls dlre

iK f o H o w e d by*’l “. . r . 1... owner of the Drovns, Saigh Ish i. ^ t f QUlet and etudlous man who ofr«rh . f baseball without the frUls.

■■BufSilgh'*“ cata-demfcanor w leSt. 2 iSd^a over th a ™fOed last Satunlay when Vet

« challeiiged the Cardinal* to a p« enL « “ <»" o\ly series. wlUj the procee

_________ to BO to the Community Chest.T he explosive w u cached In U

roui-ney_ I tre a d » ‘‘8lnceltnowappear*thH n ^ ' n / l o w r neither St. Loul* team Is goingi T l O l l Q a y be ens*ged In the world series t^

• ' fall. It would seem lhat here Is i

e l d B e i - e ~

league «111 gel u n d « thlrd-place Redblrd* out of 11 p m. Mondw w hen NaUonal league race,

on Ihe LD3 .fleM on chairman of the Community Cheuo east. U vear T hor- challenge w;Ihlctlc supervisor, a n - ^ ^ ^ 0 to embarrau the Cardinal*

, . . ^ « It » “ PM»l“ e to pUy UnUnuo e*ch night du r- g ,n ,e j, Mr. Veeck, a newcomerwith a twin bUl each u , , take luU credit, aiaecond game Monday, ,f ujey were not played. Ui« Cardlilefcated In league play ^.Quid r«elve the blame."will meet CuUeford, Added Salgh: 'Therefor*, Itmt compIelM the auin- o^tura] to -assume that the on 4 will jrovlde.a.stoke. thln£-M r,-yeeck-hu l i rm ln lls jl

amount of publldty that would aichampion will ent«r crue f ln t to him personally ar

tBir~pl*yoff ~ * t '*~ * l^ ' w co n d ta - th rBiuwiu.*______ned. The sub-^lvlaion — Asserting lh*t he fee'ls the CardirI tha dlvUlon toum a- *1* ( i l game* olf the pace) still haie winner of the la tte r s chance for the penn*nl.-f!ilgn dt■ the all LDS church dined Veeck'* Invltitlon.ploaihip a t salt Lake Reader* aaw the storm clouds 1t« 25 . Sunday* newspaper. In the son;BoUng In' the playoff* ^ U o n carrying Veeck'* thslleni^ e eeeond and third Uiere appeared a big paid ad by tl;S nn-P alla.-A Junior- R^blnU .-,- - - - ' ------ _j r boys under the age , "In 2J years." It began, TTninvMi Uta in August. Cardinals have never asked you.'U:p iaiea ia« _ ran . to Uke a lubstltute for qua:

Man ------:------- a i a c h -------------

t b i e s -n e w s , t w :

night th roush auntil th a t f r a m e , --------------------------------------------the CowboyB. i a inmara and Svend . A U I D C ]

Cains L. S M T 'l H i

4^Wins— ^ B P P B H P.ruly 3d oiJO-Back In reatoeu u the firstCher to win 14 gamea . B t i V - W -by Feller Insisted to- ’never was worried” "three yean In whicht to be wuhed up. '?*<llerm e. thote things i V b ^ W B |b i \ ler dl»clos«d a* he \ -*1 sUrt against the , 1 1 a t . , \ \ \ \ \ ‘> Iteej. “I flifln't pay f.; • | n ' “A ’ •

lad plenty of atuff f - V W ' 7 ■ I f M | i |L0 do w u work hard ~ 'S L W- ? ■ onlrol,’’ he added, j 'my r u t ball wasn't1 be. But all I hnd ' / I ■I lo pay a bit more 'p> ' 1 ■

hltlertt' weaknes.<es ■ ' •}ts Instead of trying L . ' ' ball past them.">. e last three yean

• ^ e muscular one- r

A e ' l S r w ^ - - - A f t e r - W l a r . w t a taBgBe-luht snd IB names In the 'Dreaien w ^t.ln to ai«. Not m a t, but not >eweombe. Ralph Branca andrtoi great, mii not challenged the other Iwo about. the old rcller who ----------------^ ^ -----------------------

bettered the 20- ^ j - j - v

Y a n k s R s

h . N E W -Y O H K rJuly 25 (/PHWhen I hurt myself w ith in one out of winning: thi liladelphia In 1M7." s ta d iu m in over a ycnr Wednead r . “ n" . o'r“ <!»“ “ « by Johnny Mi.c acortd I ice him. But a t th a t fo r th e 13th atrnight . time aught In the mound }it»ro nnrf pnvn ♦ho Npr- VnrV

Y ankees a thrilling 2-1 tri- 5 then half as biff um ph.he recalled, T h en , Ex-Ploneer leaguer Oil McDou- ed too soon after- Bald opened the lu t of tho n iam Ulll wa* the end w ith a line single lo ctnlcr^Mllte

ised’ te-thH iw 'pasl O arcla quickly disposed of the next I wanted to.—But two ba tters. He fanned Oene Wood-

e the lump Is com- ling and got Joe OlManlo on a fly J year and I feel to rig h t, but U rry Derra kept Uie

Yankee hopes alive wlUi a single to-howevar, changed center— th a t—eent—McDougald_(o! - not only hi* third.

Mize, whose eighth inning homer »Lc«ntraI_Si'M-my. .beat-C IavclandJ-U a*«U y^-«kw t

he explained. " I the oount to one and one, then allced ty of stuff, a good ® hump-backed hit.over thltd to ! slider. But now I wm th e game, to pul them where z»sy throwing Ken Holcombe rhls year I've got m m ed up a* the Chlesjo Wlilto

Sox's eagerly sought “itopper" and-------------- hi* artlsU c live-hlt pitching alint- 1, . provided ft 6- j victory over the Bo$-

— ton-IM d’ S O x .------- -- -----------_ / a iv a .a a offecUve righthander faced

1 XVT only 33 Bostonians while snappingi d , TT 3 1 ? fourth<place' elub'* five game

• W oahiaston bluted four Detroit^ | ] 1 C ------------.p ltcborc-to r-U -h lt* ,-l& clud lng-a

■ trip le nnd three singles by Oil Coan.July 28 </P>—Bill to b eat th e Tigers. 7-4.Hi olf the fireworks T he T igers hatnmered Don John- x)uli and the noke aon fo r three runs In the first In- lu t for a long time, nlng b u t he braced to post his sixth ilgh of Uie Cardin- victory.e of Veeck'* biggest ■ T b e fro n t running Brookl>-n tossed In hls'dlrec- Dodgera puahed Uielr laitJt winning w i't like lU strcftk to five gamea u Preacliermboyant showman- Roe p itched his MUi victory and troans, Salgh la a 13lh com plete game In defeaUng the us man who offer* Chlcaso Cub*, 8-2 before 17.881). the frills. Roe. the NaUoool league's wln-a ta demfcanor was n ln g e rt pitcher, gave up eight hlts,- urday when Veeck bu t walked only one and fanned «lx, lardlnal* to a post- wbUe h ls mates made most of four I wlU) the proceeds Cub e rrors and seven hits off atorter nmunlty Chest. Bob B uah .and hli wceessor, W alt w u cached In Uie Dublel.of the WTltten chal- C a tcher Joe Oaraglola'* eighth

hom erun of the year with two It now appears tha t aboard In the aeventh Inning help- I team Is going to ed th e Plltaburgh Pirates to a 6-« le world series thU victory over the New York OlanU :m lhat here Is an today. 'u s 'to 'U k e 'p im n — Q eorge-S trtckland 'a-lonrflybail • tant drive." In th e e igh th with Uie bases loaded ^Uke-lhc-way_Vcetk acored P e tJ Reiser with the winning j ce Browns countcd nm .ledblrd* out of the O lanU took a 7>fl contest, a

lay 'to Uie general ffune ..Community Chest R igh thander Ned Oarver chalked 'the challenge was up hla U th victory In 16 decUIon* '

tu Uie Cardinal*— W edneaday night u Uie 8L Loul* 'osslble to pUy the Browns pushed over a Uily In the <^ a newramer to n in th Inning to take a 6-t win overike full credit, and the Philadelphia Athletics. I t was ,Dlaved Uie Cardin- O arver'* 10th consecutive win In 'K m e " . t h n e y ^ over Uie A'*.'Therefor*, It 1* W ilber's homerun, Oranny

»e Uiat the only H am ner's double and Kobln Roberts'h u lirmlnd ls the fou r-h it pltchtnrwere-too much for'Ity 't h a t ' i ^ T c ^ ttB -st."L oul|-card lna!s‘Wedne»day'm personally and n ight aa the Philadelphia Philliesncw .“ ~ _ _1- ^ tooltj > -3 -t-<leclslon frwn-lhe R od-le feeU Uie Cardin- bird*.

S E ’i " ; ” K i» B = m .I5 - i i iL 8 ,vm?lUUon Amoldettes. Kimberly, edgedle iio m clouds tn W estern Music, Twin Falls, 30-19m / T ihT um e to * Blr’*’ *o»tb.ll game WednesdayVetck'* chsllenge n ight, J c u le Llngaaw and Bellybis nald ad by the H a llo w a y ^ a re d Uie hurling duU uBig paid ao oy ^ -W catSn.-with-K ollowsy -and’ It becan T h e Jacob# on the mound for Kimberly,iver a S r i vou..the M w gan d id the catching for Ktm-bitluiJ! foroual- ■»•«» Norma Lynch and Lor-iDsmuie lor q receiving for

Twin ra lla . i

nd Frank Hlldrlth The low~est 72-hole scora In Uie I Ioh„ bowling ■liilff TOOA-DJiaCU'UlB 87.73.5J-CT=37r dentlcal scores cf recorded by Ben Hogan at Uie RlvU

^ ^ S U N D A Y

I | m _ 2 : 3 0 - P i m r ^r / ^ / . T “ FR0NTIER f ik ld

T W IN FALLS M j U j ^ - M lL B -A -M IN D T S-.T H W Iia|—


, Ailments Cured, All Forg

rat a tan rne -luh tn r (o 'three 'B rM klya plteben, tU alD g'lhi Men w ^ t Into a (enr-w}y hanathake wllh his pnblem chi Mph Bnnca and E rr Pallca. DreaaCn aeciued Pallea ef tmi e eUier Iwo about “alleged’* aon u m * . (NEA photo)

t s R a l l y L a t e ^

d g e I n d i a n s g !"July 25 (/P)— The C leveland Indinn8~came' of winning th e ir n r .i t gaipc . a t th e Yankee fendiI ycnr W edneaday, b u t a tw M U t, n in th inning on u ly -Miio acored tw o runs, wrecked tho Indians strnight . tim e ------------------------------------------- ment

€ardrRaUy— " u“ . ? r S 5 ; T o T o p B o i s e i ‘ :

“ ‘ P i l o t s 1 2 - 1 0 „ : . j rIManlo on a fly POCATELLO; July 28 W1 -T h o ' Berra kept the Poeatello Cardlnala connected forwlUi a single to five runs In tho eighth Inning eouv

-McDougald—to AVadnasday-nlght—l«--defeafr-the “ “ J Boise Pilots 12-10 in a Pioneer

th Inning homer league contest. “ ** 'Tuesday^-orkad- —3ha-CanU..«oUoct«d-UieIr-run* —W<d one, Uien allced In ih n e Innlnga In a free hItUng plon.It.over third to contest during which the winner, the :

Waller Peluso, waa touched for IS withKen llolcomlM hits. him.Chlcsgo Wlilte rocATEi.LO it. DOias >• Mt

It 'jrtopper'* and D«Ih ib k e « PomUIIs *b b a * 125 'II pitching atint « * J | « S*",! [? .? ,I ' { S } S of iry over Uie Bos- J J ? | v » Sjit If I ?■* J » nir— • ----------- v .ireu i . « r r r j ' o AbuUi sb s i e « uie 1ihUiander faced 512 f ‘ f ? eagle, wWIe snapping dlul^ib 5 i 7 « “11..., m \ i e * W«:Iub* five game e i i i o rrwintm < | * * > past

“ K aSST '* !! ." !

iere(i Don John- iiliv»ieniiM i.' ’An.Bi J ’V* riMo'ii *! ^oijiIn Uie first In- n*i"«r- i ‘"i“ J- “P®

to post his sixthVtltalle*. RUI-VsUnUa? 1. lUIutr S,

mlng Brookl>-n m u. rfiu,o.^ m \n i. KUk <• kiup^. Spok I tl.m t WnMni S a l r “ l;- -J .~ S .; SS ’ J D - S ^e* u Preaclier Kirk, n tion . »-rriuM, ormkHiti. dp— h*»

4Ui victory and Jcm* u C rw rr «

£ r s . “” B u

I and fanned six. __________________ leucs

S n i Megians Prep r..i.,vs M.h,h For Brown Contest ^ 34,S S wlUi CHICAOO, July 28 (U J l^ lx ty of up WitM niU nfheb ! th e J u o n 's outatondlng-colleglalff Hl^Pirates to a 5-4 Pl*ye" « « « “P t«5“y on Uie Jt "ew Yotk OlanU 18th annual college A ll-SUr squad ***’••

• th a t will meelthB Cleveland Brown*, Ihrw i'* '!onr-fIr-bail ifiM-NaUonal-footoall4eaeu9.cham.. .Oi}J<tha boM loaded Plons, In Uio IBth annual gridiron P»l“ t h ^ w K cJaulc a l Soldier Held Aug. 17. _. J.ttai-----------------•• —ThB-All-iStanrTfho-wtll-be aeeklnta 7-8 contest a their sevenUi win In Uie series andbefore Uie reg- aecond victory In a row. will report PACI

Thursday a t Delaflcld. WU.. to Head WIOarver chalked Coach^erm an Hickman. Yale. They 8«>«tn 18 decUIon* will begin actual praeUce Priday, Uia of 3:'

* Uie 8L Loul* “ «'e day the Browns begin unllm- one-ir a Uily in Oie l*rtng aC Bowling Orten. «^R^

Ceylon I* about u largo u lha tured“ w ln 'S »tate of w est Virginia. h a n f A'*.nerun, Oranny — — I Kobln I t o b ^ ' r«-'toomueh for*lals'Wedneiday' m T M Ilelphia Phillies D V l m m J fr"m tht nui- —J K ——I —

WIN M .Kimberly, edged 1 W m g t ^ WIn Falls, 30-19 Wima Wednesday »

S A L E -

x - ' z a .thing for Ktm- 11:00 A.M. 1<ynch and Lor-

for 0

a scora In Uial R R P J f ;

ran at m T ^ i : U S Y O UR= C - J t T T t B = r - T r r ^ H ^ M

- ^ 115 HEAD OF TOIWO % I F w . r . EWE9



m r ^ S ' T O C K G R C

r c o t i M i s s n

^ H O

, All Forgiven

■jj V ’ V

I v £ j ^pitching and a

hi- ' nected.

fC;\ lltrB'dn

plteher*, liUBilBg lhem fpr the I w » t a ir of Mvea ^ « r iS ' »llh his pnblem ehlldrtn. They are , left to right, ceased Pallea ef Imaginary aU neata and choklog (NEA photo)

: A-cfoiiiK

i t e M e n g e r t B o w s " S

I n N o r t h w e s t S s ;B.n4«. Dl

' S G o l f T o u r n e y-B P 0 K A N I,- Ju ly -3 « -< « ------Bob

d ln n a cam e Q jrtner, Lo* Angeles, upset de- t h e Y ankee fending champion A l'M engert 1-up l in th in n in f f on Uie 30Ui hole wedneaday In-Uie f i n a(> ,. Tni^iona f ln t^ '^ n d o rth e S O tb a n n v a lP a d f- r •t h e In d ian s ^orUiwest am ateur golf touma- J U W l

ment, nrv\n11;^=----------------M *ngart,-who-had-UtUa-lroubU-l i v t>e<‘Ung O ardner 4 to 2 In Uie Mone 5” ..

■J cup matoheis Sunday, could never “gel out In fron t and needed a birdie ^OiSe on Uie 18lh hole tc *Uy In eon-tonUon.

1 f t They halved Uia 19th’ but Men-t v f ______gert belled, h la .tea .*ho t-In to ..U ie28 W l-T h e " “ S'* 20th and Uiat wa* It.

■onnectiid for Medall*t Bill Mawhlnney, Van- ^orw ar ilghth Inning eouver. B. O.. narrowly escaped njoj. co; i^defeat-U ie ■»laiUar.upset.ratt.buLrinalIy.dQFnL w,t n a Pioneer ^ Bpokane'a Ray W eilon 1-up on S S ^ fu i

11.. HUl hote. J J ,d - th e lr-ru n * — ^W eston,-a-rom er-PK O A -cham - « —troph I free hItUng plon. wa* 1-up on tha 16Ui when ^ provI the winner, the 22-year old Canadian came up -----------luched for IS with a specUcuiar ahot th a t saved

him. B ittjiaD018K >• Mawhlnney-a drtra carried wlUilnitiis * b a * 125 yard* of the cup on the edge - IkT’i"?!, S • 1 of the fairway. There he pulled out er I 's W nine Iron and soeked the ball Into .

>Ui Sb 1 a « Uie hole on Uie ny,~glv!ng'hlm~an "‘ * • eagle two and evening the match.

-ff M 4 4 0 * Weston's approach w ent 20 feet • i ? f } past the pin on the 19th and* ha

‘0 » • » » » was lost.______‘women'a PNOA ra n true tot*u u i s STS '?orm~at-anBther-cours*,- —--------- -I-?.'2 Medalist Edean Anderwn, Helena,il s r i “ o‘iT* M ont, beat Mrs. W. H. Porter.

v*n itnit i! Spokane. 6 and S, and defending Kinc, itMiindv champion Orace DeMou. Corvallis. tfu J. D.i«». O ra., defeated Mr*. Paul Hamish, tiik Spokane. 6 and 5.

;s S !:t Fain Rejoins A’s ' 'SC;'Si But Cannot Play“‘i J i l i ' S PHttADELPHIA. July 38 MV- i; Peri-l*-Paln,“ lhe-PhIIailclphla-AUi- “------- leilcs fiery first baseman, rejoined* i*A n his teammates Wednesday but ha llf c U be a bench rooter and no t a player.

the A'* leading hitter a t j O n t e S t m may not gat back into Uie line . - (UJ5—Sixty of up unUl Labor day. Sept. 9, If then, ing -colledatff I«(t foot Is In a cast, and there today cn Uie St must remalii for~Three more ll-SU r sauad week*. .Then It may toko two or eland Broww, throe wiek* more before he can nmIrfgll* cham« Or}_*t_aBaln,_______________________nual gridiron P “ln w m Injured two weeks ago In 'Aug. 17. * same against the Chicago Whitor tll-^ seeking --------------------he series andW. will report PACCR SETS RECORD Wl*.. to Head WESBUBY. N. Y., July 38 UPt- m. Yale. They 8cotU *Pence*cl a new world record ce Friday, the of 3^0* paeer* over the mile and begin unllm- one-half distonce Wedneaday night ^ a t Roosevelt raceway as Uie 8-year-____ old CasUeton farm* itolUon cap-large u lha tured top honor* In Uie $10,000 U, B. i

hanjes* W riters' pace.


,M M T o p P r i c e 9 M m - - j

LIS r o * TBCClONa INT O E M A T IO N -^ J

X G R O W E R S - I M I S S I O N C 6 ^ tM ------^TTATOK B O i r * g o y - OWBW j C - " '

M B o n u s t o B r i

w P l a y e r s R e v e. PEORIA. 111., Ju ly 26 (ffV-Dlscloflure

$1,400 in an 'incen tive bonus was paid basketball players-waa made. today.-Vinc York distric t atto rney’s office, aaid :that ----------------------------------- '— ” volved gai

B e e s J B i t d i e r _ . 4 l S i p r

A t- B i l i i n g s ^ ^ S S■ D ley will l a

BILLINGS, July 38 ( « - Bert eampu*- nat Barkelew won hi* leUi victory of unitod l a s t .

^ the season tonight on a seven-hit . "Our tou: sUnt against Billing*, which Salt be played a

. . Lake City ^-on 6-2. Blair Owen/ / ________ Lefty_jJMUii_Hlllinna_gaM_up »ha Mw haty only seven h lu to tha Ball Lake away from

riine, while whUHng.10balsmen.IIU tha big cit / / undoing came, however, when he U- sited hy UilJ

y ' sued 10 charity Ucket* to tha Bm-

nick Small was Uw big cannon for jS W \ the MusUngs. Ka h it Barkelew'i * 2 L S it R 3 \ pitching to Uie tune o t triple, double J S ? ? * “

’ and a homerun. Tha bases w en clesn. hoa'ever, each time he coa- nected. ^

. ' "BALT U M c m r *. BILLINB* 3 of Uie pa*t ■ Rail Uk« ab h e a Dlltiim sb h a * Howevtr, <

- I s ”" Oii S y J i i j — ® f = ? n ] i s i j r i i i F ' “St e f m e a *$«»■»> » ; » j K irai.-n- l o a i ' d iw 'icV )

* M-Kianca Sb ^ e 0 * m re p o rta i® choking wuiumi p l o t s University i

.TTTTT: -r...u admlUed U-------------- A-cwg«4rf r« K .n“ i» 11 - polnU in a

------------- ^ w t !9 W S R^^oHi IT'iT R ilin b ^ 'lla u a >, Xrsf, He also,

flatU 2. C^llowman, DavLi. ICartft. Wll- n m b le n wip g i . Bm“ !i. HH-a®“ *iL nm.^uuSit«,®TtX tw

aadca. Htntndn t. Domaii, Small, Tm game iQ !s?ft,ffc“aiEriKia.‘’ss J” -,,,

W A V >’■ Duiinta S. OD-Bar. Besides t I C y ...... k»W I. Wllllami l». SO-.Btrk«]lw *, itied o "andt t J . Bob A -l‘wT. ^upset de- — , four Now

S S » Finals Set forr K ; Junior Golfers S ' sf - i - . ' s r - ■ ' s f s sould never ‘oeoai annual three Toledc W abU d o toum unent for which er, Tbledo: w In con- round* are now undar York; Carle ^ way a t tha Oooding Country club, grand jury ■ » /._ Mcordlng to Prank Dodaon. m u i- winning ma:

wer-pro- to beating I h if w a i^ S “ I h t ^ t n ^wyiluid-Qilamied W ed. Dec. 14.196 h a t wa* It. (jmiyyin, ___

K Compeutora In Uie champion- b e l l e a J laUy-dQjfni shlp-rouad*-*llL ,be-trtatod_lo_a. a * n r y - J ^in i-up on hreakfut aerved by Uielr father*, lu , died a t

Tbe first place winner wtU.recelTe day. HewiO A -cham-«-trophy,-TW hile locaJ-menhanU o f-D anR .I15Ui when t n prorldlng oUier prbtes. New York ■! n came up " th a t saved

r i ^ w ltbb 1 the edge - pulled out

IB ball into ng 'h lm 'anthe match. _ _

S.‘ L ' h . ‘ » B E L L O W S & C O S

. S i c U i i i i / U a ^ / S S Oin , Helena,

M i ) r e « e n t e t m o g r e a t lo h

i Har^ish, ^ e a c k , . w a ^ f e e i ,& & } ) e 8 t o i

A.’S C n - l ^ R ISO TiARS th e b o u se of Il ^ y h e ld u n f t i l i o g l y to th e l i i g h e s t s l

38 | ] B - e x c ^ le n c e . O u r c en tu r jr -o ld r t p t

i f « jo t a r f " { ® " i l J S ^ t ^ d & h m d i l l B c l I 5 i

i a “\ ** er* f f i • M tio n -w id 'h i t ^ a t v e ty p ic a l exam ples. E a c h o f

‘3,‘ u & 1 ^ 1 offerings ,u b a ck e d w. and there V ^ H su ra n c c o f fine q u a lity a n d m odeiree more . .- . . .. -------Ke two or ^ __

y 38 UPt- >rld record t mile Iday night he 8-year- Uion cap- 0,000

O B E L L O W S a ' c O l l P A r i T ^

P A G B ' T E U tl'JS B (^ > 'ip

D B f a d l e ; ^ ^

R e v e a l e d!/P)—DlscloBure t h a t an .add iU on il onus was paid to b ribed Bradley ide. today.-V incent O’Connecr, N e ^ T ' ifflce, aaid^that question ing o f \— volved gam blers a t N ew Yoric

revealed th a t In addition to— 45.600-previouflly-M nooBced—

aa b r ib e p a y m e n t s * tlM

during Bradley'* 1M»-M aaaaoa tat '— - K tn rO T o r r trB H a B T S a iy a i;-------------------DeapltoUt^teibediseienra,-8r»d-------

ley will renew U u Iw ck-to-lh* .Bert campus'* naUonal toum ej U in a o f y of urtted last aeason. • ‘ ,i-h it .."O ur tourium ent <lannU*ly win . Salt ba played again.'* Prt*ld«nt DaWa -

Blair Owen said. •V ore than e n r , - : e_up Uia idea back o f - t t - t o - te t p i a y a — l ^ e away from Uia aordld eamhlsrs la uHU tha. big citlet—h u le Is- sited by UlU aad (candal**®“ * Tha t<mnrtolk ot Uil* c e n t^

, minoU community, which pu t Br»d« ■ - - ln“ »*« tt™ baakatbaU by tub-

Krihlng to I33SM0 worth ot fin * Tear aeaaon tlckeU for a new iletd* hou*e mainly refuaed to be embit­tered by Uie *torUing derelopmenta

, a of Uie paat few daya. h a a However, one buslneu place K U a « J 0 w rttu i on t u door thU monUng S I ; which read; I n m em oryet depart*

•rj»» «H deaU -of-*port*m aashlp.*-«M -----* » ' .wreath d lw p e are l-w tU iln -rJen r-* '- 2 J I hour*. “J J * ' DlW lct Attorney F rank. B. Ho- " e o t m reported that-thraaatars of th l P - - e » s University of 7>>ledo'i crack to rn

admitted taking money to . t i g . th t .. polnU in a game with Klagara a l

lot-* ■TCledo last December.Kt, ,. Ha also aaid Uiat two aeU o t . wiV gunblen were InrolTed la ths f l i . - •

tng of the Bradley-St. Joseph's ; r m game m FbUadelphia aarty l u tu®Uft-Bar. Besides tha th res players from•* J. Toledo and alx from Bradleyi 1».......■ p l iy m _ a n l .fo rm e r .:p Ia jB ii l ra a _ :*

four New T o t t sahoola-C C m ;- ' Manhattan eoUeta, Long Xitaad tmi*' renitjf and-N ew - yofk-tm lTsnltF .• - a in a d y hava baea named 'In a ' - series ol nze*'*praaaiflc'dTer';DiH Uian 36 gaines, iwrin<iin| touma*

boy* mentjjont«{f._________ ;_____________Bun- The <tl*trict attorney said tba mual three Toledo pUyers, WUUam W att- fhich er, Tbledo; Robert McDonald. New . Jnder York; Carlo Mmd. Akron. toJd th* - club, grand jury how they kept their

man- winning mtTjIn xnly «hrj»f p^lp tito beating Niagara 73-70 la T oM o__

Wed- Dec. 14. 1950. ‘ ■iying ..................................«ve- P B E X ra FATHER DIES

plon- BELLEASR. PU.. July 28 ( O - .lo_a. g*nry-JJow>lag.Tnllllnnalra-sooU|.— then, Ito, died a t hi* home hera W ednai*. scelTa day. H a w u M . B e i w the father ,' HanU of DanR.TV>»*fctertflf-th»— ____ New York YarSaabaaeban dab . -

b & g o m p a k y K

00 great whiskies-

; the boose of Bellows batto the highest standard of/ H i ; ; .x n tu r y - o ld re p u ta d o n c n d | .

ehindall Bellow produc6 '.Vtw o n a tio n -w id e f a v o r i t e s ' B t fiples. Each of our more]igs is backed with an a^; W l .iiaEty u d m o ^ t e p r ic e ,\_ „ . ■ Q : ^

B i

c y r ^ -. y •' j — :

......g a a

j J ^

t i iy A t t ^ K ^ t m d k f S o w * - Q y r .

i s i i M r i T : , }

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» • .lar ,'

l y^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (11)

i H l ~ y A G E T O I J E T E E S '~ .V . : -

H Z iT o U iG re a t-fo r H [ F l o o d D e l u g e j

H ; C h e c k S l i o w sI H h { > CHIOAob. JuJr 30 lU PJ-T he| K r \ 'flooili U u t <J«lujed Uie mldwert Oilin M p { 'a«uon m e d 68 perwni. etuMdBfS 'm o n Uun t!MO.OOOW dunwc,H i k i j_ ’t a d drew « P W P*«oB* froo Uielr i|M P n ' hbraet, ft t m t j ihowed (od*;.B H ! ')i ' and Ulswtiri htd Uitlra n 'w o rn flood dUMttr of *11 time wlUia f f l i 41 penoni dtwl In Uie t*o lU lei ui B I .1____JM U lC oU lU n « l £ L ^ ‘,L toqed{ B l ' down rlrcn beglmslnt tu \ j In Uia V n .'•mnmer ’ Uld ellmftxed b; Uis b l| ■ t i l ~~ ^g eir ttu m ifP ilr ro o n O i:-------------

B M . «r>'i> t t»H»U a gathered In today*! ,B B .recApIluliUon ot iKe~£lg floodi of IB f l l l '^sai vere pUtered by United PreuB M I from eiUmktei by anny nglneery,B M 'm U conMmllonlfU, ned Crou ottl-s l V clftls.' ftnd B^euUurftl e x p e r t iI M ■ Umughoul'Uie flood zone. bB I I Tbe lU te of K u u a i tlone bore u

f l ---------^|7a5,0».000-dama*e-tomauifflesi alL‘* .lioases and fannlsndi from Uie Ktn-' qi"'i '» u and MlJiotirl rlTcn tnd their ai: ' i ■ . trlbuurlei, am y . c&slnetn etU<h t 1 mftted. P• ' 1; • • n u MUMun m d KUsUilppI r tr . yj;n>il f -m cau M d «tleutI1BP.OOO;W vorUi' l l ' ' -of deitnictlon ftlonc their cotuwj .■' M '10 MlMOurL M C

u|]j I ) Creit Morlnr on « bIW f|l t ^ The b li crest w h ic h pouredM'.'iii' J -through Uie K an iu Clly tren thlt “tj;7. I| month itlll w u moving down the PjU n i •Mlaslttlppl ftfter cleartng the “

j!, ' i,| -'epected.LLLii ; stream* were itlU gorjrd wllh Q m l 4 U _ > f ttM rJ 6 « p ln g -a t I m t a,lOO per- ►-K n :: . Irom TtUir&l&g to their mud*Sffl l i :«led.-wBt«r-diimaffed houitj.--f lv l ^ damage frotn UiliUk i t yeftr'f iprlng and lummer Hood* was ml i ;Ia Uie upper MUtlulppl hoiln lUtee ^H IR { of K ftn iu , Mluourl. Illinois. Wit.U l f !i eontln, Iona and Mlnnesolo. But J ■ H it . —joma.iloodlng wae reported a* far■ > ea it aa PenntyNanta and e t far ''''■ I . west a< the Oakolot and Kebratka. g,

I f I • ATTEND SESSIONf l 1 — I ’u w rv a ta r r r . o p id a h o , moi- a I J 1' ■' ,-cow. Ju lr at—61i pertona from Twin !T ! . > a lU ar« a t5 n d ln j Uie iSiriianfiier e i i.j r r [' :aetalon a t tha Cnlveralty of Idaho, to:i;7r —....... ■Uiey are Jamet Puhnnann, Rayi*t '' ; iMeUaon. Oarth ne'ld, John'Hioman,

— i B a n r Turner and Marton-Wrlght. bj


1 - -“‘Shoe I


' I ' M o s f s i z e s f r o m

j V A L U E S T O $ 6

L i z : " I--------------^

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$ 5

:f! -

; - ’ ^

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t f o r I F a lse Alarm1 . , ^ ^ .KAMPA. Juljra8(W»-Kf.and . T -

; I U H 6 « ' M n . Le»t«r Cottle aaJd here t»- 1 50 . < . day they had-tba annter-to-tiie.

S l i A w a niyit«ry of lome Iwnied btak- |‘ l l O n S tutM ” round unde Uu floor of V

Kin -Ph. ao old granary on Uitlr formerfftnn j c a r Hooper, Utah.

sr.aU time wlUi they umJer-,h» o-— -ow nar-of-U u-Dtali-fanii. ionic h. ih^ H* Uiem to » bank where offlcltlt -p^

Waahlngton for‘examination. v„u.------ I - ■ ------ ---- ----------1 ladtp

GfficerrSelected— 'IS’S For Legion Post1 e x p e r t i RicttFIELD. July Sft-Leiltr Jo* ^ j 'tie. hanten waa named eonimandcr of ,j,ere I alone boro the RJchflcld American Leglop post eomln a mauifflesi afftnieellng■MondayertnlnrirUio out c om Uie Ktn-' oumlclpal park. Other new offlcen . <, n tnd their aro Charles Maestu. vlee eommtnd- dnetn etU< er; Jerry DavU, adjutant: Jamu tt,awi

Powell, 8ergeant*al-anni and Mel« aenib «liilppl rtr. vln Pope, chaplain. penj MOW worUi Pope and Stanley Weymant were redjo .heir courtet named a t convenUon delegatei and being

* Clifford Conner and Maejtai are ^ ^ oa * nllemntet. . > Ute e li-h A plcnle for. Leglonnalrw. aux* CDeclj iiv lllao- membera and Uielr Itmllle* ygj, ; i/dovn the preceded the Joint butlneu »e«lon. jeptJo nir the MU- » « « “ “ '“'" e Mrt. Pete Cenar- a o

gm HUB ftnd Mr«. Loult Cfowther. Satur< carnage vu . -----------— , . -------- An-all

S i SS Services Held for KJ Gooding Resident Slii’

B from Uilt aOODINO, July 30 — Requiem ^"h. celebrated at 10 ajn. Wed-

" **5 “ ncJday for Florence Drla, early re*Nlllnolj. Wit. of Oeodlne.' at St. BJabeUi PADnwla. But caUiollc church. The Ber. FaUier awayirtea at lar g „ i,y celebrant. Plorenand M far paubcnrers were Antoao Cranga, ierrlni,0 neoroua. Boijg. caprlono Zabala, Mountain— - ___ Ilame;.- Eusebio .Aatonjula. .Oeorge‘ON Arrltola, Oregorla Entunta asd>AHO, Moi- Domingo AsplUrte, all Ooodlng.a from_T«jn _ Burial woa modei In Elmwood cem*SiriimiBier eteiy'under dIrecUon of Uie Thomp I By of Idaho, ton chopel, Ooodlng.nunn, Ray ----------------•in Thoman, Tho flrtt garment pattern wu cut I Wlon-Wrlght, by the EjypUana Irom ttona, -


J uddon i^ C l e a r a i

f o r — —

E N & B O ^

B O Y S '

------- ^ O X F O R D S ^

s i z e s f r o m 3 t o 6 S ^

IE S T O $ 6 . 9 5 ............................ * r

M E N 'S


_ _ V o l u B j J o $ 2 2 . 9 5 ; = ; . — , =

5 $ 7 $<

j j , C a m a s R o d e o I —

I s . S c h e d u l e d I

^ ^ ' O E T W i e H E n d' PA m nE L D , Ju ly 3 « -P lan i for I: K.I.V tha am ateur rodeo on Saturday and ■

Sunday, ipontored annually by the I ^ PaW leld American legion, have ■ , «»en compleled. Tho Ooodln* Rid- | . Itn f dufi and th e Sawtoom R w e r* I --------from Hailey will do A m rrtd ln g and I * team drlJIt a t the Sunday per>M I formaoce. Jim Van-Vlack, Ooodlng. I 1

or, now ^ u ,j anmxmcer for boUi ■ »m. llVIk ■.—• l . l . ■ ■ ’ B ' '

‘Puraea for Uio' rarlq ju evmU are I ^ t - t o - u o ip e a c h for aaddloTirbns.. b i t r e * l | 5iA

back and calf r oping; <M eacM f c r | |— * la c lp o t cow cutUng; ■Jackpot-teaoHl---------I 1 ropln«, wild horac raeUig and-w ild ■[0 Q — M T T n n m r--------------- f-------------- n | ~ ^ t tn < Bntraneefeea. which will be ftd d ed ll r O S t to the varloua purtet, a n $10 for I

each event except calf roping whero ■ e iltrJo* the fee It 119 and cow cutUng ■ O f f j ander of «here Uie fee la 135. A ppllcanu are ■ glop post coming from many polnta Uirou*h- ■ "T H ! n r irU io out central Idaho .. / • " ■ ' t oKlcen ^ field for parking h a t been ob* | immtna* the new rodeo grounda In ■;; JM U tha weatem p a rt of the town. Legion I

Wtl* nember* have added two new catch | pent and a loading chute to the I

ant were rodM arena a n d . Uie ground is I :aleiand being pu t In top condition. I•’t " A grand entry jm rade will precede I

> UiB evenu eacfi^day a t 7 p. m. ■«• *“*• Special p rlte i are being offered UUi I W E Itmiiie* y e j, to Uie young people fo r ex* 1 .

i»e«lon. ceptlonal cottumej. | . w heCenar- a cowboy dance Is acheduled for ■

IH:_____ S a iu rday j6«n lp t«L “ ie .I^ 8 le t ih a U J |___„An all-cowboy orcheMm from Hailey ■ n i

f r t i . will ploy. Tha enUro- celebraUon ■ W l l U l !a.under the dlrecUon of the Leglaa ■ I I

P « t .w i th TPm -T.-Wekerslen. com- ■ ........d 6 n t mander, and Lloyd O-Nell, adjutant, | -W « I MlS,™: y i™ v E B iro M E I »■fflabeUi PAUL, July 35-C pl. Cecil HaUi* ■ ^. FaUier away Js vltlUng hi* moUier, Mrs. I ^

Florence HaUiawoy. Ue has been | I tCranga, serrlng wlUi Uto arm y In Korea. | % %


\E TO 01

n d _ _ _ I I II lEl

i r a n c e ^ |

lOYS I' _I ^

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S S T Y L E S T r aI ^

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~ I SA

-------------T —

5 0 I I ■ ■

^ j - S A V E - T I M E — M O N E Y —

i s 3 I f O R C O O L S A L A D S

w“ ! S I F O R V I T A M I N F I L L E Dmd U II Whatever your needs are for Farm fre I our very’complete sclcctio

8d uut I WELL IT IS TRIMMED . . . How muchI when you buy your producc here.

Leglaa I t k t l V I .5.LB.-BASKETS.-com* I .... .............

" I Watermelon Klcndyita'i,

1 1 Cantaloupes vino Rlpene

^ I CORN >gJJt I y V m i Freih Dolly DOZ.


ORANGES ^ J \ _ LETTUCE~ rO reeffi eimrlEilS

I RaspberriesI m GRINDIIT FRESH ^/NCI ■ ALBERTSON'S FINE WUI*I ■ C hoice Spcciol iI ■ B lended O O C L b . B lended ]

I Jr 'irirr Jl* p e a s « ,

I —No. aoj C*a i2i----•f -For.-.

I O 1*00 !■I / m d *

MI • "Dlnnerette"

“ I — ------ W hol.-G r«on-----------“ OK-'

_ _ ® _ _ B I A N S _ _ i iI Q No. 2 1.00' Rolled,I » * • P IC

I FR^| — -------- C rccim -S ly lo O T c ik r i

: r ^ T C O R N - SIR!~ I ----- 2 » " n « r t a i r 2 9 r - “ C H i lS n

I 7 ^ n - ° ° . BEE_ I_• -G&od.Gfi

i E i M a U SLKI S lW F,..hD,i

P E A R S STEI Ke.2<iCan43d A Vi

. V f lI SAT.

. / O T l N F m S . r o A H O

U lM O N E Y - = - E N E R G Y T ; r r o n a - f i i i < | - < n

L S A L A D S A N D .............................


ire for Farm fresh produce you complete selection. NOTE HOW D . . . How much more you sayo . . >ducchere. ‘ LUNG ___________ L _ _____ _____ ^ _________SEECIALLocoisiic.™ C O r5-LB. BASKETS ^ 7

m r s 5 i i , , L M

I C U .S .N o . I .. Q f >V ln » R lp e in d ,L b , 7 V ^

a l l y D O Z . 4 9 ^ ^

........... 2 L bl. 2 9 c ____ "Oil S

---------i C p -G rope.............. J U I

' , p 4 F . , ...........

! i t g s . i . b .... .’. '. . . .jS jL

9 — 9 0 ? ----------I t * S l t l n s l « u A L b i . A 7 l » B | e H l

5 Ij..ih,c.i, 0® ® . J M l i> orFreexo — F U T . . . . i i

_ 46 M. co

.E C O FF E E I 4Q ji - I 4 H H

.b. B lended O ^ C l b . ■

— — — ------------------" P le r t

9 "Shover'i" ' «

— 0 « . n g e - -------JUICE J ” *’

1 .0 5. 0 0 ■■


----LOOK-OURLARGESELECTIONOVBR'the priccs ... The Quality .. . the varli

S ‘-TAKE HOME VALUE." Here’s only a ---- otfer. thls-\veek,________.00' Rolled, Boneltis

P IC N IC H A M S . . I bI Large Colored, Pon Reody

F R Y E R S .. , . . E a c h^ Choice Quolity BeeF

I S IR L O I N ^ T E A K IbChoice Selected Quotiry

“» BEEF R O A S T . : . . l b .

I„ ,. -C i» J .G ™ Je _ W « ll S l ro o k o d ---------

SLICED B A C O N .ib .F t t .h D r e u c J - F o t , T o n jo r

5 S T E W IN G H E N S A Very Compfcfo A ite rtm en ^ of All H

“oTrd“fiVd“a"cOfflpl«STolecfion “

9 ?


Choice M enu........5 0 C ~ '

/ j B I r J s auorted I n i l ta . ..

DUTCHTcmptlnE cake s> and ra is in s .------

O L D FA!O la ^ i j c e d .o r i whole famUy, _

------ "OH S-"-'.'------- - DATE N-G ro p e f ru i t - -n S : ^

J U IC E HOLLAK^ . A delightful t4st<

46 ox. COR 2 8 c -----

A C"" 1 AC ASST. Dl• t F o r ............... l a V d Light, tasty, dellj

.. Tea BIsculU, PoU

CREAM I"Oltl' S&mR"' '■ ■

B le n d e d “ T J U IC E

. . 2 8 c M m

4c ° " ‘ 1 n > : - --------------------F o r -------------- l « y « / -DELMONTE-TO

JU IC E __‘■ItUNTS’* H ’a o r G

-------------- "Plarte«**~ — L p e a c h e jM _ •'SUNNT JIM " STI

— T o m a t o ------- p r e s e r vJ U IC E ------------ ^

4 S n ^ . . _ _ i . o o

- = - ^ M

lECTIONOVBR-;—Compare-----ty .. . the variety and then / CDI, ' Here’s only a few that wo / C

M s . i b . 5 9 c L X«9x'^ 1 8 ox.

m b o t h fc

^ . ^ a c h , T „ „ „ p,

E A K I b T 8 9 c “ f f lw " B o n H ro "

r . : . . i b . 6 9 c s ^ y

i o N . I b . t a a m

l E N s Ib . 5 9 c i f ! m 3irtment of All Kindi of b H B V H


Tender, flaky crusts-cholce fillings— asurted frtiite. ■ ' ______

DUTCH CAKE SQUARESand raisins. __ _____________________].]______ ___

O L D F A S H I O N E D D O N U T SO la ^ i j c e d .o r sugared—favorites of.the J whole famUy, -. _______jl_

DATE NU T LOAFNuMUous, healthy and appetldng -try ' 'nnn lodav. ...... ...................................

HOLLAND DUTCH BREAD;A delightful ta s te U eat In one of o u r .................... ]new breads. ________________________ tfl|f

ASST. DINNER ROLLSLight, tasty, dellghUul, Parker house Sesame l « t rea BIsculU, PoU to roll*._________________m

CREAM P U F F S -----------to g theU M taU realrrlU led -g lth Onffy------------:_ Hrtilpped cream. - . ______________________ t l l ^ H

We pride ourselves I n c O ^ I ^ ^ I complete selecUon of

/Bw F^m^?ieS^I.— M E A T g r n f lB T f lg A - w ^ J


IUICE„__________ _____ 7 SitU N TS’* H ’a or Blleed

*EA-CHES.2“„ .^ ,_______________Sim N T JIM " STRAWBERBT

>RESERVE5------- ------

P O S T T O A S T I E S ; ?- 1 12 ox. Pks. 2 I c

lo?H“ Fo"t..®'....... ....2 0 C'T u n a Fooit" ^ r o n d __ ^

E N B 3 5 EC b "Bonflro" BronJ, Pink- - " _ ■


BAKIRight Hi

In OurSi


M R ^

SoNUisUie— ----------M

I re^-----------Mii.LLSEeume .


rselveslnctlikixtlon ofRERETsii Bate, B C n tM ^ H £SH

_ _ 7 : M

— j S

2 6 c

' I 5 i



I ^ R^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (12)

H ^ ^ t s of Japan

No mWeUoa on ^ ■ r t c * » - ~ - te u a ~ n p — ^ i p i n l ’ W iW T w k i■ iri. S . te w- p '- »“ •^Hr*** -^rBiit •lU* ratrieUnr JaputcM


• S £ ? 3 i “S ^ “ ” S S S £ . ' ‘“'

M l i y -

■ .T M l Top

''■ > .-■ '.

K ,W . anoiK a . . '

H a ^ I s v tre principle' prorliloM of Uie prepotd ^ E e (lUci. Tcmed *’ " (rea tr of recooclilatlon,” ilK l n tt» M tlen . ------------ ------H Z h o c o »U cUlms to FonnoM . the Knrlle-bU) ■ T m p i fttld by O. 8 . ander V. N. trnit«e»hlp

B, p lu s l« kMp Bsdor N. trost«e«l

t i e p o r t e dR . « , i - B i « h . n .H u d in r ilrU hato gona wero bora to !,HBltt6t.TilenUne-aho5- BUl OUbert, Mr. nndH re ie ll Dtushtcn were ousert.M r. andJiIra.1^KcdUn.SniceVauBbn, and 'U r. and Mrs. A.

W B m

L ^' ■ I L *

s ^ F l f l - p r t e f t ' A

Japanese Peace Treaty

BjBg h q U ^ . \ -

■ B B H i f f l n r ^ i i ^ ' '

rwWeUoa on rebuUdln* of Jmp»n-| n p a n U o u t»■I’ w ariW T w k e d -lad n ilT la l-w tlT b i-Jn f e ( o m ^Britain w u a r ju r t oa t of Formtr fo«f win K od 1U sr JapascM textno and miUritU te be p m e n edUdln* Indiutriea. w h ic h tnm«j, N# h „ e ^ i n wlo with BritUh commercUl impcud btcaoM Ja p u t mit*- P*y them.

y V .'BONIN JS.— ■=-----------

‘t , • . ^ , Wok. J- - - iM ARIAfW IS. ------- 'V - -

.•Solpoa '

** Eolvtleli. miat .'

. . ■• ■ • ' / ; '■ • ;■' ."••■•''■!■

a R O L I N E I S .

Jf Uie prepoted peace tm l y btlwcen’Japan aod the ni»J 000(1118(101),” it la tm^qae In h lilo ir bceauM ne pmlUfi

:he Knrile-lalandf and Soatli SiUialln. Tbe^MDline, I . N. tnu te u h lp ) u d tb e Donln and Bjmkm Islaods, ts Vi N. trast«e*hlp).

and to Mr. and Mrs. Merl« land, all Jerome: Mr. at !dr. and Mrs.-Ben Bailey Peter Oneida. Shoshone: 1 and Mn. Don Nlcholu, aU M n Ray Drons. WendeU;

Mr. and Urs. Duyl Enlnei wro bora to Mr. and Mrs. Peny* bert, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 'Mr. and r s . Donald Ban? The Dutch Introduced I . and Mrs. Alfred Klne<. Europe from the Orient In

* I ^ ^

s m M


; o i n ' | l ' t I i in lU o r e th & n 2 fa 1 Ip o n n dM ^o£TnzNlvlnonosiant,ecoDoiny-8it

. ^ . ■ package. N ow available a t you: — groeer’« -* t8 sp e eIa lin tro d u c ta ry p rle c

fte««* „

^ i f j i ^ s e e m io 'd o 'lh e m s d e s l

. ’ ' TIM ES-NEW S.

reaty Education

I .McCAIi. Ju Iy -3 « -W v -T ^board of educnUon b u acr« penult LcwUton achool dlstri u « several N orthem Idaho O ot EdunUoa buUdlnffs (or a i n»l reeu i fee.

Alton B. Jones. aU te superln ent of public InstTUctloo, m 1(

had K m ed to Jet th# Lot •chooUyitem use th e NICE U tory Ktiool. the symnaalum p ^ fle ld and tho auto roeci ahop^ •Tffnenna-lhTrtnEroriEel Inn w u done to alltTlato a a< emiroom ahorugo a t L o w li schools.

Northtra Idaho CoU ^e of Z tw n-irm be ■ c lo s e d 'a f ie r tc u tlon of the curren t w m m er i » « lo a The 1951 Idaho lejlsl failed to approprlat* funds fo ISSl-lBU biennium.

^ r r s P A R E N ii KIMBERLY. Ju ly 2fr-Pvt. Ch

_________________ . Homan, r u Jadcaon. 8 . C„ ba i T S S ' u t e>ei win. K od b t f - n w — — -.. ------------------------te be precened and re- > ha te eaih repantlos* ecanse Japaa «eold not A

™ g |

iR S H A U t S . .^ ^

----------------------- S U N VALLEYao aod the major :----------------------------- 'SUM ne pm ltlM te ro i

The^M oUne, Marian*Qkya Islaods, incladfcf

--------------------------------- ------- " (C o lo ro d -------lerome: Mr. and Mrs. — C u b e d ) C M ,la. Shoshone: Mr. u u i 1 Lb. P k g . . . . .^ V > *Irons, WendeU; and to s. Daryl E n ln e . Olenns______________ RED & W H IT E

:h Introduced t t t - I n to D S m m i1 the Orient In IMfl. r O p e r r l C l l l

• _hlAP_Klfcll’ 8 0 Coun t*

' P a ek o g o _____

~ ~ R E D & WHITE “_________ P I N E A P I E J U J I

RED & W H IT E (4-lit-





r a jVOVYO

GRAPES a ;- = . “ A P P l E S ! ? ^ ,


Qt,ecoDomy-8iM ivailableatyour |l o d u c t o i p r i d p l e n t y o f p a

____________ J _ h ^ _ s J t i h e J

Filer * ULaL * W endel

• Pica|>o . • Jerom e

Ania.ExUf.-»TU»’t-**- j


on Board Dismissal of Suit res NICET fe jised by Court ll FaciBties .S .'^A .”<S-li?i.SS"ily-3«-U V <Tha SUU -fiwtloa. to dlirn tn ,a-.»10J00-aua a U o n b u acrted to brought by . a . Pocatello womaa on achool district to aealw t the Boreniment.'^rthera Idaho CoUcga The suit w u broutht by Sarah bulldlnffs (or a noml* EmUy CampbeU. mother o t Melrln

I. Praiuwoitb, » former (ervlceman les. aU te superintend- «ho dTed U arch 33. IMS. M n. InstructloD, Mid the Campbell claloted her son w u total-

red to Jet the LewUtoa ty disabled, thus «U tled to * walr'er use th e NICE Ubora- on premiums to r his 01 Insurance the symnaalum and *nd that she v u entitled to a th e auto mechanics death benellL

____ • Judge Clark *Uo denied a motionliT rtnE roriE eT uIW ^ T nnum m M yTndim ent. saylng - ir _to__fflleslatojL«ilDui }s_Jnr_oplnl«l_U?*LJh?_j)UlntUI r u s e a t L e w is to n should hare an apportunlty in a

trial on th s tisuea . . . . ” aho CoU ^e of Educa- . Mtvi« t v * i m n r n

1951 Idaho leslslalure *- u l ie n tJ i in i ta >cikiOSx Uiar «nrU te fundTfor the ^<Ua snd PakUUn n eed -a gUnt S TVA type water control project to____________ help ease the tension between the■s PARENTS t*T> countries. • LUlenthal, former , Ju ly 2fr-Pvt. Chules head of the atomlo energy commlj- bdcaon, 8 . C.. b visit- slon and the Tennessee valley ai\- j , 'M r . aDd Mrs. JIffl thority, reeenUr-Tlslted U u two

_____ _________n ito n s .__




^J39cx u m v i:D & W H IT E

je r Picnic k

.. I 5 j I C U + —^

W H IT E ~ '

IPIEJUJCL^tS_____ ___ -39cW H IT E ( 4 .in - l Pock)---------- ' . ---------------- -


TTISSUE;::^~_:z: : ; 2 r6,1.29c



\P E S -a ! .,,-^ L t::= :z :2 3 c - -

?IES ~

fATOES 1 0 Lb.49c I_ 23c _

• Y O F P A R K I N G S P A C E A T A L L I

> at' the Red & White Stores in i

H e r * E d e n • P a u l — ♦ - (

l ^ e n d e l l • M u r t a u g h - ^

i c a | > o • B u h l • T w i n I

s r o m e J L D e c l o - A Hdz<

IDAHO , ... ■ _______

U fS u it Two State Offices T 1 by Court Are Consolidated|-w ):_ tJ ."6 ;D lstn ct-------------------------- ------------------- ■Clark h u denied a ' BOIBK, July 38 WV-The sU te ’fl- S :* -* lo x io o _ a u a na M W .resp ^ m ilw ..d l» U lo ti.a n d _Pocatello woman accident records division were con*

n im en t.' solldated yesterday In an enlarcedtirousht by Sarah statehouse ofdce. mother o t M elrln ^ cOoy U head o t both divisions, former serviceman ,The financial r«i»nslbU lt, dI.

:h 33. IMS. M n . vision w u enlarged July 1 to Include 1 her son w u total- ^ Inspector and an addlUonal sec- anUUed to a waiver reta iy . - r his 01 Insurance _ -----------n. touurt 10 . Xrips TakenSO denied a moUon DITOUOH, July 28 — Andrew

thai_U>?_pUlnUtI lilB JaJ> etw ll.___________ •' _apportunlty In a Mr. and M n. B a n r Parker and -

ea . . . dausht er aod M rs .H .P . Fray.Port-vk im n rv “ * Tt^lUng M n. P rays broth-J uly 38 MV -D avld —

S S i D R . g e o : P . S C H O L E R j ]lulon b«WMn tho " orTOMKTKlBT ,“ “ “ ■ '"™ “ . conuct V a m ,5 ! ; s ? . u r i u ; «>“ • “ “ ]-..viilted the two . . Twin FaHi...........................


IIT E -P U R E — - * ----------_■



^ETABIEISHORTITE ............. - ............. •

EryiNEGAR pScV — H

S E * F A U

^ C U P I M P Forllm liu iMG "S ' V J i m i l l i r S o lo d ,!O i

--------7 _ N 0 » I H E R N ---------, ------------------

;w =f% iii«iK i)I L L S i . ^ Z l i ' l st O«. Jar, . S - ^ 9 H | j |E S ^ J

briteToaF^^ L.,. 2 7 c

2 0 0 - Pacfeag#—-D A ii. z ^ e - l

5 E S 3 S 2 9 e | .------------------------------- ------------------------------- V

£ f Til

>E g....,„:... -..45<nfcI ■■ J J ____ 7 TRUE FRUIT FUVORS

F L A V - R J E L -


z :2 3 c S w e e t D i l lP ie k l*

- 1 3 c - “ RED-s-WHrrr ------------ T^ ,4 9 c S W E E T P IC K L E

__ 23c ! “ * W HITE


S t o r e s i n t h e F o l l o w i n g T o w n s

% ' I ' ' i T I ^ *

a u g h • B u r je y • H a n s

' T w i n F a l l s • R i c h f i e ld

H d z e l t o n l ? - T u t t b _ _

Offices IioUdated FOOD FREI

g g DEWONSmo t bom divisions. S E A R S , R O E B U C KwponslbUlty dl- * I . . vk-July 1 to Include A p p l l O n C 0 D e p OJ addlUonal sec- . •

— ; FRIDAY, JULY 27, a' a k e n ' j n s s g e r e y s t a n h e l d ; jr 28— Andrew - p a n y hom e econom is t, w ill demofrtan-a-busiMM ------p r o y t r a t i o i r f o r fre ez in g -an d - ihn y Parker and . . liie th o d s ;

DOOR PRIZES r n- - J L v a l l l .M i ' d o o i- .n r lr . g llL

o r n n i p p I *“ »•SCHOLER a tten d an t a t e ach demon- th. i stra tlo n and each lady

: ------ -----r.BUY-THI-CA!

P|aSERVESj °^s c 0~*2MC_________________ ^ Paeka

HORTENING 3 io r InSpecWWoarPItehBr

AP S o lV d .S O rT In '. . -^ - ^ 3 7 c H

f f l» S I 0 5 c - S■ Special Offer- A 4 ^ u c e '

------- --------- -----“ "** V ^ ----- Tl

j J l A-1 M ustard Ip s

-B O T H — —^ I f 0 R . _ . J _ _ O O C ^

OAP i | ]

)TclORANGEi^ ==1 JUICi f g

___ Q n i l l l j r - f l i iM . >^ . . .a n d lo o k a t >

th liL O W P B lC S I- - C

^ 2 b>9 0 % m ^ S S B

~ z ^ ^ . ' ^ ; . 2 5 c | m

~ n |

F U V O R S I v t

J E L ____3 P.,. 20c I I

lill P ic k le s 4 3 r I p


C K L E S ^ .:J 3 3 e :b !B :rESTORESI

ng Towns *1 "t' l

•^HaifiisM ^H»’viX Richfield Futtle ..

............................ ,

D FREEZING c Jo nstrM p s, R O E B U C K a n d C O . - - • i

l i o n c a D e p o r t m e n t ,v '.'

U L Y 2 7 , a t 2 , 4 , 7 p . i S . :

STANFIELD; Idaho P ow er C o b . " i' smist, will dcmoQ8trat9 p roper food i r e t t ln r a n d ihe-correcfr-TO ppingT-^ -

dze-wilL WCTCg R ^ g 'e lucky 'dem on- the winner’ o( a beaattfol. ■h W y KXNMORB WAFPLZB, tb*

0, superior comblaatloa e o o te

BUYtTHI-CASE o f 1 2 ___ . .A M

S lL V _ _ „ 2 9 c

: 2 ? “g 2 9 t - '

9 3 c

'C I S B FLAKES I :. Qg m o w ,

f m m l u' ------ ----- K M L te t

, ■ S f o r l M— T— B r i a u a w r i » y “

rd ir jo C A M A Y ?■ ; as:_ ..?e.i

>c 3 1 c ^SPIC

” '' ^

IP J J ^ “2



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: 1

l i^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (13)

K n»iC B gggH aar~^

^ Movies Trim m . Out Needless

DrinFScenesi B ' l BOU.TWOOD, Ju lr 90■ A J Bereea w ilK n lo t u i n a Aij■ a BollS’vooA t n uKLM U ie m tlw .B ' *!• thU drink neceM«7 ?-2 1 i Over a t p inm ouo t Vlc« Pra l> g » ! : , d e a t T , PT»nlf Preemuj fOU *roun<l

^ 1 .__ pluA lny co*ckUUl.OUt. 0:..C1U1U-S I ? '1 ’ ' l l u i t I m t tU ha Oot*. of Muna.,

i .r ; B u t m e a u f l JmU pretty ttron«ly M ^ ' 'OQ the iub lK t of akohoUc over> n ri11 em phsiU .' Tbere'i so doubt, «Ayil i -:a4— b*,-Uuit.to0-Biuelr<mnW ni-ia-jil0'------» M — tmti-effcna<-«-let of-pecplg:---------------'H ) ^ to oirend u few M po*>I f • I Aad tn th li ru p ee t bl* feeUI lap i r e n t UmlKd lo liquor. By _■ y — t Snj i|B - — —■ tcrtaHim.n DMsa’t Drink i(H y reem tn U ft »uU iem B*ptl*tI v h o d o u n 't drink. Yet h* h u doI . .1 prejudice ntftUut liquor.I I - "We i r e vtedlng out »eenu ln>I - - TOlttof Doedlm drlnklnj," b* eon-

■ ■■ Mdod. "bu t If liquor 1* Iroporunt£ ) ' to the itor7 U ilay* In. A weiUrat i i ' i i ' without ft iiloon. for IwUace,r^f -H • would be rtdlculou*.”l i ) ■ Pm iD Ounl ftfWr tU, produced

T h e U a l WMk-End." probftbly th#I ■ welient picture ever m tde. And P*r*Jjjj jl I ftBiount, too, recently ho«Ud • m ot-I I le blowout in New York a t which

5 1 no alcoholic beverage* were •erved.blr ll I Freeman aay* ha to l a lot of call*.-•1, * ftfler th a t party, tclllnj h#n bow; >1 t i : refre*hlngly dllfereni U wa*.t** It ■__ ________ U ftuftd -U eld liif i— :-------—! ■ i : " P rta ftilly a bu*ln«*iman, Pree-I ) ’ ! m aa c tm ^ to Paramount with aI : ; I . backcround a* a properly developer Dj . in d .tJ iw tw owner In 11 iouthera'El I; *Ut«*. He mftnagei] paramount'*Eli 11 l>u(e real esUle holdlnj* beforeBii : u Jtlag cbftrse of It* Hollywood *tu-l i t j I dJo.F|f 'T cou ld n t actually produce a pfc*IH n tu re If a>7 life depended on It,” beIII y rnntfiu»A — -I f ! However, he know* ahow bualneai,j i »ad be*a well aware th a l entertain- w j

III . . m eat 1* tb e t i n t requblte o f-s *ue>. X-1-; e«aaful movie. He h u no pftUenee

II ' I w ttb p lc tu ra tha t preach, but teea;l ' ; ft food deftl of merit In film* which _- " T ' oU erV few irerU orhum 'aalm 'pjlaes 1

• lo o t wllb tb e fua. tio. ... Wll

i f Judgm ent Asked «: m u . In o , atk* a Judsment o t 1I , IIM M la a JutUca court civil (u lt

‘ filed avftlait O v & Rothwell. Twin PnIW U. J8

I ' l ' A nn a itk i ludpnimt cn d x Dl*' 11: vpea w oeusU for meKhandl*e a ad ■ulI i ' M rrlew rtadered the defeadast u>i

f' J - 'n » b u re« i 1* repre*ent*d by J . Ha

■ o c; { AUhftwa n l ie i aiarly one-tentb' C ■ ] a f th e M tto a raUed la tbe TTalted N r

J — BMm .------------------------- ----------:— U l


r B| W

f ” O SJ ' There's big naws an>

- J - -------- w afaoct th e *»ructtonal new U. I

; -----.^ • 4 N I W S A iO U T - ^ R « a i « W «t a d c o ac tru c tio a . . . D0w« o f tbe iiWw a n d * « tw ty - th d r e n t l r ^ ne« « u t p ro tec tio n , e n d Uf* pretwcHon.

j to IHOW Am im TOU tu, ii; t a b s s to ry : to p rova and demoRtti oew tiro qualil an perfoRiumce,

TOu; eomV>b' th » u . S . R oyd tlr* ei h e ld a t y o tir U .S .R o y a l D ealer’i .

t o i r u s n AND KNOW tb e naw u I ts th r* * tlr* th ru In on* , ita almcY ou’l l aeo oad tm d e n ta o d tb e rwvoIng a n d etw ering qiialitiee. Y ouH hU . S . R o y a l Ziifo-tubea—^ now w t 1

--------------- t tr aa bftv»*yef-reeriTe<t—

______________ TW /5 IS YOUQ n p M J t j j

' ■_________ U N I T * I

STUART M(" T R U C k U N T w C T (oT S flcondS fre

_ ^

^ ^ M E S s 5 n a i i P | n B s e 5 s s ! ^ s s u B »

•im Maybe H<less:enesi n a d rr

nee Pxe*l. \Be**rouad Z 'K " ^ \of..fflaau- _________

of Murae. ';y *tron«ly ^ ^ > ■ • •m Uc over- ^;oubt, *ay* __

Si'aTpo*- ^ ^t bl* feel- k t n .liquor. By ’7 % ^ _________

ra Baptl*t V \

Iroporunt y j ' V, A ^ v 'A weiwra


»SS“SJ; a t which . .ere *erved. 'T / i 2 '0 K t ‘y f i r ^lot of call* '

him bow V « u .

■ developer - . t ioutherairamount'* . "rQ.V* befora . j i ,rwood *tu- » i 5 l / l U 2 ^

luce a pfc- V \ , .on It,- be _____________ * ^ * * ;7 1 rrw ,

r bualne**. '

io I -» * u c- Probate-Hearing— iRidi Slated on Estate Se

ilm 'pulaes ~ H e a r ln j of tha probate court peU- • • “ • tlon by Mr*. Ruby HUI, Hamen,_ widow of John Calvin HUI for let-

t« a o( ftdmtalrtraUon ot W» MUte ,3 K 6 u Probate Jud je r ^ * j

^ ^ t ° ^ HlU claim* In her peUUoa j^ g; ClvU lu lt *h# 1» the only heir to oommunlty membtnwell. Twin property Ineludlai lot *lx In-bloek tj. -

J8 of Han*«a towMlle, « 1849 Memb mt CD d x Dlamond-T truck, a 1038 Dulckmdl*e a ad automobile aad houiehold furallure nnrariA ,nulfta t and fixture* on the property In ilUd by J . Han*«a. The peUUon lU u aU thU u finn

community property valued no t to— exceed -----------oae-teatb' O ther heir* are Omer D. HlU. W u h abe UaJted Newport, Wa*h.; Joe HUI. Haa*en; U iey a«

M r * .-o m rte a —Mereau,—Tacomi r TUge.—

naws and good naw sl ^onal new U. I . K bi^ .'tlrw a'qBrf

iiii«aiiM i-A O V A N «iiM m r la d c a to — ( ~ P —. newa o f th e ir a n c h er*« t«^ *yi*«a* l u •It en tirely new *kW prot**tton, Wow.Jf* pretacH om

1 YOU th i i im portaB t new tire and ' / | licj ond damoRttrtrt* ® r« y detail o f thi* / I • Theperfonm m ce, tbia la ou r iavitatioQ to. f« / ram S.Royol tlr* end tub* ahow DOW beinf 7 / * The y a lD e a la r 't . j f ' etvl

D W tb e ty m U .B .R o y a lM a s te . 'r t ih . v „ion* ,itaa lm o * tw n b * « * y o b l* a ef.fy . / / J . I.*" ttand tbo ravoiu ttanary Ah- Ud* d r iv I U S^,[itiaa. Y ou 'll be iatroduced to .tboN cw I t ^ * - th « n o w w ta n d ir ta t« t ln » ld * P r o . \ ' A , M o e d r td ;-------------------------

U L O P M R T M m y ^H D -P B O T te r iO U --------i . r ^

N I T K D S T A T E ^ S R U B E


fS aeo n d S f re c fW e tO

lybe H e W on’t Come Don

i r = , \ J r ^ i T s, V t

S--Riding-€lubSets Wps, ate South Hills _Trip _Spriiisfn r s s ' a s f - s i f s“ udje hone*, hay and bedroll. . .

-U io^l} '* HU one mile above th o parenU. Mi bUUob lodge. For lurther InformaUon n ^ . In Aff<

member* may call 0J$8*J8 or 0107- •block R J- gele*. Callf.

Member* also art a*kfd to p a r- M rs. Carol Dulck ucipaie ^ vh* Ajntrtcan L esion brother*, ! n iw fe pnrads »tarUn« at fl:30 p jn . Friday F«<1 Johns V a t the Fcarles* ParrU aervlco « U - £ « » F«mll ***** tloa. Mr. and“ t to hove relum

Ansclc*.HlU, W uh., and Hujh Hin. CoUax, Callf. —

La*en; Tliey are children of a former ma r- _Cft_lll9nila ;comsr TUge.------------------- --- raised expej

,/l^U ^5j> jnsL M Itha_T fitnai .You’ll S a # a I J —Af fft# U. S . R o y a l S h o w\ \ A _ * - ^ e U. $ . Royal Moifer Tread Dejrth, • ( veil

milage tapectty.. 5 \ • th a N aw SaJaiy.Tmid Tr*o1m*n> U r new

/ I tiepplna power ond ilcld protection./ I • The N aw " Ie la I Tread-Oepih Sofefy'M hal rL i r*ft*w*d ot*fl*h level ef w ear,- — -----V I » The Royal Curbguord Ihol prot*d« oaeln ti I / ' etvff a n d defetemant. .I v O th a rT h ln a i Y ou 'll S « * l "

e Yo«ni a l l* aee Ihe New U. S. Royal Llf*4ub«. / f . • The Of*at NewNYiON Innerlub* Ihal'e ttroBa I Nyton elr«Agth lhat prtvenU blowout* from hV \ . S*an>***AaM x2ft«l>*m«n«fr(iffoM -Don»

[O H — T i i o M I H r tV C nO YA l SHOV/-

R U B B E R ' c b M P A N Y

)N TIRE COMP.\G .*n il W tCA^aXDiO ------------------- -----------------

--------------TIHEii-Nli'wB. T W HT K a a ;^ ^

m e b o w n ^ HugeGa " ForDej

"Nx _ B o m ^ Joiy.

laoeaaed aearl

. ^h H c l ^ o f b u S ^

O r / ^ r v y l _____ £ aaaeto-aad UalIt £ haaka ta Idaho

J u compared wl* O / h i 30. iSiO. The to

/ < j /

^ rrsM' f • •• ~ — ' la ipo rtaa t'cb if t j S / baak* Included

698,4Mtaca*hi^ __ j ___________ ;_________ _________ a a Increaaa of

AiXToeJrHeRj f t


> A v J ] M otorolo------1 M otorola

8 M otorola

3 very gooc^ - I from $195.1

poym onts oTrips, Visits for

ip ^Springdale Noted w^TsiBPRINODALB. July 38-Mr. and Record Album

S r Mrs. Ralph K. W«l and family arevacationing In Yellm tone-aatlonal---------

— CAIthe parenu. Mr. and Mn. W. W. Craa-ion n«y- In Affon. Wju HI -Jo07- Mr. and Mr*. Al niet*, Los An-

seles. Calif., U vulUng her mother. OPEh«]>. Mrs. Carolyn Jghmon. and. her Ion brathen, Eaymond. Qeorte and L m b b b h ^ ^ m [Jay Fred Johnson, and her *L*ter, Mrs.;U- Earl FlemUler.

Mr. and Mn. M. H, Mannlaff have relumed from vl*ltlng la Loa Ansclc*.

-------------------------- ..a r^ _CA«l8?pla>.flnt.iU£#tJ)t«UjKere ____

raised experimenUUy 'In 18W. '

r _______


rbu ’li S b « a n d Kbow 5 / — — TlR o y a l S h o w t f \>d Depth, • ( veitly IncrMied w 4 .00 fo F J’(

irtmen) f*r new n d greet* , \ an ;’fallen- -n i p u rc h a s c dIh Sofefy” Ihet may be full, — f | • •,

prot*d« ogaln ti ell ildewell

Y ou 'll S « * l " / y --------------------. Royal Llf*.4ub*. ( Aub*lhor**trot»BO»llfet—Ih*blowout* from heppefllng. ; l ~ ■fnuhtu—Do T7>*m Yount!f % / I

----------- 1

o Y A i s H o w - T O P < y i Fibre^^P A N Y 2 D oo, „ 4

JMPANY “ Mf- r :----- : BesrN

PHONE 172S ' . .

^ B r y a a y m f f i r " " "

H u g e G a i n N o t e d , V i s i t s I

F o r D e p o s i t s a n d

L o a n s b y , B a n k sB O I f f l ^ _ ^ M In 8 . 0 , 1* vldtla* t

Bfttksa) aad (taie baak* m Zdabo ta i ltn . T e n w l ! iB o iased aeariy tl.000,000 d o ita t u r . and Ura. O. tha p a tt year aad loaai ta toed ap- diughler have r t tu proxlmaUly »Jl.li3JC0 ia tb a u m e catioa up tbe BouU period. ■ —

O n ' tbe bad* of a aUteBient a t gmiXIO ia aS depodoea of bualaew Ju a e 10 thU r e a r ,__ ZZi^,u,yr tMHft**eto-aad-llaH llU e.-o |-D aU ;m al K S d S o S u aad baaka ta Idaho toUled m W U M a ^ u o ta (ovem u compared with |3 3 a jlt.sM Juae * ^ ^ 'B ^ le n a l bank 30. isao. T he toUU for aU ta beaks galMOwere »10>.11U «8 for IM t and llQg.- .ppm

— m .7 1 f f - t { n m ooo. locrcaaec------- Im p o r ta a fc h a n m 'll itM -fo r iU tJ 1SI,BnjOO“ ia d -tJ .-

baaka lacluded aa lacreate of » . - dropped IM.8M W .608,488 ta ca*b ftsd due from baak*; ----------------

_ a a tacreaaa of approxtentC ll-0 .» R E A P 'U M B M g g

Friday & Saturda

Special!K I M B A L L C O N S O L E T T E

Queen Anne Model. M ahofaay Flnl*h. L«*» ^ " tb a n ono year old. former owner tran*ferrtd ou t of this territory. $ll0o value. Can be txjught with amall down payment or taken M \ on ren ta l plan. Save 1210.00.


- 1 M o to ro la P o r ta b le R odIo . . ._________________ ;I M o to ro lo P o rtob lo R o d io .......................................I M o to ro la P o rto b la R ad io .................................8 M o to ro la T o b le M ode ls— 5 T u b e s ............. ....

3 v e ry g ood USED PIA N O S newly recor>dltIonc f ro m $ 1 9 5 .0 0 to $ 2 5 5 .0 0 . Fully G uoron teed . Si p a y m e n ts o r c o n b e to k e n on o u r easy R £N 1 C H A S E P U N ." ---------

f -A -L lm lt<d-8upp!yof-79 R P J t ' P 0 p -W X 8TERN~aj J Record Album* on Sale a t 30% OFF B«*ular Price.9 _______ . •__

i — C A R N E S ^ U S I C ^H I -2nd Ave. Ea*t-Pcarey-Tat>er Bldf. Fboae


1 L — — —

---------- , - ^ ' E v e r y t h i n g " f o r ~

Y o u r C a r "

- B a s e m e n t S t o r e -

^ ^ E B m i T ^ MOTORS i


. for only 22.50

— * ------------------------------------- Y o u P i y O H r j r r i !

a n d 1 1 . 0 0 a

GILLHTE Gi'- T I R E S - : - ^ ^

^.00 fo r j-our oldt i r e on any G illc tl t T i r e ' ' pu rchased th is w eek l ™


— HllHNSattftI“ F i b r e ^ i o t C o v e r s

2 D oor 0, 4 D o .r.S o Jo n ...... '.....____ I A *

COM PARE PRICES .T ; B e s r V a i u e i r i t d w r r o r

Visits Listed' Buhl Jaycc Organia

o t h l , m t m -

" p r t . j u a u r f »>■ o U M 'ro lSn o . l i vlflttat bl* 'partDta, Ur. team In tbe district

iDd lira. VefwarBojTt-—-----------im*nt.-:TOo-clnlraSaUr tad Ura. O. A. T* tharn aad . jatcee **■"< to ol

d aS iW haw «««««* S o f f l e S SS t o u p t b e B c ^ t b B c ^ t r . race* at Tbouaaada I

000.000 ta aS depodti: s cats of Bob Bailey. Wrlcapprexlmatelr- HW W O In loac* craaar-aad-Oraat■od dl*couaU aad a decrease ot pointed to terva onUiti iii tn lovemawnt bonds. ---------- — -

For aatleaal baaki casta aad due .................. "


Saturdoy l _ _ _

>*«>»• £O N S O L E T T E . W M

'lnl*h. L«« * ' ^ ^ / ‘V W '■

S I *900 [j IVL B A R G A IN S ' M m

lewly recor>dltIoned. P riced illy Guoronteed. Small down ’n_our easy REWTAL:P.UR-_ _

Enjoy thc Imx

POp-w xsTTO W -aad-O Iaaalcal------- B oofl»n.For<FBeraar Price. ^ • 8moothneM J

rivall AgedQ

W 5 l € - C O r ^Y o u l l h k e



| i | " A 0 T 0 i A 1

" 5 Ai t o r e - "

rO ED ^1932 - 1938............... .'FO RD 1939 ■ 1911________M ER C U R Y 1939 - 1948.___

• CHEVROLET, all yeara.... .--------- .E L X M O U T H J9 3 3 -1 9 4 1 „ .

PLY M OUTH 1912-1948......At.T.ian d o d g e , all years............ .._.

Complete Stock » , Ott

r P a y T J n r ^ l^ r O O 'D O W Na n d 1 1 . 0 0 a M o n t h i

f j , Give Y ou the Mos; ^^G uarantee in 1 i r^

.. _ . ■ .Olllello sivea you a Ltfetlmo Guarantee aso: bruUe*, g[us cut*, chuck hole*, etc.

Thte Gumrantee Limited tb Tire* We suarantea to repair, at no charge, or rep of our make resardlc*a mf cuuuo of fallura


ITAlUTIONonollSEt9 5 S®®* *

I ^ 2 Doer or 4 D o er SisTnit.

vICES . . . a n d Quality! town on Sedt Covers! ,

: ..................... -

uH Jaycees to Organize Teams

July 3S— B u h ! ' Jaycte*-aday a l ib l votod to spoaaor a . A C C f t i ^ H ffl in tbe distric t aoftbaU toum . ttt-:TOo-clnlr-aSacr-wm-orwiil«i

to Play in.the city Wecke.^^[«L report was < lven on tbe boat < * U M r i^ H t t a t Tbouaaads Sprtasa. OFJob Bailey. W rlfW E«rt. Vern . . a u T ' S I M la e r -a a d -O ra a t H ill-w ere ap- Made nted to terva on tb e fair pro-

- ^ - ^ S l r a i g k l - K e n t a r K - p z : ^ m

t n a l l l t s G l o n ! ^

/ i y

Enjoy (bc luxury found only in (mo B H ^ K „BoorIw&For Uste, lightnMip^aad—‘ smootlinege Old S(a baan'l a rivali 4ifpdQgwnto<Atfiwod:<il W j^P

^ o u H l l i k e t h e l o w p r i c e l x j ^ E

nur. u ir i (n J iu ie ii lo tuM n in tr . n ( m e iim un t i , a ^ E


O i f t c c E s s o n

k m;938.............................. ......... 1 5 8 . 0 0 ^ ^ ^ 1[9,^1_________ ________________

'39 -1948___________ ___168.00 ch^ ^ Ball yeara__ ____________139.99933-1941______________157.00 e t e t a ^ H942 *1948. 166.00 e x c t o i l ^ ^ l

‘ars... ..166.00Stock . . Otlier Modds Available

AMPLE: 1941 Chevrolef M M^ --------------------------------- 1 3 9 . 0 0 E x c l i o i i j W

_________ _22.5O-liistflll0MLi a s o M

i e M o s t Fabulous Inv— — ^ 7 - 7 ----------; -------------------------

in T ire H istory! I sDO Guarantee again st defect*. ^ ^]ole*,etc.

e lim ited lo tire * Sold By C, ‘. no charge, or replace on the ba»l* of tread-«*r. cuuuo of fallura


Stic Seat Covers l O M lo r o r 4 D oor S e ^ a n -------;--------- -

luality! W e have

3vers!^r7^"" “

A C C o ^ l

3loryl fl

M I m H H i

n d — H j ^ K

(a ■ ■

c e l

: i i n u i i t t , a i ^ K !

b n

i B

,0 0 e x d i B ^ ^ |

9 9 e i d i a ^ ^ ^ |

O O e x e A a ^ H

O O e x c t o i l ^ ^ l

OO&k M ^ H

dlabU— i ^ ^

Exclioii^ffI n 5 f f l ] ( g d l u

J S I hev----------------B b l a i

l e d i e » b o i

ud i i a e h '* i< ^ ^ ^


re a d -n * r> > ^ ^ n H

. ^- M m^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (14)

. H H jP g

S r i * ^.'TbST.'’"”J ^ T fa r the o«» «nlt - ^ 4 ^ - n -

T vb.. 6 .r. ...I., _ . MlllT » H . ’" ' • •» « U M » - t

A il- F o re 5 Aetivities— _ _ Ign? t^ P lI for Declo By.RffUOLAS

o . ,v . IiANOLBy riELD, ^ «_N orr#a ^ r k e ia„'i. the-same-irtW - 4 to-hli home in S w t* ^ ^ifter TUlUBg W* » o “ - Gone are the drov ,B»n»nl. goId-barrcd h o t pUo

HB. Jtr ChKoen. Salt t^eucaj mission OV tWUV her p ^ n ta , terrorJai alJI WWleM Hunt. KhlsUJns o r phonlnsa a A. Peterson O en^ arp the how

fcOedlMi)rj»n»l«no«i the oftlcer*’ club fea iniim at Dear !*>!« « • legc-soog leaU .— = ---------- -- ; — “ No“ ien6er“ lff"0»rIke h u retunJed irom greeUng between blr

t tm lty grip. a^TTOlazn 6h#w h a v e-• Gona aro-Qieao-inl uT red-eyed.' hungioverJto. Arnold Bunn and flight line. Practlcallji«W lforE ujene.C rc , „ y . s e t'f fu h v ls ltre l. -o a n e -« e - t :ie - l ia b y

colonels, the gay, rcC -l* rt-h a» -w tu ro ed ^H H er th e-»rtde»eyedPnodKO «hcre he at* has JuiUdlacoveredissnd congress ot the octane n o ] ln e vlUKicas Be\'olutlon. Be the nightc lubs of oneniitlTtJ in California gay apola of another,cist borne. The 'Onlled BtAtes

— --------------grown up.; . ] p i g n n 0 f1 '^o'l the ilal Jf l a n n e a the country. ■

M -The Jerome here cspccla^y. ThisBM I t a p. m. Friday air force’s oldest ba«dV park for a aoelal ters o( the f u t grow:e a r . The home eco- conwiand. Most of Ui-»w «!I1 be in charge, here are combat vete »-l»-brtn8-thalr-own bo«n-called-to-MUve

reserves or naUonal i


I S '* 'W P S q V IB .F A B gets-clQihe* .^^blat.^m ^ tn iJ h ta -M r -o th c t-v m ia a -w itb -b le u ii I “ y »o»P> w h ite r tJ■ oo-rinie- iud», o r aay o ther T nuhlng J■ • - A a d . «_F«b'-wuh il

1 B ~' *W •COLOATI>rAlW■ A n o D i

1 ^ ^ , :

oo poti and pMi fMttr chia ; '■ -<5= £& u>r<o(tHKiobtnlia>orii«QMc)^l

NotSame A n

§ H B

cn day*! work Is done, e rtn In Unwar placct Uke OklE ind kJddlea—Instead of for a howlln( ^Vorld war Il-typ<

f F o r c e W i l d B l u e Y o n d e

I s n - t Q u i t e - s o - W i l d - A n y iBy.RffUOLAS LARSEN T^day'i typical air forceOLBy FIELD. Vo. (N E A )-lt JlftJ* grax around the tei he-aame-irtld-bJue-TOorfer-lt « ii«nln»-to-fel-lhlck-ln irlag W orld war n . in the neighbor^s are the droves of beardlCM, married. *iih two kJds. H irrcd h o t pUota whose prln- 8«<1 Mr which Un’t QUlt- M tlcal mission on Ihegroiinil } '^ P^y» golf on the i

terrorize alJ fcmaJej wJthta lovtj hli wife and wou ng o r phoning distance; hls Uds than pr a re Uie howllnjf parUea in U a Job to do. I Icera’ club featuring the col- Jomwl g»d Pilot, the be ng feat. ^orce ever had. He checkse n g e r - lJ -O ir - f t ia s f ^ j iu ia r ‘y-liJt-belore each-takeoff g between b ln taen the fra - of eareleunejs are behind grip. ertheleu he'a nol m cauUc

r a r e t h e ao-ratsstoncapK the InKrferei wlth-hij mlMlini Id.- h u n g io v e r- lo o fo n ■ the 7If» exploding the Wor Ine. Practically a ll gone, any* Iheor}- lhat any pilot ov<

“had It." Now the e x p e ^ «e"the 'baby-faced chicken Ing to admit It varies with

J. the gay, recUew way of vidual and the average ;

judlacovered how fast 100- after hU m birthday annA o ]ln e will get him from I t our typical, grown-up

h t elubs of one big city to the and youll have a fightila of another. handi It you call him thUnited su ites a ir force has face-eUjed In after Worlup. . . he's already dedicated hlmjsee It a t the a ir force ba tei air force and knowi pretty' the country. You can te ll It he wants,ipecln^y. This Is one of the If he's «n .a lr national-ce’s oldest bases, headquar- reser\-e pilot who has btthe fas t growing tacUcal air back to acUre duty, chanc

nd. Most of the f i lm around plans to slay la unUl reU■e combat veterans who have theyll let him.klled-to-MUve-duty from-Uie , You eee plenty ot the eau» or naUonal guard. - I tas blrd-boya around wtt

l ^ r e a t e s f l

S u d s l i f A H !

loap, ivh iter than aaybef T nuhlng p ro d u a ________________ - —

I , ,


= S SAVE HAHDS! ^sirsjs; 1'( ^ e s M e s Q e a n e c H ^ /^ a .

___ ___________________________ T I M E S - N E W S ,

une Anymore

placet Uke Okinawa, a ir forte fllen bead t n hom *-«a orld war Il-type party a t the -O" elob.

* * «f ------------------ ---------------------X T 1 P°ll«h lUIl on their wtngs.I o n d e r n a ira chance, theyd revive t

lege-wng f a t In Uie “O" c li I J 1 _ It'a no t really their air for

(t~AliyniOre i^ .e '^M riy th e ^ t t*

“.a-'MSi-nS .■t= w V i c ^ S . »?"d! '"'“ "“I ”>«»" »;'w> »1”n Ih . »tl,hborhoo<l M.M,■iih two k ia .. H . a rtv ti • 2 . s ™ “ifhlch Isn’t oulte nald for recenUy been called fc

Mif on the w ^ ^ t S i *ho thought UiejIsl i ,U d .S Shis kids than olav Doker infy *efi 1

. a i K ^ d o B ut he-a a ‘“ e old wUd blue yond. >d pilot, the beat Uie atrhad. He checks the aafe- W»—“£« 8l“d tha t U»o«e do

new are behind him. Nev- “ * * « » force.le'a no l so cauUoua th a t I t ---------------------------wiih-hlj mission.---------- •— — WIxnORAWN ' 'ilodlng Uje W orld 'w ar n ' buH L . July 38 - ' v i 6 a

w ithd raw her I^5i *"*1 hottery 'eompUlnt agalr dt It varies wlUi th s Indl- husband. Arthur Oallahan, .

jX Jgcaca-C. a , Rudy aald Ti a i^ o y iw » T m o t -W B ir jay . Mrs. Oallahan paid coui ith birthday a n n lv e r* ^ . #04 th e $100 ball posted by plcal, groTO-up f ly -b o y - tuux was returoed. have a fight on your

-ou call him Uiat to his:d In after World w ir H , D 0 I I t N e q l e C f S IlD lyde d ia te d h lm a eU to th e C A I C I "Id knows pretty weU w hat T A L d B ' I B E I

, , . So (aljt tmth <]»», illp or vsblim air naUonal-guard or rou uik, m. Uuh or 1lot who has been caUed »Dooy*d .nd rab.iTMMd br tuei:Uv, d u o j h .n c » « r. h ; ‘. I V S f’J . i :lay In unUl retlrement lf itii* u«th mart (imir let. ck<him. - fMilRi of ••nrllr andplenty ot Uie eager, b e ^ - g?t r A S T x m T tX ^ i d™loya around wtth a .hlghl Adr«ii.«B*nt

st’NoRiW|T ^ L >


— ------------

m t V \vesTue, V -TpOSHBi£* VT ^ e u J f ^ V '

n | » | N cw Fsb Imm'edlatcly loo iew d in i Ho toa

__________ clothes. you'U iee th a t Fab kecpi d irt floatii^ T Ia" the wiub wBtwT Jtlia ls w hy . w ith la b , y< \ - can avoid uBneccasafy riBsing. . -

V I I I wasbes w h ite r w ithou t b i mT H c S * product know n Vii■ ■ ■ ■ v a bie»ch in the w ash w ater. So Fab hcJ]

clothes last lo n g er, sm ell iw ener, ttx

g Yes, new Fab il w on d erfu lly mild to band I l l s ■ W b art more, J a b ia to safe { « th e preti

colors you Have to y o u r bJg w ash -eve ---------w edcl N c r t tim e, g e t new , i tn p r o r ^ Fat

M r fe r a n J & ie ^ 'S n ie l/iiig i

J E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O '

, _ „ Black j i l l s ’ Fo

---------------- B y H A l^ B O T U -----------MOUNT ROSBM OnE. 8. D , U

—Fbur great atooe facea of Amer Ica'i p u t look serenely out acros ^ e mountains

n e v I y 7 6 ^ ’ u ^ K ^ ' ^ 2 ^ ^ Hcorns to atare u p H i X j S n f

■ ^ quarte t o f » \ ^ V v B jUitir naUonal tie> W ^

t n d . l t killed k g m

the mack hills. T h e laces are c four American Preaidenta. Rcadln from le tl to rig h t, they are Georg Washington. T h o m a a JdttriM Theodore Ilooaevelt and Atirahat Lincoln.

____Each-meaaurea.fiO.fctt from ctitto forehead, th e heigh t a five no r? building.' '

I P f i von Uielr wtngs. Olren ■ ■ i I W:e. Uiey'd revive Uio eol- - M . , M ^ ±at In Uie '0 ' ’ ButUy Uielr air force yet? * W i l K O T « M K ^ B a l

U10'ulciutjeii Ijaio lu becaUH’ Uie litte r can tildnlght. S BI' th o u among the rt-iturvfly-boyiw ho.iixak { ■ ■ Kthe old, caretree days. ■ ■ ■ VJULYnwho Uiought Uiey'd pick ' "

KV“ Plaid FLAKId wUd blue yonder day* r i a i U T L i M n

d I h a ' t 'K ^ d V . ” «» a j_ S ja ^ « t tn t^ l ! u D ___« JR h t . . . popular eolontter a l r ^ K ^ K uiry-ln . Mv e l ------------

" _ .............. ................. . ANNEnniD BA W N ■ ■_ _Ily 39 — VI Oallahan. ~ • I *■■ jwlthdra«7i her auault P m i m I i a H K I J•wmpUlnt B galnirhw — r T l f i r e U T l ^

th u r Oallahan. JuiUee . . . ,.K Riirtr m.M W winx. All the a m art D w dealro i.illahan paid court costs In eolora you'U be sure touk9 ball posted ^ Oalla- now , . , Save p le n ty l....uroed.-------------------------------- ANNE

e g l e e t S l i p p i n g ,


W ORK PAIRnbtTTMMd br tuch hiiiill-IS * ^ r ■ Wonderful fo r wear. And lo

<rt (irair let. c k » nn/i- Big Mbc qualltylSires 33_ to _ 40.------------------

11 todir ot aar dru« turt.ftdmUKWWi,.................. — :------------------------------£T i,rM

X men’s

ICA \ COTTON BI ^ P ^ M ' ’ I Special purchase! Pine ^ e

• a elasUc waist! Buy plenty nov-- m — g iJ4 ,50 to SB .-;::.:..:_______

B j . n o

Colorful H>------ — m -n n ar t- jh w le r^ O 'b te id -w

purable wicker, body . . . ptarllzed t o p i ------ --- ---------

--------------- BABEME

---------- — rayon-knit'-------- —

M HALF SUP!^ -------------- — lB.wblle.and.pM telal W eatJi

- your summer outfits! bim« s .

. BT. TI,0<

t Big M ac O'...........................Heavy B o*. denim, Sanforiiet

Well made to take plenty ot r B 20 to 41. __________________

B ------^ - ------------------------------------------------BT.*FLO(

1 “ ^ Boys' Bib OJim Penney ooUs for Uttle telli

. dcnlm . . . bib styles! Buy . ' icTerat pairs. ■..,— .....— —


“ W o r a ^ H iH H In gray or bluo fchambray. Ju^ _ _ . r - -*um nrer-w earl—Draaa-t)T)e-ei


l«cps dirt^flM tiog ___ V - J A [

oduct know n w ith B l r ^ U a r . . ^ ^ P J •ater. So Fab hcJpi ' l b , *meJI iw eeter. to o l BlustraUon

lily mild to bandji

• T w i n F o I I s sV, im p to red F a b J . - ' - - i -----------■

' - I D A H O '

Hills’ Four Stone Faces » le E tm s t, Boyle Ueariis “U ^ B O T U ------------- ‘n»-B lgaaui)-faea»-w oald-h»ak -SBMCnE. 8. D , U) Into big stone grtna tf they eould •( tooe facea of Amer- hear Uie remarka of lomo tourUts.

serenely out acrou confused a t thetr IdenUly. The . Ins children often are better than Uielr• parents a t naming all four eorrectiy.

Almost all Uie vtsltora recognla •< Lincoln and Washington.

^ B - H r ^ ^ B l But several have atared up a t nKooserelt and demanded: ■*Howdld n

**^K \ V I Dewey get up there?" 01i e « ■:v 9 \ .Oddly. Ihom as Jetteraon. who Ty ' / l l ario te . th a ,def:laraUnn - o I , iadepto» w

dence and bought th is whole area eiM O ^ P K a K - B ^ m m jr a a o i In.Uie .linililsBa.pur* _

i 7 chase, la U u m oit confusing. Many rt o r . A n guess him to be Prealdent Monroe o r fcun.____ E rtsldtntJtfadlson.___________________________ n•eat ' ■ And It U a wonder Uiat Je tttnon■sUUlOO-Joot pfafc In .d ldnt.blu*h^t-ona-w U a-w bo-t«ld r s. T h e taees are ol her <[ueaUonlBg huiband:

Preaidenta. Reading T h e ooe next to Washlngtent fiI h t. they are Oeorgo You're t coUoge graduate. John. Br h o m a a J(!f*non, and you mean to lell me you don’t w« v e lt and Abraham recognha M artha Waahtngton." n

The .tourlsta are always Impreiied bjea.BO.fett from chla by.euch_f»els_about_Uio_niemortiJ _10 heigh t of a five- as: vt

The nose of Washington U longer

j M f f i V g ) '

m S md FUNNELiUda to start your school sewing! Beavy R. . popular eolonl tm A ^ i _ WT. Mv e i __________ i _ y d ; 7 4 c ~-----------'_ _ A N N £ X _ . ' ................ -

ons w ttt

ited F U N N E L B a r t pew desly is. . . Juvminw prlnU . . ^___________ ^

fnvn nl^ntvl v n 5 9 c


)RK PANTS I1 fo r wear. And look a t this value price!quality! ' A Bo m ud:o 4 0 .- . X * 5 ^ N oteUu

fiT. WT/IOR Made b W a ------------ ^yhhipf i

(TON BRIEFSirchose! Pine ^ e cotton knit td e fs . . .1st! Buy plenty now! ^ m A A ______■ 2 w f . o o - —

B I. r w o t f

>rful HAMPERS^«^b^-wlth TOUT

o p l -------------------------------------ia weUBABEMENT hhms . .

m i t ----------- ---------— — ------------------------^ ------------------

.F SLIPSnd-pestelsl W carJhtm .w lU i.. 4 - A A - - ------------------ler outfits! Bla* 8. M. L. _ J « W W " r a y O I l

. BT. T tOOR . " -

M ac O'ALLS ~ P jE. denim. Sanforiied so 'they w oo t shrtnkf — youTl wato take plenty ot rough wearl ^ a a - Jnst a pi

____________________________ ^ « 9 7 Bunllght,^ Pennej’s

-------- -----BT.'FLOOB------------------ “

rB ilrO 'A LLS— -------y ooUs for llltle teUow 1 to 6. Durable 8 o t bib styles! Buy 4 1 A r s .-------------------- -----------------


- — — — SIRFTSHIRTS “ 2"kT“blue thambray. Ju rt u ie right.welght for M S ^ e

e a r l-D re a r -ly p e -o o Ila r lz ^ ^ -


Speciol Buyc h i n a b a s e

^ ^ T A B L E L A M P S---------------- nm iili [ncnT rrn —

U B l I ________ ^ e ilg n L .. . . , l n nol- f l l i ---------1| - H l --------e t i - dealined to # -Vm\' ,

I j W i . w u c h ^ heed to ftnlih your ~f S ^ a ^ decorating! 0 <t one tomorrowl ,

• (Complete wIUj -shadi) ■ on BAsem*nT.

in Falls Stbre Open T ir 9:(K) Friday ‘

F aces SJ._ _ . ------ w U h-w ate .- tta -m ea-eooW -rrtn* - tin r

I ^ e a r n s U completed. Uie flgum would ^ L t» - T O u a _ to ,t : .3Sto. tl th .y eouw so.incli-lon* m n l t . bloct

, z « “■better Uian Uielr eyebalL ^ y,a ll four eorrecUy. One question almoit e rtty tourist umei visitors recognize ^ k a is. -How long wtn It lastt’ _ neve ilngton. ■ Til# age of the. memorlaUtt la leaseve atared up a t nam ed after Charlea B. Rudimore. • "aa. landed: '*How did mining engineer—was tUedby gegl- w ha p U i»eJ- ogUU a t nearly 1MO.OOOW years. wtnS

Jeiteraon, who They have estlioaled tbe memorial then .Unn - o t ,ia depto» weuld-erode-ahlhe-rate-of-as-lnctr —Ht ; th li whole area every lOOW years. . worliaJi)Ui4lana.our» -TO d-of-U ili^-flcu lp tor-B org lu ia But: , confusing. Many switched hls plans to add another Mou taldent Monroe o r foot to Washington's nue, and ex- shrii1.______________ jUilBWl:_________________ :_______ Jm*.der Uiat Je tttn o n - m a t wUl gtre It anoUier tallUon Boulna-wlfe-wbo-t«ld )«are'«l->eaat.''--------------------------- -ttjetuiband: Most tourists.' proUbly Democrat*;

to Washlngtent feel they pu t Uie wrong Prealdent graduate. John. Kooeevelt oa ths mountain, and <n

tall me you don't w ant to know whea FDR's face will New Waahlngton." make a QulnUt of- Uie quarttt. H ie red. always Impreued answer ot most naUves: Oan

>ut_Uie_memortil _ rN m rT ra i) loag.u.BouUi D akoU .fltar, , Totea.itepubllcan.’ .........................a t te

ihlngton Is longer The memorial, flwt prcpoaed tn Port

SHOP N O W i SA V [ 3 D A Y S■ t H I O P B IO O ro S A \

» l t t D jg i r f t ' r a y o n

c PANTIES—Each pair first grade. Bbe never

•.................... has too m anyl Olmilar knit l a y . - ~ - —ons wlth-»-eovered elasUo waist;------- --------- .band legsl While, pastels. 3 lo a - . X

c —BAsem*nT }

“ woven rag

RUGS i' . ^ i

A Bo much value fo r a Uny | l J a ^ m §W Note Uie 34 X 48 site, Uit fringed

Made to itAy n w after " ‘"v------ --------- tubblagsl " " ^ ---------- —

1.50 ^BA8EMBNT _

^ r a y o n m a r q u i i i t t f . ^

- PANELS J. ' Shesr. sheer v ta d o v bMsty for—yotff'tom B -TTTTpai-w cJrT iw — im /p -m -)

A prtcel Regular «3 x M f in . . . f m f M / i ^ U weU made panelsl Btralglit M f i

hkffls . . . smooUi aeaout

^ = -T 3 3 = = ®ANNEX - .

® ' reyon faille "

" DRAPES iXb - sm art sew Decorator colon j j B *

ikf — youTl w ant for your home! wiUi - - u ^ B B

9 ju st a pun of a eord. you let In A S B 8

. sunlight, or shut out-glM l Bony - - M M B a l ____ Penney’sl______________ J B | W |B

o t a n n e x

^ flu ffy chenille

-SPREADS--------------- l a w T i i ^ r o w r o r i H a r n a i w n a r u ' ' ' . .

In the sm art popular wavy*llne design! . ■ ^ ' See how UtUe you pay for thcie spreads ^

__ _____a t Penaeys. PuH slse,_________________

r P 8 ^ANNEX- ' " ^ 5

u y S p e c i a l '

Jvtps FLANNEL ^— Pastels,-deepteneS’-flor*

__________ als. s t r i ^ . polka dots. B / Bio ltn iih y o u f - 'i n wonderfully soft c o t - ^ W r p ^ - " ® e tomorrowl nannell-.Buy now ^ , - -rr • ' . . s a v e plentyl. B f ^ ^ ^

f ........................... .. ANNEX ............... . ^ ^ ^ 5

c o o M -n tB ta y -P a k c tiL- a tteiBi t ^ n i i l BU i ^ ^ W the tr Btack&HU'u

pott would 'w an t-than .

^ ' e y n s ^ dream. H e w a n S d t o ? ? ? 2 l ^ i O r«rt b, v r American story ta

“ J ' f - r tb u k s 'to fo tu r» '?W tiflt‘« n t l a * 7 0 . ^ dvlUaUons." He w a h t « d > s ' i S . . . a

m ty tourist umental carvings B lacsdM hlghtltff ' ■

norlaM t la lesser purpcM ta.'*^. wanted t t i m - M Ruihmore. • "aa. close .ta -h e av e n . ■TrW K'.'eso.ILial Ixed by gegl- where Uiey would endiiTB *nntUifea. J U00.000 years, wind asd th e A la alono shaB v s e r f l B He memorial them away.- • ••; ^-of-as-lnctr —Hls~l« a it. Beafceiiffi III j w a C t'-H B

work in high alUtude. faUed tn 'lM . H

add anoUier Mount Ruihmore' is • » n a tltaa l -'H ose, and ex- shrine. Vlsltcis who com^ to ^ t t M

, ■ ■ teJected'Ouigiuuis g ie a t id ie a w ■ . 1 1yDemocrat*; .......... Hlg President ATTEND JA X B O K H ■ unlaln, and mffTLEPORD, July. 34 — ZdUiy : ■ R's face wUl N ewmu, Galen Skeem. Rooal4 AQ- ■ quarUt. H ie red. Duane AUred, X a rk U arfll. H

Oaiy UerriD. L aT e lle -R fld n lb .' ■ }uth DakolA A*igiiitlnt.....................attended a JJoy..fieoiit J s e d x m « » - Hprcpoaed tn Porcupine springs last w tje t. ■ ■



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|J>;M^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (15)

W M THTJBSDAT, J tJ L T Zff. 19 5 1 ,"

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■ ' . *' . roy application yeste _ |,’----------------------

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'm »W k IRlS lf if ll lf tB K lw R ltIw i* !______ —

« fcTTfni •elutlen of y « ittrd f/i Pilnl*M tor. __B0WM - tffWPlisoB -ciM* ln«fun??nt *• Co” W*Ut« _jrm.«t « .H . 'S r u r tof U* t . OBd«rfto«d ta t I. W*» »tx7 »«n4 .

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rsAjJ—o o f r r / i v<ecoocd^ im &Akead X ^•MV M B T H e ^ FACTEHOUflH ^ A M D J :iwJTIFlC 7 0 ATTRAfK K3SPOT 5 «— ig tt l -OP^ ^ a T H' I K W ^ u ^ ^ f e M b . ------------- i

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rHAT B y NEHER . _ _

iso M E PUMKINSI f e^-26-S•/ j ^ l ( ^

ication yeatcrdtty . . . I’m juat atart- j ^

"Whai------------------------- ----- — ^dowl"


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OUT OUR WAY BR ^ f l H e w r t g s r m K r w r m A X ^ / y a

- .H .e o c > F Y .< 3 t A 2 e w H e R ___I . j x m

m C y E £ > M 'H e H « ^ H )& - / THA». I l r . UPPSKaJf^-HCCKSD IKf—s — -'60V


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.r. I

, ' r ~ ^ - ' TH E M PEgSOM ATpgV;.'


1 , M 00 " Uj ■ ®

i » fc ly '• Snv

i ®

T "Wake Dad and tell him he's ffot five ^ eat or eleep—then leave the room a t oncel

y A R N lV A Ir--^^— B r P i a


v t . f<i> •p iw a ^ J c )


__ ^ ^ ‘ h a ddaya Icnow about that—a womi

\lRS.fiUMP.)HOWtCVB>j I FCKOIVE K/ PUM» T T S J ^N*Tfi-GO k w S f l W REMARK'AB01;T'JCUR \A ljj THlSrjHlft EHPOT UPSnCX,p«35ypew- la

p - S l r S , M 3 J- ''L T fro r ia


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By WILUAMS' r«wMu- IMtVU*'

i a V / M W M U srH w e V -( mou>‘___L _ w Q k g A t-g -n K M rtp ^ --------

*• / 7H*M » 1 -■■mBJ ~ S — •-'Soy.-Hoo’Be o o o ^ - 2 1 ' - n ---------N TIO \ A N O IK K PC F -■. _ J K

f I? ''f& r-) w r w n o w / ^ P / I V ^_ _. -rfff I 1 ’ y i . /T S in rT i I Mjm ^Fy r r

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I ^ C I r r 't f ^ w ia_■______ J J t- I n u r ju jzA I attxc» n

f a b Im i K ^

7.1* n W S__________ .

rf|-nTVTrR«______ I f W m / lBy GALBRAITH f .

■-------- ------------------------------------------ - | y k ^

1/ ^ r vvC* « ;* ■ \ W i ^

, A »WT%I mI V tpV iH t

^ T f f l Wkw\ i ipT A P W I .S /y f f

y!t^ I d l i y ^N f f i ^ .

L m•MiMi a a T. ft Ke> a. ■. mt. trr. g

I h e 's ffo t f iv e m io u te s m o re t o Y ^ j j — ro o m a t oncel'-

- B r D I C B T T O S S E R " '

■~T : -I 6 I P I P

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V ~ D f f M

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th a t— a w om a n l M u a t _ h a . a _

Tw R Tf uSHuP.flNPV.I Y L I2 boi;t ' j o r \ a l l w om en I ;C 5 y p e v /- CKyWHEN i l JS VOK THEy'KE 1 —PSTiTJHlNiS/’ HAPJ»y” J ■ ■■■

I ii r r i lF -* * ............I?— - n< S ® 1 I l l « “ ■'■'’ 'JE i9

___ I iTWA'^/ Vi» v , - i Jt I ‘ v o u *— >

S s j r ^ j T l x S t - ^ % ’ DOSCttTCHDi.f %£ ~ ~ T ‘ * * tm a iv u .>^ CNTURNI»S«

P H i- ° "MB y W A L T D I S N E Y r .

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rWlK'TALISriPAgO ----1 ' rH ow M ixw w ovsu a e rV ' te s6 . ^ ^ S f f rw a *

- iM tvu* ' £A£ e w c M y e w x M e y J ts f l « J v w


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o s M i w o m \ttS w <k

Q S h o t d o ^ y T c © afl r i o h t \ i f you c a n L p ^ p ® y o u ^ . ( w ith m eO w iw c u t ln S i200, K I S J

1 l« a -6 2 5 0 0 . - ^ —

^ ( " ‘" ^ r"T H i5 "B U 9 l5 ™ ^^ ^^x T ^ I T H s n

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_ ■— j g y s r iO "SUBl€^S^«'/i/fi','^?^ fS omK% TWATIS C « » Z /; ^ t tE * J 9 ^ > 1 ^ 'T O C . JUSTJaO-BtCOOED y a b f p i o r e i a

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Ll TRUE i9JW <Sf^ .T ^ W m a l^ S f e ^ ir s ^T ,TMAT / t y ( ^

J D ^ ^ T O H D t^ f ^T‘ ZKLLl±nniy]V'~'. >TL ON T U « N I » i^ y j f - . \ j N A T C H t W ! r ' ^ ^ ^ P ^

A ' s ^ f T T ^ S e sB J m N .


e s t — 1 fff wfc* * u T n « y i « M / V foNB 4 000 a s i « jy H*0 W v f « * H ? i «3L*C» W

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y o u c a i ' L o f f f e r h l m i t e w e t o t h 9 n e w d e h v « h er


j | | ^ NOWPEes.tJO 1 C r e C W A T a u l& E■ ■ FMSfCCTS/PlOEDUP- 5H5» OVnaiN,'NBWV

L > s ^ - n v o iNcDWPBrmr TUgN u P W fm A GW5 ____ _ yrtdCft.fRB5EP_U>E^ --> ^ -C 0 N s i5 N a5 :^ 'm E — - /v j ^ B ssp a N c ess iH

^ S o I ^ ^ iw c O ^« W l IS rHAft> SUCH A O ic r J Wl

IHAPOeW >WM^ f l E J P ^ V T T u T T S ^ r S» TO MMte gUKB d ^

i s nc w dehy«* ie r L t r a h e ^ f n o w h ^

o o e ftw ’ < TuaNiPifiA. » » ^ ^ / * } 5 S ®CAL SOCMCe. ) AH 0 0 FIEL NCXT nVC ) V ,t A O I C T ^ WtAK M . MILES. AH I W g S j ^ . RENDER T UMOCB* ISOOWA x f t S g ^ g .

_ * ^ 3 e

r + c < > f r - i - f r r t A W B A j w w 5 ^ ^ 2 2 m 5 S ^ H


Ig^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (16)

^ Q R T H S i l

^ ^ T ^ |i r i n g M attress-

^ K r ^ *


4 2 - ”

K liiu f Chest of Drawers

K id e r f u l T s l u o .W o l n u t | U 4 <Jrow«f*. FIm c o n - ■ ^ .

I fOLDING steel BEDSf c u i t 3 4 > 0 V A L U E - — ■ . ■ , 7 7 , .

I ne platform rocker■ i U U R 29.95 VALUE ■ m a i ^ b n l i N . O p f l n a n i i . H erd* I M ^ E f n m « .A t M r t t d c o lo n . I w ^ ■ ic , te p * t tr r > S a T t.

B ililut Knee-Hols DeskH c v u i 49.50 VALUE A W . 7 7 ^ k M l d e t k f o r l l f t U 2 7^ ____________________

H U WOOL CARPETING■«;uR-n:5omoE“ 'H n 'i e c e l o t t a l buy. M o d e m ^ S«. ^ P t e S g n . Tona e n to n a . A c- V Y d.

0 pre>Koreon prIca.

Hollywood HeadboardsBqULAR 24.95 VALUE 1 ^ .7 7B ^ c o v e r t d ha ad bo ard I m

B ^ c e f flp le ta b a d f ra m a . I w ■ M c o l o n . Twin e r fu ll


r ^ r d . M r . o n d M r f . W #Old n ig h tito n d . G rt jr m a h o g a n y

|6-WAYF100RIAMPS| i ’i“ W '? ! !S :y A lU E - - - < ^ . 7 7 "

" •M n m aly o H ro cH ro lo m p ." i J " P l i fe w H h th a d e .H f l t ld o ^ .45Klpowi».buIb«nd-3xoi»dfltflbM i,--------------


p & r s r ’' "gheit, full b e d , n tg h W q n d a n d

^ ? J J IN I lM 0 M 4 E T --

i § S " i 3 r '* •""J* '* " ' bu /' L«“


* S S S S m

H S I P E F U B N I T t


, 9 -—IH s-a b jo lo te ljr lm iii tm iv sn :

h ouse buildings on (he cou: C oniequcntly , we m u st cut-i f n r a i tn re to co st. . n e a r co st a n d m ove i t fast! N o w ls y i

S E T trem endous savings on F in e s , — ed L ines I Our extrem e lo ss iiL O re jo ice! Don’t Miss I t ! Y



m midT I — ----------------.m ,7 J - . ____ G foupA ttroefly#

Coffee Tables- R E G U U R -< .5 0 - V A L U E - B i7 7

j A lio a n d (o b le i and A ^ i# E D ’“"P ''Iff* * L I l E l l g la i i to p s . A tte o l.

lesk = h | - D A V t N P O F

7* ^^ A iDonderful buy in i

quality t

REGUUH « ING 232.00


^ C oT ered w ithbe lffC B cu lp tu r

, 100^0 h a rdw ood frame com

-M a k e s - fo U -s lM -b o d t-----------


* ■ ” Boudoir Lamps ■VALUES T O 9 .9 5 1 . 5 7 1 ’

p y ---------------- W ld a v a rie ty o f a ll IC l ty p « i. Inc juo lng to b la lam p t.

y.oo ^ -

ih e g a n y

3pc.SECTlOIPC REGULAR 1 2 7 .5 0 VALUE" ** G anuIna W r ita D o r n b fc k ir b i

9 m f ~ “ W M ltr laM -ja v B rrH a rd iro o d * * \ f rc m a V S co T d ^ — ----------

m i ;-----------

H 2 - p c . LIYINCOUP ■

R E Q U U R 2 1 9 .5 0 VALUE . . . — - A H w o o l f r f m i o r t r .A I I —

hardw ood f ra m a t . N o la g ^ ip r in g t . G rey on ly .

[fld a n d

ufi 11uy. L aw ___ ________


_____________________ T M E S -N E W S . T l


U R ESTICALLY OVERSTOCKED! /E-MUST-SELL-ANDtSEU.-?itp itra tiV S-lha rw e-vacate o u r huge w are- )n (he c o u n ty fa irg rounds im m ediately, m u s t c u t-s la sh priccs on th is beau tifu l

_.JLcar_ co.8i_^_andJ}elQW-CQaLioLjmoveJt^ N ow is y o u r ro y a l opp o rtu n ity to make

J8 on F in e s t Q u a li ty . . N a tio n a lly Brand* ireme lo ss is y o u r g a in ! . W e reducel You liss I t ! Y ou’ll Save! S a v e ll Salvell!



m f w------------ Buy ALL Your FUi

PRICES! BUY ONfables J- - - - -- - - - - 1.iu[-»77- | p M 0KEiSTANDSL|

d lie p p ao r in g o ih . P

INPORT & CHAW -d buy in a iwo-pleee tei of fine

" I I ^ 0 0

b d s e s c u l p tu r e d T e l r e t l A t r u ly f in e M t!

Dd fra m e c o n B lru c lio n l N o s a z spriogat » -b o d l--------------------------------------------- — -------- ---------


a la m p t. f ro m . A ll ty p a i . A re e l buy. Pic

E C T IO N A L G R O U P f

a S r iT X O CLJ

J V IN G R O O M S E T.50 VALUE l A ^ A A: u r t f . 3 « l ----------- ^ 1 J X - O O 'H.N o .08 • ' ' Y.Ir. . ' .



fc-— -r^ J E R d M E 'S L E A b ------ -------- A C n O N ^ O FO

L I Q l)CKED! QUR HUGE STORE i >TSEL4.-QUieKL¥4«GARDL^I“ huge ware*

lis beautiful I Sale Starto-move-it-.-.— ----- _ _aitytomake F D I [ l A lnallyBrand- . •reduce! You a t 9:00 A.M.i!l Save I t ! And will continue with ur

force until the entire ifock



iT A N D lU m iE jM IR R O ^,LUE f f c I R E S. 5 .4 ! V A LU E < ) . 7 7 1 B

/ / ■ P a r f u lq u o l lh . ^ H f i llh. n Size 1 2 x 1 6 . Sore. ^ I r

JR- —Beautiful I - H - Upholstered

f fineOccasional

~ ~CHA1RT1 0 Regular 3 1 .5 0 Valu*

1 1 7 7t i a u H f u l u p h o lite rln g !

Sp rin g u o l l C h .Ic . o f ,

w e re ! What o bliyl

PS U Diningroom Chairs U h(0 . 3 7 1 VALUES X . 7 7 1 Beaut3 - '■ w d ln u te rM a h o g e n y O ■ u p t e al buy. n Plaitic teat corer*. merly

IIQ Doornbecker U r Eighr-Piece,

0 0 ^ L iv in g r o o m

_ G r o u p _.Regular 35 9 .5 0

E T 1 9 8 "Set consists of large

[ ■ ■ J - ' table with Iwo 18" leaves! One hostess

' and 5 teffular cholral 'And o Chln&f modem

-»W =!-------------- -------- ----


AHO _________________


m s KI STORE AND FOUR LARGE EGARDL^SS-OF-COST-AND-t• ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ • ^ “ NowIHOiieonHi. C S < e w S « » n itu re and CarpB 9 T U r T S prices! ProbabI:

--------- --I'-OB’t t f tm ! W e «5 I D A y a iid 18 m on ths t(

* J l t i m e a ! D rive9:00 A.M. pro v id e fre s sto:

lo n t ln u . w llh unabami once-in-a-llfctim et h . « n H t« itM k l l u i d . ________

BUY on the



tR O ^ C a r tw t S a m p l e s

' '2 - ” | s « 7 7 * | r

q : 2 -p c .L IV IN G R Cd REGUUR 279.50 VALUI ■

Ml w oolm ehali^rle i^ow . |

I cuihlan derenpert, matching ^ chair. No ieg. _________

i t

D r o r L e a f D I N I N, REGUUR 194.50 VALUE ,

Madaof lelldwolnut. Extendite I I o f lerva 16 people. Duncan Phyf*I - a ty la — —

J m m m m m


**" B e r ^ s a n O p p o r tu n i ty o f a

q u a l i ty B lo n d e M a h o g a n y —

5 - - A P c . B e J i M i i i

r I07.i0 VALUE 7. „ Cut-SIash Price! Set coiuistay f jfM d; ^)bable D rd s e r l Dre*tta m irror!ral 'r n . •

l in c o l n T t . -


u r m rt LARGE WAREHOUSES ARE iT-A N D-tOSSESI^U rN OW r)W1 One o f th e la rg e s t s to ck s ofB upcrlativc to re and C arp e tin g m u s t go a t smash*dQ Ices! P ro b ab ly th e la r g e s t stock in th e i t t i illfin d th e^ le ito f-^ red it- te rm l—Aa-loy d 18 m on ths to pay! T h e re V p len ty o f f r tim e s! D rive o u t a n d m a k e phenom enal se

ovide free s to rag e i f y o u w a n t delivery ] ce>in*a'llfetim e o p p o rtu n ity ! Don’t M iss 1


DCK AT GREAT [ ~ ------ ---------------------------Cnroi



H to n n e s . D a m a sk . C h a ir c r -------_I I d i r a n slxe. - . . J H

■— * ' bin

_____________________ : _____ :_________

I f l N G R O O M S E r ^

s - i s z - o a f im a tc h in g B*f. 144


f W M I N G T A B IE SV A L U I A '•W Wr t . E i t a n d i t o O i li iK O n P h y f . M


P M B .|n

J y WILTON RUGSl , R E & 9 9 : 9 5 A O ' M B « . U »

A u H O o ' f l M u s poN v 7 n t h u d i j ^ ' P i l t e m i . SI*es 9 * 1 Z R ubberN a w l UttbB*.

........ ChesIB«r. W J

jrtunity o f a lAfetime! Fine Mahogany— ” ■

Ifidriwin-Grbupi f T T o a ^

^ " L0 \i! S e t co n s is ts o f B ed , J J i g h t _ •) r d s e r ! D re sse r h a s a l u g e B e c .^

if io f


KATONCE!^------ ^

mSES ARE FAIRLYrN o w rrA V E i—ofBuperlative Quality Far-

a t smaahHiown, aacrUlc* ocli in the sta te ot Idahol crma.'-As-low^aa-Sfo-down— r plenty o t frM park ln j a t ' ihenomenal sayings t W ell mt delivery later! I t’i a Don’tM i s s I t l

f PLAN 5% Down

— Chrome C halfT '■ K « rU M itM .-O U B y U


^ N ;

'E!’H | j j | | | i | j H -~ | Diningroom^ ■ '

CHAIRS I® - ror

Dinnerware -J -n Set

tS M U « pe. s a t IMb^ '-- ---------u f w i K r s D n i ^ O 'T T ~' m m i f u i w m I 7 « / /


_ - E k 2 — C B -


cJ-BediSPRIHiSsJ:" Mtg. UM . An a M . r iM '


3 I CARPEnNG^I-^ - K f ; U M TalM. B l|riav

r s m k , CbeiM «t 7 0 0 ~t n m . t n r , h t l f / » 0 0 , J

CARPIflNG) 'H t .U M n b u .A p t ta ^ ...

n t h u d t w M 1 1 7 7 , ir toi* wO wear • I l i J •


n Chest on C hest.ttt. il9M. S«Ud BUboCo.

« 87.00

Mahogany --------V A N I T Y - - -

^ m U .M a d a 1 > rW )iU a . ' '

7 ^eiuqr — JTiW - ”

LOVE SEAT IL. Ukka • UA ttjU ..n a t

I ”"

I Studio Cou^



1 r.






' i '



i^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (17)

B M - • - .......... '-------- -------

| K [ FAqETWENTTV __________

n f S a v in g y o g u e ^ H i : No w G r ip p in g I I I ; U . S . C it iz e n s ^I k «SW Y o n z . Ju]y 21 WV-YOU t f t ■ o ’ ne re r c«a teU-how peoi>lB m go.3* r “ injria »pco3“Uiaf monejr- bcwif t t . H a yen to » p « a d .-m i-» u o a j ci«rtip I th io u c b 'th a luiUaa tb t l in t 'p a r t ^ndU! . I o t the J W . Now uT lnc U InJl {uhlon. D ej* rt«en t o r eommerce , ' i \A] ) t etUmste th«t la the UatW | t ( tb n e nunU u toUl m tIc s i were■ m ere th m double w hat people put -------I _ aw ty In the t in t three monthi of noI ■ the ye ti. g g jj1} t Whet win couumen do this MrwI • i$ur A lot of butlneMBiea would j j f fI I : eleep better If they-knew. - ........ „,,lil |L — w ai-p«>pi*-i»»»i-4b»jr-»M »yj. s y 'I I I ' w in they UM their uTlnga to whit- ,.!.iI ' tie dowD the huge totAli of home KritHU • | | «fv1 fnn«iimw iT»dlt lifht? __^H ; Or win they uie th » e *um« they're id!■I beea squirreling ewsy to sta rt buy- n>>I I ■ up “big ticket" consumer goods 'If ' ua tD ? - .. . Judj.I ■ The u rttch from ependlng toF |h n vt ag wu T c a d c g - in a - t t u r p r i r ~ r «){! ceuMd a o s t of the troubles bus], toi*"

r neesmen h4Ve"been having in re-‘ I ' cea t month*. They went on pro- biddr

, ducing and stocking up even aller ■♦I - -the public Stopped buying hand‘ V orar fist and began counting

|i | - pennlti.----------------------------- . ruWL

|l | o r a n o e t o m e e t —• CEDAn DHAW, July 25-Cedar

!' Draw Orange will meet Friday with p,” ', il the home economics commllice la 1, t • charge. TUe annual picnic will be

51 Ktia~siinaiy~in"tB8~pmifparte- t k s :


n * 8Ut* t‘u»buliic A>fDt ulll twtlrt Ih. < MtM bl4i at hit ellkt Hoorn IK. flutt (I)

. a«u«. aatfl ASfVit *, Uil at lOiU A. H. U difer (anibhliK tl* rolio«lnrt . SUI*

jss - 'T S S s.r .rti-a iooi nx? I tniutiDUlrlAN Olda »lll U pttWlclr cpf«.d aail >u(h 1

imd at U>« aWra Ilm. aad pltt.. i'roi»al on ai rorau aod ipKlflcatloDi mar b« (Kurwl rrfUll from Ut 8UW I’arthttlnc Attnt. ovntr

n « a u u Tta«»tt U>t riilit te nltet ar tel

I ..‘ayiria'" tssI - - -» D n a i-ro » -« JB u c * T io H -o r -niB I • • T a « A T T o m m n K ruov ina om.oo

; n t THB nO tA T Z COUaT o r t u t {or^n


|| ■ ■ M


* v - 5M E Z Z A N IN E n . t t

____ . ^ p j e c g a - ~ __ : F ie ld s ]' T Z T - . - - - - -1 : , : — : :E X C U


i K .- l H \

- ' ;— I t ’s Smart. : . ■'____________



i n g ” | S i

s e n s i M M s M s ' i i Hat tb« CourlholUt la tb« a u a»^ CooolT (t) A

(ffV-You of T>tn Falb. Idtbo, haj Ura tppoiatxl f«r Iniur are go- “ ttm« a^^pti r* Etohi—

asptkallaa -of-JUiidt ITj (» ) .»J '* "™ g ‘2 . t e J i i . i r s w . S s : rIn t part ,nd «b*r« aar pnxn ItUrttMd our pUatt ti c U In tp p w tne eonttti lU MBt. («) ti

“S fS lt *■the Ust Otsulr CUrk /onitbtdIgs were rabUa&rjulr ir. l>. IM). a t tbt c:ople put - £oaths of NOTICB o r saW o r u a l m tatb ^------------ WOTIOB—IS— « v r « i_ 3 k a t aakMljat^ OBAHT E. KUHIfl.t. ftMrdlaa . f ibt to rtjtetdo this MrwD and ciUU bf LIuU J. abtw. aa OATZOa would broni»«t«iit c tn ta. •'IU'mII t t »rl>al*a wouw ^ ce«»a <rf ih. abort

* ......... niiult<t Court,'an er aft»rVB!r >»." IJS l;-------- -----

•I h S i iS i i .0 " t -goncE .

I they're Idaho: tcl»<li»r »Hli Uit appur't- a r t buy. nanr-er goods ,l” " ' . ll.mllloa J-rrbml. Df TltK

iud ,;.'T :in”V.ll., COUNTitina '*« Courtroom ia tha C«uat» C«>jnliog»«. O r ID,S r S -; in re- (uanllan «ii: Mil <0 Iht hlihnl im) hot <r«>l>or> > on pro- blddtr. bol rn .r tn Oit nihl Io rrjtct en aller ‘" iA T u r.'ju i^ p , imi. • -lg hand flKANT c. KUNKt.j:couoont

■ ruhiuh. - S” S r “S-Cedar KOTicr IS iiriiKnv n iv rn m i .<rib.d p- aay wiin ^ s,hi«i puuict Ni>, 01. T-in coubit. illllce la >'t:i.‘. Idalm. will atcrpt bl<U Inr pul lli- A tti : will be jJUl'lll'’' Inmrtnf* on jMrljrn br a tno

----------- I 'u h ln '.‘urjt-hQ^ljmiflft Ko. <11, IhU 10/ . I,■ents a i - s

■■ — —■ Ih* Ulh lUr uL Aunit. IfSI. in'j lh.t ilncrlbrH tuth bWj .h.ll b*-lB-wtl(l»r «»d upoa -Ct«b* C>111 twtlrt Iht (Ollewlnf Itnsi aad mdllloiiii Urfla1::. fllalt (I) AU liMdert tubmllllnr a bid muit ot thtliUA. H. U duIr tulhurlitd l« <So builnru la iht lilotk I

• Suit of Idaho. Mibs Cl All bl.ldrrt ilitll tubmll VIdl lor llo* ofCoodlnx, Intutantt rurrfliii anr lUbllllr of thi m iti I

DUtrlfl and Ih. ownrr tnd oi,»i»lor .if Boulh>d aail >u(h tranipurtatlon *nulpR»nt for dtm iio nlnri lo. i'npoal on arrouni of bvdllr Inlurr. or drtlh rlahla 11« (Kurtd rrfulllna thtf.rmm br rr»nn of Ih. wii* amte nltet af a«hool irmtuporuiloB tqulpmtnl i>hll* tald dnfd

htles UMd lu tiaupQit raplU 10 and hava eiittWniCIIT. from public tchooli t r to an4 /torn tp . A«tat pro>*cl teluxil aclhllfN. In lh< amount of abort'Cot

i:t.MO.OO for dainifn on aicount of a or ft«r*«_ bodUr Injury or il*«th rtaulllni ih«r»ftPin of Ui* d<«.

o r THE and In'th* mailmum'amnunt'of tht iliir.IVINQ - SH.OO for damuta for tacb accMrnt. d<Knt of

(I) Alt blddm thtll alM •ubmit bidi IuiwIik t<o r T»E {or.’IntBfanct to»cflfll Hit lltbllUr of tht lnt«r««t el


IF i e l d s t o n i _____

Smatf to'~B'e an Ea:

..... ■ - ______ n


BTATE OUtrItt mod Ih* c«s«r aad Iht epmtar la tht taU 'tef tock tnatportatlea aaulpant ftf eblrftsUea o

TE o r aasuna te prcpntr br rtuoa af (h* NOTICE 1'Jt. «»iurthlp. atlaUBUM. •prraSlsa «r «•« tkBradajr. tb■CavTt, of'Kbool traaiporuim aqatpsirtl wH:* atieiMA-Msotlra M as uad U tfsatpcvt pIpIU ta aad •( tb* abor*

llh 4»» t M pubUt u M i or to .aad fre» ap. ^ n te o t a ItU. cl pnr>*d acbaal atUtlUM ia Ih* amcaet of rallt. Buta.JimiK- J tA M M .----------------— --------------.— or«fr-Bf-lSUCsuntr (tl All Ud< isbBlUMl aad Iht ceatraft far th* bwrlpolatwl fer Imurau* IH thall N tabj«t le Ib* tiai* aad pU

ji l o p * of- tb* law et tha 8 u u af•df L. (t) If tharaJi.aar dlUtrts(« httwan la tald talaK Witrt «nd IJ-onmth* c«»Tcr»T» !»• tftert* la acc

!. wbra cM lar a (hrN-aioalhi t a t l u perloe, aad prtrtr eI Dur plaM* tpwlfr. DATEP Ihl

O rttU t> i '" ^ d tu ^ jja to Ih* td«a.JON. «hkb ^ ‘*KibUl“ ^l'MBraa2''u“ ” b5 IMITir A J,

CUrk /BiBithtd.-lBUTwUd ptrMW maj. iMBlrt Altonifrt fot_ _ M .if SiKK M■ATB Claaa A OR—3 1 ^ a«hMljaiaUiu.Ha.-Ul.rnrrT*f^..rlfht AK OBPIH/

abor* CLASS A SaiOOI. DIffTBICT r tW »«------ .--------SO,— ^-rALtJ —iiERCToft

ttrttia Ur a E. TJIAIl* Ctnk WATZR Ft». 4^ rublithi Julr Jl. Au*. J. *. m t. TIIE PURP

S i T r S l i ' - r K K S f o T J r t i J . " 'o T S i . l. . . . t M1J.AT10N ar iiEinsiilp pemalty.•fcbml* Df Tin: PnoUATE COURT Or TIIE BE IT ORDA •robtle COUNTY OP- TWIN rAl-LS. BTATE ANO TIIE

o r „ . r « T . T r j ,

• Th* P«F»oaa lBt*raal*i.ln ih* abort «u ta . both CIW ef .T«liJ I,at crtdllora and hrin, lhal J. I. Tolman did. br Ordlaanra „jec on Um U '4 dar of Julr..IMl. fll* In th* and th* ttma

abor* Court bli rcrlflrd p«tlUo<i fur ad< aa falUmimlnlilrallun ati.r Up.* of I'm r—rt, and Sic. tT. RFfor daltrmlntllon of hrinhlp. alltalRf CEASE Foe

r*ut* htnjn thal lh> taM Emrrrlt I). Tolmta lawna, rtrdiliKcra- Inlnlal* on Janu,ir» Jl. 1)4>: that os*rat*d dari

Ih* Mid <lre«ffnl tl th* <(n<t ef htr Ilr, saUl ilideath waa a rcaMinl nf T»la ralla Conntr, b ogt.

------ Hlal* of Mah». and Ih.l ih* p^lllontr and Thai dartn.tald d«rf.l»nl, at Ih. Ilm* ot d«*l*nf* |U |. to Aufdtalh w*r» t«lt.d of Iht (ollowlni d*> watar oiirt

Thai tcrlbnl prrtontl proiwUr In Twia TaUa ara c m ngT»ln Countr. SUU of lilih.>. Im III d*« waltr oal

P‘'MI'; A ttrtain promlMorr noU t«<artd (atloa and tprbr a m ortjtf. fr^m Wdr-i U Waldron • at lOrtO T. M

II Ihtl le‘j^i;*To*mirrrd wlf"t'Emrrt?^ ^Vhat“durlnj0 anJ TolmaB. rifrvlxl Ktbrutry S. IM8. IMI, lo Aw IB. "11 aald norleair l.»ln» on iht f.illc»In« vaUr uttn 1: Ih.t dcacrlbrd . pnip»il» la I.osao Ctlr, • ara odd numb

upon -ttfh* OountTrStalrrf llUh.-to-wlli - wanr ftui'of I•t Urtlanlnir at a point 2^ rr>di north ' and tprinklln: muit of tht fdfn»r ot Lol S. I»i0» K Jl. cIn Iht Illo(k 11, I’Ui - C of Lattn Cllr tach moalh i

survty. Ih.nct Ctll > rod. to Eatt A. M. at tht IIt tor Hot of tald I.M: Ihm* North JH Thai no p.if Iht nxlti ih tv* UmI » rodii ihrnca alall jprfahla,:or .it South S'/j TimJi u Iht pUe* of brsln. by hot* unintm u .. nlnri lofaihrr wllh anr tnd all waUr torn* typ* of adp*Ih rlahla Ihrr*un1n Wlonilni or In anr* Uitrton.

f Iht wll* apptrtalnlns, Anr p*non.>r Uit That laid ptilUcntr l> Ih* hutUnd ef th* prorUlonawhIl* tald dRfd.nt, tail tbtl ht la taUUtd te (oltty ef to ol

> and hava dlittlVultd lo hirs tht tald P*r*onal tat ef 8tr*tU» tp . preptny. and prajin*. Ihrrtln that th* hara th* powt‘of°a S^d*«iSr5iu7ml^iBr^ht* Mmt o"f dtafh W'*fh^‘1irio*frrn of Ui* d.<*d*nt. Ih* hiln of lald <iM*>I*nt, Ihl* erdlBisri

tht d . ,r« of k i« h ip . - ^ . . - .S ^ - J . ^ , i ; „ * l o «1. d««ral of lha tild pinonal proptrty b f for. aad la ful1 bid! luncliK to tald d«Md«nt. iht rliht and Uoa. Ih* anmi )f tht lnt«r««l of tr*dil«t» or aar elh«r pwaoa the daty e{ thi

. ------- 6 - ' -


^ __ l _ • _ j H T


•A-STREACU______________: l l . ★ WINE, GRI

l l ★ ALL TOOL

i n * BUY NOW






n Early’ Birdl


r s LEGAL .A D V E R T IS E M E N T S " p | ^ _

titer la th. - U '- t a l^ -ta lt ~U0e4 le.tka \ ^ 1 Q , S tS ? s“ ll5 rB t • GIVEN Tbat ______________|

U-K a’?!^A .’S!o?'Mrftil.“;^"rtJ:^ W A N Taad af th* abor. nOlbd Gnrt la (ha Ceogtr W A I N I

I ap. Omnteata to Twta niSfc C«WftW«{ Twin al ef rallt. BuU ef Idaho. Ma t m fli*d . ,...- — orerr-Bf-lSU-C»OTt-*rtl(»-tli«» aneTUfd ~ r r ! ! .' " 'itrart far th* hvrtar of tald ptlltlon al whUb J w | - -----------> lb* tin . aad.plac* a»y p«»« iBUr.W la ‘ , J , , ---------'■• «f aald muU mar aPP«ar aad-.«ah[bk hi*---- -aaT«nr^ii»iiifr^wi'fw»’p ^ n ^ " C « t.r ^ a *w «at c7»-w**a Ib tald talaU, er obJ*(t u tb . miry of a fer nimpl',

>toa ti.Offl.1. Cltrk ~~ i o ~ " n :i> b* iHiTK A jAfWD. ■ r 1.: aalr* Altenifyt for PttJlW r

it A ORDIKAKCE XO. SM JloBdtr". Ad»

s v „ r i ? a s ; — i ? i s ;CHAPTER II. ARTICLE I. SECTION Sgndara—J

““ “ E f S K s r a s ^ r . ' sTIIE PURPOSE o r gPRlNKLlNO AND

~*** IRBIOATION SHALL OE RESTRICTO) t i m t ibaald IlS - r s ^ V " ? ^ * iS V ? 5 i“SS5^^ - s ^ w s :»- ON . HOSES AND PBOVIDINO A ' _________


. . . „ . r T . , c „ r o , T w „ . , « L L . . i r a : B-li™ 1. n . l ClupMr II. Anltl. . . w iu . m . f.r .1,

all SeelloB If. of Iht Cod* of ISC ot Ih* In mr hsmr, P)i5 ,g“oS i-ith* and th* t t n . brrrbr It taitndtd ta m d u u n

“ ■ S ":,? '.™ m K L i™ ,w iii:» jllA lI , c , a . | . i .L . . .»lBf CEASE roaaula. and tprlakUnr for t f " luPttlloa. , mta Uwnt. rtrdt ar itrdtni thall not h.that op*rat*d darlnr or afUr anr a ltm of LET US itkt you>

htr (Ira saUl tlinal la ilrta Uiat th* fIra ftmllr itihtrlniimty, la ogt. m.rflil rhnioarii•M Thai darin* tht p«lod from Jun* I, W ui. GIVI' tinttnft IUl. to Aurutl II. IMI. InclUflr.. all ,vi|i'a ls l7.ll hTeVMllS^S Cill'uM.lV I t..

M ^ r ” i o t « . "lir malnt for Irrl- TO CONTACT« • K to V o 'r ’S? ob' .^ ’ TTuXSh"*;? ?t"2: cr‘ .?«n7'

D.' m t durlB» Ibt ptrM froBi'Juna a, ^a. lUI, lo A untl il. I?:i. inclulrc. all .I t vaUr u ttn who* Im t hdu>* nuoiUn CASH.for irar iT, . ara odd numhm thall U *nUllrH l» •»* . ' LOAKR on Ti■ ' wanr Mi-of Ih. clly Piilu-fatJrflfatloa AtLTnSIb .' and tprinklla< purpotn comBi*ncinc al l : i Sbothront W.». I»i0» I'. Jt. en tht ndd tiunib»Trl dtr» ofly «ch moalh asd coBtiBulu Dp to tiOOi t A. M. at tht followlB* d»r. ~s legal advV by hot. unit*, ttld hot* hat a notsit or ■>r n>Bi* typ* of tprinklrr or tprlnkllns dtrlta lo ctui* Iht wiKrr* Uitrton. al ttiil premUn.

Any p*non. firm or nrporilloB rlolallni KRllim ThUef tb* prorUlona ot thU onllnint. thall b. tl/K l Immnlltuly to «ollly ef an offtnt*. and Iht SuparlBUnd. apprortl.

nal rat ef StrMU aad Waur ot >ald clly thtll I'AfiSCD RY T tb. bar. tb* powtr lo turn olt Ih* waUr at MIS5I0.VER.S. J ■itr Ua prtmUct owntd. l»ti»d or occupltd SIO.SKD UY Tl>alb by th. rIoUlor. hnd aoy p.rton riolallnr JULY•tll. Ihla crdlntBCt lhaU par to Iht.waUrworka .(SEALI_______ .IL- ef «*pacliBtnl-o(-ttM- d i r - t i 'a —prnalir* An*«t!------ - ----bt. for. aad la full aalltfaclloa of. tueh rlola- CONSTANCE J.and Uoa. lha amouBl ot ll.M. and ll thall b* Clly» IM datr e{ th* watcrworkt lUptrlBUBdtnl Publlih; July :i. U

_________________ ^'I . .BUY YOUR




^ 4 5 ^

^ A wonderful Pre-Season Selection .

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^ iuvay-for-^on]y=$1.00-doK7i=an(i=ityours when fall blows in. Smooth fi ting, lustrous hard wearing worstc zips in o r out to please tlie weathe

Choose gabardines or sti-ea cloth i W your favorite classic version or popt

lar pyram id coats. Conies in a delighi

--------- fill varie ty of-new-^all coloi-s._j_—

- Si ^ S :^ (K lo ^ M r- H f r fo - 2 1 i / r

O N L Y | l D O V

H o l d s Your ^ Seled

iOn Lovawoy 'TJI Oc>

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■WI N F A L L S r .n r A H q _ _____________________

Classified. , co*kJ-LCTB m c d ^ l5l. I . ' I a““ WANT AD RATES

(ZUtW ea Ceat.p*r.*ard) d*iu werk frM 1V d .j-1 ----------------------U'p«r'w«rt~ --------------------------

la ‘ d tjt '—— — — *« I " • TRA V EL—

LO ST AN CI _ LosTl Mod*l atropia

- ' Ualw '-rogr crtdlt baa' ba*. -lab- Can'UCJI. n>*n_ Uabnf. cub tBBil accoapaarywar erde. LOlTTi Ktyt In tmall

DEADtLVEStcrClatUlideBly. • WwlflcaOoa. Kttur

)N SuBdaya-l p. m. Stlardart n*wird. Phon* «.»;

JS r J . l . S K S ' j S a i a S . M - ______ CH IR O PB i

S ' NERVE ip*cla]laL Drp Btruf* iboaU b* reportad laBadlale. Mala Narth. Phnei *»- - t r —N«r-illu»»iMt ■lll-b.-midt-Tar- 'I J ^ m . . . . SCH OO LS S,

i» SPECIAL NOTICES.s ' Kua ANO ..toj.} ... l-MM t.- - a i l . j . . VUkta flltanan —latuuitifal—and—1» •. WILL tait for tldtfly »»pl. er lariUd* pootMlf for a Iscra h . In mr hom.. Phnn* SIS. rar«*r now. Ooa I I

aPKNCCK OOllSETICKB. Jlra. Lrtl. PtaulT Ant AradttnO M «> tih tir**. ,.rtb . .PbOP. .

ni.fflil rhnioiriohtr. Phont I07A.R. KNOX CurUlB Uundr'l WII.L (iivi: tin t scitts.i. os tlu pn»- Catl. I'hon* 8I7.R.

triy. Will par ir . iBWral oa loan. HAY. rraln. tlotk an<lCtll IHU.IV lnlwtrn t t.m. te t p.m. 0»».ltl. TwIb rallt

fL TO CONTACT Akohollrt Aponyaooa WANTEO-Chlldr.n licbont No. e. wrllt P. a Boi t*. Twin homr. Llterufd. PI

Tt r*“*. «7 • '“ "'I ""kly .CDHtlnft .r try CUSTOH balin* and htJn Wnlnndt, i t I.M ^ B. . I . J I I J 4 .w ^uN ^U ^-W athla,, -------- CUK70M bay and tirt*[ ,— . Slrint Riithlnt. 1-hra ' c ash .for >tur old Cold tnd Jrwtliy O’DELL auratrj Mho.Ja ■'. “ ^ ^A T iT nnpo^ ' ~al i n Sbcithroat W. l-h«B*lil UbNLRAl. houtt cltanSo' '------------— --------^

------------------------------------ ------------WJXI-OHILLING. Cai3 LEGAL ADVERTJsem*nTS n:H.‘, r 7 ,u h ’<l: '"•

I ({Rlbti ThU orainin<* thall Uk* nrotrlb. ;I8?.J.------« .ffK t Immtdltuly upon lu patias. and UAY ehepplnf. WIU I. apprortl. tlack. vtrn Elllt. 1II PARSED RY THE DOARn flP COM. Then* «».R.-UuhI.It MISSIONER.S. JULY SJ. IMl. UAIIY SITTING-TwT'* UVjTlli: CIIAIRMAN, “ will .Im for chlldrSi

- CONSTANCE J. LE18EE. . . Kr« ojlmt^lt^^StlU it Publ'lthf July :J. UJl. •

V rOE CRAIN ANO T. \ CALL nun’ .

Y > ____________ _ _________ t ie-M

I HELP W A N T E C' \ A ^ EXrEKlE.VCCD wallrti

\ \ 3 K 5 % n f % F ^\ fl • CJ work. Applr In p*rioi

I W O K K B.]__ I /' / , 1 ? pMllloa opm In a lan

r . J M ?• a (tncril lrde*r bool-r.-l----1:’:—------- '• '•"'•• a'lT ----- -t3 rfrtra» r«flulrwf,—r ! ' a p p l y b o :

.1 . , ~ I f I-p ~ H E L P W A N T E

CE SALE ii ._ ; V . » 5 COMDINATION boul

- P A Y - __________ - - SaiI' -llh plchBp or 1 H powM-drirtn^lawB

lABARDINES! ^north. JH w«.t of Wr

__________________ WANTEO-All.«roUBd I, . . . . . --H in—no-lrrtrttlBB'O P Q U A L I T Y ! |

A W AY PLAN!. | ' i £ g £ “ : ^ :^ tprlnkler tyatrm. Coo ^ trn houta. U u t ha

_______________________ _____________prrltnet^C oB la^J.-

^ • w iriT itlllaK «cp.rltBet

B a ■ . for adrtnrtmcnL U.I■ ■ ■ € ttrnlnsi. Thorouab tnW \ F S llom. nlshu. Ho In.

_____ - ' S ' - ■ «tdlt to carry..Mtut :' S mtn*w{ll"'t.*MntWm

s tltl aspolniffltnl rrpl. ____ _______5 tiT* T1thw.N*w».M BU SIN ESS O PP O^ ru n LKASEl Wall cQUltf . a r -S ilUfilNEyS bulldlnr tnrg Artnu. Soalli. Inijulri

:so n S e l e c t i o n . . * 3 UOUEllN Chtvron eat <S Bood loctllon. rttioni

m 'c h o i c e o n l a y - § T^A^E^ordown pa>m*:,

3 - d o w n = a n d ^ t ^ B = §

s i n . S m o o th f i t - gS floo.! Misle Vall»y luwr e a r i n g iv o r s tc d |

i s e t h e w e a t h e r . . IS tint*, tundry aril«l«,

ir S tv c a c lo th in S te r* party. Ph.

^ •e rs io n o r p o p u - f e, , g • Nlc* blol.l and Ai

m e s in a d e l ig h t - g uc

a ll-co lo i f:._ j_ ---------« A - tlme


Or tell^ LecaM la rarr pr»(

I DOWN I j • Write Albert Ch

Selection • —

6 UN VALLEY ^E:e1uilr* luilni In Sui

V 'Til O ct 1st!- ' eauit of hetl’lh. "v'llT I

. down paymtau taty term. - Pho n e ^ iQ .— — w r^ to - b m - r ahit-h'o

■ C I T I Z E N ’S AG- -w w rriT T -rcinti---------

ssjp-j n«.

fU ftR iS H E D RltUjBE llJ. aU on-room a

ci^yE~lN. priralt rntra'i

COMFo'llTAULr. al.<pin( c

LAi,iit.Lui< luftt*r BianL I4.M upilalm t(»ei. com(ot|ahIf,_Brl,ata. 14 Menh. i-beoa ZISS.W.

' ; >


----------- n^oty Art. Acadnar.

TRA V EL— R E S O R T S____ rT J i* ^ a ‘ t ' lCLABl^MILLEU rscat nnea. CablBaTaaT 3 UOOM& «raa4 Um.

^ aaab. pack trtpa ta tb< blib . clet* la. adalu. 1US.I, U»«. ItCT^ja. ^ U N O turn, pnrau

phoa* IfT. Mra. P « ^ r . CUrt,. aatranc. prlraU. HO N

LO ST A N D FOUND .toST. Modtl a.fepU«.“TrPlltr .Ualiy.

Can-UCJI. n>*r- Beward- ■ “ J

.■A.Tv,'!^ w ird .__ ;--------------- ----------------- » |,I,|, sriraU. Pbon.

W f S x L T ^ u a , ; ,nawtrd. Phon* «JOJt.-------------------- <?Sw ^fpl* d ^ ’

______ CH IRO PR A CT O RS— — _■ta. B. B .-JuuN w j!C =nrT U rf'lra.« — U N FU RH JSH E

SCH OO LS & T R A IN IN G r S , ibowiT. HoflUAIK STYLISTS ar. lB~*OMUai damp}. ntf»r*nc*a^4J> W iat

Yog caa b«ron>t an expnt UtaaticUB A }.OEOROOM. prlrtl*. Ian amailBfly ihort U a. wltb n r alapli. bBllUlat. Phan* USQ.TfM of taatnKlie^ Bmmm clean I romi. L aT Jlatuuinfal—and—lwl*pedt«ti— rtvparw ' u !?* ta liT a titT » iS youratlf for a laeraUra asd IturatUaicar«*r now. Ooa'i Dalay—Earell Te4»y. “ « “ tE « « « . modtra. DtaulT Ant Aradnnr. I.oadrr. J tl Shoop.

, NEWLY dteoraltd t-roonSIT U A T IO N S W A N TED

8PIIAY now for tam-laa. Phaat 81IS-II1I. teuU tid toglh. PharT*l" _________________ _ I lIOUMiirbaih.

PIlACnCAL ntinln*. Rtftmca. I'hont b<il .watrr. Itandrr. liItU.M. Trrin Tallt. , LAllCE modtra roona

KNOX CurUlB Uundrr. l l l l lib Arma^ and waltr faniUh»i. IICall. I'hnn* 8I7.R. HliWl.’l dieMattd aplri

HAY. train, tlock and ate.. biDllns. PbODt *lt<Ult tlert, hot waU:oim.ltl. Twin rallt.______________ Call JJUJ or It] Uac

WANTCU-Chlldrtn to (art for la ny '«'’'**»■____________homr. Llcerufd. Phont JiI?J.

CUSTOH balin* and haulln*. I'hont IMIM FURNISHED I -» * .« U N ..U > -W a a h .„ U ^ I .H ) .r ,^ linOlijT iT ' lL J _ .CUSTOM hay and tiraw btllni, lloHted jjj . '

0-DELL ' tchooL Cblld’ 1 1 ^ by- S m - — 8MALT.,-...,..;, UENERAl. houtt cltanlnc.

' : E S ! j i j » 3 i S

Ilanim. liUho. _________ / COUPLETEUY furalihtdPAPERIIANCINC. palnUnc. (amliui« r*.■ [Ij^hlni. »u»rtaUri. D- H. '*•* *’« “

'I'lim ^ U~—. .u. .p“ » i . S S i :iiAiiv a rr iN O -T . . 1 . . . , ki.l, ,1,1. ’’ if.''*-

will t tr . far chlldrts afUraooB or ar» TU'n mom «.).i.. ■..< 'niflin. Phon. lOlOJ. .luo i^ ph“

Krt. ollmtlw. StlUfaclloD narantavL -• Phnnt Plan Earl. OIBWI. _ UNFU RN ISH ED

rOE CRAIN ANO TEA COMDININO ''°n! A v ^ t SSuCALL nUD JACOBS f « o U b tn r ‘‘«^f'Brila2

. ------- —

HELP W A N T E D — FEMALE wal!l|!.'^i«:'w*HT,'ruJMPEK1E.VCCD rrallrtaa. Apply la p t f ».m. or afUr 1 p.m.___

■an. Scoll’t Caf..____________ • ,

work. Applr In p*rion. M. H. Mag Co. ^Ish achool. Modmi. Ul««> d

B O O K K E E P E E ;It w ,v£ ; i"s:pMllloa opm In a la rs . firm la htnditLv*ri*u*u ______ C.‘.E . ADAH

' APPLY BO X 41-A ’-------------- —------------

HELP W A N T E D — M ALE11.011 achool boy for alock. room woik. o. “ pbtinT*:?>l.'ir Mnrc:,-. .mX-TRIC floor paia.r-;,

:0>miNAT10N boUl JllMl clftk andjisllor. Salary UM p « mcBlh. Boi (it.A . nm*^N*wa................................................... ..... .

IA: with plckBp or m lln le op*r«t« rOB RZNTs r r ' i r . ' i T

" mA H onorth. J»1 w ft of Wcat Fl.. PoJnU. 0-DHIVE, ll

^ANTEO-All.«round larmtr aad itock* ZAST nVE POINTSTBin—no'IrrlrttlBB ■ Tnr.'Toqnd—Jrti' ■*;------------nniK E IMISUrt Ant, lit. Phon* Otl^.Ri. JtroWt.

TEAIIY tmploymcnl. Inildt tor ntil. _Inltlllctnl man o»*r 21. ■£?* Mr. Jtn- ~i.n at Norco, »J1 M.ln arcnu. « il. r. « p ttup awn unuwi'AHTKl>-IUllabl. marrltd mia to run' J^^ifi• tfn ''h li! .r M «t Olr/

'ITll itlllaK expnltne. or •jalraltat u builder laalt asd tn ls a ido fl.ld aBd talca work for m.lor fed ter ratuaabl. rn u l 5ti<fo r‘adr\'nc'i!JI!jL*' ih ir*ar«« l IDAHO, UASONRT PInrnlnci. ThorcWEb tralnlni og Ih* Job. ___________ Phoa. HWllom. nlshu. No and Pota lo . pniJ^nJiSiii.*'m*.|5"; ^i?ibu W A N T E D T O RENmm will b . contldrr^.. For nnlldcn. "_ ■Ull ajjpolnimtnt reply lo Boi i:-A. *"

iU S m S r o P P O R T U N I T I E S T l % S 5 i 5 SJll LEASEi Wall tQUlpptd <lilT*.in wlili >VANTEU TO RENT-Pllr. founUlB. Ceod location. I'boat IJt-M. Twin PilU. m n t »w.

b . i > „ It I .... . . . >1.1. M O N EV T g ~ LArtnu. SoalU. iBguIra ICI lih Art.S S V ' o . . , . . .............. .............. U 3 A H 0 FIN A N C

=■" l o a n s

HOM ES FOR S40J^Y^JilAKEIt-nu.lnt« _h«dlln, % S r S

!o”rttltVlt'*par " ‘I-L «*kt lat*t^ -------- I SHALL modtrn toarlil park_____________ __________ lilt. Hr ewntr. IU Main---------------------------------------------- , ilV OWNKUI Ntw .M tr• Nlc* blol.l and bu .»M t la,'

Dolnr Cood Dcainn, OWWEU trani7i^ ; j . ma.l atBOI dl.A. TlMES.NUn'I____ „riM n_bania^tl.»aM _A

^ ----------- ' f 'to*!^,e«n. modtm.’ TV~ - l^ W **** '*’*

ONE BAR W ITH CAFE 1 AClti:.'corralli. J .M r o ^ Kail bairmtnl, I1II.ICI0. I

Or would ttll >i Ialcrt.1 Phon. Ollt-Rt._________. , . , NEW noUSE. 4 roomt aodLeeaM la r tr r proip*ro<ii tawg morrf. Prtc SI.OM.OO. J■ Writa A lbtrt Champion . — » .,» .-c iS T M . .„ „

■— — , * NEW <.b«lroom,boat. Il.d*_ lood ear, Uk* ortr 01 loas

--------------------------------------------- - Artnn. k t . t Pbwt IIU6UN VALLEY. MOTEL

:clu.Ir. lUIln, In Sun ValJ . ,k. Then. nil.M for appolnlmayyround of th. ntlicin, J1o.|.rti *|. SMALL J.*«drootti bomt. Ii;“lhly "com;, ' o l r ' im*- K.*."!!

!?.* "I'* * '"t at NICEST Uttl* hcmt la i«WB paymtau taiy oa b.l.n^ f k -w W rr tit . U ttt Itrdt--------------- Z"”’!!L^"!?I/ar-nnt— --

C IT IZ E N ’S A G E N C Y nice corBtr jet. .»l>7:wa'a«

Sb";- ' “'" V . a i - A r r & s ;

T D R fT IS H E D R o b T B —

Sb ' iN., cnlranct. S*. l5uf I ^

; ^ U t m a n pr.fcr..,.

IIELOK lljht bou».kr*rlni: tonm b*.T ,ml. I«M uptiairm tlwi.ini. -K. U JZKXIHSm|otlahIf,_Brli-ata. i « .„ j i. " ' --------- 'iM-W inrAma. Wetflb. i-boB. HOS.W. ^ 111 aiam *■ ■■ ■ ............................... • I • ' ,

. . . /...

; ' /

' - . — . —

U t N I S H E P ^ ^ ^ ^ P f r s I

r i l t Tdab^***^ Arrow Eaal, p fH lL fR g *

- a s ®K . r j S

OUND turn. Prtrau be>^ UUi ai^ *--------atran*. prlrale. HO N erS ld a .r« 4t.w; — ~**-ga

£S5 f t i ^ t d l '‘*ju A S .'nhw w fe ?! - , 7 ^,IN lleor, amall tp a n an i. ta lukU lw *‘« I I» S * ’'«» *S A?«,?fS*-rt£'” ‘ ' * ^ ‘*“ ^ KTH IL ^Ian .iiU .w rt» ta t. M.wb r . .acoraled. CiMlkat lecatlea. ^Itltlr Briralt. Pbon. tang bttjRT-WlixLT n i l ^ .p a rta S -c T S r . I*,

- U N f U R W S H r o - A T T S r -

“ f . ?ii7™* law .'**'

ioona, tbown. Bo(i and kgt »ai*7,tftrtnc**. 4JI lociaL' ' _

l ^ a ’ y S i t r . lliSS? ' ' ' ***~ -

“ S »S!y;

AlicE nodtra rooma asd batb. H ut *• 0. IMrrn■d w l*r faraUh«i. 1117 lu. Are, . o . * _____ oJS t.h«Wd»cMat»4apI7lratBtr"wn;3"T^ ”KUlt tlert, hot waUr UBk tarabhad '


riOMslSTbTlb. t« a IB. m.M. v ^ , N..._________ “““Ir iten, tMka*

ITLT tumUQH J.rooffl bout*. Ur<* "** ""FWa. n , J omi. Phont ilMU. _®>nlr.d«at»M ««,v

tw in f a l u ,

A f a - i r - i i r s s . i s i : a ;IPLETEUY furalihti] modtniIII*. All day Haaday et afUr t wt«k ' " ■'fcR. Artnu. EaaU Fboat

GOOPtflI i r m m , ™ * ,'■0 ">f" Htfnmca n . « Btdraw bai m

— ----------------------------------------acbooi. .s«k S t IINFURNISHED H O USES K ic .tj.tib « ,i ,J

rhiid"w™oA^?o“i i 'w • C.E.iSiUr. I« . 7*0 Htarle. ittvat b.fora t ........... ^1. or afttr a p.m. Ill Kill I

Ilf. d-room duplex, clna la. e tar ■ ■h achool. Modem, hardwood floor*.

r w c v s ; i " s i ' i ' . c s s s H - r - r " * “_ - - —C:LE.. ADAME--------------- . - o t -

i T - j i t P h n n -t8 l-|


I FALLS canil waUr fer m t . ' ' jM «

IU... Phan, n i ^ _______ •


IDAHO O-DIUVE, t e l ■

m r nvEPoiNTs seuvtcb *«'»«• ttTtia*moNE IK I ......~t' — — ----------- --------

’ _ A.l NET!W I tertly IMrna ba

E TIUE AND MONET by m U ac atutbid im n <* I; i j j S T iatat aicaraUca. alwttlt bammR. ____ _iM-»B^-OT»si^»TlB4«ri.-i»b»fl--- ----------- EXCllSl’ leolt"iIad t^p?«iU^C»fl**M W.«M.rMtooabl. risu l prlet* ea.tbeM. * ipt.lou t a l ^ JAHO MASONRY PRODUCT* U si Wwn-I

»W____________I Atl«hjd»ifll^jb

STED T O REN T, LEA SE £U,S“o V ftin 'I . '^DEDROOM bouta. Usfunltb*].

■m, i U l „ . ,.d m iV „ . .1 .. MAGIC VJIii. inveswh

I Tillt. I'hont JtW. *iltntloB d. OtfktMi'M O N E T TO LO AN

)AHO FINANCE CO. ------- n w S r e iLOANS -

CotapltU flntnclBf invie* _w...mal_ll»int ^

3K X -H IA T r.-M »ni*ei----- -OBd rloor Baak A Tratt Bid*. * >*'*•

rhoai IH____________ I IMlucUa nt

HOM ES FOR SALEI boutt to b. mortd. IH mllta friairlo. buUh

tntondopltr. Ctll IIS-W. Jnom.. n»«t«

' n r e 'w n t r :;v £*.;; : : . n Y . - * "A'NKUI Ntw .M tm M r e o - W.W-

*“ r n o s > ^I tranif»rT«l. n s.l atll n.w S^bif. r***™

hftna. tl.JHM-dowa.— rboM — ---------- ■ ■■ ^I. .dnom. modem. T»o yMJ« eldl — ^fc 1<» KlB«-artttM rbeoe| p - - ^

.'corralli, J.Mrooia modtra boaa.1bairmtnl, I1II.ICI0. IJ,«0 derrtu' j ^ - i «0»»-nt._________________ _ m A jn » > U «

:OUSE. 4 roomt aod balb. to b>. Price 11.009.00. Jtaa O. Eaalil .Phont tl. Bahl. JIAull.'

• ......WMhlnata*. ^ •‘" • . 'tf . f it

J.««droom bomt. Ionlat«l, oU

au Pb«n*J»»J.M.___________mu* hcmt la lOod lecaUoat

. w S d at

_______ _j”A ^ A ^ S ^ t o *

J S b i

i f j f "Bt. Mi**l.**l■w

CECIL (-JiStik 4-,„


' •aUS

3. mrTH - o»<t


""F tw . TVk

p«<.nij(t VINFALUi t INSURA.*,’!Wa

GQODB:i' U Estnm gd iw

“iSs5Irra Btibita

c . a a <ii> t


»!. luv tb til »w, u prt » « i >


ttla tnU '

-SPECvoa boM&il

A.l NET!IMmaba

id ^

. idifUiM :outalt«« nIL ■» ^ iittl<dnii»£



A R M iW

ZiE m ]bBtin •«»IMlucikaet

I H .tiJIb '- ibti brti I, buUm <M it.a»ftlW«S

.ailU tl * •*

■ ° s » f

iH N in iifcM A N P.WAGICViU*

' ^ i i l

OOllEDU*^^■ C B tf i l® * -

' i r -- liJO 'liB '-^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (18)

FARM IMPLMAUCr ilirrb . ^s. t<

?de5iT5**l»5W*” 8SI I f f ^ b T b J r e R ^ A

. ^ ■ E l t —*« I IL 8 * j t iy . ? >I?iI ^ ^ V * ^ -* -Jm er Tow Potae*k

^ ______IUL t«e«M eet wiCMtlrfort._________

BEAN C ir’'*w£5mo ______ ron a ix t o r v u a

I ^ S T A T B ” “ '■

------------- -- — If CQtUac bU^M. AL^ M(kmd«erran.^ blait tliT~L<M^<n. ClISACK ^ DfTHlsn.

PAULEQU I " S s . ”" " " * WELDINC

» l*» -------- rAOt, rOJ

— ______________jk!die«® B««S«" ‘‘“ •- ~

*” - U..< J«kiM 8Uek.ri , talUIW 'I** . Om iW CtM CoBkiM' I Om KoStl M C»*f. Cot^ W Om OUTir llHr.uUa I

OBt ufrt M C«» Tr». tu l " » • * ^ Ollm « Tmtaf

* " • Ollrw 7» TrarKr

s j K i r " ' s « . ^ r ‘If ; i l M*ln N’Mti SfTcnl Uitd Tr»elor H

' Cm H««rlr N»w CMt

^UPI'EMENTS ■• m o u n t a in i■■■■■ IMPLEMENT C


.Ml * 7 ^

w.”ArjW 7 h U R R It l t in w n .M »Wl

U. I MoUu « — t- * I t won't la s t

S ; ^ l .n r i» - - ^ C A R L O A D ^ * • G A L V A N IZ E ]

Iis Jr.pni«llrd Mwt■Su. 1 w«l. H .«Ui, H NOW^VAIIJ

i r S H r S '.wEsas!S»Lk«« hifTol»r"ltiTwj l “. JH" >ndU B«»ri. *p*J^ H«tftirt tad i tr.t*al MnitT_ a . oo« OAlVAN!IED

= ^ = _ ro a WEU

RUCK BZD8 ■‘ s i l ' r r « » ‘pI td iistli (oaklntUon > , ■IM Ito o i AIm ton* m d u ai Uai rsuu Wm1i«*S - & " ----------- = K R E N G E L ’S

DOCCUS I-------------------------------m ’E S H O P C O M B IN IU innS»tJ> IM;M0 *IUi H -a AlU

' V-U »llk Bmb Atl*cJ,' —I Ollm wlLh Bm s AllMh:

EAL BUYS____ - -ACr«().w|lh B~n AttMh.1K.MD wltk DMn AtUcl

{„ SM I WD wllh Bms Al

rih-0 EQUIPMENT b a l e r s

____-• e ^ ■ ""-■ ■ T R A C f d r

' AV r.miill


S I D E T IS Ki*U»»ff/t)nd«r M)»rMD llk« om

S E ' “ "Ifhk.lO BB -.-^- I-Dm iM ^ U asil l»ft» U a «utl.r _ ____ .CSED.ORAIN Al

L I Z " TOLLIAM« .™ IL r '' TEACTOIlCOl:uWr. B,V„ .......... - - ■' ' '—OJn»ta«i tik «

Ford inowm^ * cut rord Plow, - u g g u E Q U IP I

e e r T R A C T O R x w rn rr r t a r bi PLEMENT C O .

Twin r*!li ,* . • * ‘" ■’- I . ’I * I v . ^ m . TJU I-I I

* I u*rf H.jT".;uf '-« •r a m o t t o — « « «or JERvicr TO THE J u CASE ISAC




___ :________________ __ in:w_raiiirittST-AV'• « “ '-V m .i:v .-i,n-,;ir r o # T » n a J in * - D i

• ' • * nAavxsTOB




IKES H A Y, G R A [ n T

NtED nl»d m !iu D»» TiIn. pkani _______

1.W0 nUSIIELS o>U and Ix___________________ «ft iiiMiatt. rutf. n-J>-MAGIC VALUEV


*tORs----- r -LIVeSTO CK * w

“ OELDINQ t '*

CiS e r y ^ q ^

ANOORA nbUU.----- - I milM

0 ^ 1 1=ARM IM P L tM E N T ^ UVESTOCK f t POI

«t hmnt. IL D. DUMl. Mnm tr«ni — Il..t- Pbon* ot . h.11. Coodlw. 8TO0 DULL Au«UU«i Co.r i 7 » n s r T T 5 r s r T ^ n-iiTi, “ '***“ ■

J S } | b “" i! 5 .C * bS iC ‘ ** “ ^ r . h.(l«robT b^TEiu<AtfiTrAL-S«UM. _ n > ,.y - b,t s i i s s s s i ^ s a i g - aat Ttonr Potawk. Pbea. *171 or p i^ - ,1" »•«' .>“ •» •

Ue«M cot w ai >b4 IK iefth - ■ °* ” **■ ■ *£ 2 i ______________________ _ »K:BTEnEO Mllklw Shorlk,

...........- I - >

B E A N C m T E E S ' ° # "L“ i ; ; * ’a a • J SI AIX fOfOLAB TRACT0B8 __________

L A c i o B o m . iTOwi . r . a - T S S r "MSter e o U efe r Feid m 8EVC.*< lltiKiif iioliuia h«u>oa TrKMr. B E m S VISION ^ r « CB«n>i«r snd^ U v ^ b l^ AIM Ml «lcMt t . <»»■ '»>>» X

c ^ - - » M iiii• ' ' *"***“■ Co"'

'A U L E Q U IP M E N T ' ~ *mw?fc W E L D IN G S H O P -<«!>■

rAOt, IDAHO p -

-------------- ------------- ------------1 I '^ r u i r i i ' J S s ; ' - /Ekonliors. Pteot U- 1/ »« «U>rr call TW. >«ek!nt Sucktr..lCtMCoBklM'(«itnr>od) p lodtl M Cwi. CemkiMiUT.r llHr.uUo Itar Pattr_____ B E N T Sl L U N I

« Ca« TTMtof J. M. Mer.rl.nJ * 5«».H TfMlof ramw» for QUilltr tiMi

TrarKr kr Trotk ar TlUrMd Jlpr«r« ■■ ■ Ia«lft brfor* Tog b«.Sid* lUk* EAnLDE.Sy' GlutI Uiad Trattor » » - • " phoi.. DuSI. 0JtW< „ dfoarir Nrw CMt liar Dakr _ , , ,0>.( l.OM »ltM tblpp«lO U N T A IN S T A T E S 'L E M E N T C O M P A N Y I___________________ ___d A»«>tio Boolh Pboaa U l •

' H l G m S T

F o r d S r a / u s i

“ ' ^ a n i z e d p i p f

I D A H O 'H ID E _______________ 4 t a l l o w CO

» ¥ K a s , 5 o I . " . . —A T T E N T IO N


bual IMW roau BErOHE YOU BUYI•oas* m<lr« BOW ea band mOU CHOICE

a ! E N G E L ' B w o . - = - — s S ' . - S i ' . ' . T S J S :D.lUt j-.tTjInii

At. . !!».>■---------r h l» - m -----------------------------^ ^

------------' M A R T E N S BRO:............ I IU SmtK or Soothmt Cot

C O M B IN E S - "ph!,»om*ri‘°»ltli lUaa AlUtkatata. Ilk* — , ,

rllh Bm s AllMlinnta P ^TSt|Ui B«in Att*ehm«u, »tw _ SIAMESE kHUna ter mI». >’So»with D*aa Atuohmwti OEIIMAN POUCE p«p. (.malfcID wllh Baaa* tr t nia.tock. Jr. Fll.t tl-JB. ■

G OOD T H IN G S TOB A L E R S ■ cbeCM bnna aad otktr .n i l

■'•J;'* ___ _______ LEA” B*7r"oBala« at Warn.'.

'T K A C T C fR S J S r S . . . . ;t^ . . -mall tup er traU. PS»B» Cl»7.ftt

’ John a. OMr?T. Fllrr. Pliona• S ID E H S K E S ------------T E F T J ^ i l i T l ES i 'g i A " BEDPOTATOEi. « .». ym t Ueua Vo. Brine m ut»litittfnallaail milk, Ha faltoa, wi.oI»ob«. «l

cestlaaoai r<frl<tralUiB, M. DSED.ORAIN AUCr*______• i.n Dalrr. Phtrnt OIW-Bt.

W IL L IA M S CItaBUP prlcM. Vto pick IJf, pIC T O R C O M P A N Y


,ED E Q U IP M E N T w“ ?ii)‘ TO m r - o , . « ..mtiad. H am Uatthirr. Tho


w. . * « For Tnrd MM 1-TU Trail S C R A P & CA ST ffi'd-J«ha-D *ttr^l

riu iraaU f T W I N FA L L S

• • * a u t o p a r t sU CASE IBACTOJt *— ......... —MM UTU TRACTO* ■MMSANT1UCT0M g p Q T CASH

, F o r Y our .«■. C A R O B E Q U m

"1“ ” " ™ ” ! " ' , CtTAK 0 » U 0«LT

M U irn C iT ^ V A lI.A n L Il_ ______r a o u T m = - i » r « Y — M O T O H S A L E S .



L W 2 .“ -— **' kaaatntnl. woi>dtrrBl jard, «*S

—----------- Wrila tloa afl-A. Tlmw-Wt»».G RA IN & FEED ,-------------------------------------- ^

— — - T - 7 7 ^ ' S A L E O R TRA D Ird jraliu Daa Tf^ »» fluiioo^* «i- ■ . . . - . a»d t modam apartin.aU OB 1 •

“" f o r s a l e

j r j S i i e i L r L l ! ? ! "^ D A Y E E A L '^E S T A T

i l l i M t* i!« __________________________

---------------- M ISC EL L A N E O U S FOR :T M K A ^<{»»*t.E. w . f

^ k t ' ; ^ dtih?

T I M E S - N E W S~ . ------- _.. . . - --------------- ---------------------

J > = d r A V - - /


— lb' tMaf fer Ih. fina ol

— . ■ ; ; ; - S ‘S 7 ,? S , '! ^ a a a ¥ MUaitmaa. M''iili'“ V "*bW *tV ^tliJ

'Wmsfisi>r-Mfti.— M.,i;r. -ti>i*ncVIu?HrfDh5lBr»'Sr?H^<‘i aogtk at aeut^aaal n ra.r b.w diluia mod.1 Lawn Cb«f tlpi'on* otn.m . ■________ “7* ***' i” *

'ra. Catraiq' aad tw’a i«rw _____If co*a. traabaa aeoa, Pboaa____________________ Falrkaaka. SutlowiTH—U eU -tal -----------------Tlmt J<lU----------

CatUa Cood CotnJlllOBI air fralihrcoalitl fclWrt OEPAKTJIE.ST STOB[.^^vhm^tlt^^CtitMord. T. ^ _________ ~ , , '

furniture & APPLIAh— ■ WANT u> Mil roar fiiraHur.? Call Artificial luaalsaUoa Str». ValW AufiU n. Thon.>uln. OsanatT, Imwt asd KE.SUOnt: .iKirlo rao(.. GoodSonhora, Pboot III. Jarsat. llAn. >IT»on, I’hnn. IOI».Vrn call TW. M’ltCL -alBlii k«3rt>om aulla. (

I Jin.II.,Ml. »{ rounli av.Ba. »—:------- ' NEW ANU ui«l alaculo tiBja*. M— , •,,. an oK.r, Liquid Caa tad Acpllti

STEWAKT WAKNEK rtlrUtralor,: n t & L U N T E ^

MeFatl.Bd * Son. C.l.ra • oll’l i j} ’ '* '’ ®'''‘. tor oualllr •!« , I l» UHlVEUaAL tutomar>r,aT ,'.'; ' wby Trotk ar . baoa. mla-rauUi. aair <hait. I!«alft brfort Tog bar «u»»t.«orO>. - - ------------

sy ' C lU l LUNTE tir *OBaldwad.***tjUld*o/no5*USI. 0»W< aad «»l-ni .»nt«. ItM Kltnbtrly Baad.

■ ‘a ''S v \£ if iS £ jNEW ANU USEUi Norn r.trli

WftUnihouaa apartm.Bl ranii.'---------------------------------- QuMh wuh.r. usah burnw. k(

.----1 Inink. Ironlni boardi, rwind uklt.HIGHEST s s : : !

w cE SP A iD — -lAD nnd USELESS “ i , S . - ; l ; i rLN IM ALS ; ....... IVSCu S S ,DNE us COLLECT " * !? ‘r J ’'"'*?,' . _ BUMM It ■- * -------------------Twla Falli IIID A H O 'H ID E U S E D t a l l o w CO. R E F R IG E R A T O R S

--------- ■ > 1 6 ; & up


lEEPMEN : =OUB-WBIT*rACa>------- P ^ M A T T R - E S S E S —-

T O nE ^O U ^^rf NEW mNERSPRINOrnoM CHOICE » » Vh'l

--------------e v e r t o n —P..U, x A . M ^ R E S S f a c t o r s

R T E N S BROS. * ‘ ° “lilt ot S<Kilh>ait Cotatr .-i iT i . S J S f AUCTION SALE--------------------------------- SAT. JULY :STH----------- :-------------------- 3 P . M.

- - _ CABLOAD OK FUBNITUREiana tor uia. J’Sona Qtll-Bl. In<-liullnr nraetlullr naw >-t ILICE P»P. i«maU i n . HZ- ttoaai.-Mr.-ind- M nr

T H IN G S T O e a t “.V'i t T . ' X ‘ci?.. btcaktail art. bullliir a«la. wnu tad otkar rttiUblM. t«l montha. Ilundmta ot olhar lie

E»tr»Oilne for Ui*>oma.

— - - m a g i c - v a l l e y -^ r s ° t . * a A U C T IO N

tonaStrrii! . .

^ • £ “J . u i ' o r l h -------- S P E C IA L -S E R V IC E S -»i writ Hi. PcIaU |-0ULTIIV drMalne. PoulUr SupBl/. 1

ipv tl tl hsib.l. V laulh. 4 lilt. Twin Palla. Idaho.Vo. Brine renulBtr. Oiltf MATTEESSE3 r«io»»Ud. Ertrlon

____________ ;_______ lf«a raewnr. i : i Saooad A»aBO. Iilloa, wl.ol»0B«. «l*a^tlei Pkunt ll-W.rafrl*afaIloB. M. S. Swts- eEPTlC TANK and craapocl TinPhtrnt OIW-Bt. .Call btfora t a.ia. Bola Beoltr i

1 Blnfi and Lambtrl eh.rrha. itrrlca. IL C. Jnnaa. IIJ Wnl —

4TED TO BUY I t w i n p a l l s— ^ pL » t Machine Exchaoj#r , ” ».d pub^ T s; *; ««

; V »?-C ra.n .iral.M o, •rw Uat«h.ry. T>«.. Tl, •


F « * « ' Your Old Mnchln#? & CA ST IRON • Porubla .ablnala

r r ~ f i T M 5 ----------- -pnoifB-nw^-jn-M AiN-Avt-B*



F o r Y our U S E D C A R S

O R E Q U IT YAN GAM ONLT U niTtCi: Suptr d loer.

A-I wndlllon_______L - ^ - l l)W N T O W N , -Il'nUICK SpmUI Sadan.r O R -S A L E S ;- '- .- -Mala A.aaat N. « FOkt) V.l Buprr n.lui*

- EpeUUht. radio and h.a<rr— 11' **^ 41 trrUDEBAKER Ctub roapa.

----------------------------- ll.alar, taty claaa ________ IIIa E OR TRADE^.tcB M r.k^a.aaiaalki ■ B R O W N IN G

1-b.dr.S a u t o C O . .f b a d ^ ‘ o a ‘ -Hb"'?!! D«I WIU, C»nfid«Bt.1.iidaTfSTTtri, «« !**««»•°.A. T ln » ^ r» . _ _ • ~

O R T R A D E I B U S I N E S S a n

- D J R E3 R S A L E ^ --------- ‘ — —I eaa.p oa htih..r la • BICYCLE SALES i, SERVICB■ - ___IllMlM CraKrr. rb- l t l . <tl H.ln A.I.E A L ~ E S T A T E .

io a V in ^ ' “ "* • CL£ANEHS & p y £ i I S ~ ~ ..

------------------ - • COSiMEJtClAL P n iN T IN G ^^EO U S FOR SALE Oo^lir phaum af aU kisda. TlB><»i?rr . A , . v . i „ ^ i y . , E .-VTo,)ii

BPlaU will drlllltf moii- B. A, IHIJ.f- Traa ».llro.u». pb. »17■ • .1 noof_..nd.nt_cr MtlnuhlB,. rb. Cl».l CoM pack «toii.n. 1 Ja' tn ^ H.KIa. t t t Ind At*. Na Ph 11

lal lt.«.. Klniv^^ . MONET T & L O A N -------- -----

. a : / " 'tLrsr, j;i, Vj.. ar

N EO U S FOR SALE A U TO S FOR SALE • ,7aVf*?i.'i1;5;*.' ' '’0 0 ■“ Cbmal.1 14 »aa pUk«». Ck.rl* ^ ^^ rb o a t l l l l . Uiatlioa. |hw . rho«, artUII. B.kl,

T. B. Slapin™ ' - *' ItSt nOtlOE toaM «ltb IKI matar. Alx ..It. .ulUbl. t»r tli<ir<k. au. « .WM.w mMw klk> Tall I.W t, Fllaf III b. a».plH br Iba Buhl IM» UUICK Buptr 4-door *«laa. radio Jgir » t l I p.n. Tka tlthi haaiat. .undart traaiwiaaloa. Il.llt

--------'n r K"t!.ltinid« Wouu Wllh I---------------------------------- --------------

S S ^ ^ n ? S - S ! ______-T W IN F A L L S . . . : .

7 ± f S - S ! ---------E 8 U IP M E N T CO.-(•oriakla trpr«tlur ll t i

— B T r T T E T r B - t n r 'S —>od.1 U wi, Cb.f tllfplat. i > t , * x i J i a i . > w x o

a, Uaad. SuUowiT 1| | | STUDEBACTll Chimploa 4.-------------- -------- doir-aadkA.—Ur*Mft»».-Tn^------

a !* liT > ." j ™ . i

___________ _______ JI47 6TUDEBAKEB CkaBpIon

E & A PPLIANCES bS?T;joar^fiiMHuN^tall Madt 1t4> MEnCUKY 4.d«af aadaa___t III

q‘;H ' ~ ‘ll'- l ' « “U‘CK aadao. lUdb tadkaon, I’hnn. lOII-W. kaalar------------------------- 1 lit

IMI IIUICIC aadaa wlib radio..}. rourlli_aTya. ~1.__ k«lar, isod BOlOf --------- 1 Ht!u‘ '?a‘: ' ’.a7'‘5rpl.?B‘l* ” • ! » CHEVBOLET .-Un .rwk.KNEK Ttlrutralor, liI.U i awad u ia .ad I.UiM Uta.,.mMII^O wHb. , Wl^n-Iia,... Ml^ ■t f r - Y i ^ r n T b i T ^ _ ^ , ^ . r = « r r____________________ TBUtX CAKt ia<f 4th AVK. WESTuiomalk rani., WNtInc C. G. Wrllla V. ft. TaatlrrlUi. tair <hair. I ti B»t L

.‘“ u U id 'o / n s * A*pp I‘"!ra!l"".'^oL.lo wathtfa. W O R R Y F R E E

^ i f i r S i S r U S E D C A R S 'EUl Norr* ratrli<r>ior.

n e w c a r, drwp I«if Ubiw. kllcbtn «"book <7il7’ eWna'»la/rt! D E A L E R BAGKlNOrh chain. >awln( aiatblnta! ipilan. Ballrmaa, floor.-ELr"'l^ 'm J!''w 7i^'.'! »iO:NASIl-SUrEa ^DOOB___lll llira Eickanca. 4H Main B^lo. ilaatar and Air Coa>Tl. .dllloaar, Orardrlr., Low------------------------------ mllaa*.,- Vary Claaa. Slatp-

I la* Aceoaiandallena.U S E DIG E R A T O R S .L6. & up --------------- - r - tM n a ™ iu - T ii . . , - p i . .U .-------

G O O D R IC H itig dodge custom {.Doon-.tiitiiln Avtnua Eatl Badlo. I'lald. Drl».

— I ?b':'“ A^.7:ii^'V.r“‘“*

‘T l t E S S E S ------- 134NERSPRINO IlMlar. FImIIc Cortra. Haw. faetorr and aara Tlraa. Sua Vlaor. Vatr flkarp.E DCLtVEBY

fE B T O N -------------- f , K " f . ' i ' = 5 . S . rSSS f a c t o r y C . S T .

___________________ m i DODOB COUPE________ I IU_ Iladlo aad Haaltr.

["ION S A L E Ilia rLYHoim i c o u p e ____ t :tiJULY :STH ■

n « DODOE 4 . D o o a - _ ^ i m i' S S i V S . V ' . T . 'S S r i ; -

d matlraaa. Naw * .la. sr tr . AeiomaHc Ilot* '■Rt 7 mmiha. Ilalpolnl I t i i PLYMOUTIf <'D00II_lll l lip<l 7 month. Cbiorn. BacoadltloBtd taotor. radio,biilltup aaala, turd T hn ltr and dtfroatn, asa >1

rrda ot olhar llm>. or. oareon color, cina. tka homa.

^ frA T T T T V ■ HIT CIIEV. AEHO 8EDAH ______ __________________llOtlC - V A L L E Y ------------- -----Wa«-do.ajfaiL»ial..r»dla_____j c T i o N • r ;:;? ; . ’'oi'ii *

■I lit? FORD S-DOOR_________t OJI, Badlo. hralir wllh dafroallr.

L~SERVICESi«. Poullrr SupBlr. I’boBa ]g,o CHEV. CLUB COUPE_____ t IIIla- Idaho.____________ jl»41o. hraur. Smitir Mot.rnoratad. Ertrloo Mat. flir. black tloUk. n s t food. t : i Saooad Araaaa Soatb.'

• ■ z j r , , r M z s r a r -

ichlne Exchaoj# « “ •- " 'O ' “> • •. AVENUE EAST

ONE SUJ u n DODOE ^-TON HCKUP___ll l licw m o MACHINES I'bS^ala'^Jki*'* “ *

HIT INTEBNATIONAt. m.ToB..$ III lectriry n,r*. naw ilna, oat ntw ra-31d Mnehlns rap, comblatlloB boat aad1 cablaaia

T»-MAIN-AVB.-B*ST- -im-fNTBnNAtiONAC-44«tON------------ -----------i^paid -uIiI^c7«K-IBimomd-


C u, l<rllnd<r. ruu

V N IN G 'S ■ "*

D C A R S rad^^^bu^.tiii FISTwiTt

• 4-door. jjjjQp JJ, „

»1 fladan. DIC-IIEARTED bSd BEESrS' ~w ii£ iiE ~ 'n icF T U R M dviS^

to'’a^*hiai” _ _ lll# - MOBE.CARS TIIAN. ANYONER Ctub foapa.---------- ---------- IK-Wl<JIO-V*LtBlH----------:la«a -------------IIHI

W N IN G b o b R E E S Er n r n U S E D C A R S -l u l,^U. . -n o d * .- Phnn. ur« -Plrmaalfc-.1 WIU. Coafld.BC.1 l « BLOCK {.ANE EABT

S I N E S S and P R O F E S S I O l l A i r

l l^ E C T O R Y ILES & S £ n v ic g • MOTOBCrCLES

•■rLU M Bi!<c (i -h e a t in g —

T ilE n U C E R A T IO S SERVICE ,ind a t VT. Ph^na »». RIa.fXali. AfinllanrM. Pb»B. Nil. iL PIUNTING Matic Vallar lutrlx. iiarTlca. l-b. u g .n ..“iTklada. Tlmaa-Ntw.. “ "i„Tl5^i*a"B«I5-” pk.* u i S

. . ^ • r y p E W f l /m s ~ - nnuM ,,. rh. V,”^ : g:*"-


ia"S ("I" ^ • “V A 7 E n .sfiFrENEns :

a E S - N E w s , n y i N . f a l l s , i d a h g .

TOR S A l t . , AUTOS FO R SA L I•t U lat plck«»- Ckarlat l i l l UFaratU Coaix. Falrlr rood cos4l. “It-Jl. B.kl, tio^ IJI.M. m Catdaar. • ' r -

" ■f f%a». r a iin w t,n w f. i i ' ' '~1 «r 4-door aadaa. radio.df traaiwlMloB. Il.llt. _______ ’ _

A«1 C o n d itio n

A - l V c d C r . _

E R B 'D "y yIMalBm i-Donr < - »»«rttlT> lo« 4tl»a. II,M8--------------------IIIM j»M FOUD Otarattlbla. Badla. kMlar,

atar. Wblla *W*- IW rO*D Caalom I Tudof. Radio,■------- .----r-=-7T“ -^“ - . baaltr, aradllT* ....... - ..... IIHI

CUbpIob j, „ CIIEVROLET 4-door. Iladlo. atdrlra. radio a»d^___ --------- H l„

4.d«or a tdaa__| III ^ “VIOLTT l-door. A L

das. Radb aad „ l , ocsOTt) 4-door. Radio, btalw. <--------------------- * *“ oTitdfiTt---------------------- n udaa wllk radio.d Bolof---------1 n t COJIMEROIAL8 .

» d ‘i»".Mmaa*‘mM »M FORD F-l. I tea- l-Paad ail,.II.MO aillat n m:k- 7<rwd ««la. ' _JMJ_UlTRftKATlO>lALUlU_UaL__*_, ~ L _.:-------- 1 iJJ tp.«l a ik aad fUl bad— _ llO »

i-rS: S « a O H .aa plakup--------- i Ih

■ • - * C H U R C H M A N ........... .•: M O T O R S, IN C .


D c a r s 'Pbeat 111 • Cot Pkoat n

W ith

f f C A R . . \

DON’T’ER ^DOOB___lUII . ..... ................. .......................

Sis'siS’ CRY ..................................................... .1

“ 'S S T J .s r . i : '" ” O V E R h i g h p r i c e s

S V i - S S . ------- --------C O M E -O N 'D O W N — -


” [- |.trS ..“ i i , b i l l I R E L A N D 'SilM car.

I-OOOB-.:. l l l l l - --------------------A-j.1-------------------- —Dri.t. Radio aad •«• •*■

iMc CcTtrt. Ntwlaor. Vtn Skarp. T A G G E D . IN S P E C T E D!T 4.000R------IIHI ________ ■ ________________L_D.frtalrr.-B«u-— ------------------ C ffR S ------------------- —1 FlBbb. Vtrjr u /ix v o

,y p g _______ J jy G u a ra n te e d

F o r 2,000 M iles o r 60 D ay s

* ” * {w h icheve r o c c u rs f i r s t )

o a n L ■ _ : - t i m . - - ----- --aaloBtUe tnaa.. .’. K i t i r t A -1 . A -1r. -------- - HH-n)ROCy.lontud6r. radio, litatir. -

orrrdrly., a.w aaal coran. wbllaI 4.D00B___ l l l l l **“ *‘'" -d tBOtor, radio.X . ' " ! ™ " ' A -1 A -1

0 . » . » K S ,p a i v “ i — — — .------------------------

1 , A J A .I° ■ " • g s g r / . a r i L - a a : :

i ; s x ' » = i v ' ” ‘ . A - 1 , A - iInUk. niB« food. STUDEBAKER Ckaniplaa^ club

:0N PICKUP _ m « mll«i*..Iteirk wIptTi,

' A - i - - A - 1tllO PORD SUtlon Wajraa. radlfc

ON ________ I 4U bNUr. »ood Ura. ertrdtlrt.

’• ' A -1 A -1 „ON nCKUP___ll l l IMB W llt^S /awUr. rad lo ^ aU rI two aaw tlrM. ortrdrlrt. linr ailwafa, Trrr *ooaica. IibbUb* aad flaklBt u r .

ONAL m j o ^ l I t l , A -1 A -1n7oB‘’" h * r 'a ^ ll l l BUICC 4-door, radio, btalar. <trna>

flow, naw brdraiilk T.l.a llfi«., T ________________ _______srr.bil(cT.jifn.itALNrtn.____

oN A c-^>to.v-— — ------------ A i n x i — — r *

T i l t ^CO L N Club miM. ndlo,

}OOB—_ 1 _ I 111K»llnd.r. ruu A-1 A -1

« » XAISER 4-loor. ndl*. \n\4T, v.rr low n llm .. wb la will ilrta,

N ________ » M ccJpHoaallr-claaa. ramllr eat.Ill na i. What

A -L]IH PLYMOUTH Clab coupa. radio. II

IN AT J.„ur, low a>llaa«.. r«»d Urta,I BfiD BEESM__ "*^ ‘‘***~ ._ .. ^

f-TUBM dvnt X - r A - i ■ ">•niAN ANYONE m , jf^nD Cuttoffl ludor, radio. baaUr. II) VALLnifl ' w.tdrlra. a»d cltaa faaiilr car.

- A -1 A-1- »lE E S E I t t l n u t t l l 4-Joor. radio, k t ^p . o q ortrdrlrt. Cb«rk tkU fot «ood !»'O A nO • tb tt f UaaiportalKn.

UT# —Plrtnaalfc—ICK LANE EABT ' ” 1la Bllak») A -1 A -1

HIT KAISER 4-door. ridl*. haalar. Ill - III

A .I - A -1 , , ™ ' \ / . ' i n i rLY«otrnn-d<»>t^nd««.‘'« “ T;. I s , " . , : . * " - "

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" i j i . - r / g . a B IL L IR E L A N D 'S

P b .. .» , n j : U N IO N M O T O R S . .

i n D T " " ' ^ " ' ' K .!. .fT lW T I. rb -M lIU , - riaplar. t>boaa WTO: “Tl>« «'»*«" StnrUa“ < iNEliS (Opn Sosdtra aad Ert«lB»a till 1) C


I . I D A H O - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

S I ^ ^ S S■ - ^ ^ = ^ = = a = e s 5 radl

3»t SALE • A U TO S FOR SALE. Falrlr rood cos4l. — — —— . ,_,

r L ' k ’ . r r k i - l t h e b l u e | p


CA Rc w u i c e T r r r r m ------------- q , ----------~

id l t lo n t h i : w e e s ' 2

d C a r s h e a t z r a n s badio a

: A RtAL BUY AT h » ~ WV.| rertar. Rilla, • ____ _!” • •....... llll

BEE THB Slbla. Badla. kMtar. DC^ i t t s ai* “*“ *• . .»■ __________ M C ^ B D _ » «

I Tudor. Radio, BctOrs YoU BU/

Woor. Radio!*’* SC H ^V A R T Z A U TO CO.

TJ'~rT ‘ .i-door. A rtal n il

>r. Radio, btalaf. . ■ .

~ ~ B A R N A R D 'S ..%0IAL8 . llil^ „i,. BETTER

____________ J J1 .R S A IN _ ______J

,i.ta .____ !!;“ BUYS-

H M A N .......... -tIM OLDSUOBtLT n 4.0oo» S» HI5, IN C . I S ; ■ lik iS ',’id“ i s i i 'a s j :ID»1,0

‘“’5S““ r^ I—Ills dodge Carenrt l.Doer fa.

' ' .......

l l l l DODGE Coroatt l-Door S* dan, BadktaedkMtar.sTro-

T t r p matlt utumlialon. V aryH i claaa , lll l l

IHtrOBO Coup*. ~A l“ «w4l.------y Uoa --------^ --------------1 IU. ' ti l l MERCURY l-Door Badta. '

fj;*”*' *■■«»«■ A-1 teadl-^

3 P R IC E S lUl PONT^Clob C«B»k Ntw ••D O W N ------------------- t«l» .» W j- r - . »r7.^aaM ,«» _

lin-CHEVBOLET 4-Doot Sadia.O K A T Radio, kaaur---------------- lll ll

!IH PONTJAC CkltfUa I l-Dotf ,U,L A N D 'S B ^ . . ,_ I Udla aad bMlar. ,,^, >«»

1 -------------------- ---------^ B A - R N A ® D - ^ —m i

.T ,«-„TK OPIK EVrNnWS U L • P. «.rS P E C T E D ^ __________. _________ _• HIT

t s --------------------- ' ■ ’ — • i n i

itc ed * ^ T R Y rr

. o r 60 D a y . A t, m t: c u r . I i r s t i m .

7 , 'A - I evtrdrlra. bad Ball______HTTIidor. radio, fcaaty. -»«»wai eorar*. wblla ktattr. aaat aonri. Om

l l l l PONTJAC SUaaallttr. «• door. . low allaatt, iMla.

A -1 l>«lar. toB abadfc m l « » •„ „ , EOT:lub cwpt. radio. J„ J NAs' u Amkataador I-door. ____, BCW aaal cartn. btalar. »»trdrfw.^ ^^

' Im 'ciiEV ito'LET ”|T S 5 5 5A-1

“!-S S .;-.ssu rs~ — .ti l l FORD Spttlti Dtlut 44aat-

. ,, Radio. ktaUr. A aitt oa.— I HI. A - i m i CllEVROLTTSptdAlDttaM

Ckanploa cluk * - ^ r . Badla aad car wllh low Good timuiMrtaUa---- - .1 «» ,m

IIU HUDSON Sopar SU Waar.-.... - -•• •A r«Ulln‘, rood car. tUaradio and .btatn,-----------IIU , t ||«

A -1 m i FORD 1-door. Ia ct«d na>Wa*o.. radI^ ^ ‘* a aa.. -

a. ertrdtlrt. a i E ^ l ^ t f M xr. - y j g ‘?*®

A 1 kaatar, aaal cortn J --------1 IMllt l FORD J-door. I» maa. Sara ,IH

rr. radio, btatar, tht nod Mr. bm thla far U>tlUact. irrry*ood rov*b work -------- -,- l U ,l|(» i

ilB* ear. S E E - ’D l , j

A-1 W ILLS MOTOR CO. idlo, bMlar. tJrna- U sCd C a t D ept. „ J , jlllk Taha llftait, Trsck Lana Waat M PboM IM-J lIULNTtn.------ I- - - -------- - I -m i;i

t n — j ■- . " " ' i

• r r " Q U A E I T Y "

-1 ^ T T ■ . IIU '

w E i ^ J s j s : r :,0. ram i. car.

- - »»» lb coupa. radio. , IIU CHEVROLET 4-Doad Sadas.lUII **'. i m CHEVBOLET I.Paaatam^^^^^

^ S ^ ^ ' o i i r r M J o o r W n i u or, radio. buUr. l l l l CIIEVROLET 4.D«or Sadaa.lllU

»“ •. -.♦4H0HBVR0LST-C.-«M.»U1W- J* ti :..1- l i . l CHEVROLET I .FaiMn,.r __ _ ^}«J ,

Su'^fot’"«12i i m dlEVROLET H-Toa Pkk.«n. »p . — -----------nonA .I i» .c n x y R O L r r i .T .> ^ . .^ ^ - ^

ndle. kaatar. IIH CHEVROLET 4-Door Sadaa.I H'* , - HIT.CHEVROLET Coapa,.,,— I tU

t l i : rLYMOUTH i-Door Sadaa-t III,r. ndla. b^lar ■ «I8 PLYMOUTH 4-Door SadaaJ t* l. rkea.B IdahS, *“ »«» VASU 1-Door Sadia—_ _ l l » l— ----------- ' 1141 OtsbMbSILY C o a » a _ _ J |'m - < = =

A ' l ](}( OLDSMOBILE 4 -DoM Ba- TlA -1 daa '■ i t — —

A -1 - — -l«IID0Pflg4-Daer.Bt«ty • 'a iM - - A -1 j , „ „R£> y.Toa r i a k a » _ _ l tH

1141 TORD l-Door M aa---------1 III


r O R S _ _ NOTUSTEDI , * > « *

rb .™ iiu ' G L E N G. JEN K IN S—" « " !“ • ' SA LES and SERVICE .

' ' ' ' ' ' , ' '3»all«

— ..AUTOI.:WI_jX«.j3!Zrjg_ I ‘.'!LfBriE2!aSCS2,Tii--------------- 1 -mi-W AM r-TiabiM aiw-vm-BM atf*^

‘ ■ DONT BE ^A W IS H F U L ■ ; .

.,_ ~ - — ..T H a r e E a i _______—

5 i ; ^ w s i ! T ! . ’a , e 7

i i 5 s = = ~ ^ s f S 5 ^ =

___________---------« « Wad Ilka ta aka. p m l S m l ^ -

I ■m i STUDEBAm GtBTtMlUa. i W


I t i l l FRAZER KUkattas. Ra«a. w w ' __________ t^ Ottrdrir*. low mUtaf*. F»»‘

m i ladla.

ll i l rORD l-dM, CMla& Xadla.

G A IN -------------- d o u g l ^ ^ s b i ^ -

BUYS- ' 'm o t o r C O . r

.HI Kali'AYa. X Ji ' ‘ ' n ^ u a ^ W ~


tar. br> I .m — —

D R i y E d o w n |

. % ............. —

IU ■ K^ .

- ! ! ! f t i i . i ^ v . ?:a Ntw ............................ » ; ."■r daaM IU _____________________ J< _

a n d S A V E . ,

......«^i« — — .... .. •,

- ! ! 2 - a s f S f -m i DESOTO Calatt Badaa. (Vair/•P .M . tl«B) ,— r, ----- -IIIT.CHEVEOLXT B t r i ^ l * BadaB

1 v lU rM fe aa d k ta lv ^U lL M . ..

__ I . radia. fcaatwMd , '

IIU PWllOqTH « i> Ot^ ~

TT ^ m « rORO V4 PkkQ K In-ltTMO .■

• CO. -.lHl,TpM).V<B*da*«______I T IM .. .

,‘tSE . S-E-E D-I-C-K-_____IITTSSadljj---------- ,._T W -I-N -F -A .-L - I , S -------- r

- — J i m . M O T O R C O . IItr. 4- .TRSPRIENDLTmiiXOir)

radia, BTUDEBAIUal «»*•„„, ENOS SC H im x* JAZB W IS

irdrtn. . - - '...

« ■*F o r T h a t

caoa. V a c a t io n T r ip ? 'S ta rt O ut o treriw

aaa—i n i l a O n t of 'n ieM Ho*£ S ! ............... ^JSBD OARS ' 7- .■■ '* t i l l rORO CMkB Motl.- Bate tdaar.-.... - - •• buur:'iad'«Tiidrlt«.'i8B(lBte- —*

„ „ S ! S J a 4 t r S S , s r - f f l id na> ' Dalu* l-paaatanr Caopt. Ibdld.baalar baalar. eratdrlm aaal •otifa.n ; ; " " ■ m i S f f i . 'M ^ . S ’ i a r S i S -

------ • « 'm * CHEVBOLET StttlM Daloxa S-a . ' s a s r i r s j K s s -

f t n m * BUICK Bapar 44oar. Badla. ktaW5 i “«***■ “

'?• . » « CBEVROLET nattaaala* Maar.■boM m -J BadliL baalar, Mtl eerart__ in i-------- -- -lt4 t;H U W ^0am»*«i»t« -r« 4 d ^ ' ----

= = ;f , . — - -

m t rORD D^sia Maer. Badla. t e bl iu fffUDEaAKta dab CaascBadIa'

aad baaU r ^ .MM

5S , r ! i ! |i^ J % 5 " i5 . ■tl4t STUDKBjUUB 4-docr. n d k '

l ^ - » t l « ti l l r o m C*ar*rUkla. RadkrblL‘ ' ---------W l'

------ n m - - V — OOMMBROlALa------------------i I i ' -tT«i« IHI tw ZM aa.lim CHEVROLET »-toB p la k a S

I HIT 8TODEBAKEBfH»t4akBp tm -- -

I.]<k. m i INTWAnONAL U-tcB ^------1 '" ’ m i M D O E rfrti* r_-_-

m i DODOE 14db,' DataxTc^tloA " '

;— ' n o r t h SIDE '‘■’- 1 '“ AUTO CO.

r k o B a tU -- V - Jn — .Tdaka_____. . . . . 0*”— n m EratUa* by. Awatalyat

i in CMC

[ N S - ''" ‘i~ ~ ii" '7 y r f

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P A O & T T O m r ^

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S ari,-T ’--R=^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (19)


| H Method Used - m For Medical Wffl Teaching Hit

____ O EIfSV A .'Julr.M v n -h T trtadW W - m ob tU on in the tnU atorofdoetan m U i — 1* n n w M \!j Ui« world heklUi u l t r l H tts tn is t t lo o of the UnlUtl Killoiu. n l l F b i A ivport publlihed WHO

. i b u p l7 oiUdM d present mtdlcal B U M 1 | end... tum lac— edueiUoa—jfleihod* H B ^ l ! ' th r c ^ h o u t the world. I t ursed th t t ^ r a { | | i doctor* thould le tm to u tnucb

beed to (he welftre of the com* i'MHiX m un ltr u to t h t t of the Indindual i P W l IH patient.I B I n ^ K r-H p o f T T ru - i i r f p ir e d - i j r T r -t i n eemmlttce of erperti meetlnc hers M H I under WBO auipleei to examine j^H 4 — preeea t a e d lo l tnUnUu method* la _

m I MedineeUon Netd'ed■ ■ I »!%■ (■wmtnlttiNt fniind "immlilfT. _ ■ H I ftble modUleiUon of the educaUon ■ I D I of the po(cntU) doctor li n n d e d ... IH t l l te t n l a a m aa capable of tuper* l ^ n T lilac the phTilcal. todal and men* ! { |a ta i «an-belB( of the comnunll; N B w ithin whleb he worki."• v f l • -------T M T B p o r rd K U re d r -n i tr r t r i t —' r O P>!<*cnt m u ^ emphaalJ on phjrtlea

' 'Bn(l’'chemlstr7. . . . tbo.Uttle alien* t, .. tloa la (iTen to nich n ibjtcu u

Ij “ ' Joint Stndr U nedjlr'ij -N u rm and doctors, alnce thau U «liD U tha t they should wnrk aa aH u Uam. fthoutd have planned oppor-n | |{ tunlllui lo study together 4he to u i3571! U care of tlie patient. BtudenLi ihould

I ' ( e l to know the turroundlnga In 'lilifi, I which the patient Uvea and vorka.; iji P , From the very flrat the mtnd of the■ l!>- »— etudent-mueV—be—turoad—toward* —I 'lf j ' dLieaM as a'community problem."t fflil I report urged that doclort.r a n -aunea, aoelal worken. publle health m Im • o p e r ts and ionltary cnglneera M i l l ' ’ ahould b« trained In''different sec-

tlona o t the tame Khool, and be - U u tb t. to .w c rk aa a team.

I ; Folks in Acequia I Report on Visits■ AOEQTJIA. Ju ly ' 38 - Thurman al m r --O o ller.-W alco ttPark .lsT lslt!n irel> *• r a . tU n t in Cardwell. Mo.t j l ; ___ M r. and .Mra. J . X.W eat. Xenia.

: UL, bave returned home after vlalt* i. f i t .......... In* tb e lr daughter, i l n . Mary Lynd. VU i. M r.. aad Mra. J . D. Qlbtoa and

fim tly bare raturaed from Tlalt- " i i l I ' tn r in Oklahoma.|J4 . J i Mr. and Mra. Pay Parker and aon , I*}'. .? b a n letum ed to Hooper. Clah, '

i t f - i : ----- l i ter TlalUnt -relaUtaJiera------------l^hl ^ Denlae T m j la vlilUns In 6 a n ful

ta k a City. » eBitter M. MaUTKa, PocaieUo; 61a* %

jifl. [ te r M. Terrenee, Nampa: and Cath* ffifl !i'i «rlD®.Tracy, Pocatello, have been

' ’nilU eg their mother, Mrs. Mary InCl l - i ----- Ttacy .----------------------------------------- lotiB l l Mr. and Mr*. R. D. Chujf, McOUl Ot

J l N e r , b a te beea Tliltlnj their aona, f-'“ >f(. l a y and EUo CbUw. to ,

n J l o-^ '^M r.-tnd Mr»..8penc«r_Pirtar and 5iy y n t ■ AmU y.-Booper,-are In Salt Lake - 1

: | | q ity . . tha

i t l “ “ o i O w w o t H a n s a s --------I i OAErrLBPORD, July 3 9 - U n . waiI I O lenn B m and Jobn Moyer hava i J l rtce lred wenl tb a t their trand* toi J l - motber, Mr*. Ilo rtnce Oweni, died Chi

4 I I I Ju ly IB a t b e r home In Beny* ChiI [ I ^ ln ^ A tk .___________ ^ ^

I r— — —

I *

; t = = Bi*


■ji. ■ M&I - ; ■ -


Bed - —- Events MarkTc Hical I ‘g.Hit ->rA Ttrtoal — ■■■'•— - ........... - - -jif-riiref-doctora ----- v - —. .v- --ry ^ ; 3rorld health •• •' - %■. * • ■ f- 'Wted NatlDtia. i B r -----------" " / - r / t f -

by WHO - i- ' ’ . - •■ • iM .- _ • / . v / rent medical

I urged tha t i ■jay u much * ■ * -* « •f the com* ' fle Individual ••

. . s. . V f r » w M - v r - r " ■ r ^ ' ' « r T ............ .......... •’>eetln< hersto examrne ^ ~nethod*la

tdedL_rcQiulder» —e educaUon '■la needed... ^ . ; , . .ve of luper* IJife' ' ____ '■. xJ and men*community P ^ - - ' .........- .. . • T ' j y

T1. c .c u 'ht •on phytlea a h lp a ra t e f tanber ( ra a N ahoa lim b JttU * u « « P « V preeldeBt wbeae t«m -a le

7 and M* [h ^ b u h b h b M B H H I I H I

M WlRl: TO!er4he toUl f l | n l l -LlenLi Ihould " l E S l F W ^ ' J llundlnga In ' '. . H Iand vorka. | T |

mtnd of the '•d—Wwarda — problem."lat doclort. | u ^ . ublle health

cnglneera ' ' ~-WWM-r'fferent sec-

and be

V i s i t s . AU la oae packafe, Charlea E. Oood. be- Thurman aim, would like to lu lead a towa fer IM rlsltlng rel> warehauia.' a dock a n d erea a raU nad. —

^B'rOiitofXtuiIbeiiMi] M 80.Year.0IdTowM r*"o i!S NAHUA. Mich. (N EA )-The folka flctloaita J ______ w hD jt»e.her5jt(icJliatJlieiuK 8Cfl- . } ^ * 1lg In Salt ful Uttle vUlage U doomed lo beeomo ^

a ghoat tow n. MtUnj* iS S r .th ' NiOmia. called Nay-mah by lU pay for luve been waldenU and Nah-mah by the lira. Mary Indlaaa who Uve nearby, belonga who, al__________ lotk,jtoclCMid_taxJ}ma.{o-Uje-Bay. .lIArejxgg.UcOlll. I^eNoquet (pronsuncedBayDeNoc) 1 heard their ioaa, Lumber company. Almost everybody lag ot p

In Kahm a worka lo r the company aald. • ’ir ta r and either directly or Indlm U y^Salt Lake - T he company,-which bai w tirM late OCk

tha nearby foreatt alnce 1B71. baa Tommy — aow cu t aU th e u iable timber. I t baa worry,5 tt8 aoITTbTTnm-a big taw«,“ and now leave yt3 9 - U n . wanU. to aeU tha towa. T h e t

loyer bate The c ld tlm en lil Mahma. Uke a t u c!lr grand* Tommy T ohln. lUU have hopes th a t pulled xwent, died Charley Oood wUl find a buyer. Jobi. OtIn Berry* Charley 1* president of the lumber towa h

compaay a n d a far cry trom the around

S u t iA

' Two I P


larkTown’sEnd — ■ H a re yon

• J / , jjW T*. • - mwwf ptfn


* ' QUC puTt l

./• , / / / ^ \ ' } aouthem c— __'• . / ' • , . / / / / / / / ■ ■ ■ £ « peninsula.

. -r. r / / / / i h [ ^ M along the l • . / • / ^ / l ag with :

------ .T C T ^ ^ - r / v ' ar t - bcaveTTnil( ra a N aboa la leaded as Cbarles E. Good. . ^ h e oeoi •beae t«m -a lor aale, watcb«fc p a y ‘o ie w

m o n th ten'

t m m mA.UCH. Ib

— .bed-boepit b lg h achool

^ ta n t churtr building wi

gym as wet r ~ - ■ - on ly beer.

coitrse and T b e com]

; a lung lococJ l siUe* of

- N ahm a Juab o u t five

lea E. Good, b m (ewhlog ep h it for'aale coma towa fer IM people, Incladlog hena«% a «rty . except la r a U r a a d . -

* * * * I t includlnj" • * • o f lU o w n b

jeii Mill Has Put ”» p rr" a n d a dock,

Id Town up for SaleI age when ct

le folki flctloaal'tfpe Im ber baron. W hen aa o u t cf d Tu>Kf>A. he saw tha t the company waa near- reya remalr

Z ^ Z - l iT W o i a - o n u iS b - K efeTlJooa------------=talked the board of director# Into X T A 'n f isetting tlOO,OM aside as severance i i C W <

by It* pay lo r the worker*.the Recently, Good ran Into Tobla.

belonga who, a t 89, Is Kahma's oldest cltlcen. BOISE. 'he.Bay. JIArB_j-ciLgonn»!J«ayB.U3, Charley? noD er eeneiJ.NOU I l , i . t a you ™ . .n J I WU IhlnK- S y ? l Ssybody lag of pulUn’out If you leave," Tobin geneimpany said. • Inatalled thi........ . -Oood, a lean gray bachelor In h ls oLl3.6WJfl]worked late flOe. looked a t bent-ovcr UtUe-' Power, wII. baa Tommy Tobin and answered, ‘D on’t llvered to th• I t has worry. Tommy, I'm not going to iranam M oiid-now leave y - o a ™ --------------------------- ' f S h S a

The towa'a younger resldenU a re- — »I. Uke a t u optimistic. Some already havo Jo h n Mercs th a t pulled up stakes asd moved to new covered Inbuyer. Jobi.Others.UkeShlr]syW amer,the strengthenlr

lumber towa barteiWer, are going to ttlclc and gluingim the around to see U Charley Good can process sUIJ

i S p

M m I-g^jSMiSaipSB RllJikua

- J

w s o u n n s 6 ^ w r h , \

— ------------ T I M E g - N E W S / T W D T T A I X g

-A tamber to ra ll a iS b e r tow n. i P r t * • H ave yon ever heard of one tb a t i f a l l l 11

T cotUd ta changed lato a n y tb lsc .. . el*e?“-be aiki. - --------:-------------------- • - | r n g |

Most* people feel that th e -to w n * ^ * • * 0 '■ w ould cost a t le u t p g J OO;' Y et i t ‘a '^ A T C H E

tiioc~tlll*lirte( a i much as lue L u je r m c iu m iO B c th a t InlereaU Charley Good. Moat w . Strauai aayi

_ — ■!! ho w«nt» in ttU the to jro - to .iag_iaZo.acUo nidufactitrer who p u t u p sTentiuUly-lnci

a p lan t In Mahna and employ tb e r io te d acrtagi towntpcople. l a 30 year• “ Oharley Oood im t out to m ake bureau h a t Irr;

- aw ney by selUng tha town." aaya of-U ad . Thla : F a th e r Charles Reinhart, the C a th - o a project* tha oUe pastor vbo cousU 80.per c c a t 3MO.OOO acres o f the village in hU church -each aald.

"1 Sunday. Is trying to help tUeao He told a W< I ] people. Most ot them want to atay. co au:erce luac

- 1 1 - -Many.movad.a»ay.buUheyte4ears^ .day4bat-«aUr- L j in g the higher wages paid elsewhere GDlor«do*Bl< ITj d o n 't compeniste for the advantogea (;iranby unit lajrija . ofJlTlng.bere.'!__________________ j)Uinalng.plant.m - -TttTTpIeCTTinnenhandlsennrwtir -ta»l*-Pn>Jeet-i ■ d aa a place to U>e, Nahma boa a lo t _ _ '

| - Maroa-If l aouthem edge of Ulchlgan’t upper T t q v a If l peninsula. I t ha* broad beachea l i a V c l■ along the lake, a rirer nearby teem - x tA v n t t..i.II in g with llsh, *nd avUndscape o lE l tb le lt woods abounding with deer.B - bcaverrrebbltiand wlld flow era.--" .vlaltlng ia

. T h e people have a good Ute. They Oordon Web p a y the companyfrom n to -*10 a mento, Calif., a m o n th ren t forthe 100 frame homea M rs. Harold Ba: in th e ’village. &loit of the. houses sUrea.h av e Indoor plumbing. Nearly every- Richard Dileibody haa a radio and an electric E m eit Ihlewaahlng machine. The town aver- ^ re worWni ia -agea a car and a haU per lamUy, andM r*.

Pood prices are about the same In - ■■ ---------th e big general store here aa they l _____

.a re in the bluest nearby town. E t- = ., =canabla, 3S mliej east . ■ —. ^ =

N ahm a has a doctor and an eigbt-

b lg h school, a Calhollo and a Protes- ta n t church. 11 has a com m unl^ buUdlng with a large auditorium abd

- gym as weU as a tarem tha t oella -on ly beer. Th'en's a nln«'*bole golf 'course and a one-seat barber ahop.

T b e company’s railroad—two low - - ^ r -a lung locomotlvei, 100 log cars and J l oiiJe* of traelt-Unki Nahma wllb N ahm a JtucUon on the Soo line ^ab o u t tlve mllu avay.

J b T h e company owns all the prop- « e rty . except the schooTand cburebec.

a n d pays a ll the tales. Th# company ___ __________la including In the sale package a ll ^ o l lU own bulldlngs-such aaa w are- hooM . machine ahop, power house— V as well as the railroad, an air e trlp ' _ a n d a dock. . ■

I W hether Charier Oood can peddle ■[ 6 K a lu aa to another company in an

age when company-ovned towns are hea t a o u t of date u tnnje-topped lu r - — a r - reya remains the big cuesUon. ood ---------------- ■■

SS New Generator Started at Dam

jen- BOISE. July 36 c n -H ie second pow er generator was started yeater-

"*■ day a t Andenon ranch dam.T h e generator, as does tha f l n t

Inatalled there, has a rated capacityh ta .oLl3W >JtUowatla._______ . . . . ____________Itle Power, on % t a t bu ll, was de- m’t llvered to the Idtho Power companyto >rnn<mtMtnn Hum >h« >>hk.«i»

'reclamaUoa aald. r t - ■ ■ uve Jo h n Mercer, aa BiglUhman. dis* lew covered In lU t a m e th o d of the strengthening cotton by 30 per cent Iclc and gW ng It a sUk-llke ahetn. a u n process sUU called mercerlzatlon.

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“ Straus SeeS:;Big: ImportedJ S Gain in Nation’s Price Bo “ . ; Irrigated; M dsf a ■ '^ A T C H E E ; July a ' i w - t f . a ip ib tw l a three<etrer -iTi»T«nnfnqB-rv»niiimiaw*i‘~w ;.>if.t innease on copper 9st w . S trau u aays pumping planta go- ported ore bu t dliio. Iny !">/> «M1nn thk wltl prJcfl-Of domCSUc <up erentually Incrfaae by ba ll'tha ir* ' ’Tbe new price ibo iicated a c r tu e in tha natlca - pound Irom Import*

I n SO y e a rs ,. tbe-raclam ation • u ueese on refineke bureau has Irrigated BMO,000 acres to pay three cenU i.ya o f-land . This year pumping, beglna n«r conteat of Cbh - o a projecta tb a t wUl ultimately add j a r 31.a t ^ .O O O acrea to tha total. Strauss ^ t h o u f t h e 1«

* • He told a Wenatchee Chamber of ^ iS ? w 2 id * M v ! '

r e O0l0T»d0*Blg 'nwiapaoB projeefaea <?raaby ua lt laa t P tlday .’niaTVacy ooe-tomih c

S Maroa Rfisidenfs- S Travel, Entertain^ MAROA, July 3 » -K r. aad Mrs. famll'y. CouaeU I^ 8 . 0 . McOlanU have returaad home guests o t Mr. ao

A fter .vlaltlng la CaU teala.and Art- M cCauley.-----------sona. Mr. aad Mr*. O

7 Oordon Dlebl and aoa. Sacra- xetumed from Pres• m ento, Callf., a n vlsltlag Mr. and ' M r.'and M n . Hares M rs. Harold HalaUna and tbelr rel- ton. Studio City, CM atlves. ------------- cf M r. and Mrs. B lJ- Richard Diler, aoa of Mr. and ----------------K M rs, Ernest Ibler. aad Larry Creasy Mexico acblered 1I** a re working la AlaitaL irom Spain i a 181

Mr. and Mr*. Lee Odredga hare waa n o t effected u i In - " ■'

Z .

? ! ^ ------------

5 0f • . . .

------------- Oi

W Cf o r E

—— D tirin g -o u r-W o o_____ ing b ran d -n ew wc

ING-and o th e r fa

Contracted for month! you these brand new wi prices.

_____________ Si lWooLand-Royon_______1 .

Ploids .... ............. ........3.58" All Wool Flonnel, Sponged ond Shrunk.......4.54" 100% Wool Tubular .

_ ___ Jersey___________ __ 4._____ SB" All \ ^ | Plaids,

______Sponged and Shrunk__ ...3.58" All Wool Dren Plaidi. Sponged ond Shrunk----- 4.'58" Luroleen Gabardine, Sponged ard"Shirunkv..;....4.! 58" All Wool Worsted . Crepe, Sponged & Shrunk..5.i 1100% All Wool Tweeds, Sponged onJ Shrunk ■■ 4.! 58" Companion Wools, SpnngfdiairdiShrunk.,..;.^.!!

SEW WITH FAI ^ --------- r-FAMOus McCALl

- *2 T u r d s M in lm u .

Imported^pjier.___Price Boost , o p r —

^ ■ . w A s ^ o T O M l , J ^ • » • w ^ 'i ^ „■o t price’ s i a t ^ t k m b u M . j ^ a

granted a t h r e e ^ t i k p o u i i d p r l e a --------------m rm pner tgflned from tm i •—

ported ore bul did not boost tbe jtflce.of domestic' ’Tbe new prlw of.37i« centa apound ftw a Imported ore •wUl relieve -a squeese on reflners.vbo bava bad ■. . . . j m ito pay three cenU more lo r tba cop- A ' ------ --per conteat of Chilean area alnce May

W ith o u t-th e lftc reate .'O P S-ex- pUlned, ■'aubstaatlal quanUttea' of copper would have been lost to tbe ,Dnlted Btatw defenae.proFam,.L ii t year foreign copper - amounted te about one-fourth o f this country's

” TOe^"oFS’»ald-it-conteB ip iaterw ^ . ’n p ' In Q iir3t« -cgnt-canm y -m r — domesUe refined copper. ,____________

returned from Salt Lake City.M r. ^ d M rs..Ralph Fogle and A

family. CouncU Blufta. l a , are 1guests o t Mr. and Mrs. Elwcod |M cCauley.--------- -— _ 1 ___________

M r. aad Mrs. Olenn F ile bar* returned from Preston.' Mr.’ and M n . Barold B lndalr and ton. Studio City, CaUl.; a re guesu of M r. and Mrs. B u e s t Xhler.

Mexico achieved Ita indepeadenee Irom Spain in 1810. Tbe change waa n o t effected un til 1S31.

= = i f g J A r * f l . . Famous For Famous Nat

^ . Save

_ p a y o n ly

— ofM iew H F dll

N L O C ltiiO uiJSacl& to^chtir-Woolen-Lay-away-E l-new-woolens b^o rld ’ other famous makers.For m o n th s a n d m o n th s ag o -e ;

3nd n ew w oojens a t co n s id e rab

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H a y o n _______2 . 3 8 y d . ------------------------4 0 c y «

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I T H F A L K ’ S F A B R I C S A T

S M c C A L L a n d A D V A N C E

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Famous Names -------

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/ ^^^^ ^Vwi^rion Ofl H ^ H i l* U,, titiifltor e( ihe SW'Xmerte*^^ Itdon - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.